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[Music] hey guys it's lexie welcome back to my channel bitly says welcome my blissey girl says welcome today's video we're gonna be cooking up yet another homemade dog food recipe if you guys are new to my channel this is episode 4 in my dog series i have shared two other homemade dog food recipes i've also shared a delicious homemade dog treat video as well so i will have my dog playlist linked down below so you guys can check out those videos but i'm gonna be sharing a brand new dog food recipe that i've had my
dogs on for about a month and a half now they absolutely love it so if you guys are new here i switched my dogs over hey missy gonna stay up here sit dogs a homemade diet before we got blissey bentley was having tons of digestive issues he was completely malnourished we got his blood work back and he had so much deficiency he was vomiting and having diarrhea it was very bad we tried so many different dog food brands we tried medicated food nothing seemed to work so we finally found an amazing veterinarian who suggested we
put him on a homemade diet and we have been doing that and we have seen amazing results he got his blood work back and he has no more deficiencies he is in green in every single area which is amazing so shortly after switching bentley over to a homemade diet we got blissy girl who's a golden doodle we started her immediately on a homemade diet at six weeks so in today's video i'm going to be sharing yet another recipe with you guys your dogs will absolutely love this recipe this recipe was created with the approval of
my veterinarian i did create the recipe and get it approved by my dog's bet so this is a vet approved homemade dog food recipe so let's go ahead and get started okay guys blissey are you ready to help me are you ready to help me and show me what we need all right bentley is sleeping on the job you guys he is sleeping in his dog bed he left us but i want to share with you guys everything we're going to need for this recipe so the first thing you're going to need is about five
to six pounds of summit ground chicken you can definitely sub out any protein you see fit for your dog i personally like to switch my protein up some weeks i do beef some weeks i do turkey some weeks i do chicken it's really important to kind of give your dog a variety so they get so many different nutrients so today we're going to be using a ground chicken you're also going to need some coconut oil as well this is two tablespoons of some organic coconut oil and we will be adding this in once the recipe
is all cooked and then next up i have a seven ounce bag of frozen spinach i like to buy my spinach fresh in bags like seven ounce bags and then i freeze everything in my deep freezer so i usually buy about ten bags at a time so that way i always have it on hand you got your donut lady girl you got your you got your donut [Music] next up i went ahead and combined the green beans and the peas in this bowl so this is a 12 ounce bag of frozen green beans and a
12 ounce bag of frozen peas i will have all of the ingredients and measurements down in the description box for you guys so no need to take notes no need to write anything down i personally like to use frozen vegetables because i can just buy tons on hand and keep it in the freezer so next up we have two large sweet potatoes i did keep the skin on my sweet potatoes i no longer peel the skin off of the potatoes i just wash it very well because the skin has tons of nutrients so just give
it a good scrub and i chop it in pretty large pieces as you can see because we are going to be pressure cooking all of this in the instant pot so we're going to be mashing it and getting it very small except we are using a half a can of some organic pumpkin puree make sure when you are buying pumpkin puree that it has no added ingredients the only ingredient that is needed is pumpkin anything else added in is not good for your dog so find a 100 pumpkin puree this is the great value brand
and then next up we have some diced carrots so i used four large carrots and i just chopped them in pretty small pieces they don't have to be too small because we are going to be mashing these up as well and then something new that we are now adding to the recipe so many of you guys recommended this to me i talked to my veterinarian about it and she said it is amazing additive to add to homemade dog food i do give my dogs calcium which you'll see me add in a little bit later in
this video and i also give them a multivitamin blissey's plain with her toy down here i also give them a multivitamin as well and joint health the multivitamin does have amazing vitamins and minerals in it however adding this beef liver gives so much nutrients to your dog so this is one third cup of beef liver that i'm going to chop up really small before we put into the recipe the last thing we're going to be adding is just some good old brown rice i use one and one half cups of brown rice it's a very
good carbohydrate also has fiber in there as well for your dog it is great for your dog so i'm going to go ahead and get my instant pot we're gonna be putting everything in there i'm gonna be sharing with you guys exactly how you want to add it in it's very important you add it in correctly because if not you will get that burn signal on the instant pot which isn't fun hey guys we have all of our ingredients here we have our instant pot so i strongly strongly recommend this instant bot if you buy
anything from this video definitely the instant pot it will make your job so much easier you guys if this is something that you want to do for your dogs i highly recommend this it will make your job so much easier you literally just pop everything in the instant pot it maybe took me two to three minutes to chop up everything you pop it in and you let the instant pot do the work for you if you do not have an instant pot another option is a crock pot as well however that can take a long
time in the crock pot it needs to be on about eight hours one low or six hours on high i personally don't have the time for that so that's why i have the instant pot you can also cook this on the stove top as well which is how i started cooking homemade dog food and it would take me about an hour and a half to do all of the cooking of this so if you're going to be switching your dogs over to homemade like i said strongly recommend this so we're going to go ahead and
get started i'm starting by spraying the bottom of my instant pot which is some olive oil i just like to do this to make sure nothing sticks so i put about a tablespoon at the bottom once we have the olive oil in there i'm gonna go ahead and add our sweet potatoes this is two large sweet potatoes with the skin on just dump that right on in there next up we're gonna go ahead and add our diced carrots this is four large carrots dump that right in there we are going to be adding our frozen
