I Stayed in Luxury Tiny Homes

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Ryan Trahan
i love tiny homes!!!!!! --- huge thanks to air up® for sponsoring this video! seriously, don’t forge...
Video Transcript:
I am obsessed with tiny homes probably because I'm 5'8 and need a step ladder to get into my dad's truck but today I'm going to the most amazing luxurious tiny homes I could find in America howdy I'm in New York City I have always wanted to sleep in one of those tiny New York City Apartments I feel like they get romanticized all the time and these reviews definitely reinforce that smart room that maximizes small space A Little Piece of Heaven with a rooftop bar and coffee and pastry served by exceedingly kind humans that review feels
a little suspiciously positive to me I don't know I feel like a giant in here but a wealthy giant who inherited a small fortune and takes weekend trips to New York lovely Alleyway okay apparently to get to this luxury tiny home you got to go through an Alleyway but I'm happy to hear it's lovely we should probably just go I entered the alleyway and I was happy to find that it is in fact lovely but the real test lies inside this building it's in there I got my room key on the seventh floor and walked
into our first of many luxury tiny homes waa this place is really nice but it's actually the cheapest one that I'm going to yeah I'm going around the country to the coolest tiny homes I could possibly fine let's just say this video is going to blow some Minds specifically my own and in the meantime I'm going to try to touch both walls of this New York City Apartment I'm not a very big person this room is very small but the layout is genius this apartment is a quaint 135 ft yet somehow they've managed to include
all of this stuff oh where you where you going buddy come on back there you go I mean the fact that I can show you the entire room in one angle that's that says a lot but it really does make the most of the space look at this luggage storage that's fun I love that that makes me feel like a responsible adult we got a cute little stool what is this little table it's a TV very fancy sink area with one of these light up mirrors that says a lot about the demographic that's spending money
here this is the most handsome I've ever felt actually I I feel really handsome this bathroom's a little small so this apartment is amazing yes but one thing is I want to show you that I packed these Shrek Crocs I'm sure you guys saw it but Airbnb literally built Shrek swamp and I requested to book it look at these images I need to go there but one thing's for sure these Shrek Crocs will not Grace my feet unless they are stepping foot on soil soaked in Donkey DW I'm sorry I lost my temper it says
donkey is literally the host of the Airbnb it's also in Scotland I love Marketing in the 21st century it's a long shot but I Can Dream okay in the meantime I'm going to enjoy my tiny New York City apartment and all of its amenities here's what luxury looks like in New York City an awkward 15 Minutes Alone sitting by a rooftop bar an absurd view of the Empire State Building pretending to be a local and buying a slice of pepperoni pizza I facetimed spock and he immediately started begging for my food he is ridiculous I
considered buying the shirt then for some reason I didn't I finished up my night watching cartoons at my little table and then I went to bed because I have to wake up early to get to my next tiny home after a few hours of travel I made it to the next city that's right people Atlant but this next tiny home is in the middle of nowhere which means oh yeah this Baby's purring as you guys know there's nothing I love more than a rental car I love sending photos to my dad saying just got a
new car he believes it every time it's so funny this next luxury tiny home is insane it's also in the woods in the middle of nowhere oh fancy look look how pretty that is how tiny is this home I don't want to miss it oh my gosh I'm sorry I should really show you guys we're not in New York anymore I think I know you might be thinking hey Ryan that's not that luxury it's a it's a black little tiny house when you guys see what's on the other side you're going to lose your marbles
just for reference here are a few of the reviews of this place came here by myself I'm color blind I'm not sure how that's relevant but how is this marketed as a tiny house with a shower big enough to shower a large family tiny home with a bed Fit For A King tiny home but the TV feel like the movies this is tiny home I'm microscopic I would never leave hot tub was only quite warm the point is this luxury tiny home has a lot of things to be excited about and I can't wait to
go inside oh my [Music] luggage oh my gosh I entered the code they gave me and it didn't work I think I'm at the wrong cabin okay I found another one attempt number two hello oh my I put the code in this store and it worked yay I'm excited uh yeah this is much bigger than the New York apartment but it's still only one bed one bath this is what the house layout looks like this is obviously a really efficient room the kitchen is great is there a fridge give me a fridge boom there's a
fridge breast milk oh that's a dishwasher hot cocoa in the hot tub I can make that work this bathroom come on I feel bad for the color blind guy this tile is gorgeous oh I'm putting that on tonight there's also this completely unbelievable outdoor area not only is there an outdoor shower a hot tub and the perfect amount of chairs to make me miss my wife there's also this hammock thing oh this is all amazing but I think the reason that this place can be called a luxury tiny home is this gosh darn [Music] view
