what if you could prove to yourself that you're more than your physical body and I don't mean just accepting the idea intellectually I mean experiencing it knowing it as some of you know I did just attend a Gateway experience a Gateway process retreat at the famous Monroe Institute and I really think that experience may have given me that knowing but what does that mean how is that possible what is the almost mythical history behind the Institute they ties to shadowy intelligence organizations how does it work and how did I and I really can't believe that
I'm saying this go out of body so first my friends we need some lore and we're better to start than with the man himself Robert Monroe his just remarkable experiences and his ties to shadowy government agencies and classified projects despite what you might think he was not into the esoteric this is not somebody who was interested in Consciousness or out of body experiences he wasn't into meditation or psychedelics or even philosophy he was a successful broadcasting executive who began having strange experiences I had been encountering a a phenomenon that was like a vibration in the
body and I had gone to my doctor about it and he had said oh that's just nerves and so on and one night I was lying in bed waiting for this vibration to cool down or fade away as it were so that I could simply roll over and go to sleep because I didn't feel I should go to sleep or couldn't I suddenly uh felt something bumping against my shoulder and I looked and here was this what looked to be the floor bumping against my shoulder and I thought that's strange I don't remember going to
sleep and I looked across and I said there's no rug on the floor and there was something sticking up out of the floor that shouldn't be there and trying to perceive what this was I got a real close look and it was the chandelier and in desperation I realized that I was not bumping against the floor I was bumping against the ceiling and I flopped around in the air and looked down and there below me was the bed and here was my wife in bed and here was a man in bed with my wife oh
and my first response is well this is an odd kind of Freudian type dream and I thought well I better get a good look at this man who was in bed with my wife and with a great shock I discovered that the man in bed with my wife was me and uh then I went through this great emotional surch I don't want to die let me get back in there and so I swam down to the body popped in and how I don't know and then I sat up in bed and looked around everything was
quiet and needless to say I did not sleep the rest of that night as terrifying as this experience was Monroe was deeply intrigued he's able to achieve this outof body State again and again and he begins to experiment he goes on to have hundreds and hundreds of experiences that he meticulously captures in his journal and some of these experiences are wild very ontologically uh recontextualizing he's an other what he calls Energy Systems he's communicating with other consciousnesses other locals as he calls them and on the back of these experiences he eventually writes his best-selling book
Journeys out of the body which is honestly a fantastic really entertaining read highly recommend it skipping ahead just an irresponsible amount this eventually leads to Monroe helping to invent this hemisync technology this sound technology aimed at helping individuals achieve not just an of body state but exploring and expanding Consciousness in general with this technology and with this method this Gateway process in place Monroe eventually founds the Monroe Institute and with that just incredibly uh kind of nutshell chalk outline of Monroe's story now we can get into one of the most tantalizing bits of this whole
story the connections to the intelligence community why would the intelligence community be interested in this technology and this technique aimed at Consciousness expansion and outof body experiences well in this time the cold war is still raging we're looking at any Edge we can get over the Soviets we're looking at every possible vulnerability that we have and one of those potential edges in vulnerabilities is psychical in nature and if this is new to you this Is Not Mere lore in 1972 the DIA issued a report underscoring the threat of Soviet psychic spies they feared they could
learn the contents of classified documents mold the thoughts of key US military and civilian leaders even cause instant unal living of us officials at a distance our response to those threats is the now Infamous project Stargate a US Army program based at Fort me run by the defense intelligence agency through a contractor SRI International which investigated the efficacy of psychic spying they found particular success with remote viewing a psychic technique which permits a quote viewer to transcend space and time to view or perceive people places or objects without the viewer being physically present and as
we're about to see this was not a one-off there were numerous projects spanning from the 1970s through the 1990s that went by various Cod names Gonda wish Grill flame and center lane for instance but what does this have to do with Monroe the Monroe Institute and Gateway well as far as I can tell the details and timeline are a bit foggy but it's safe to say Monroe was involved well before the now famous Gateway process paper that was published in 1983 here he is in 1974 at SRI with remote viewers Russell tar and Pat price
