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Journey To God
Are you feeling disappointed even after prayer? Is it because you have not received answers? Maybe y...
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are you feeling disappointed even after prayer is it because you have not received answers maybe you have waited so long and are now on the verge of giving up do not lose hope beloved God is saying your Victory is near you may not believe this but this video is the sign and Confirmation you need rise in faith and start preparing for your breakthrough perhaps you are not grasping what God is saying before proceeding please subscribe to this channel to receive more content that will bless your life are you feeling stuck or tired of waiting for
that one thing these moments can become draining and Faith trenching if you have ever felt the unbearable weight of expectation leaving you lost between what is and what could be then you must know exactly what it means these moments are replete with doubt uncertainty frustration a longing for Change and Consciousness that time is slipping away without bringing the desired shift they often test our endurance and faith in ways we have never imagined this waiting period is not a sign of Abandonment or failure but a chapter in your life where your character is being strengthened and
your spirit refined it's often said that The Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn the Breakthrough you're yearning for is closer than you think and your perseverance is key Beloved the fact that you are watching this video right now is a sign that your Victory is nigh it's a sign that God has remembered you for good what are you anticipating what are you trusting God for God is opening you up to it right now for that miracle in the name of Jesus Amen as you navigate this challenge in time remember to hold on to hope your
faith is not in vain your waiting has not been a waste you have a father who is actively working behind the scenes and working things in your favor even when answers seem distant stay steadfast continue to pray and Trust in his Divine timing your Victory is not merely Within Reach but just around the corner remember the challenges are instrumental in shaping the person you are becoming each test and trial contributes to a more profound understanding of yourself and your purpose your patience and perseverance are not going unnoticed they are cultivating virtues that will serve you
when your time of announcement comes the heat of uncertainty And Delay you feel now serves a purpose to for for a stronger more resilient version of yourself just as a sculptor chisels away at a block of marble to reveal a masterpiece these experiences are chiseling away at your old season to reveal the season where you walk in your answered prayers and the fruits of your perseverance trust that this time of waiting is purposeful and that every step no matter how slow is leading you toward your Victory and breakthrough ensuring that when your moment arrives you
are not only ready to embrace it but also to cherish and maximize it returning all glory to The Giver of all good gifts your heavenly father God is determined to increase you and never to take from you the only things that he takes from you are the things that would deter and derail you from living your best life in accordance with his will and purpose for you throughout the Bible we see him making promises of good things and fulfilling life to us long life Prosperity health peace guidance protection and eternal life a humbling verse in
the Bible says he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how will he not also along with him graciously give us all things Romans 832 how humbling is that always have it at the back of your mind that greatness is prepared for if you desire greatness you must undergo the necessary training to guarantee access to it His blessings make him rich and add no sorrow for you to receive your victory in God he has to complete his work in you and in order for this to happen you must
go through the process what are the signs that show that your Victory is near if you pay attention you will see these signs attesting that your Victory is near Here sign number one your faith in him is strengthened think of Faith Like muscle or bodybuilding for example when you want to build a particular muscle in your body you put in some specific exercise routine to develop that part of your body as you already know working out requires a lot of effort discipline and consistency it's easy to wake up and decide to start an exercise routine
but what is hard is to keep showing up every day even if you are working towards a goal there would be days you would need an extra push to keep going building faith is much like bodybuilding it requires intentional effort discipline and consistency just as with physical exercise developing a strong faith in God does not happen overnight it's a gradual process where each step each moment of trust and each Act of Faith contributes to spiritual growth Abraham demonstrated unwavering faith in God all the days of his life from God's call out of haran to separating
from his cousin lot and waiting many years for a child he did encounter many challenges but they all illuminated the path to the Future God was leading him to God is building you up for the blessings he has predesignated for you to enter into it is in the midst of fire that gold is formed learn to trust God and his timing amid difficulties you may have been asking and are still asking without seeing manifest results be assured that God is rearranging Cycles in the spirit for you as Christians we are called to live by faith