oh that is just quite warm I spent the next hour just figuring out how this place works the technology in here is crazy yeah I'm watching Mr Beast on that tonight I picked up some famous Atlanta Chicken on on the way here so this is going to be my dinner tonight dinner is served I'm also just watching Mr Beast on this projector with the craziest view in the background of my life Airbnb has still not gotten back to me about shk swamp I packed these Crocs in faith okay I'm going to be devastated if I
can't wear these in this video this was genuinely one of my favorite nights of my life you know why this experience is so cool cuz luxury means different things to different people you guys hear that noise you know what that sound is absolutely nothing now that's luxury after New York City I made hot cocoa it's more like quite warm cocoa at this point unfortunately hot tubs kind of gross me [Music] [Music] out yeah I'm going to miss this [Music] place however I'm off to the next tiny home next thing I knew I found myself on
a flight to a way more expensive and luxurious house ran good Baltimore first time oh yeah yeah that's the listing I'm actually headed to a harbor right now this the Raven Stadium yes oh I'm a Texans fan oh guys I have made it to luy tiny home number three however this luxury tiny home is not a home at all it's a boat how crazy is this if you look at the satellite of this dock you can see literal super Yachts are docked in this Harbor we're in some wealthy territory folks there's a huge yacht right
there but this might be the coolest boat on this dock listen to these reviews I felt so fancy on this boat I don't need to go to an island there's already one in the kitchen if you want an experience you'll remember for the rest of your life go on the Rooftop at night look at the skyline and think about your dreams that was the most beautiful review I've ever read Hannah immediately killed the vibe though house wouldn't stop moving it's a boat anyways enough chitchat let's go check it [Music] out so at first this place
really just looks like a nice apartment until you look outside and realize your neighbors are boats is there even such thing as a landlord here floating on water so this house boo is 325 squ ft oh gosh that's not good oh thank goodness okay let's continue with the tour you have a nice living room with a TV a kitchen with everything you need really a really big bedroom and somehow there's also a really big bathroom o another robe [Music] so this tiny home is obviously amazing on its own but I think the real claim to
fame as we read in the reviews the rooftop oh boy a spiral staircase please be awesome please be awesome oh my gosh it's awesome man I can't wait to come up here at night time with a white robe and think about my dreams guys before I go get dinner I think I need to come clean if you've been paying close attention throughout this video you'll notice something very strange about me I've been carrying a water bottle every single day that's imp what does he mean by that's so weird this wasn't by mistake that was intentional
product placement because this video is sponsored by air up ever since I got my air up I've been drinking so much more water and that's because of this guy you see that it's called a flavor pot it gives your water taste through scent I know you're thinking Ryan that sounds a little crazy okay I don't I don't know if I trust you to prove that it works I'm to let a stranger try it out it like flavors the water through scent okay so you going to try on camera you tell me work you can be
honest yeah I'll be honest okay regular water yep pretty good all right now here's the flavored water all right oh yeah oh yeah that's weird though I smell it now I taste it yeah hopefully that went well the point is if I'm in Boss mode like strictly business I just push down the pot and you get regular tasting water but when I'm in vacation mode I'm at the Docks baby I just lift the pot up and boom my water tastes like I paid for it and I kind of did because airup cost money but I
have a deal for you you can use cod tiny at checkout for 10% off your airup and I am going to eat crab at this restaurant apparently Baltimore is known for crab nothing screams luxury like going for a fishy walk to a restaurant called Rusty Scupper does anyone know if this is a real crab that's that's scary if so my dinner was yummy but the rooftop was calling my name I'm up here on the rooftop of this luxury tiny home boat and I'm just praying I'm not going to tell you what dream I'm praying about
at this point it's just [Music] silly good morning sleepy head this morning was amazing I made myself some coffee I wrote a cute message in the guest book and enjoyed my last morning on the water new tiny home yay this one's even more expensive and and it's in my hometown hello for Ryan Yes this one looks the craziest by far I said goodbye to my Uber driver and made my way into an actual fairy tale this place is called the bloom house you know a home is going to be luxurious if it has a name
it looks like some sort of creature like very mythical and I'm a little bit scared and as you can probably imagine the reviews for this place feel like everyone who wrote them was intoxicated art potent luxury wear your finest clothes I chose a silver button down I bought this on Amazon It Feels Right organic natural a cave above ground a bongo a ulele reaching out like that is purpose for which it is born to hold to comfort to be this is why you come here I'm trying here I really don't know what that what she
