3 TRUE Disturbing Fall Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
It's our favorite time of year again on this channel. Here are three fall themed true scary stories....
Video Transcript:
my name is Nancy and I work as a behavioral therapist in a local Psychology office I've been doing this for 5 years and I've dealt with a lot of different types of people I've had hundreds of clients now and I used to think I've seen everything but I didn't realize how wrong I was until I took in a young man named Peter as a client Peter was 15 years old Peter's Father Tom would always come in with his son for our sessions Tom believed his son was on the Spectrum for autism or any kind of
social disorder because all of his life he lacked friends and the ability to socialize with other people as age properly what I would do at our therapy sessions is try to talk to Peter about things he enjoyed doing things he wanted to do and try to get him to open up about his personal life but at first it was hard because he was very quiet and shy I would ask Tom to leave the room occasionally to ask Peter some more personal questions about his family life and such and it seems Peter opened up a bit
more when his father wasn't in the room but I always caught the vibe Tom preferred to stay in the room I learned from Peter that his parents didn't get along at all they would fight almost every night for as long as he could remember he had no siblings or cousins coming from a very small family so one thing about me I love The Fall season and anything pumpkin pumpkin beers pumpkin pie pumpkin spice latte I Can't Get Enough one therapy session talking about the freshly fall weather outside Peter was telling me about how this was
his favorite season and I told him the same largely because my love for pumpkin flavored things but later that night when I was already in my robe getting ready for bed there was a loud knocking at my front door I never get knocks past 9:00 so I was nervous when I went to check the window to see who was there there wasn't anyone but when I opened the door I saw a mini pumpkin and a pumpkin flavored coffee creamer on the ground in front of my door I knew this was no coincidence only a few
hours ago I told Peter about my obsession with pumpkin flavored things when my attempted call the Thomas the next day didn't go through I texted him a picture of the two items left by my door and how inappropriate and uncomfortable it is for me to be followed home by a client Tom texted back within 10 minutes saying that his son would never do something like that he almost acted offended by my accusation momentarily it got me wondering what if it was just a gift from a neighbor or something the week went by and I wondered
if I should turn my relationship with Peter as a client but I decided not to to see how the next session would go the following Monday Peter and Tom came in like usual Peter seemed to be acting as normal by now he seemed very happy to talk to me but I thought I saw it for what it was now that he may have thought he was attracted to me being possibly the only woman to speak to him with respect in his life during that session I brought up the little gifts at my front door with
a smile not directly accusing him of leaving them just hinting at what a coincidence it was and I noticed Tom getting annoyed in the corner by my bringing it up Peter acted shocked and agreed it was a huge coincidence it was a truly bizarre situation and I didn't know what to do but if it happened again I knew I'd have to terminate our relationship 2 nights later I knock at my door again while I was in the living room watching a movie my heart sank because I already knew what I was expecting I checked the
window again and no one was there so I slowly opened the door and saw out of disgust when I saw more pumpkin flavored things on my stoop this time a pumpkin pie pumpkin Cheerios and pumpkin Oreos it was a little past 9:00 at this point I got my cell phone and took a picture of the items once again and sent it to Tom I was about to start typing out a text about why I could no longer see them but I heard the ding of someone's phone receiving a text right to my left in the
bushes in front of my house I started walking slowly over to it saying Peter's name I saw someone hiding in the bush as I got close enough but it wasn't Peter it was Tom we looked each other in the eyes and he said hi Nancy you look beautiful as always and I screamed I ran into my house and locked the door seconds before he tried opening it and started banging on it I screamed to leave me alone or I'd call the police he apologized through the door and yelled he's leaving I watched through the window
as he left to his car and drove away this explained not only The Unwanted gifts at my door but possibly the sound of my side gate closing in the middle of the night weeks prior to this I have no idea how long he was stalking me at my house my brother who's a police officer advised me not to even bother trying to get a restraining order because there wasn't any evidence that he meant me any harm and it would just be he said she said allegations however I did report the case to the police and
added that Peter may be in an unsafe abusive household I don't know what Tom's end goal was by following me home and leaving those things by my door based on the way he tried to open my door after I locked it though says he wasn't trying to be a romantic type I feel sorry for Peter his dad brought him in to see me only as some kind of method of getting closer to me it was a Friday night in early October a long time ago I was with my three friends Jose Brian and Tanya we
were being bored teenagers wanting something to do in the spirit of the season it was a nice fall Night Out low 60s nice breeze so we wanted to be outside not much goes on in our boring town and we weren't old enough to go to bars or anything we decided to ride our bikes up Miller's road to this old closed down pumpkin farm nicknamed Farmer John's pumpkin patch it used to be a literal Farm surrounded by crops on one side and Forest on the other the alleged Farmer John or whoever actually owned it didn't live
there anymore it was sold and whoever bought the land just never did anything with it for a long time it was a 20-minute bike ride up Miller's road which is an extremely Quiet Road traffic-wise just lots of corn fields and farms around this area when we got there we rode our bikes off the road onto the grass all with our flashlights on WE leaned our bikes up against the old abandoned house that the owner used to live in we walked around the overgrown grass a bit checking out where the pumpkin patch used to be and
where the animals in the little petting zoo area used to be there's something really cool about exploring abandoned places at night but also kind of spooky we went back to the house where we left the bikes breaking into it was relatively easy since we weren't the first ones to do so the door was already knocked off the hinges all we had to do was kick it open this is where it got really creepy though being in an abandoned house at night even as a thrill seeker it's a bit unnerving even when you're four people I'd
