Africa before slavery Part 1

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and it's great scholar am Barber who was the last of the great chancellors of at soryy his writings his unfortunate exiles to Morocco and the destruction of the University by the Moroccans and the tragic conflict between the Muslims of the North and the Muslims of the South wasn't exactly a conflict between the South because all they were were victims of the conf um in the University um I have more time for these sessions in fact um in teaching the history of the Western Sudan I teach a course on African history and the first part of
the course is from the origin of man to 1600 and the second is from 1600 to the present therefore I have an entire year to teach the history a survey course of the history of Africa and each um each course is 30 sessions so uh it takes 60 sessions to do what I am covering in 10 sessions you understand that I'm condensing quite a lot but I'm trying to get across the essence of what Africa was before the Europeans touched it and this is what you have to know and to understand even if you understand
the series the Africans you have to have read a lot of African history to understand the OM Christians he throws in a lot of good things to disguise the fact that he's leaving out a lot of good things and he is not telling African history chronologically he's skipping here and here and there and giving you little tidbits and yet he is downgrading it in some places and upgrading it in other places he is one of the most unique Islamic con artists that has come along in years but he never fails to throw in a good
piece for Islam he is running a unique game I am not saying that there's not some good things in there if you listen well there's some good things in the fourth session he begs by downgrading the numbers of African slaves taken out of a by 12 million he must be absolutely crazy du boy's statistics from 60 to 100 million in his examination of the records at the end of the 19th century and they've been examined since then and Kora the Nigerian historian must have been as much as 200 million and in the movement of Africans
from the hinterland to the coast I saw figures and statistics this summer that proves that seven out of 10 died in the movement from the hland to the coast and at one longan Fortress alone gory this the French Fortress 20 million pass through this that one you got 36 slave Forts and 20 million passed through gory and he said 12 million all together then he asked the question about the Arab slave trade he said there's only 2 million Africans in the Arabian Peninsula now so what happened to these Africans he wouldn't ask that question to
accy historian accy his would know the UNESCO investigation into slave trade in the Indian Ocean proves that 30 million Africans were taken out of East Africa for one given period but if you haven't done your homework you wouldn't know then he said now what happened to these Africans where are they now if there's only 2 million in the Arabian Peninsula now and he asked where are they someone knows where they are and know where they went now he assumes that most people don't know and he's right most people don't know cuz most people don't know
about the millions of Africans who went into to Asia Africans who became slaves to the mahes of India and formed the armies of India because the Iranians who conquered India did not trust local armies and many of the Africans Rose to high positions in India one became governor of um benal Malachi another one rose so as a general they named the river after him Ganges some scattered through the Pacific and can be seen that relatives can be seen in the Pacific to this day some joined the the black population and took over an entire continent
called Australia the British found the whole black continent when they got there and killed almost all of them they found a neighboring island called tan Tasia Tasmania and they killed every single person on Tasmania another book on it called last of the tasmanians every single person on the island was killed man woman and child when somebody talk about that Holocaust remember at least they're here to talk about it all the tasmanians are gone total Holocaust we haven't done our homework but at least the series better than Tarzan notice how he praises the northern African countries
like Algeria notice how uniquely he downgrades countries like Ghana and Nigeria notice how he he downgrades and the so-called the Christian nations notice how he upgrades the Muslim countries it's a con game very unique but there was another series done by Basel Davidson was far better than that one but you're not going to see that one because that was done by an Englishman and a white man see sometime we get into color games and don't know what we're doing to ourselves Basel Davidson every time Basel Davidson came to a critical part of History he put
an African historian before the camera to explain and he did a good job of it Davidson's series far more honest and and more historically true than the one with aloy Alam masoy is descendant of om many Arab slave Traders the most vicious of the African slave Traders if you don't know the history you don't know this you think you're seeing something that's good and there are enough good pieces in the series to make a a lot of people think that they are they're actually seeing something good I'm not saying don't see it see it by
all means there are quite a few good things in it what's left out is another story all right let's get to work on what we have to do tonight because we've got more before us than we've got time before us what I'm talking about tonight is not only the missing pages of African history but some of the missing pages of the history of the world after the decline of the Roman Empire forced by the rise of Islam and the pushing of the Europeans out of North Africa in the Mediterranean more than a thousand years of
History got neglected from the history of the world when African genius in State Building began to decline in the Nile Valley African genius and State Building was reborn in the Niger River and another great river civilization was born this great river civilization have been left out of History entire history books even history of Africa has been written with this great river civilization left out left out because people are stupid enough to call this black Africa never use the word black Africa not because Africans are not black black is an honorable word there's nothing basically wrong
with it but because it presupposes that there is a legitimate white out Africa there is no legitimate white Africa and so somebody says black Africa ask them what other kind of Africa legitimately is that you never say white Europe and you never say wet rain what other kind of rain is there other than wet rain that's redundant it just like saying blue sky blue sky all right my main point here is that when you look at the genius of Africa that genius once it declines in one place is reborn in another place and when you
