Blind rich man chose a nanny for his daughter by hr voice. When she played the tune on the piano...

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True Love and Other Fables
A blind rich man chose a nanny for his little daughter by her voice. But when the young woman sat do...
Video Transcript:
it was a beautiful sunny summer day and the Appleton Family were gathered on the patio Craig the head of the family sat in the gazebo's shade wearing a robe and a black bandage over his eyes he sipped his coffee while his wife Diana Sun bathed on a lounger with a cocktail looking amazing with her perfect figure an impeccable looks she flattered her Long Don like eyelashes and he yelled at her stepdaughter Lisa a seven-year-old child who was running around the pool trying to catch a butterfly with a net Lisa stop running calm down can you
play quietly for at least five minutes oh naughty child the girl was very active and cute with curly brown hair and chubby cheeks she looked like a little angel that she had long been used to her Stepmother's lack of affection so she did not even Flinch when scolded a beautiful huge butterfly with colorful wings landed on the edge of the pool Lisa carefully took out her phone from her pocket and wanted to take a shot she approached closer and closer to the edge of the pool and suddenly stumbled and fell head over heels into the
water Lisa started screaming and flailing because she could not swim well Daddy Daddy I'm drowning help me the father rushed to the pool in a panic but he was almost blind and went very unsteadily staggering and catching the space with his hands he asked his wife for help Diana can't you hear help Lisa I bet you I can't see anything where am I going but the woman did not even get up from the lounger just protested you little brat I told you to sit quietly this will teach you a lesson stop shouting swim to the
edge and climb out come on hearing the girl's cries Gardner Peter threw away his lawnmower ran to the pool and jumped into the water he quickly pulled the girl out of the water Lisa rushed to her father hugged him in Fright and cried Daddy I was so scared I just wanted to take a picture of a butterfly the phone also drowned I didn't mean to it's okay sweetie we'll buy you a new one these are just little things the main thing is that you're alive and healthy go change clothes in the house but please be
more careful don't approach The Edge closely the tile is very slippery don't scare daddy like that Diana flew into a rage what a weakling you are you should have punished her for disobeying she almost drowned and ruined an expensive item all you do is spoil her and she's gone completely crazy when are you going to find a nanny for your daughter I can't deal with her she's spoiled and unbearable but Craig sharply rebuked Diana how dare you she is almost drowned and instead of helping you were sitting here thanks to Peter Lisa is just a
child who has lost her mother I love her very much and you will have to accept that if you want to be with me do you think that if you have your own child they won't run around and misbehave and yeah I will definitely find a nanny I've already placed an ad but you see I'm blind now so it's very difficult to do Diana realized she had gone too far and quickly backed down don't be angry dear I love you very much you know that but I can't be tied to Lisa all day I have
training Fitness massage and a beauty salon and now moreover your business and your daughter are on me so hurry up and find a nanny it will make life easier for all of us anyway I have to go I have a manicure at 12 and a massage at two love you don't miss me too much Lisa was happy that her stepmother was going to leave and quietly sat next to her father hugging him with her little hands I'm sorry Daddy I didn't mean to why is Diana so mean she doesn't love me and you you just
don't notice it I miss my loving Mommy so much and you the father side hugged his little girl I miss her too my little one she was the best but you know she's in heaven now and Diana is not so bad you're just not used to each other yet but I promise you'll choose the nanny yourself by the way another candidate should be coming soon the girl kissed her father on the cheek and ran off to play with her dolls in the yard while Craig closed his eyes in pain and began to reminisce about his
life his first wife Vanessa was pretty and an excellent housewife she was from a decent family and most importantly she loved Craig they were supposed to live happily ever after but no two years ago she died of a serious genetic illness and it all started after childbirth at first her vision deteriorated then her memory then her arms and legs stopped working and then Vanessa became bedridden and gradually faded away it was so frightening so scary to watch a young and beautiful woman become a helpless invalid and Craig literally howled with helplessness because no matter how
much he spent on the medicine in the world he couldn't get her back on her feet after Vanessa's funeral their daughter withdrew cried for a long time and still mourned her mum Craig also thought he would never be able to live with anyone else but one day at a business dinner in a restaurant he saw Diana she was sitting with a friend drinking martinis and chatting merrily about something the business dinner also smoothly turned into fun with dancing and now they were dancing a slow dance and Craig was powerless against the young and desirable body