so with that in 1983 as an extension of these secret programs we arrive at why intelligence agencies are interested in exploring Monroe and the Gateway process so what actually happened here well in 1983 Army intelligence commissions this now famous paper written by a really fascinating figure Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonald the report explores Monroe's techniques from a multitude of angles scientific practical philosophical even metaphysical in this report McDonald links the practice and Consciousness itself to quantum physics holographic universe theory and yes they say that SpaceTime the way we perceive reality is an illusion a matrix that
can be escaped at least to a degree by a trained practitioner of the Gateway method Gateway involves more than just perception of those aspects of the universal hologram which can be accessed in the dimension of SpaceTime as we know it between the absolute and material Universe in which we experience our physical existence are various intervening Dimensions to which human consciousness in Altered States of being May gain access theoretically human consciousness may continue to expand the horizons of its perceptual capacity until it reaches the dimension of the absolute at which point perception stops because the absolute
generates no Holograms of or about itself and it's worth noting that the report is heavily influenced by the philosophy and science of polymath and autodidactic genius itok bentov and his book stalking the wild pendulum it's still definitely a worthwhile read and while we don't have time to get into his lore and his philosophy fully benof was squaring the circle between science and spirituality in a really interesting and modern way and it really resonated with the ethos of Robert Monroe because he wanted to approach this phenomena in a way that went beyond the philosophical and metaphysical
he wanted it to resonate harmonize with what science is telling us about reality these are people who have expanded perception and hence they can see a reality which ordinary people at this stage of evolution are not able to see what is the nature of that reality which they're able to see well that is the classified as a non-physical reality sometimes the techniques to do this the Eastern uh people the yogis have developed systems to to do this to push the nervous system rapidly but it happens very often spontaneously without someone trying to do anything about
it and just happen and speaking of techniques for expanding Consciousness back to the Gateway paper McDonald takes this technique seriously he does recommend that the agency go on to study it further and potentially use it with agents and it pains me to just summarize this because this is a really fascinating document we could make multiple videos on this thing read it yourself my friends it will still get your Wonder whiskers popping even after 40 years it does spawn just so many interesting questions clearly this goes Way Beyond psychic spying this report implies they want to
know about Consciousness itself that they want to understand some of the deepest truths about reality and by the way it's really hard to find anything on this guy I can't find a picture I can't find information definitely let me know in the comments if you've seen or found anything about McDonald was the agency trying to understand the nature of Consciousness and the potential Power Of Consciousness more broadly what did they find out not just in this study but in whatever else they were doing because it's hard to imagine that this was a one-off I have
a feeling that they were onto truths too big for them to ignore what if anything did they take away from these studies what did they take away from their work with Monroe are they still using any of these techniques any of this knowledge clearly Lieutenant Colonel McDonald was really interested and I think it's safe to say that he himself must have really been something of a Seeker based on this report of course I'm not holding my breath on ever finding out what the CIA knows about Consciousness if they and the intelligence community in general are
actively using saigh technology or techniques for who knows what nefarious or uh clandestine ends but it doesn't mean questions like that don't just live red free in my mind officially uh Research into Sai phenomena the psychic spy program um this supposedly stopped in the early 90s but we know how these organizations operate they could easily be transferred to other black budget programs change names if this stuff works which it seems like it did to some degree it's hard to believe they wouldn't just do the same thing again change the name Shuffle it into an even
darker deeper part of a black budget program and to thicken this plot even more some whistleblowers and participants like Ango Swan like Joe mcmonagle we don't have time to get really into their lore but these are key participants key figures in the remote viewing programs that the intelligence agencies were doing they openly say that their work revealed realities about human consciousness that were not fully disclosed and on the note of Joe MCM monagle again unfortunately we can't get too deep into his lore but he's known as probably the greatest living remote viewer he was involved
