His Scumbag Father Killed God And Sacrificed His Body To The Devils | Anime Recap Documentary

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LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED! This is the tragic tale of Hyakkimaru and the difficult life he ...
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2 million years after Humanity's Extinction a mother gave birth to a worthless child before being struck by lightning and the ugly baby lost all of his bodily parts except for his disgusting skull because on the day he was born his father found God in a ghetto Temple But as God tried to run away he killed him with his sword and tried to make a deal with the 12 Heavenly demons swearing to sacrifice his firstborn to become the strongest leader in the world so after [ __ ] told the Midwife to kill his son and hide
all the evidence the fat which made it to a river where she was about to drown the useless child but when she saw a boat in the distance she decided to cast him down the river instead and as soon as the disgusting hag pushed him away a legendary demon appeared to devour him however an ugly blind Elder sensed the presence of the demon and used his blade to slash it down with a single strike before realizing there was a baby in the boat with God's ancient power radiating from his insides on the other side of
the world a man dragged a pathetic victim to crucify him along with all the other enemy soldiers they defeated but when he saw his wife getting accidentally killed by his own Knights the man couldn't bear it anymore and decided to e SEI himself by passionately hugging the ground however the man somehow survived and became colorblind but when he approached a mysterious boat he saw the body of the dismembered baby that was still alive throughout the years the man began raising the disgusting child and even created fake Limbs and skin for him but he realized that
the child couldn't feel any pain and lacked all emotions so he named him hay kimaru after the Japanese word for a 100 demons and spent his entire life training him to become the coldest super soldier in the world but after killing thousands of demons and being covered in their blood hay Kim maru's godly power is activated regenerating the leg he'd been missing by the time he turned 16 the old man wished he taught Hayak kimaru how to do anything except killing however hay kimaru tried feeling his face for the first time and hugged onto the
man man that raised him as if he was his father before leaving him forever for the next 3 billion years Hayak kimaru began traveling the world without ever eating until one day he saw a child called Doro getting beaten for stealing money from three oppressive men but before the men left Doro launched a stone at their Leader's eye so the fatso began drowning Doro and ordered his men to bring the sword for killing him as they walked away however they saw hay kimaru in the distance but he was looking past them at the demon he
noticed in the river just then the demon launched and devoured the fat with a single strike so the other Lackey began running away but the demon swallowed them up as well as it was about to eat Doro hay kimaru slashed its arm off and threw Doro away before running to evade its attacks and destroy the bridge the Beast continued attempting to swallow him but hay kimaru continued slashing the foundations of the bridge causing it to collapse as the monster was chasing him and killing the demon underneath all the rubble in that moment hay Kim maru's
mask fell off and he regained his skin as Lightning blasted in the distance destroying one of the 12 demons at the same time deo's Second Son showed his mother the dove he caught but she couldn't stop missing her first son and stared at the Statue of the Goddess that sacrificed herself on that day eventually the two of them began traveling to a neighboring Village but along the way Doro realized that although hay kimaru was blind he was able to see the outline of their souls and was able to find the Demons by the red colors
their souls emitted eventually they made it to the Village but as they were about to sleep in the horse stables that night a mysterious demon came to ring the bells of hell and left without saying any word the following morning the chief took them to meet lady Bandai the Priestess of the village when they got there the Priestess apologized for her appearance saying that she hasn't been able to use her legs after Tyrone blew her back out but although Doro thought she was beautiful hay kimaru felt the presence of a demon and began trying to
attack her however Doro held him off while the other villagers came to take him away throwing both of them in prison as Doro wondered why he was trying to kill the hot girl the blind Elder revealed his presence and said they had locked him away for the same reason after all he recognized hay kimaru as the baby that was cast away and revealed that he also had the ability to see The Souls of the Demons just then both of them sensed the presence of another demon and hay kimaru ran to slash its arm off before
jumping inside a well together with moon they began heading down the secret tunnels until they arrived at the priestess's room and hay kimaru knocked her door down before she began revealing her true form immediately hay kimaru attempted to launch towards her but she knocked him away with her tail and she released all of her arms towards him after closing the distance he penetrated her eyes with his swords but the village Chief restrained him in the last instant and told the demon to run away as soon as he slashed the cloak down hay kimaru began chasing
the demon throughout out the forest but Bai was able to trap him down with the bamboo sticks before she could kill him the demon rung the bells of hell again but hay kimaru disappeared when she looked back and launched down from the sky to slash her head eliminating her in that instant as Bai revealed her hot form once again she realized that one of the 12 demons failed in sacrificing him but before she could keep talking hay kimaru pierced her face killing her for the final time the demon continued ringing the bells of Hell before
disintegrating and when Doro searched the ground he saw thousands of gold coins that were buried this was the money that Bai kept stealing from the adventurers she killed and the chief revealed that this was the only way their Village could continue surviving so he sold his life to the demons in exchange for the gold at the same time two of the 12 demons were killed restoring hay kimar's nervous system and allowing him to be able to hear once again that night in the forest the noises from all the animals overwhelmed him but Doro wondered how
he could hear anything when everywhere was completely silent so he wrapped a cloth around his ears to muffle the noise and suggested that they hunt no demons until he was recovered just then hay kimaru noticed a monster in the forest and a great bird flew between them immediately he drew his sword and as the monster returned he narrowly evaded it however it flew towards them again nearly snatching him up and the noises from falling leaves distracted him allowing the bird to knock him into the ground as it returned hay kimaru managed to slap it but
the bird tried carrying him away and he utilized the opportunity to wound it but as it returned to end him Mooney appeared at that moment and cut it to pieces in an instant just then Doro noticed that hay kimaru was spaced out and tried returning him to his senses but he was pretty much dead on the inside the following morning as hay kimaru woke up he began hearing a singing voice and followed it to the river as he arrived he realized that the singer was a girl and the Purity in her soul Drew him closer
to her as he tried to touch her she discovered he was blind but he nearly passed out in her arms and she noticed Doro and Mooney thinking they were probably his companions as they settled in an old abandoned Temple they realized that hay kimaru was very sick from his injuries and Mooney said he was probably starting to become a real human as Mio arrived she told them to stay until hay kimaru was recovered and revealed half a dozen orphan kids she was caring for just then the kids appeared before them and Mio said they were
survivors of the war as Tako decided to take charge he commanded the others to leave and told Mi to get some sleep before her night shift later that day as Doro decided to meet Teo he offered to help him with his duty but the boy turned him down saying that he wishes to work as hard as his sister Meo when Doro noticed that Mooney was starting to leave he told him that he was going to find a safe path through the forest and would return afterwards in deo's Village a messenger told him that the sacki
clan were waiting at their border and that they were starting to run out of food as it has not rained in weeks just then Mina appeared saying that the past was starting to repeat itself at the temple Mo decided to check on hay kimaru and discovered that he was burning up from a fever realizing he needs medication she promised to bring him some healing potions while returning from her night Duty and just as she began to sing he wished she wouldn't leave but would stay by his side forever inside the forest Mooney discovered a path
through the creek and thought it would make a better home for Mio and the orphans how however he soon noticed the presence of a demon deep inside a hole and thought that this place wasn't safe after all the following day when Mio returned to the Village she realized that Hayak kimaru was waiting outside and decided to give him the medication she brought however he tried telling her to sing instead and Doro said her voice would probably awaken his mind as she began singing Mooney arrived and as they settled inside he told them about the area