peas and our frozen green beans so i have 12 ounces of frozen peas 12 ounces of frozen green beans going to dump that right in the instant pot make sure you get all of those veggies the next thing that i like to add is the brown rice so i did go ahead and wash the brown rice so it's nice and washed and we're going to go ahead and put this in the instant pot sure you get all of the rice now after i have the brown rice added in i like to add the frozen spinach
on top of the brown rice this just gets the brown rice super moist and it's very easy for your dogs to digest so i add the frozen spinach on top of the brown rice after i have the spinach in is where we are going to go ahead and add in our pumpkin puree so this is about seven and a half ounces of some pumpkin puree and you add that in this is amazing for your dogs and they absolutely love it i get questions all the time about how are my dogs stool both of my dog's
stool is solid it's not diarrhea it's not a mess it is the healthiest i have seen a dog stool in my opinion um when bentley was on kibble he would have diarrhea or it would be like black so they have a very healthy stool now that i have that pumpkin puree added in i'm gonna go ahead and add in my water at this point so i'm just going to pour my water and this is two cups of filtered water make sure you guys are giving your dogs filtered water that helps with the digestive system so
much more than tap water i do give my dogs multivitamins and they get minerals and they also get joint health as well but this just has so many added nutrients in it so i now add it you can do chicken liver beef liver whatever you see fit you can do chicken gizzards as well so add that in and then the next thing we're going to add in is our ground chicken remember you can do any protein that you see fit for your dog i do beef all the time chicken turkey whatever i do a mixture
of different proteins so now that we have everything added in my ground chicken is slightly frozen i took it out last night in the fridge and it didn't completely thaw out which is perfectly okay let me go get the top and we will go ahead and get this cooking up so we still have a few more ingredients that we need to add into this food we're going to be adding calcium we're going to be adding turmeric we're going to be adding coconut oil but i add that in once it's cooked so i usually cook this
homemade dog food at 25 minutes but since we are dealing with frozen meat i'm going to be cooking it for 35 minutes so you want to add 5 to 10 minutes depending on how thought out your meat is and it's already set for 30 minutes and we are all done with making this homemade dog food for now we're gonna let the instant pot do the work and i'll share with you guys how it is when it's all done hey guys i wanted to share with you a little treat that you can give your dogs while
that food is cooking so if you guys watch my day in the life of two dogs then you've already seen this but these are lick mats and i got them from amazon i'll link them down below my dogs love these i'll put peanut butter almond butter greek yogurt so many good treats can go on here you can freeze it and give it to your dog or you can just not freeze it at all and they will go to town and lick away my dogs absolutely love it also has little suction cups on it so it
doesn't move around a time so this is um organic greek yogurt it has no added sugar you want to make sure it doesn't have any added sugar i get asked questions of whether i give my dogs probiotics and i do not because greek yogurt has amazing probiotics in it and i do give this to them a few times a week so this is an amazing probiotic to give your dogs if you don't want to put them on a probiotic supplement this was recommended by my veterinarian and i have been doing it now for several months
and they absolutely love this treat so you want to give your dog a smaller dog about a tablespoon a larger dog can get about two tablespoons so the blue one is bentley since he's a boy and the pink one is blissey since she's a girl now that i have the greek yogurt on their lick pad i just pop this in the freezer for at least 30 minutes so it can harden you could give it to your dog just like this but if i give it to my dogs like this it will be devoured so fast
and they love it frozen on their tongue so i'm gonna pop this in just wanted to share with you guys a little healthy treat and give your dogs to give them probiotics they'll absolutely love it okay guys we have that greek yogurt freezing in the freezer we have the homemade dog food on and almost ready i wanted to pop in here and share a little information with you guys i just wanted to share if you guys missed part one in part two i share so much knowledge in those videos about minerals supplements vitamins calcium everything
that i add in addition to my dog's homemade diet just giving them a homemade diet is not enough they need calcium multivitamins joint health all of those things they also need probiotics like i shared earlier i give my dogs their probiotics in greek yogurt but there's so many ways you can do it so definitely check out those part one in part two so you get all the information you need so you are prepared to start cooking for your dog i also wanted to share what my dogs are currently on so blissey actually gets weighed here
in a couple of days so we're super excited to see how much she weighs we're not sure because she has not been weighed in a little over a month and when she got weighed a little over a month ago she was 60 pounds so we think she's put on quite a bit of weight we're thinking she's about 65 but we'll find out next week right now she is on three and one-fourths a cup that we split up in the morning time she gets two cups in the afternoon time she gets one and one-fourth cups and
then a bentley gets one-fourth and two tablespoons in the morning and one fourth and two tablespoons at the nighttime serving so that is just some serving sizes to help you guys out but i talked more about that in part two so i'll be sure to link that video down below back from hanging outside the dogs are in the sun come here bentley about to give them their lick pads out the freezer we had a slight malfunction with their leg pads um i accidentally shut the door on them so they're a little bit messed up but