and the onslaught of the beauty that's how their romance began which ended in a quick wedding Diana quickly settled in and felt like the Mistress of the house she confidently gave tasks to everyone and commanded but she and Lisa just couldn't get along and it was Mutual to be honest Craig believed that Lisa was just jealous of him and his new wife and that it would pass with time but even after two years the situation did not improve the stepmother and step-daughter openly fought and recently two weeks ago that terrible incident happened their driver Tim
asked for some time off for personal reasons and Craig had to get behind the wheel himself at work that day a businessman stayed late as he was approaching his car in the parking lot three Bandits attacked him from behind he started fighting but one of the criminals sprayed pepper spray directly into his face fortunately a patrol car passing by scared off the Hooligans however the eyes burn turned out to be so serious that Craig almost went blind now he had to walk around wearing black sunglasses or a blindfold while he was undergoing intensive treatment the
doctors warned him that if the medications didn't help he would need an operation to restore his vision this gave him some hope but he was still terribly nervous Craig was practically disabled for a while and was forced to stay home what was most annoying to the businessman was that he couldn't understand who he offended so much he hadn't had such sharp conflicts in a long time now he had to manage the company from home talk to Partners on the phone and hold online conferences surprisingly his wife Diana quickly got involved in the business and plunged
hitlong into this Craig's thoughts were interrupted by a pleasant voice good afternoon are you Craig Appleton my name is Carol I came for the nanny vacancy I am scheduled for 12 o'clock the businessman smiled he couldn't see his interlakuta but for some reason he decided that she was a pleasant young girl he started asking questions Carol how old are you have you been working with children for a long time do you have recommendations from your previous job and what kind of education do you have I just love my daughter very much and I want to
find a real professional for her Carol's side then I probably won't suit you I have no recommendations but I love children very much and am ready to work for a small fee I have already met with Lisa she's a wonderful girl I promise to be with her all the time to teach her at that moment the girl ran up saying that her father was hesitating and frowning she started speaking cheerfully winking at Carol Daddy Let's juice Carol I really like her and by the way you said recently that I would choose an Annie myself didn't
you the man weighed all the pros and consumed too young for a nanny only 23 no experience no recommendations at all who knows what kind of person she is but her voice what a wonderful voice she has and Lisa really liked her this was the first time oh well what will be will be okay Carol you're hired but with a trial period you can start right now there's a schedule of lessons and a daily routine in Lisa's room plus you'll have to take the child to dance and drawing classes walk with her help her with
her homework make sure she eats well and report to me about any changes in her health is everything clear the girl almost cried with happiness she really needed this job thank you you won't regret it I'll try very hard from that day on Carol started working for the Appleton Family she did an excellent job Lisa simply adored her she didn't pressure her didn't scold her they were more like friends if Carol noticed that Lisa was starting to slack off or didn't want to write the unfortunate letters she would resort to a trick she would immediately
organize a competition okay whoever completes the task faster and better will get the biggest and most delicious vanilla ice cream and whoever loses will have to eat oatmeal for two days personally I hate oatmeal what about you Lisa panted and wrote those hateful letters of the alphabet trying to outdo Carol and not eat unpalatable oatmeal Craig was happy with the new nanny his daughter was doing well academically and had a good mood in the evenings she enthusiastically talked about Carol teaching her how to make a fancy hairstyle or create macrame only Diana was not thrilled
with the new nanny and kept muttering you choose a strange nanny for Lisa not only is she a young upstart but she spoils your daughter more than you do kind of upbringing is that to be stricter with Lisa otherwise she'll just relax the girl started to ignore me before at least she would get angry but now she just keeps quiet and goes to Carol Craig laughed and said you will not be contented with anyone my dear no nanny is bad but having a nanny is also not good for you if Lisa is rude you don't
