The BEST Way To Get SMMA Clients

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Iman Gadzhi
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ladies and gentlemen in today's video I'm gonna answer the age-old question the question that philosophers have pondered over for thousands and thousands of years what is the best way to get estimate clients now as much as I would have loved to have seen Marcus Aurelius feature in meditations that is not the question that philosophers been pondering over but it's definitely what SMA owners out there agency owners have been thinking about and sweating over for the past 5 10 15 20 years for as long as agencies in the digital marketing web development online space have been
around now if you go to a sales expert and you ask them what is the best way to close a deal and they give you a blanket answer without asking what's the size of the deal what are they selling and who are they selling it to just ignore them in the same way if you go to a doctor and you ask them what's the best medicine for back pain and they don't properly diagnose the issue well then go get yourself another doctor so this leads me to wonder why are so many people giving blanket statements
as to what the best way to get estimate clients is but before we get into that I'll just give you guys some context as to how my agency igv do if you're an e-commerce ternoon for product business and you want the best of the best in your corner advertising for you there's a free case study down below we'd love to work with you sorry shameless little Club but anyways in 2019 might even see got seventy percent of our clients to hold traffic to case study funnel at the end of that case study funnel people can
apply to work with us and what I come in and do is just cherry-pick a look through all vacations and then jump on a call with clients that I think could be a good fit for the agency so that was how we got 70% of our clients in 2019 and how we really took the agency to another level the other 50% of clients were referrals so happy clients or ex clients referring business to us and then the other 15% was me doing the cold outreach using loons I've been screaming about using loom as an outreach
method for two plus years now I probably sent that software for 5,000 plus users to be honest that's how much I talk about it but that's the first touch point I use when reaching out to clients cold now I don't recommend any of you guys run ads for your agency too cold traffic until you're making $20,000 per month the reason that I'm able to do successfully for my agency is because I'm more than happy to go a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars in the hole before I see that flip over in revenue by us
signing a client for a minimum retainer which is fifty two hundred dollars a month or recently when we started doing this is twenty five hundred dollars a month plus the error between ten and twenty five percent return on adspend depending on the client many ways without getting into my new show my point stance which is when you're making less than twenty thousand dollars a month I don't think you should be risking that sort of money to get leads to then closes clients now the reason I tell you this is to make the point that my
version of the best way to get SME clients is different from your version at your stage of your agency to get estimate client to make this a little bit even more clear when I first started my agency the way that I would get my class is I would send us a 62nd Instagram direct video message and back then you couldn't just roll for entire 60 second and it would chop it up before either we had some 15 stall 15 stall 15 stall 50 install to the businesses Instagram pages and it would be hard selling the
meeting not the service itself and once again just showing why there's infinite upside to at least meeting me for a coffee and literally zero downside because they could take everything with in that meeting and just run away applied themselves which was never really the case so this brings me into the section of video do you guys all came here for which is what is the best way to get estimated clients in 2020 and in order to answer that question you actually have to ask yourself three questions so let's run through a question number one is
how do you like this video to show some estimated love ladies and gentlemen go ahead and smash the like button it really helps the YouTube algorithm helps the channel grow but let's get back into number one what is best suited to urination when I mean by that is there are certain outreach methods that historically in any agency owners within that niche can vouch for work the best for example real estate agents they are used to getting phone calls and they have no issues with picking up their phone and going hey it's Josh from so-and-so real
estate firm how can I help you to give you a perfect example many you guys know that I run the world's largest education coming in for agency owners specifically very and I actually have certain service providers that have worked with us in pretty much university the only time that I've gotten cold outreach I've been approached by someone who I have no idea who they are I know you who their businesses are their services and they've actually gone on to sign me as a client for 1500 month we came up the most was 5 km
long I was paying this service provider and the one commonality between all of them was a semicolon as well technically two of them did semicolons they send me cold unlisted YouTube videos which I found it kind of funny I actually recommended them as a tool to the master well my appointment this is the first question you really intasc yourself is what me sure my working with because there's certain things in certain issues that work better compared to others and that's an undeniable fact for example if you're not really gonna cold call an e-commerce owner finding
their phone number is gonna be a tall order whereas finding their email or at least a support email of their business which a lot of times they're actually managing their own support that can definitely handle or remember their support will actually perform it to them because if you're doing things right your email shouldn't look like spam so that's question number one question number two what do you have a competitive advantages so for example with me with cold looms I've been sending looms and short eight to twenty minutes sometimes I push at the 20 minutes but
usually it's between 10 and 13 minutes long I've been sending these looms for nearly two years I've perfected it I feel comfortable I could literally knock out 20 lose a day and just no issue for me whereas I haven't made a cold call in two years there was a point in which I was making my first ever estimate program the old version of agency incubator were my appointments the guy who would actually call businesses estaban or law you guys know him a free agency in convener he's actually one of the coaches in there now I
know it's huge my appointment center and he actually traded over the space of five six months to make cold calls definitely took me out of my comfort zone I made cold calls I set appointments it wasn't something that a competitive advantage that's something you need to ask yourself some of you guys are amazing on phone but you're not too great at writing emails writing messages and some of you guys like the fact that you know if you make 100 pool calls that day realistically you're going to end up with anywhere from two to five meetings
because you just have the numbers dialed in and you have enough data to validate that fact so that's what you need to ask yourself secondly is what do you have a competitive advantage number three you gotta ask yourself what is best suited to your lifestyle to give you an example for some of you guys you may not want to cold call cuz you might have day jobs so you're working in the operating hours of most these businesses so instead of pulled email and pulled messaging notes for you better or potentially setting meetings using LinkedIn all
those things you can actually do in your free time or an example for me I just don't have much time to outreach and over the past six months or so I've actually been bringing on appointment centers for my agency to do that outreach for me and set the meetings for me but at the current stage of my agency in my journey heads down the best thing suited for me is to spend money on ads in order to generate leads in order to close clients that is the best thing suited for my lifestyle where I'm managing
my agency my education company and my bespoke ecommerce clothing line gadget got a lot on my plate so that is by far better for my lifestyle so ladies and gentleman between those three questions you should come to the conclusion as to right now what is the best form of outreach for you and then hopefully you also written down two runners-up two other really good options for you to use as ways to secure SMA clients now your job is to go out test it validating because that number one that might not actually be the best way
to get an estimate clients as you might have assumed I hope you guys have enjoyed this video I also hope you guys have taken this as a good lesson that as much as we want to oversimplify things in life nothing in this world applies to every single situation if you enjoyed this content you want again the two and a half hours just like this except far more in detail and get my cold wall plug in play the entire cold calling process taken straight from agency incubator my flagship program that thousands of students have used to
make six figures and multi six figures and even seven figures from their agency as well as the Facebook local business plug in plate once again everything you need to run ads for local businesses both those documents entirely free along with a two and a half hour free training there is a link down in the description I'll also leave it right here go ahead find the next available time it's not like it's pre reported I don't think that really matters but law marketers out there wanna pretend it's live don't know why but anyways ladies and gentleman
hope you enjoy this video check out the free training get your two free bonuses I'll see you guys in the next one
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