in these programs personally he claims that they had massive wins and that a skilled remote viewer can be highly accurate and highly valuable so when I got to Sri I did uh six remote viewings and uh out of the the six room viewings five of them were first place matches uh Ed May Dr May told me that it was like very easy to match my remot viewings so what's a first place matching uh what does that mean well there's four places first place through fourth place fourth place is no similarity to the Target at all
uh third place maybe 20% similarities which is Chance second place is uh produced uh some valuable information but it's is not good enough to say it's actually the Target first place no doubt that's the Target and it's practically drawn and in fact I do very detailed drawings so was pretty easy to match my stuff turned out to be the best series of six ever done at SRI and said I want to go to the place where the photographer stood when he took the picture that's in the envelope I can't find because what was in the
envelope was this yeah that's the right response I could not draw that while looking at the damn thing if you're into this stuff and you haven't heard Joe mcmonagle's uh incredible stories there are so many podcasts out there he has numerous books out one other quick distinction I did not make that I would like to point out remote viewing project Stargate all of this stuff is adjacent to but different from what Robert Monroe was doing at the Monroe Institute the Gateway process um all of this stuff is like often smashed together like it's the same
thing but the technique themselves are completely different and just to cross the wires and thicken the plot even more mcmonagle himself is also involved at Monroe in fact even to this day he's teaching remote viewing classes there despite the fact that that's a completely different technique than what we're talking about with the Gateway process so with the lore locked in the stages set and I can share my absolutely reality quaking experience about 45 minutes outside of Charlottesville Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains sits the Monroe Institute despite all this shadowy history there is not a
hint of it when you're there it's a really beautiful welcoming place so what do they do there well I think this is where Gateway comes in it's their Flagship program it's a 5-day six night experience that's aimed at according to Monroe's own material navigating the non-physical expanding your awareness shifting your perspective on what's possible thought provoking but that's pretty nebulous General language so what does this really entail what really is this Gateway process well first and I guess foremost a lot of meditation but this isn't just watching your breath or something this is using Monroe
sound science the institute's proprietary technology they call hemisync which uses binaural beats and other sound technology to help you achieve and maintain specific states of cons Consciousness or as they call them Focus levels and each one of these Focus levels is associated with a different state of consciousness we will get specifically more into Focus levels as this story continues the other major facet of this experience that I really wish I could show you more of is the communal aspect because there are 25 other people on this Retreat this hivemind uh communal aspect really is a
massive part of this experience of course you are meditating alone but after every meditation you get together for what we call a debrief where everybody shares experiences you eat together you hang out together laugh together and honestly cry together or at least we did with this really diverse group of people you know a variety of Ages vocations so yeah I'm just going to have to leave it at I have so much love for this unique group of people I can't say more without getting kind of personal so I'm going to leave it at that but
if you're watching I Love You So if you haven't watched the channel much I feel like it's important to establish that Consciousness reality what it is that we're doing here in a meta sense is a central Obsession of mine I spent a lot of time researching it doing content on it having conversations about it but I also want to get across that I am not the type to be just satisfied with ideas or seduced by stories I need experience I want to know what's really real that doesn't mean there's not a lot of baggage rattling
around my Consciousness you know everything from the philosophy of Consciousness to uh mystical Tales From Antiquity of what today we would call astral projection or outof body experiences that said I'm really trying not to have that influence my expectations too much in fact I'm definitely not expecting to have any kind of really ontologically destabilizing experience at this Retreat if I'm honest we're here Monroe Institute it's pretty surreal honestly night one was very chill just everybody kind of hanging out getting to know each other checking out the property which has some novelty for sure novelty like
