Cheating Wife Was Stunned When I Approached Her & Her AP At The Bar & Pulled Out My... Audio Story

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita Cheating Wife Was Stunned When I Approached Her & Her AP A...
Video Transcript:
[Music] I've always lived a simple life happy with a steady job and some peace and quiet I learned the value of hard work and discipline from my dad who taught me everything about welding it wasn't glamorous but I took pride in the craftsmanship I never needed much just a job and someone to share my life with that someone was Lucy my high school sweetheart who I thought would be my partner forever but life has a way of surprising you our relationship started with Big Dreams full of optimism but reality hit hard I worked long hours
off and out of town while Lucy went to college on the money I earned I thought things were good but little cracks started to show and soon our marriage was falling apart one night driving down the highway with the radio on I couldn't escape the memories of Lucy and everything that went wrong I switched to a talk show about UFOs anything to distract me the truth was I didn't just leave her I ran trying to escape the Betrayal let me back up I'm stand shipment I was married to Lucy for 5 years we were high
school sweethearts and rushed into marriage thinking love would be enough I was wrong money was never a problem I've been a welder since I was a kid taught by my dad After High School I breezed through welding school and started working right away I even did underwater welding and made good money enough to put Lucy through college now she's a pargal at a big Law Firm downtown so why am I running why am I on the freeway in the middle of the night it all comes down to the woman I married in her bad influence
of a Friend Lucy used to be sweet but things changed I loved her and I didn't hesitate to pay for her College despite her parents thinking I'd go broke they underestimated me she graduated debt-free thanks to me things went downhill after she started working at McMaster and Frederick's at first it was fine but then her co-workers started influencing her she'd go out with them once a week which didn't bother me at first but soon it became twice a week including Fridays our date night when I brought it up she brushed it off saying we could
go out on Saturdays and that she deserved time with her friends then her nights out stretched later and later and her calls went straight to voicemail I finally confronted her one Saturday morning I asked what was going on with her late night outings and if she was seeing someone else she denied it saying they just went for a bite to eat after drinks I told her it needed to stop and she agreed promising to quit going out on Fridays for a few weeks things seemed to improve prove but soon enough she was back to her
old habits suspicious I installed a phone finder app on her phone to track her location one Friday I followed her to a bar inside I found her sitting with a group including one guy she was way too friendly with she wasn't wearing her wedding ring and when I confronted her she claimed she took it off so she wouldn't lose it one of the guys Jake stood up and introduced himself smirking as he mentioned he worked with Lucy the group chuckled except Lucy Jake squeezed my hand trying to intimidate me but he couldn't I squeezed back
crushing his soft hand until I saw him winse and let go I was just going to ask your wife to dance if that's cool he said rubbing his hand I looked at Lucy is that true I asked and she nodded slowly thinking this might reveal more I nodded back go ahead but remember she's my wife and I'll be watching Lucy got up to dance and I took Jake's seat ordering a beer as most of the others drifted off you don't own her you know said the woman next to me and you are I asked Marie
Marie Compton I've been mentoring Lucy showing her the ropes right so Marie who are you to give me marriage advice I asked I'm her friend and like I said I'm mentoring her the partners like her and she's got potential I didn't like her tone and wondered what she was feeding Lucy well I'm her husband if something's interfering with our marriage I need to know Stan Lucy needs to broaden her Horizons Marie said she's only ever known you in college she needs to spread her wings spread her wings or maybe something else I shot back no
need to be crude Marie said but yes maybe she needs to explore other things you'll benefit in the end oh really how I asked she might learn a few things to bring back to you I'm sure you're seeing someone when you're away on jobs right no Marie I work get paid and come home I Love Lucy and would never hurt her maybe you should broaden your horizons too she smirked I take my vows seriously I trust Lucy does too I notice you're not wearing a ring ever been married twice she said let me guess you
cheated on them didn't you I asked she Shrugged yeah so I do what I want well Lucy's taken and I expect you to respect that Marie chuckled sure you keep thinking that she said Jake and Lucy returned from the dance floor and I stood to let Lucy sit between me and Marie blocking Jake from sitting next to her he didn't look happy but I didn't care so Lucy tells me you're a welder what do welders make these days 15 bucks an hour Jake asked actually I make over 35 more if I work under water I
also paid for Lucy's College I replied you're paying off her loans he asked no she has no loans because I paid in full I also bought her that new Toyota didn't know welders made that much but you get lots of women when you're out of town huh he said elbowing me no I work 16 hours a day when I'm away I take my vows seriously I said Jake smirked and I didn't like where this conversation was going I turned to Lucy did you drive here yes she said good I've had enough fun I'm going home
