CHOSEN ONE, HURRY UP YOU PASSED – 1% CHOSEN ONLY🎉 | Dr. Myles Munroe Motivation #christianmotivation

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#MylesMunroe #DrMylesMunroe #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalVideo #ChristianMotivation Are you one ...
Video Transcript:
my friend listen to me carefully when God chooses you it is never by accident you did not stumble into this position you were handpicked before the foundation of the world when God selects a person it is never random or accidental his choice is intentional deliberate and deeply rooted in his divine plan before you were even born he had already seen your potential crafted your destiny and positioned you for a unique purpose every individual chosen by God is not selected based on human qualifications but by Divine foresight he sees beyond appearances Beyond past mistakes and Beyond
limitations when he calls it is because he has already determined that you are the right person for the assignment this is why no one should ever doubt their calling when God chooses you he does not wait for you to be perfect he does not call the the qualified he qualifies the called look throughout history and you will find that God always selects the unexpected the overlooked the rejected and even the flawed Moses doubted himself because of his speech impediment yet he was called to lead a nation David was just a Shepherd boy overlooked even by
his own father but he was chosen to be a king Esther was an orphan in a foreign land yet she was placed in a position to to save her people their backgrounds did not disqualify them because when God calls he equips what many fail to realize is that God never gives an assignment without supplying the tools to accomplish it the strength the wisdom the endurance and the anointing everything you need is already placed inside of you it may not be visible yet but it is there some people look at their own weaknesses and assume they
are not fit for the task but God often Works through human weakness to reveal his Divine strength he does not expect you to rely on your own abilities he wants you to trust in his Divine selection is not based on Comfort it is based on purpose being chosen means being stretched refined and prepared for something greater than yourself it means facing challenges that others may never have to endure because the weight of your calling requires greater endurance but no matter how difficult the journey may seem One Thing Remains certain if God has called you he
is already placed within you everything you need to fulfill his purpose You are not alone you are not unprepared and you are certainly not an accident his choice is intentional and his plan for you is Unstoppable every chosen vessel must go through a season of testing this is not a punishment it is a process of refinement when God places a calling on your life he does not immediately release you into the fullness of it there is always a preparation period a time when your faith endurance and character are tested this is because God does not
send unproven vessels into great assignments he allows trials to shape strengthen and solidify your foundation many people misunderstand their testing season they think the hardships delays and struggles are signs that God has abandoned them but in reality these challenges are evidence that he is working on them just as gold must go through fire to be purified every chosen one must pass through seasons of pressure difficulty and even isolation Joseph had to endure betrayal slavery and imprisonment before stepping into his Destiny David was anointed king but had to face years of hiding and battles before taking
the throne even Jesus himself was led into the Wilderness to be tested before beginning his ministry testing is not about destruction it is about preparation God tests the heart of those he calls he wants to see if you will remain faithful when things do not go as planned will you trust him when doors close will you hold on when prayers seem unanswered will you stay committed when the process takes longer than expected many desire the blessing but few are willing to endure the preparation the testing season separates those who are merely interested from those who
are truly committed during this season God will remove what is not needed you may lose relationships opportunities or even certain Comforts but do not mistake subtraction for rejection God is ruining you cutting away everything that would hinder your assignment some friendships will end because they cannot go where God is taking you some opportunities will disappear because they are not aligned with your destiny if you are being tested it is because God is getting ready to elevate you he does not put his anointing on unproven vessels he does not release great responsibility to those who have
not shown they can endure every struggle every delay every moment of hardship was necessary you were not tested to be destroyed you were tested to be qualified and if you have endured it means you are ready for what comes next many people begin the journey but very few have the endurance to finish it being chosen is not just about being called it is about having the perseverance to press through every challenge that comes with the calling the truth is the path of the chosen is not easy it is not comfortable and it is not for
those who seek convenience it is for those who refuse to quit no matter how difficult the road becomes throughout history we see that God has always set apart a Remnant a small percentage of people who have the faith endurance and resilience to walk in his Divine Purpose these are the ones who push forward when others Fall Away way they are the ones who continue to believe when circumstances suggest otherwise they are the ones who hold on to their faith even when life does not make sense these are the 1% the select few who refuse to
give up many people get excited when they first receive a vision from God they start Strong full of passion and enthusiasm but when obstacles arise when prayers take longer to be answered when when the battle becomes intense they begin to slow down some even turn back they lose Faith because they did not realize that the calling comes with challenges they thought the anointing meant an easy road but they did not understand that it actually invites opposition the ones who make it through the ones who are truly set apart are those who endure hardships without letting
go of their purpose they experience isolation rejection and attacks from the enemy but they do not break they do not complain they do not allow temporary pain to make them forfeit Eternal purpose they understand that the road may be lonely but it is leading them somewhere great they know that every challenge is preparing them for something bigger than themselves elevation does not come to those who quit when it gets tough it comes to those who refuse to be moved those who choose Faith over fear those who keep pressing forward even when everything around them says
to stop if you have endured betrayal hardship and battles that no one else knows about then you are among the 1% you are one of those God is preparing for something greater your endurance is not in vain your faithfulness is the reason he is about to lift you to a level that few will ever timing is everything in the kingdom of God when the moment of elevation arrives hesitation can cost you the very breakthrough you have been praying for many people delay their own destiny because they wait for perfect conditions for more confirmation or for
the approval of others but when God says it is time to move obedience must be immediate Divine opportunities do not wait for human Readiness they require faith in action throughout scripture we see that every significant move of God was tied to timing when God told Abraham to leave his homeland he had to move without knowing where he was going if he had delayed he would have missed the land of promise when the Israelites were commanded to March around Jericho they had to move exactly as God instructed one delay would have altered the outcome when Jesus
called Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water the miracle only happened when Peter moved had he hesitated the opportunity would have passed him by this is the nature of divine acceleration When God Says move everything in the spirit realm is already set in motion doors have been opened resources have been positioned and favor has been assigned but if you delay those doors can close the opportunity can shift and what was meant for you can be given to someone else many people pray for breakthrough but then hesitate when it arrives because they
are still waiting to feel ready but faith is not about feeling ready it is about trusting that if God has called you he has already made the way hesitation is one of the greatest weapons of the enemy he knows he cannot stop what God has planned for you so he tries to make you delay he plants seeds of Doubt fear and over overthinking so that you miss the moment of divine instruction but those who are truly chosen those in the 1% do not hesitate when God speaks they move even when they do not have all
the details they act in faith knowing that provision follows obedience if God is telling you to move do not second guess it the Breakthrough is in your obedience not in your understanding there is a window for divine Accel ceration and when it opens you must step through it without fear what you have been preparing for is already here but it requires action the moment is now move in faith and everything else will align every great calling comes with great opposition if you have been facing intense attacks setbacks and resistance it is not a sign of
failure it is confirmation that you are stepping into your next level the enemy does not attack those who have no purpose he only wages war against those who are a threat to his kingdom if the battle around you has intensified it is because your promotion is near look at the pattern in scripture every time God was about to elevate someone opposition arose before Joseph stepped into his Destiny as a ruler he was betrayed enslaved and imprisoned before David sat on the throne he was hunted down by Saul before Jesus stepped into his Divine assignment he
was tested in the wilderness and later opposed by religious leaders every level brings new resistance but opposition is the clearest sign that you are moving forward one of the biggest mistakes people make is assuming that when they are chosen the road will be easy but the anointing does not exempt you from attacks it invites them the moment you step into your purpose you become a Target the enemy sees what God is doing in your life and he will try to discourage distract And Delay you he will use people to question your calling circumstances to make
you doubt and even your own thoughts to make you second guess what God has spoken over you but resistance is not a sign to stop it is a sign to keep going the enemy would not be fighting you this hard if you were not on the brink of something powerful if you have been betrayed misunderstood or even attacked spiritually it is because your elevation is closer than you think every attack is an indication that the enemy is terrified of where you are going but here is the good news he cannot stop what God has ordained
what you must understand is that opposition is not meant to break you it is is meant to build you it is strengthening your faith sharpening your discernment and positioning you for the next level God is allowing it not to harm you but to prepare you every battle is a setup for victory so do not be discouraged by the resistance embrace it it is proof that you are not where you used to be you are stepping into greater and nothing can stop what God has already set in motion now is the time to step into your
destiny you have endured you have been tested and you have passed every trial every season of waiting and every moment of refining has led you to this point Heaven is calling you to rise and you cannot afford to delay delayed obedience is still Disobedience when God calls he expects immediate action if you hesitate you risk forfeiting what he has already prepared for you many people have been waiting for the perfect moment to move forward but there is no perfect moment there is only obedience the enemy will try to convince you that you are not ready
that you need more preparation that you need more clarity but the truth is when God calls you he has already made the way he has already provided everything you need for the journey ahead your job is not to figure out every detail your job is to step forward in faith look at the men and women God using used throughout history Moses had to step into his calling before he felt qualified Esther had to step forward even when she rised her life Peter had to step out of the boat while the waters were still raging those
who wait for conditions to be favorable never step into their Destiny but those who move When God Says move those are the ones who see Miracles breakthroughs and divine favor manifest in their lives you have passed the test you have endured the fire and now it is time for you to emerge refined strengthened and ready this is your moment of elevation the doors are open the opportunities are aligning Heaven has given you the green light but the question is will you move will you step forward in faith or will you hesitate and let fear hold
you back the chosen ones are not those who merely hear the call they are the ones who respond the ones who step out when it does not make sense the ones who trust God even when they cannot see the full picture the ones who refuse to allow fear doubt or delay to Rob them of what has been divinely appointed for them now is your time you are no longer in the preparation phase you are in the activation phase move forward forward step into your destiny do not look back do not second guess do not wait
for approval from others Heaven has already approved you the only thing left to do is take the first step and when you do all of heaven will back you up you have been chosen refined tested and approved this is your moment to rise no more hesitation no more excuses no more waiting for the right time the time is now Heaven has already stamped its seal upon you and no force on Earth or in hell can stop what God has ordained for your life the enemy tried to break you but you endured the trials tried to
crush you but you overcame the delays tried to discourage you but you held on and now the doors that were once shut are swinging open before you the opportunities that see seemed far off are now Within Reach everything you have been through was not to destroy you it was to position you do not be like those who miss their moment because they are afraid to step out do not be like those who keep waiting for another sign another confirmation another Assurance the word of the Lord is enough move in obedience and you will see his
hand move like never before you are part of the 1% The Remnant the called out ones the ones who refuse to quit this world is waiting for what God has placed inside of you this generation needs your gift your voice your anointing you were not chosen to blend in you were chosen to stand out so I say to you today step forward walk boldly into your Des Destiny take hold of what heaven has already prepared the time of waiting is over the time of doubting is over the time of second guessing is over now is
the time to rise Heaven is watching the Earth is groaning for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God and you yes you have been chosen for such a time as this move now walk now possess now because when you step forward the glory of God will meet you there
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