and never by sight by what God can do and not what we see happening around us this is a sensitive moment it is not the time for complaints or or murmuring it is not the time to be slothful or tired in Romans 121 the Bible admonishes never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord always remember that those who put their trust and hope in God will never be put to shame because he will continue to renew their strength he will continue to lift them from the Miry clay he will remain
a lamp to their feet and he will enlarge their their coasts allow him to take center stage and instruct you on what to do even if you do not feel up to it maximize this period you are set for transformation number two if God is working on your character rejoice and be glad because your Victory is just up your sleeve remember how you teach a child to say thank you just before handing them a gift you got them God does it with us too the same way your parents are proud to see you grow and
transition from one stage of your life to another is the same way your heavenly father is proud to see you become better he works on your patience tenacity diligence and self-control and all of these to prepare your mind for the gift imagine giving the gift of the prophetic to someone whose tongue is quick to lie or great wealth to someone who has not received wisdom God doesn't work that way first God will build your character to a level where he is confident that he can trust you with his gifts and Kingdom resources he will not
give you a child just because you asked for one but because you have the capacity and are well aware that children are gifts from the Lord that must be nurtured to expand his kingdom you must be still and know that he is God do not be in a haste to go ahead of him he is not wasting time he is always on time he is preparing the way clearing your paths recalibrate in your heart and desires he is making you a son a joint Heir with Jesus and not just a child when he's done with
you you will understand him better know him better and be happy with what he has made of your life another reason why God is building your character is so you realize and understand the role you have to play in his divine plan he is God he is aware of what he has to do but do you know the part that you have to play and are you best suited for it therefore I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to God this
is your true and proper worship do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will Romans 121:2 don't despise the Lord's discipline nor resent his rebuke because the Lord disciplines those he loves as a father the son he Delights in number three sign that your Victory is near is when you feel the urge to take action when God is pushing you to take action it often signifies that you are
on the verge of a breakthrough or significant Victory however God's call to action involves stepping out in faith taking bold steps and trusting in his guidance acting in God's Direction can lead to transformative outcomes and victories that align with his plans so when you sense God urging you to move forward it's a sign that your Victory is indeed near and that he is preparing you for the next step in his plan after God had led the Israelites to Canaan they had to fight many battles to conquer the lands around them one of which was Jericho
God gave Joshua a particular set of actions to take in order to conquer Jericho he gave them a strange strategy of marching around the city of Jericho for 7 Days blowing trumpets four people who were familiar with using swords and knives imagine how puzzling and hysterical it might have sounded to them but they obeyed God's instructions in faith and he led them to Victory even though his ways May differ from yours remember his ways are higher than yours and they certainly lead to Victory through his Direction and guidance he leads you to paths that help
you develop capacity so you can become a better fit for what you ask for as much as there is an election of Grace for you to enter your victory Victory you need to take God prescribed actions to enable you to steer in the right direction this ultimately gives you speed God may be leading you through a season of mentorship he may be placing it on your heart to take up a skill or to invest in activities that lead to self-growth but you can only know this if you listen to his voice and Obey for first
and most important action he has asked you to take is to seek the advancement of his kingdom first Jesus says in Matthew 633 to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well God's promise to us here includes the assurance that as we put his kingdom first he will take care of every other thing that pertains to us ensuring that our needs are met and victories are assured seek seeking his kingdom first involves seeking his guidance through prayer reflecting daily on his words and being attentive to
the promptings of the Holy Spirit by listening for his voice and prioritizing the advancement of his kingdom you align yourself with his purposes and become equipped to fulfill your calling by quickly taking the actions he calls you to he is the Good Shepherd and Promises to be your rod and staff to be your source of strength protection and direction trust in his provision and guidance knowing that he directs every step for your good and His glory number four sign that your Victory is near is when God takes you through a period of isolation when God
sets you apart it means that you have a special Mission or calling and he desires to give you the guidance and focus to ensure you carry out your Divine Mission being set apart usually indicates that you're undergoing a time of divine preparation it is a signal that you are being prepared for something important beloved if you ate in this season now Embrace this period as an opportunity for growth focus and deeper connection with your purpose in Acts 13 23 while they were worshiping the Lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me Barnabas
