all right everyone it's currently around like 300 p. m. I just woke up we have an exciting day ahead of us so let's get to work let's see what's going to [Music] happen Okay so it's currently 5:00 p.
m. I got ready way too late today I'm not even ready yet but I'm doing my simple morning routine I guess you can say I work night shift uh we got the store loaded up here I'm going to show you guys in a second but what I do every single morning is first of all checking with my team uh the second thing I do is to actually just check that everything is going when making these amounts of money you get nervous you know like technically it could fall apart I'm working very very hard not to make sure but it's also it's my first year making like crazy money with Drp Shipping so I'm always a little bit nervous but I'm checking in with my team um usually jump on a call today I don't got time CU I have something special plann that I'm going to show you soon but the next thing I do is always check in with my students in the morning I think I got four right now that I'm helping scale their business many of them actually doing really good so I check in with them answer any problems they have anything they need help with and then sometimes throughout the evening maybe we jump on a call too I spend some my time checking out product list for them but the majority of my time goes to this project right here so I don't know how well you can see on the camera I'm just going to go ahead and move it for you and as you can see it's working out well uh we sitting at $586,000 in sales just the last 30 days alone I'll probably also throw up a screen recording of this where I show you that I refresh the store but what is actually on the plan today is I'm going to go pick up this thing right here or at least if I like it I set up my office in the living room I just go with one Monitor and check out these socks right there but anyways I set everything up in the living room right now it's like not the most beautiful cuz it's very cloudy but I have this view of Dubai this is the bur khalifi it's the world's tallest building and uh the view is pretty crazy you should see this at night what I'm going to do now is I need to get ready to go pick up the watch so as you can see like I just woke up um but here is the office it's crazy like my dream when I was young was not all these luxury items not all this materialistic my dream when I was young was to just sit in my cool apartment and work on building a great business so I'm really living that right now I'm alone though um I have to be honest it's like a little bit depressive as you can see I haven't getting that much sun lately but what really happened is I went through a lot of you know and while making all of this money is really cool I'm kind of feel like I'm going through some sort of a life crisis I'm really starting to realize that I don't have anyone you know I don't have any security building this I didn't know that it was going to blow up this fast and it's a it's a weird situation you know I also went through some problems with relationship couple of months ago I think you know what I mean maybe I will talk more to you guys about that whenever I feel ready but um past year has been the most successful year of my life but it has certainly been the hardest year of my life I've learned so much so yeah times are hard but I think I'm going to get out of this perfectly fine let's at least go celebrate pick up a new Rolex I think that's going to make me more happy okay so it's 6:00 p. m.
right now I'm on the way to pick up the watch it's like 1 hour ride for me because it's crazy traffic right now so I'll try to film something while I'm there I'm I'm really bad at filming I end up just like getting no content I was traveling for two months I got four four minutes of content but I'm going to try to get it if not I'm going show you guys [Music] afterwards okay so I just got home it's currently like 7 or 8:00 p. m. and what I'm going to do now is I'm actually going to get changed then I'm going to head to the gym for a workout I just picked up the watch I'm going to show you in a second but this is what I like to do at night I stay up very very late I have my setup right here as you can see put on the LED lights I put on a lamp and let's have a look at like how it is from my point of view okay I'm sitting here right on this desk every oh there you guys can see the new watch I want show you guys I I'll do a better shot in a sec here you guys can see um kind of like what it's like being me so I will set the camera up here like a cool and I'll be doing my work um I got my balcony right out there I got the Christmas tree as well um but here you can see at night it's crazy we got a very very good view here so sitting here every single day working towards your dream is like is magical honestly I absolutely love the journey I don't rush anything I feel like I'm on just a perfect timing so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to eat like 1,000 calories I was sick so I didn't have the chance earlier but I'm going to do that now then we're going to head to the gym I got some calls with my students I think it's going to be a a good night I'll be up here till 4: probably just working towards my goal but on to what the people I've been waiting for also got this plant from my parents kind thing to do um but yeah we got two boxes here the new one is bigger um here's the thing they're supposed to be a watch in here but what do you think happened there it got stolen so there's only one logical thing to do I need a new one so check this out guys the Rolex um Day dates it's the precedent watch uh Roman dial here we got it more so in the lights camera just doesn't do justice for this watch it's a is a brutal one I got the 36 mm cuz I feel like my arm is kind of small I just think it fits very well and for the people wondering how much this one is it's like $45,000 say it's a pretty cool watch it's kind of in your face but it's still a little bit lowkey now here's the thing that's interesting about this around 5 years ago I wrote a note on my phone I'm going to try to find it where I said this exact thing live in another country with money okay check and then I wrote so specific have a white and gold Rolex Day date so where are we we are in