As soon as you let yourself go you let yourself grow

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I think a lot of us hold ourselves back when it comes to the pursuit of anything that we actually want and when I say that I mean when it comes to ourselves I feel like we attribute so much and carry so much that it gets hard to take the steps necessary to get to our goals and when I say that I'm really meaning that you know you have to let yourself go to let yourself grow I feel like a lot of our grows is very much impaired by our inability to let go of our current
idea of ourselves and that's why I think you know the whole point of breaking the habit of being yourself is understanding that who you are isn't necessarily entirely solid you know there's aspects of you that of course are going to remain unchanged but I feel like a lot of that is up to our distinction and up to how much of ourselves or how much I guess attention we give to those parts of ourselves that are seeking out change and it's also about the conscious choice that we make to tend towards something better for a specific
part of us I feel like a lot of us try to take our negativity and whatever negative parts we have of ourselves and just cast them aside as if they shouldn't be part of us or as if as if they aren't part of us you know and I just talked about it in my last video but what we run from is already caught us and I feel like in that way if we're running from parts of ourselves then there's no escape and that's why I feel like the intention shouldn't necessarily be placed on running but
facing whatever it is that we have internally and of course I can only say that with a grain of salt of course there's things in in life that you know people have to take their time to address and whatnot but when it comes to things that I think we want to get on top of and things that we want to change in general for our longevity and our life then we have to make that conscious intention and conscious effort to do so and it doesn't even have to be a stress thing I find I find
that in letting yourself go it's it's about letting go of that stress I feel like a lot of us are maintained through some type of mental effort whether or not we're conscious of it and I feel like that drains our energy energy on a day-to-day basis I feel like a lot of people get tired of being themselves or expressing themselves in a certain way or feeling like they have to do this this that and other and jump over so many Hoops to find some type of comfort in their life and that's why I think the
importance should always be placed in affirmation of the self and it's not even to say like you have to be delusional about who you are or have some type of conflix in your head I'm really just saying you have to treat yourself like a person and accept yourself the way you are so you can see the parts of yourself that you actually want to change and transform into something better and it's not about disregarding it's about your renovation of yourself understanding that the negative Parts you have are only in reference to the good ones and
that's not to say you always have a lot a balanced amount of good and bad parts but to say that you know your patience is only measured by your impatience and that's what I mean by you know you have to live in reference to yourself and nothing else cuz if you live live in reference to yourself in that regard then that type of change is something you can see and you you can somewhat quantify but I feel like it's when we're trying to compare ourselves to that which is not us I.E other people or other
situations other events then often we get caught up in the mental perception of whatever it is we're looking at and in that way our projection isn't necessarily a projection of our feelings but a projection of our feelings of an event or person circumstance back onto us and that's why I feel like we have we carry so much and that's also a part of Letting Go realizing that you don't have to perform for anybody you know all you have to do is be you and you don't owe anyone else an explanation in cultivating and instantiating who
you are in this world and I don't mean that to say don't care about what other people thinks 100% I'm not saying don't listen to anybody of course you can listen to people but I feel like our listening to people is not something we should do in effort but in our willingness to do so and to that same regard we have to be willing to listen to ourselves I feel like pretty much a lot of I would even say everything I wouldn't say a lot most of the things I know about myself or any type
of mindfulness in regards to my experience has come from me listening or me being present enough to see certain CHS and certain things within myself and the more I become clouded by I guess what's going on around me or in terms of like I don't know things I'm trying trying to stress about or or things I think I'm vesting my value in the more I lose sight of that presence and the more I lose sight of myself cuz the more we spread ourselves out into other things this is that and other and distribute I guess
our energy into events and circumstances and people and places that don't necessarily serve us and aren't us then that's where we lose it because in vesi I guess not even I wouldn't even say Just Energy but our attachment how much we allow some sort of external things to Define our internal Comfort internal peace and internal self that's how we lose it because we're instantiating it and putting it in other things other than ourselves and of course I say you have to put yourself in to get yourself out and what I mean by that is be
fully present within the situation bring yourself to the situation so it's not fragmented it's not rehearsed it's not this is that other but it allows you to see how you actually are and you how actually interact with a certain stimulous circumstance and whatnot and I feel like in that way we're opening up the doors for our own understanding and I feel like knowledge of the self in a way is knowledge of the world I don't mean that in a sense to say if you know yourself you know everything about the world but to say if