gorgeous views this immense beautiful rose quartz crystal oh yeah and the fact that me and a couple of the other participants may have seen UFOs and I should say I don't see weird stuff in the sky very often but what is that it see it seems like it's sinking right is that what usually happens with no I yeah it's weird looking really weird it's it's totally sinking because look it's going behind the hell I don't and what is that okay there it is I got it look how it's kind of it's like flickering I mean
this is some of the weirdest stuff I've seen this second object or light whatever it is appeared and reappeared numerous times it was moving in all sorts of strange patterns so I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some sort of magic some sort of quintessence charge from the very beginning of this experience and there was definitely a lot of just getting your mind right getting psychologically ready to do this work really taking the idea that you're more than your physical body seriously or at least suspending your disbelief for the time that you're here so
we just got done with our first couple of focus level meditations the first one is focus 10 they call this the body asleep mind awake or mind awake body asleep state it honestly feels like just a fast-tracked meditation like you reach those same states of deep relaxation um and then also there's some interesting phenomenology that does start in the Mind's Eye you know swirling colors but then also other strange you know just visuals that pop in that are kind of hard to make sense of just faces I saw a couple of Porsches for some reason
just things like that where you you've got to wonder like is this just something that's deep in my unconscious mind is this just something popping in from the collective and the sense you get when you do the debriefs so you do these meditations and then you do a debrief the sense you get is that everybody's having some vers of this so not that I expected it but nothing super trippy psychedelic no anything approaching and outof body experience yet but I don't know my friends I I do have a feeling this is going to be a
magical week so we're going to see what it brings I'm back yesterday was so intensely packed that I did not get a chance to sit down and just uh transmit any thoughts whatsoever we get this big long break in the middle of the day but I want up going for a walk and then I was planning to check in in the evening but then we were treated to a surprise appearance by uh Joe mcmonagle if you're into this stuff if you're into remote viewing you may know him as remote viewer 001 he regaled us for
I don't know a long time 3 to 4 hours of just sharing stories uh answering questions really really special experience yesterday was a very interesting day aside from that as well in terms of uh the work we're doing so really were working through one Focus level on each day so the first day was this Focus 10 state which is mind awake body asleep but Focus 12 is more interesting and and I just want to preempt this by saying I feel like I'm gaining a fluency with my Consciousness that I just absolutely don't have very much
of right now and what's interesting about introducing multiple Focus levels is it really gives you gives you a way to discern between different states you know I was wondering like am I going to feel a marked difference between Focus 10 and 12 and I do like 12 really feels like you're moving sort of from one plane to another like you're you're ascending you're you're there's some kind of for me there's some kind of upward sensation occurring and I should say I'm not getting any kind of like really Vivid psychedelic visuals it's more like almost like
the hypnogogic kind of tunnel effect if you know what I mean Shadow on Shadow there is like a sense of of of movement it's hard to explain and then occasionally there are just like snapshot images and it can feel absolutely random like it doesn't necessarily have any coherent themes whatsoever and I think that's true when you're like getting close to sleep as well something else is creeping in you know whether it's just the brain working through something it's like I said those hypn doic States like bits of Dreams forming or maybe external information coming in
from the outside Focus 12 it feels more active like it definitely feels like something is coming alive I mean for honestly for me it feels like some kind of subtle energy field is coming alive but what did happen yesterday that I think is incredibly interesting is I felt probably the most disassociated from my body that I've ever felt in a meditation before to to a point where a lot of my body felt like this very dim sort of numb buzzing I really did start to almost feel like I was becoming aware of maybe it's premature
to say a second body there was this like Buzzy liquid over the top of my physical hands or maybe emanating out of my physical hands and I was trying to move it you know I was trying to move that I don't know for lack of a better term energy body and I wasn't really a able to move it but it did feel like something was there moving on to today we're in this state called Focus 15 Focus 15 is supposed to be this realm of no space no time uh void they talk about being able
to do things like almost like time travel in this state talk to potentially like future versions of yourself past versions of yourself for me it really is almost what it's described as it really is this state of almost just void the state of like I don't want to say motionlessness but ocean of Darkness ocean of wavy kind of energy there's this transition like I was saying before between Focus 10 and focus 12 where 12 feels really active like it feels like there's stuff going on there even though it hasn't been particularly Visionary for me but
