Beginner Levels - Lesson 1: Nice To Meet You!

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English For You - Learning English is much easier now! Beginner Levels - Lesson 1: Nice To Meet You!...
Video Transcript:
hello students my name is Molly Stone Molly Stone my name is Molly Stone this is my first name this is my last name now here's a question what is your name what is your name my name is Molly Stone my name is Molly Stone okay let's practice what is your name my name is Lisa Roberts what is your name my name is Al what is your name my name is mar Pierre okay now this is my first name new question what is your first name what is your first name new answer my first name is
Molly my first name is Molly okay let's practice what is your first name my first name is Lisa what is your first name my first name is Al what is your first name my first name is Mari okay now this is my last name new question what is your last name what is your last name my last name is Stone my last name is Stone okay what is your last name my last name is Roberts what is your last name my last name is aoy what is your last name my last name is Pierre introduction
possession okay now we're going to talk about possession all right my my your your his his her her it's it's our hour your your there there my my your his her its our your there now these are sing singular equals 1 these are plural equals to plus okay now some examples my name my name your name your name his name his name her name her name its name its name our name our name your name your name their name their name now look and listen look and listen my name is Molly Stone my first name
is Molly my last name is Stone your name is Ali Oxo your first name is Ali your last name is Oxo her name is Julia Roberts her first name is Julia her last name is Roberts his name is Tom Cruz his first name is Tom his last name is Cruz its name is Dolly her name is Peggy Stone her first name is Peggy her last name is Stone our last name is Stone read and [Music] repeat [Music] [Music] oh [Music] now students here's the question what is name what is is MM name name is MM
name is now let's practice with some photos now Marie what is her name her name is Madonna yes Al Le what is his name his name is Antonio bandas now Ali what is his first name his first name is Antonio and Ali what is his last name his last name is bandas yes very good now Lisa what is his first name his first name is Shan and Lisa what is his first name it is Chris what is their their last name their last name is pen yes now Mari what is her name her name is
Peggy what is our last name your last name is St now Ali what is its name it name is Dolly yes Lisa what is my name name your name is Molly Stone what is my first name Molly what is my last name Stone very good very good students names now we're going to talk about status and names we have single and married single there's single beautiful and married oh we have the wife and the husband okay so for formal names we have for men Mr Stone single Mr Stone married for women we have single M
Stone married M Stone also for women single Miss Stone and married Mrs Stone now here are some examples M Mar Pierre Mr Ali ox and m Molly stone m Mari Pierre Miss Mr Oli ooy m Molly Stone now here are some examples of photos Mr Tom Cruz Mrs Hillary Clinton and Miss Piggy now my formal name is Ms Molly Stone Ali what is your formal name Lisa Miss Lisa Roberts and Mari M Mari Pierre very good Miss Pierre Mr ooy Miss Roberts alphabet now we're going to learn the alphabet in English look watch listen a
b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Zed in America Z okay now let's say it together a b c d e f g h i j k a l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Zed now let's talk about different kinds of letters a e i o u and sometimes y are vowels okay again A E I O U why now listen and practice Lisa what's this A Marie what's this I Ali
what's this U Mari what's this o and Lisa what's this y good now a e i o u y these are the vowels now we're going to talk about about consonants okay these are the consonants b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x Zed these are the consonants now let's practice Lisa what's this C Ali what's this s Mari what's this J Lisa what's this C Ali what's this x uh Mari what's this s Lisa what's this we Ali what's this why Mari what's this
G Lisa what's this sh and Ali what's this Z all right okay one more time a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y y Zed now I want you to listen and write these letters listen and write listen and write group one a j k group two b c d e g p t v z group three f l m n s x group four i y group five q u w group six h o r Zed now listen
and check your work group one a j k group two B c d e g p t v z group three f l m n s x group four i y group five five q u w group six h o r z okay in English there are capital letters [Music] Capal letters and small letters these are also called uppercase and lowercase okay these are capital letters small letters names begin with capital letters the other letters are small mly Stone capital letter capital M Small o small L small L small y capital S small T small
o small n Small E okay capital letters are only here introduction spelling now let's practice spelling names this is what we say Please spell your name please spell your name capital m o l l y capital s t o n e Please spell your name now let's practice what is is your name my name is Ali AO spell your name capital a l i capital a k s o y thank you what is your first name my first name is Lisa spell your name capital l i s a what is your last name my last
