Achieving Inner Awareness by Letting Go | The Michael Singer Podcast

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Sounds True
Life feels complicated only because we become entangled in our thoughts, emotions, and external expe...
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[Music] welcome to the Michael Singer podcast presented by sounds true in partnership with Shanti Publications for more information about Michael singer's work access to all prior episodes and information about upcoming releases we invite you to join us at Michael Singer [Music] GFF G Masters we make life very very complicated and it's because we're not okay inside you can talk about God all you want you can talk about all sorts of things in life but the reason that life is so complicated is because we are in trouble every one of us except for great Saints
we're in trouble we're not okay inside we don't feel love love we don't feel Joy we don't feel enthusiasm all the time in fact we very infrequently feel these things why it's not because there's not Beauty inside of ourselves there's so much Beauty inside of you It is incomprehensible if I even try to talk about it I know you can't comprehend all of the energy of all the galaxies of the entire universe can be inside of you can flow deep inside doesn't come down at the body the body would blow up all right but you
are a very very very great being you're filled with shuy you're filled with love you're filled with wisdom you're filled with everything the best I can say it and I don't know that people understand is right this moment at this very moment every single one of you are sitting in the Divine State of complete Oneness complete Enlightenment complete merger with the whole universe you've been there the entire time but you're conscious you're aware of being aware I am that I am that's what you are the conscious being who's aware that's what you're aware of aware
of what that's the problem if you're just aware I'm just aware I am that I am all right that's what the burning bush said to Moses Moses asked what God's name should I say if I go down to the Pharaohs and say let everybody go he said I am that I am that's my name I am that I am I am that which is I was in the beginning I will be in the end there was never a time I'm not there's never time I will not be there's just I am that's who you are
that is what your Consciousness is but you are focusing your Consciousness believe it or not willfully or subconsciously you're focusing your Consciousness on something instead of being aware of being conscious you're aware of what you're conscious of that is the deepest spiritual teaching you will ever receive all right it transcends all religions transcends all teachings instead of being who you are which is consciousness that's what you are awareness of being that's what I am awareness of being you are busy being aware of what you're aware of and what you're aware of are called objects of
awareness you are aware of your thoughts are you not this is very deep very spiritual sounds mundane and silly to talk about you are aware of your thoughts who is aware of your thoughts you care more about your thoughts than you care about who's aware of them if you are not aware of your thoughts you wouldn't know they were there period there's all kinds of stuff you're not aware of you don't know it's there well your thoughts are just something you're aware of which thoughts all thoughts all thoughts if you teach child there's a fish
what kind of fish it's just a fish well is a salmon a fish yes but it looks different than a shark it's a fish a thought is a thought it's a thing it's a noun a thought which one I don't care I don't care it's just a stupid thought all right but what if the thought says I don't like this it's a thought the thought says I really like this that's a thought the thought says I never thought I'd ever have an experience like this it's a thought what if the thought says I don't ever
want to have an experience like that it's a thought every single thought is a thought you're conscious and you notice there's this thing called a thought that pops up in there doesn't it who the heck knows what's going to say next is woo it just says something doesn't it he got something I got something to say let me a piece of my mind right what you're conscious and you're conscious that there are thoughts there's nothing else you need to know and you already know it don't you go home and study and make sure that you
know that you're conscious of your thoughts you're wasting your time I'll give you a better assignment be conscious of your thoughts and write down everyone as it comes up not not a paper or pen in the universe all right for each one of you you're aware and you aware there are thoughts right now you're having thoughts I don't understand this why is he talking about this he always talks about this are you not having thoughts yes or no are you making them happen or they just kind of popping up in there you're not thinking about
having a thought you're aware of having a thought you can think about having a thought you can create thoughts create the thought hello inside your head right now over and over say over and over again inside is it happening how do you know because I'm in here and I see the word hello going on in there okay you can also create thoughts visually there are two types of thoughts Audible Voice talking and visual is there a boat in this room right now no put one in your mind put a rowboat in your mind is it
there make it become a speedboat all right now I want you to see a cruise liner now the Queen Mary can you create a thought in your mind of a boat how do you know how do you know it's there look at it look at it now there's green Mar are you the boat or are you the ones looking at the boat cuz the boat can keep changing you don't change it's the same you who heard the word Alo same you heard goodby same you who saw every size boat that you can make in there
there's just one Consciousness inside it's just tons of objects of Consciousness that it can be aware of that is what spirituality is about you have a choice do I pay attention to what I'm aware of or do I pay attention to the one who's aware see the difference one is taking you away away from yourself there is taking you back into yourself if you learn to do this and you can I don't care what you call it meditation or just what we just did I don't care practice being you how that did you do your
practices today which ones practice being you did you practice being you today I don't have to practice being me I am be good know that all right cuz you can't do it why because a thought pops into your mind and your Consciousness focuses on it when it focuses on it it emits its Consciousness away from the seat of self onto the object just like light that's why they call it the light of Consciousness because it's like light what do you mean I'm going to turn a bulb on here I have a light and I'm going
