Once you breathe like this, God reveals himself.

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Quazi Johir
This ancient breathing technique will help you create more space in your mind, enabling you to achie...
Video Transcript:
quasi here 3,000 years ago the ancient yogis mastered the art of controlling reality and the greatest book that was ever written the original book that propounded the art of yoga named The Yoga sutras by pangali there is a mention of the term Sidi the attainment of superpowers see once an adherent takes their yogic practice to the ultimate level of Mastery they are able to master the eight sidtis which are as follows number one the anima CTI the ability to perceive the microscopic world number two the mahima Sidi becoming infinitely large having the ability to see
structures of the galaxies three liima Sidi becoming weightless or lighter than air itself four gima Sidi the ability to become infinitely heavy and be immovable by anyone or anything you could have the weight of a black hole and Pierce the fabric of space and time itself next the instantaneously travel or be anywhere at will this CD removes the limitations of space which separate two objects from each other it's said that one will even be able to touch the moon with one's finger and the limitation of distance is pretty much removed next you have the pram
the ability to manifest desires or realize objects out of thin air next you have the isid the ability to create and Destroy and gain lordship over creation and Annihilation and next you have vasti the ab ability to control all five elements of nature fire air ether earth and water and mind control such as hypnosis the most fundamental of all yogic practices and the simplest of all is in learning how to attain Mastery over the breath see in yoga the breath is known as the kurma Nadi the word kurma literally translates to tortoise an amphibious creature
that can both Venture on land and water and in the yoga sutras 332 it is said while practicing samyama concentration meditation and samadi on kuradi one attains stability of mind and thereby stability of body once you gain complete Mastery over the breath you gain complete Mastery over the mind and the body once Mastery over the mind and body is achieved reality is yours in today's video I'm going to share with you how to use the breath to direct your energy and create an energetic field around you that attracts circumstances and events in your reality that
you would like to manifest let's get started so one powerful realization I had recently was that certain times throughout the day I would notice that with my breathing my either my left nostril will be more overactive whereas the right will be blocked or vice versa the left will be blocked and the right will be more overactive and what I started to notice was during the morning and in the evening my right nostril was more open and the left was more blocked and during the daytime my left was more open and the right was more blocked
upon deeper inspection I started to notice that during morning and evening I was more creative okay I could T tap into a deeper creative faculty and my work anything that required more creativity would flow out to me easy whereas you know during the daytime that was quite the opposite I couldn't my attention span couldn't I just couldn't get anything creative out and I just kept feeling like I would hit a wall with any creative effort that I had this led me to inspecting the breath deeper and deeper and I went back to a yogic exercise
that I used to do where it's literally an alternate nose breathing which allows you to get equanimous so that both mind and your heart the mind the left brain and the right brain can work effectively and what I realized was the goal one of the goals of yoga is to open up this middle channel in yoga there's this understanding that the body has 72,000 different channels they call it nadis the word literally translates to River okay and you know these 72,000 NIS or channels are conduits for energy to flow through if your energetic body has
some kind of block your ntis aren't functioning properly there's a there's an energetic block somewhere in understanding that we have to understand that the breath itself is a NTI it's a channel okay so in yoga they call the breath the kurma Nadi and the word kurma as I explained to you literally translates to to toris which is you know both on land and in water meaning the breath can be used to both function in this material realm but at the same time take you beyond to the spiritual the etheric realm so in that sense the
breath the kuradi is the tie it ties the spiritual the etheric body to this physical body without the breath there would be no physical existence your body would just drop and your spirit would take off okay that's that's what the belief is so if you believe and have studied reincarnation you'll know that when you pass from different lifetimes you simply adopt a different body because adopting a different body allows you to burn your karma quicker as opposed to existing in just Spirit form itself and understanding the kurma nadii there are also different other kinds of
nadis so when I talk to you about the the right and the left channels there are three types of nadis that the kuradi helps stabilize this is the eer the pingala and the goal is to unlock the central channel the shna so the EA and pinga are the left and right channel so when you have one more active than the other you will always be in Duality and you'll just notice right now if you just breathe on your hand right now you'll notice that either your left is more overactive or your right is more overactive
so there are certain practices and exercises that allow you to get it more even which allows you to tap more into that Central channel the shush Nadi okay and the belief here is that once the shush Nadi is tapped into it allows for the the energy the Kundalini to rise however for our purposes I want to share with you an exercise that allows you to draw energy and magnetize the spinal column this is something an exercise that I've been using for the last 7 six to seven years with great success and I've found that not
only have my energy levels gone up but also my intention energy I've been able to tap into more intention energy and what I mean by that is when I think about things that I'm make intentions the time delay between what I intend and the manifestation of that intent gets shorter and shorter as my energy level is higher and the other thing I've noticed too knan wood is that I've gotten less and less sick because my energy is Flowing very very well there's no blockage within the body I feel lighter I have a lot more cognitive
ability higher ability to use my my brain and my intelligence to be able to come up with great video stuff operate on business and just go deep with spirit spiritually so you'll notice all of these benefits When you properly use this exercise and use it for a prolonged period of time but also I believe the main highlight of it is that your ability to bring your goals into fruition the time delay between you intending and you actually doing that will get shorter and shorter so I'm going to show with you that exercise in just a