another country we are in a I already this is a penthouse it's high floor it's really nice working on my business doing the thing that I love the most every single day I'm just extremely blessed I try to never forget that and I think this goes to show like you watching this there is really no reason why you can do the same I'm not really it I wasn't really a genius when I started all of this I just simply went for it I understood that there was more to life than a traditional path I started Drp Shipping for those of you who don't know 5 years ago no it's more than that like six and a half years ago I had many failed stores and it's only really the last year that things have just completely taken off from me but yeah let me eat some food then we're going to do a proper session of work I'm going to put on some low five beats on the TV I'm just going to be looking at this view doing the thing that I love the most okay so now we are on the way to the gym the nice thing about living in Dubai is that everything is on your doorstep as you guys can see like I'm not very healthy now I have some sort of bacteria infection so yeah just trying to eat up get back the weight I lost and uh try to exercise to feel a little bit better [Music] all right we are done with the workout this light just does not give me Justice um kind of tired I'm be honest like I said I was sick this is like my first workout I was really really weak think I just got to load up on vitamin D load up on food properly I just did like 40 minutes I did some weights then I ended it off with some light cardio um I don't really need cardio I like the reason I do cardio is just to surv survive you know so that I don't die at 25 from from some bad reason trying to do a little bit cardio just to feel good go fresh but now uh we are heading into a proper round of work I'm going to call my student right now see what's up and then uh yeah we'll see where the night takes us okay so I know it's like hella dark in here but this is my actual point of view like when I'm working um it's even darker than this I actually put on a ring light I like to work at in dark like at night just visualizing seeing everything but yeah we got one of my students here she's waiting so uh let me just do this meeting real quick the worst part about all of this is I actually have to use a gaming headset why is that it's just cuz I thought it was convenient and I just didn't bother just didn't bother with finding a new one and I got this mic too I got to fix I'm like here's the thing I make so much um so much money but I don't bother to buy new equipment like you would have to force me to buy new equipment I don't know it's up to be honest we leave the campaign running until $30 $40 35 30 then you hit me up okay you send me a message and I will be available to uh I'll be available to help you out so you know like when to cut when to scale what is good what is bad what do we need to do okay but you will also get a video on this from the course so you're going to know exactly how to analyze it okay but yeah let's have a look you are running one campaign how many adsets are you running inside of it all right so that's the first meeting wrapped up um I have one more call with one of my stud students I like to get just both of them done at one so they don't have to wait then after that we're going to jump on some team meetings as you saw earlier on my store we have had some problems it's been scaling down it's not something I'm too worried about but we are going to jump on a meeting later today to discuss a new ad strategy and I'll even show you a couple of the campaigns that we are running for this exact store and a little bit of insights into the ad strategy we use to hit 30k days 40 50k days on a consistently basis but now I'm going to talk to two of my students who work together um they are Dutch uh doing something in fashion I think is really cool after I think it's going to be basis so I'll get back when I can if we can get one product running every day I think you're going to see also results very fast what is the lowest you can sell this for and have some profit because you should always test a little bit lower than the ideal selling price right to get the first couple sales to get the data okay so that's the meeting with my students completed I think it took like 1 hour I've been sitting here for 5 hours now I think I'm going to show you something about my store so if we look at the last month which is December I'm going to do a little Zoom here I think you can see we did 720,000 in sales it's pretty good but we have one problem now when we actually shut off the ads that's why there's only one visitor on the side we're currently in the process of split testing product pages uh because as you know we don't really have the best conversion rate we're sitting at 2% so we just deactivated the store now for 10 minutes while we are publishing the new changes and hopefully it's going to be a success now if we break it down though by this month we can see we are so far today we are at $3,000 uh the day just started on Shopify so it's all good but our best day this month is actually $15,000 and if I break it down by the last um 40 days you can see that the store is going down a little bit here we're peeking at 50k a day now the store is going down but this is actually kind of on purpose there are some things that just doesn't really add up and as you know we've been on 7 800k months for long we haven't broken a million month and I think that's cuz there's just something lacking I haven't really figured it out Facebook is changing now too so we are launching a lot of brand new campaigns we're basically switching everything up and I'm very confident the story is going to go back to where it was and even higher once we have implemented these changes so I'm going to share with you as soon as I find out actually it turns out that my family has tried to call me I try to call them like twice every single week I don't know why that sounds like so little I just I try to call them every single week you know for like 30 minutes to catch up so before we go ahead and launch the new ads I'm going to call them [Music] hello spe [Music] okay so last night got very busy there was so many things that needed to be done I think I went to bed at 700 a.