look at the continents the continents of the world and look at the people in the world nearly all civilizations are born near Great Rivers when you look at Africa and you look at the civilizations of Africa first the civilization of the Nile River then the Niger River then the VTA River then the cono River then again on the East is the Lim poo and the zazi river you go to China you the Zim China it is the yany river go to Europe it is the danu river and the vter river go to England it is
the tames tames river every time you go to a continent and look at and look for the beginning of a civilization and the beginning of a great City and a Commerce you find the river and the city on the river now we are examining a great civilization in Africa that had its birth after Egypt to some extent it is as old as Egypt but it came to the attention of the world after Egypt and to some extent it benefited from the aftermath of Egypt this is Nile Valley Civilization that had its birth and flourished after
Egypt it is also a civilization whose people benefited from a river civilization that flourished in the green Sahara before it became a desert you do not say Sahara Desert because the word word Sahara means desert years ago before the area dried up cities existed in the area and there were rivers in the area water in the area and it could support large population were cattle and life all of this has been proven especially in a book by a Frenchman Andre L and search for the T tuilla Fresco fresco mean pictures and he was searching for
the cave drawings in the Sahara that indicated the kind of life that existed in the area before it dried up and became a desert he also found something that Herodotus indicated in his writing that a people lived in that area of Africa called the ganes pitus indicated that the gaman anes went to war using a three-wheel Chariot Herodotus was wrong Europeans think that everything that moves moves for war because Europeans are War conscious what he thought was a war Chariot was nothing but a utility wagon that Africans used to bring crops from the field all
of this in spite of the fact that was a that was a French historian Raymond mun who went around the world was what calling himself world's greatest Authority in Africa who forever saying until the 16th century the Africa never knew the will and at a meeting in Canada when the African Young Turk stopped the meeting of the African studies Association in the middle of his speech told him the meeting is illegitimate you are illegitimate get the hell out of here he's said young man do you know who I am I am the great Authority Raymond
mun you are illegitimate you are fake get the hell out of here he never been the same since almost had a stroke someone later told him that and I was the one that told him this there were African Chariot drivers in Rome there was African Gladiators some Africans were in the arena being killed as christans and some African was driving chariots killing christans and I'm sure that their chariots had wheels that was before the 16th century I guess he's retired or dead but doesn't matter a great deal but the African had known the wheel for
quite a why spite of Raymond mun's Proclamation that until the 16th century he didn't know the wheel and he headed a research institute in syal up until about 5 or 6 years ago when they had the common sense to fire him all right now my main point I'm trying to show that before Ghana a nation existed in the southern area that became the Sahara before Ghana and this is the preface for Ghana and all this activity was taking place when the Romans were in Retreat and as the Romans were in Retreat this is 300 years
before the Roman Retreat and that this activity ity in this part of Africa is unfolding as the preface to the beginning of the state of Ghana and that Egypt while in Decline is not exactly Egypt because this is the country that the Greeks would later call Egypt and that the ancient Egyptian never call their country Egypt they called it Tamar Kat egyptus and the word Egypt came from the word egyptus called by the called by the Greeks but now as Egypt began to decline and as the Roman period came to an end and as Islam
began to push Islam and the arrows began to push the Europeans out of North Africa The Rebirth of a new civilization began to occur in the valley of theia but the activity that I've been alluding to occurred 300 years years before the Roman decline 300 years before the birth of Islam but with the birth of Islam gor as a state in the Western Sudan had already occurred and was a flourishing State at the time now as they pushed themselves mean the Arabs and the bers and the Africans as they pushed themselves into the Mediterranean and
into Spain the activity in Ghana is beginning to take place now the history of Ghana is told in many ways in the first history comes from a Spanish Arab ilasan and his history is called roads and ruins now the Curiosity about Ghana has reached Europe and when it reached Europe an Italian king named Roger hes in Arab to write a book about this curious country because it it is called the Gold Country Ghana stands arride the gold producing area in West Africa and the roads from the Sahara into the Gold Country and because they are
the masters of the Gold Country and anyone goes going coming into the Gold Country must go through GH and pay a tariff and they are rich and they have Kings who who command the Gold Country and they have a standing army of great consequence they become known to to Europe of that day and everyone is curious because they cannot get into the Gold Country and everybody wants their their wealth and no armies can penetrate uh this country so now this King hdes an Arab to go into the country to see if he can penetrate it
but this Arab has already gone into the country he hadn't been able to take out anything but this Italian king named Roger hases him to write a geography book explaining the country and he writes this geography book and he calls it the book of Raja as king then who wanted information hired people to write books especially for them now you have the second book explaining ancient Ghana in the Western Sudan and the states Bing on the Sahara to the people of Europe the third book is written by another Tunisian Arab El elari all right now
they learn later that fanis are living on the border of the country and because of the poor translation of a word called local the assumption is that the the country is ruled by whites and many black scol who too lazy to do their homework including John hope Franklin he says the country originally was ruled by white Kings now the word local because they said the country was ruled by local Ethiopians the word locco meant Alabaster then at one time but it meant foreign G Foreign Ethiopian now if you do your homework you will discover that