he found in the forest and said that it would be a good place to hide when the war begins however he revealed that a great demon was already living on the land and that it would only be safe when it was gone hearing his words Hayak kimaru began heading towards the forest and ignored Doro when he tried to stop him as Mooney realized he was far from recovery he decided to follow him for support so with the men gone Neo revealed that she would be working for both Villages that were preparing for war saying that
it was the fastest way to earn more money however the boys thought it was too dangerous so Doro promised to follow her and protect her if she fell into danger that evening as he trailed her into the forest he realized that her work was developing plot with the soldiers and was depressed by what he saw and the amount of things she endured every day at the same time hayik kimaru and money arrived at the large hole as they spotted the demon hay kimaru drew his swords but money realized he was still sick from his injuries
money tried suggesting that he waits until he's recovered but the monster began drilling the ground and the sand pulled them deep into the hole after jumping off the Rocks hay kimaru flew with the monster and Mooney slashed it from behind forcing it to turn its attention as soon as it was distracted hay kimaru stabbed its head but the demon caught him and began pulling him deep into the ground luckily Mooney managed to save him but Hayak kimaru began screaming from a terrible pain as half of his leg was lost to the demon that night as
Doro returned to the temple he came across money and hay kimaru as he noticed hay Kim maru's severed leg he fell from the shock and Mooney revealed that it was eaten by the demon however when he realized that hay kimaru was actually groaning from the pain Mooney told him that he had now also gained his ability to speak in the morning when Mio arrived she found hay kimaru injured and wondered what happened but money told her that he would survive his injury as she began to clean his wound Doro noticed her scars and ran off
at the memory of what he saw a few minutes later Teo found him and wondered why he left but Doro thought it was better to keep what he saw SE secret as he asked if he has ever seen Mio at work Teo began telling him that his duty was to watch over the remaining orphans and that they were only able to stay alive because of Mio's sacrifice at deo's Village taharu began demanding to be sent off to the battlefield but [ __ ] said he was still just a kid and told him to have his
mom teach him how to play with his small sword I beg your pardon as Mina appeared taharu begged her to play with his sword but she thought he was a spoiled little brat and and ignored everything he said however taharu realized she'd been only pretending to care about him ever since he was born and wondered whose sword she was really worried about he thought she was definitely hiding a secret and hoped to eventually Discover it at the temple the memory of the incident continued flashing across hay Kim maru's mind and as he tried heading to
the forest he fell from his injury but Mio hurried to give him her support to help him relax she tried asking him to speak but discovered that he could not say a word so she began to sing for him as Mooney spied on them he realized that Mio's singing voice was calming the demon that was starting to appear inside hay kimaru Soul so as he began to leave he told Doro that he would stay around the forest in the meantime and revealed that hyakkimaru's demon Flames might one day turn him into a monster that evening
as Mio began heading to work she told Doro that she noticed him the previous night and said that this was their only means of surviving so he decided to forgive her and said that she was actually Brave so he would never hate her for sacrificing herself for all the other kids immediately he ran up to the temple happy to have finally made peace with her at the temple hay kimaru began sharpening wood to replace his leg but Doro decided to feed him his meal saying that it was the only way he would regain his strength
however he hoped hay kimaru would never become a monster and told him that he was his only friend in the world by the morning hay kimaru had fixed the wood and was practicing with his sword as the orphans admired his sword arms they decided to show him several hidden swords and Teo revealed that they found them on the battlefield at the same time Mio began heading to work but a soldier from the Ishikawa Clan spotted her and thought she was probably a spy on that night with all the other kids asleep Doro realized that hay
kimaru had left the temple and thought he must have gone to face off with the demon at the hole hay kimaru drew his swords and was ready for the battle as he slid into the hole he began dodging the Demon's Claws and it started raining at the same time as the Beast bit off his leg again he stabbed it right in the mouth and jumped very high before slaying it in an instant at that moment the rain stopped and deo's statue split in half when Mio arrived at the temple Tako told her that hay kimaru
had gone off to fight the monster so she hurried immediately just then a bunch of Ishikawa soldiers arrived and followed her to the temple as hay kimaru and Doro began returning home the boy was happy to see his leg restored but after hearing those words hay kimaru realized that the temple was burning as the soldiers slayed the orphans without any Mercy when Doro arrived he discovered that all of his friends were dead and the leader wondered if he was one of the spies he said that Mio was spotted entering the enemy's Camp right after leaving
them so he thought she was selling them off thinking he could save her Doro began running to her but the man caught him and threw him to the ground however as he tried to end him hay kimaru sliced off his hand so the men surrounded him immediately at that moment hay kimaru discovered that Mio was about to die and the realization sent him into a frenzy so he stabbed the first Soldier and began killing the rest of them as the anger overtook him driven by Madness and revenge at the sight of this Doro remembered Mooney's
words and thought hay kimaru might end up becoming a monster so he stopped him before he could slay the leader allowing the man to escape as he revealed a pouch Doro told him that it was filled with seed rice and said that it was Mio's dream to one day create a rice farm for the children so she could feed them rice patties after all none of them had ever eaten anything except burnt rice patties after the war so he told him to hang on to it and to never forget Mio's dreams after hearing those words
hay kimaru let out his first word and said Mio and they buried all the bodies before leaving the temple as they resumed their travels the only thing they kept on hearing was Mio's sweet voice singing pushing them to keep moving forward in their miserable lives when it was night Doro tried asking if hay kimaru was hungry but he only held on to the pouch before long Doro began hearing voices in the forest and thought two love birds were probably developing plot behind the bushes as he grew angry at the thought he began hurling stones at
the trees but a basket nearly crushed him just then he noticed a spider before him and hay kimaru rushed up the tree immediately in an instant he slashed the webs and a man fell to the ground but Doro realized that he has probably lost his mind as hay kimaru flew with the monster he slashed it instantly but it cast a web and bound him to a tree before escaping immediately later that night as they spotted a village Doro suggested they stay there for the night and the monster thought it was the best place for her
to recover when they arrived at the Village they discovered that they needed a pass to enter and a guard told them that there was a kidnapper abducting the villagers in the morning a villager noticed the lady on the road side but she pushed him away and pretended to be afraid as he noticed she was sick he invited her to his home saying he would offer her some food however she thought it was her chance to drain his life force and realized she could waste him like an empty doll at his home he introduced himself as
yajiro and wondered if she has a name when she said that she doesn't have one he decided to name her ohagi believing she was hungry he decided to serve her a bowl of rice and she thought that it was delicious as he wondered where she was from she told him to mind his [ __ ] business and said that she would leave his hell ho once she regains her full strength just then he began to leave saying he would return when it was dark and she thought he was a mysterious man at night as yaju
arrived home he noticed that oha's sickness was getting worse and wondered if she hasn't eaten all day right then he spotted a cockroach and decided to release it outside at the sight of this ohagi wondered why he decided to spare it unlike every other human in his right mind so he told her that every life was special his words impressed her and she told him that she has never met anyone like him however as they slept that night she crawled to his spot and tried to eat him out but discovered that she was hungry for
food and decided to eat the rest of her meal before going back to bed she thought he was a special human and wished to know everything about him when it was morning dor was exhausted from scouting the village and wondered where the spider could be hiding however later that day Doro discovered that another villager has gone missing but wondered how it was possible seeing as there was no sign of any monster that night yaju realized that ohagi has gotten even worse worse and told her that they have no doctors in the village on top of