15 feels more restful it feels more Oceanic it feels more mild and and flowing and almost like you can just disappear into that like I was wondering like oh if I'm going to a place beyond space and time maybe I can see things like platonic forms maybe I can see things like some I don't know like transcendental numbers in like some kind of Pythagorean way I you know I was really hoping um and I was asking for a vision of something like that but really I did just kind of experience a state of almost lack
of awareness it is interesting looking forward to these evening medit Pati and that's it for now right on q i whatever that music is I did not plan that we're back it is Wednesday afternoon uh weird things are starting to happen like of course I had expectations coming here you know there's so many reports of outof body experiences really profound life-altering things happening and I was trying not to you know get my hopes up to have something that grandiose occur and I was right to do that because for for me so far this has been
gradual but it has been punctuated by things that are really interesting and really uh I guess perplex me you know things that I haven't experienced before through any other medium uh at least not exactly in the way that they're happening I I already started talking about this feeling of phasing like almost like there's a sense of another energy system or other body or something beginning to emerge like I probably said in the last check-in I started to feel particularly around my hands and feet this like physical numbness but an intense sense of like um buzzing
almost like a gel or watery uh warmth we're doing a variety of focus levels today and I had a really strange experience of almost waving going through my body like almost feeling like I'm rock in back and forth or like being on some kind of vessel comes to mind and when that does start to happen it's hard to not get your hopes up like am I about to lift off like is this about to like really happen alas it has not happened um in terms of like developing this fluency I'm beginning to notice there's a
really clear difference between the imaginal and things just presenting themselves like my own imagination in these states is much improved compared to normal I mean you're so all of your resources are dedicated to this theater of the mind there's a difference though between that and things strange just presenting themselves to you and I've really been wanting the lad in one of these Focus 15 exercises you know again this is this place that's supposed to be Beyond Time and youall know me being super into platonism I wanted to see something Timeless and immediately the first thing
I think of is like a platonic form you know can you show me something Timeless can you show me something um that doesn't exist in SpaceTime and is beyond SpaceTime and I didn't get it at that time but leaving a meditation last night I had this really interesting experience where um I think I've already talked about the clicking in and clicking out in case I didn't um clicking out is more like a very sudden loss of awareness and then you just suddenly come back into awareness versus sleeping is like you know the gradual going to
sleep process that we all know um and whether or not those two things are actually different I don't know what I do know is I clicked out last night in a meditation and when I came to I was in this Hypno uh on the way out of sleep it's called hypnopompic I was in this kind of hypnopompic state where you know I was getting this kind of wavy U Mind's Eye visual kind of a fractally Vibe and then very quickly almost like just snapshots like kind of um very sudden very brief I got these like
flashes of mathematics like I got these flashes of geometry and equations and shapes and immediately when it happened I was like that was incredible cuz I know that that information is not in my it's at least not in my conscious mind but I definitely saw it it was definitely there I haven't really come to any conclusions about what's going on here you know at at this point in the week I do know the human Psych has it it's has its own Dimension and we are woefully unlu in that Dimension we spend so little time actually
diving into our own Consciousness it's honestly really sad and this week as much as I'm loving it it makes me sad that I haven't done something like this sooner well my friends I can't believe I'm saying this but I had an actual OB I'm still freaked out um it's it's I want to say it's not what I expected but it is strangely close to the stories I've heard to so I guess what my expectations were uh let's just recap the morning in general this meditation we did this morning was um you know a journey through
a bunch of different Focus levels on our way up to focus level 21 which is supposed to be um they call it like a bridge between worlds kind of uh space but for me this morning I was just getting a lot of imagery a lot of interesting stuff really enjoyed that morning meditation I described it in my journal as a really nice surf through multiple Realms and this morning felt like a really good mixture of me the way I also wrote it in my journal is having the imagination meet the mystery halfway like you you
