now over the years Marvel has had many Superman copies or Superman inspired characters on such as blue Marvel Gladiator especially Hyperion and the one that's in the comic that we are talking about today the century and if you don't know who the century is let me tell you he is extremely powerful as in this video he is going to be going against and possibly killing two of Marvel's most iconic Asgardian Pantheon members let's begin so this story takes place on Asgard which is currently on Earth hovering over Oklahoma in currently with Norman osbor acting as
director of Shield he has declared war on Asgard and so with his little team of thunderbolts he attacks which in returns assembles The Avengers to Counterattack and protect Asgard and if you want to know a little bit more about the story and what Spider-Man and Venom were doing during it you can watch my other video here in the top right corner but seeing how the heroes got reinforcements with the Avengers Norman sees he is outmatch so he calls in his trump card the century who was essentially his attack dog with the comic even saying no
one knows exactly what he is or what he can do there seems to be no limit to his power set and as he arrives he says one of the coldest lines throughout this comic how many gods will I have to kill today referring to his absolute demolishment of Aries earlier ripping him in half which ironically the same thing happened to him when he went against null but that's an entirely different story and as Sentry lands a already kind of weakened and battle damaged Thor runs up to make the first attack with Muer in hand ready
to strike he runs up striking the sentry with a powerful blow as he literally gets hit FL back a few feet and gets up like nothing happened with a red evil look in his eyes which is none other than the void and if you don't know who the void is that's an entirely different story which we'll be getting to in a second but moving forward we see allout War breakout between the two teams and as they fight the US government gets involved shooting down the Helicarrier which was under control of Norman Osborne because he was
a director of Shield it starts to burn and crash down but as that is going on Thor and Sentry continue to go at it with Thor rushing up for another strike saying you've chosen the wrong master and you've chosen the wrong Battlefield and for that I must Smite you down with all the power at my command crackling with energy and lightning as he strike sentury but just then something dark and twisted as you see the void an evil Alter Ego of the century start manifesting itself which mean myself power scaling wise I think Thor and
Sentry are closer than you might think but when the void comes out that's an entirely different story at least compared to base normal Thor bad news for everybody involved including the century himself as he has no control over it cutting over we see Captain America in Norman Osborne fighting while he is in the Iron Patriot suit and with Captain America getting the upper hand boxing him and piecing him up Suddenly his suit starts to shut down when it's revealed that Tony Stark has entered the battlefield and is shutting down his suit and as he literally
falls to his knees the fraud Norman Osborne sees that he is out of options so he activates his trump card calling out to the century saying to bring it down bring it all down referring to the entire floating city of Asgard itself as we cut over to see the almost demonic looking Sentry holding Thor making him bleed as he then leaves rushing towards the city itself with pure power and speed and to Thor's absolute horror and shock he brings the entire thing down crashing and demolishing it onto the soil of Oklahoma destroying the great city
of Asgard and as a dust finally clears we see the heroes get up and finally confront Norman as he is no longer able to fight with a disabled suit Captain America declares him under arrest and under the mask you see Norman Osborne completely tweaking out yelling saying no you have no idea what you've done as this is being broadcast to all over the world in which funny enough we see other superhero groups of the worlds such as the X-Men or the Fantastic 4 just saying TOA referring to how Norman Osborne being in control of Shield
was never a good idea and as you starts yelling and rambling more Spider-Man is the one to finally shut him up for a second clocking him across the jaw and as he is hurt on the ground we finally get a clue onto what he is saying with him rambling on I am the only one who can control him me the only one and with Thor being more worried about where Loki is Norman simply says he's dead you're all dead he's going to kill you all and I was the only one who could stop him I
was the only one who really knew how powerful he was I was saving you as he points up and all the Avengers and heroes look up to see the void fully manifested and if the heroes thought they were fighting a hard battle before they are in for a whole another world of trouble as I wouldn't even call this a battle or a fight what is happening it's an absolute Slaughter as a void simply puts one hand up and instantly takes down most of the heroes with them not being able to do anything even with some
Heavy Hitters there such as Thor Vision Etc but moving over we see someone climbing out of the rubble it is Loki as he watches in shock as the heroes fall down to this almost immovable force in filling guilt that this is part of his fault as he did help Norman launch his Siege on Asgard he decides to try and make things right so he reaches out summons the norn stones now you don't really need to know much of the norn stones as they themselves are really inconsistent and really wishy-washy what they can do in Marvel
