Tamar Braxton Breaks Down After Her Yt Husband Used & Dumped Her| JR Claps Back

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Tamar Braxton Breaks Down After Her Yt Husband Used & Dumped Her| JR Claps Back Y’all, Tamar Braxto...
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y'all Tamar braaton is spiraling and spiraling hard and it's all allegedly because of her man Jeremy Robinson AKA Jr you know we could have told her for free that Jeremy ain't is but she wasn't hearing nothing from nobody when it came to him and it looks like Jr is acting up again and has dumbed Tamar and y'all when I tell yall that Tamar is not taking it well she went on a long hard rant on social media dragging him for Filth and accusing him of using and dumping her Jr is not letting Tamar have the
last say here either though he clapped back hard at her exposing some wild tea about her that's going to leave y'all shook so did JR cheat on Tamar again and did she really put hands on him let's break it down now I don't know if y'all have been hearing and following Tamar and Jr's relationship from the start but if you have then you probably already know that there have been multiple red flags waving from the very start of their toxic relationship you know what scratch that these two have had red banners waving in the sky
we all knew it was is not going to end well for them they met on a TV show called Queen's court and this was already something of a red flag because y'all Know How These reality TV show relationships be they don't last that long but like that wasn't enough they got engaged only a couple weeks after meeting now I know that some of y' all fall in love kind of quick and are pretty sure that you do want to spend the rest of your days and lives together but like they say if you know you
know but that just wasn't the case here because Jr and Tamar were walking talking red flags now for one Tamar has been married and divorced twice let me tell you both marriages were a whole mess her first marriage barely lasted a year before she threw in the tow and the divorce was everything but smooth then she tied the out with Vince Herbert and they even had a son together but then 9 years in just when we all thought they were in it for the long haul Tamar hit us with another divorce bombshell complete with DV
allegations and a restraining order it was drama Central for Tamar for a couple of years but eventually they put their issues aside and focused on co-parenting their son so then Tamar started dating David at a FAO and y'all that relationship was a hot mess too after that breakup Fiasco she announced that she was done with love and was all about focusing on herself in healing yeah but surprise surprise that did not last long next thing we know she's on a reality TV show called Queen's Court talking about trying to find her dream man and that
dream man turned out to be for the time being Jr who had some issues of his own first off let's talk about the giant red flag waving In The Wind that this man has five kids with four different baby mamas you just know that's a recipe for disaster I mean b baby Mas that's a mess waiting to explode especially with Tamar's sharp tongue you know she's got to be the center of attention all times so vying for the attention of faux baby Mas ooh we all know she's not exactly the type to keep calm and
stressful situations she has a smart mouth and a mean eye and neck roll that often gets her into trouble so dealing with the man with all these baby mamas was a ticking Time Bomb just waiting to explode so anyway Jr decided he was going to go on Queen's court and for some reason he zeroed in on Tamar like she was the only one there forget all the other contestants he had eyes for her and only her then out of the nowhere he popped the question after just a few weeks and naturally Tamar said yes she
even squeezed out a few tears for the moment oh my God I love you TOR will you will you married me something told me to trust the process and I've never done anything like this before and what's the worst that can happen do people with massive red flags getting engaged was definitely something to see but what we didn't expect was that it would be so messy so quickly one of his baby M took the social media to reveal that Jr was only using Tamar for clout and publicity adding that he had a weird fetish for
black women and had a history of praying on them especially vulnerable women like Tamar she said he has a over black women so much that he often refers to himself as lightskins white Chate and tags himself the minority within the minority he would attend the CL Club almost nightly praying on beautiful black women and taking them home she also revealed that he was extremely rude arrogant racially insensitive womanizing and degrading adding that he claims to be an ally of the people and a protector of black women but his actions tell us otherwise she also exposed
him for being a colonizing that fulfills his of biracial babies to further feed his ego and desire of one to be accepted amongst the black community y'all this is kind of a weird hot mess and fans started begging Tamar to run Tamar run because Jr was worse than we knew but Tamar of course didn't listen which isn't surprising because y'all know that Tamar doesn't listen unless she wants to and do y'all remember how I said he had four baby mamas who were bound to stir up some drama for Tamar well it didn't take long for
that pot to start boiling the trouble started when Tamar couldn't stop gushing about how much she loved Jeremy and his kids and you knew something was about to go down she said it's my birthday but I have to post the one who puts this teesy smile on my face it took me a while to realize that this wholesome traditional love is the kind that I wanted and need it we have six children between the two of us and they mean everything to me so missing with that he has four baby mamas thank God for them
