How to Make $1MILLION With Amazon KDP - Starting From ZERO

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Sean Dollwet
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Video Transcript:
in this video I'll give you the exact blueprint to going from zero to making over a million dollars with Amazon KDP in just 3 years now a quick disclaimer is that this is probably not going to be realistic for most of you 99% of you watching this will not achieve this in 3 years so the point of this video is not doing it in 3 years you can do it in 4 years 5 years 6 years you know even if it takes longer the main thing is that it's possible it's achievable and that's what I
want you guys to take away from this video but just for this video for hypothetical example I'm going to show you a year 1 year 2 year 3 road map on how you can go from zero investing zero money into this business to making over a million dollars in the end well let's get right into it so this is the how to make a million dollar in 3 years on Amazon KDP blueprint so real quick if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've been publishing since 2016 I went from zero to
making over 10K per month uh in 10 months and I've scale that to multiple six figures a year I ran that KDP business for many many years and in the end I sold that KDP business for $820,000 making me a millionaire at age 26 from actually doing Amazon KDP since then I started another KDP account as doing six figures a year growing from there uh so I basically done this twice so KDP absolutely changed my life I've traveled all over the world thanks to this business and I've also helped over 1,400 students on mine in
my private Community make money with Amazon KDP some of them are doing even better than me right some of them are doing couple thousand a month 10,000 30,000 $50,000 even $100,000 uh in a month so I had a slower start getting started because I was trying to figure this out uh from scratch right and I didn't really have a proper course or you know video like this to kind of show me the way I've also experienced a lot of fake gurus along the way I got scammed many many times lost over $25,000 from a a
fake Coach right fake Guru and and then I lost 100K on a bad business opportunity on the way and stuff like that so it actually took me longer than 3 years to achieve this because of that right it took me about 5 years to start Amazon KDP with almost no money and becoming a millionaire from Amazon KDP but in this video I'll try to show you how you can do it faster so let's start with the year one plan so the goal of this plan obviously we're starting from zero and by the end of the
year we want to get to 10K a month so ideally you have some money to start so so that you don't have to publish no content books or low content books but for this video example uh we are talking about doing this with absolutely zero money right so not investing our own money so the first step inevitably has to be starting with no content books creating these books for free because we cannot invest our own money so what you're going to do is you can create uh no content books and these are something that are
super easy to make even without any experience obviously as you publish more books you're going to gain more experience so that's the main thing the main thing is that doing these things will teach you the fundamentals of Amazon KDP because year one is more so dedicated to learning to craft rather than making money right so this is one of the best examples I can give you in terms of what kind of books uh you can publish in the no content low content space uh that are super easy to make but also doing extremely well okay
so this book cover is extremely simple I mean you can whip this up on canva right ideally you make something even better than this but the point is a book like this is still selling well okay so we got things I need to write down because I'm old and I forget stuff it is a funny gift notebook journal and what I suggest you do is hit up these funny like gift type books because you know especially in the seasonal uh period it sells really well because people buy these books to give to their friends and
family as a gag gift right so try and hit up those niches that's what I recommend but I have this tool called book beam that tells me how well the book is selling if you guys want to check out the link is in the description but book Bean tells me that this book is making between $1 and $181 a day so that is $3,000 to $5,000 a month right just from this one book obviously it is not normal to make that much from this one book it's just a example of one of the many many
successful book in this space and just like the point of this video I'm showing you this book to show you that it's possible okay not what's average okay so the those are the books that you want to start making I actually do have a step-by-step tutorial which is this YouTube video right here right so you can go and follow that and get started if you guys want to check out this video the link is in the description below now once you start making some money from no content books you want to move on to creating
low content Books Okay low content books is a little better than no content books just because there are some content inside often times you know there are like a little bit of text a little bit of design inside not just blank pages okay and because of this it's a little more work to create uh and you can also price it a little higher right it's a little harder to create these books once again uh which means less people are doing it so you have less competition although it's still very easy to create these books so
the competition is still fairly high but once again we're not trying to make 10K a month from these books right we're building up to it slowly one step at a time uh so you want to create those books another great benefit of low content books is that the customer gets more value uh because there's a little bit of content inside uh so as an example it'll be something like this one word search books it's a puzzle book it's cool you can actually engage with the book because it's a puzzle right so you can solve the
puzzle get some value so it's good for the customer as well that's why you can price it higher so if I look at this book on Amazon you can see that it only has 22 reviews anyone can get 22 reviews right and this book is doing 37 to $47 a day which means it's about doing $11,000 a month just from this one book and as you can see it's selling at $9.99 a little bit higher than the initial no content Journal that we took a look at now this one is the shadow work Journal so
this is still a journal but it's more of a low content book because it's not just blank pages right it is a journal but it has a lot of text a lot of prompts uh to guide people through you know the book and so this book absolutely blew up at its peak I'm pretty confident it made millions of dollars because uh this book as you can see it says more than 1 million copies sold and they're making you know a solid $4 to $6 uh per sale because of the price point of at $12 they
even got audio Kindle hard cover I mean they're crushing it right so you know made Millions from this one book it's insane right now it's doing a couple thousand just from one format so you know it Peaks obviously but this is how it looks inside so right now it's just kind of an explanation of what is Shadow work this and that so text and it kind of goes into the activities so you start by making no content books right you gain some experience you make some money right and then you take that money and put
it into making low content books you gain more experience you know learn how to make better books right and then you make more money and then you take that money into now we are creating medium content books right medium content books essentially has more content inside uh and typically you know these books uh sells better so it's harder to create but it's incredibly profitable medium content books we're talking about activity books uh story books you know calling books those kind of things uh this one on the right is a coloring book example right here and
it can be extremely profitable you can also create these tools using softwares right so I actually have a tutorial on this which I'm going to show you but it has less competition compared to low content books or no content books because once again we are moving up the content ladder right these books has more content now if it's a colume book you got to create those coling pages it's a little harder right so less people are willing to do it uh which means you have less comp comption the market is still huge so you're going
to make more money so this book on Amazon is doing extremely well it is the fourth bestselling book in the entire bookstore doing $3,000 to $15,000 a day I will never tell you that that is the average right obviously this is an exception however coling books are very profitable a lot of people are making good money with coling books even if it's just $100 a day even if it's just 10 bucks a day $300 a month that is great money because you can go and do it again and publish another book and another book and
another book and you just keep going right so this whole video is to show you what's possible all you have to do is believe that you can do it if somebody else is doing it right all these people all these books are profitable and these people are self-publishers just like you and me normal people behind the scenes right and they're making this kind of money well that means that if I actually try I can do the same all you have to do is believe it right and actually take action on it that's exactly what I've
done right I'm just a normal dude uh who who believe that I was capable of doing the same thing other people are doing so that I you know decided and kept going and I went from zero to becoming a millionaire from this business at age 26 so in the process of creating these no content low content medium content books uh one of the most important skills you have to understand is Niche research so you have to focus on finding high demand with low competition keywords by niching down popular keywords so coloring books is a popular
Niche or popular keyword right but you can Niche down going into like animal calling book space calling book right you can even Niche down further saying animal calling books for kids only between Age 4 to 8 right or 8 to 12 or something you know there's so many different niches like only for girls only for boys maybe even just for adults there's so many different niches you can go into so if you have to choose between high demand or low competition obviously it's best to have both but if you got to choose high demand with
high competition is best better than low competition but low demand a lot of people don't like competition so they go into low competition but also very not very profitable uh keywords and they think making you know just 10 20 bucks from here is better than trying to compete in this huge uh keyword but also a lot of competition right believe it or not it's way better to go into the competitive keyword and just make a better book because it's super profitable you never know when your book is going to pop explode and start making thousands
of a month right if you go into low competition keywords that's never going to happen so also keep in mind the holiday sub niches as well because those can be very very profitable so what I mean by this is instead of going into just like a word scramble you know keyword you can do Christmas word scrambles Halloween word scrambles Easter word scrambles or even back to school word scrambles for kids right so there's so many holiday themed keywords you can go into a few more examples here we got 50 animal calling book and fun fact
for kids so they're combining coling book but also fun fact into one book which is a way to create a new market which is cool right also niching down into animals at 143 reviews this book is doing between $3 to $6,000 a month which is pretty damn good another way to Niche down is just to a specific demographic like seniors right so this brand right here is publishing books specifically for seniors stress relief memory activity book just for seniors right ignore the kids ignore the adults just for seniors but niching down is actually better you
will have way more sales to your specific audience instead of saying hey my book is literally for everyone right uh because you have a lot more competition there so mindful patterns large ad do uh calling book for women uh stay positive interesting word search for seniors and those kind of things and once again guys most of these books that I'm showing you are from people who are just like you and me like behind the scenes they're doing the same thing they're just a normal person publishing a book on Amazon on KDP they don't have anything
special compared to you right they just know this business a little bit better than you probably do right now right so as you publish you're going to start making money you want to reinvest those profits into better tools and better systems in your business uh you can invest into AI tools to make book creation and Publishing faster and cheaper right you can use tools like book bolt if you want to do puzzles and activity books uh if you guys want to check it out I'll leave a link in the description you can also hire a
freelancer for cover design uh this is what I recommend right cuz in the beginning you are creating the book covers yourself because this plan is starting from zero like not investing your money but now that you're making some money some sales you want to take that and hire a book cover designer because they're going to make a book cover that is way better than what you can make yourself most likely and eventually what I recommend is you scale to high content books right I do mostly non-fiction books in popular niches okay these are my favorite
types of books to publish because you can sell it at a higher price you can sell it in many different formats you have less competition and in my opinion you make more money in this Niche right or in this type of book so you can leverage and use AI tools for Content creation as well and it's a little harder to make the medium content books but for that reason it has less competition or fewer competition and it's a lot easier to create a brand as well with these niches let me show you a high content
non-fiction book example which is something like this how to stop overthinking it is one of those self-help non-fiction book right about 200 pages and believe it or not it's a lot easier to create these books than you think you can write it yourself obviously if you're a writer or you can use AI to help you write uh that's completely fine as well you can also hire ghost riters right that's what I do and these ghost riters they actually cost a lot less than you think okay so this book is doing $400 to $600 a day
so that is $ 122 to $188,000 a month and that is just from the paperback version and this is the biggest thing with high content books is that you can sell it as an audiobook and this book I guarantee it's making like tens of thousands of dollars from audiobooks as well because audiobooks is blowing up nowadays and Kindle version is probably adding a couple thousand a month as well so not only do you want to reinvest back into your business to produce more books now you start Outsourcing things but you also want to invest more
in marketing okay anyone can create a book but not everyone understands marketing and this is how you stand out okay marketing is one of the highest paying skills and it's extremely important for you to understand marketing not just in KDP but in any business you have to understand marketing if you want to make money okay there are free and paid ways to show your book sell your book uh whether that's social media or using paid ads when it comes to paid ads you can start with as little as $3 a day you also want to
create a consistent publishing schedule okay so you want to publish one to two books per month if you're doing high content books I generally publish one book a month you want to publish two to four books per month if you're doing low and medium content books you want to get reviews and launch every single book properly before moving on to the next one so this is a big mistake people make is they just create a bunch of books right and then they just upload it and they think the job is done and so they go
and make the next book upload it and then go and make a next book and upload and that's not how this business works right creating the book is half the work the other half of the work is what you do after you upload the book which is getting reviews and sales you got to launch it you got to Market it right and once it ranks in the Amazon algorithm then the organic sales starts kicking in you're going to start making money passively then you can move on to the next one because your job is done
okay so you never want to sacrifice quality for quantity you do have to consistently publish right you can't just publish one book and expect to make 10K per month I showed you some example books it is possible but once again it's not typical right and also it's very rare to make a 10K per month book on your first try you know that's why you have to try many many times publishing these books and eventually you will hit it and eventually you will hit a home run where a book will do extremely well but it's going
to take some time to get there okay but you also don't want to spam a crap ton of books and sacrifice quality so it's a balance between publishing as many highquality books as possible the last thing you got to keep in mind is to track and analyze your results a lot of people kind of bury their heads in the sand and they just publish as many books as possible without stepping back and analyzing data you know what's even working what's not working they don't know they just keep taking action without kind of analyzing that right
which is not good so you want to make sure what your advertising cost is which books are doing well right what kind of positive and negative reviews you're getting read the reviews right and improve your books according to the reviews what people like what people didn't like and see what's working and do more of what's working and do less of what's not working I mean after publishing a couple books you know it's not like every single book is going to make the exact same amount you're going to have some book that does extremely well and
some book not doing so well right so don't make more of the books that didn't do well right ignore that whatever you know book that you made and focus on the one that's doing well and make more books in that Niche right and keep building that Niche go deep instead of going wide so with that being said let's go into the actual numbers this is a calculation on how you can go from zero to over a million dollars uh in 3 years okay so to recap year one you want to learn as much as possible