say 5 minutes into being inside the house we started to hear thumps from upstairs like periodically thumps not just random thumps Jose and I decided to head upstairs to check it out Tanya didn't want to go upstairs because she was scared so Brian stayed downstairs with her when we got to the upstairs the thumping was much louder for sure it came from the left side of the stairs our flashlights revealed a bunch of doors up here all open leading into what were probably once all bedrooms our footsteps were loud as we walked closer to the
room with the thumping there was no way to hide it on these rickety creaky floorboards as we got to The Corner Room doorway the thumping stopped I whispered to Jose is it an animal he went shh I pointed my flashlight into the room starting from the left side working the light to the right I stopped when my flashlight landed on a male's figure in the corner of the room facing the wall with what appeared to be Blood on the wall in front of him probably banging his head on it creating those thumping sounds Jose aimed
his light at him too and we both jumped back we left in a hurry and as we ran down the stairs a horrifying gut-wrenching scream came from the room we were just in causing all four of us to scream as we left the house and got to our bikes we heard stopping down the stairs from inside the house as the screaming got louder we all ran to our bikes absolutely freaked the [ __ ] out we pedal as fast as we could out of there the screaming stopped before it ever came out of the house
we didn't look back we continued pedaling all the way up Miller's Road till we got back to my house I have no idea what we witnessed in there and I won't even try to explain [Music] it when I was a little kid there was this top of the- Mountains Resort I went to with my family two different times the resort was shut down a long time ago but I remember it for the most part to be a very nice familyfriendly place both times we went it was in the fall because my mom wanted to go
for the changing colors of the leaves this story takes takes place the second time we went to the resort I was I think 6 years old my older brother Corey was around 10 and my little brother was around 4 my parents paid most attention to my little brother of course with the expectation that my older brother would be kind of watching out for me on this particular night they were doing the bonfire marshmallow roast and hay ride we had ridden the hay ride already while the sun was going down after that was the bonfire and
mini firework show at the bonfire I met this man who who started talking to me asking me if I was having fun and if I'd been to the resort before he said he was one of the owners then he gave me a little laser pointer toy and I instantly trusted him because you know I was six the hay ride driver announced that he was doing a final ride in the dark and that he was going to drive down the big hill which sounded exciting my older brother suggested we do it he made some friends at
the resort so I think he disappeared to go look for them to ride the hay ride with us in the meantime I was still sitting by the bonfire my dad was drinking beer with this other dad on the other side of the fire and my mom was with my little brother roasting marshmallows eventually I went to go ask my mom where Cory went and she said he's going on the hay ride and to hurry and get on before they left so I hurried to the mini line of like five people waiting to get on and
when I was on there were about 15 to 20 people on there but I didn't see my brother I sat on one of the hay stacks anyway waiting as the truck started up indicating it was about to leave leave I saw that man from before climb into the truck with a woman behind him and he came to sit next to me when he saw me he asked where my family was and I Shrugged my shoulders speaking of that my brother never got on the hay ride the woman sat next to him she looked at me
and smiled and he said that's his wife he asked if I still had that laser pointer and I said yeah and showed it to him he smiled the whole time I spoke with the man his wife next to him was looking at me smiling during the hay ride the two were basically talking to me the whole time then when we were approaching the hill drop where the driver said he was going to floor it the man next to me saw I was nervous so when we drove down the hill he grabbed my arms and lifted
them in the air so as to do the No Hands thing that people like to do on roller coasters it actually made me laugh because the drop down was fun the man asked me if I had been to the arcade of the resort yet and when I shook my head no he told me he had the key to a lot of the games and asked if I wanted it I of course shook my head yes he said he'd just have to go get it and go there with me and it would be all mine we
one by one left the back of the truck as we got back to the bonfire the man and woman both walked alongside me and the woman held my hand and kept calling me sweetie anytime she said something to me the man said the arcade wasn't far as we walked away from the brightness of the huge bonfire and into the darkness of the pathway back towards the cabins and Main buildings of the resort I heard Cody's voice call my name from behind I turned turned and it was Cody looking at us I yelled back we're going
to the arcade and the man and woman looked back but didn't say anything my brother didn't follow us or say anything else after we got further from the bonfire the woman's grip on my hand got Tighter and we started walking faster something wasn't right because her grip was starting to hurt me I also noticed we weren't going in the direction of the clubhouse we were heading towards the parking lot when I asked where we were going the man said we're getting the key to the arcade games next thing I remember my mom's Panic screaming Voice
Was Heard behind us screaming let go of him my mom was running over his hysterical and the two strangers stepped away from me and I remember the woman saying some BS like they were taking me to the front desk area my mom yelled and cursed at them and the two of them just quickly walked away into the darkness I wish my dad was with my mom at that moment to kick the man's ass the worst part is they got to just drive off and potentially do this to somebody else my mom asked everybody at the
bonfire if they had seen those people nobody recognized them she also reported this to the resort and the police but really what could they do once the couple disappeared the idea that I was almost kidnapped by a creepy older couple when I was only six or seven his stomach turning even to this day
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