that they need a traveler's pass before she could leave so he offered to sneak her outside meanwhile hay kimaru and Doro were chewing on Weeds for dinner and Doro thought they would definitely starve to death if they continued to stay in the village at the same time yaju and ohagi began hurrying to the secret exit but before long they came across hay kimaru and Doro realizing who they were ohagi wondered if they were waiting to slay her but this only made Doro dis that she was the spider and he commanded hay kimaru to attack her
however yaju decided to protect her and said that he was actually the kidnapper just then the guards appeared and threatened to execute yaju for sneaking people out of the village Doro tried saying that he found him first and deserves the reward but the leader revealed that there was never a reward in the first place and that it was merely a scam to make the people confess as he commanded his men to capture them ohagi bound the men with her webs and consumed their life force immediately just as hay kimaru sensed her red Soul glowing again
he drew his sword and tried to attack her but she bound him with her cloak and ran away with her man as Doro freed him hayik kimaru ran after them and a guard called for the others with a whistle eager to escape ohagi cast a web to the top of the mountain and pulled them up as yaju realized she had regained her strength he began saying that he was probably useless to her now but she told him that she wants him by her side forever yaju wondered if she kills humans after draining their life force
but she told him that she always spares their life but continues to suck their life force every single time this was all yaju wanted to hear so he offered himself to her because he was tired of his lonely life anyway eventually they arrived at the secret cave and yaju told her to find her way to the exit but she suggested that they escape together after all his identity was exposed already and she thought he would never be safe here however just as he agreed arrows pierced his body and ohagi realized that the soldiers had found
them as she grew angry she canceled the arrows and bound the men immediately draining their life force at that moment she transformed into the spider and captured the others but hay kimaru cut her web as he sliced off her leg she knocked him away and told yaju that she would not abandon him however when hay kimaru was unwilling to allow her to escape yaju asked him to spare her life and said that he wants to stay with her forever so hay kimaru decided to leave her alone the next day they continued their travel and Doro
noticed that hayik kimaru was starting to smile a few days later Doro began wondering why Hayak kimaru was not talking to him since he had already regained the ability to speak as they noticed some weird-looking people carrying a girl to the top of the mountain Doro thought it was probably a bridal parade but wondered why the bride was sad just then a boy slid down the mountain hoping to stop the group but the wind blew his Arrow away before he could fire another one Doro stopped him saying that he would not allow him to eliminate
the beautiful bride however the boy thought he was a clueless [ __ ] and told him that the girl was his sister but was being married off to a monster as he tried leaving Doro offered to support him saying that hay kimaru could defeat any monster before long they arrived at the top of the mountain and saru revealed a dark mysterious Cloud over their Village he said that the monster was called the nakasero and that it appears almost every day to devour their villagers so to save their own skin they began offering a girl to
the demon and managed to keep the village safe however Doro thought it made no sense and wondered why girls were specifically being offered to the monster but even saru had no idea thinking he could scam the [ __ ] out of this loser Doro offered to rescue her but said that it wouldn't be for free so saru decided to pay him with worms and a tiny piece of gold as Doro realized he could probably sell it saru offered to give him more of it if they succeeded so he agreed to help him and saru introduced
himself a few hours later when the other villag had returned Doro and saru knocked out the guards and saru decided to free Genie however his sister told him that she could not leave the mountain as she was afraid that the demon would Devour the entire Village in her place saru tried telling her to save her own skin but she told him that her life was far less important than everyone else's just then Doro began telling her that they would slay the monster and hay kimaru drew his sword to prove he was ready at that moment
the Dark Cloud began Rising towards them and the guards nearly pissed themselves in an instant they were sucked into the clouds and their devoured bodies were dumped to the ground as they heard a roar Doro tried telling Hayak kimaru that the demon was inside the clouds but his vision was surrounded by a wall of evil flame before they knew it a monstrous centipede descended from the clouds looking to devour saru but Genie pushed him out of the way and was swallowed in his place at the sight of the huge monster Doro wondered if they even
stood a chance however as it returned Doro tried warning hayim Maru but he still could not see [ __ ] luckily heated water sprung out of a geyser and revealed a ray of light in the darkness scaring off the demon and the dark clouds vanished instantly however saru was sad with his sister being killed realizing he would never see her again so Doro decided to follow him home but realized he was living in the mountains and saru told him that he lives on his own as he wondered how they could avenge her Doro said that
he has just the perfect plan but revealed that hay kimaru was probably useless at this point at that moment they realized that the cloud has expanded and Ashes began falling from the sky as they discovered it was the skin from the centipede they realized that it was growing even bigger in size seeing how massive it was saru thought they couldn't possibly stand a chance but Doro revealed that the sunlight was its weakness so the following day Doro pretended to be a new bride and successfully lured out the monster immediately he started running away and as
he dodged the centipede he jumped into a hole but but he emerged outside to draw its attention and started running away again however as he slipped the monster tried devouring him at that instant but he luckily made it into the hole at the same time saru was waiting on the mountain and just as he spotted the monster he launched a flaming arrow at the geyser causing it to erupt into a mighty explosion burning up the monster however just before the sun appeared it quenched the fire and released more fumes to Cloud the area before Rising
High For the Kill at that moment a kimaru Drew its attention with a rock and launched his Arrow at the monster as he fired another and a third Arrow he rushed at it and slashed its face causing it to crash however it was still alive and he narrowly dodged its tentacle before getting knocked away Doro realized he could draw hay kimar's attention towards the monster so he jumped down the mountain landing on top of it and screamed at hay kimaru to follow the sound of his voice as the monster hurried away crashing through a rock
a stone knocked Doro unconscious just then hay kimaru began screaming desperate to draw its attention but was knocked away even so he continued screaming and managed to stop the demon before it devoured him as he took the onslaught the Beast threw him high into the sky but Doro directed him with his voice and he pierced its eye forcing it to emerge from the clouds and the sunlight began molting its skin right then hayik kimaru jumped inside its mouth and ripped it in half instantly causing it to vanish with the monster slain Doro was happy to
have survived the battle as they fell into a river a few moments later saru spotted jeie inside the water and realized that she was still alive so he was happy to be reunited with her right then hay kimaru began to groan and his fake nose fell into the water allowing a real nose to grow in its place a few minutes later as saru gave Dora the remaining gold he promised he realized that it was a rotten piece of food and wondered how they would survive on this but Genie decided to thank him with a flower
as they began leaving leaving the mountain hay kimaru smelled the flower and said dororo's name for the first time when he heard that Doro realized Hayak kimaru was starting to regain his full Humanity later that day as hay kimaru sniffed a flower he decided to smell dororo's face but he pushed him away and fell from exhaustion as he tried to stand he fell again and hay kimaru realized that something was definitely wrong with him so he carried him to a nearby Village and tried asking for help from a farmer but the man ignored him as
he met another man he tried telling him that hay kimaru was really sick but the man told him that he's not a doctor and decided to leave having nowhere else to go hay kimaru left him on the ground and Doro remembered that this was exactly how his mother died luckily a woman found them and decided to take them home as Doro regained Consciousness he thought Hayak kimaru must have abandoned him and tried to leave but she managed to calm him down just then she realized that Dora was actually a girl but as she noticed the
man jogi flower Doro revealed that it reminds her of her parents and this made her sad 6 years ago her father was the leader of a group of Warriors who fought to eliminate the samurai for destroying their Village during the war but was led to a trap by her evil Uncle to kill all of them with all his men dead one of the soldiers stabbed her father from the back but he took him with him to the afterlife and they watched as the village burned before them being the only two surviving members her mother began