but just know that they are a pair of incredible magical powerful artifacts that when used correctly like Loki is doing can grant great power so as he pisss them together he says Let Me cast the power to these mortals who defend With Honor let these Heroes rise both as guardian and moral empowered Let Them Fight let them save us as we see all the Avengers and heroes get back up in perfect health actually scratch that they get back up Amplified with even more power than before as they boosted by these magical artifacts finally giving them
the second wind and a second chance against the void and again Thor is the first one to launch an attack throwing Milner straight through him causing the void to scream out in pain as all the other Heroes start getting their hits in the void obviously recognizes that something is wrong this has to be some trick they're not playing Fair how did they get so powerful all of a sudden as once again Captain America's shield comes and slices him but think up above Thor looms over power coursing through his veins saying you took down Asgard demon
now feel the the power of my father and his father before him before summoning a gigantic bolt of lightning striking the void powerful enough to even put the heroes in awe but unfortunately this power still isn't enough to completely beat the void but the void slowly catches on saying your new powers this isn't a trick is it it's Mischief slowly connecting the dots and finding Loki on the battlefield with the stones and as much as the heroes tried to rush over and protect Loki is not enough as aoid simply Shields them out turning his attention
to Loki saying magic rocks no we won't be having any of that as the void finally gets his hands on Loki stabbing him through the midsection as Thor screams out for his brother and as Loki looks on to Thor saying his last words I'm sorry brother as even he knows it's over for him right now the void literally tears him apart reducing him to nothing but Ash as Thor is left utterly shocked as in the same day not only his entire home but his brother are killed and dest destroyed as the void literally looks on
with a Sinister smile completely enraging Thor saying you've attacked the house of Odin vile one as thunder and lightning crackle in the background and they continue their fight and as they do Norman thinks he can just slip away from the battle but he is easily stopped by Captain America with a shield to the face with Captain America demanding how do we control him how do we stop him and with Norman basically saying we can't he is the angel of death which is an insanely cool nickname or moniker for a character but moving M back over
to the immediate battle Iron Man then comes up with a plan saying Thor can you move him out to the field and away from the city so Thor starts to do just that leading the battle away as the ever thinking and planning Stark puts his plan into action radioing into the Helicarrier making sure nobody's on board and telling them that they are they have 10 seconds to evacuate he is going to be turning the Helicarrier into a bullet and as the void is finally in an open field distracted by Thor he looks up and sees
a speeding Helicarrier come crashing down which they must have some crazy Tech or nuclear reactors on board because what kind of explosion even is this looks like the sun just shot a beam down but it completely eviscerates the surrounding areas and with this distraction again Norman sucker punches Captain America and tries to escape but he is easily stopped and as everybody finally gathers to their feet again they go to the center of the explosion where they find a naked Bob Reynolds who is back into his base form not even as a century or the void
but Bob and confused and have no recollection of what happened he says did uh did I do this looking around at the utter destruction caused and after Iron Man simply says yes Bob pleads for them to kill him even saying please but after such heinous crimes that he has done to Asgard and its people Thor says no he will live to pay for it he will live to see the Penance of the death of his brother and for the fall of his home and with this angering the century he transforms into the void again saying
you're not listening to me kill me as he blasts all the heroes back once more and with Thor finally having enough he gives gives into his demands hitting him with the father of all lightning strikes completely in one strike destroying the void putting him down for the foreseeable future which you can interpret this in two ways either Thor's not holding back lightning strikes are strong enough to harm or even kill the void in this instance or somehow the void lowered his defenses because he wanted to die and let the attack kill him but either way
the D is done as they look down at his charred corpse still crackling with lightning and as Thor looks down at the body he does nothing but tear his cape off wrapping it and flying away saying I will return as we see Thor fly out of Earth past the other planets to the sun where he holds the body and looks onto the giant ball of fire before simply letting go and letting the body burn up almost holding a funeral of one for not only the destruction of his home but also for the death of his
brother to the hands of the Void but yeah that's the end of this video what do you guys think now obviously the story came out of The Siege on Asgard storyline with Asgard being on Earth was invaded by Norman in his forces but it concluded like this and after Thor discarded the body Captain America rounds up Norman and he replaces Norman becoming the head over superheroes and this all leads into New Avengers but that's a whole different story for a whole different video and I hope you enjoyed this one as always if you liked it
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