like it if she doesn't say anything or so bad maybe you just don't want to find a way to connect with the child Diana pursed her lips and grudgingly fell silent thinking to herself do whatever you want just keep that annoying girl away from me I'm so tired of her there was a grand piano in the mansion and Craig used to be a musician in the past sometimes he felt nostalgic and played some Melodies on it but when he heard Carol and Lisa playing the dog Waltz together on the piano and laughing merrily he almost
fell off his chair he asked Carol Carol do you play the piano I'm pleasantly surprised I was a musician in the past too play something else I'm curious to listen the girl blushed and replied I'm not a specialist I just had a good music teacher in the orphanage she taught me and said I had talent but I really loved music especially this melody it touches my heart and Carol played a slow and romantic tune and Craig literally fell into a stupor tears willingly rolled down his cheeks and everything in his soul was overturned by the
old experiences of his youth he kept repeating to himself my God this is simply impossible when Carol had finished he thanked her and asked tell me where did you learn this melody it isn't recorded anywhere that's for sure moreover it was written by a person I had known my neighbor Rachel taught me how to play it replied Carol she's a good woman talented if you could hear how she plays but she has a lot of trouble now her son was taken away and she was fired from work for no reason she's in deep depression I
tried to encourage her as best I can Craig's heart was racing and his legs became weak he asked for more details how old is your neighbor what's her last name how old is her son why was he taken Carol sighed Rachel's last name is lesnikova she's about 30. I didn't ask to be honest and her son's name is Adam he's nine years old he's such a wonderful boy smart and serious Beyond his ears I don't know if Rachel was married or who Adam's father is but she once mentioned her first and tragically failed love last
time Rachel worked as a music teacher in a private school she earned a decent salary and worked hard but then the director set his sights on her he is already married over 50 with even grandchildren and he kept harassing her threatening that if she didn't agree to sleep with him he would make her life so miserable that she would come crawling to him begging for intimacy but Rachel was not one to back down and when the director began to shamelessly grope her under her skirt right in his office she slapped him and threatened to go
to his wife and write a statement to the police that's when the Old Goat went crazy and really made Rachel's life a nightmare when she was away some people opened her apartment so carefully that it couldn't be detected and made a mess scattering cigarette butts and empty whiskey bottles everywhere and as soon as Rachel entered her home with her son whom she had picked up from school the child services and fake Witnesses burst in she didn't understand herself where this messen filth came from so they took Adam away saying that Rachel was drinking and not
taking care of her son and so on but that's a complete lie I often visited my neighbor her house was always clean I swear she didn't even smoke and we could only have a little wine on birthdays or other holidays in short Rachel was in shock she was pounding on the doors of all the authorities trying to get her son back and prove that she was slandered but all in vain the director also fired her from her job and even embarrassed her in front of everyone telling everyone that she was an alcoholic and an irresponsible
mother and that she didn't belong in school since that day Rachel has completely lost her spirit spending all her time under the windows of the orphanage crying Adam suffers there too begging to go home just imagine what it's like for a little homely boy to end up there they only show how wonderful it is on TV how the children are well fed and dressed there I was an orphan and had been living there it's a nightmare I feel so sorry for both Rachel and Adam I would personally strangle this mean old man with connections who
ruined my neighbor's life for his lust Craig was shocked with what he had listened and tears flowed from his eyes irritating his already damaged eyes everything matched it couldn't be true he asked it with a trembling voice Carol I beg you bring Rachel here tomorrow I really need to see her or at least hear her you see we had known each other but it's a long story just do as I ask the girl was very surprised but nodded okay as you say I'll come with her tomorrow morning if she'd like to of course but how
do I explain everything to her the man said with a breaking voice just tell her that Craig is waiting for her when Carol came to feed Lisa lunch Craig locked himself in his office clasped his head in his hands and began to remember his Youth and Rachel Craig grew up with his mother alone he never knew his father in childhood she told him fairy tales that his father was a polar Explorer a geologist but when the boy grew up he understood everything himself and no longer asked stupid questions from Early Childhood Craig adored music he