I expect you to follow soon I got up knocking my cold beer into Jake's lap oops sorry better go change those pants Jake stood Furious but backed down when I warned him smart move I said turning to Lucy you coming I'm right behind you she said quietly Marie glared at me but I didn't look back as I left Lucy arrived home a few minutes after me she stormed in upset what the hell was that you embarrassed me I embarrassed you I replied are you following me she asked no I was just grabbing a beer and
saw you with your friends I lied something I hadn't done before if anyone should be embarrassed it's me seeing my wife acting like a giddy school girl with some guy and without her wedding ring made me feel like you're ashamed of me is that it her face softened of course not I just work with these people and Jake's theor I work with the most and Marie she's higher up she's been mentoring me does that include marriage advice I asked what do you mean while you were dancing Marie was telling me you need to broaden your
horizons I asked if that meant spreading your legs too and she didn't deny it be honest Lucy have you cheated no I haven't she said but she couldn't look me in the eye you know I could never forgive that Marie said you might be cheating when you're gone are you no I said firmly we've known each other since sixth grade have I ever been unfaithful she shook her head no I love you too much to hurt you I work hard often 16-hour days you've seen my pay stubs yes I know she said then you know
I've supported you bought you a car paid the bills and I'm saving for a house you can tell Marie to shove her advice where it belongs she's divorced twice for cheating Lucy was shocked how do you know she she told me she seemed proud of it I don't trust her or Jake they're up to something and I don't want you caught in it you haven't done anything wrong right no I haven't she said I just enjoy going out with them I'd like to spend time with you too think you can start hanging out with your
husband again of course she said wrapping her arms around me I'm sorry that's okay there are only three things I've ever wanted to be married to you to be the best welder and to have a family with you she smiled well you've got the first two ready to work on the third I smiled back let's do it we spent the rest of that night in the master bedroom and for a couple of months things seemed to calm down Lucy stayed home on Fridays and I made an effort to be more loving never bringing up Marie
or Jake again trusting Lucy to do the right thing then one Friday night I came home to a dark house except for candles on the dining table I smelled lasagna cooking and thought Lucy Had plann something special the table was set with our best China and when I turned around I saw her in one of the shortest dresses I'd ever seen it highlighted her legs which she knew I loved the dress barely covered her and was completely backless she wrapped her arms around me kissed me deeply and asked do you like what you see definitely
I replied good tonight's going to be special she said it's a surprise go clean up and I'll get dinner ready after washing up I returned to find the lasagna served wine poured and Lucy sitting at the table I told her I didn't know which looked better her or the lasagna she laughed and said I hope you enjoy both tonight as I ate I started feeling strange and dizzy I tried to stand but nearly fell confused I looked at Lucy barely able to speak before collapsing when I came to I was undressed and tied to a
chair in our bedroom my arms and legs were zip tied and there was a strange device around my waist Furious I shouted Lucy what's going on Lucy walked in but she wasn't alone Marie was with her what is this I demanded let me out of this chair Marie calmly said no it's best you stay put so you can watch your wife expand her Horizons you peeled me and tied me up for this I yelled yes Marie replied Lucy knew you wouldn't agree so I gave her something to knock you out now you can watch and
there's nothing you can do I looked at Lucy Furious you went along with this you know what this means I'm sorry but Marie said it's just Z it won't affect us and I still love you that's not true and you know it I told you I wouldn't tolerate cheating and what's this thing you put on me it's a cage to remind you who's in charge now Lucy said untie me right now or we're done I warned Marie walked over and gagged me you'll stay quiet while your wife enjoys herself with someone else I tried to
shake my head to stop her from putting the gag in but I couldn't no matter how hard I struggled I couldn't break free from the chair Marie stood up and walked to the door letting Jake and another guy from Lucy's Office enter they looked at me and laughed looks like the loser is ready Jake said he's not cooperating Marie replied Jake punched me hard in the face then again I could taste blood Lucy screamed don't hurt him you promised I owe him for ruining my pants now he'll watch as I screw his wife he ripped
Lucy's dress off lose the underwear he told her Lucy hesitated then took them off and handed them to Jake who tossed them at me after sniffing them Lucy got on her knees and started giving Jake a head while looking directly at me I was shaking with rage but Jake and Marie just laughed your wife is good at this Jake taunted after he finished Lucy moved on to the other man I couldn't bear to watch you like watching this don't you Marie asked filming everything admit it she pressed but I shook my head when Lucy was
done Jake led her to the bedow for the main event he said and I closed my eyes as I heard Lucy moaning better than your husband Jake asked andc she responded oh yes so much better at that moment all the love I had for her vanished I had heard about men getting turned on by watching their wives with others but all I felt was hatred they went at it for the next hour with Marie recording everything when they were done Jake and the other guy walked over to me enjoy the show they mocked laughing then