name is is Roberts spell your last name capital r o b e r TS thank you very good introduction to B okay now let's work on the verb b b now we're going to talk about about the basic the basic the short an example and another example okay now first I I am I I am short I'm I am I'm I'm example I am Molly I am Molly short I'm Molly I'm Molly Molly I am I'm I am Molly I'm Molly okay second one you are you are short your you're you are short your example
you are Ali you are Ali short you're Ali you are Ali you are are you you are Ali you are Ali next he he he is he is short he's he's he is he's he is Tom he is Tom short he's Tom he's Tom next she she is she is short she's she's she is mar she's Mari next it is it is short it's it is Dolly it is Dolly short it's Dolly next we we we are we are short we we are we we are students we are students short we're students we are we're
we are students we're students you are you are short you you are students you are students short your students you are you you are students you're students last one they they are they are short they there they are students they are students short their students okay now now students let's look at all of the examples now I am I'm I am Molly I'm Molly you are you're you are Ali you're Ali he is he's he is Tom he's Tom she is she's she is Marie she's Mari it is it's it is Dolly it's Dolly we
are we're we are students we're students you are your you are students your students they are they they are students their students now we're going to practice look at these sentences and choose the correct verb in two ways you Lisa two ways you are Lisa okay and you're Lisa good okay next okay Oli two ways he is Ali he's Ali next okay Mari are students okay Lisa they are students second one they are students okay Ali I am Mar and I'm Mar and Lisa it is Dolly it's Dolly okay very good student St now let's
look at these again you are Lisa you're Lisa he is Ali he's Ali we are students we're students they are students they're students I am Marie I'm Marie she is Molly she's Molly it is Dolly it's Dolly look and listen now let's look and listen I'm Molly she's Lisa he's Ali we are teachers they are assistants read and [Music] repeat okay now we can make questions the answers are yes or no now here's the question question am I Molly am I Molly positive answer positive answer yes you are am I Molly yes you are negative
answer no you're not am I Molly no you're not am I Molly yes you are okay here's another one are you Oli are you Oli yes I am are you Ali yes I am or no I'm not are you Ali no I'm not are you Ali yes I am okay here's another question is he Tom is he Tom yes he is here's the is here's the is he he okay is he Tom yes he is is he Tom no he is not no he's not no he isn't is he Tom no he's not is he
Tom no he isn't is he Tom yes he is okay here comes another question is she Mar is she Mary yes she is is she Mary yes she is or no she's not no she isn't is she Mari no she's not is she muddy no she isn't is she muddy yes she is okay next question is it dolly is it Dolly yes it is yes it is no it's not or no it isn't is it Dolly no it's not is it Dolly no it isn't is it Dolly yes it is okay the next one are
we students are we students now this has two answers yes we are are we students yes we are or yes you are are we still students yes you are and of course we have negative no we're not no we aren't are we students no we are not no we aren't or no you're not no you aren't are we students no you're not no you aren't so again are we students yes we are are we students no we're not no we aren't okay another one are we students yes you are are we students no you're not
no you aren't okay another question are you students are you students yes we are are you students yes we are no we're not no we aren't are you students yes we are are you students no we're not no we aren't okay last question are they students are they students answer yes they are are they students yes they are and of course negative no they're not no they aren't are they students yes they are are they students no they're not are they students no they aren't okay now let's look at all of these again on the
screen questions and answer am I Molly yes you are no you're not are you Ali yes I am no I'm not is he Tom yes he is no he's not no he isn't is she muddy yes yes she is no she's not no she isn't is it Dolly yes it is no it's not no it isn't are we students yes we are no we're not no we aren't second question are we students yes you are no you're not no you aren't next are you students yes we are no we're not no we aren't are they
students yes they are no they're not no they aren't look and listen now let's look and listen are you Mari yes I am are they students yes they are is it Dolly no it isn't read and [Music] repeat [Music] okay now we're going to talk about formal introductions formal introductions this is for people who have higher status for example doctors professors Etc this is how you write it like we saw before it's nice to meet you name it's nice to to meet you too now here's an example I say Professor Smith this is Dr Jones
Dr Jones says it's nice to meet you Professor Smith and Professor Smith says it's nice to meet you too Professor Smith this is Dr Jones it's nice to meet you Professor Smith it's nice to meet you too okay Professor doctor now with the help of our assistance let's practice now first we have Dr curri and Princess Diana now Ali would you please introduce them Dr curri this is Princess Diana it's nice to meet you Dr C nice to meet you too princess okay now we have of Mother Teresa and President Bill Clinton and Lisa would
you please introduce them okay Mother Teresa this is President Bill Clinton it's nice to meet you President Clinton it's nice to meet you too Mother Teresa very good now we have Mustafa Kamal Ator and Mrs Clinton now would you introduce them please Marie Mrs Clinton this is it is nice to meet you Mr atat it's nice to meet meet you too Miss Clinton very good thank you very much you're welcome [Music] introduction okay now we're going to do informal introductions informal introductions these are introductions among friends this is what we say this is somebody else