caring for Doro on her own but as they traveled for weeks without any food her mother passed out in a field full of managi flowers and she begged Doro to be strong and to survive until the war was over so her words inspired Doro to survive and she told the woman that she would never give up as she wondered how the girl traveled for weeks without any proper food she told hay kimaru that His companion was actually a girl a few days later as they began to leave the village Dora wondered if Hayak kimaru has
discovered that she was a girl but he merely ignored her a secret at deo's Village a messenger began telling him that his abandoned baby may have survived and that a commander in their army was attacked by a mysterious man with prosthetic arms hearing these words [ __ ] wondered if his son could possibly be alive later that day a chief told him that it hasn't rained in 2 months and he thought all their rice fields would begin dying from the drought soon at the same time another Chief revealed that a new Clan were preparing to
wage a war against them and [ __ ] thought it couldn't possibly get any worse so he rode off to his Temple thinking that hay kimaru was definitely responsible for the broken statues as he was starting to reclaim his body parts before his eyes a mystical smoke revealed Hayak kimaru and [ __ ] realized he was right after all meanwhile in the forest Hayak kimaru charged at a monster and slayed in an instant a few minutes later as Dora washed the blood off his clothes she began suggesting that they visit the nearby Village for some
food just then she noticed his pouch and wondered if it was his family's crest but hay kimaru only stared at it at deo's Village taharu decided to ask the messenger about the baby he's been looking for so the man told him that the baby disappeared 16 years ago however when he asked him why he was looking for the baby the man decided to bite off his tongue and taharu realized that the secret was probably very bad so that evening he decided to confront his father demanding to know why he's been asking for a baby however
[ __ ] screamed at him to [ __ ] off and told him to stick his ugly nose into his his own business the following day as his men found him on the island Shore taharu began telling them that his father probably thought he was still a kid and said that he must prove himself to everyone at that moment he noticed several villagers on the shore and decided to ask if they were under attack one of the villagers told him that they were being eaten up by a monster inside the lake and said that they
would never be safe with the monster alive taharu realized that this was his perfect opportunity to prove himself so he told them that he would annihilate the moner monster and his men followed him for support that evening as they began rowing their boats to the center of the lake the fisherman noticed that the ore was stuck and the boat stopped moving at that moment taharu realized that the monster was already approaching and just then it emerged from the water and the villagers thought it would make them its dinner immediately they tied their boats to a
rope and successfully held it to the spot as the Beast grew angry taharu drew his sword and was ready to slay it so he jumped off to another boat and the monster crab tried to devour a villager but he managed to escape as MSU fired an arrow at the Beast taharu jumped on another boat and split its claw in an instant before hyogo cracked its shell taharu tried going for the kill but the monster withdrew into the water and they watched it vanish however it began stabbing their boats and taharu realized that it was trying
to sink them so he commanded the men to pull the boats towards the shore on the island MSU told taharu that they could hardly defeat the Beast inside the water and suggested that they they come up with a better plan later that evening he suggested that they throw explosives into the monster's mouth saying that it would definitely blow it to smithin however taharu was unwilling to lose his men and said that he would come up with a better plan just then he spotted something in the distance and hyogo raised him higher so that he would
see better at that moment he discovered the perfect plan and was certain that the monster was as good as dead so the following day the people began cutting wood and digging A New Path around the island and eventually created a wooden gate to seal all the water when they were done they decided to lure the monster with a boat before sealing it outside at taharu command the villagers cut off the ropes opening up the slle and the lake flowed into another area leaving the Beast exposed as they prepared to slay it the Beast began roaring
but taharu charged at it with his men and dodged its claw before splitting its leg as hyogo sliced another MSU fired arrows at it and eventually nailed its head weakening the monster at this realization ation the villagers began cheering and taharu sliced its body so they began throwing stones at the Beast however as taharu tried to end it the crab threw a rock at the gate and he realized they were about to lose their advantage so he directed the men to protect the gate but the Beast threw another rock that caused the water to start
gushing determined to fight anyway taharu stabbed his sword into the ground but the water carried away the villagers luckily hyogo managed to save them before they were eaten and through one of them to the island before tossing the others with the monster nearly devouring him taharu tried going for his rescue but hayik kimaru rushed out of nowhere and slayed the monster instantly before he slashed it as taharu wondered who killed it first his men arrived and pulled him onto their boat just as they rode away he noticed Hayak kimaru and wondered just how powerful he
must be to slay the monster later on the island taharu demanded to know who hay kimaru was but Doro told him to be grateful that they managed to save their asses so he thanked him but wondered why hay kimaru was only staring at him Boro told him that he was blind and said that he could only see with his soul but she demanded their broke asses pay up for saving them so taharu gave her some silver coins as Dora wondered how they could find the nearby Village they've been looking for taharu pointed towards his village
however as they began heading towards the village Hayak kimaru remembered his soul and wondered if he had ever met him before inside the village as a Seer noticed them she began screaming that the demon child has arrived to destroy them all before running away at the same time Doro realized the town was very peaceful and noticed that everyone was happy at that moment he saw money in the crowd and wondered how he managed to find this Village a few minutes later as they sat at a stream money revealed that the statue of the Demons were
inside deo's Temple and noticed that hay Kim maru's Soul was tainted with the presence of demons so he realized that he had been killing humans as he began to leave he warned wared Doro to be careful realizing the demon inside him May completely take over him meanwhile at deo's Palace MSU told him that they were saved by a mysterious man in proses and said that he travels across Villages looking for demons to slay just as he revealed his name minor realized he was actually their son and was overwhelmed by the discovery on the other hand
Doro and hay kimaru began leaving the village hoping to find the monster that was terrorizing the villagers as they noticed the tall wall before them hay kimaru said sensed the presence of a demon around it and said that it was really powerful just then a boy appeared before them nearly scaring the [ __ ] out of Doro and began saying that they would be killed if they tried to cross to the other side as they noticed the isakura soldiers a neighboring Clan who were at war with the Ishikawa Clan the boy revealed that they would
shoot them once they tried to cross over to their land however Dora was determined not to leave and told him that they came to slay bandman the powerful monster that was terrorizing the area later that day as the boy sukeroku began to make soup he revealed that this site used to be his home before the wall was built they had stopped him from returning home and said that the territory now belongs to the isakura clan however he was bent on Crossing to the other side and said that he intends to reunite with his family so
Doro offered to help him and said that they would sneak him in at night but he told him that demons always surround the area and would devour everyone in sight even so Dora was not afraid and said that her demon slaying would take care of the monster at deo's Palace Mina wondered where he was heading to afraid that he intends to kill hay kimaru to save his worthless Village she told him that he was being punished for sacrificing his own son 16 years ago but [ __ ] thought none of it matters and decided to
leave anyway that night as the asakura soldiers left their post the boys began hearing noises from the monsters Before Their Eyes a flaming demon descended from the sky and they thought it was a fox Suk kuroku revealed that it was the bandman monster that that was terrorizing everyone in the area and at that moment over a dozen Flames appeared before them and transformed into foxes as a demon jumped at Hayak kimaru he slashed it at once and began slashing the other demons however the lead Fox summoned the others and more Spirits appeared in the sky
flying towards hay kimaru at the same time as he slashed them another demon bruised his face so Doro began throwing rocks from the side causing them to vanish and hay kimaru slayed more of them realizing his opportunity Suk kuroku began running to the other side but Doro thought it was too dangerous as he tried pursuing him a demon narrowly missed him but as it returned to devour him Hayak kimaru rushed in and killed it instantly so Doro hurried away and the demons merged into a t-tailed fox as he dodged Fireballs the fox managed to pin