could sit for a long time and listen to a favorite Melody and once when he and his mother were visiting acquaintances the five-year-old boy sat down at the piano and simply playing the keys could play a simple tune his mother decided to send him to a music class where he met Rachel Craig well remembered how stunned he was when he saw this cute skinny girl with two huge bows and sheet music folder in her hands they were seated at one desk and from that day on Rachel and Craig became best friends then they decided to
enter a music College Together made their first serious successes and performed at concerts over the years their childhood friendship gradually turned into true love Rachel was always so Airy and dreamy for her everything material was not the main thing she lived with love music and didn't pay much attention to the fact that musicians salaries were small and they had to live on a shoestring saving on everything but all of this really irritated Craig like any man he dreamed of having his own house a cool car dressing well and living comfortably that's why after finishing College
he didn't pursue further education and instead tried his hand at trading and starting his own business this caused the couple to argue more and more Craig what are you doing don't give up on music it's your talent you're really gifted your fingers were made for playing creating but the man got angry Rachel I don't understand you you're not of this world don't you see that we're poor how and what are we going to live on on the few pennies we earn from music who needs those concerts now I work to give you these gold earrings
to dress well and eat well another girl would be happy with that and you you could give private lessons and earn good money yourself instead of trying to teach me how to live Rachel was deeply offended took off the earrings and threw them in her fiancee's face take them they're not a gift if you're going to use them against me maybe it's better for us to break up I don't understand you I don't know what happened to you why you've changed so much you've become harsh dry and soulless I want a quiet simple family life
I don't need wealth the main thing is loyalty trust and love and you've gone crazy obsessed with these Monies you disappear for days your eyes are red you've completely given up music when was the last time you sat down at the piano I won't give private lessons I won't take money from children Craig waved his hand angrily well then leave live your life the way you want but you'll regret leaving me I'll become a big businessman then we'll see so they argued and foolishly broke up without any good reason Craig pursued his career and soon
opened a chain of auto repair shops he worked day and night like a squirrel in a wheel then he met Vanessa got married had a daughter and other worries began in this crazy Whirlwind there was no time to look back his wife's death greatly weakened the man but then he met Rachel and succumbed to her charms it cannot be said that he did not love Diana there were feelings passion and attachment everything except for that unique light and pure feeling of happiness and trembling he had experienced when he was with his Rachel and music and
only now when he heard that same Melody from his youth written by Rachel his heart constricted and a wild longing came over him he desperately wanted to meet Rachel again to talk Heart to Heart no matter how you look at it first love lives in a person's heart all their life it's never forgotten under any circumstances the man could barely wait for the next day he meticulously shaved and got ready in the morning he couldn't wait for Diana to leave for the beauty salon her mindless chatter about Rags and washing bones for neighbors and acquaintances
was driving him crazy Carol took Lisa to school and returned home not alone but with Rachel the Craig could only see a blurry silhouette the light scent of her floral perfume and her gentle bell-like voice hadn't changed the woman exclaimed Craig is it really you when Carol told me yesterday that Craig wanted to meet me I was surprised and you've changed so much you've become a brutal and prominent man what happened why did you want to see me and why do you have a black bandage over your eyes are you sick Craig listen to her
words and tears streamed down his face he took Rachel's hand and felt its softness and delicacy with long fingers made for music the man began to kiss and caress each finger and whispered my dear Rachel how happy I am to see you to breathe your scent we were such fools to break up back then you ask what's happened to me two weeks ago a bunch of Ruffians attacked me and sprayed me with pepper spray in the face now I'm almost blind I can only see blurry silhouettes the doctors say I need an operation but that's
not important Carol told me that you have a son Adam Rachel tell me is he mine tell me the truth do I really have a son the woman's side and answered Softly yes break Adam is your son I haven't been with any other men except for you no matter how hard I try to forget you to get you out of my head I can't but they took my little boy from me my heart is breaking I can hardly sleep I just sit and wait outside the orphanage opening Hill wave to me out of the window