so and then the second person says nice to meet you and the third person says nice to meet you two okay now for example Molly says Ali this is Marie Marie says nice to meet you Ali and Ali says nice to meet you too so Ali this is Marie nice to meet you Ali nice to meet you too okay now let's practice a little bit with our assistant all right now Ali this is Marie it's nice to meet you Ali nice to meet you too Mari this is Lisa nice to meet you Lisa nice to
meet you too now Marie introduce Lisa to Ali Lisa this is Ali nice to meet you Ali nice to meet you too now Lisa you introduce Ali to me Miss Stone this is Ali nice to meet you Ali nice to meet you Miss Stone very good [Music] introduction okay now you can also introduce your yourself introducing yourself this is what you say hello I'm that's the first person the second person says I'm M nice to meet you the first person says nice to meet you to for example I say Molly hello I'm Molly Lisa I'm
Lisa nice to meet you Molly nice to meet you too so hello I'm Molly I'm Lisa nice to meet you nice to meet you too now let's practice with our assistants okay assistants now hello I'm Molly Stone I'm Lisa Roberts nice to meet you nice to meet you too uh hello I'm Lisa Roberts I'm Mar pier nice to meet you nice to meet you too hello I'm Mar Pi hello I am Al nice to meet you nice to meet you too hello I'm aloy hello I'm Molly Stone nice to meet you nice to meet you
too very good [Music] goodbye okay now it's time to learn to say goodbye and this is how it looks goodbye short bye see you see you tomorrow see you later goodbye bye see you see you tomorrow see you later okay so Ali goodbye good goodbye Mari see you tomorrow Lisa bye bye bye [Music] review okay now let's do some final review first a dictation listen and write these letters listen and right ready okay number one h e l l o number two n i c [Music] e number three t o o number four m e
e t number five y o u now check your work number one h e l l o number two n i c e number three t o number four m e e t and number five y o you Hello nice to meet you okay now listen listen and write these sentences ready number one my name is Ali number two it's nice to meet you number three please spell your name number number four they are students number five thank you number one my name is Ali number two it's nice to meet you number three please spell
your name number four they are students number five thank you finally read this short story read and [Music] answer Lisa Roberts and Marie Pierre are students is he Ali yes he is his last name is oxy Molly stone is their teacher okay now answer the questions listen write the answers not the questions number one are Lisa and Marie students number two what is Ali's last name number three what is Marie's last name number four is Molly their teacher number five what is her last name now listen to the questions again and check your answers number
one are Lisa and Marie students yes they are number two what is Ali's last name it is axoy number three what is mari's last name it is Pierre number four is Molly their teacher yes she is and number five what is her last name Stone practicing English [Music] good morning thanks for waiting for me no problem Sam you know who I met yesterday no at the cafe my old friend Alexi he was my roommate at University he is from Greece and his last name is Christoph Christos ah here he is yes he lives in your
building shall I ask him to join us he is waiting for me sure I would like to meet him too good morning hi good morning are you ready yes I am Hi H well I haven't met anyone from Greece before is he nice I think so Jack said they were good friends at University hey hi Alexi Jack and I would like you to meet your neighbor this is Sam he lives in your building Sam this is Alexi Christos hello Alexi it's nice to meet you too when did you come to Istanbul I came to Istanbul
last week got a new job at a computer company Welcome to our building oh I'd like you to meet my mother mother these are my friends this is Angie hi Mrs Christos it's nice to meet you welcome to Istanbul thank you Angie it's nice to meet you too and this is my friend Jack he was my roommate at University it's nice to meet you Jack thank you for being a good friend to my son thank you very much we are good friends and this is Sam he lives in our building Sam it's a pleasure to
meet you how do you like this building oh it's great we really like it well it's very nice to meet all of you but you better get going or you'll miss your tram your mother's right we better go bye Mrs Chacos cacos bye have a good day at work Bye Mom see you this evening [Music] bye Alexi I have a question how do you spell your first name well it's pronounced Alexi but it is spelled a l e x i what about you Angie how do you spell it well my full name is Angela it
is spelled a n g e l a but most people call me Angie it is spelled a n g i e Lexi my full name is Samuel my mother is the only person who calls me Samuel usually means I'm in trouble Samuel is spelled s a m u e l but Sam is much easier it's s m my name is the easiest then it's just Jack j a c k hi Carrie hi Angie Hi Sam hi Jack hi Carrie hi Carrie Carri this is our new friend Alexi he's from Greece he lives in Sam's building
hi alexie how do you like esto oh it's great it's nice to meet you Carrie I didn't know I would meet so many new people you're all very nice thank you I'm glad you like this city it's a good place to live yes I agree I feel very lucky to have four new friends in only 2 days come on it's starting to [Music] rain
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