to shine it at you did it leave where it is the light is still sitting right here the bulb is sitting right here it did not leave but it's able to emanate its nature god listen to me please it's able to emanate its nature its nature is light and all of a sudden that light which stayed here fell on you did it not it Shone on you okay how did it do that it's magic right your body can't do that you can't be there and be there okay but light can do that that's the nature
of light so light has a source bulb something the Sun light has a source but it radiates its nature away from the source out from the source and it falls upon objects okay a light bulb can do it the sun does it all the time it falls on objects did the Sun come down and fall in the object no it radiated its nature which is light onto the object that is what you're doing with your Consciousness it's exactly like light your consciousness does not leave the source the seat of Consciousness but it's able to emanate
its nature which is awareness in the case of light the nature is is photons nature is light light for Consciousness the nature of Consciousness is awareness it's aware it emanates its awareness onto the object I'm sitting here in the chair but I can emanate my Consciousness onto that picture I didn't leave you so used to you're not paying attention when you closed your eyes your conscious was inside you're focusing on thoughts okay hello boat when you open your eyes the exact same Consciousness emanates onto the outer objects of Consciousness it doesn't leave what I'm going
to get back to is for the light bulb you know what the source of light is the source is the bulb we call it a bulb the source is the bulb or the sun the sun does not leave the sky to emanate light onto the Earth the bulb does not leave its encasement its socket in order to emanate its light onto the objects you don't leave your Source ever in order to emanate radiate project call it whatever you want your Consciousness onto the object of Consciousness so the fact that you become aware of a thought
is the same as the light falling on a picture the light falling on a person the light didn't leave it didn't do anything your Consciousness is at all times seated in the seat of Consciousness emanating radiating its awareness onto the object of Consciousness if you get that you get all of yoga you get all of patan you get all of every single thing that has ever been tried to be taught to you and if you're inquisitive and I'm not going to answer you right this second but I will in this talk where is the seed
of consciousness it's radiating onto the object of Consciousness that's what I'm busy being aware of I'm aware of my thoughts I'm aware of what I'm like coming in through my eyes my ears I'm aware of objects of Consciousness all the time aren't I what is the source of Consciousness what is the seed of Consciousness the bulb the sun we can tell we look it radiates from there all right but what do you know about the source of your Consciousness and if you tell me oh I read about it then you're radiating your source of Consciousness
onto words on a book you're rting your source of Consciousness onto the thoughts that got created in your mind as you read a book you know nothing about the source of Consciousness I have ideas about it that's a thought I have Concepts that's a thought I have a view in fact I'm so open I have many views I'm open to All Views good there just moving moving light bulb from one place to the other not the light bulb the radiation of life that's why they teach you spirituality is not about Concepts and Views and opinions
and religions and books it's about the one who's in there the source of your being the soul quot it that if you want the essence of your being is your Consciousness but the problem is it radiates out onto the object of Consciousness IT projects the object Consciousness and you get lost if I sat there and there there was okay here's a beautiful man over there he's handsome he's beautiful I love the pieces so much so that I can't take my eyes off of him okay I'm fixated on him I can't think of anything else then
that's my world isn't it if I literally cannot take my awareness off of that person or off of that car or off of that thought that's my world can somebody get so lost in the thought that they can't get out can somebody get traumatized a child get traumatized early in life see their parents die in a car accident in front of them or something like that and never come back you can't talk to them you can't get them to interact again with the world can that happen that's because their Consciousness got fixated it was so
strong the power of the object of Consciousness was so emotional was so strong that the conscious got fixated Frozen to staring at that if you can get them off of that they can come back all right not easy you ever gotten fix at anything have you ever had a thought that you couldn't get rid of have you ever had a thought that governed your life for a while it determined what you wanted to do and this and usually unfortunately they're negative thoughts usually it's some trauma something that happened that you can't get out of your
mind but sometimes they're beautiful sometimes you fall in love or something happens and and just all you can think about you can't work anymore you can't do anything you say things like oh my God I don't care if he has any money or anything like that we can live in tense in the rain it's fine with me and your parents are saying yeah yeah I've heard that before come tell me how long that lasts all right why doesn't it last cuz at some point the fixation on that emotion or on that thought generally will fade
because other things will happen and all of a sudden that which you said was the beginning and end of your entire life you're getting divorced I'm going ask you a question how many people do you know that when they walked up to that altar to get married knew they were getting divorced they love each other but we won't we'll hate each other throw things at each other War the roses and it's going to be really ugly but let's get married nobody nobody they believe this is the person that God gave me for the rest of
my life and my God I would do anything with this right or wrong and yet 50% of all marriage and divorce wake up that's what's happening what's happening is your Consciousness becomes fixated on things other than itself Enlightenment Enlightenment means that you're a self-realized being what does that mean you have realized the source of self you have realized the source of the light of Consciousness which has a name God that's what they mean by God that's what Christ meant when he said my father and I are one I have merged back I came back to