you know yourself well enough and you find comfort in that then you begin to explore it you begin to explore the world around you and I feel like that's sort of what brings Beauty to life is you know the happiness that ensues from your learning cuz I feel like as long as you're learning you can't fail and I feel like learning about yourself is all we ever tend to do and I feel like that's all anyone ever finds comfort in because they understand that maybe a specific action specific thing specific expression has made them see
more of themselves and and by that thing they learn how to sort of Express themselves through a certain medium and I feel like it's that kind of expression it's that kind of thing that allows people to find comfort in real life I feel like that's what all artists and creative sort of do is Express their perspective through a specific medium and I feel like not to say that everyone has to be a creative artist but to say that everyone should do something creative and artistic any a way and it doesn't even have to be like
drawing painting something this is and the other it could just be whatever it is that makes you feel most like yourself and I feel like in doing that thing we find it because it's always been right here with us and it's not it hasn't ever been in reference to anything else I feel like the only place you ever find yourself is where you are and it's just about taking a step back long enough to see that to see whatever it is in front of you you know in saying that you have to let yourself go
to let yourself grow is to say that you have to give yourself space and I feel like a lot of us are accustomed to a very finite amount of uh Mobility when it comes to their expression and it comes to who they are you know and saying we have to break the habit of being ourselves I feel like a lot of people have themselves in some sort of rehearsed um played out thought of overthought expression of who they are and I feel like we shouldn't be subject to our own bias when it comes to our
our expression and I don't mean that to say don't listen to yourself but I mean that to say understand what parts of yourself are from you and what's pulling your strings that's not from you and I feel like if you want to write your own story it has to be in reference to you and you have to be the one to hold the pen I'm not saying that you can Define everything you are and and everyone else will have to accept that but I have to say if you want to be something else you're embodiment
is simply constringent on your your ability to give yourself space to be within that and what I mean by that is you have to open yourself up to different Avenues of expression in different modes of being you have to allow yourself to sort of occupy the space that you want to take up like if you want to be this specific occupation or you want to achieve this you have to bring that achievement to the present moment and I don't mean that in the sense like you have to go out there and just grab it and
take it back but in the sense that you have to make it real enough in your head to give yourself I guess the presence and the uh Vision to see whenever those opport opportunities arrive cuz you have to be present enough to see and present to capitalize off of any opportunity that comes your way and you can't do that if we're constantly stuck in our mind especially about ourselves I feel like the way we worry about ourselves is sort of contradictory at times because it's that very worry that keeps us stuck and stagnant and not
able to actually do what we want and do the things we need in order to mitigate that stress and I feel like a lot of times anxiety just needs an answer we have to answer our anxiety with sometimes and I don't necessarily mean with clinically diagnosed anxiety but in terms of the feeling I find that my anxiety at times is only mitigated by my ability to actually act upon whatever it is that's causing my anxiety and that's why I think it's important to be present enough to hear yourself as well cuz to run from feeling
I feel like is a lot of times to run from yourself and you have to understand the implications of your certain feelings and why you feel certain ways about this this that and the other and I feel like at the end of the day those things always lead back to your answer namely yourself cuz I feel like if you can realize that you're the path to your own life and your your sort of not even just the vessel but the very thing that is the path it's about how much you attribute to yourself and how
much you keep adding and how much you grow and how much you know reality you give to what it is that is you and I feel like once you get to to the point of I guess understanding that then all life becomes is just a big lesson a big opportunity for you to see other perspectives and see other things within the world and understand which things you want to I guess add on to your own PL add on to your own perspective to live your life in a way that's more beneficial to you I don't
mean that in reference to Bringing others down cuz I feel like when it comes to self-improvement it's never in the degradation of other people but the affirmation of the self I feel like and once you genuinely do that it won't be about other people like I don't tell myself any affirmations like if I say what's to say something like oh I love myself I don't mean that to say like I love other people less or I or hate other people or hate somebody you know I feel like it's just about the relationship you have with
yourself and I I feel like if we can realize that then we have to realize that we shouldn't be looking outside in regards to it like if I want to love myself I shouldn't have some type of conditions set up that are based on something external if my own self- Lov is something that's very internal and that's what's meant by not looking for external solutions for internal problems cuz I feel like a lot of our issues are really just a projection of our own bias onto the world and and recognizing that bias it's about somewhat