what did I do to deserve all this I never did anything wrong to anyone how I hate that lecturous goat who had ruined my whole life he's paid everyone off just to hurt me as much as possible I'm so desperate that I'm about to agree to his terms just so he'll give me my son back there's no other way Craig squeezed her hand tightly and almost shouted no don't even think about it I'll help you get your boy back give me all his information and yours too I'll find the right people hire the best lawyers
and together we'll bring down that wretch I have connections in the police department remember Henry black you won't believe it but he's already a police captain so don't worry I'll get Adam back I won't let my son wander through orphanages please trust me Rachel everything will be fine I've never met anyone like you and now I Won't Let You Go know that they said they're warm goodbyes and Rachel truly regained hope Craig called Henry and he quickly agreed to his classmates request suggesting that they carry out the operation Rachel had to call the director and
pretend to agree to his terms and set up a meeting they gave her a microphone and her task was to make her boss confess to everything then he can be caught and so she did Rachel was distressed but she was ready to do anything for her son she took a deep breath and resolutely dialed the director's number he reluctantly answered you finally agreed stubborn girl or why are you calling inside Rachel anger boiled as she could barely hold herself back but she answered as gently as possible Edward I beg you give me back my son
I agree to anything let's meet tell me where and when he smirked well let's meet tomorrow at six in the evening in my office there's also a comfortable couch for discussions I'm waiting for you my sweet little bird Rachel felt sick from the lecherous man's words but she pulled herself together dressed as provocatively as her upbringing allowed her to a blouse with a deep neckline a pencil skirt and high-heeled shoes she applied more lipstick to her already plump lips carefully hid and checked the recording device and went to the director on shaky legs the detective
said that if the situation got out of control Rachel would open the window the woman knocked and entered the office the director was sitting in his chair lounging and grinning hungrily he appreciatively looked Rachel up and down and said good evening my little bird I see that the situation has been good to you and you've become more talkative good job it's been a while ooh what an appetizing body I'm burning up come on take off your clothes and let me admire you Rachel nearly choked on his audacity and was petrified what if he attacked her
but the thought of Adam and the operatives outside gave her courage and she started taking out champagne and sweets Edward why so fast I can't do it that way let's drink relax he didn't object Uncorked the champagne poured alcohol into glasses meanwhile Rachel got to the point Edward before we you know I must be sure that you'll give me back my son can you promise me that I know you're the one who's responsible for what happened but how did you manage to do it I don't understand how did you manage to tarnish my good name
Edward grind you should have been more agreeable from the start then there wouldn't have been any problem no one has the right to turn away from me do you think that my secretary and the physical education teacher work here for nothing they turned out to be smarter than you and now receive excellent salaries and a regular bonus as for you there's nothing complicated my good and very close acquaintance works in the guardianship authorities and it was thanks to my patronage that she got there so she paid me back she put your boy in an orphanage
and I hired Bandits and witnesses to that mess in your flat money solves everything these days believe me well I liked you I fell for you so the more pleasure you give me the faster you'll get your son back so are you relaxed now take off your clothes you talk too much Rachel realized that she couldn't delay any longer pretending to unbutton her blouse she walked over to the window and opened it quickly she began to pray and wait for the police officer to arrive the director completely lost control and with surprising agility for his
age ran up to the woman and began to indecently touch her trying to rip her blouse off Rachel started screaming and fighting back repulsed by the old man Edward began to push her knocking everything off the table shut up you fool there's no one here anyway even the janitor is left why did you decide to fight again have you lost your mind at that moment the flimsy door burst open with a crash and the operative burst into the office he swiftly arrested the scoundrel and rebuked him shame on you engaging in such indecent Behavior at
your age and you're a married man you already have grandchildren how will they feel about learning what their grandfather has been up to the director cursed and struggled to break free you had me Wrapped Around Your Finger you'll pay for this I have connections you know the policeman quickly shut him up we'll deal with your connections later how did you manage to Take This Woman's child and cover it up Rachel finally relaxed exhaled and burst into tears from the stress she had just endured will they return Adam to me now he confessed to everything didn't