these foreign Ethiopians were Africans who came from outside of the area now you've got to do your homework and do your anthropology you got to study African Customs to get at the heart of it foreign Ethiopians means Africans who came from outside of the area if you understand your cultural anthropology you will understand something else in Africa of that day and sometime in this day royalty is interchangeable if you're Royal in one place you can be royal in another place if there's a weak Royal system in one place if a strong King shows up and
wants the job he can get the job so some people invaded from the VTA River people called the moies still in existence and they invaded ancient Ghana in the 3 Century they took over the kingship in the period from the 3 Century to 770 is called the period of the M Dynasty there's a little book in paperback by Adu boan a gan writer called topics in West African history he explains this there's another book African West uh African Glory there's at least 10 books when all this is explained the period of the mus Dynasty is
noted for quite a few interesting things we have to look at Arabs came down into ancient Ghana and lived in peace along with their religion that was at odds with African religions which proves that Africans were very tant of religions not of their own choosing after seven after 7 to ad Jews had a difference of opinion with the Roman Empire and the Jews and and the Romans dispersed them and they came down into ancient Ghana and lived among the people of and they liveed from the 3D Century until 770 and when it was discovered that
they were collaborating with the Arabs to take over the state they were expelled this is important it's important because this shows that A diversity of people with a religion alien to that of Africans can live among Africans for hundreds of years so long as they respect the Dignity of African people without being put upon make a living follow a separate religion so long as they respect the Dignity of Africa but once they decided they want to take over the state of their hostes the Africans said in essence get the hell out of here now this
is partly documented in a book called Hebrew isms of West Africa it proves something else which Jews are not willing to face and blacks are not willing to face that down through the history we have been their friends we have been naive about them and they have never returned the friendship or sent us a thank you note now I can go back further to the entry of Abraham into Egypt but that's enough the main point here is that while the period of the musi dynasty was a period period of progress it was a period of
foreign rule [Music] 770 the local Dynasty grew strong enough to drive out the muses and the local Dynasty came to power and these were the people called the Sono or sares now the period from 770 a to the period of the invasion of Ghana 1076 is the Golden Age of that great state it was invaded from what is now moritan then the kingdom of the susus by an islamized black named Abu Baka let's look at Ghana under its own steam let's look at Ghana while it was being ruled by its indigenous kings called the sones
of sarakis what happened during this building period of that state ruled solely by its own people in the 9th century Ghana had a standing army of 240,000 troops one of the largest armies in the whole world of that day no outside help there was no Army in Europe that big at that time 40,000 archers moving High the King around 1000 was kennessee now kennessee is not known for very much except he had habit of inviting thousands of people for dinner he would announce in the morning that he'd like to have about 10,000 people for midday
meal and by midday a th000 people showed up and and the food was ready now this item wouldn't be worth much except if without warning a king announced that he wanted 10,000 people for midday meal and the meal is ready that showed remarkable Court organization you had an army of people fixing food cattle had to be killed fires had to be lit people whole rolls of meat had to be put put on SP it and turn until they got done then they have to put it on platters and cut it and serve it and I
mean the table the kitchen was as organized as an army you can't say that's primitive that's civilized eating civilized organization too in the meantime the women were organizing themselves into an organization of great consequence then you have to look at the social order when you look at the social order of Africa itself the things that white women are debating about now Africans never debated about you didn't you didn't debate about whether a woman was equal equal nobody was fool enough to debate whether a mother was equal to a Giver of Life you going to debate
whether she's equal that's stupid you you don't bring up a stupid conversation like that you you B with your mother your grandmother you equal a western man will debate something like that AF don't don't don't debate nothing like that this is why they op had female Gods earlier you make a woman of God you you make a woman a God didn't debate whether she's equal you settle the question as whether she's equal when you make her a God and Africans had Gods but Europeans had shoes or houses with Windows see what you have to understand
Africans created a system of spirituality but the Europeans created a system of religion with no spirituality they still do it do you think Jimmy Swagger and Billy Graham got any spirituality these are millionaire Hustlers you think they believe that you know on these people are millionair a true spiritual man wouldn't even be a millionaire he if he gave to the people he supposed to he wouldn't have a million left if he serve people where he supposed to serve he he wouldn't have no he wouldn't have any money left now let's see because in Africa the
King was the was a was a priest was a priest king and he was a distributor of goods and service he was a keeper of wealth not an owner of wealth the main thing is after kennessee that greatest King came to power 10 commini known as the King who rode out twice a day every day he would ride out among his people and administer Justice he would hold Court whatever people thought an injustice had been done and no one was obliged to move from his presence until that person was satis IED that Justice in his