now the way Tamar kept going on and on about his kids you think that they were one big happy family living in Perfect Harmony but no that was far from the truth because one of Jeremy's baby Mas was not here for Tamar talking about her kids like that and you can bet that caused some major drama but baby mama wrote let me be clear for all who know me and all who know them this woman is in no way a bonus or stepmom to my son my son does not mean everything to her and she
has not thanked God for me and truthfully none of it baby Mas she has said demeaning disrespectful and outrageous things she has made no effort to meet me get to know me as a woman or mother and has caused my son's father to miss visitation weekends and birthdays now to his credit Jeremy did try to stand up for Tamar because he wrote Tamar braaton has always been an amazing mother and spoil my children with Love sometimes a difference of opinion with no conversation declare a miscommunication creates a bad cycle I want everyone to be peaceful
and will do my best to Foster that but even with all of that there was a whole lot of baby mama drama and the best thing for her would have been to keep out of all these relationships but she loved her man and she stuck beside him because she wanted to be with him no matter what even when he humiliated her over and over again for no reason at all can you even imagine your sister being the one un only Tony Braxton and still dealing with men like this is giv embarrassed and desperate but if
you thought that it couldn't get worse well it definitely did because Jr randomly woke up one day and announced to the world that he and Tamar had broken up even more he made sure to make it clear that he was the one who dumped her not the other way around he wrote Tamar and I are no longer together I ended the relationship to focus on getting back to positive energy and being a better person what happened and why that's our private place no I never cheated I never cared about Fame I have always represented fame's
people and the truth is I was in an amazing Place financially and mentally I turned down Queen's Court several times before I gave in ultimately I fell in love and it did not end how I wanted it so I want to heal Tamar and I will always be friends and family for life but y'all it gets even worse see turns out that Tamar found out about the breakup from social media like the rest of us because Jr didn't even have the decency to break up with her face to face or even via text he also
broke up with her the same hour her home and car got vandalized she wrote imagine your home being robbed moving to a new city trying to find your new tribe never finding where you fit in and then finally settling in with at least one person you trust to get in your car robbed and vandalized then broken up with from the person you love and feel safe with all in the same hour is too much she also addressed the breakup and made a video where she basically denied that she was the reason for the breakup saying
that she had been working on being a better person really grateful um I have done a lot to work on my mental health and change who I used to be into who I am now and um I can't help if people fall into that perception because it's easy and I get it you know but I won't let anybody hold me captive to my past and things that I have overcome when Jr realized that people weren't on his side he tried to manipulate the situation and tried to act like he was being supportive and he even
went as far as to try to promote her tour last year he said Dallas get ready for the one and only Tamar Braxton sending love and light thank you Tamar for being super supportive during an incredibly difficult time you are not a negative and horrible person you are a blessing to the world and I have always been nothing sort of supporting and uplifting now I get that he didn't say anything all right Shady but fans couldn't help but side eye this socalled compliment it felt like he was throwing some type of sneaky shade still especially
when he said she's not negative and horrible like y' did you have to say that but people were already over the drama and not even talking about it anymore so while bring it up it's given trying to stay relevant and sneak dis Vibes well Tamar threw some shade right back and said I can't believe I'm going on My Love and War tour so broken people do things on purpose just to see you hurt misleading is abuse and a pattern I'm so stupid after so much hurt at some point you have to get the strength to
close the chapter what a fool I was now you think that she would have moved on taking her l in silence and put that whole Jr mess behind her right well no not Tamar she acted like a total bird and went back to him even though it was clear as day that he was trying to manip at her see only a few days after the breakup Jr was found stepping out with Tommy Lee who is known to have beef with Tamar look like somebody might well [Music] be the timing was very shady because just days
before they were spotted together Tommy had a running with Tamar remember when chran got into that brawl at Tamar's concert well Tommy came through with the accusations claiming Tamar was trying to use Chan for clout so when Tommy was spotted popping up with Jr at this game it was obvious that they were both just there trying to get under Tamar's skin and unfortunately it totally worked the next thing we knew Tamar was back with Jr and they were spotted together at a football game girl what kind of high school games is this [Music] [Applause] hey