bit but to properly understand that we have to understand two main things which is the correct way of breathing versus the incorrect way of breathing so so when I go around and I look at people the very first time I noticed this was uh my wife then girlfriend she was breathing and I would notice that when she was sleeping her chest would heave up and down whereas I had a newborn cousin in in the family at that time and she was a baby and when I noticed when I looked at her and she was breathing
her stomach was heaving up and down and when I inquired further I was like what's what's going on here it's like kids already know how to properly breathe they have the perfect squat form perfect flexibility but then it becomes more and more rigid as we grow up and we start to pick up different tendencies that don't quite serve us so I noticed that my breathing used to be very shallow you go around you look at people they're always closed off they're trying to protect themselves against something they're always the the ABS are always tense always
every single muscle in the body they're unconsciously carrying around tension this causes your energy body to malfunction and energy to get stuck somewhere within your body okay so if you're feeling something you don't want to feel it's because energy isn't flowing somewhere if you're experiencing something in your life that you do not want to experience it's because your energy body is there's there's a blockage somewhere Within These nutties okay so learning how to properly circulate the breath will allow you to unstuck yourself unblock yourself but also direct it into different areas direct this energy to
different areas of your life therefore the correct way to breathe is what's known as diaphragmatic breathing so if you just follow my instruction right now just uh drop whatever you're doing put your one of your hands on your belly and the other one behind you in the round of your back and take a breath and just press against your abdomen you're going to feel it's really uncomfortable to puff up your stomach like that you're almost feeling like you're puffing up your stomach as you breathe in so this is how most people breathe they breathe like
right whereas people who experience a lot less stress a lot less anxiety in their lives they breathe like this one of my old mentors used to say it's almost like you're breathing into your balls okay so you breathe really really deeply and you'll notice that this versus there's a huge difference okay so once you start to breathe more and more like this you become more and more conscious you'll literally just by doing this one practice alone you'll see that the quality of your life will completely change you'll experience less stress you'll experience less unwanted situations
happening you'll find that you'll have more control over your faculties just simply because you're breathing deeper and deeper in yoga it's very well known that one of the practices it leads you to seizing the breath taking less and less breaths so it's said that if you breathe a certain amount of breaths and you can really slow down your breath you can start to communicate with animals with plants and literally just go beyond life okay and this act is called kumaka which means you simply seize to breathe you take a couple of breaths per minute so
right now and you know I could completely botch this human beings breathe around 18 you know 14 to 18 breaths per minute if you can get that down more and more and again this isn't forcefully doing it it's more so it will naturally happen as you learn to breathe correctly your resting breath will lower your resting heart rate will lower and you'll open yourself up to more and more of the higher frequencies to receive them okay because your experience of life right now if your breathing is very erratic your heart rate is very high your
life will also be very chaotic and erratic and you won't be calm if you notice people who are more in higher vibration energy they're not in a rush do you find yourself in a rush you're always in a rush to do something to get somewhere and you know you're always like life is always passing you by you're just grasping to capture it that's typically what happens when your energy body is malfunctioning okay or you have the opposite problem and you just can't keep up you just feel like you're too slow right and typically when you
feel like you're too slow you're rushing so it's the Dual problem within one anyway in understanding the correct and incorrect way of breathing now that you know how to breathe from the diaphragm the other crucial element to this is learning how to have a proper posture so for most people what do they do they're slumped over because our modern furniture is designed in in a way where it kind of slumps us when we sit in front of a desk and we do a desk job it you know puts a lot of strain on the back
of our neck and also so our shoulders so we trap a lot of emotions and energy right over there to correct your posture it depends how I I don't like to say this but how far gone you are but uh it depends really like how much damage has been done so far if the extent to spinal damage is very high you might need to consult an expert but for most people if you simply make a conscious effort to stand up straighter by doing this following exercise what I want you to do is raise your arms
up right now all the way up like if touching the ceiling put it to the side and put it down when you do that now you'll notice that your spinal position it's a lot more erect okay and even when you're sitting down try to maintain that position or your spine is more erect I I feel myself standing up straighter now so I forget to do this sometimes so what happens is now that our spinal column is more erect and our breathing is correct we're breathing into the stomach these are both exercises by the way that
I learned through music lessons so for a lot of you who are singing is you understand this because diaphragmatic breathing is very important for singing because you want to properly not push the air out but let it come up so diaphragmatic breathing and correct posture is very very important for singing and also for yoga for transcending this material realm to influencing what you want to see and and creating your own destiny apparently now that you have the posture and the diaphragmatic breathing correct we are ready to tackle magnetizing the spinal column so what I want
you to do right now now is put aside all distractions we're going to learn how to move energy within our system and I promise you do this for a period of time your life won't be the same so let's get right to that right now so the goal with magnetizing the spinal column is there's a reason why I call it magnetizing the spinal column it's because if you have a wire an electrical let's say a metal wire and you run a current through it the running of current through it creates a magnetic field around it