case had been done and the King was obliged to stay there until that person was satisfied and the lowest person could petition the king in his case if he thought he had a case the lowliest person could petition the king this was democracy even to excess this was the royal monarchy they didn't you see what you have to understand Africans didn't preach about democracy they just gave it they never used the word they just administered see in the second time he would dress in Royal regalia dogs with gold collar and men walking behind the Halls
these were the men of the m just in case the horse get a little tired these mats were silk and brocade and the C get a little tired all the men had to do is to lay down the mat so the horse can rest the kings were better dressed than the the horses were better dressed than the kings of Europe Splendor they said he had men with gold with clumps of gold so large they had a loop in the gold when he wanted to stud the horse they put down the gold and put the the
loop under the gold the horse could could stay there until he tend to business there was so much gold that all the big hun of gold brought brought to the king people can keep the little pieces they had no commercial use for some of the gold there was so much of it see that's that's why people came and ened our goal this what I keep repeating that we have always been the world's richest people rich in culture rich in material and rich in spirit this is why we didn't build no great churches and Cathedrals we
didn't have to build churches and Cathedrals every all life was our Cathedral we celebrated everything and we respected life so much we didn't even step on the Cockroach all living things are part of the celebration of life a tree was part of our holiness so we created spirituality and the spirituality began to challenge when other people came on came along and create religion and began to commercialize on it and what we have to get back and what has saved us as a people is our spirituality see when people created religions they put it in the
container and they put some restrictive rules around it but we were obeying these rules all along we never said we are I'm My Brother's Keeper we just kept him we didn't say that brothers died I got to make sure that his wife is we just did it and it wasn't a Sunday go to meeting thing it was an all day thing and see it was the spirituality of this of of that society that maintained it but maintained it all of the time and this is what the foreigners didn't understand and this what Islam did not
understand then and does not understand now and this is what the misconception of Christianity of that time did not understand then and does not understand now this is what we have to get back this is what we must Infuse in other things all right now my main point here is that during the period of ten Commit This is its high point of achievement as a great nation state controlling the trade routs to the north controlling the gold trade to from the north to the South it was during this time that Islam that had conquered the
kingdom of the susus now morania began to Envy this state that they could not convert to Islam failing to convert it to Islam they decided to destroy it finally the Royal House of the Lim tunu decided to mount an invasion of Ghana this Invasion happened 1076 when Abu beaka LED this Invasion it was Su it was a success he occupied Ghana for 10 years then his co-religionist got in trouble already a bunch of religious Fanatics called the alabes created by another religious fanatic Yousef Ben tishan had joined the group in Spain and that group now
in trouble called for help when Abu Baka tried to pull the Army out of Ghana to help the co-religionist in Spain Abu Baka died Ghana regained her independence but did not regain her strength it would never be the same again so therefore Ghana stripped of his ancient Glory contined to exist but its strength is gone its great king tenini is dead and the suus began to pray on a neighboring state called Malik when they invaded the neighboring state under a general called suon Guru they killed all the members of the royal family except a crippled
boy Sund K whose Royal name was Mario Jetta this crippled boy grew up brooding over the laws of of his family and swearing that one day he will avenge the wrong done to his family the suus thought that he will not amount to anything and that they could make a puppet out of him they were wrong he grew up to be very strong and to challenge them and one day day he was called The Lion Prince the important thing about Sund the utter the important thing about the African doctors of that day that this boy
born was cured by African doctors grew up strong and healthy and drove the suus from his country consolid ated his country and took over all of the land area that once was gone now you see the consolidation of a large land area that you see what used to be Ghana becoming part of Mali and this land area is going to be Consolidated later into s now the history of Mali can be told through three men Sund the USA sakuru Sund came to power around 1250 a after he built the state consolidated State and may well
be its greatest Emperor after sundata about 126 about 1250 to about 1265 now the state gets its first purely Muslim leader former servant in the court who sees power called the usurper his name sakuru sakuru goes on the trip to Mecca and Medina and he decided to come through the southern route down the Red Sea through what is now jouti and jigjiga through what used to be Italian somar land a French somal land he meets the people who are No Nonsense people they might be Savage in the H in the Hollywood sense or might not
they are no n nonsense people people called the denill they are the meanest people in Africa they're the Turks of Africa they're people who don't want any friends don't want to be anybody's friend and don't want nobody to be their friends tell everybody to drop dead and they'll drop you dead if you mess with them drove the the gold was that went in that area telling them to stay in the French Open tell them to get the hell out startop throwing rocks at the Gold get out of here anyway when Sakura came into that area
they were the only people who would rob a calan they took his Gold Anything valuable he had and they killed him and what else happened they they emomed him and sent a runner all the way back to his home to let them know that he's dead then something else happened that I can explain chemically they embalmed his body in Honey and when he arrived home that's about 4,000 Mi away he looked lifik and all that African son must have taken two months to get him back how he could look Liv lag with all that honey
sugar I don't know how you explain this chemically I guess some chemist will have to explain it to me how he could look live like I don't know but every story I read said that he was look livik when he arrived then they gave him a big state funeral but he was the third the second king in Mary and he would prepare he would open the way for the greatest of the most colorful but not necessarily the greatest I think Sund was still the greatest King he would open the way for the most colorful of