m. I was up working till 615 or something it's just crazy and excuse the outfit I know it's a lot to take in um it's just that my clothes right now are on dry cleaning so they will be here anytime soon but today we have some cool plans okay first of all uh we're going to run the advertising campaigns like we discussed I actually have also hired someone to help me with the ads even though I'm good at it and been doing it six years I believe in business like investing in yourself is going to be one of the smartest things you can do so we're going to wrap up the campaigns now I'm going to show you how I do it then what I've done today is I've been on calls there's just been a million things to do this is the thing about running an online business some days it's so chill I can just be at the beach enjoy my life like I'm going to do this Saturday but what can happen is this Saturday maybe I can't enjoy my life you you know maybe something comes up so some days I'm working like 16 hours not actively like I'm online 16 hours I can't take a break other days I wake up stressed out of my mind and some days life is just amazing I'm enjoying my day at the beach I just have fun you know so the thing like many of you just want Financial Freedom just know it comes with a cost okay and I think many people wouldn't have what it takes I'm not saying you have to sit on your PC till 6:00 in the morning but that's the sacrifice I make now after this video I'm going to fix my schedule okay but today's plan run up the ads do a couple of more meetings I'm going to have to hit the gym too because I want to feel good you know I was sick then what we're going to do after is we're going to meet my friend Kevin for dinner uh he's doing something in Dubai too with e-commerce so I think that's going to be interesting I'll try to film some of that as well but yeah let me show you what I'm doing here okay so here you can see one of the ad accounts that I'm working with there's been some updates to Facebook ads we're running a lot of lowbudget campaigns as you can see the majority of these are sitting at $50 Maybe 60 maximum up to 100 now if you don't know what I do um for some reason you found this video I do e-commerce okay I run a brand online and we use Facebook ads to drive the traffic so here's the issue we're not like super profitable and that's fine because when you are running a business that's doing almost a million a month your margins are going to go down and that's the thing I realized so what we're working on now is just to get more profitable campaigns as you can see we have this one right here sitting at 15 sales it has a 3. 3 rows that's pretty good but if we look at the average is 1.
48 now that is not true though because these are many different products that's being run you know where row as on the one we're selling is like 2. 8 to3 okay but we're working on bringing the profits up and that's exactly why we scal down we realize we're making a lot of Revenue now where our profit is going down maybe there is something we need to change now the way that we do this now is instead of just going completely broad on all of our adsets we are actually going very broad but not completely okay so we are targeting huge interest we are for example here targeting only online shopping I'm not going to show you our main interest cuz it's profitable but we are targeting things like online shopping I'm launching a bunch of different campaigns targeting things just such as gift um I'm targeting family I'm targeting people who are in a relationship so on Facebook right now one of the best advises I can give you is to launch one campaign okay and you launch everything completely broad no targeting then you launch another one where you try these interests okay these different audiences but you go for the absolute broadest so right now we are making that transition it's giving us a lot higher profits a lot higher row and I think these can also scale very far we're going with you know billion size interest we might Target something like Netflix which is one of the bigger interests on Facebook but in short that's what I'm doing and every single campaign I launch I'm going to put five adsets inside of it so for this one for example in particular it's an interest campaign okay so we're putting audiences but we also have broad campaigns who are inside of them there's like no targeting as you can see though the issue with that is we do actually have a lower rows now so I think there's some sort of audience fatigue there's something we need to figure out we're also testing a lot of creatives every single week but overall things are looking promising so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to launch a couple of new campaigns that's going to go live tomorrow and then we're just going to work every single day until we crack this formula and once we do we're going to scale up to a million dollar month now I know you are praying on my downfall because you see the stores going down that's not going to happen Okay that's just not going to happen Okay so we can all go up here together it's not going to fall down but we need to make changes because just I cannot justify you know scaling with 10% profit margin up to 800,000 a month scaling up to a million is not going to work long term there's something we need to change so we're going to publish campaigns every day until we figure it out okay so it's currently 8:30 p. m.