him to the ground just as it tried to devour him he kicked it away and slashed it before a bunch of arrows scared it off causing it to disappear inside the village taharu began looking for ha kimaru thinking he would help him to discover his family's secret but notice the SE her as she spotted him she began to freak out like a useless nutcase saying that the demon child has returned to slay Deo as he demanded to know what she meant she told him that it was the curse of demons and that the cursed child
has returned to curse [ __ ] and The Village at the same time Doro was screaming for Suk kuroku in the forest but soon realized that he has been captured by the soldiers at the wall hay kimaru realized that an army was before him and sensed the power of the Demons Inside deo's Soul as he asked who he was one of the men began calling him a useless [ __ ] for speaking directly to [ __ ] in an instant hay kimaru knocked their torches and flashed to feel deo's Soul as [ __ ] realized
that he was truly his cursed son he tried to strike him but he jumped away immediately as he wondered how he managed to survive on his own he called him a half-born demon child and commanded his men to eliminate him so they launched arrows immediately but he escaped to the other side and the men pursued him inside the forest as he hid on a tree he wondered what deo's words meant and realized he must see him again on the other hand as Dora woke up inside a cell she realized that she was now a prisoner
for the isakura clan as she noticed Suk kuroku she wondered if he found his village but he told her that his home has been destroyed and that even his family were all probably dead hoping to inspire him Doro began telling him that they could travel around the world together but a prisoner said that they would be safer if they could escape to deo's territory he said that the goddess of Mercy was protecting their land and that the demon was keeping the asakura clan from going Beyond the bandman Wall at that moment Doro noticed his Crest
and realized that hay kimaru has the same symbol on his pouch so the man revealed that it was the crest of deo's Clan just then she noticed the opening inside the cell and thought it would probably lead them outside however when she suggested that they escape together sukeroku told her that he was too afraid and the prisoner said they could never Escape even so Doro was determined to survive and promised to return for sukar roku's rescue so she began climbing up the Rocks but a guard spotted her and immediately called for backup however as one
of the guards tried to fire an arrow at her sukeroku managed to stop him and the arrows lost their aim as he screamed at her to escape as she made it outside she slipped down the rocks and fell into a stream meanwhile at deo's Palace taharu arrived home and demanded to know why Mina and his father fed Hayak kimaru to the demons but the memory of it broke her heart as taharu said that she was useless for abandoning her own son [ __ ] appeared at that moment saying that it was the only way to
save their Village from the wars and famine that destroyed his people just then they were warned about an intruder and discovered that he was hay kimaru as he noticed their souls he realized they were probably his family and managed to block the solders arrows however as they launched new arrows he began running away and Deo commanded his men to kill him hearing his words taharu tried saying that Hayak kimaru should be spared seeing as he was his brother but Deo told him to get his empty brains out of his ass and said that Hayak kimaru
survival would destroy their entire Village inside the forest Hayak kimaru noticed aoro as she came out of the bushes and she told him that sugoku would soon be executed at the same time an asakura Soldier told the prisoners that they have declared war on the Ishikawa Clan as they thought the demon protecting their territory has been driven away and said that executing them would be their declaration of war at the village taharu and his men began making their way to the temple and as they arrived they noticed all the broken statues and realized that their
seal with the demons would be destroyed soon at that moment a powerful wind began blowing them and eventually pushed them outside the temple this triggered taharu to take sides with the demons as he realized that saving his village was the most important thing to him inside the forest as Doro discovered that hyakkimaru's family were the Lords of the village she began saying that they would be offered a VIP treat once they visit the palace and hay kimaru was hoping to see his mother again at the bandman wall the isakura soldiers launched arrows to eliminate the
prisoners but Suk kuroku managed to survive immediately the Ishikawa soldiers charged at them and Doro spotted the battle from the forest before they knew it Spirit Flames began appearing so Hayak kimaru began slashing them as he rushed towards the battle on the battlefield a demon devoured a soldier so the isakura clan began running off realizing they could not win the war just then the Ishikawa soldiers spotted hay kimaru and [ __ ] told his men that he was the demon threatening their Village as hay kimaru noticed one of the soldiers who slayed moo and the
orphans he grew angry at the memory and was ready to annihilate them all however Doro managed to hold him back and eventually caled him right then taharu arrived and told him that he was his younger brother and that their father really offered him as a sacrifice for the village however he thought it was the right thing to do and said that breaking the seal with the demons would ruin their Village to stop this from happening he said Hayak kimaru was now a demon in their land and must be annihilated immediately so he drew his sword
and decided to attack him but Doro thought this must be a very bad dream and hurried to rescue sukeroku at the same time the brothers began clashing swords but as Doro tried freeing the boy they realized that the spirit foxes were returning so she tried biting off the ropes as the spirits merged into a t-tailed fox Suk kuroku tried telling Doro to run away but she screamed for high kimaru help immediately he sliced taharu face and running towards the demon he slashed it over a thousand times until it smashed onto the wall at that moment
Mina arrived revealing the broken statue of the goddess of Mercy as she began asking for hay kimaru forgiveness she told him that she could not save him and said that the entire Village depends on his devoured body part however she thought she could offer herself up instead and E seced herself before they knew it at that moment a glowing light appeared on the wall and as it began to crumble they all ran away from the site later at the crash site Dora wondered where they would go next but sukur U's family appeared on the mountains
and he discovered they were still alive after all so having no more business in the village the companions began to leave hoping to never return however as the weeks passed Hayak kimaru continued to remember his mother and couldn't even sleep at night when Doro asked what he was worried about he told her that he wants to kill every single demon in the world and began to leave so she ran after him on the road as she tried telling him to get some rest thinking he's probably been pushing himself too hard he bumped into her and
continued walking away a few days later as they crossed a bridge towards another Village Doro told hay kimaru that there's a hop spring nearby and suggested that they soak in it however when she realized that hiy kimaru was only determined to huntt for Monsters she screamed that a monster was spotted close to the spring successfully bringing him to a halt meanwhile in deo's Village it had begun to rain again and [ __ ] was relieved that the war was canceled but Mina was yet to regain Consciousness however with the rain having returned he thought it
was a sign that the demons have not broken their seal but wondered how much longer they would continue to back him up seeing as hay kimaru would not stop until they were all dead before long they soaked in the water and soon realized that even Mooney was here so he told them that they were probably destined to meet wherever they go the following day Doro noticed a map that was carved on her back and Mooney said it was probably only obvious when her body was warmed up Doro remembered that her mother once revealed half of
the map to her and said that the map would lead her to her father's treasure she had told her that she would figure out how to find it once she found someone she could trust but Doro never understood what her words meant and revealed that she totally forgot about the treasure realizing izing her options money decided to ask what she would do once hay kimaru successfully reclaims all his body parts he thought the treasure would come in handy and said that she could even create her own territory and could live a happy life forever however
he thought hay kimaru would probably not be in support of this and wondered if reclaiming all his body parts would make him happy forever later that day as they arrived at the forest they noticed an ugly ghost and Doro hid herself away however hay kimaru thought they weren't demons and one of the ghosts vanished before their eyes at that moment the huge ghost began approaching Doro asking for a motherly hug but the girl was terrified at the sight of it and it fell on top of her nearly crushing her as she tried screaming for Hayak