all the kings of Mali Mansa Musa manam Musa came to power 1332 I mean 1306 now he would come to power and prepare for a great journey he would dig special goal make preparations for this great journey he spent from 1302 or6 he would not go on the journey until 1324 all that time he's preparing for this journey journey to Mecca and Medina he's a great Muslim devout when the journey starts it will be one of the most magnificent Journeys in the history of the world he will take from 60 to 100,000 people he would
take 50 Royal hairdresses and he only had his favorite wives if he got 50 hairdresses just for his favorite wives so how many wives you guess he would have 500 men March in front of his Entourage with staffs of pure gold 250 camels 250 lbs of gold each men will travel two weeks ahead of his Entourage letting people know that the king of the Gold Country is on its way and there'll be presentence for everyone he would marry 50 people on of his group into all the countes through which he would travel then he would
say on his way back we shouldn't be fighting each other because we are relatives it was a great peace Mission too he would build if he arrive on Friday he would build swimming pools for people to have pleasure on the journey when he stopped this trip is well described by his own writers and and others one of the great Journeys in the history Mam's famous Journey to Mecca and Medina when he arrived in Egypt the Egyptians thought he was so magnificent one Egyptian chronicler said he is Africa there is nothing else for 300 years they
were singing the praise of the great king of the Gold Country he crosses over to Mecca and Medina had trip had trees built planted in his honor he gave away lavishly arms to the poor and he wanted to have a second well built at The Well of zamzam where the uh prophets saw the mission they told him that uh this wasn't exactly Orthodox so he thought but all the people going on the hge pay respect to the prophet Muhammad that there wasn't enough water in the well well now with all the people going in the
hard they found some electrical way of sneaking some more water in the H after all it been a long time since the prophets saw the mission and had drink water at the Wells so maybe there not enough water in there right now desert country on his way back um he was proclaimed uh or any a way the intention was to Proclaim him as Grand khif of the Western Sudan is really the chief administer of Islam and the whole of the Western Sudan but he was supposed to bow down and kiss the feet of the grand
khif of Egypt he thought this ill became a head of state of his caliber and he declined the honor they changed the rules just for him he was still proclaiming the grand khif of the Western Sudan he was a little short of cash having given away money so lavishly so they made the whole Treasure of Egypt available to him take what you want the king of the gold country is good for it so he took enough cash to see his way home and took two architects with him these Architects would to redesign some of the
buildings and in his country now this is no ordinary man so no ordinary homecoming present is good for him while he's away his soldiers conquered the neighboring country and gave him an entire country as a home coming pres they gave him the country of s gave him the neighboring country S as a homecoming president he goes to UK 2 and as security he takes two Royal Prince Alec colog and Solomon n you're not going to hear very much from Solan now they are twins but Al colone is considered to be the oldest because he had
the first bath after birth that's an African custom the old ladies GA around the twins irrespective of who emerges from the womb the first the old ladies look and look and look and say who they think is going to be the wisest and they gave give that one the first bath and that's the one that becomes they lavish the greatest praise are and that's the one is considered the oldest in generally that's the one that's the way it generally works out so these two Royal Prince goes back to goes to marle see now look at
the wisdom of it instead of cing war and killing a whole lot of people Alcan just take two hostages and let the king know know that if you starting and stuff here now I got two of your children in my house and so if you don't want any harm to come to them now you just behave yourself isn't that better than killing a whole lot of people well that's the way Africans do it there a Humanity even in even in war he takes these two Royal hostages takes them back back to to Mary but he
gives them a little too much [Music] freedom and after the death of mansam Musa they have a tendency to ride out alone and they ride closer and closer to the border of their country until they finally get the message across to that country s gay that the other colonies are breaking away from Mali now that manamu is dead and that it is time for S to make a move when finally they escape during the reign of the king that succeeds manam Musa manaman Al colone comes across the border and he is proclaimed Sony Sony meaning
Liberator and he becomes the first of the two kings to Bear the name Sony Ali and the country's great Fame sanay rises to fame under Sony Ali the first and Sony Ali the second now you're beginning to see the formation of the largest and the greatest of the great African kingdoms before the slave trade this is the kingdom that is going to go to Great height in Sony Ali II and his successor as the great Muhammad Ben Abdullah Hassen is going to be Muhammad ammad is going to be two of the greatest greatest Muhammad it
to is going to be two of the greatest Africans born in the last 2,000 years and they will take this nation to Africa his great walk in the Sun and this would be the greatest performance of Africans in ruling the state since the decline of Egypt what we will exam in the next session is the last of these great States s gay the last great state before the slave trade and I will show that this state equal and was far superior to the European states of its day and was far superior to some of the
European states of this day and it is a Pity that you don't know about it it's a greater pity that our children do not know about it we have to go back into our history and learn this and the the main thing that has been directed against us that makes us feel so depressed is that we have been robbed of the concept of self-confidence and historical memory and once we understand what we have done we will understand what we still have to do and that self-confidence in his historical memory is what we need to reclaim
