and my personal question to you is why not you your biggest enemy is you my whole book is about you battling yourself people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you you cannot change your life unless you change something if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got it's most socially acceptable to be our own biggest critic than it is to be our own biggest cheerleader listen to the pain it's both history teacher and fortune tell her pain
teaches us who we are we sometimes it's so bad we feel like we're dying but we can't really live till we died a little can we you've got the brains you can make decisions you can study the plan you can change your life you can grow immensely in the next few years you can make your dreams come true you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through you can become healthy you can become powerful why not you the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting
before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great yep it could have been great take yourself out your comfort zone do not live in your bubble if you stay in your comfort zone that's why you will fail the the unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives it is it is it and it could have been the story of mine and I tell a lot of people people go what's your biggest fear
in life and my biggest fear honestly was let's say this let's say uh I don't care if you believe in God or not I don't care so this let's just play game with me let's say let's say your God and we have a big long line of people and I made to heaven I'm 75 years old I'm 300 lb I made to Heaven I worked for eolab my entire life spraying for cockroaches that's what I did but I'm dead I'm in heaven now and you are at you're you're judging us all now so we're in
line we're all sitting there in line you have Adam Brown he has a big board up and you're talking to Adam Brown about his life and you rip it down and I'm next in line David Goin I see my name and I see all this and God goes hey you say read this man and I'm reading this list and I'm seeing 182 lbs Navy SEAL Ranger school motivational speaker changing lives okay man pullup record all this and I'm like that's not me man and God looks at me and says that's who you were supposed to
be you've got to be a little bit gone to it you're not all there you've got to be almost insane to your craft not a lot of people can understand that when it feels scary to jump Ian that is exactly when you jump otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life and that I can't do you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 Mi down the road you are bound by nothing do you love this game I mean love it with your whole
heart because if you don't let's not even bother let's not open that door they're just going to slam it right in our face I love this game I live this game and there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game obsession is going to be Talent every time you got all the talent in the world but are you obsessed is it all you ever think about let's face it it's you against you out there when you walk on that Court you have to think I am the best guy out
there I'm going to have setbacks I know but if I'm feeling bad that doesn't mean I'm doing bad that doesn't mean I am bad that doesn't mean that I can't still take some action because yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence infuence it you can mold it when you had that third failure in a row did you think I need to pack this never why not I don't ever give up
I mean I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated I always felt like I could do anything that's the main thing people are controlled by thoughts their perception of themselves they're slowed down by their perception of themselves if you're taught you you can't do anything you won't do anything I was taught I could do everything Sunrise sun goes down there is a up there is a down since we are born we have inhaled 50% of our times we have exhaled 50% of our times our heart the same sucking the blood pumping The Blood also the
same always 50/50 always the exchange between left and right up and down bright and dark in and out success and failure this world is not propagating failure to you it is propagating success to you so our mind is looking for Success starting to believe there's only one way there's only one direction in this life that will live to all of you watching here come close to the screen and listen people don't have to like you people don't have to love you they don't even have to respect you you but when you look in the mirror
you better love what you see you better love what you see thank you to the critics thank you sometimes life can really hijack your mind when that happens to you you're all up your goals your Ambitions everything is out the window in life we all go through different things sometimes your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you guess what get the over it they no longer want you maybe you fa a test in school you worked your ass off guess what you fail the test get over it move past it learn to not let life
hijack your brain at work you've been working your ass off for that new promotion you don't get it someone else does maybe they kiss better ass than you do guess what get over it life will hijack your mind if you let it don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person you must own your mind don't let life own yours it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm
trying to get it why are you stand on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it why would you not go for it why would you not take a chance at one point in time you got to take a chance on you to
get something you never had you have to do something you never did Les Brown's a motivational speaker he made an analogy about this he says imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask
you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes