now Lord bless this night and we pray with all our hearts that you will be our teacher tonight thank you for this awesome day and awesome privilege that we all have to serve you thank you for the special moment we're living in today when we can preach the gospel to the multitude unashamedly and see results and see Souls want the cross I pray not one of us will miss this divine moment and these your precious people sitting here tonight will also be used and will also be blessed and anointed to preach the gospel to the
nation's in Jesus name God's people said amen you know I've told you so many times take your Bibles please I told you so many times that we are living in an amazing hour I am more convinced of it than ever that we truly are living in an amazing amazing hour the hunger on this planet is beyond description hunger for the Lord so deep and so great and what a moment for you this is your moment to say with me this is my moment yeah and we and we dare not miss it and I think it's
amazing that I've I've begun this class I began to teach on this class a few weeks back not realizing that God would intensify the conditions on earth making it really easier for you and I to minister on not only here but on this globe all over the world I think it's time we be bold at time we don't hold back and say I don't want to say something that may hurt somebody they are begging you to tell them the truth but with meekness the problem is sometimes we tell it with harshness because we feel we're
better than they know love them into the gospel let them understand the gospel with your with your meek spirit share it is that is that clear and then there will not be there is no reaction you may think is there and so the anointing of God is vital in this hour now last week and I'm gonna ask some questions I had asked you to read Josh was seven and Joshua eight and number sixteen if you remember I I talked with you about protecting the anointing and today we're gonna go further than that of course but
why must we protect it and how do we protect it now remember what I've said and I've said it all along that the presence of God which is his glories and abiding presence but the power of God which is his anointing is there for a season and a reason and since it is there for a season we have to protect it we have to keep it and so we cannot allow anything to happen to this precious substance that's that's called the anointing in our life now you remember what caused the loss of it on the
life of Saul Saul was surely anointed God is a God of grace and he works with you not against you and he will work with you gently and slowly but there comes a time when his power will leave your life if there's a rebellion that's a case in Saul's life and that's why he lost the anointing on his life and it began when he would not listen to Samuel the Prophet who said wait for me don't rush just wait for me we're gonna have a sacrifice today we're gonna offer gotta sacrifice we're gonna have a
prayer meeting a Samuel was anointed as prophet and preached on that day Saul was anointed as king and only King but when Samuel delayed his coming Saul impatiently stepped out of his office into another man's office he quit being a king and wanted to be a priest on that day and offered the sacrifice and when Samuel showed up and said what did you do he said I had to force myself and this is one of the things that people do often unaware maybe but they do it often and when they do it they lose with
God what is this that they do they force themselves into a place that God never given anything that you push has to die don't pump it if it has to be pumped let it die it's gotta flow if you have to push it it's not God so he said I forced myself how often you see people stepping into a ministry God never called them into they they're forcing it they're pushing it or the pumping it into existence but the well has no water they're pumping dry wells they're trying to make something happen that isn't happening
a gift makes room so that's the first danger and then people step out of that blessed place God has a min because they're forcing themselves into another position now I'll tell you something we sometimes do that unaware of the fact we're doing it and I have to confess even I as a young preacher thought God had called me to do more than he has called me to do but I was smart enough thank God to realize it and say no God has called me to be an evangelist even though I was a pastor of a
church it was still an evangelistic anointing on my life and I stayed within that and there are times people will force upon the Lord their own desires and will remember that God has a perfect will and a permissive will God's perfect will brings perfect blessings but when you read the story of Balaam God allowed him into his permissive will when he insisted to go and meet Balak the king of Moab the Moabite at first God said don't go don't you dare go but be like a man offered him money so now why don't you come
and curse the people for me curse Israel and then God a second time Balaam went to God requesting permission to go when the Lord had said already the first time known now the Lord says alright go now it almost looks like God changed his mind no no no you got to understand something about God there we see the permissive will of God because it was demanded upon him like Israel of all demanding God to do something and God Almighty will allow them as the allowed Balaam but abroad destruction cause now as Balaam was on the
way the angel of the Lord tried to stop him and then his donkey had to spear and the donkey is his own animal saw the angel before he did permissive and the permissive will of God may be allowed but it will cause harm he'll bring emptiness to the soul he gave them that heart's desire but what happened their hearts wanted something from heaven but their soul became vanished it was no blessings no abundance as a result of forcing our own will upon the Lord's will say no I want it this way so that's a danger
like salted who's I did the same thing in 2nd chronicles 26 he what he wanted to be a preacher said well I'm the king I can do anything I want and as I became a leopard when he forced upon God his own desires he said I want to be a priest and the priests came and said it's not your job to offer incense whose ayah he says I'm the king who you think you are the result was disaster not only did he become a leper he lost his kingdom his authority just like Saul did so