kimaru help he merely ignored her saying that it was not a demon so the ghost began following them holding Doro like its own baby and before long they arrived at a ruined Temple so the ugly ghost directed hay kimaru to a spot as he checked the sand he discovered it was oil and Doro said that the oil was probably burned down at that moment the big ghost held dor once again calling her mother but the poor girl was only desperate to go far away from it just then it vanished and a strange man appeared before
them he told them that the forest was haunted at night and said that it was very dangerous for travelers as he paid his last respects to the dead he invited them to his home for the dinner saying that he has no desire to see them become Ghost meat however Doro thought his eyes were creepy and hid her self away as the man introduced himself as sabam saying that he was the lord of the Land Hay kimaru noticed a demon AA around his soul but they decided to follow him anyway when they arrived at his home
they realized that it was deep inside the forest but a group of dancers welcomed them with a performance and Doro consumed her meal like she's not eaten in days she thought Sabin was probably a kind man to offer them so much food so the Lord told her that he welcomes every single traveler he comes across realizing her opportunity Doro decided to ask how the temple was burned down in the first place but the dancers stopped at that moment and all the ladies withdrew from the room Doro thought this was strange but sabam decided to reveal
the story a few years ago a nun took care of Orphans at the temple but soon began to enslave them like animals and forced them to work on the farms before selling them off to distant Villages however one day a lightning struck the temple and set it a blaze with everyone inside when hay kimaru wondered whose ghost was mov moving around the forest the Lord told them that it was the spirit of the nun due to her sins she was locked out of heaven and he said she was always looking for new travelers to devour
however that night as they prepared to sleep Doro wondered if sab's story was really true but Hayak kimaru said it probably wasn't Doro said that the spilled oil on the sand proved that the temple was intentionally burned and wondered if a demon would attack them to keep the secret safe as they slept that night a monster appeared on the wood and Doro realized they were were about to be eaten so she tried waking Hayak kimaru but discovered that he was deeply asleep however when the monster tried to devour them he sliced off its arms and
it fell to the floor as he tried to slay it the Beast spat silk at him trapping his arms but he broke it and sliced it before it could Escape desperate to survive the monster spat another silk but he went through it and stabbed it deep in the belly however just as they thought it was dead it began screaming and the doors were blown open right then a new monster ascended before them and hay kimaru realized that it was a demon but it cast a strange dust to distract them and carried away the Beast with
peace restored Doro noticed that the dust was not harmful but hay kimaru suggested that she washes it off anyway outside the village the demon transformed into a lady and told sabam that they couldn't Devour the guests as one of them was the cursed child she revealed that he has come to reclaim his body parts but sabam promised to protect her and the other monsters the following day as the they had breakfast sabam told Doro and hay kimaru to extend their stay in the village saying that they would be safe here before long Doro arrived inside
the village and realized that all the villagers were very happy just then a family invited her over and a kid gave her a rice cake so the granny told her that they owe their lives to sabam as Doro tried asking what really happened at the temple the granny decided to leave and she realized that the farmers were staring at her like a creep at the same time Hayak kimaru began trailing sabam into the forest and even followed him as far as he went however as he arrived at an open space he realized that sabam had
intentionally lured him here and he told him that he comes to this spot to have a view of the village on the other hand Doro managed to find the storehouse but wondered why it was built so far away from the village she thought it was definitely strange and wondered why the villagers were acting like a bunch of creeps so she decided to look inside but realized that the storehouse was filled with rice she she thought they were all probably hardworking people and decided to leave but stumbled on the floorboard at that moment she discovered that
it was actually a hidden trapo and decided to open it before she knew it a villager kicked her inside saying that she deserves to be devoured for being too nosy and that they were only trying to protect their Village at the same time sabam began telling hay kimaru that the village was his only home and that he would protect it from every threat he said that even the monsters were his people and that he would protect them until his last breath so he decided to tell him the story of his Village 16 years ago his
village was raided by Samurai who escaped from the war and turned the place into a wasteland it was at that time that a powerful demon appeared before him and offered to protect them in exchange for continued dinner so as he accepted their offer they began devouring the Samurai and eventually brought peace into the village he wondered what Haim maru's true purpose was and decided to ask him why he was bent on killing the demons so hayim Maru told him that he wants to reclaim every single one of his body parts inside the underground Doro tried
screaming for help but realized that she was basically hopeless of ever being found as she wondered how she could tell hay kimaru that she was trapped several monsters appeared in the darkness and she began running away for her life just then a silk caught her ankle and tripped her on the sand she tried pulling herself up but noticed the bones before her and the big ghost appeared before her eyes stopping the monsters immed immediately as Dora wondered where it came from the ghost tried telling the monsters to withdraw however when they tried devouring her anyway
baby ghosts burst outside and managed to send the monsters away as one little ghost returned she revealed the true story to Doro and she realized that sabam actually slayed the nun before feeding the kids to the monsters this realization made her sad and she wondered why the villagers could be so terrible but the baby ghosts offered to lead her outside inside the forest as the Beast awakened sabam revealed that hay kimaru would be its lunch and it appeared before his eyes as the demons cast weird dust hay kimaru decided to hold his breath at that
moment he realized that sabam was just like [ __ ] and would sacrifice anyone for his own good so he slashed at the monsters knocking one to the ground and splitting another's Wing as sabam tried checking the Beast Hayak kimaru kicked him away sending him tumbling down the hill before stabbing the demon however it managed to fly away and even pierced him with a claw but he managed to free himself and crashed into the forests with the Beast growing angry it crashed into a tower setting it a blaze and shortly even the entire Village was
on fire that evening as Doro found hay kimaru in the forest he decided to reveal the entire truth to him and they soon realized that the village was burning at the same time the villagers watched their Storehouse burn and they realized that all of their food was Gone with the Flames as they wondered how they would survive they began fighting over the leftover rice and saim realized that everything they've worked for was already destroyed with his job done hayik kimaru tried leaving but his prosthetic leg limb shattered instantly however that night he decided to hunt
down the last of the Demons as he arrived at the center of the lake the monster emerged from the water and carried him away but he blasted a flame at its wings burning it in an instant before falling into the water just as he returned to shore another statue broke and little pieces of wood fell out of his back allowing a real spinal cord to grow in its place at dawn as they began leaving the village Doro noticed the destruction and realized that the villagers were all sad so she began to wonder if they were
truly doing the right thing but hay kimaru couldn't care less about them as she remembered Mooney's words she wondered if killing all the demons would change anything in the world but Hayak kimaru could only think of slaying the next one however as he tried to check for Doro he realized that she was no longer by his side meanwhile Doro decided to take a different path realizing that hay kimaru would continue ignoring her forever just then a group of mercenaries arrived and she discovered that their leader was aachi the uncle that lured her Village into their
death he told her that he's been looking for her and demanded for the other half of her father's map as she wondered how he managed to discover it in the first place he told her that he was spying on her father when he was alive and commanded his men to glance at her back however before they got close she decided to reveal it and they realized that there was no drawings on her even so Itachi wasn't buying this and said that she has probably memorized it or something so he ordered his men to capture her
before long they started riding away and Dora was tied to the horse as they rode through the forest all day dor wondered where they were heading to so atachi told her that he was going in search for her father's treasure and revealed that he noticed him sneaking through the camp a few years ago at the time he suspected that he was probably hiding half of their loot for himself and even tried spying on him but he never discovered any anything and eventually gave up however he was now desperate for money and decided to look for