the source of light not stayed absorbed in the object that the light was falling on and basically the source as well get it out now the source of your Consciousness is exactly the same as the source of everybody else's Consciousness there is just one like the sun falls all over the place it lights up good people bad people food and this and that and right or wrong all right it's the same Son by the time you follow those beams back I know this one shining on your special person and you love the radio just follow
that light beam back and can get back to the exact same place that every single light beam came from that's exactly what's going on inside we're talking deep everyone wants to talk about how do I fix my life up how do I get what I want how do I attract myself what I want have fun because you won't there is only one place of complete well-being and that is to stop being lost in what you're paying attention to and to explore and return to the source of your being you have ecstasy that's the the nature
of the source of your being is incomprehensible in India they have a name for that state satand Eternal conscious Bliss that's the nature of your being is sat the Eternal conscious Ecstasy but why don't I feel that because you're focusing on something that is not that your thoughts your emotions they're not that are they was last time your thoughts were Eternal conscious Bliss when the last time your heart felt Eternal conscious Bliss Eternal conscious ecstasy is the nature of self it's the nature of conscious has a nature everything has a nature the nature of Consciousness
is awareness aware of what aware of itself what's the nature of itself Bliss ecstasy love light all the time always has been always will be then where did Darkness come from shine that light on something dark Shine the brightest light in the room through dark dark filters and see what it looks like on the other side it didn't cease to be the most beautiful light that ever was you Shone it down on something that wasn't so bright wasn't so Eternal it keeps coming and going then it all right so now you understand spirituality spirituality is
returning to the source of Consciousness that's I don't like those words returning to source of your being the being who watches your thoughts I don't want you to say Consciousness that's just a mental concept go look it up in the dictionary what's Consciousness all right who watches your thoughts what watches your thoughts gives you a job every moment of your life you get to go to God any moment either you can get lost in the thought or you can be aware that you're aware of the thought but they're strong aren't they and I I purposely
haven't used the ew yet emotions does anyone know what I mean when I say the word emotions point to one you can't but every single one of you know what I'm talking about don't you okay because they're objects of Consciousness there's something else that Consciousness is capable of being aware of these things that emanate from the heart don't [Music] they help can you get lost in your emotions look at what we say I lost myself wow you said it right you just didn't understand how deep what you just said was I lost myself in my
anger I lost myself and with jealousy I lost myself I am the self but not that I wasn't all right I am the light but I'm focusing on a picture that's making me upset well then don't come on home come back to the seat of Consciousness seat of self so that's what's going on is consciousness is everything literally everything what's all said and done conscious is everything and you are that you are God you are to me the most beautiful words Christ said as I sit by the Throne of my father that's a seat of
Consciousness that's where he's at as I sit in that seat of Consciousness so you shall sit by my side you are that you are the exact same Consciousness all right as I sit by the Throne of my father so you sit with my throne and these things which I do you should do these and even greater things no you're not a sinner you're not evil you're not dirt you're the most beautiful thing that ever could possibly exist and there's nothing you will ever do that will make it not be that way if this light that's
gorgeous shines through a bunch of dark filters did it stop being as gorgeous as it is it seat did not change one iota it's just is it willing to come back to its source or is it busy getting all upset because it looks dark down there by the way that is the fall from the garden it's that easy you're merged in ecstasy one with God one with your being it's all there right and then you looked out at something and instead of just saying oh there's creation there's what I made there's the dance of of
reality there's the dance of creation you looked a little too close and all of a sudden you're not up here but you are up here you're never not up here but you're looking down there that's the fall from the garden the minute you stop being who you are and you look down at these emotions and these thoughts and this body and this world and you get lost in it to where you don't even know who you are you don't even think about who you are you see but how do I straighten this out how do
I make her like me how do I make this happen how do I get this one how do I stop that from happening how I stop from getting old how do I get old oh God are you having fun yet in the Bible it says that when you fell from the garden now you must work by the sweat of your brow for what everything anything don't you have to go find love go find happiness go find peace you are love you are happiness you are peace you are Ecstasy but you left to get involved with
what you're looking at and now you have to make what you're looking at be who you are and you can't possibly do that because in order to look at it you have to leave who you are but I wonder anybody understands there's what called returning to the seat of self become established in the nature of your being self-realization Enlightenment call whatever you want you are there right now well I don't feel like it of course you don't because you're staring at feelings and now all you care about is making your feelings feel better than they
feel now I want have positive thoughts fine work on your thoughts wherever they come from to make them positive you'll get ulcers won't you you must work by the sweater of your brow to make your thoughts be nice you must work by the sad of your brow to make your emotions be nice you must work by the spread of your brow to make the world unfold in front of you away such that when it comes in it makes your emotions and thoughts be nicer don't you have to do that don't you have to make people
