The Spiritual Meaning of 1111 ✨ Thank you for 111,000 Subs! 😍

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Sarah Hall
Have you been seeing repeated number sequences? ✨ This is a sign from your Angels. 😇 If you have ...
Video Transcript:
Have you been repeatedly seeing the number sequence eleven-eleven or one-one-one? If so, then you are receiving a profound message from the spirit realm. Repeating number sequences are one of the many signs that your Angels and Spiritual Guides send you.
Want to know what this means? Well, in this video, we’re going to decode this number sequence in depth, so dial in and get ready for divine guidance that may just illuminate important truths for your spiritual path. First off, I have to begin by expressing my gratitude to YOU.
Recently, my channel received one hundred and eleven thousand subscribers, and my heart couldn’t be feeling more full, inspired, and humbled. When I started this channel many years ago, I never imagined the journey I was about to take and the wonderful light-workers I would meet along the way, just like you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and in honor of one hundred eleven thousand subscribers, I’m going to be sharing some in-depth Angel messages, decoding the spiritual meaning of seeing the numbers eleven, one-one-one, or eleven-eleven.
The meaning is likely a bit deeper and more nuanced than you think! So, with that, let’s dive right in. According to the Angels, numbers are one of the many languages of the divine.
When we explore things like mathematics, geometry, physics, or music, we’re REALLY exploring the nature of the universe. Through these systems of thought, we’re exploring structures that ALREADY EXIST as the divine encoding that makes up creation itself. Numbers themselves, though being a human-made construct of thought, have meaning that POINT TO the incredible divine order, harmony, and structure of the universe.
They are a complex, deep, and incredibly beautiful expression of the divine, and there is still SO MUCH MORE that humans have yet to discover in the field of numbers and mathematics as our consciousness continues to evolve and awaken. However, for now, the Angels want us to know that SINCE numbers are encoded with incredible meaning, they often like to SEND them to us as spiritual shorthand—as code for messages and reminders that lead us to become aware of the higher truths. Let’s start with the meaning behind the number eleven.
In the ancient tradition of numerology, eleven is considered a master number. Master numbers are numbers that correspond with a special spiritual resonance—a vibration encoded with a powerful reminder of our divine nature as children, or FRACTALS, of the divine creator mind. The three master numbers are eleven, twenty-two, and thirty-three, and they tell the story of the three stages of creation: envisioning, creating, and sharing.
Eleven is the visionary, twenty-two is the builder, and thirty-three is the messenger. When you repeatedly see the number eleven at synchronistic moments throughout your life, know that this is your Angels’ way of communicating to you that YOU are visionary. You have the power to envision the reality of your dreams or intentions and create it.
This number is a reminder that you are directly connected to divine truth from within. For the visionary is one who GLIMPSES divine truth by opening their consciousness, aligning with, and receiving that truth. As such, this number is reminding you to TRUST in your intuition.
Trust in the inner knowingness, gut feelings, or knowledge already within your heart, mind, and spirit. This number tells you that you know the truth from within already, and that when you align with that truth, you’re on your highest and best path in life. You can ALSO consider the number eleven to be a manifestation number.
Since the visionary represents the first spark of divine co-creation, eleven, as the visionary number, reminds you that you have the power to CREATE your reality based on what you envision consciously. This gets even deeper and more nuanced when we explore the meaning of the number one hundred and eleven. When you see the number one-one-one, you’re receiving an extra powerful message centered upon manifestation.
One-one-one expresses the oneness of each of the three main levels of your being: your body, your mind, and your spirit. These three levels of your being span across dimensions, and when you see the number one-one-one, you’re being reminded that you are an interdimensional being—a divine portal with the power to channel your vision from the spirit realm into the mental realm and into the physical realm. One-one-one is a big reminder that you are a divine co-creator, and that your consciousness—your THOUGHTS—are the bridge between the spirit realm and the physical realm.
As such, your consciousness is incredibly powerful. The thoughts and beliefs that make up the vibrations of your consciousness can either act as a bridge that FACILITATES the flow of divine creation from the spirit to the physical realm or blocks the flow of that creation. When you see the number one-one-one, it is a reminder that you are POWERFUL and that you get to CHOOSE how to use that power.
One-one-one reminds you to be mindful and aware of your thoughts and beliefs—of the focus that you’re holding within the sacred creative realm that is your consciousness. When you see one-one-one, remember to UPLIFT your mental focus to harmonize with your highest intentions and highest divine good. If you need help with this, call in your Angels and invite them to infuse your consciousness with faith, hope, and love, thereby helping you to STRENGTHEN your focus upon divine truth.