that move was Tamar's way of sending a message to Tommy don't mess with her man a lot of folks were bummed about it though too because Tamar had made it clear that Jr treated her terribly and even teamed up with her enemy to mess with her let's not forget about Jr's baby mama who said he has a habit of playing games for black women and setting them against each other it was like he was using Tommy and Tamar as his own personal drama Squad and Tamar either didn't see it or just didn't care she probably
thought that taking Jr back would get under Tommy's skin but instead Tommy threw Tamar under the bus making it clear that she and Jr were definitely involved and that Tamar was right back in the middle of the mess and Tommy dropped some screens shots showing that Jr asked her to go to the game with him before he asked Tamar and the only reason he asked Tamar was that Tommy couldn't go this didn't matter to Tamar either though because she announced at her concert that she and jir were back together that's why I had to go
get my man back [Applause] y'all and I know y'all lying if y'all thought I was going to let my man go cuz he took some crackhead to a basketball [Applause] [Music] game and of course of course that made Tommy mad and she went live to read Tamar for Filth claiming that Jr ate her groceries if y'all know what I mean what is wrong with the situation is that that is your man as you call it that is your man he knew it was a situation with me and you and he was down he was down
to play Op games I wouldn't take nothing like that serious my love that ate my and I sent him on his way it wasn't she also revealed that Jr had been telling her te on Tamar you don't want me to expose how you was saying that you kicked her out and she went back to her mother's house not Mrs Braxton not Mrs not Mrs Mrs singer with the soldout tour that Jr also told me was Flex it was cap it was G flexing she don't have no so between me and you was his exact words
the tour not sold out he said you was messy he said you went back to your mother's house he told me a lot of things that he shouldn't tell a stranger I just met this man less than a week yeah your man is giving up because how he going to spill tea on you it's absolutely wild and Tamar should have gotten out of that relationship that instant but if there was one thing that we have learned about this so far is that Tamar needs to have a man by her side cuz you just don't learn
is that Tamar be having to have a man by her side like some type of addict so instead of dumping Jr like she should have have y'all want to know what she did instead she married the man that's what it's crazy but at least she married him in secret because she knows she would have got dragged for Filth if she had tried to have a loud wedding and guess what it's not only fans who disapprove of the relationship it turns out that her family disapproves as well according to reports Tony has been especially vocal to
Tamar about how Jr is bad news but like I said Tamar don't listen to nobody but her now I don't know if y'all heard but the braxon have a new reality TV show where they talk about the passing of their sister Tracy and how they have been coping with the loss well it turns out that the topic of Tamar and her man came up and everybody made it clear that they were against the relationship and this made Tamar so upset that she went off on her family on Twitter dragged them for Filth exposed them for
hating on her fairy tale life with Prince Charming she wrote you have no idea none the gaslighting is crazy and I'm going back into treatment oh my gosh I pray that my marriage can be saved and my life can be spared my family is awful Jr means the world to me like thank God for him my husband and my children has saved my life but I'm so mad at my life my family is toxic I should have never went back to bfv never y'all I'm going through it I'm single and sad and this TV stuff
is a lot her choosing to marry Jr after the public humiliation is definitely an interesting choice but hey she's grown and can marry whoever she wants to she also accused fans of spreading negativity about her relationship saying I think it's funny when I post something negative it goes viral when I post something positive no one pays attention y'all prove me right on what y'all want for me why can't I be healthy and healed y'all was waiting for my life to fall apart Jeremy is and has been the most positive person in my life and my
best friend and family and y'all want me to say something bad about him so bad but according to an Insider Tamar is just being dulu and not willing to admit that the relationship is actually over allegedly Jr has been cheating on her every which way with every woman who gives him the eye and he is unrepentant about it at first Tamar was willing to overlook it because she didn't want to admit that she had failed but Jr was done with her when he had broke up with her a couple of weeks ago which explains her
flipping out on social media fans commented Tamar needs to leave that man alone forever stop going back and forth with that man he's embarrassed her enough she could do better I don't want to hear about her colonizer again her ancestors did not fight for freedom for her to go back and forth with that guy jar braxon is a simple silly a bird she needs to leave that man alone and seek real help dang near 50 still acting like a child over D and throwing your family under the bus when you just lost a sister she
is sick in the head and I think Tamar has a lot of issues however these men be Cloud Chasers and just as toxic I'm surprised so many people are defending the man with five baby mamas who really didn't do anything on the show to show he was a good guy y'all poor Tamar because this situation is a crazy mess but I got to know what y'all feel about this do y'all think that Tamar will ever recover or is she going to go back to that call and AR drop your thoughts in comments below and then
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