he did I do everything right she handed the officer a recording device he reassured her we'll sort everything out I think you'll be reunited with your son soon don't worry and we'll send the scoundrel to prison people like him belong Behind Bars the case made headlines and the lecherous director was convicted the townspeople were outraged that he had worked at the education Institution for so many years Rachel was reinstated at work and her good name was restored most importantly she was reunited with her son the woman wept and kissed her little boy without stopping and
he couldn't let go of her Embrace either meanwhile Craig eagerly awaited the meeting with his son he was so absorbed in Rachel's problems that he had completely forgotten about Diana but she had been watching everything from the sidelines and decided to clarify the situation darling what's going on you're always on edge making phone calls and talking about Rachel and her son can you explain something to me the man couldn't see the young wife's contorted angry face but he strongly felt the hatred and anger emanating from her at that moment he realized he no longer wanted
to live with her it was obvious she would never get along with his daughter furthermore Craig didn't really love her that much it was more of a passion an obsession that quickly dissipated Diana had become more and more impudent taking control of everything in his house and becoming almost uncontrollable imagining herself as the Mistress of everything Craig sighed heavily and began an unpleasant conversation you're right Diana we needed to talk seriously for a long time first I'll answer your question Rachel is my first and long-standing love we studied together at the music school then we
foolishly broke up it turned out that she was already pregnant but didn't even know it yet she gave birth to a son named Adam so now I'm the father of two children Lisa and Adam Diana exploded even better are you saying that besides your spoiled daughter there will also be a boy living here that's terrible I don't even want my own children yet and you're pushing someone else's on me Craig bitterly smiled you didn't listen to me Diana our romance spun so fast and quickly that I couldn't even understand anything myself but the passion quickly
faded and two years later we are almost strangers you don't get along with Lisa and apparently you're not going to find an approach to her when I saw Rachel after many years I realized that I still love her like in my youth I understand it's unpleasant for you to hear this now but I'm not going to lie tomorrow I'm going to talk to the doctor about the eye surgery and then we'll probably have to part ways don't worry I'll leave you the apartment in the residential area and the car I gave you and then wow
sorry you're on your own you'll have to find a job and live like everyone else Diana jumped up and screamed in a voice not her own what a statement I'm your wife so half of all your property and business is mine I'll take everything that's rightfully mine ungrateful I've been living with you for two years putting up with your unbearable daughter at least you could say thank you by the way I'm not going to live with you anymore either I don't need another burden on my shoulders I'm only 25 years old my whole life ahead
of me I want to have fun enjoy life not take care of someone else's children and a blind husband yeah Craig couldn't take it anymore so that's how you talk while I was healthy giving you gifts buying you gold being a good husband now that I'm disabled I'm not good enough for you well then we can say goodbye right now I won't keep you any longer Diana realized she had said too much and changed tactics honey wait let's stop now we both got angry and said too much let's wait until you get better and recover
before we have this unpleasant conversation okay great don't rush into surgery the doctor said a month not earlier otherwise God forbid there may be complications come to me I'll kiss you but it all sounded so insincere and fake that the man just pushed away from his wife and sharply replied as you wish I've said everything sorry I need to listen to the recording of the meeting sent by my deputy Diana quickly left the man's office boiling inside with anger oh you miserable invalid he is leaving me an apartment what am I supposed to live on
go work God forbid I'm Not Meant For This just wait I'll get you you'll remember me for a long time Craig didn't listen to his wife and decided to consult a professor Rachel offered to go with him to support him as a friend it was so touching and pleasant Carol and Lisa had their after-school activities that day drawing sculpting they came home late and froze there was a terrible mess in the house the safe was open and empty and many expensive things and Technology were missing Carol was scared to death and immediately called the police