the treasure once again after all he had nothing more to lose luckily he came across her mother's burial site and managed to discover the map after digging her up hearing these words Doro grew angry and tried charging at him but she fell after being restrained by the Rope the following day they continued riding up the mountain and soon arrived on a cliff as Itachi noticed the island before them he thought it was definitely the X spot and decided to cut Doro loose he told her that he would give her half of the treasure if she
helped him find it but she knew that his worthless face was worse than his lies realizing they needed a boat to cross the sea they decided to visit the nearby Village however they discovered it was a total wreck and thought it must have been attacked by Bandits before long they arrived on the shore but realized that the boats have been wrecked just then an ugly weirdo appeared before them offering to give them a ride on his boat however Itachi thought he was far too too creepy and wondered why the village was empty the weirdo Aira
told them that all the villagers have been slain by Bandits and Doro thought he was probably lying and tried telling Itachi to find a new solution but he told her that this was their only choice just as they got on the boats two sharks began pulling them towards the island and the men were afraid for their lives asira told them that the sharks are his family but Itachi thought he was definitely out of his mind as Doro wondered how he lost his arm he revealed that he fed it to the shark when they were hungry
and eventually fed them with every single villager at that moment Itachi realized that they were being pulled to an opposite Island and threatened to slay him on the spot just then assura summoned the Sharks and commanded them to Devour the mercenaries before they knew it one of the Sharks pulled down a boat and they began devouring the men like a large chunk of meat as aachi tried to end him a shark scratched his arm allowing the weirdo to leave unscathed he told the Sharks to leave the rest of the men for their dinner and began
moving towards the shore a few hours later as one of the men tried paddling away a shark emerged and devoured the wood making the men realize they were entirely hopeless however Doro would not give up and began telling them to wake the [ __ ] up because no one would remember their worthless lives if they died here when the men began to wonder how they would Escape Doro offered to lure the shark to the surface so that they would kill it immediately before they knew it she jumped into the water and swam deep inside as
she narrowly dodged the shark she yanked the Rope so they began pulling her towards the surface as the shark tried devouring her she caught its face successfully luring it out of the water and the men stabbed it at the same time killing the shark immediately realizing auro would soon return Itachi commanded his men to sail towards the island so at dusk as Aura arrived he discovered that his shark has been slain and hurried to the island just then the men appeared before him having lured him into the Trap and soon beat him to a pulp
when it was morning the men began marching to the top of the the hill continuing their search for the treasure and Doro realized it may all be over for her at that moment Asura regained Consciousness and commanded his shark to devour all the men meanwhile on a battlefield Cuji continued fitting prees on bodies determined to fulfill the promise he made as a thief stole one of the prosthetic eyes a demon devoured him immediately and knocked Cuji to the ground thinking he was dead it jumped on an old man and ate him out at that moment
but hayik kimaru slay it out of nowhere at the of him Cuji realized he was changed and thought his abilities were terrifying as they sat in the cave he began to wonder how ha kimaru managed to reclaim his body parts and even learn to speak however hay Kim maru's only concern was getting a new prosthetic leg and he told qji to help him fix another one unwilling to do so Qi tried serving him dinner but hay kimaru told him that his only desire was to get a new leg however Cuji decided to serve him dinner
anyway and noticed his pouch as it fell so he wondered if if hay kimaru has met his family as hay kimaru revealed who his father was he told him that he fed him off to demons and decided to tell him every single thing that happened meanwhile in deo's Village Mina finally regained Consciousness however when the housekeeper told taharu he merely ignored her and began riding out of the village with his men at the same time in the cave Cuji learned about the entire story and realized that the existence of deo's Great Village depends on Hay
Kim maru's life so hay kimaru told him once more that he wants the new leg however Hui told him that he wouldn't fit him into another as he was afraid that he would continue killing the demons and eventually destroy deo's Village he said that with every demon he kills he was losing more of his humanity and thought he would eventually become a demon he said that a new prosthetic leg would only speed up the process and decided to ruin it saying that he could not save him at that moment hay kimaru remembered that his mother
had said the exact same words and a landslide sealed the entrance of the cave at deo's Palace Mina began telling him that Hayak kimaru managed to survive the demon sacrifice because the goddess of Mercy offered her head in exchange for his own this was the only logical explanation seeing as his head should have been devoured by the last demon however with the goddess of Mercy now destroyed Mina thought deo's contract with the demons was now broken and told him that their Village would soon be destroyed even so Deo thought she was overthinking it and told
her that the village would continue to be safe however as he arrived outside his spy told him that Dora was spotted on an island and he thought that hay kimaru was definitely with her so Deo commanded that taharu finds him immediately meanwhile taharu and his men arrived at an abandoned home Having learned that a demon was killing the villagers and taharu thought it was his duty to slay it as he entered the house they noticed a rat on the wood and the Monster Rat flew at them but taharu cast it aside they realized it was
a demon and hyogo tried to squash it but it nipped him and evaded Matsu's arrows before taharu sliced its limb in the cave Hayak kimaru began digging a new way out and as qji noticed his determination to slay more demons he wondered why hay kimaru was so eager to resume his hunt for them so he told him that he must reclaim every part of his body just then he punctured the wall and discovered he could see outside meanwhile in the demon infested house MSU decided to spy on the demon and realized that it has over
a thousand babies looking to end it he aimed his Arrow at the monsters but the Beast charged at him so taharu slashed another limb out of nowhere as hyogo tried to end it the Beast escaped but Matsu pinned it to the floor with the demon captured taharu suggested that they burn down the house saying that it was the only way to obliterate the monsters for good so they decided to do so as taharu began to leave he told his men that he would protect his village even from his own brother in the meantime Hayak kimaru
eventually made his way outside and discovered a bunch of demons before him just then one Beast began charging at him but he slayed the monster and destroyed the rest of them in a moment at the sight of this Cuji thought he may have raised a monster and wondered why he rescued him in the first place before long hay kimaru had slain all the demons and immediately stabbed the evil core causing it to dispel and all the monster seeds began to vanish by the following day as ha kimaru was ready to leave he asked to know
cui's name but he told him that he didn't deserve a name as he thought thought his life was tainted with murder so hay kimaru began to leave at the same time at deo's Village taharu prepared an army ready to hunt down hay kimaru on the other hand hay kimaru managed to acquire a boat and began sailing towards the island hoping to find aoro on the island Itachi and his men continued searching for the treasure but the men soon began to wonder if they were even heading in the right direction at the same time on the
beach the living shark began devouring the Dead one and upgraded into a monster shark when when it was done it began crawling towards Doro looking to make her its snack however as it tried to devour her it bit into the tree and ripped it off as she managed to escape before getting knocked aside with the Beast still hungry it tried to eliminate her but hay kimaru arrived and stopped it just in time as he slashed the Beast Doro wondered why he came but they soon noticed that the shark was starting to stir awake so hay
kimaru told her that it was a demon immediately he began charging at the monster and jumped over to the other side but it managed to catch his wooden leg desperate to kill it he stabbed its eye and the monster tried shaking him off but he continued stabbing it as Aira tried running towards the shark it smacked him away so hay kimaru jumped high and stabbed it really deep eventually killing it with the monster dead hayik kimaru decided to rub heads with Doro and she thanked him for coming to her rescue right then hayik kimaru started
groaning and as the wood fell out Doro realized that a new leg had grown out of him however with time running running out Doro suggested they find Itachi immediately so they began heading towards the mountain meanwhile on the mountain Itachi and the men arrived at a cave and he thought that the treasure was definitely inside eager to find it two of his men entered inside thinking they were about to become millionaires but as one stepped on a trap the place exploded immediately even so Itachi thought he had it all figured out and tried saying that