be a certain way and make your job be a certain way and make you look a certain way and make every single thing be make the weather be a certain way when you want don't you have to try to manipulate the outside world at all times such that when it comes in your thoughts and emotions are nicer okay that's called being caught you're caught now you have caught to struggle with the world because you can't handle your thoughts and emotions because you don't know who you are cuz you think you are your thoughts and emotions
if you ask somebody who they are you what they say oh I'm Mary Jones who's married to Paul and these are my children and that's not who you are you existed before any of that happened even in your life you didn't exist when you were 10 you have children yet you didn't me Paul yet no you don't understand I'm the one who played Dorothy the Wizard Oz in the fifth grade these are experien es you've had they're not who you are you're the one who had the experience you see the difference did you not have
experiences you've now defined Yourself by your experiences haven't you I'm the one who got hurt so bad and I had this traumatic and I went through the war and I had that's not who you are those are experiences you had who had the experiences you did didn't you the same you had experience when you were 10 years old had experience when you get married experience when you get divorce experienc when you got sick experienc when right it's the same you in there experiencing every single thing you experienced but all your experiences are different aren't they
you have pulled those together into what's called your psyche your self-concept and a thought pattern self-concept how I think of myself how Freud defy the ego how you think of yourself that's your self-concept talk to psychology right you pulled these experiences together made a cage and said this is me that's why I am the one that had these EXP experiences no no those are the experiences you had you were always the same being in there but you got lost that's the fall you got lost in your experiences you got lost in what you saw and
what you heard and what you thought and what you felt and you are completely lost that way every single moment of every single day and because you're not paying attention to who you are which is ecstasy you have to work to try to be okay it's sad once you touch a place inside yourself even once I don't care what you've done through your whole life anything for one second if you touch your being you will never be the same period it will never be the same why because you realized wow there's something really beautiful in
there what am I doing puts around with this stuff out here the only thing the outside can do is take away the greatness but it doesn't have to and that's what we're going to talk about so now you get an idea who you are now you an idea how beautiful you are you indeed are in the seat of you're one with God you are one that's who you are you always were always will be nothing can change that but you do have the ability to stare at something other than yourself and identify with it can
I use that word don't you identify with things here let's get really bad that D don't me talking about you should leave before I talk about it well what about falling in love with somebody it's a wonderful thing do it by all means it's very spiritual it's very beautiful all right it'll help you grow believe me all right what happens when you fall in love with somebody if you really fall in love you project your sense of self onto them it's just another experience isn't it I experienced love I experien my heart being open I
experien melting every time I looked at somebody it's an beautiful experience but it's an experience okay and when you do it's so powerful that you identify yourself with the experience that's who I am I'm this person's lover and this is my whole life and I projected my sense of self away from myself onto that and that's very beautiful and by all means you go through the experiences what happens when it breaks up see I told you I want to talk about this you fall apart you fall apart your heart breaks you fall apart you get
lost you don't know who you are if you're really bad right can get like that right you lose your whole sense of purpose of life why because you defined yourself as something you're not but I loved her so much yes that's wonderful it's a beautiful experience by all means have it but it's not who you are you existed before you met her and you exist after but you don't like what she looks like in there you like what it look like like in there while you were with her or him but you don't like what
it looks like in there when they left you do you but it's still you looking so that's why we have so much trouble in life because we are projecting our sense of self onto the experiences we're having and we say that's who I am you want to see ego I'll show you a piece of ego now pay attention I'm going to buy a new car I go into the car room into the showroom and there's all these cars and people walking around sitting on them sitting in them doing different stuff right and it's fine and
now you go you talk to the salesperson and you say I think I like that one you bargain for the price a little bit you go in there and he gives you a piece of paper and you sign a piece of paper and you walk out of there get off my car what they've been sitting in the car the whole time there been people in get out of my car just you signed a piece of paper and all of a sudden it's my car did you make it do you know where it came from do
you know anything about the thing what if you a piece paper for a different car get off of that car don't touch my car do you understand that you just that's how quick the self-concept owns something it defined itself as the car it wasn't the car before please listen that's the same thing you do with your relationships same thing you do with every single thing with your job I wanted a corner office how come she got it you just oh I would never live like that that's why I moved out to the woods 50 years
ago no I ain't doing that that's that sounds like a non- winner to start with just Define what it is you think everything should be like and get upset when it's not just make up in your mind something like that's my car now get away from my car what if if you get away from your car and you drive away and you park it and you come back out and there there's a scratch on it how do you know there's a scratch cuz I have a magnifying glass you laugh anybody and don't you blush anybody