they pushed Lucy and Marie aside and peed on me covering my face I thought I'd be sick as Lucy laughed Jake leaned down and warn me say anything and I'll make your life hell from now on your wife is mine I'll do whatever I want whenever I want after they left Marie walked over don't cause any trouble or it'll get worse she said let him loose after I'm gone she told Lucy then left Lucy removed the gag and cut the zip ties then unlocked the cage she started to say something but I cut her off
grabbed my clothes and called emergency what are you doing she asked panicking I told the operator about the attack and legal detention Lucy freaked out trying to grab her phone and keys but I stopped her you're not leaving I said please don't press charges I don't want to go to jail trust me jail is the safest place for you right now I replied coldly get dressed the cops will be here soon you don't know Jake and Marie they'll come after you she warned get dressed I repeated Lucy sensing my resolve quietly put her clothes on
her phone buzzed in my pocket it was a message from Marie everything okay I texted back everything's fine he's not happy but heun deal with it I sent the message hoping Marie would fall for it when Lucy came back to the living room the cops had arrived I let them in and they could tell right away something was wrong one officer took my statement called for an ambulance and collected evidence from my face the other officer talked to Lucy in the bedroom after conferring outside they came back in and Lucy was brought out in handcuffs
crying please don't let them arrest me it was just for fun she pleaded I shook my head and turned away more police arrived along with an ambulance a female officer took Lucy away and the officer who took my statement explained that she was being arrested for illegal detention pilling and sexual attack we need to take you to the hospital for blood and urine tests to see what they gave you he said I agreed knowing more evidence would help you should also get a protection order he added handing me a card for a DA's office attorney
she'll meet you at the the hospital I thanked him and went with the paramedics who gave me a quick check on the way at the hospital they examined me took samples and gave me painkillers just as I was starting to relax a woman entered Stan Shipman she asked that's me I replied I'm Linda Callaway the assistant DA on your case how are you feeling I've been better but I'm okay she briefed me on the situation telling me that Marie Jake and the other man had been arrested however they might be released due to their company's
influence I'm seeking a protection order for you she said thanks do you think it will help maybe but no guarantees she admitted I understood I guess I'll just have to deal with it she nodded they'll be in jail until Monday for now you might also want to hire a divorce lawyer unless you plan on staying with your wife no I'm done with her I said she told me I'd be kept overnight Since my apartment was now a crime scene She also asked if I owned a weapon and I told her I didn't after that I
fell asleep and woke up when they moved me to a private room the next morning my parents visited and I told them everything my father was Furious what are you going to do he asked I'm divorcing her I said good let me find you a lawyer he offered he also agreed to give me a ride home when I was discharged later Lucy's parents came by shocked and embarrassed by what she had done her father asked if I plann to divorce her and I confirmed it I'm truly sorry her mother said if she needs a place
to stay she can come live with us I thank them grateful for their understanding after saying goodbye Lucy's parents left a couple of hours later the doctor checked me out and cleared me for discharge I called my dad to let him know and my parents arrived just as the paperwork was completed after the nurse gave me instructions they wheeled me to the car and we headed home when we arrived at the apartment my dad helped me to the door and we said goodbye again call if you need anything he reminded me thanks Dad I replied
inside I noticed the place had been searched by the police I also saw a message on the answering machine dead meat the number was private and after replaying it I realized it was a recorded line from a Rocky movie not someone speaking directly then the doorbell rang through the peephole I saw a brunette who looked familiar from the night I met Jake I activated my phone's camera then opened the door keeping the chain on yes I asked as I opened the door slightly Mr Shipman a woman's voice responded softly that's me and you are holly
Brinkman I work with your wife can I come in are you alone I asked cautiously yes I Unchained the door and let her in what can I do for you Holly I asked noticing her nervousness without a word she handed me a manila envelope what's this I asked taking the envelope please open it she said quietly I went to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of gloves not wanting to leave fingerprints on whatever was inside I opened the envelope and found photographs of a dead man hands tied behind his back I stared at the images
who is this I asked my voice tense that's my husband Brian she said tears welling up in her eyes did you report this to the police yes but they ruled it a suicide The Firm we work for has influence they own part of the police force and some judges did Jake have anything to do with this I asked thinking of the implications I don't know but it's possible he ordered it so why are you still working there I pressed I have no choice she admitted her voice trembling you're not just a legal secretary are you