it is a dangerous thing to walk away from a calling that's on your life so what is the calling of you what is the calling of God on your life you'll know it if you walk away from it there's danger and we see the same thing in number 16 one Cora cousin to Moses said who you think you are we're just as anointed as you Moses God intervened and the earth swallowed Korah and his company but now something happened something I told you I wanted to discuss with you today turn to number 16 now and
and I'm showing you here and there's much more than the scriptures on this but I'm showing you here how to protect the anointing the first thing and most important thing of all do not leave your calling find it and live in it let it be your address for life now here in number 16 we we find this most remarkable event now Korah the son of Azhar the son of Kohath the son of Levy and Dathan and abiram the sons of Eliab and on the son of pellet sons of Reuben took men now Cora was a
Levite and from the genealogies which which I won't have to go through we see he is cousin to Moses and you can find this in the Exodus chapter 6 verse 16 18 and 21 Exodus chapter 6 verse 16 18 and 21 were Korah was his cousin here we see the genealogy of the of the family it says they rose up before Moses with certain of the children of Israel 250 princes of the Assembly famous in the congregation men of renown Moses was not faced with a with a group of nobodies the ones who came against
him with were men of renown princes are called they gathered themselves verse 3 says they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron and said unto them ye take too much upon you seeing all the congregation all the congregation are holy every one of them and the Lord is among them wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation law of the Lord they salut you who you think you are you're lifting yourself up above the congregation and when Moses heard it he fell upon his face now later Moses says in verse 9 and this
is a key look at verse 9 and let me read verse 8 - so you'll see the full picture and Moses said unto Korah here I pray you ye sons of Levi seemeth it but a small thing unto you but the God of Israel had separated you from the congregation of Israel to bring you near to himself to do the service of the tabernacle of the Lord and to stand before the congregation to minister unto it he said whoa wait wait a minute he said do you think it's a small thing for you to be
who you are God is honored you by letting you minister in Sunday's Tabernacle don't take lightly what God is given don't despise your position you take it lightly that God has called you to be ministers inside this tabernacle Oh how often I've seen it where people despise their ministry they want a bigger ministry they want to be somebody else it's a dangerous thing verse 13 is it a small thing that thou has brought now let me let me just read verse 10 and on and he has broadly new to him and all thy brethren the
sons of Levi with thee and Sikhi the priesthood also said you you you want you want more while you're not satisfied with what you have for which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the Lord and what is Aaron the team murmur again him and Moses sent to call Dathan and abiram the sons of Ilya which said we will not come up they were rebellious is it a small thing that thou has brought us up out of a land that flows with milk and honey to kill us in the wilderness they
began to complain they said what well we'll look what you've done to us Moses you brought us here today except thou makest thyself all together a prince over us they said you're making yourself a prince over us now look at this accusation they make moreover verse 14 thou has not brought us into a land that flows with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards will thou put out the eyes of these men we will not come up you promised to take us to a land of milk and honey you've not
done it man of God they begin to accuse him calling him a liar the dangerous thing I've had staff members do that to me they will leave in their office they were leaving the place God called them to be in and accused the servant of the Lord like Moses was of not serving God properly those people today not only are out of the ministry that out of the faith they have gone back into the world and Moses was very wroth said unto them respect not they're offering I'll he's spraying of course he says Lord don't
respect their offering I have not taken one one donkey from them neither have I hurt one of them Wow now gathered in verse 19 it says that Cora gathered all the Congress the congregation Cora gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation but watch verse 21 this is key and the Lord spake unto Moses verse 20 says and unto Aaron saying separate yourselves from among this congregation that I may consume them in a moment and look at verse 26 Moses now warns their friends he said depart I pray
from the tents of these wicked men and touch nothing of theirs lest ye be consumed in all their sins that's frightening so do you want to protect the anointing on on your life then stay in your office and don't support anyone who's leaving his because he said right then read it again he said don't you don't you support these people verse 26 and he spake unto the congregation saying depart I pray from the tents of these wicked men and touch nothing of theirs lest ye be consumed in all their sins so somebody who says I
am leaving the ministry or I want another or I'm moving whatever are they and they're forcing it upon the Lord if you support them you share in their fault on the side of God you ought to encourage them stay in your calling don't walk away from it dangerous thing now sometimes people say well it's a good idea why should it harm the work of the Lord like David in in 2nd Samuel 7 verse 1 2 & 3 said I'm gonna build got a temple and Nathan the prophet who had not heard God's voice at that
moment said yeah do what's in your heart the Lord now comes to David later in verse 12 and 13 and says no no you will not build the temple there's much blood on your hands I want your son to build it and David obeyed the Lord and saved himself from disaster so a good idea does not mean God is in it now this anointing that must be protected and I and I showed you a number of things earlier about how it increases but you also need to see that that the the opposite will decrease it
so you have it in your notes you can go over that later but what increases the anointing protects it so keep protecting it by doing the right things now the anointing of God remember is on you as a Christian you are anointed because in in 2nd Corinthians 1 turn with me 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 now he which establishes us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is God the scripture says we are an anointed people the anointing on you is the overflow is the overflow of the Messiah's life into your life the
anointing of God is simply the overflow of the Messiah's life now once you protect it and there's much more we can do to protect it but I'll deal with those matters later in other teachings but the most important key I already gave don't walk away from your colleague but this anointing once it's upon your life and it's increasing and bringing great blessings will do some amazing things in your life write them down please number one the anointing will consecrate you the anointing will literally set you apart for God's blessings and ministry in Exodus 30 verse
30 and 31 God spoke to Moses that the anointing upon Aaron will consecrate him to God that's why today you know we have we have kings and queens on earth who are who actually get anointed like winners Queen Elizabeth and and the reason for it is because it comes from the scripture it will it will consecrate it will set you apart now they often do it for traditional reasons rather than because God is in it but the scripture says clearly in Exodus 30 and look at this magnificent verse 30 and 31 and thou shalt anoint
Aaron and his sons and consecrate them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office and thou shalt speak unto the children of israel saying this is an holy anointing oil on to me throughout your generations so god says this consecration that comes upon you believers by the anointing is forever throughout your generations I will not change my mind once I anoint you i consecrate you forever and you got to remember what I just said and and let it sink in your in your heart the anointing of God once it comes upon your life
will result in consecration eternally therefore God will use you in heaven your job begins on earth it doesn't end here see I've always thought now Lord back when I was a younger you know Christian so well once I mean in heaven I'm done no no that not so alone but consecration that the anointing brings about upon you is eternally so just because Jesus is gonna come to earth and take us home it doesn't mean we're done we will have higher responsibilities to whom it's it says if we're faithful with the little on earth he will
give us more and we shall reign with him forever well terrain you must have an anointing secondly the anointing of God Ezekiel 16 9 through 13 says honors you it brings honor to you not only consecration but honor why would you think I can walk into that very special service that nobody else could walk into God honors his people why why can you walk into the houses of government and meet with high officials around the world honor it's not just because you have crowds I promise you that there's nothing to do with grounds people respect
you when you serve God there's honor the anointing of God honors you you're an honored people because you're anointed Ezekiel 16 verse 9 to 13 in fact God Himself honors you because the anointing is on you you are an honored man and an honored woman because you're anointed so let me read this to you is equal 16 verse 9 then watched ID with water yeah thoroughly washed away thy blood from thee i anointed with I anointed thee with oil but look what he says then I clothed thee also with broidered work and shortly with badger
skin and I girded D about with fine linen and I covered it with silk honoring you and as you read here that verse 12 and verse 13 you see God honoring you put a jewel on your forehead earring in your ears and a beautiful crown upon your head verse 12 says you were decked with gold and silver raiment is fine linen silk you ate fine flour and honey and oil exceedingly beautiful and you prospered into a kingdom and a wonderful now may I tell you something about the anointing - it will prosper you a part
of honoring you to prosper you because he said here you prospered into a kingdom prosperity is the result of the anointing don't push for it it's yours and it's not money I'm not talking about money I'm talking about divine prosperity yes God Almighty will surely supply all your needs if you're anointed thirdly this this anointing in Abel's you all that you do in life behind it is the anointing it gives you that enabling power numbers 18 verse 8 says you have what you have because they anoint everything you have because of their known numbers 18
verse 8 now think about it now because often we don't really think about it and often we don't realize it where would you be today had God not touched your life think about it just a second some of you may be dead I would be some in deep debt some in trouble beyond description some crime some may be criminals maybe some in prison maybe some in a gang maybe some on drugs or whatever think what God has done for you because he's anointed you you are a blessed you are a consecrated you are an honored
people and he's enabled you to be who you are and do what you do because of the anointing so numbers 18 8 says all you do and all you have you've been given because of the anointing Wow that's why we have to protect it the fact I need to read this because it's a wonderful verse numbers 18 verse 8 and the last portion unto thee have I given them unto thee have I given them by reason of the annuity everything you have that them is everything you got by then owning God there was talking about
the offerings they and said here and the Lord speak unto Aaron behold I have also given thee the charge of mine heave offerings of all the herald things the children of Israel unto thee have I given them because our reason of the anointing so everything we have been given is given by the anointing number for the anointing gives you Authority tremendous authority is yours authority over Devils and may I add authority over things on this earth do you have authority your authority is so great it's frightening you just don't use it sometimes second Samuel 5
3 so all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron and King David made a league with them in Hebron before the Lord and they anointed David king over Israel say King / yeah we're not on we become kings / above the anointing it's a frightening right now we're gonna all be judged by the Lord for our actions and and may I add he will judge us for every word we speak why would he judge us unless those words were not pleasant pleasing and right a lot of Christians hurt each other all the
time they sell kinds of nasty things they've harmed God's precious people harmed God's precious people we are wounded by our own brand yet you you wonder why they keep prospering after they hurt you they have the right of children they're still God's people did you and I just said to you they're anointing on them even though they have not behaved properly keeps them in the house they're still God's God's even though you don't like them there's people you don't like who are saved remember they're saved their food are anointed even though you cannot stand their
name sometimes that happens to all of us we can hear the name because they've done us wrong yet the scripture says forgive them how can I forgive them they've done it up that's not the point be released of that anger so God can bless you and he'll deal with them later trust me they will be dealt with but don't judge yourself don't be the one to be punished because you just won't let go of that anger they are still his children still there are preachers have said the nastiest things about me I have no choice
but to love them I don't like it I have to God would not be pleased with me if I did not love them and forgive them it's not so there are still as children they're gonna be in heaven with me they will be in heaven with you you may want to run and hide and not see I have news for you you can't they will be in heaven with you because they are children is children just like you are just because they did something that didn't please God it doesn't mean they're not anointed do you
get the message because we have authority that we can misuse our authorities our Authority you cannot hear what I just said to you and the scripture backs me up on this do you know that there are instances in the scripture when men acted against the will of God and still what they prophesied or what they said happened why do you think God would not allow Balaam to curse Israel because his curse worked everything he said happened and God had to stop him from cursing his people because his curses worked he is called the mad prophet
because later he left of the faith and went into into sorcery and it's not just Balaam by the way there are others never forget they have authority as long as they're as their children now there comes a place and then they may come a time when such individuals and it's happened walk away from the faith let me ask you something Judas Iscariot was he anointed yeah you bet it was was he one of the twelve now Judas did did he also go with them and heal the sick and raise the dead and preach the gospel
of course he did he had the authority as an apostle he was a thief Jesus said one of he is a devil that man had authority what he was with until he forsook the master his acts were unaccepted at times that he was one of the Apostles and here's the frightening thing because of that anointing on him Jesus himself never attacked him you know amazing Jesus the master would not even mention his name when he said one of you will betray me they said who lured me is that is a tie is a tie and
when Judas left little they didn't know why he was leaving and the Lord and watch this could have but did not say you know what he's about to do to me never said a word when Judas went to betray milord the Lord never won one time said you know what he's about to do to me and even after he rose from the dead jesus never said did you see what that guy did to me not a word why because that man was anointed if Jesus the master would not speak against one of his own who
betrayed him how dare we speak against others the G what I just said to you how dare we the God's people yeah he betrayed him and he walked away he was called the devil yet Jesus the master never spoke against Judas never once Peter did not know John did not know James none of them knew what Judas was about to do when he left the room and they did not know even after the resurrection Jesus never once attempted may we be like the master the mirror a big image but he had he had authority that
an only gave him Authority until he betrayed the Lord of course number five see I'm taking you deeper and I'm glad you're going with me but do yourself a favor and be a good student of the Bible read this and look for what I for what I teach right in here will you do that [Music] number five the anointing destroys bondage it destroys bondage on you if you are truly anointed there should be no Devils in there should be no no demonic activity in your life or around you the end the anointing will set you
free Isaiah 10:27 number six the anointing imparts truth first John 2:20 and 27 first John 2:20 and 27 the end the anointing of God once upon your life will cause you to walk in truth you'll not stray from truth as long as the anointing is upon your life how we need their knowledge let me rain amen and then finally number seven revelation 3:18 says the anointing will cause you to see see things that you could not see in the natural understand things in other words that you could not understand in the natural now this anointing
that we have is a very precious substance it's a heavenly commodity and it's tangible what I just gave you all that preciousness about it it's a heavenly commodity now this anointing that I'm talking about here in these classes is feelable it is knowable it is touchable you can feel it you can know it you can touch it I'm not talking about a strange substance I'm talking about a heavenly substance upon you on planet Earth you can feel it it's feelable you can know it it's knowable and you can touch it it's touchable God has has
has has favored us in allowing us to experience it while still in this body now may I say something to you precious people of God that I I'm gonna explain hopefully slowly and easily because I've told you a number of times throughout these classes that there's a difference between the glory and the power right yeah the glory of God has nothing to do with the emotions the glory of God is in your spirit while the power of God touches your soul affect your emotions affect your physical body affect your behavior affect your actions even affect
the way you speak the presence of God is deep within it's known within that inner Court as we call it while the part of God is known within the outer court we we feel it we know it we touch it experience it we feel it on our bodies and the anointing is experienced differently in each one of us we know the same Lord we experience his power differently the anointing of God comes down on this room and everyone in this room will feel something different it's the same power it's the same Lord he's the god
of variety in a wonderful so in in the scriptures in just write these down in Jeremiah 5:14 Jeremiah felt fire in his mouth I've never felt fire in my mouth but he did the anointing was manifested as fire in his mouth Jeremiah the Prophet Jeremiah chapter 5:14 said it was like a fire in my mouth in Jeremiah 20 verse 9 he said was like fire in my heart fire in my heart I never felt that either I have felt fire on my hand I felt far on my body but I've never felt far on my
tongue yet I never felt far in my heart that's Jeremiah 20 verse 9 and he's talking about the word of the Lord was unto me the Word of God was unto me as fire but that word anointed word it's the anointing that caused him to feel like fire in his mouth and heart and then he said and then this the scripture says in Daniel 10 verse 10 and 11 he said I was trembling Daniel was trembling under the knowing I've often felt that many of you probably felt that have you not trembling often we feel
the trembling part of God we say I'm trembling my body shaking why it's one of their many what one of the glorious manifestations of the anointing that's Daniel 10 10 and 11 the Daniel 10 10 and 11 and then Psalm 45 verse 1 is another manifestation of the anointing David said I felt as though my heart was about to explode and overflowing in my heart my heart was in tiding my heart was overflowing the King James uses in tithing it was overflowing with a glorious matter I felt as though I'm I'm about to explode with
joy oh how I have found there so sometimes we feel the anointing as an overflowing within our being and then Luke 24:13 - they said did not our heart burn within us did not our heart burn Luke 24 32 that's probably what Jeremiah felt possibly but while Jesus was talking to them on the road to Emmaus they said they did not your heart burn when he stopped he was talking to you and sometimes you feel that something you don't not describing and then acts 18 verse 5 Paul said I was constrained in spirit the anointing
on him was was as though he felt constrained by the spirit let me let me read this to you this is a very powerful thing that happens - really I would say probably to many of you it's happened to me I felt it in in acts 18 verse five the scripture says and when Silas and timotheus were come from Macedonia Paul was pressed in the spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ pressed or constrained he he he he at that moment that anointing Quest him to preach the gospel you say encouraged either
but I believe the word pressed is a much stronger word than encouraged it was as though just something just burst out of his being hallelujah there are there's time that anointing will cause you to burst you just cry out under the mighty unction when you're preaching just you just something just bursts out of your being that's the power of God that's the anointing you'll often have that happen to you don't be frightened by it it's precious now this anointing are you learning anything this anointing and this this is one of our close with here today
and then next week I gotta really get more into this all the so precious this anointing can be transferred there's a beauty about it this blessed power that comes upon us for the reason and a season this blessed power that is the fruit of God's presence can be transferred I cannot transfer the presence of God but I can the power of God in an amazing I cannot give you the Holy Spirit but I can impart the gifts through the laying on of hands God imparts his gifts through the laying on of hands you say now
why did you say I I'm glad you asked that question because you precious people of God need to realize your participation say my my participation say it again now you have a part in this we give glory to God we have to but we must never forget God will not do it without you we have we have a part to play through the hands of the Apostles through the hands of Oh God didn't do it till there were hands available to him God didn't do it till there was a body available to him so we
always have this false humility oh you know God is no no don't you insult the Lord he's using you through the hands of the Apostles so Paul the Apostle wasn't ashamed of the fact God used him he said through my preaching through my preaching he said to the church in Corinth he said you are my children so how do you sit there God's children well of course the God's children Paul but he said I have prevailed over you you're my children he wasn't boasting it was just telling fact he was not dismissing the Lord's portion
and part in his people he was just saying God uses vessels and I'm one of them did you and I just said now we dare not miss understand this because then we'll boast and grieve the spirit but we must understand our participation with heaven now listen to me very carefully God looks for vessels to use he honors these vessels when he uses them but these vessels should never grieve him by not accepting the fact they are vessels we are vessels I'm not a vessel of Satan I'm not a vessel of this world god forbid I'm
a vessel of the Holy Ghost and I'm honored by that I honored him for the privilege I'm glad he's called me and the people of God said Amen about what God has done with you - I would not want to grieve the Holy Ghost by rejecting this fact this doesn't mean I did it it just simply means I acknowledge the fact that I cooperate with the spirit working with them the Bible says he working with them it didn't say without them with them now would you look at me does the Bible says nothing does the