ever see those two-sided mirrors that they have in the hotels you know 600 magnification and regular magnification well why would anybody want to do that to themselves I don't think your face look really good at a 600 time magnific oh my God there's a black spot you use them don't you by the way that's my car that's my face no it's not no it's not it's just something you look at in the mirror guess what it keeps changing doesn't it so obviously not you cuz you're the same one is looking at it did you look
at your face yesterday did you look at yourself in the mirror yesterday did you look in the mirror a year ago you look in the mirror 10 years ago didn't look the same did it same you looking do you understand that that's who you are you are the Consciousness the indwelling being all right and you're aware of your thoughts you're aware of your emotions and you're aware of comes into through your senses but you're not those things you are aware of break the sentence down subject object verb you are always the subject there's just one
subject it's always been in there who you are but you project your sense of self onto objects and thoughts are objects and emotions are objects and form is objects and by the time you're done getting lost in your thoughts your emotions and what's coming through your senses you're pretty lost all right that's the lost soul that's the fall from the garden so what do we do about that it doesn't sound like much fun well it's not okay it's a struggle is it not even when something's happening the way you want you're afraid it'll stop don't
you struggle if somebody says oh God I love what you're wearing you try to be careful what you wear next time don't you it's no end all right go give a lecture or or be a mus and play a set that oh everybody claps it's right you not so sure you want to go back next time what if going to happen next time you hear me you can't be okay projecting your sense of being onto something that's not you and then you have to try and make everything right about that thing I don't even know
how to talk about it how are you going to manipulate the world so that every moment that unfolds in front of you makes you happy cuz you don't even know it will make you happy you have trouble deciding what you want do you not that's so Telltale wake up if you have trouble deciding what you want what chance do you have to make everybody and everything around you be the way you decided you want it's hard enough even to decide what you want now make you be that way go decide what you want to do
tomorrow now make sure it doesn't rain make sure not too hot make sure the person that's coming with you not get sick what does the word disappointed mean it means you made something up in your head and ain't happening so what's the answer here the answer is not to identify with your thoughts to develop an ego that's so strong that anytime anything's not the way it wants it gets weird doesn't it it complains inside it gets upset and sometimes it complains outside big time doesn't it it's just why why live like that when you're the
most beautiful being That Ever Walked the face of the Earth and so that's spirituality is about is come back home not try to make the world be the way you want it's so frustrating to watch people teach you that so big deal you can attract to yourself everything you want now what better keep doing it because you keep changing it keeps changing and you get upset if it doesn't work what am I'm doing wrong how come I can't ever attract to myself what I want I want to to attract money how much money well I
don't know elon's poor compared to what I want I want to be famous how famous is I don't know you know George Washington level I want to be remembered I don't want to die and have people forget me good have fun because you won't it's not about making stuff up that you think will make you be okay and then trying to make it happen it's about finding out why you're not okay and I just spent the whole half the talk showing you why you're not okay because you left the seed of your being you left
the core of your being so what does one do leave the world renounce the world meditate in the mountains no no no you find out why you can't handle that you're conscious and there's things you're conscious of fine there's nice thoughts and there's not nice thoughts ho there's really really nice emotions and there's really really uncomfortable emotions wow I dig it variey is of spice of life that wonderful there's people who love you to pieces and people who hate your guts they can't even think of you without vomiting hooray hooray isn't this wonderful what's it
got to do with me nothing the light can shine on that picture or that picture down or up it doesn't change the light one single ioda that's where you're going that's what you learn not how to avoid everything so it doesn't bother you but it's the different trying to avoid everything so bother you or trying to get everything so that it makes you feel good same you're busy as could be for both aren't aren't you it never ends it'll be that way your entire life but I don't want to go to a nursing home no
don't put me in n and don't worry they won't stop check it out you got grandparents you got parents got brothers sisters anybody who's in enlightened who's filled with ecstasy all the time okay and you wake up and you realize I did this I'm seated in the most beautiful place I could possibly be but I can't handle looking at what I'm looking at does that mean I shouldn't look at it I should renounce have nothing to do with anything no it does not mean that it means you should learn to be able to look at
it and be comfortable looking at it to me it's like the white lines on the road can you look at the white lines on the road without freaking out or do you pull the car over cry and pull your hair out because it went to dashes or or because they're yellow instead of white or because they're double oh my God who wants double ones you are capable of handling experiencing the white lines are you capable of handling wind how much wind 5 m hour 10 hour how much capable of handling I Love It Blow Me
Away it's like blow my hair straight back like bow it's like can you handle the rain I love the rain can you handle no rain I love no rain can you handle heat oh I love heat it's so high basic can like going to the beach can you handle it green coal I love bundling can you experience what you're experiencing and be able to experience it without freaking out because if you can experience it you don't have the white line stored in there no psychiatrist going to go in you oh you got this white line