again not just for ourselves but for our children because once we understand where we have been we understand where we are but most important we will understand what we still must be and where we still must go thank you [Applause] [Music] all right brothers and sisters we want to thank Dr Clark one more time let's give him another round of [Applause] applause we going to let him catch it his breath and take a little breather and we're going to give you the opportunity that might have been almost equal amount could have died yeah know a
few years ago um when we first when there was some figures that you was giving I was told and I find it very devast St because I never matter of fact I've never heard of Goran before and and this is why for the past two weeks I've been talking to you I am taking 35 children we've been raising money for two and a half years for that reason so that they can be exposed to I could I am ex a 40 years old and never heard of gory Island gory island is the French Clearing House
for slavery and it it's off the coast of Sagal yeah and uh it's kind of a tourist attraction and it's um I was there twice this summer but I find it a devastating exp it was a devastating experience for me well if if you think that's a devastating experience you wait till you go to elmina in Ghana which is the lares and the most gruesome of the slave force one lady collaps that gory I said if you collapse at gory when you get to Ghana I don't I don't know what you're going to do I
advise you not to even go to Ghana cuz the worst ones in Ghana Dr Clark um it as we um we look through history we see that Africans seem to be the most prevalent made the most prevalent peoples of slavery the Arabs the Indians uh took African slaves what was it that made Africans accessible to slavery or in their nature I mean was it anything in their nature or or was it something in the way the villages were organized that they couldn't protect themselves from being captured and and taken in such large numbers to various
parts of the world China even took African slaves why didn't they take Chinese why weren't other peoples taken or were they well well there's a naive in our nature as a people that's still there we're still basically an unprotected people we still act as though we don't need protection we still have not recognized the meanness in other people to the extent that it exist and until we do we will continue to be be in existence there isn't I doubt if there's 50 good fighter pilots in all Africa a whole continent well that's not a good
answer is in ancient Africa they acted as though they didn't need protection in the first African Invasion a bunch of sheep herders from Western Asia came in and took over Egypt they were called The Shepherd Kings we've always been misguided about other people's intentions we still are we misguided about what other people say they mean we still are it's bigger than that and that's a good question there's a lot of people in the world why us there were more people in Asia why not them when Christopher Columbus set out he had instructions to go to
Asia the land of the kuons why why did he come to the West inded why he double cross Isabella and he did and he recommended was upon Christopher Columbus recommendation that the slave trade was increased and when he d the Indians he said go get the Africans and replace them why not go get the Chinese or somebody else why the Africans this won't change until we change it we have a naive concept toward the ourselves a naive concept toward the world we have to change it we have to stop buying other people's discard junk and
other people's discarded isms breaks my heart to say it but we are partly to blame I was leing earlier today to federal workers and I said that one thing that we need to begin to think about seriously is the essential selfishness of survival think of ourselves first and foremost and everything else have to come after that we haven't made up our mind that that's what we have to do everybody else that do it that's not a good answer either but I don't have one that I believe you'll listen to [Music] okay uh Dr Clark can
you give us that word that uh has the meaning of alabaster that uh John uh hope uh confused loose local loo local it means transparent transparent and uh and it was interpreted as mean it's it it really means something white mhm and uh in ancient times uh it was interpreted and when they call the people local Ethiopians um he interpreted mean white Ethiopians and a lot of people think the Ethiopians belong to the white race um and said then he said that uh ancient Ghana was ruled by white white Kings and it was misinterpretation of
of what they meant when actually ancient Ghana was ruled by for 300 years by the musi people from the VTA River so the moies were actually these foreign Ethiopians that yeah mean the word Ethiopia meant used to mean all Africa oh I see okay that means foreign Africans who came from another part of Africa okay I just have one question from last week uh you mentioned that uh Islam instituted uh the system of patriarchy or patrilineal inheritance and that caused a lot of confusion my question is before these invasions of the um Asians and uh
Islamic rule was Africa all matrinal with the the Zulu are exceptional the Zulu are patrini okay this was before any invasions they were patrilineal the Zulu's are patrilineal but but was the majority of Africa the majority of Africans are matrilineal to this day even in West Africa before these invasions yeah thank [Music] you good evening Dr Clark um through your lectures I I hear uh you say a specific word and describing African peoples uh we talk about the monetary riches talk about the socialism and the Democracy of it but you keep passing on or speaking
about the spirituality of the a African but you don't go into elaborate would it be possible for you to speak to us about the spirituality of the African yes I mean uh I mean the spirituality is really what holds the African together I mean not the elaborate church but the spirituality is in the family structure is in the um indigenous religions is in what they do as against what they say is in the attitudes and I'm I'm not talking about the Western educated African uh the African who comes to the west and play games I'm
talking about the the sense of welcome you that you get in the Villages and and the African who's not a Christian who and who whose attitude toward you is more Christian than that of a Christan thank [Music] you uh good evening Dr Clark I would just like to for you to expand uh on a statement you touched on before about the um the African being so open and receptive of others uh as long as they didn't uh you know interfere with their the religion such as the the Arab and the Hebrew who came into uh
