Every Disease That Gives You Superpowers Explained in 6 Minutes

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polymelia polymelia is a rare genetic mutation that causes a person to be born with more than the usual limbs even though in most cases the extra ones are deformed shrunk or completely useless however this wasn't the case for Deepak paswan in India he was born with four completely functional arms and four completely functional legs which caused pilgrims to come to him from all over India and worship him as Hindu religions often depict deities as having multiple limbs eventually though scientists figured out that the extra limbs came from a parasitic twin that hadn't developed in the
womb and somehow fused with him the extra limbs also weren't fully controlled by him as they randomly moved so they just decided to remove them enabling him to live a normal life myostatin related muscle hypertrophy this disease gives super strength as affected people have over twice the usual muscle mass of the average human it's caused by a mutation of the mstn gene which is usually responsible for limiting muscle growth but in this disease it doesn't properly work a famous example of this disease is Liam HRA who's been jacked since he was a kid and could
do a pull-up at 8 months old had a six-pack at 3 years old and could lift 3 Kg dumbbells with his arm fully extended at just 3 years old it's one of the only diseases on this list with no known medical complication hyperthymestic syndrome this disease enables people to remember huge amounts of relatively random information basically giving them super memory however there's a catch they can't choose what they remember so they might remember what they ate on a random day but they might forget what they studied for their next exam matter of fact some say
that h hyperthymestic individuals appear to have poorer than average memory when they actually actively try to remember something they describe their memories as uncontrollable associations for example when they see a date they see a vivid depiction of that day in their heads without hesitation or conscious effort unfortunately this disease can make it difficult to sustain long-term relationships and can cause loneliness people with hyperthymesia also have difficulties letting go of difficult events or traumatic memories which can stay with them for Life fortunately though it is extraordinarily rare with fewer than 100 people in the world having
been diagnosed with it stonan syndrome also known as fibrodisplasia aans progressa this disease allows people to regenerate damaged body parts with bones instead of the original damaged part for example if a person with this disease injured his biceps instead of new muscle tissue he would grow bone tissue it is the only known medical condition where one organ system changes into another and It ultimately leaves sufferers immobilized as new bone replaces musculature and fuses with the existing skeleton which is why it's called Stoneman syndrome unfortunately this disease is almost always deadly The Superficial bones aren't even
removable as if they're cut more will appear when it regenerates Savant syndrome this disorder which is sometimes paired with autism and Aspergers makes the patient extremely talented at a variety of tasks such as calculations drawing painting cartography and much more as an example of how incredible this might get Steven wilcher a man who was diagnosed with Savant syndrome was able to draw a precise map of London after flying over it just once however people with Savant syndrome are usually really good at one specific task but lack social skills congenital insensitivity to pain an estimated one
in every 25,000 people suffers from this genetic condition which completely shuts off the pain signaling Pathways as patients have a mutation of this Gene which is supposed to develop pain sensing nerve cells people with it usually can't know or understand what pain feels like or really is even though they can feel emotional pain or touch even though this might seem amazing it's important to note that pain is one of the most important survival tools and people with this condition usually die in their childhood as they injure themselves without knowing it for some reason there's a
village in Sweden called vangi which has an out-of-the order amount of people suffering from this disease tetrachromacy if you tried to imagine a new color you wouldn't be able to your brain would just glitch people with tetrachromacy however don't have to imagine new colors because they actually see them humans eyes have three types of cone cells which enable us to see a part of the light spectrum while some other animals especially Birds fishes and reptiles have four this means that the organism may see wavelengths Beyond those of a typical human's vision and may be able
to distinguish between colors that to a normal human appear to be identical in humans tetrachromacy is extremely rare to the point that some don't even believe it exists but there was one account where a woman was found to have an additional cone type which was a sort of intermediate between M&L trod dento osus syndrome this disease which affects only a couple thousand people worldwide basically gives people indestructible and superdense Bones so much so that they've reportedly been able to break baseball bats and withstand car crashes this happens because they have a mutation in the DLX
3 Gene which works on bone density however there are some bad drawbacks such as having teeth that break painfully and easily having brittle nails and having dry curly and Flaky hair as a fun fact it's being studied as a potential cure for osteoporosis which affects the elderly by increasing their chances of breaking their bones sometimes causing death hyperlexia if a kid between the age of 2 and 4 years old is able to read everything perfectly and he's obsessed by numbers or letters he might have hyperlexia which is a syndrome characterized by a child's precocious ability
to read the problem with this however is that it's basically fake reading as they're able to say out loud the words on a piece of paper but they're unable to understand what they're reading the cause is still unknown but it's thought that it has a certain overlap with autism with some claiming that about 84% of hyperlexic kids suffer from autism as well vampire syndrome also known as hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia it gives affected people pointed teeth and pale skin and they're usually very thin with eyes outlined with dark circles and with no hair while looking like
a vampire might sound cool to some people with this disease have to constantly check their temperature and stay away from the Sun as they don't have sweat glands that can keep their internal temperature stable when it gets hotter as an example famous actor Michael barryman has this disorder if you want to discuss this video or suggest an idea for the next one join my Discord Link in the description
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