taking that step forward to understand that a lot of what we face isn't necessarily an obstacle or or or something that we have to overcome but something we have to understand and I feel like in understanding our obstacles and in understanding this is that and the other it creates a pathway for you to walk straight through them because what you can understand you can actually interact with you can actually influence and I think if we can understand ourselves to that degree better then we can influence our own action better because what we do isn't necessarily
always based on things outside of us but how we react internally and that might have been set up by something outside of us like your parents your growing up your circumstances your this is that and other but I think if we're present enough to realize negativity or some parts of ourselves are seeking out change then we have to be responsible enough to actually enact that change via our presence via Our intention and Our intention shouldn't really be placed on anything but being ourselves and being the best version of that self you know and doing your
best and I feel like doing your best isn't always about success doing your best is really just about doing your best and and bringing the best foot forward regardless of the circumstance so whatever it is you come across can be something that you appreciate regardless our appreciation isn't necessarily constringent on other things to appreciate and what we are grateful for should not be in reference to other thing we things we're grateful for I feel like the intimacy of life is always characterized by treating everything as if it was new you know every situation every time
you talk to a a person maybe you see them every day but it's a new experience and a new pathway you know and I feel like you learn so much more in that way cuz I feel like once we connotate something that's oh old or this is another we failed to listen to it we fail to see it too I feel like everyone and everything is always sharing some type of unique perspective in a way that I feel like can benefit everyone some people have certain parts of the answer I feel like figured out and
it just takes an open ear and Open Eyes in order to see all the parts of ourselves that are expressed or at least seen and everything around us and in that way we are in a sense like a representation of all that's around us it just takes I guess conscious intention to see the ways in which we can learn from everything around us and I feel like accepting that you don't know everything opens your door to learning and I think the same thing works with ourselves we shouldn't treat ourselves like some solid thing that we
know everything about when we always have things that sort of shake that idea like I express myself in a certain way and sometimes I'm like wow I didn't know like I had that that capacity within myself but I feel like we always have in it's just about how much reality we give to ourselves in terms of our ability to grow and ability to express that allows us to express ourselves in certain ways and I feel like any expression of the self should always be done in from a place of affirmation realizing that if you don't
affirm what you do and you don't affirm I guess not even just yourself but your idea as well then you can't expect anyone else to and I think no expectation should be placed on anyone else to do that because you have to be one present enough to see yourself and be able to do your best but honestly honestly be honest with yourself cuz I feel like self-awareness is a is a great tool when it comes to uh self-development and that's not to say h be hyper aware of everything you do and then connotate it and
and try to restrict yourself cuz you'll end up in the same place I feel like self-improvement is often a double edge sword when it comes to becoming a aware of yourself I feel like it's also about that Grace that you give yourself and also about how much of yourself you're willing to let go to allow good parts to come in like if I think this part of myself is negative the more I hold on to it the more I hold on to that idea the more I constantly enforce it with thoughts like oh I'm this
way I'm this way I'm this way I'm this way negative affirmation the more it's going to be affirmed into my character and I think giving yourself room to grow or letting yourself grow is about opening your doors to other affirmation and not necessarily conting yourself in your head in any negative way and not contributing to your own negativity and I feel like once you get to the point of not contributing to your own negativity it just becomes a an effort to realize what you want instantiated within yourself cuz a lot of what's placed in life
is what we give it and a lot of what's placed in ourselves is what we give ourselves and it doesn't even have to be an intentional thing cuz I feel like we all have thoughts we repeat and they might be thoughts you know given by Society or given by certain people in our family or certain events to certain situations but I feel like if we're conscious enough to realize that those things influence the way we think then we have to be the ones to posit some type of positivity within our own life to a point
of allowing ourselves to grow and giving ourselves the necessary I guess stimulus and necessary whatever to overcome any obstacle that comes in our path so I guess if you made it this far in the video thank you so much I really do appreciate all of yall from the bottom of my heart um please take care of yourselves make sure you're treating yourself like a friend doing what you can with what you have right where you are um realizing that your growth isn't in reference to anybody but you um and I feel like that's one of
the most important things when it comes to your self-improvement journey cuz we all get lost and we all get caught up in and trying to um I guess compare it to something else and I feel like ourselves doesn't have to be compared and contrasted in order to be seen it just has to be you know given the opportunity given the audience of yourself to see whatever it is that that's being expressed um all that's to be said thank you appreciate y'all
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