thing most things you experience in your life go right through I going throw percentage out 99.9% of every single thing that ever came in through your senses went right through the trees you drove by the people you walk by every blade of grass every leaf on AE all these things you experience them they go right through they just okay thank you I experienc thank you very nice thank you you go out your business it's all supposed to be that way you don't not experience it you just be able to experience it without freaking out but
what happens that 0.1% that 0.1% is all these people walking by but that one looks like your girlfriend walking with somebody else it's not by the way but it looks like your girlfriend walking with somebody else how you doing I couldn't handle it and some people are so weird we're all weird but some people are so weird that when they go home and they see the girlfriend they say I saw I walk with somebody else no you didn't yes I did don't lie to me wasn't even there you were so they believe what they thought
more than reality it bothered them so much that they can't let Let It Go even though it didn't happen there are people who have dreams that screw up the rest of their life I dreamt I got in a car accident it was terrible I died I left my children alone it was terrible I'm never going to drive again hooray it didn't even happen but it could you don't want to talk about could happen anyway listening the key is not to not have experiences the key is to be able to handle the experiences you had here
let me do it slower the key is a to handle the experiences you're having this experience I'm having okay there is having it very good thank you hello Namaste you're welcome to come in and to pass through right my door is open my door is always open here comes in passes through right not only can you not do that with the experience you're having and I hate to say this to you you feel bad you can't do with the experience you already had they're over they're over they're not going to happen again the exact same
experience will never happen again the atams can't come together the same way they never do but you can't handle what happened 20 years ago you can't handle what your parents did when you were five if you can't handle reality you're not going to be okay so spirituality is not a pronunciation it's not about attracting to yourself what you want it's about learning to handle reality if you want you can you you have trouble handling the Realties in front of you I know that why do you have trouble handling what already happened will never happen again
you understand what my mother said to me she died 20 years ago she'll never say it again don't you worry one drop about it all right well my sister when we were growing up we didn't get along real well we fought a whole lot now we get along great but if I ever think about the old times I can't even look at her what are you doing it's not happening it's not going to happen why are you screwing yourself up so if you can't handle what already happened you probably can't handle what's happening right okay
so those two you're not doing so good with how about what hasn't happened yet and you have to make up what might happen can you handle that oh no oh no I can't handle that I make up really bad stuff you got real quiet so funny you got quiet didn't you why cuz the future hasn't happened yet and none of it none of it happened yet has it so what do you mean you can't handle it so you're making up with thoughts a future that hasn't happened and you're freaking out over what you thought might
happen well by the time you do that with your past you do it with your future and you do it with the present I wonder how well you're doing I wonder why you're struggling do you see it right spirituality is not about renouncing it's not about this it's about saying I can handle this this that's your Mantra say it with me I can handle this now while you say it right now I don't do Retreats I don't do this stuff do it for you the first time I ever did it right while you're saying I
can handle this think about what's going on right now that you can't handle and say I can handle this I can handle this I can handle this over I can handle this you see just change your mind about it someday you're going to say I can hand it you're going realize the reason you can't handle cuz you said you can't your mind say I can't handle that that's the only Reon you handle your past why can't you handle your past it already happened it's over good you made it you a star no no you traumatized
by it why because you couldn't handle it you stored it inside of you and you kept it in there didn't you and it comes back up by itself people say things don't say things all a sudden all this stuff's coming back up inside that is a nonstarter there's no reason for that I don't care what psychology tells you it's in there because you held it in there there's there's no super glue inside it's empty in there it's beautiful it's it's light there a pure light that's all it is inside until you start storing garbage in
there you store this stuff in there because you didn't like it I think it's hilarious cuz you didn't like it you kept it you better laugh you get a good laugh out of that one the more you didn't like it the more or you kept it I will never forget what you said to me it will ruin the rest of my life I'll make sure it does you'll feel so bad I will be so screwed up because what you did I will never let that go there we go spirituality is the opposite of that it's
been saying the world is unfolding it's been unfolding here on the planet Earth for 4.5 billion years I didn't ask you to handle 4.5 billion I she handled 90 or 100 at the most can you handle it 4.5 billion 100 it's big difference right can you come down to the planet Earth tiny little planet in the middle of nowhere nice Planet trees frogs clouds weather computers things to do people love relationships it's just it's quite the place right if you don't like it go to Mars see how long you last there we haven't seen any
anything anywhere we have tremendous telescopes don't we the Hubble the James web looking thousands and millions of layers we have never seen anything but burning fire and gas and dirt that means it's not out there somewhere but we've been looking for a long time we ain't seen nothing is that what it's like around here nothing ever happening just really boring place okay and you can't handle it that's the problem the the problem is not what's happening the problem is you can't handle what's happening and because you can't handle it one you fight it to try
and make it be something you can handle you're in trouble why because the person next to you doesn't want it to be the way you want have you noticed that so now you're really fighting you're not fighting nature okay here I want to go camping today it's raining I don't want it to rain it looks like it's G to rain the farmer wants it to rain at your an exd door neighbor okay now do you understand the source of all conflict people say why is there so much War why isn't there more you're all making