you want to focus on improving your skills right and in year one your goal is to get the 10K per month in Revenue at the end of the year okay so you go from zero to 10K per month okay and obviously this is all hypothetical and in this hypothetical example let's just say that in year one you literally took all the profit 100% of it and you're reinvested into just making more books okay and advertising it so for that reason year one total profit is zero okay absolutely nothing once again this this is just as
an example it's not typical at all I'm just playing with the numbers to kind of you know make a point but in my personal life right I went from 0 to 10K per month in 10 months a lot of my students are doing the same thing uh in shorter or maybe a little bit longer doesn't matter but they get to 10K and they do take a profit okay I did take a profit too so with that being said in year two the plan is to go from 10K because now you're at 10K uh to 20K
a month at the end of the year which is pretty realistic considering that you went from 0 to 10K you added 10K a month in income in one year right all I'm saying is let's add another 10K in year 2 realistically what's going to happen is business grows exponentially not linear right so you probably will make more than 20K but in this calculation I'm trying to be more conservative okay so year to that's the goal so what do you need to do you just do more of what's working like I said earlier it's the 8020
rule right focus on 20% of the activity that's bringing 80 % of the results okay so literally just keep doing what worked in year one that's pretty much it you want to expand to other formats if you're not doing audiobooks if you're not doing let's say ebooks or paperback you definitely want to do that but that should be done honestly in year one not in year two okay you also want to start building your audience this is very very important the bigger the audience the easier to launch your new books as well so how much
can you earn in year 2 right so we got to 20K a month and let's just say 40% you spent in expenses right so at advertising producing a new book those kind of things which is pretty typical 30 to 50% of your business usually goes into expenses right so we're taking 40% uh so that means you made $112,000 per month in profit uh times that by 12 and let's just say year two you made about $144,000 profit for the year okay once again this is just a completely hypothetical example number so I really don't want
anybody to be quoting me on this but I just want to show you how business SK progress here so that takes us to year three right year three plan is to scale from 20K to 30k once again we're just adding 10K a month we did this for the past 2 years so we're going to do it in year 3 as well so what you want to focus in year 3 is to create systems you want to document each step from researching to Creation to marketing like how you build the business right how you do the
business and you want to create Sops for every single task sop is standard operating procedure so that you know you know how to do things but if somebody else comes in try to replace you right so that you have more time they don't really know what to do unless you show them what to do it's like a tutorial or you know like a business manual right they can follow the SOP and they know exactly what to do so so you want to start documenting everything like that you want to use project management tools like Asana
uh right to track all your progress and you want to set up a Content calendar for consistent publishing as well if you haven't done that already now if you guys need some ideas on how to do this right I actually uh created a video on how I automate my Amazon KDP business how I work less than 4 hours a week a lot of my students also work just a couple hours a week right so it's possible so if you guys want to check out this video I'll leave a link in the description below so you
want to start Outsourcing a lot of your KDP process if you haven't done that already such as hiring ghost writers from upwork or the urban writers uh finding book cover designers on 99 designs or Fiverr using formatting Services right you can hire virtual assistant for admin task and you know miscellaneous task and honestly you should be doing uh these things earlier but basically you just want to focus on Outsourcing to freeing up more time you know managing this like a business now because first you started by doing everything yourself now you are acting like a
CEO right you have a team doing this for you now in terms of where you can hire talents upwork is a great place I do have a tutorial on it uh if you guys want to learn how to hire talents and upwork check out this video in the description below you also can use tools to automate right so book beam is great for keyword research you can also use email autoresponders to grow your author platform uh and you schedule social media posts with automation tools as well you want to start automating your Amazon ads as
well because Amazon as takes a lot of time okay so the best services to do that is asid or ay ay is a great place to start it is a automatic Amazon ad bid management tool if you guys want to check out any of these tools once again the link is in the description so let's go into the main thing which is the math right so how much can you actually earn after year three well we're doing doing 30k a month right we got to 30k a month and once again 40% in expenses takes you
to $188,000 monthly profit now obviously not every single month is going to be steady 18K because earlier in the year you started from 20K right and eventually you got the 30k at the end but realistically once again business growth is exponential so you probably will make more at you know the second half of the year uh instead of the first half but anyways let's just say easy calculation average is 18K monthly profit you times that by 12 that is $216,000 profit for the year so year three total profit 216k if you think this is unrealistic
honestly a lot of people are doing this many of my students are doing this many of my friends are doing this I've done this right and so I know it's possible so we made zero in the first year about 100K in the second year and a little bit over 200k in the third year so if you add all those up that's only like 300K right so that's nowhere near a million bucks so how do we get to a million well the key is at the end of year three we sell your KDP business this is