and Saul for the work to which I have called them so after they had fasted and prayed they placed their hands on them and sent them off the act of setting apart was a Divine endorsement of their mission and formal commissioning for their Journey one of the ways God sets you apart is by pruning off the things that no longer serve you or are hindering his purposes a person climbing up a rock has no business carrying stones in his backpack because they would slow you down and tire you out God May separate you from others
and isolate you from certain things so as to allow you to undergo the growth and intense preparation required to handle the blessings that are to come setting you apart also serves as an affirmation that you are on the right path and that your Victory is just around the corner a man on a mission to Victory does not take the busy path that everyone else takes he takes a unique and sometimes lonely path that guarantees him success when God sets you apart you too have a responsibility to prepare yourself to be a ready vessel when Daniel
and his friends were set apart in Babylon they resolved not to defile themselves with the King's food and drink which they believed would compromise their faith they prayed and sought God's face in all that they did and excelled in their duties this commitment to their principles was a form of preparation demonstrating their dedication to God even in challenging circumstances I want to assure you that waiting on God is never a waste of time his timing is always perfect and your breakthrough is Drawing Near expand your perspective and place unwavering faith in him stay connected to
him and listen attentively for his guidance commit yourself to living a life that honors God and let go of any doubts about his love and Promises if you've noticed any of these signs at work in your life let them encourage your faith and remind you that you are on the brink of a significant breakthrough hold firmly to God's promises and never let go are you still wondering why God has not answered you can you reflect on your current actions and habits to see if they might be hindering the answers your seeking what are the negative
patterns or habits in your life that could be obstructing your path to Victory and how can you address these habits to clear the way for divine intervention consider how you might need to realign your perspective or actions to better receive God's blessings many times we are unaware that we have remained captives of many things from our past and probably from our present too and need freedom from them all when you cling to unforgiveness towards someone you are essentially rejecting the full extent of God God's forgiveness towards you in other words if we insist on holding
others responsible for their wrongs against us God will hold us responsible for the wrongs we owe him even if we are saved there might be a person or people you need to forgive and let go choose now to make a decision for forgiveness ask the Lord to help you forgive it might have hurt you deeply but harboring bitterness and unforgiveness toward them would only keep you stagnant and stop you from living a Victorious Life In The Gospel of Matthew Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him suggesting up to
seven times Jesus replied to him saying I tell you not seven times but 77 times Matthew 1822 Jesus response highlights that forgiveness should not be limited or Quantified but should be offered generously and continuously in the same manner he does with us various issues can create strongholds for the enemy in your life extending Beyond just unforgiveness for instance Disobedience to God's commands unresolved past sexual sins or trauma and abuse can all be areas where the enemy gains a foothold these factors can lead to the formation of barriers in your life that need to be addressed
the Bible says the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy his aim is to Target you at your points of weakness and obstruct you from fulfilling your calling ultimately hindering your Victory he attacks your soul with different demonic spirits ensuring you remain stuck and retrogressive yes spiritual battles and opposition can delay your Victory the parable in Matthew 13 speaks of a farmer God who had planted wheat on his farm and while he slept an enemy invaded and SED tares the farmer however promised to sift the bad weed from the good wheat when the time was
right the enemy is not happy with you he seeks your downfall and Perpetual stagnation this is why you must become committed to withstanding his devices against you persistent prayers and Faith are crucial during these times depending on your own strength is a common Pitfall for many Christians seeking Victory often overlooked it's easy to say Lord I need you and I trust you but living out these words can be challenging we often turn to our own strategies community support and instincts before fully seeking God's guidance we were not created for self-sufficiency rather we are designed to
rely on God's wisdom and direction to reach our full potential the Bible instructs us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our own understanding self-reliance can lead to unnecessary delays setbacks and emotional pain if you find yourself caught in this trap consider praying Holy Spirit I Surrender my will to yours do with me as you please amen men God might also use delays to test and purify your motives make making sure they are not driven by selfishness or short-term gratification is necessary for the victory to fulfill his purpose how
then do you prepare to receive your Victory the most important thing to do to receive your Victory is to surrender completely to the Lord surrendering to God is easier said than done but it is possible we often desire for things to go our way but we must remember that the ways of God are higher than ours the outcome of your surrender to God may not be what you hoped for but it will surely be what you need in order to surrender to God you must first accept vulnerability vulnerability can only be established where trust exists