As a quick side note, in numerology, you typically add the single digits of a number sequence together to get to the core vibration of that number. When you add the numbers one-one-one, you get the number three, which is a number that symbolizes the human spiritual path of ascension, which is closely linked to awakening to the truth of our divine co-creative abilities. If you want to learn more about the number three and the number sequence three-three-three, check out the link I left you in the description below for my three-three-three video!
Now, when you see the number sequence eleven-eleven, things get even more interesting! With each of these numbers, the meaning of the previous number applies. So, when you see one-one-one, you have the meaning of eleven embedded within it, and when you see the number eleven-eleven, you have the meanings of both eleven and one-one-one embedded within it.
With the number sequence eleven-eleven, you’re ADDITIONALLY receiving the message that you are AWAKENING to a higher level of spiritual consciousness. Seeing the. .
. Number eleven-eleven is like seeing two double doors that are wide open to the spirit realm. This symbolizes that you are powerfully aligned with spiritual truth and that higher spiritual consciousness is streaming into you.
This alignment with the divine is sparking your inner visionary, empowering your co-creative manifestation abilities, and guiding you into a higher consciousness of love. God is love, and the path of spiritual awakening and ascension, put very simply, is your process of expanding further into the consciousness of God—into the consciousness of love. This is the divine birthright and destiny of all human beings.
So, when you see the number eleven-eleven, you are receiving validation that you are firmly on your path of spiritual awakening. Whatever is going on within or around you at that moment in your life is likely playing a strong role in catapulting you into a new consciousness and helping you to co-create a new timeline wherein your reality is shaping itself to match your soul’s highest intentions and highest good. When you see the number eleven-eleven, remind yourself to mentally open yourself to receive from the divine.
You can do this by affirming: “I am an open receiver for the consciousness of love. I allow the highest divine consciousness and truth to flow through me now. I am a co-creator of love’s highest will.
I allow the highest divine will of love to be done through me. ” When you see eleven-eleven, it is a magical moment! Make a wish, set a strong intention for the reality you wish to create, and know that you are aligning with the divine power of your spiritual birthright and destiny.
Now, as an additional fun side note, if we were to add up the number one-one-one-one, we would get the number four. Four is the number of the angels. Four is the number the angels send you when they are with you and want you to know it.
It is a number that adds to the sacred power of three, which represents the human journey. On the human journey, our soul is shaped by our relationship with the self, the Earth, or physical reality around us, and with God. When you add one more component to those three sacred relationships, the fourth component is the angels—the beings of pure divine love who watch over us, guide us, and welcome us into the consciousness of love and truth that is our origins and destiny.
Another fun way to look at this number is to add up eleven with eleven, which brings us to the master number twenty-two! Remember, twenty-two is the master number that takes on the role of building. It is a number of profound empowerment, wherein we are building our reality by making plans, taking action steps, and disciplining ourselves to hold a long-standing, sustainable consciousness that makes it possible to allow our vision to manifest into physical reality.
Pretty cool, right? So, next time you see the number eleven, one-one-one, or eleven-eleven, remember that your consciousness is powerful and sacred. Become mindful of what you’re holding in your sacred consciousness, and know that you are being divinely guided to deepen your awareness and in-touchness with the power of your consciousness.
To anchor your connection to this powerful, high-vibrating number sequence, comment "eleven-eleven" below, and tell me if you have been seeing these angel numbers lately and what synchronicities have popped up with them! If you want to learn more about how to work with and channel the angels, then you just might be a great fit to work with me in my Angelic Ascension coaching and mentorship program. Angelic Ascension is a nine-month-long deep dive into your consciousness for awakening your spiritual gifts, healing at your foundations so that you can align with the consciousness of love, and supercharging your ascension path so that you’ll be empowered to fulfill your higher spiritual purpose.
If this is calling to you, then you can apply for the program via the link I left for you in the description below. If you’re accepted into the program, I’ll send you a free 90-minute training video, and we can discuss the program in more detail together in case you’d like to join. This work is pretty major, so if you’re feeling more interested in working with me through one of my online courses, which don’t involve quite as intensive of a commitment, then do join my email list via the link I left for you in the description below.
I offer a couple of courses each year and always send out early announcements regarding these opportunities to those on my email list. Thank you so much for tuning in and receiving these angel messages today! It is my honor to be connected with you; I am so grateful that spirit helped our paths to cross, and I want you to know, until next time, that you are so loved and so very blessed.
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