I asked the reality Dawning on me no my husband tried to fight back and he paid the price so you're forced to stay doing yes I'm basically there for the attorneys and their clients and Marie I asked now connecting the dots she's like The Madam she assigns us and Lucy I hesitated she was being groomed yes Holly confirmed I found a note tucked inside the envelope written with letters cut from a magazine it read back off or this could be you did you read this I asked Holly showing her the note no it was dropped
at my apartment this morning with instructions to hand deliver itould you testify to the DA I asked no I want to stay alive you don't understand how dangerous these people are especially Marie how many people at the firm know about this I asked trying to assess the scale of this everyone at the executive level she replied thanks for bringing this to me holly I'm truly sorry for your loss you're a good guy Lucy's lucky to have you she said with a sad smile thanks I said escorting her to the door I watched Holly leave scanning
the street to make sure no one was watching Once the coast was clear I locked the door behind me The Voice in the envelope had just changed everything I still plan to divorce Lucy but now the stakes had escalated and after I dealt with Jake Lucy would be praying for the Grim Reaper I stopped the video I had been watching and picked up the phone dialing Linda's personal cell this is Linda Callaway she answered I quickly told her about the voicemail in the envelope this changes everything bring it to me right now she said urgently
giving me her address I decided I needed to get out of town for a bit I packed a bag for for a few days grabbed the meat cage Lucy had used on me and put everything in my truck I also packed some basic welding tools called my boss to ask for time off and he agreed saying I had plenty of vacation time I double checked everything locked up and headed to Linda's condo arriving within 30 minutes she was shocked by the photos in the note I also have a video of my conversation with the woman
who delivered it I told her let me see it she said I played the video and she was stunned this explains a lot can I get a copy I let her copy the video from my phone then I remembered Lucy's phone in my pocket and handed it to her what's this she asked it's Lucy's phone I grabbed it the night Jake attacked me you might find something useful I'll have someone check it out she said then paused maybe I should involve the state or feds if what Holly said is true we can't trust our local
police she looked at meh are you going to do I'm leaving town for a bit I replied let me know where you are okay we'll do I said I left unsure of where to go I withdrew as much cash as I could and kept an eye out for anyone following me the images of the man who was eliminated haunted me reminding me that I could be next if I wasn't careful late at night I decided to call an old friend yeah said the gruff voice on the other end Dave it's Stan Stan what's going on
I've got a bit of a situation can I crash at your place for a few days sure buddy just grab a couple of six-packs on your way we'll do see you soon feeling relieved I hit the road stopping at a convenience store to grab some beer ice and coffee I also picked up some cigarettes for Dave knowing he'd appreciate the gesture after all he was letting me stay at his place for a while Dave Brolin was about 15 years older than me and had worked with my dad that's how we met and he became like
a big brother I learned a lot from him while working in my dad's shop he had a tough upbringing his father died from mesothelioma after years in the shipyard and his sister Beverly cared for their mom until she passed from cancer a year ago I'd known Beverly for a while she was attractive and a girl next doorway but we were more like siblings I hadn't seen her in a long time and was curious to catch up Dave had married young but divorced after finding his wife with a cooworker he never remarried and now looks after
Beverly who lives with him I arrived at Dave's house around 2:30 a.m. with my stuff and met him on the porch hope you brought beer he joked of course I said handing him smokes inside I saw a stunning blonde coming down the stairs in pajamas who's the blonde bombshell I teased you know who I am idiot she shot back it was Beverly grown up fit and looking nothing like the girl I remembered Beverly is that really you yeah genius what are you doing here so early did Lucy throw you out not exactly I said my
voice tight noticing my bruised face Beverly's ton softened I'm s sorry Stan what happened that's why I'm here I replied grab a beer and tell us Dave suggested I grabbed three beers and handed them out teasing Beverly about her age she flipped me off and smiled then told me to spill it so I told them everything about Lucy Marie Jake and showed the video of my meeting with Holly they were stunned into silence damn Dave finally said do they know where you are I don't think so no one followed me good we're up on this
hill and we'll see anyone coming I still have the weapons I got from your dad you remember how to shoot right yeah but I haven't touched a weapon since then no worries I'll take you out back to practice Bev's become a decent shot too he said with a grin and Beverly flashed a mischievous smile does your dad know you're here Dave asked no I didn't tell anyone yet I need to let the assistant DA know though I didn't decide to come here until I was already on the road I'll call your parents in the morning