honestly the ultimate cheat code in terms of getting money quick right you don't have to sell your business but if we're talking about making a million bucks in 3 years uh it's honestly one of the biggest shortcuts so you know usually you can sell your business for 25 to 50x of the monthly profit that means if you're doing 10K a month and you get a 25x multiple you can sell it for 250 $50,000 if your business is structured extremely well and you know is valued at 50x multiple then you can sell it for $500,000 this
is exactly why you want to build a team you want to create Sops because those are the things that's going to value your business higher right instead of just selling a bunch of books so on average though it's going to be between 30 to 45x of your monthly profit so for our example we are doing 30k a month 40% in expenses which means $188,000 monthly price profit so if you're doing 18K monthly profit times a 40x multiple that means you can sell your business for $720,000 obviously this depends on if a buyer is willing to
pay you that amount of money but I've sold it for more money than this uh doing the exact same method so I know it's possible so I want to show you some real examples of actual KDP businesses being sold right now so at the moment there is no business that's being sold for 700k or higher amount but you know once in a while they do show up here okay right now the highest one is this one this is doing $7,000 profit it has a 35x multiple and so if you times 7,000 uh by 35 you
get this list price of 251,000 uh which is what they are selling for okay uh same as this one right here we have this one doing $8,000 uh with a 29x multiple selling for 251,000 uh this one is also getting a 30X mul multiple uh this one right here got a 42x multiple so it really depends on how well your business is built right once again not just selling books but Building Systems and then selling a team and and if you can sell your social media audience and Sops and all that your valuation does go
up right so this business is making $4,400 net profit at 42x multiple which means you can sell it for $187,000 so if you guys want to learn more about the process of selling your KDP business how it works then I do have a step-by-step tutorial on it once again if you guys want to check it out the link is below this video by the way a great news is that just because you sold your KDP account doesn't mean you can never do KDP again so you can actually sell it come back and build a new
account which a lot of people are doing including me so you can build it sell it build it sell it if you want to or build it and just keep it that is up to you but essentially in terms of calculation this is how you make a million dollars in 3 years year one we did zero year two we did 144,000 year 3 216,000 in the end we sold it for 720k and that is how you come up with a total of a million 80,000 so as I said in the beginning of the video please
do not quote me on the timeline and the exact numbers for everything that I mentioned because there's no way everyone can go through the same path same Journey same timeline right everybody has different Journey different pace so there's no way for me to predict or tell you this is how long it's going to take for you to get to this income level this income level it never works out like that but what I can tell you is what I've done as well as what other people are doing which I hopefully showed you enough examples uh
in this video of other people doing uh to show you that it's possible okay and that's the main thing it's possible whether you do it in 3 years uh which some people do make a million bucks in 3 years uh but obviously it's not normal they worked super hard and they obviously knew what they were doing from the beginning you know if you're a beginner in entrepreneurship and this is your first business maybe it's going to take you 5 years even years I don't know but don't you think that it's still pretty damn good if
you can make a lot of money like this you know over that kind of timeline so and some people do it shorter as well so it's really up to you on your execution and how hard you work but main thing once again is possible so if you guys are ready to take your Amazon KDP business to the next level and want to work with us to help you scale your business then I do have a coaching SLC course hybrid program that you guys can come in and apply uh we don't take everyone uh we actually
got to talk to you first and see if we are a good fit uh we do reject a lot of people but if you guys want to the link is in the description it's the first link it'll take you to this page over here and you can apply and we'll do a free Discovery call and you can talk to us for free and see if this is a good fit if you scroll down a little bit more you will see all the testimonials all the student results some of these students are doing hundreds of thousands
of dollars a year tens of thousands of dollars a month so it's possible we actually have a lot more testimonials obviously not every student will be successful I get these comments all the time of people saying not every student is successful of course right I cannot control how much action other people take or how well they follow the program all I can control is once they come to us seeking help we will do our best to help them okay so if you have this weird mindset of I need some guarantees you have to guarantee me
that I'll be making 10K a month after month three this and that then please do not apply because we are not a good fit the only thing we can guarantee is that you'll be happy because we have this thing called the six months action-based refund policy where if you take action if you follow the course you publish one book following your method and you get 50 reviews once again following your strategies which we're going to show you how to do it so you just got to follow it just publish one book in the first 6
months and if you're not seeing results or if you're not happy with it we'll give you a full refund okay so the thing is if you're not seeing results we don't deserve your money so that's the the guarantee that we have but with that being said if you enjoy the video leave a like uh subscribe if you haven't yet if you have any questions let me know in the comments and I'll try and answer it for you but uh yeah with that being said thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in
the next one
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