and Craig we have an emergency Lisa and I just got back and here it is you've been robbed everything's turned upside down the safe's open there's no TV there were documents on your shelf maybe something else I can't tell right away I called the police come quickly the man ordered Carol okay go with Lisa to the children's room lock yourselves in and don't open the door for anyone until I get there I'll be there soon he immediately forgot about his illness Craig turned on the camera recording and was horrified by what he saw Diana and
the driver Tim were running around the house grabbing everything in sight Electronics jewelry money and valuable papers the wife had no idea that there were cameras so she got angry and shouted there you go hubby you'll remember me yet Tim responded with anger what a lucky wretch we couldn't finish him off then only blinded him otherwise we would have sent Lisa to a shelter and lived here like kings and where did the patron come from they never passed by there before Diana shouted at Tim to hurry up since the nanny and Lisa would be back
any minute they needed to sell everything quickly and ordered tickets to a warm place Craig was in shock the police quickly took the fingerprints and rushed to catch a couple of lovers Craig's daughter hugged and comforted her father I told you a long time ago daddy Diana doesn't love us she's mean and bad and you didn't believe me you'll kick her out now won't you Craig kissed his princess you are growing up so fast yes Diana won't be living with us anymore but I would like to introduce you to a nice woman remember when she
came to visit us once her name is Rachel and she has a son Adam he's your brother it's a long story you'll understand when you're older I really hope you two get along and Diana and Tim will definitely be punished by the police and sent to prison the daughter suddenly asked anxiously Daddy what did the doctor say will your eyes be able to see again Craig answered his daughter I'm going for surgery on Monday you and Carol will be together all the time and Adam will be with you too his mother will go with me
to the hospital please listen to Carol in everything be a good girl the police quickly found the lovers by following the hot Trail to Tim's apartment handcuffed them and took them to the police station now both of them faced a decent sentence for attempting to harm Craig and stealing from him Diana was in a panic the gray damp government walls the dirty mattress and the terrible gruel filled her with Indescribable horror only now did you realize what awaited her she cried day and night and cursed herself saying full idiot why didn't I just live peacefully
and now what what did I ever get involved with this Tim I need to meet with Craig urgently and beg for forgiveness he's kind he'll forgive me I agree to get out of this city as far as possible anywhere as long as it's not prison meanwhile Craig filed for divorce leaving all the hassle to his lawyer and went in for surgery Rachel was by his side Carol stayed at home with the children Adam was initially shy and embarrassed but the Lively and Restless Lisa quickly befriended him and found a Common Language within a day he
felt at home in the Appleton's house after school they always went to visit Craig in the hospital the operation was successful and soon the bandage would be removed from his eyes everyone was eagerly and anxiously waiting for this moment during this difficult time Craig Rachel Carol and the children became so close that they truly became one big and friendly team Lisa and Adam understood that their father was sick and tried not to misbehave or upset him especially since they always had fun and interesting times with Carol finally Craig was able to wait and his bandage
was carefully removed bright light immediately hit his eyes and he instinctively closed them tears streamed down his face then he slowly began to open them and finally saw the world as it was before the tragedy the doctor examined Craig and was satisfied ordering him to prepare for discharge when Craig himself walked out of the office smiling broadly and saw Rachel in the hallway he exclaimed my dear I knew you hadn't changed at all over the years you just became even more beautiful the same lips curls long eyelashes and the lock tucked behind your ear Rachel
you are so beautiful finally I can look at you admire you every second see my son thanks to Carol I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life for playing our Melody on the piano believe me I almost fainted everything in my soul stirred you wrote it yourself Rachel how happy I am that you have appeared in my life again I am ready to sell all this business to hell with it it has been a thorn in my side I have earned enough money over the years for my whole family to live
comfortably for many years so let's try to live as you want in love peace enjoying each other and beloved music are you okay with that Rachel cried tears of joy and hugged Craig you're my little fool these are the words I was hoping to hear from you back then you know I was so upset that you chose money and business over our love and calling to music course I agree I still love you do you remember when we first kissed you played me the Moonlight Sonata and then we spent the whole night looking for the