turn off your phone and take out the battery just in case there's a Tracker Dave suggested I shut off the phone and removed the battery Lucy's arraignment is Monday Beverly asked yeah the da hopes they'll hold her without bail but I'm not sure based on what Holly told me you can stay here as long as you need Dave offered I've got a job in a week but you're welcome to stick around thanks I'm planning on taking 2 weeks off so hopefully things will be settled by then if you need anything just ask ask Dave reassured
me Dave smiled at Beverly and said I'm sure she'll keep you busy but you're our guest your folks always treated us well so just relax and enjoy the country air Beverly stood up yawning I've got to get up soon and make breakfast hope you like omelets and hash browns she said glancing at me sounds perfect I replied she waved good night and went upstairs after her door closed Dave and I stepped outside to smoke what her story I asked I thought she'd be married with kids by now she never found anyone she cared for dated
a few guys but none of them measured up measured up to what I asked Dave looked at me seriously you she's always had a crush on you really I said surprised yep the only reason she never told you was because of Lucy are you serious as a heart attack I've even heard her call your name in her sleep that's a little too much info I said feeling awkward Dave just smirked it is what it is when did she turn into a babe I asked shaking my head shek always been pretty you just had blinders on
with Lucy yeah I guess I did I said quietly look if you two get together that's fine by me just don't break her heart okay she's had feelings for you for a long time I'm done with Lucy I reassured him good just don't lead her on he added we finished our smokes and Dave headed to bed I followed shortly after and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow I woke up to Beverly yelling rise and shine it was 8:30 after my morning routine in a quick shower I got dressed pulling off my
wedding ring and leaving it on the dresser when I came downstairs Beverly was making breakfast in a short t-shirt and cut off shorts her hair pulled back she looked amazing and I wondered why I hadn't noticed before smells great I said she smiled coffee's ready want butter pecan creamer absolutely help yourself just save some for us she said with a wink I poured a cup and joined Dave who was reading the paper morning I said morning he replied still focused on the news there's an article about a lawyer getting arrested could be connected to your
case I glanced at the article but it didn't offer many details so I handed it back by then Beverly brought breakfast to the table this is amazing I said after a bite glad you like it she smiled after breakfast Dave stood up I'm heading into town for a bit if you need to call the da use the house phone thanks I said Beverly handed him a list and he left I turned to her need help with the dishes not necessary but I'd appreciate it she replied with a grin I helped Beverly clear the table and
she tossed me a towel while she washed the dishes I see you're not wearing your ring are you really going to divorce her she asked yeah I told her I wouldn't tolerate cheating and I meant it I said firmly good she replied with a slight smile glad to see you still have some backbone so what's your story how are things with you I asked she Shrugged okay I guess anyone special in your life I asked curious there was but he was taken besides I had to take care of my parents she said looking a bit
sad yeah I heard I said sympathetically I worked as a waitress to help out after dad died and when Mom got too sick I stayed home full-time to take care of her she explained I'm sorry don't be I don't regret it I just hope someone will be there for me when I'm that age she said with a soft smile so what happened after your mom passed I asked had to sell the house to cover the expenses Dave let me have what was left and I've been living here since he offered to send me to college
but I turned him down she added why I asked surprised I want to make it on my own I'm working at McDonald's and taking business courses at night she said proudly good for you Dave still talking about starting his own fabrication business he wants me to handle the accounting she said still on about that huh I laughed yeah he does custom work for folks around here and makes good money his dream is to work full-time from his shop maybe HEK show me the shop while I'm here I said that would be nice she replied we
felt quiet and I found myself really admiring her for the first time she noticed and raised an eyebrow what are you staring at she asked I think I'm looking at the most beautiful woman I've ever met I told her she blushed and looked down stop teasing me I'm not I admire everything you've done taking care of your parents working your way through school I just wish I'd noticed it sooner well you were blinded by Lucy she said smiling yeah you're right I agreed with the dishes done Beverly dried her hands and turned to me her
expression firm she used you you know she said bluntly I sighed I think you're right I saw through her years ago she continued shaking her head why didn't you say anything I asked curious you wouldn't have believed me she had you wrapped around her finger Bev said with a hint of frustration all I wanted was to keep her happy I said quietly looking down and look where that got you she said her voice Rising she got her degree a new car and everything else on your dime then when she didn't need you anymore she traded
you in I'm glad she's in jail because I'd tear her apart if she were here I believe you would I said with a smile trying to lighten the mood Bev cross her arms and stared at me intently I need to know one thing what's that I asked are you going to fall for her tears and take her back I shook my head firmly no that's not happening good she said visibly relieved just remember that without warning Beverly pulled off her t-shirt and tossed it aside revealing herself to me for the first time she quickly undressed