Ghana earlier and they were immediately trying to conspire do you think that's happening today in view of the fact that uh especially in Black areas here in our city that we have so many Arab Merchants now coming in to our areas uh and whatnot and then the situation in the Middle East could that all be like tied again we will see as you said last week about the perhaps the Israeli and the Arab laying down in bed together again to conspire against Africa I believe I believe it's the same scenario all over again unfortunately unfortunately
I think it's all over again and I'm I'm suspicious in that regard I I I really think that we are people with with no friends of consequence in this world and I don't think we we we know it I think marginally we have a few individuals friends and I think we have overestimated even that but I don't really think we have many friends among the other ethnic among the other so-called ethnic groups but I don't think that we are a minority but I I I really think I don't think the Arabs who in our community
have any true friendship Among Us and I think people will save themselves and if they have to save themselves at our expense they have no compunctions about doing it thank you Dr CL words say thank you for your very Illuminating lecture as always it's uh it brings one to mind of the great Scholars of old like kutu and his disciples one can uh think of the Christ and his disciples and so forth and so on just on uh true knowledge what the uh I think the Hebrew the Hebrew calls it the uh uh well anyhow
it's truth in Hebrew Hebrew symbols I'd like to um I'm I was hearing you speak I reminisced when I was a child and first went to kindergarten and so forth and so on on the black boards as I remember when we had to learn to write the alphabet and do the uh Arabian number number system they had this exercise where you first swung your pencil like this this and you swung your pencil like this and so forth and so on and I recollect some I think it was back in the ' 60s or late 50s
they had a a program I think by the BBC on television which of course is anathema any thinking person but anyhow they had this program by the BBC on television and here was a British classroom and whereas all that was up on our boards was the black board and then this kind of exercise that you swung and did like this in Britain they had the same thing but they had under it mathematics is life in other words number is life you see what I'm saying and one reflects that America seems to be the great land
of half truths they tell you that silence is golden but in fact that's from Allison Wonderland but in fact the the true aphorism is speech is silver but silence is golden that's why to rarely learn in this country you you know you have to teach a kid to look twice you know at everything this man says are right you and they talk about women having Second Sight and so forth and so on is why they were venerated as goddesses and so forth and so on and why the delic Oracle was a woman and and two
goddesses going all the way back as far as you can stretch in history now my point is this there's a brilliant Japanese scholar who will be coming to Harlem this weekend Dr mishio Kaku uh a master of physics from Graduate Center at cuni and he lost most of his family at Hiroshima I think it was about 40 members and as a kid from 13 he read everything he could get his hands on in physics and I think by the time he was 17 he built his own reactor now he gives lectures on a FM station
called WBAI every Wednesday at 7:15 and he's talking about when the Earth was created created some 4 billion years ago uh they're now thinking it was created in 10 dimensions and you know the First Dimension is time and distance that's where we are first and second dimensions and then there's space and outer space the third and fourth dimension where the white man rules you see what I'm saying which is why talk of revolution is you know innocuous and foolish but the point is this if the Earth by a Big Bang Theory or whatever was created
4 billion years ago and if leaky and his parents in Africa have now discovered discovered the Forerunner to man dating back to 14 million years ago and if as we speak now this is the Hebrew year of 5747 and the Chinese year about 5,800 and the Islamic year whatever or you know same order of about 5,000 years well what happened to the other 13 m995 you know thousand odd years of history and if we bear in mind that Napoleon said history lies mutually agreed upon you know you know that's where where's the other 13 you
know. n95 Etc I mean would you like to dwell on that I mean to luminat us well in as much as gave the world the calendar and the concept of time why are we always dwelling on somebody else's time and somebody else's [Applause] calendar we gave the world the 365 Year Day year and we've dwell too much on other people's folklore and not another up on our facts there's nothing to dwell on we we keep Haring on other people's figures and not ours not what we came up with there's a little book called by breasted
Henry Lewis breasted dealing with time and there a whole chapter on now valid Concepts of time African concepts of time which predates everything everybody else has said and everything everybody else has done why can't we think about our concept of time why we forever talking about other people's concept of time and space and everything uh our concept of time and and the measurement of time predates the whole Adam and Eve concept which is folklore and we can't separate folklore from fact the Bible is beautiful folklore with a with a lot of fact in is in
the Bible beautiful and and can be documented as fact there a lot of folklore too we can with wisdom use [Music] both uh Dr Clark you said earlier that we had no friends of consequence in your estimate why don't we have any friends of consequence when we have helped the the whole world at one point or another we fed the whole world because we have been rather naive in the use of our own power and we permitted too many people to use us and to use our potential without protest and we are the rightful owners
of the world's richest continent and we permitted the rape of that continent without suitable protest and people don't respect your power until you protect your [Music] power and we haven't asked the right questions or gotten the right answers with African people scattered across the world and with almost a billion African people on the Earth we shouldn't have to beg for anything that's right we've let ourselves be reduced to Baggers we shouldn't ask for the freedom of South Africa we've got enough man power to kick them the hell out of that and ask no [Applause] question
and if there are whites who want Africa want to stay in Africa so badly and who love Africa so much they won't leave then we should just give them a piece of Africa the length of that body from head to feet 6 fet under the ground all right so here you you stay here nobody's going to bother you don't argue the point anymore May B withth said something before she did it that we must stop being a people begging and pleading become a people insisting and demanding I said earlier today we must begin to practice