start to imagine something and then all this stuff happens like it's it's very it's probably very similar to like yungi and active imagination I would think where you you have this combination of initiating some process yourself and then something that feels like you're absolutely not creating it comes and and meets you there these quick scene changes and most of the time that I can't really ascribe a whole lot of direct meaning to some people are having these amazing sort of what sound like very archetypally charged imagery of like you know hooded figures and like receiving
items that seem very archetypally significant if and going through you know straight up fantasy novel type environments so this is the last full day of the retreat now I've just felt like this occasion to slow down to really take time with everything I'm doing not look at the clock not look at my phone has been extremely medicinal and also there's just something so special about being in a group of seekers you know as diverse as this group is and it is really diverse you know age-wise um people from different parts of the world um they're
really is a kinship there I think we all have a tenuous at best relationship with the dark you know it's easy to asso like associate the dark with the unknown with Fe fear of a lot of different things fear of our own minds fear of death of course so I think a lot of us try to subconsciously minimize the amount of time we're spending in the dark but I think this experience went a really long way toward changing my relationship to the dark and my relationship to Consciousness and really like I had a I honestly
had a really profound emotional release yesterday getting into my check unit just thinking about darkness and thinking about darkness' relationship to Consciousness and that probably every conscious being has this experience of the dark and it's one of the most beautiful primordial sacred spaces you can be in but it's also one of the scariest at the same time and I went down this whole just incredibly goth emo Rabbit Hole of thinking about the relationship between Divinity darkness and not just personal loneliness but the loneliness of God you know like if God is what it seems to
be through the words of all of these Mystics it's United it's one right and so is the darkness like the darkness is United and one but it's also incredibly lonely so I went on this whole trip about God's loneliness and how we're like these holographic manifestations of God that remedies God's Own loneliness and yeah I just broke down in tears in my check unit so profound things have happened that said the second meditation this morning uh over an hour long and this meditation was a little bit different because it had so all of these Focus
level meditations have had tones they've had you know some uh ambient elements to them some um verbal directions and this one did too but it also had these periods of really long just absolute silence so the way it happened was during one of these periods of long silence um I kind of Click out and then I just wake up and I'm in a room and when I say wake up it's like it's like I'm in this room it was did not feel like a dream it felt as real as anything in front of me right
now but then I think to myself where am I like I don't know this room like how did I get into this room what like I don't understand where I am or what's going on and as soon as I have that feeling of I'm not supposed to be here I remember like oh no I'm in the check unit right now I'm not I'm not in this room and then when I have that realization I'm pulled back into the bed and everything's up like I'm just kind of like my body is phased out of itself it
feels like and as soon as I try to move my physical body doesn't move this other body moves and it starts to just levitate above my physical body and this might sound cool or something but it was genuinely terrifying and I had no control over this other body really or very little it was just like I told someone it was kind of like being a newborn baby just having almost no control over your limbs um I remember in uh one of Chris Ramsey's videos he talks about the importance of when you if you achieve this
state and you feel out of control or you're confused it's important to just speak like say what you want I think in his video he said I need clarity or I demand Clarity but I couldn't talk like I couldn't say anything um I Tred to talk and eventually I'm just like help help help and I say I say help and then as I'm saying help I slowly like I can feel myself sinking back down into my physical body and then I just spring awake and I'm just sitting there in disbelief well let let me before
I get to that at the beginning of this ramble I said in a strange way it's almost exactly what like what you would expect and what I mean by that is it's not I always had this idea that maybe it would be psychedelic looking like maybe it would be like oh yeah I've been here on a heroic dose before or something but it really wasn't it was just like you're in the room it it felt the same that said I was in a dark box so I didn't really see anything other than darkness in my