Bible say nothing is impossible to God or with God say with God or to God yeah good good you know why because if the Bible says nothing is impossible to God he'll do it by himself he will need you but the Bible says nothing is impossible with God because God looks for a partner to do it with your you're his partner and are marvelous he has chosen to honor you by making you a partner with him he won't do it by himself because then he'd say nothing is impossible to me but nothing is impossible with
with God with God with means he's looking for somebody to unite with him so he can do it with them hallelujah so now it puts new light oh Lord I can see why now you did not move here because you could not find the people could not find a man what did God say through Isaiah and Ezekiel come on I could not stand a man couldn't find a man who would do what stand in the gap I'm looking for somebody who would partner with me who could be that that's vessel that's vehicle I could work
can find why would God need Moses come on let me ask you why would God need a Moses who couldn't even talk right could not the Lord go down to Egypt and do it by himself yes he could he chooses not to and he'll wait hundreds of years till somebody shows up to say you're here am I so the delay is not God's delay his nobody is around to say I'm your partner in that amazing inner also sad that history had to wait for the man God has always been there the man just didn't show
up Kathryn Kuhlman said and this is stunning she said I was not God's first choice I wasn't even his second choice I was his third choice because no man said yes dear moody heard the message God is looking for a man who'll surrender all and he'll shake the world if I'm that man don't look no further God used it God Christ who will go for us there's no right who'll speak for us I said so I'm a lord not is looking for a man he's looking for you by the way he's been knocking at your
door you you're in this class and the cry of heaven is coming your your way tonight who will go for me that's what God is asking you who'll go for me you're gonna say Lord I'm I'm going so why is God not doing it not because he cannot because many will not go with him so let's not let's not forget he looks for partners someone to say I'll go use me here's my body all he's looking for is a vessel all you have to furnish him as a vessel just say Here I am Lord take
me is this getting through to somebody so now now you gotta go go back with what I just said earlier this is this is vitally vitally vitally important you understand that I'm very aware of this fact it is God in us doing his good pleasure but he had to find someone to be in to do it through so don't get give me that false humility it's not me it's Jesus I know it's not you just be honored by the fact he recognizes you to use you we dare not share the glory we don't share the
glory because we're only vessels we'll only clay in the Potters hand right we don't share the glory but we don't ignore the privilege and cancel the fact facts are your the vessel that's a fact what an honor to be a vessel hallelujah now this anointing is is transferred from vessel to vessel that's marvelous through the hands of the Apostles the Holy Ghost King a part of God came they did not transfer salvation they didn't say we saved you can't do that did you see what I just did yeah you cannot transfer the whole suite because
the wholes becomes at Salvation so I cannot lay hands and say be saved be saved it's not in the Bible that's in fact heresy only God the Holy Ghost can give salvation and he does not need a vessel for that to lay his hands on the people he needs that vessel to tell them about salvation for how shall they believe unless they hear it so that that preacher that vessel will have to preach it but he can't import it he cannot import it say he cannot import it so you don't do we cannot lay hands
and say be saved but we can say be filled Wow Wow that gives me goose bumps on my goose bumps that God will give you the privilege to lay your hands and say be filled be filled with the power we're not importing salvation would impart than the power of the Spirit would importing the gifts of the Spirit but the power of God can be transferred through the laying on of hands Wow say transfer in an amazing healing can be transferred now when I say transferred you gotta you gotta understand something because otherwise I would do
you an injustice if I let you leave thinking something that I'm not saying now when I lay my hands on the sick where does the healing power come from whoever wait where is it in me no no you are simply a hose it's only you are the water comes from the faucet right it flows through the hose right people get wet right but the hose doesn't get wet at all unless you turn the head of it on the hose itself God spoke to me one day said all you are is a hose but what a
privilege to be God's hose not bad exactly holy hose I love it thank you but the thing is that's all we are we are a vessel he's flowing through words the water come from is the bottle the author of the water the this water comes from the bottle now it came from someplace else right this bottle is simply holding this water the water is the power it's only plastic it doesn't give you anything once you're done with it gone that's the vessel that's the vessel don't feel badly about it that's all we are but I
can take that vessel and I can pour the water out of it right no no different than importing the part of God man the part of God though flows through in and out that's what I did that's all that happens when I'm under that anointing it's flowing in and out operand doesn't affect the vessel level just in amount so when he's used he goes to his hotel and he's exhausted while he's being used he's being refreshed by the power flowing through him and as long as the power is there there's power and there's restoration refreshment
blessing but he goes to the hotel in his empty is just an empty bottle and he is tired and he doesn't want to talk to nobody he just wants to keep that bottle from cracking are you getting it yeah so that's all we are we're just this in us is this power that's Morris that power that heals the sick can raises the dead and cleanses the lepers and imparts gifts and a whole lot of things but it's gotta flow out of somewhere so take this and pour it out and you'll get something wet but now
