Best Fails of the Year | Try Not to Laugh πŸ˜†πŸŽ‰

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Video Transcript:
[Music] [Music] w hey D crack Hill put your face in it [Applause] [Music] whoa me yeah [Music] [Music] I'm just thinking yeah um oh my God [Music] bro okay oh what oops that kind of missed out a [Music] basement it's open [Music] hey oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god oh serious look what I said look what I said just a while [Music] [Music] wow fore [Music] [Music] whoa hey where are you going [Music] [Music] good job will [Music] Jesus bye bye I well thank you I justed Dave go clean the fan quy [Music] [Music] she
doesn't even know how to ride that oh my [Applause] god oh bro [Music] no yeah what [Music] happy birthday to you now all the room she had she could have [Applause] see like [Applause] I oh my goodness and dance and dance and dance and dance holy you need napkin napkin are you kidding me [Music] foreign speech speech don't be scared all right I ain't going to AR why' you Ki me that is so crazy I've never seen that before I have never seen that right right right oh God I am so sorry oh no that
is [Music] freezing no what [Applause] be okay oh my God yeah what up holy holy no holy oh my God [Applause] oh [Music] Johnny you're going to be in the ER Patrick in the mirror I'm in the video [Music] what but I'm saying those are the outl but then you have a lot of people that are nervous oh no was [Music] Brandon he just C the wire that's JoJo w oh my God can you g for me okay there you go are you bro what the [Applause] oh [Music] Lord At Your Feet oh oh God
God no that's scary that's scary as come on I got to get through here that was rude all right I'm going to walk my bike by so it stays in between excuse me Mel Mar quter [Applause] [Music] w oh my gosh mic oh my [Music] H oh my God move [Applause] wait what happened what [Music] happened like this guys your truck guess what day it [Music] is oh my God Jesus there's an aana in the front yard what the why did you do thaty birthday to you stop okay sorry sorry where's [Music] oh there he
is right there holy cow no she's going to the mailbox [Music] [Music] [Applause] no no no no no [Music] you don't go that way take picture L it's going to hit watch oh oh oh oh oh I think I me I got gas and and farts trapped in me dude [Music] Jesus looking Christ come on Rodney [Music] [Applause] enally friendly nothing guys down the dry and there's no chance for any chemicals to anything [Applause] oh oh my God keep [Music] me y you can't park there you can't park there is see dude dick it oh
1 two three oh [Music] now Miguel oh my God [Music] I have like five minutes before [Music] I oh no oh no oh oh I no oh my God j j j oh my God oh my God you are kidding me he's dragging a sofa oh my God bro your tire fell off what do you mean bro huh pull over you don't have a tire on your rim safe and there's paint all the way like I was looking back there right it's like dripping and then I opened this back oh my Gody you wow you
got it yo like he really doing that he's really doing that 12:39 holy crap they were sitting and got pushed oh my God [Music] [Applause] doggy door the other day and I said let's go with the little one because I'm worried about what what might come in the house and apparently we didn't get a small enough one I know get out woo one [Laughter] two this fire is crazy crazy but yo look at her nails you what do you call cheese that's not yours not your cheese [Music] he's already crying all give [Laughter] the oh
my God for how much does a new pair of pants cost yeah it's hard to think about I mean if you're that bad off I I'll buy you some je you're that bad off you're so funny grandpa [Laughter] on the [Music] [Laughter] G those are impossible to find no chat out SI one really is it in good you got it you got it ran right into the what the going to drop again hey that going down [Applause] babe go go look what are you [Laughter] doing bro I swear to God if there's a fire under
here oh turn I'm on my porch be careful cuz it's slippery that y d first oh careful what can I call her and let her know you [Applause] [Music] hit too hard drive hit it [Music] right oh sweet baby [Music] [Music] Jesus you [Applause] babe I'm good [Applause] oh my [Music] God if he smashing the you buy what what was that it bogged right before I went well hammer it on I could it Joe Joe Joe's going to run out of arms here oh on Joe's head Mike going Mike Mike oh my God anything else
um no are these bullet holes on the screen yeah oh wow okay coming around I taught him this you know what I'm saying it's all me right here teacher hey I did I didn't teach him that oh there he is he's got a donut on oh J [Music] bab o t [Music] [Applause] what kind of Cho is you boy the [Music] This Is The Life boy Mark you okay my dad has a go my dad has diabetes [Music] I don't think he clears that [Music] be if a stranger came to pick you up after school