walked over wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately we made love in the kitchen as the morning sun streamed through the window I love you Stan Shipman I've always loved you don't forget that she whispered afterward her voice tender I love you too Beverly I replied still breathless I want to stay like this forever that sounds nice she smiled but I doubt my brother would appreciate it she laughed and I kissed her deeply again then it suddenly hit me I pulled back concerned I just realized I didn't use protection don't worry I'm on
the pill she reassured me with a smile honestly I wouldn't mind if you got me pregnant I'd love to have your kids I'll hold you to that I said relieved we should clean up before Dave gets back she said standing up and stretching I need to prepare the meat for tonight why don't you shower first okay I'll be up in a bit what's the meat for I asked we Barbecue on Sundays weather permitting you like venison right she grinned yeah but it's been years since I had any I said smiling back good I shot at
myself with Dave's 50 flint lock and dressed it in the field she said proudly you're quite the woman I'm impressed I laughed I knew Dave's flint lock had to be at least 49 in long did you load it yourself I asked intrigued of course patched round ball with 100 grains of dou f powder I even molded the bullet she said with a wink damn do you like fishing too I asked genuinely curious I love fishing I bait my own hooks and clean my own fish she replied clearly proud of her skills is is there anything
you haven't done I asked sarcastically I haven't rebuilt the transmission in Dave's truck yet but I did help him rebuild the engine she laughed I'm definitely in love I said kissing her she kissed me back and said now hurry up and shower I'll be up in a bit I headed upstairs and jumped in the shower a few minutes later Beverly joined me just wait until tonight when we go to bed she teased by the way you're sleeping with me from now on my bed's bigger than yours won't Dave mind I asked unsure nope we're both
consenting adults she winked after our shower we got dressed and went back downstairs I need to call the da to let her know where I am I said Beverly pointed to a wireless phone use that one I picked it up nearly forgetting it was long distance Linda answered after two rings Linda Callaway she said Linda this is Stan Shipman I'm calling to update you on my whereabouts Stan I was worried you're calling long distance where are you she asked I'm with an old family friend and turned off my cell for safety I explained got it
I'll keep you updated the feds are investigating the firm your wife works for I also contacted a top divorce lawyer in the area for you I hope that's okay no problem I appreciate it I replied she's expecting to hear from you tomorrow if anyone can help it's her Linda said thanks I'll do that I said jotting down the information Linda provided details and promised to update me on the arraignment before we ended the call by the time I hung up Dave was back and I helped him carry in the groceries I called your parents he
said they were worried I told them you're staying with us thanks I appreciate that I replied that evening we barbecued the Venison and enjoyed dinner outside on the deck afterward we all helped clean up Dave and I grabbed a beer and stepped out for a smoke while Beverly finished in the kitchen so are you going to be sleeping in her room Dave asked grinning I felt uncomfortable discussing it given that Bev was his sister uh yeah I think so I replied awkwardly is this going to be permanent Dave's tone turned serious I think so I
said confidently I just need to finalize my divorce do you love her Dave asked looking me in the eye yeah I do I answered without hesitation good it's about time you got your head straight he said smiling and slapping my shoulder be's a big girl she can make her own decisions I just don't want to see her get hurt I'd never hurt her I promised glad to hear that welcome to the family Dave said extending his hand I shook it and we shared a manly bear hug just don't keep me up all night okay Dave
laughed I chuckled and nodded I'll do my best that night after Bev and I made love I held her close thinking about our future I hadn't felt discontent in a long time what are you thinking she asked softly her head on my chest the future I said oh she lifted her head to look at me yeah what do you want out of life where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years I asked I'm not one to chase a career she said thoughtfully I just want a loving husband and a family that's enough for
me what about your classes I asked curious they more for Dave he'll need help with his business she explained and what do you want I'm like you I said I just want a faithful wife and a family I thought I had that with Lucy but it didn't work out she smiled and your job I love it I said but sometimes I'm gone for a couple of weeks can you handle that she laughed my brother's a welder remember I know what to expect as long as you come home to me I'm fine I looked at her
feeling peace I hadn't felt in ages I wish I'd met you before Lucy me too she said but we'll get through this together we're a team I'll always be here for you she added warmly I love you I said kissing her I love you more she whispered holding me tight that night I fell asleep feeling truly loved the next morning Beverly was up early after making breakfast she kissed me before heading to work reminding me she had class after her shift I'll be home by 9:30 you guys Fen for yourselves she said grinning I love