up what you think will make you be okay and no one agrees because you've all had different experiences therefore you stored different stuff in there you stored totally different stuff than your husband and everybody else because you had different experiences they bothered you different ways so everybody's totally completely different nobody is the same even close how many people think had the same experience you had in the last five minutes these people aren't they're looking from a different place they have different mindsets when they came in everybody has different experiences all the time therefore everybody stored
different things inside therefore everybody's different in there therefore everybody decides what they want to happen it's different therefore lots of conflict and it will be that way till someone stops doing this stops doing what stops storing things that you don't like inside but but sometimes I have experience I don't like good I can handle this I can handle that it rained during my birthday party when I was six I've hated the rain ever since and I hate God too because my parents said God made the rain well okay that's it for God and you did
that when you were six and I guarantee it's still in there so you wake up and you say wait this cannot work do you see it can't work it can't work can't work inside of you can't work Society it can't work that we're all doing this so you be different you sit there and say I can handle this someone walks up to you and says I don't like what you did you didn't even do it somebody else did it I can handle it I can handle that he said it I can handle that I felt
yiy when he said it that's the key it's not like getting him stop him from saying it can you handle what came up in your emotions and thoughts because you got blamed for something you didn't do I'm not saying anything about it we didn't talk about that yet I'm just asking you if you can't handle it you shouldn't be dealing with it I can't handle having my face in water well then you shouldn't go swimming I can't handle a sight of blood that don't be the first person in my car accident if you can't handle
something you're the worst person to deal with it does that make sense and you all the time say I can't handle this and then you try to handle it by making it not happen but make sure it never happens again by making you sorry that you sit it you hear me so it's like wow spirituality because we talked about where you can go who you are you have to be able to handle reality to not get caught and controlling manipulating and getting lost in yourself so fine someone accuses you or something you didn't even do
it feels weird when it comes in you get these emotions start going out in there you feel defensive that starts going like that can you handle that I'm big you that's why I try to teach you now can you make it not happen can you handle that it happened not that you feel good about it can you handle that it didn't feel good can you handle it and the answer is of course not can you learn to handle it let's say you never played the piano in your life I sit you're down Play Beethoven you
don't even know what to do could you learn potentially you have to be a cons pianist could you learn to play something yeah but have to practice you can practice learning to handle things I'm going to cry I don't care that you think you can't handle it you can't play the piano you can't do all kinds of things you haven't learned can't play tennis you never touched a racket can't play golf you never played before but you can learn you can learn to handle things that's the highest spiritual technique there is how you go about
it that's your business but I'm telling you if you're out there trying to avoid things in the name of spirituality you're not learning how to handle them if you're blaming everybody else cuz you can't handle it you're not learning how to handle it so you're in here take a breath and when you wake up in the morning here's your Technique ready you wake up in the morning and you say things are going to happen today and I can handle them I can handle them and then you go through your day trying to remember that you're
supposed to be handling them well why is it hard because they're strong and they pull you out of your centered seat of Consciousness see when you're centered you're saying I can handle this you're not enlightened yet but you're centered see a difference my Consciousness is sitting in a seat that's aware that this is what I'm doing I'm learning to handle things I'm centered that seat eventually will let go and go way higher I'll do that in a second and never enough time for you guys so you wake up in the morning I can handle this
I can handle this I'm going to handle the day you go through the day every once in a while maybe you sit down for lunch you just come back and realize I didn't do very good so far I I couldn't handle the smell that was flowing in the air I couldn't handle the car in front of me that was driving slower I couldn't handle the fact that it was hot out I couldn't handle the fact that I sweat it I couldn't handle the fact that I said something I think was stupid but I'm not sure
I want to look it up cuz people may think I'm stupid oh my God I I wow it's awesome isn't it I got some work to do you got some work to do learn to handle things start with little things that bother you for no reason they just bother you because you decided they bother you and practice letting go just how do I learn to handle it by relaxing relax in the face of what would have made you close the driver in front of you is driving 30 miles an hour in a 55 Zone and
you're in a rush and you can't pass it's a single Lane it's busy traffic all right you have a choice get up tight or relax it's binary I'm a computer guy there's no other choice well you're making a stupid choice to sit there and get yourself all upset and alter and complaining and then go to work and tell everybody how slow this stupid driver take down the license number I'm going to tell somebody there's going be laws against this stuff wow you did a lot of good there right catch yourself practice letting go practice letting
go if you can use affirmations they can sit there and say well that could be my grandmother in the final years that she gets to drive I'm not going to tailgate her I'm not going to beep at her I'm not going to send bad vibes you say okay Grandma I'm fine I'm honored to give you the space to drive the way you need to drive you can do that instead can't you that's practicing the piano that's practicing being okay practicing being okay I can't help myself a littleit like when it's hot out it's been hot