for you to surrender to God you must first trust him to handle your grief insecurities and confusion without God you would not always know everything you may know the destination but not the process which is why we are required to trust him when he called the Israelites out of Egypt he told them he was taking them to Canaan but he didn't tell them how or how long when he told Abraham he would bless him with a son and make him the father of all Nations he didn't tell him when or how like these examples before
us you may be in a similar situation you may not understand how but he will certainly commit to his words and promise to you it gets hard to fully rely on God's words especially when things do not look like what he has promised but that is what vulnerability and surrender looks like another way to receive your Victory is to seek God's help you should know you cannot do it on your own asking God for help is such a powerful way of surrender it shows that you have come to a place in life where you know
that only his help can give you Victory when you do not know what to do or cannot bring yourself to the point of identifying the matter when you are overwhelmed with life all you need to do is ask God to help you be sure that because you have asked him for help he will come through for you and make you Victorious for his word says that he will deliver you and honor you he is a present help in times of need another thing you can be certain of is that your victory over a situation will
not come because you are overthinking it overestimating a thing or underrating a situation changes nothing about it the amount of energy you spend thinking over a matter will weary your soul and bring you to a place of depression it is said that worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere when you begin to overthink a matter your mind becomes the battlefield that is exactly where the enemy wants you to be the enemy wants you to lose your joy happiness and confidence he wants you
to remain in a cycle of sadness and take your Victory but you must stand strong the battle is not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities always make a deliberate effort to give God High Praise and put the devil in his place I pray that you stand strong in the days of adversaries so the enemy does not laugh at you it is you who should smile because your Victory is sure what you need to do next is redirect your thoughts and change your focus remember the enemy wants to feed your mind with negativity
so he can make sure you do not enter your Victory you are a winner already don't allow the enemy to take your place most important L pray and also learn to give yourself to fasting lay down your expectations at the feet of the one who is able to do all things and he will bring your Victory to pass the Bible instructs us to write down our Visions so that whoever sees it will run with it you must present each of your exceptions to the one that gives the victory in fervent prayers and fasting you align
your spirit and will with God's Own and expressly communicate with him the Bible says those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall walk and not be wary and they shall run and not faint align yourself with the word of God in prayers and watch him move you to your Victory let us pray dear father I come before you with a hopeful heart and a spirit yearning for your guidance I acknowledge that I am in a season of waiting and even though the path seems
long and unclear I trust in Your Divine timing your word assures me that my victory is near and I believe your promise with unwavering Faith father I am sorry that this weight of expectation often leaves me unsure of your words the doubts uncertainties and frustrations have been heavy but I know that this period of waiting is not a sign of your abandonment instead it is a chapter of my where my character is being strengthened and my spirit refined I believe that just as the darkest hours before the dawn my breakthrough is closer than I realize
Lord I pray for the patience to endure this season with grace and the courage to trust in your perfect plan help me to see beyond the immediate struggles and recognize the signs of your work in my life I trust that you are working out things in my favor even when it doesn't look like it remind me that every moment of waiting is a step closer to the victory you have promised me even as I go through this challenging time help me to hold on to Hope help me to see that my waiting has not been
in vain and that you are actively preparing me for the blessings you have in store teach me to embrace this time as a season of preparation knowing that it is shaping me into the person you have called me to be help me father to overcome every negative pattern or habit that is on my way to Victory show me the areas of my life where I need to change some people have hurt me terribly and broken my trust help me to forgive and release them so that I can Journey light teach me to forgive them as
you have forgiven me and to let go of anything that might obstruct your blessings I also pray for the strength to take action as you direct me just as you gave Joshua Specific Instructions to conquer Jericho guide me in taking the Bold steps you have set before me trusting that your ways are higher than mine and that your plans are for my good as I commit to seeking your kingdom first may my life be a test testimony of your faithfulness and may I return all glory to you thank you Father for the victory that is
on the horizon I trust in your promises and hold fast to the hope that you will bring them to fruition in the name of Jesus I pray amen I believe you have been blessed for more encouraging and inspiring videos kindly subscribe to this channel God bless you
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