you I love you too I replied touched after she left Dave came down and joked no kiss for me Beverly laughed gave him a quick Peck and said stay out of trouble as she walked out I glanced at the clock I need to call that divorce lawyer Dave motioned to the phone so I dialed law office of Bernice Goodwin a friendly voice answered I introduced myself and explained that Bernice was expecting my call hold on a moment she said soon another voice came on Bernice Goodwin how can I help this is Stan Shipman Linda Callaway
gave me your number ah yes I've been expecting your call normally I like in-person meetings but I understand this time is different she said that's fine I replied we can handle most of it online tell me everything she instructed I explained the situation and she listened carefully what are your expectations she asked I want no alimony and my fair share of the assets I said we can do that she replied your wife's legal trouble will help your case do you own property no we rent I answered do you want to pursue action against Marie and
Jake I'd recommend suing for emotional distress not alienation of affection it's more effective she advised do what you think is best I said I'll get started do you have an email I gave her my information and she said I'll send documents including a contract to sign and a checklist you'll also need to pay a retainer can you do that today yes I agreed great once everything is ready I'll have the papers served any questions no questions I replied her assistant took my credit card info for the retainer after hanging up I checked my email and
found two documents from Bernice I signed the contract sent it back with a receipt and read through the advice on protecting my finances using online banking I opened a new account transferring half of our savings and checking into it I paid off and canceled Lucy's card but kept mine open for the retainer payment by early afternoon I had finished everything Dave took me to a shop where he was working on a trailer for a local farmer I helped out finding it relaxing to stay busy around 3:00 we got a call Dave answered and handed me
the phone it's your lawyer he said this is Stan I said Stan it's Linda Callaway bad news the judge set minimal bail and let them go Linda said sounding tense how's that possible I asked feeling my stomach drop probably on their payroll the protection order in place but it's only as good as the paper it's on stay put for now the feds are watching them but I can't guarantee your safety she explained great so what now stay where you are I'll handle things from here call if you need anything she said all right I replied
feeling uneasy after hanging up I told Dave the judge let them go damn you should call your folks Dave suggested I agreed and dialed my parents my dad answered on the second ring Dad it's Stan I said trying to stay calm how are you holding up he asked clearly worried I'm okay but I wanted to let you know the judge let Lucy and her friends out be on guard they might tried to find me I warned don't worry we won't say anything you still down at John Harrison's place he asked I realized he already knew
where I was and it hit me Lucy and her friends were likely with him now I decided to play along no I'm about 50 Mi south of there in a motel I lied okay as long as you're safe my dad said sounding strained I'll be leaving here tomorrow heading east I added continuing the ruse just let me know where you end up he replied can I talk to Mom I asked sensing something was off shek in the bathroom he said his voice shaky I thought I heard background noise raising my suspicions all right tell her
I love her I said I will love you son he said and we ended the call I immediately called Linda I think Lucy and her friends are at my parents house I told her feeling anxious I'll send federal agents over right now stay put she said firmly after the call I told Dave I think they're at my parents place looking for me do you think they'll believe your story Dave asked I hope so at least for a while I should probably find somewhere else to hide I said pacing no you're staying here let me clean
up and I'll talk to the sheriff don't move Dave said sounding determined I nodded but I wasn't sure how much time we had before Lucy and her friends figured out the truth a couple of hours after Dave left for Town Linda called back her voice tense Stan you were right Lucy Marie J and some thugs went to your parents house after the hearing they tied them up but your folks didn't reveal your location we have an APB out for them and one of their guys is in custody but he's not talking do you know where
they're headed I asked feeling uneasy no but they didn't buy your story she said grimly here talk to your dad my father's voice came through shaky but relieved Stan they didn't fall for it but we're okay I think Lucy and her crew are heading your way what makes you think that I asked my heart racing I overheard Lucy talking he said you'd better warn Linda I will Dad be safe I replied and Linda came back on the line where exactly are you she asked I gave her my location and asked if Lucy could find me
she knows Linda said stay put we'll send someone fast I hung up and headed back to the house but as I left the shop I heard Jake's voice well well thought you could outsmart us huh he sneered weapon in hand behind him Marie and Lucy stood by an SUV smug Jake waved the weapon at me move I had no choice but to get in the SUV Lucy slid in beside me smirking this won't end well for you I warned no matter she said coldly itk be too late for you they drove me to a creek
bed and Jake ordered me out a thug tied my hands behind my back and forced me to my knees Jake pulled out a long sword and stood over me make your peace he said raising the sword I closed my eyes and prayed suddenly a rifle shot rang out Jake dropped dead a bullet in his forehead another shot strike the thug holding me Marie tried to grab Jake's weapon but a third shot strike her shoulder Lucy cowered behind Jake's body I heard a four-wheeler approach Beverly arrived blonde hair flowing and rifle in hand she cut me