that's okay you see the dogs are super excited you better be patient and wait let's see all right i have to let blissey go first otherwise she'll tackle her brother sit down good girl be patient or you may eat blissy go ahead and it has a little suction cups that will sit let me get bentley's all right bentley right here down stay eat that is the instant pot we gotta go get the food guys so they will lick up their probiotics this is great for them they love it especially after being outside for about 30
minutes this is a perfect way to cool down your dogs this is how it's going to look when you take oh look at all that steam this is how it's gonna look when you take the top off of it i'm gonna get my little masher and we're just going to go ahead and mash everything up all right you guys already know for my homemade dog food i use this little gadget and it makes mashing everything so easy i will link it down below super inexpensive from amazon so i just press everything in here and just
mash everything this is like perfect you guys we have everything mashed up so now i'm going to go ahead and add a couple of supplements in here so the first thing we're going to be adding is some calcium yes you can put the calcium in when the food is still hot you do not have to wait for it to cool down it doesn't affect it at all so i will link the exact one i use for calcium we're also going to be adding there is some coconut oil let's add that in first this is two
tablespoons of coconut oil sometimes i do coconut oil sometimes i do olive oil sometimes they do fish oil here um it really just depends i'm always switching up my oils because there's so many good ones for dogs there's also salmon oil as well so i will link some different oils down below for you guys and it's good to switch them up but i personally coconut oil is my favorite oil i see the biggest improvement in their coat so coconut oil is always going to be my favorite oil now the next supplement that i add is
turmeric this is definitely optional you don't have to add this in i add about one-fourth of a teaspoon of some turmeric amazing benefits for your dogs they won't even know what's in there so i just mix all of that in and if you guys are using this exact recipe you're going to add five teaspoons of calcium but if you're modifying this recipe at all i strongly recommend weighing out everything i have a food scale which is how i know this makes 16 cups because i've made this batch before so for 16 cups i need 5
teaspoons and it tells you in the back how much to add depending on how much you cook i don't always make 16 cups of food sometimes i make 20 so you just have to adjust it based off of how much food you're cooking all right we have five teaspoons of that calcium so i'm going to go ahead and mix it all in we're going to go ahead and get this in the containers and then we'll go ahead and feed the dogs a little bit early it's about an hour earlier than they usually eat but that's
okay i want you guys to see what dinner looks like they love dinner time you guys they love breakfast time i have never seen bentley i don't know about blissey because she's only been on a homemade diet so i don't know how she was how she'd be on kibble i guess i should say but they get so excited bentley used to dread eating when he was on kibble and you will see how excited the dogs get on this diet alright so i went ahead and put most of the food in these glass containers i will
link some similar ones down below for you guys i still kept quite a bit of food in the instant pot because we are getting ready to feed the dogs but i want to let this cool down completely for obvious reasons you don't want to give your dogs hot food so i'm gonna let this cool down and i'll share with you guys how dinner time looks lay sleeping on the job and blissey is patiently waiting for her food it has to cool down oh you're yawning it has to cool down blissey i can't give it to
you hot i know i know you want it but you have to be patient we'll wait for it to cool down okay she ran over here bentley darted over here okay um we always have to start with blissy because she's still a puppy and learning that she can't run over her little brother and if we don't feed her first bitly ends up getting hurt so we do her first all right lissy i used to put this straight on her little bowl but she was knocking it over so we just put it straight on the ground
look at her she's already in the down position if you guys are new here they do get in the down position to eat look how obedient my dogs are you're so good all right stay eat good girl come on bitly let's get yours let's get yours buddy you're ready to eat you're excited you ready for your homemade dog food you ready come on come on buddy come on let's move that out the way all right sit look oh you're already down good boy stay stay look how obedient nope look how obedient you are good boy
you can eat so they're eating from their slobbles blissey will initially make a huge mess but she cleans it up this is actually great putting it directly on the floor because the wall stays clean if you guys remember from my last video i don't really like her bending down this low but so many of you guys have assured me that this is their natural way of eating so it will be okay um so i'm just gonna get over that but the slow bowl is definitely mandatory because you can even see how fast she's able to
eat even having the slow bowl but it usually takes her about five minutes to finish dinner and she was finishing it before in like 30 seconds so it's a huge improvement good girl blissey go check on bentley good job bentley do you like it see how it's like a little challenge for them to go around to go through all the little things to eat their food lizzy's is not nearly as challenging um she has bigger spaces in between this but they do a really good job getting every single drop of food did you finish your
food lissy i think it's all gone baby girl she has to get every amount let's see ben good job bent you finished yours let's go see did she finish everything he did such a good job good boy bitly good boy for finishing your food yay right here does not prove to you that my dogs love this recipe i don't know what else will she is going to get every single crumb up lucy can say bye now say bye you finished your food say bye lissy okay guys that completes today's video i hope you enjoyed spending
the day with me and my dogs give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it as always all the supplements i use for my dogs will be linked down below their recipes their bowls every single thing that we talked about in this video be linked down below for you guys and i'll see you in my next one bye and of course bitly is sleeping you're nice and full you ate and now you're going night night say bye to everybody [Music]
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