and attract magnetic field magnetic any field is attractive and repulsive but you get the idea you create a field around it so our spinal colum is like that so the spinal column when energy is flowing through it AKA current is flowing through it we magnetize it that's what we want to do okay so if you look at this di diagram here we want to basically circulate Prana life force as the yogis would call it through our spinal column okay and that'll be from the tailbone the coxic to the crown the sahasrara chakra as the yogis
would call it but what you'll notice is I've drawn two lines here and so how this works is there are different energy channels within your body the energy meridians there's one a few inches in front of your spine and again if you open up your body you would never be able to see this this is an this is more of a um a field and also one slightly an inch behind your spine okay in front of your spine and behind your spine and so we want to move energy up and down like an alternating current
so the other reason to do this is when we circulate Our Life Energy properly we tap into this vast source of energy around us called free energy okay right now we're slightly disconnected from it and you'll know you're disconnected from it because you're experiencing things that you don't like AKA feelings emotions circumstances externally which are a result of your thoughts and emotions that you're holding to be true and also you just feel blocked okay to unblock yourself to get a healthier energy body we just have to make sure that our energy body is functioning properly
and the channels are and two of the fundamental channels are these ones okay so the process is very simple it's three steps so what I want you to do right now is just stand up stand up and relax yourself just get your body loose get your spine straight and imagine and feel that you're breathing into your diaphragm take a deep breath into your diaphragm breathe out through your mouth and push the diaphragm the very first step the very first step that we're going to do now that you're prepared is you're going to imagine that through
these two channels there's an alternating flow of energy okay alternating flow and the flow goes one way on the inhale and the other way it alternates on the exhale so it's coordinated with inhalation and exhalation and what we're going to do I'm just listing out the steps right now we're going to do this together okay we're going to do this 10 times just to get a feel for it and then we're going to implement it throughout a day it's going to be very simple for you to grasp you are already connected to this Source okay
you just it's atrophied because you haven't used it so in these two spinal columns I want you to imagine that when I take an in breath let's say from the back I feel from the back spinal column energy is rising and from the front of that Meridian energy is descending so it's kind of like I'm drawing energy from the heavens it's coming in through the crown and moving down from the front and down through me to Mother Earth okay and the opposite on the Meridian that's behind the spinal column so so just mentally imagine this
flow of energy and let's do this 10 times take a deep breath exhale alternate deep breath exhale alternate so just like that coming down from the top on the inhale coming up from the back on the inhale and then alternate on the exhale so it doesn't matter what order you do it in the important part is you notice that this energy is Flowing within you at all times you're connected to both the Earth and to the heavens okay that's that's the crucial part so I used to have an energetic coach who taught me this exercise
and it completely changed my life so let's try it one more time 10 times with me feel it getting stronger and stronger every time more and more intense what you're going to notice now is you're going to feel lighter okay and yes part of this is to do with the light headedness you feel when you take deep breaths really fast but another part of it is to do with you just properly having energy circulating through your body so what I want you to do right now is take this exercise and turn it into a dynamic
living practice and what I mean by that is every single day you're sitting somewhere at the coffee shop or you're at work on your computer you just momentarily remember that this is what's happening every time you take an INB breath every time you take an out breath is your diaphram correct is your posture correct these are very very crucial okay this is how you make a real change in your life by working from inside out if you want to see the outside change the inside has to change first if you're constantly in a state of
frenzy you bogged down by something happening outside you're unconscious you're falling asleep you are in a habit of falling asleep rather than in a habit of waking up this is why your energy levels are low you feel apathetic you can't you don't feel any energy to do anything or you're frustrated you're stressed out your business your work is stressing you out this is why energy isn't properly flowing it's somewhere blocked and this exercise is going to greatly help that but more than that what you'll notice is as you do this exercise you tap into more
vast sources of free energy your intention energy begins to rise and whenever you make an intention it materializes faster and faster so do this in daily life and when you combine this with visualization it becomes it just goes on steroids it just becomes very very powerful so when you combine the act of visualization in the act of manifesting your goals as you have already increased this is more like training wheels to you know like you have you go to the the gym to build bigger muscles you're building the internal visualization manifestation muscles by circulating energy
properly so what I would like for you to do right now is check this companion video on visualization that's going to show you a complete protocol for visualization as you keep doing this for the next month 3 months a year I would really like for this to be a permanent practice for you just realizing that every time I'm taking a breath this is what's happening every time I'm exhaling this is what's happening there's always energy flowing through those two meridians through those two spinal channels okay so click here right now to watch this comprehensive visualization
video that I made and what you'll notice there is I talk about two different types of visualization the goal visualization which allows you to get clarity on the path that will lead you there and the process visualization which allows you to tread the path faster and get there quicker okay so completely free for you it's on YouTube I actually made a full comprehensive guide a visualization guide in there too it's a it's a PDF that attached in the comment section so click here go to it I believe over half a million have watched it right
now and I'll see you in this next video right now thanks
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