loose then marched over to Lucy striking her with the back of a rifled don't you ever touch my man again or I'll blow your head off Beverly shouted Lucy bleeding and trembling nodded in fear Beverly then slammed the rifle back into Lucy's kneecap and Lucy screamed screed in agony as her bone cracked we heard sirens in the distance as Beverly calmly reached for a flare weapon from the four-wheeler she aimed it at the sky and fired signaling the authorities as the sirens grew louder flashing lights appeared on the horizon heading our way Beverly approached me
her expression softening as she asked are you okay sweetie I am now I replied still in shock from what had happened you Saved My Life Bev I can never repay you trust me she said with a warm smile you've got the rest of your life to make it up to me soon the area was filled with police cars Dave pulled up in his truck and hurried over to check on us you okay Dave asked concern on his face I am now thanks to Bev she saved my life I said deeply grateful the sheriff and his
deputies took control of the scene they called for an ambulance for Marie who was still screaming in pain and a coroner for Jake's body Lucy was handcuffed and taken away but not before shooting me a hateful look she eliminated Jacob and Ronnie Marie cried tears streaming as paramedics tended to her the sheriff remained calm nope he said this is Dave's property and under the castle doctrine Miss Brolin was within her rights to protect Mr Shipman's life you're lucky she didn't eliminate you too as deputies loaded Lucy and Marie into separate squad cars the sheriff told
me they're both being charged with attempted liquidation and conspiracy with the evidence we've gathered and your testimony it's a sealed case after the police collect Ed the evidence and the bodies were removed Beverly and I got back on the four-wheeler and rode home with Dave following in his truck relieved but silent as we parked I turned to Beverly I thought you had classes today I said still in awe she grinned Dave came by McDonald's and told me what was going on I clocked out came home and followed the tire tracks to where you were I
got into the deer stand and well you know the rest I owe you everything Bev I said full of emotion you don't owe me a thing you're alive and that's all I care about she said hugging me tightly inside I called Linda to tell her what happened she was relieved I was safe now we've got them where we want them Linda said confidently the firm is going down hard I hope so I replied I then called my parents who were equally relieved that everything turned out okay that night after things settled down I thanked Beverly
repeatedly for saving my life Marie eventually recovered and she and Lucy stood trial for attempted liquidation and conspiracy they were found guilty on multiple charges including my attack and illegal detention both received life sentences and would never be free again I couldn't have been happier beatric finalized the divorce and thanks to Lucy's convictions she got nothing beatric also secured a hefty settlement from Marie and Jake's estate by the end I was rolling in money sure Bernice got a share but I was very happy with my cut the firm settled for a large sum as its
Partners faced federal charges including racketeering and suspicious end of lives eventually The Firm shut down and the partners ended up in prison for life it all unfolded in about 6 months leaving Beverly and me with more than enough to live on for years I bought a nice ring and proposed properly on one knee she squealed and kissed me all over a month later we got married and spent a week in Las Vegas when we returned we sat Dave down and proposed forming DNS welding and Custom Fabrications are you serious he asked hell yeah I said
Beverly pulled out a spreadsheet and showed it to me it was the business plan she had been working on after reviewing it carefully I nodded in approval you know I think this could work I said impressed oh I almost forgot I added reaching into my pocket and pulling out a set of keys you know that lot on the south side yeah what about it she asked curious did you see the new double wide on it I asked with a grin yeah we thought you sold it she replied NOP I said smiling it's your wedding gift
from me and your parents the lot and home are in your name now your dad and I moved all your stuff from your apartment minus anything with Lucy's picture on it Beverly looked stunned wow I don't know what to say I could afford to build a custom home but the double wide was nice and sturdy I wasn't about to turn down such a generous gift especially knowing it must have cost over $150,000 dollar just say thanks partner I said offering my hand Beverly smiled and shook my hand before pulling me into a bare hug you
okay with us living down there Beverly asked a hint of concern in her voice I'd hate for you to be alone I'll be fine I reassured her I might finally get a decent night's sleep without hearing you two all night we all laughed and celebrated later I called my parents to thank them for the Incredible Gift that night Beverly and I christened the master bedroom of our new home As We Lay in each other's arms I felt confident that things would turn out well of course with money comes a lot of friends and some have
serious prison connection Lucy and Marie meanwhile weren't so lucky Behind Bars they had a rough time cleaning toilets with toothbrushes and doing favors for inmates with special preferences I guess their Horizons just got a lot wider [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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