was trying to say fantasmatic not a word it's not a word these reviews have me a little spooked also it's looking like this is the closest thing I'm going to get to Shrek swamp it does feel like a fairy tale which is nice I'm not going to let that upset me because this is literally the coolest home I've ever seen let's check it [Music] out so I just personally walked around this house 14 times I have no idea how I'm going to make the floor plan Photoshop for this one there there it is that's my
best effort this is not only our first twostory tiny homeo the video this one is like four stories in order to get to the living room the room I'm in right now you have to go down two flights of stairs the firl is so cool also I found the Bongos if you thought this shirt was ridiculous just wait till you see the kitchen what I love about this home is there are no edges there's no sharp edges in this house this drawer was custom made to be the trash drawer the dining room is just terrific
they simply do not sell this seating arrangement at Ikea and I don't even know what this texture is on the ceiling but I love it and I kind of want to eat it on the third floor or the bottom floor I'm not sure what to call it is the bedroom the bedroom is awesome it's actually a little bit smaller than the New York City Apartment the bathroom is also crazy just the fact that this shower curtain exists is a miracle like the ceiling is custombuilt for this shower curtain also I was feeling handsome in the
mirror again maybe it's the silver shirt last but not least there's a a spiral staircase that feels like it goes up forever and it leads to this cute little room this is actually the eyeball of whatever creature this is and there's also a balcony outside so this is most definitely the biggest coolest and most luxurious tiny home of the video I ordered barbecue online and then invited my crush over for dinner doesn't this feel romantic it is you're dressed like a 50-year-old [Music] man hey boys can I get uh Riz in chat Haley immediately spilled
her brisket we soaked up this meal thinking it was going to be my last tiny home of this video I told Haley all of my stories over the last few days and I said goodbye to her on presumably my last night in luxury as I was going to bed it was really setting in I was so bummed out that I'm not going to be able to go to Shrek swamp that was until I checked my phone and saw the most unbelievable text message of my my life yo do you want to go to that Shrek
swamp with me I'm flying there [Music] tomorrow next morning I hopped on a plane and crossed the bridge of reality [Music] itself after 20 plus hours of flying I finally made it to Scotland my good friend arak partnered up with Airbnb to go to Shrek swamp and he invited me yay I cannot express how this is truly a once in a-lifetime Opportunity what are you doing my SW we drove through the beautiful Scottish Highlands and found oursel in a swamp-like region it's a forest that genuinely feels like Shrek would live here it's time to enter
Shrek swamp 3 2 1 I'm emotional for some reason I cannot believe this dude [Music] so obviously there are no reviews for Shrek swamp but the listing says here's what we can expect during your stay in this spectacularly secluded swamp scape guests can relax in the Ambiance of ear wax candle light kick your feet up with a parfait everybody likes parfait swap stories around the fire until late in the night enjoy a stack of freshly made waffles in the morning and of course enjoy the ultimate privacy of Shrek's trusted out house without further Ado you
ready Eric oh it's so warm in here oh I just hit my head I just hit my head no way it feels illegal to be in here hey there's no laws in Scotland that's just not true Ryan it's just not true so Shrek's house is a little bit bigger than the New York City apartment but not much at all this is the second smallest tiny home of this video it's also the only tiny home built out of mud where is Shrek we don't we don't know where I don't know the Airbnb is also just stocked
like a a normal Airbnb there's also a coffee bar I got to say I did not take Shrek for a caffeine addict there's a Dyson fan that thing's like $1,000 I wonder what the property taxes are like on this I got to say Shrek swamp is everything I could have dreamed of I mean the attention to detail is crazy everything in here is built so well like it feels like someone really lives here I thought when we came in here that this was like a mulsh textured carpet it's actually just mulsh it's just it's just
dirt floor like I'm so curious to see who the host is cuz someone's bringing us brunch and it says it's going to be donkey is he sleeping here I donkey knows had a [Music] host and maybe the most iconic aspect of Shrek's entire house somebody once told me couldn't get the license to the song but you know the song okay well I guess now we're just going to wait for donkey to bring us brunch I heard brunch was on the way okay Donkey just dropped off brunch bro cook he absolutely is in his bag we've
got waffles with fruit uh Canadian bacon sausage yogurt with fruit coffee orange jues whenever I asked donkey to be in the video he got really weird he was like don't film me I did manage to get this photo of him it was very awkward but regardless he he cooks a mean brunch so I'm excited Eric and I really enjoyed donkey's brunch we also just had a lot of fun playing in the swamp catching up we don't get to hang out as much as we used to but him bringing me to Scotland and re swamp is
a memory I will never forget Eric thank you so much for bringing me out here dude I had a great time bro this was a blast the whole reason you came out here though was to wear those Shrek Crocs [Music] right [Music] [Music]
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