he would definitely find the treasure now just then they noticed Theo's ship sailing towards the island and hi kimaru realized they were definitely coming for him before long they arrived on the shore and Matsu told taharu that they found hay Kim maru's boat on the other side of the island this was all he needed to hear so he commanded his army to eliminate Hayak kimaru and everything else in sight after noticing their presence Itachi wondered why they came in the first place but when arrows were fired at his men he realized that they came to
annihilate them all so he began running away for his life realizing his chance at Finding the Treasure was probably Gone Forever at the same time Doro and hay kimaru were running off to a safe spot as two archers tried launching arrows at them they knocked them out with rocks and continued running away while Doro began climbing up the mountain she realized that Itachi and his men were already hiding here and he told her that he still hasn't found her father's treasure so Doro began screaming at him to wake the [ __ ] saying that their
survival was more important than any money but Itachi thought taharu would find it and claim it as his own as high kimaru suggested they create a distraction Itachi thought he has the perfect plan so a few minutes later one of his men pretended to be a wounded Samurai and told the army that Itachi Was preparing explosives right then a rock exploded and the soldiers hurried to the site utilizing their distraction Itachi suggested that they hurry to the shore however as they began to leave one of the men was killed with an arrow and they realized
that Matsu was aiming at them from the shore before noticing hyogo on the Rock above them at that moment hamaru began approaching them saying that hay kimaru was the demon terrorizing their land and must be slain immediately angered by the sight of him hay kimaru charged forward but hyogo landed before him cracking the ground with his weapon and the cliff crumbled at that instant how however Hayek kimaru managed to catch a rock and returned immediately as he locked swords with taharu Itachi screamed for his men to run and began pulling Doro away at the same
time hayik kimaru dodged hyo's weapon and destroyed Matsu's arrows as he hid behind a tree he wondered how taharu became so evil and vengeful like his father so Matsu revealed that killing him was the only way he could protect his land as he fired an arrow that pierced his back taharu decided to utilize this advantage and attacked again allowing hyogo to break his sword in the meantime Itachi and his men tried sneaking around the mountain but arrows pierced his men before they escaped before long they discovered a line of statues and Itachi revealed that this
spot was marked on his map as he started checking the statues he realized that he could easily become a millionaire when he finds the treasure but an arrow pierced his back at that instant afraid he would be captured he flung his sword at the Army killing one of the Samurai but they launched more arrows at him luckily Doro hid behind one of the statues but as it fell it pushed off the rest of them and they began sliding down the mountain crushing the men immediately at the Battle hay kimaru evaded hyo's weapon and climbed up
on a tree but as Matsu's Arrow missed he flew towards taharu with his sword but hobo knocked him back and pushed him towards the rock as he screamed for taharu to end him hay kimaru kicked him away and backed him into the wall saying that they are now his enemies and they began clashing swords like sworn Rivals at the same time Itachi realized he was about to enter Nirvana but told Doro that he hopes to see the treasure before his soul leaves his body at that moment they spotted Aura on a cliff and he revealed
that he came to e SEI everyone right then he threw down his torch and an explosion erupted destroying the mountain and sending rocks crashing on the soldiers as ha kimaru escaped taharu commanded his men to retreat immediately so when the dust cleared Hayak kimaru decided to search for Doro meanwhile Doro and Itachi woke up inside a cave and they discovered that the treasure was right before their eyes however as Itachi tried reaching for the gold his soul left his body at that moment so Doro decided to pay her last respects and told hay Kimu that
she has no idea what to do with all this money when it got dark that night they began sailing away from the island by the following week taharu realized that all the villages were beginning to starve and that epidemics were starting to spread again kyogo said that the demons were probably responsible and thought they were being punished for failing to kill hay kimaru however taharu thought only the demons could reveal the truth and suggested they head for the Hall of demons where all of deo's statues were kept meanwhile on the far side of the world
Doro realized that it was fall and wondered why this was the first time she's ever noticed as they rested for a moment a man appeared on the mountain wondering if they came to search for demons when Dora wondered who he was he told her that he came to look for the same demon so as he began leading them away he revealed that his name is sabira and said that he's been hunting the demon for over 6 months he told them that it was a Powerful Beast and revealed his scar as proof because after it ate
his mother out he's been waiting to get his revenge ever since however hay kimaru didn't believe a single word he said and decided to lead Doro away before long they arrived on the top of a mountain and sabura told them that the Beast always shows up here just then it appeared on a rock and Doro realized that this monster was not like any they have ever fought however as Hayak kimaru discovered that it was actually a demon he charged at it immediately and the demon charged back at him as he dodged its fist he leapt
back but soon realized that the serpent tail was about to Dev devour Doro in an instant he rescued her and blocked sabo's attack making him Retreat Doro thought he must have lost his mind and wondered why he was siding with the demon so he revealed that he was its servant and said that he offers everyone as a snack to even the loss of his mother just then the Beast began charging at them but hay kimaru jumped out of its way causing it to smash into the Rock before they knew it the cliff broke and the
Rocks crumbled to the ground a few minutes later as Doro regained Consciousness she realized that her arm was stuck in the rubble as she tried to pull it out they discovered that water was starting to Spring out of the ground and realized that the place would be flooded in only a matter of time hoping to save her hay kimaru tried to pull out her arm but as he fell back Doro realized that his fake arms were far too useless even so hay kimaru would not quit and tried pushing the boulder but in only a short
time a pool formed around them and his cast began to break afraid he would not stop Doro tried telling him that she would would escape on her own but more water started gushing and nearly overwhelmed her desperate to save her Hayak kimaru pushed even harder until his cast completely broke and Doro began to drown as his desperation increased Hayak kimaru tried smashing the rock but even this was feudal however money appeared just in time and stabbed his sword into the boulder cracking it and rescuing Doro immediately he revealed that he was just within the area
and was happy to have made it here just in time however hay kimaru had no time for Chit Chats and began to leave abandoning his fake arms as he arrived on the mountain saboda wondered how he managed to survive but ha kimaru told him that he was here to annihilate the demon immediately the Beast jumped on top of him but he raised it with his swords and slashed it at once as the monster retreated Hayak kimaru began approaching it and slashed it again desperate to stop him savira flew with his sword but he blocked his
attack and cast him aside without hesitating he jumped on top of the monster and and sliced its face in half at the sight of this saboa wished he was as powerful as him and thought he could have saved his mother with a similar move when hayik kimaru tried to end it saboa tackled him to the ground and told him that he wishes he could have been a better Warrior right then the demon devoured him and vanished before hay kimaru could slay it before his eyes it Unleashed its wings as a powerful Aura surrounded it and
a weird face grew out of the demon as it flew towards hay kimaru he stood his ground determined to slay it a few minutes later when Doro arrived on the mountain she discovered that the serpent tail had been cut off and as she followed the trail of blood she noticed that the Demon's body parts were all over the place just then she realized that Hayak kimaru had totally annihilated the Beast and even his sword was pierced into saboda at his final moment saboda realized that hay kimaru Was Not Human After All But he slashed his
head off however no body part grew this time so he began stabbing the monster hoping to kill it again if it wasn't Dead all already as Doro tried to stop him he began screaming for his body and continued stabbing the Beast like it was a large chunk of meat meanwhile taharu and his men arrived inside the hall of demons and Before Their Eyes another statue began to crack leaving only one standing right then hay kimaru began to leave when Doro asked him where he was headed he told her that [ __ ] was the last
demon and that he needed to kill his father to finally become human watch this next video till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
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