Big Dipper in the night sky and passionately kissing you wrapped me in your jacket and held Me Gently hiding me from the rain and at that moment I was the happiest do you believe me let's go home everyone is waiting for us there when Lisa saw how confidently her father walked out of the car she understood that he could see and immediately rushed to him hooray daddy you recovered I'm so happy let's go quickly we baked you such a cake you'll love it Adam and I helped Carol Adam stood shyly on the sidelines not daring
to approach Craig they still hadn't talked properly the man told Lisa to run into the house and approached the boy himself well hello son finally I see you and can look at you well we look alike ears and a smile are definitely mine you can't deny it did your mom tell you that I'm your dad I'm so upset that I didn't know anything about you before and nine years of your life passed me by but now that we've met let me be a real father the closest person I would really like that know that I
love you son I will never hurt you and I will always support you in everything he extended his hand to the boy and he shook it firmly and then said quietly I'm glad you're with me now dad and I see how mom is smiling Craig hugged the boy tightly pressing him to himself now we will all live with me as one big family you seem to have made peace with Lisa she's your little sister so stick together support each other in life well let's go have lunch from that day on the life of the wealthy
businessman Craig Appleton changed dramatically he became an entirely different person unexpectedly for everyone he sold such a successful and prosperous business and threw himself into caring for his family and music with what pleasure he approached the piano every morning playing his favorite and long forgotten melodies he even took out an old music notebook Rachel became his personal tutor and she also taught the children it turned out great after all Rachel and Craig had colossal natural Talent and then they decided to take a risk and open their brainchild a private Music School the couple got married
modestly not wanting to attract attention to their lives they had no time for that and admire and look at each other enough only now did Craig realize that all these years he 'd been living someone else's life he chose the wrong job the wrong woman and had been dragging this burden by inertia the only thing he did not regret at all was his daughter Lisa she was his Sunshine a stimulus to live and create all this time Rachel quickly became friends with Lisa as she was naturally soft loved children and worked at school Carol was
initially afraid that she would be fired but Craig and Rachel hurried to reassure her don't make it up Carol stay in our house you are no longer a stranger to us and the children cannot do without you even with just Lisa it was not boring here and now there are two little brats everyone needs to keep an eye on them all this time Diana sat in pre-trial detention and prayed for a meeting with Craig however he deliberately did not hurry and dragged it out until the end he wanted to teach her a good lesson to
Forever discourage her from wanting to steal and cheat the young woman became thin and her skin became dull and lifeless the thought of spending the nearest years in this stuffiness made Diana feel sick and such Despair and longing overwhelmed her therefore when she was told that her ex-husband was ready to meet her she almost jumped for joy when the skinny Diana in a crumpled tracksuit and a greasy bunch of hair on the back of her head entered the booze for negotiations he even flinched so strong was the difference with Diana he knew she had changed
a lot there was no Trace left of her form of confidence and impudence the woman quietly began to plead Tears In Her Eyes forgive me Craig if you can now I am to blame to blame now I am left with nothing I beg you withdraw the statement I don't want to go to jail I'm just dying here I promise I'll leave right away to my mother and I'll never appear in your life again have mercy on me forgive me Greg replied I hope Jill served as an excellent lesson for you you won't steal someone else's
property anymore at least not from the hands of the one who feeds you and you won't kill your next husband either that plan failed I see now my vision has fully recovered just so you know Lisa is a wonderful child she gets along with Carol Rachel and her little brother Adam and it wasn't about her at all it was about you you're a wicked calculating selfish person who only thinks about your interests I'll withdraw the statement but if you ever show up again you'll definitely end up in jail I've kept the camera recording safe Diana
cried and whispered quietly thank you the apples and family lived in peace and harmony and now many people in the city and their children wanted to attend their music school Lisa and Adam also played but the boy chose the guitar and drums and Lisa still chose the piano Rachel often composed her own Melodies and Craig wrote poetry and they had family songs that they all enjoyed singing together finally Greg's life became filled with the meaning he had dreamed of
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