the power of God is inside this vessel the power of God is not the vessel and the vessel is not the power now I know you know that but it's really helping you I'm sure to understand this you are only a vessel now this power if you keep this water in this bottle beyond the date on it what happens used by yeah so it is with the part of God if you don't use it you lose it you've got to use it keep it fresh nobody wants old water if they gave me a bottle of
water that's 100 years old I will not drink it I want something fresh and cold and you too right yeah now even though it's simple it's dynamic because we don't think about it say after me my body is this plastic bottle that's all it is it's just a vessel and it's involved in fact your body is is frail fragile it can easily crack easily get sick so now how is it then a Kathryn Kuhlman can die with a disease and God healed a whole lot of people through her because she was only the plastic bottle
she was in need of healing like anybody else but when that woman laid hands on the sick it was like taking the cap of this bottle they got all that water out and she got nothing and she went to the hotel empty and died at 69 years old because she did not take care of the bottle - well I've learned my lesson I didn't do too good this week but I've learned my lesson I have learned that God cannot flow out of me if my bottle is worn out I won't allow a thing to weaken
my vessel because when the part of God comes I don't want this vessel to crack you cannot put new wine in old bottles that's what it means make sure those bottles are fresh and strong for the part of God to flow through them he said to Moses I want nothing flawed nothing flawed don't give me your worst give me your best so the anointing of God is transferred but it's transferred in strength through the strong did you get that do you hear what I just said don't think God's gonna use you if you have given
your energies and your talents and your strength and your your best to the world then you show up and you're a cracked withered tired shrunk bottle and God says no no I don't want what's flawed that's flawed I don't want it so now you give him your best and when you give him your best this body becomes a tool and the anointing is transferred I know I'm taking a little more time than I should but I want you to understand what I mean by transfer so now I can lay my hand on Tara Kelley here
and God would import the gifts of the Spirit he'll impart healing to his body in his healing he'll even impart the very power of God that I'm walking in in an amazing and here's something even more amazing he will feel it when I don't it's happened a lot do you know that times many times you will lay hands on people and they will feel the power and you feel nothing so how is that your plastic you're only a bottle you're not supposed to feel anything it's in you you're aware of the presence of that water
in you people so what do you feel what do you feel on the platform it's not what you feel it's a very weak question frankly it's not feeling you feel I don't feel I am it's almost like a baptism you know what happens to me no different than what happens when you get when you do it when you jump in a pool you're in the water and the water is in you you are literally surrounded you become it's no other way to say it you become one with it the vessel becomes a part of that
living well and you become so aware of this power around you yes it affects my physical but of course it affects me IIIi would be a robot if it did not affect me the part of what affects means in such a way every vessel in my being is alive it affects me in such a way I can see things behind my head the effects in such a way every to not only organ every move around me I'm aware of everything it affects me in such a way I miss nothing it affects me in such a
way I never get tired under that and on it it affects me in such a way my body holds together when it doesn't hold together away from it Steve Brock goes to the bathroom twice I can't I'm not being funny but it's true God has held my body I'm telling it as he's held Cheryl's and as his health gyms we don't get sick on the road I've never been sick under the anointing that's amazing are you listening now the thing that is so remarkable is you walk away from it and you're shrunk everything goes I
years ago I was amazed even more as as a young man I had the worst toothache it was so horrible I couldn't even think right the pain was shooting up in my head was horrible I could not go to the dentist that day but I had a service that night I walked on the platform the pain was gone I said I'm healed thank you Jesus I'm healed I was rejoicing for my healing till the end of the service service is over that the pain was right back when I walked off that pain came back I
said Lord I thought you healed me and I heard him say go to the dentist I was ok as long as that power was flowing and then amazing of course it is Kathryn Kuhlman would have heart attacks me before services that's a fact oh the heart would be be in such pain she'd fall on the floor before the service she'd lay on the floor with pain in her chest she'd walk on the platform there'd be a young lady in walk back and be almost dead why she's only a vessel when the power flowed everything worked
on the park with flowing everything was back to normal shocking yet true but it's true I'm telling you fact here now you are willing to be a vessel it doesn't mean it's for you for somebody else this incredible anointing there is a place what it is transferred not only through hands not only through a body and I'll give you way more next week and give you scriptures but even through here this even through an object that's connected to you Elijah the Prophet was approached by the shunammite woman whose son he had prophesied and now he
died and he said to his servant he has he said you take my staff you take my my stick you take my piece of wood you take my staff and you lay that stuff on that boy now on the way protect the anointing on the staff by not talking to nobody on the way that's a puzzling scripture a piece of wood wait I kill Elijah are you are you sure you do your your knowing what you're doing he said you take that piece of wood that has been my companion my partner I lean on that