own bed um but it felt kind of like what you would imagine that it would feel like it feels almost like there's like this rushing energy around it almost kind of Buzzy and liquidy um but it's all per perating throughout everything and there was like a noticeable feeling of levity to it just like a lifted feeling like a wavy lifted feeling and yeah it's crazy I I it's it's genuinely one of those moments that I'm going to be integrating and making sense of for a long time one of the ways there's a guy Jason who
works here who does a lot of the lab work there's a there's a separate building that's a lab that we got to tour yesterday and I just happened to run into him and he's he described it as a sort of a feeling like you just got out of a car accident or something like that feeling of where you're just heightened and of course my intellectual rational mind is still trying to find ways to like poke holes in this experience but all I can tell you is it felt incredibly real just as real as this right
now I've never experienced anything like that before and as far as I'm concerned I I don't know how I could ask for anything more real than that so at the beginning I asked that question what if you could prove to yourself that you're more than your physical body what would that change for you how would you live your life what would you do differently and I guess first I should directly address it did I do that for myself well in a sense I think yes to a degree I think yes but at the same time
my rational mind does still want to put up defenses you know how do you know that wasn't a hallucination how do you know that wasn't just some really Vivid dream there's one counter to those criticisms that I want want to share with you and it's essentially this how do you rational mind or skeptical person know what's real in general do you question it during waking consciousness when you're at your job when you're with your partner when you're laughing with your friends because if those things are under the umbrella of what you consider to be real
I can't without being disingenuous put this experience this outof body experience in a different category it is as hyperreal a thing thing as I've ever experienced honestly it doesn't just feel disingenuous it feels cowardly to try to confine this experience to some more palatable interpretation of reality or to the status quo because I can't prove an empirically because I can't lay out scientific data for you and also if some of history's most Brilliant Minds have been describing non-ordinary States Of Consciousness that extend beyond the body since time and Memorial and I have now personally experienced
it I have now personally verified it who am I to say that it isn't exactly what it seems like it is that you really do have something more than a physical body that you really do have some kind of second body or Soul vehicle or energy body or whatever and if that list of terms doesn't underscore this I do want to say that there's so much more that I don't know that's what always seems to happen in all of these uh ontologically shocking experiences that I've had through my life is as soon as you answer
one question a million other questions grow like a fractal off of that to start what was that room that I was in what would have happened if I gained control explored around the property and there are so many non-personal questions too going back to the involvement of the intelligence agencies remote viewing out of body techniques what information have they kept from us and once again man do those questions lead to some intriguing but potentially Dark dulu Places if we're not careful a few more bits before we end this transmission one if you're feeling the obbe
fomo Monroe himself actually insists that we all go out of body at night and if that's not good enough for you good I hope this has left you with a throbbing desire to explore your Consciousness deeper yes it's going to ignite so many questions it's going to be nebulous territory but I promise you it is worth it it is an ocean deeper than you can possibly imagine and there's so much wisdom there and there are many ways to explore those Waters not just Monroe and hemisync meditation more psychoactive routes you know isol tanks but I
definitely do think the Monroe Institute the Gateway process the hemisync technology is a powerful way to do that exploration I know I want to go back for more Retreats also before I forget huge gratitude to Chris Ramsay for encouraging me to do this to Allan from Monroe Paul Penny and Mick everybody I was there with thank you for everything and with that let's continue this line of conversation and the comments my friends have you had an OB what do you think about the Monroe Institute about hemisync about all of this stuff uh the involvement of
the intelligence Community I love all the stories I love all the theories do share them and do by the way tickle that algorithm with a like a sub a comment a share it is of the utmost importance check out the third ey drops podcast wherever you listen and we'd love to have you in the Wonder Lodge over at patreon.com third ey drops we have a Discord server where we're rapping about this stuff all the time we do Zoom hangs a book club we are waiting for you I would truly love to rrap with you there
but for now much love and I'll see you in the next one