all right I just found something that I have to share with you guys check out this jar of moisturizer here guess how much this thing cost $10 $50 $100 $4,225 I had to get to the bottom of this so I went directly to their store to ask what makes it special Miracle broth Miracle broth yeah what on Earth is in this stuff and what kind of dark psychological tactics do these guys use to sell it for 700 times more than the competition they do it using something called the hero mechanism and all the biggest brands
use them once you learn about them you cannot unsee it and they can transform even the most ordinary product into a luxury good uh-oh I'm going to buy it in this video I'm going to be running you through my step-by-step process on exactly how to create one of them for your business so you can use their same secrets to 5x your profits and make millions if you don't know me I'm sub subie I'm an investor on Shark Tank I've generated $7.8 billion for my clients so what exactly is a hero Mech M which is the
unique way method or material that enables the product or service to deliver the desired benefit it explains why your prospect will succeed with your offer it gives them a solution that addresses what they were missing in the past and these guys do it better than anyone with their cell renewing Miracle bro proprietary formula known only by a few scientists what is Miracle bro it's a fation from seek Health okay and what does it do uh after some digging I found out that this company lamur does over $1.2 billion in sales per year so before we
can cook up one of these hero mechanisms for your business there are two key things that your business needs to have in order to make this work if you want to build an amazing company you want to sell a product or a service to a starving market and the skincare Market is just that they are selling what everyone on the planet wants which is to look better to look younger and to be more attractive I invited Siobhan the biggest skincare connoisseur in the office to come along with me to investigate the dark reality Behind These
Brands oh that's this is the one this apparently is the goods no it's blue shut that one's open and this is part of the reason why these brands are able to charge such absurd prices $4,200 right but even if you're selling to a starving Market unless you get this next point right it really doesn't matter because starving markets are highly sophisticated this year the skincare Market will do over $188 billion in sales worldwide with an estimated 20,000 Brands fighting it out for this pip that will make your skin crystal clear your skin okay so to
craft an offer that is going to sell like crazy you first need to understand the persistent reason behind the problem your prospect Faces by the time that they've come to you they have already seen numerous other offers claiming to give them the solution to the problem that they have these other solutions they may have not worked at all maybe they partially worked or maybe they fully worked for a period of time and then they stopped working once you got these two things unlock you're now ready to start crafting your hero mechanism but first let's find
out what on Earth is in this stuff the formula is secet they don't tell anyone the formula of course okay I needed to see that any of these sales people were willing to budge but none of them would give me even a straight answer comings mineral sound lights anything Amer broth so how does that make it different I say you just to try it so it is really a miracle yeah Miracle broth undergoes 3 to 4 months of fermentation and exposure to light and sound waves unlocking the renewing power that makes Lam Mer's benefits so
unmistakable I can't even keep a straight face reading this it wasn't until one of their sales reps revealed to me Lam Mer's darkest little secret theity she told me that their $4,000 cream had the same ingredients as a $6 jar of Nivea it's more good old Nia has the same base ingredients as Lam mer and it's not just lamur who's getting away with this I ask one of my team members to bring in her favorite skin care products just listen to all the hero mechanisms that she lists out without even knowing it this particular one
is red light therapy red light therapy you want to reduce those fine lines and wrinkles that you get as you get older this is microcurrent and nanocurrent it puts microcurrents into your skin and stimulates the muscles or uses EMS electrical muscular stimulation so basically you push it up and hold the muscles up and it stimulates and you just keep like you use it to Contour your face this one is a collagen mask so this is basically just to increase the hydration in your skin and we're just going to put that on there how does it
look really good oh my God people buy these products because the companies behind them are Master marketers and we do this by asking three crucial questions one why does your prospect have this problem in the first place two what other Solutions has your prospect tried in order to solve this problem in the past and you need to list all of them out and three why don't the existing Solutions in the market solve this problem where do they fall short let's look at this one for one skin a company that has apparently developed the first molecule
to reverse the Skin's biological age our science powered by the os1 the peptide proven to reverse the Skin's aging cellular sen Essence is the root cause of Aging over time with increasing environmental exposure your cells experience DNA damage as this damage accumulates they enter a stage of dysfunction called senescence often called Zombie cells ccent cells secrete pro-aging factors that dve Drive healthy neighboring cells to age faster and become senescent as well so this section addresses why our prospects have this problem in the first place so what other Solutions has our Prospect tried that hasn't gotten
the results that they wanted well if you think about it these guys have probably tried numerous expensive skin care anti-aging creams laser treatments facials diet changes and supplements yet they are still aging because they do not have this secret molecule why don't the existing Solutions on the market solve this problem where is it that they fall short well according to their copy the more senescent cells that you have the older that your skin acts and the existing products on the market do not block senescent cells from being produced and then the hero mechanism is unveiled
the proprietary OS peptide boost DNA damage repair incent cells preventing them from secreting pro-aging factors this effectively stops the spread of Essence and reduces your Skin's biological age at a cellular level that is a hero mechanism if I have ever seen one it might sound simple but answering these three crucial questions will literally put you ahead of 99% of your Market because most business owners they try to compete by simply screaming louder they spend more money on ads they discount harder rather than stopping and looking at their product or service and thinking how can I
differentiate either my product my service or even the messaging all right now that we've gone out there and gotten all the raw materials this is where the rubber meets the road and how we craft the hero mechanism behind the solution every face cream has the miracle problem why is this one more expensive than the other cream try this oh my God I feel amazing already a shining bowling ball do you use this product of course yeah and we do that by answering the first question of how does your product or service solve the root cause
to your prospect's problem in a unique way this can be done in some unique framework a process an ingredient a way that you process those ingredients use your creativity and don't come up with excuses there is always an angle and the second question that we have to answer is how is our product or service Superior from all the other Alternatives that are present out there in the marketplace that our Prospect has likely tried but have not gotten the results that they wanted in the past what makes it better are the ingredients activated do you Source
them from some remote Village that you really makes it hard to get to so once you've answered these two questions now it's time to start cooking and how are we going to present our hero mechanism in a way that is new and exciting you want to use words like Breakthrough or new or groundbreaking or a patented process or proprietary system a patent pending anything that makes it feel exciting and unique a mayor's proprietary biofermentation then you have to give your hero mechanism a cool name you'll notice that at all of these examples they always give
it a name that is catchy Miracle broth the proprietary OS peptide microcurrent and nanocurrent it doesn't even need to be related you can call it the red diamond method the brave bison but you need to come up with a cool name for your hero mechanism so that it sticks her EMS and then we need need a credible authority figure who is behind this hero mechanism we've got a dermatologist here Miracle broth Miracle broth is a ferment of macroy perapera no one's going to know what macroy perapera is but you've got this dude in a lab
coat you've got seelp flying through the ocean he's a dermatologist it is the appeal to Authority that makes whatever comes out of his mouth much more believable and adds depths to the claims that he's about to make now you might be thinking hey sub I don't have a credible authority figure or I'm just getting started in business if that is the case the next best thing is an unexpected source of this information a common man or woman that is a relatable figure that has gotten this results or has made this incredible Discovery just by stumbling
across it by pure dumb luck you can go with things like melbour Dad New York mother of two international Man of Mystery or some primitive African tribe and then you wrap all of that up into a banging hero mechanism that allows you to stand out in a sea of competition as something that is new and unique and that is how they're able to sell a jar of this goop for $4,225 if this all sounds like it's too much for you I have created this in a tool called Kong where you just put in the details
about your business and it will spit out a hero mechanism for you you can get the link to that in the description below and also watch this video to make more money