out right I'll do it very quickly right why is it hot well there's the Sun up there 93 million miles away what's the circum of the earth I don't know 23,000 something like that 93 million miles away and it's so hot you're complaining wow that thing's hot and is it the sun no it's a star who doesn't like star St s you'll night it's so romantic the stars are shining I want to see a shooting star how do you not love the fact that you're so close to a star you can feel it heat did
you realize that's was going on so there's lots of stars out there but you're close enough to one and it's so hot that you feel its heat love it you don't get sunburn you get starburn who doesn't want to get starburn just open up and look and realize that's a star that's a star during the day all right enjoy it you can do that with everything and little by little you learn I can handle it I can handle that she didn't say hello when she came home I can handle this I can handle that I
can handle that my husband gets in moods fine had a bad days in a mood so what who cares because you understand what's going on inside of him the same as going on inside of you and you start letting go letting go of the part of you that's holding all this garbage in there and all of a sudden you're happier why cuz you're not stowing all that garbage in in there it's like taking away those dark filters that the light has to shine through eventually you take enough of them away and I'm telling you I
guarantee you you start practicing with this stuff enough and all of a sudden something bigger you can handle because you learn to let go first do you not deal with it of course you can deal with it once you've let go and you're okay this is reality is there something I'm supposed to be doing most of the time there's not most of the time the reason you have to do something because you're not okay with it there nothing to do about the fact that the star is out there or that somebody's driving a different way
or that it's raining there's nothing to do just stop complaining you start relaxing through it and next thing you know you can handle things when that be beautiful why is that important because then you don't store them when you can handle them they're like white lons you don't store them inside you go there you had a little dispute with your kids or your wife or husband in the morning but you let go this that's fine come on man people have disputes right you let go so when you come home you don't bring it with you
he said let's continue that one because I didn't like what you said what what did I say he don't even remember what did I say you hear what I'm saying learn to handle things why because if you can handle them you don't have to store them they don't leave scars they don't leave marks and scaras and now you're a happier person you're not carrying this garbage inside and if you do that the old stuff's going to start coming up I've always warned you guys somebody wrote me the other day said you were right if you
don't keep shoving more stuff down there there's room for the old stuff to come back up and you want it to come back up you don't want it in in there then you learn to handle that and you keep letting go and at some point you're going to find out that you really are filled with shaki you're filled with joy you're filled with love for no reason somebody says to you oh God you look so beautiful you you're so filled with joy and love what happened I don't know nothing I'd rather have you say I
don't know than say oh I met somebody I want you to be happy unconditionally for no reason at all be inspired filled with love that's what happens when you let this garbage go if it's not in there the light that you are makes it through and you start feeling that and that's not even high now you think you're high I feel love all the time that's nothing that's nothing that means you stop blocking yourself so that the light is shining down and you feel it it fills you get filled with light you become a being
of light you do you become a being of light other people feel it it radiates healings take place all kinds of things happen because you're projecting the light but that's nowhere eventually you will just let go and let go and you'll be there and you're fine and you'll not only feel this light coming down at some point you'll feel something pulling you up it's like a vacum it's just pulling you up into it that is your Source inviting you to not go down at all to come home to come back to your seat of Consciousness
and it starts pulling you up and as it pulls you up you expand it's not expanded Consciousness Consciousness is already fully expanded it's the entire universe it's ceasing to contract your cons Consciousness see the difference the' 60s I'm a 60s boy right let's expand Consciousness that's ridiculous let's stop Contracting the Consciousness it's already expanded and it starts pulling you back into it it's your natural state and now you're getting somewhere and the great ones an enlightened being mayor Baba said when he merged what does that mean that his individual Consciousness merged with the source of
Consciousness he said it was like a drop of water my consciousness the drop of water staring at me that drop fell in the ocean find it go on try it sometime it does what's called merge the word yoga means Union merger that's the merger we're talking about that's what Christ talked about when he said my father I one that's what Budd went and merg into Nirvana your individual sense of self Christ taught died to be reborn right every word Christ taught was the deepest yoga that could possibly exist that's what every Master taught all right
so you it pulls you up into it and you'll see it's not easy to die to be reborn to let go of yourself all right but you learn to and eventually a very very great being merges merges with who you are then what then you are blessing on this Earth because there's no ego there's just that light that Source emanating but the amazing part is that's who you are you're not this beggar this little struggling little person trying to be okay is it hilarious you're the entire universe you're everything all right so I gave you
the way out I can handle this I can handle this learn to handle things and you don't have to get caught in them you don't have to store them all right and the next thing you know it just starts going up by itself the ascent takes place right work on these things dtive [Music] [Music] you've been listening to the Michael Singer podcast produced by sounds true in partnership with Shanti Publications for more information on Michael's body of work and all back episodes please join us at Mich singer thanks so much for listening sounds true
waking up the world [Music]
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