and said hi Joshua I came to pick you up come with me I have candy what would you say no you say no what if they said they had crisp love you oh my God graes Jenny big Jenny where he going the miscarriage of the oh my God l [Laughter] oh oh my God oops hey right here baby back the hello me yeah wa [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Jesus girl bam this [Music] of why don't you throw those away cuz I'm going to feed them to my pet squirrel don't
have a that squirrel yeah I do where at home what's his name Senor nutty no he's hispanic what did that you guys all right yeah oh my oh my God [Applause] we don't [Music] quit holy am I on fire no hit for me my leg what just happened it blew at the bottom it's weak [Laughter] [Music] wait then I'm going to show you oh I love that oh my God it oh so oh my God I'm tried to tell you [Music] shut where shut St [Music] holy St [Music] I'm please tell me I'm not going
to hit the road I don't know [Applause] [Music] you dick what the hell don't trip on the kayak I I told you don't trip on that Jesus new [Laughter] don't what the what the are you doing [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] heyle it he wait should we all go [Music] burn my you are oh my God oh my God oh my God it's okay it's okay [Music] oh god oh Michael what the were you thinking you think I did that on purpose [Applause] [Music] so big me [Music] take it oh my [Music] God this fish I got
well oh [Music] number camera we about wh oh my God [Music] oh my God barely on fire I less than 2 minutes ago really yeah eight you [Music] okay Zach's face her husband's face [Music] I'm Sor you're so scared I got itanda the hand [Laughter] [Laughter] I'm good [Applause] all right I got it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wowe for do it do shoot Iana shoot I know we are that was fun [Music] are you good [Music] [Applause] oh jeez okay oh hang on what the spread it that all the way out [Music] [Music] [Music]
what here look at this no no no no blocks block block watch this Jesus [Applause] [Music] it [Music] oh my God oh my God I got that on video so look over here here a driverless car that hurt are you okay yeah what just happened you oh oh my God anything to un encrypted or remove that interesting oh my God I told you thought we had a Jun we did I think it had to stay in there I think you just drove it right in here oh my God that' be good for tonight yeah okay
kayn hey B buddy you're going to lose one [Music] [Music] oh I could be wrong but somehow I don't think you can blow that up all what was that oh my God no it all bounce see are you all right oh yeah Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] oh oh I should have been watching [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] s spee sure you [Music] it he's rednecker than us that's for sure w oh oh oh no oh no [Music] this is that Mama's [Music] bir dude it's just so M [Music] like oh [Music] run two Elliot fore fore
[Music] [Music] we adjust should I adjust yeah name's adjust adjust he said all right than oh my God oh my God heuck hey we're good it's okay it's not [Music] okay I know you got that one on camera [Music] saw that the cold backboard oh my God put it in here no [Music] you did that no [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] there have you been we have been oh my goodness [Music] what are you doing oh my god oh [Music] emergency video D I'm done go go go go no oh you [Music] no SN no s
[Music] [Music] no look at you're getting [Music] who look at him coming over the bridge my name's Arian what me [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] oh you [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] don't you mommy mommy mommy what [Music] it off oh my God [Laughter] stop deal [Music] [Music] what have you done there we go good [Music] time that's scary oh you good [Laughter] [Music] let's go oh oh my dam l l say for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you all right you're all right you all right boys you good yeah he he comes close to you just don't don't
look at eyes [Music] [Applause] sh it more than once you clean with [Applause] it oh my God hey oh my God my clear there on you good bro oh oh oh oh oh [Music] ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho she she said it's a lot smoother than her 1100 oh my God Jesus [Music] damn oh my god get that get that get that I can't [Music] [Applause] L this oh my God are you back up back up back up D [Laughter] it my no let's see here we go [Music] this a ticket and
pick up [Music] up [Music] foreign speech spe speech speeech [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I don't know what to do no [Music] dude oh you love BS love BS lucky you love bus no way the SP good are you okay holy what the what the where did you come from the [Music] one to [Music] go all right all right boys what [Music]
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