the essential selfishness of survival we must protect ourselves and look after ourselves everybody does this and why can't we and they don't apologize for it why should we Dr Clark uh in further separating folklore from Facts can you give us some information around the the origins of the Hebrew people and the Jews and the Jews in in in our history well they came out of Western Asia and and their first entry into history is when Abraham LED them into Africa escaping fam in Western Asia and the Africans fed them and befriended them and when the
Africans were invaded they failed to respond to the needs of their African benefactors then they created some folklore about what they did for the Africans which had no proof in fire there's no proof that they were ever slaves in Egypt and if anybody got any proof I'll hear it I've been asking for it most of my academic life not one iota of proof has been punished they were not slaves in Egypt and they built no bricks with or without straw they built no pyramids all of the pyramids were built before they got there the pyramid
period was over 1,000 years before Abraham got there the they arrived during the 13th dynastic period all of the pyramids were built between the 3D and the sixth dynastic period the pyramid period was over a thousand years before they arrived and that happens to be a fact and yet Bean shouted to the world when after Camp David he turned to Carter and said that you worked harder on this treaty than my people work building the pyam me what py me this no bu me for Bill that's F history I mean we we have people entitled
The folklore I've told you a piece of folkl Let Me Tell it to you again so you can understand the different between folklore I grew up in the high John de conqueror country the John Henry you know country in the South most of the H the Conqueror country anytime we wanted wanteded to say something say man you know how John the Conqueror he went upside that white man's head and he that white man ran like a jack rabbit kicked him until he's behind look like a like jell we know it's a [Music] lie and we
enjoy the LIE anytime we couldn't kick a white man we bring out High John the conquer let him do it but at least we know it's a lie when we don't have The Bravery to do something we create a fictitious character called H the Conqueror and let him do it I think a whole lot of people create a whole lot of fictitious characters that make you believe [Music] it but I wish somebody would read that's a three volume work called the folklore of the Old Testament by Sir James [Music] Frasier I'm as spiritual as anybody
that walk this Earth but I believe more in spirituality than I believe in religions because I think Western man has made a mess out of [Music] [Music] religions all Dr Clark I agree with what you was just saying that's why I came up up here and like I find when I talk to the Christians and to the Muslims and you get into the history of like the N Val civilizations they basically don't want to hear anything besides the Bible or the Quran I mean I would like to know why is that we don't go back
to what we had like you know you can hear these Christians they can clap all day the Muslim can clap all day but when you leave it seem like they Cipher it out and they go right right back to the Bible and they find the clue say I call them like the great one liners they can find a great one liner but they really don't do like you say in the preaching or go back to the real thing I like know why is that we can't they can't deal with truth and I call them caring
copy religions and I go back to the original copy and I feel more religious by going back to the original Cy other than the Carin copy and so I feel that I'm more religious than they are in I believe service to God's people is preferable to prayer I serve people I do fall people in substitute to prayer and I believe if I serve God's people whoever his people are I think everything that walks the Earth is a child of God and if I serve them and walk as righteous as I understand righteousness to be wherever
Heaven is I'll get there somehow there are Jews and there are Jews blacks who belong to the Hebrew Faith still are responded to as black people even by white Jews and they lie to their face about it the literally kidnapping of the so-called foses was a Dodge to try to offset the racism of Israel because to let the world to give the world the illusion that Israel is not a racist state that it is they don't really want them there they're turning their women into servants and their men into [Music] studs eventually they're going to
be shipped back to Ethiopia once they make the point they want to make now the saftic who look more Israeli than the Africans have not had a good time of it and they 60% of the population only they're brown and some black but if you obl fact no matter what religion you belong to you going to have a difficult time among whites wherever you are no matter what religion you choose and once you understand this you're going to find out a beginning to find out what you going to have to do you going to have
to unite with other blacks no matter what their religion are no matter what their religions happen to be you going to have to unite and mount an offensive against people who bring misery on you just because you're black and not because of your religion there's an assault on people just because of their skin Cola and not because of their religion I think malcol X said once you are discriminated not because you're Baptist not because you're Protestant not because you're Muslim you have discriminated against because you're black and you should unite because you're black now that's
that's a problem all of us got in common no matter what the skin color happens to be a shade thereof and that on that one point let's all of us stop kiding ourselves being a Muslim not going to save you from it being a Pro not going to save you from it being a Baptist or another variety is not going to save you from it and a lot of people join a religion and think by joining another religion you're no longer a part of the Troubles of black people no religion is going to save you
from what you have to face as a black person no politics going to save you from it either and we might as well face this Israel is a white Imperial [Music] nation and the European Jew is a white European imperialist whose nation was created for European white and feess interest and no matter what you you could be as Jew as you want to religiously if you a black you still got black troubles
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