piece of wood I carry it with me everywhere I go here this the anointing of God so strong on him it's rubbed on the wood he said now but if you talk on the way it will vanish off of it so don't talk protect it and when you get there you lay that staff on that child he'll be raised from the dead well he failed the piece of wood didn't do the job Elijah himself had to come and lay his own body to release the part of God on that dead boat be raised why because
I believe got his servant gehazi or as you say guess I broke the promise he had made not to talk and probably talk to somebody on the way I lost it now I'm going to talk about being the the anointing being transferred next week and then I'm gonna increase the the level here and I want to talk about something that I please forgive me I plan to lay hands on you tonight I really did I feel by the spirit not to do it because I believe what's gonna happen next Monday unbelievable all my heart I'm
getting into an arena next Monday after this now I won't spend much time next week teaching on the transfer because I want to spend like 15-20 minutes on this because there's so much should talk about I'm gonna give you scriptures and explain it because right now it's not right to rush through it but once I explain it I want to get into what this transfer causes and what this transfer will bring into your lying let me just finish by saying this when I transfer the anointing on the platform there is a double portion given as
a result sometimes you see me laying hands on my ashes you say why because I've told you and I'll tell you again every time you transfer it he imparts double it's almost like there's an increase with it so transferring the anointing is for your benefit it increases the part of God in you you understand that I want to talk about that next weekend and talk about what happens once that anointing begins to increase in intensity what it'll do to you I'm gonna help you understand something I have never ever talked about and I cannot really
take it there now because if I do we'll be here two more hours and I will not do that you but listen carefully have you ever seen me in a service stop and almost like stand at attention stand still for maybe seconds have you ever seen me suddenly changed the entire order of service from something powerful to a hush yeah at that moment I can literally sense something coming have you ever heard a train coming from afar I don't hear things with my ears physical but I can tell there's a there's a wave on the
way and I wait for it when it comes I want everything around me ready for that wave and it depends on lord help me tell them it depends on something happening to my body before that wave is released with power and if I and God allows me at those moments to feel in the flesh because he he cooperates with us understand that I begin to feel a lightheadedness and the deep or the lightheadedness the bigger the wave don't try to understand that because I don't think I can explain it I stand on the platform and
I have Cheryl play Jesus all glories because God has chosen that song you know in our in our ministry when she plays Jesus all glories there is a point where and and and sometimes I'll ask her to repeat it down we have signals and she knows to repeat the song because I am I'm sensing the coming wave but I'm not ready for it and that bless and worship it lifts me to meet it at the right spot do you understand I'm amazed you're deeper than I thought the moment we meet at that perfect location in
the spirit understand I'm not looking for a place to walk into physically I'm looking for that place in the spirit at that moment literally that is what I'm dependent on the Lord to leave me there yet he is looking for me to be wise enough to find it in the scripture he says don't be like them Yulin don't be like the horse in other words don't be too slow and don't rush be so wise as to come to that place at the right time and you can hear it coming but if you're not ready you
have Cheryl play it again I'm trying to explain something to you at a certain moment literally I feel as though I am not dizzy not lightheaded I lose all awareness and I'm I'm gone I'm someone else I'm still there physically but I'm somewhere else and when that union happens with worship and power at a certain moment the whole building explodes and people scream now there has been times when it's whole stadiums there's been times and just acquire there's been times have been sections right or section left but I never saw it as strong as in
Singapore neither of you all in Japan it seems the Asian people have a sensitivity that allows me to get there faster I don't know how else to say we've seen it happen in Tokyo it's happened in Osaka since happened in Singapore Philippines Indonesia the people almost they are there intense hunger for God and their intense worship carries you faster and brings it faster till there is a meeting some in in a location in this in the spirit and everybody in that building is filled at the same time you know how it says they were all
filled with the spirit it happened at the same time it wasn't him here and him the Hara they are and spotted no it was a flood I saw one service happen like that in Toronto Canada years ago that amazed me God filled every person in that building with the Holy Ghost at the same time they all burst out in tongues all at the same time with nobody saying pray in tongues I saw something happened in in South America when the Lord said you pray heaven pray and when they began praying five thousand seven thousand cuz
we all heard what we thought was an earthquake remember that where was that was it was it Bolivia was it yeah I'm on the platform there's there's there's a crescendo in the spirit you know what I'm talking about Cheryl starts Cheryl starts playing Jesus always the place erupted I didn't have to do anything I felt as though the crowd was pushing me towards that way they erupted to such a place now hear this we absolutely heard an earthquake the place shook in the back but it wasn't an earthquake when that rumble we heard it loud
it was a loud Rumble when that thing rumbled the entire place hit the floor and they all burst our tongues at the same time it went on for probably how long buenas iris how long did that incredible power flow for after that quite a while we were out but everybody got filled with the spirit and they were all empowered at the same time Lord do it here next Monday in Jesus name you you