#1 Habit That Made Me $4M With Amazon KDP

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Peter Holmquist | Driven Publishers
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Video Transcript:
the number one habit that made me a self-made millionaire before the age of 30 let's start by taking a look at a self-published book it is placed number three in all of Amazon currently and we can compare it to this book that hasn't sold one copy yet so what is the difference between this book and this book let's take a look at a boxer see he's uh running away turning his back there yep high level skills and this boxer Muhammad Ali now you're supposed to keep your hands up but he's got such Mastery that he
can play with his opponents now this video we'll talk about the key habit that made me a millionaire with sell publishing using platforms such as Amazon KDP before the age of 30 as of the recording of this video I'm now 30 years old I made it with self-publishing alone and not by teaching it so what is the difference in the examples we looked at in the introduction the difference is the knowledge of the individuals so in my experience most beginners are overly obsessed with finding different hacks loopholes or tactics that will give them outstanding results
more advanced people however are usually very good at simplifying what looks complex to The Beginner's eye and producing a clear direction for what to focus on they will point out things in your blind spot and with time they will track transfer that Clarity on to you now let me warn you this video is not for everyone if you're a person who can't stick with a video because it contains analogies stories or examples that will all be tied together to make a point then don't watch this video it will be a waste of your time this
video is for the big boys and big girls and not for those who want to play in the sandbox we had a little bit of trauma coming through there obviously I wasn't allowed to play with the big kids as a kid but hey it's so okay you can still watch but just keep quiet okay I can tell you a story of when I wanted to get good at Muay Thai which is a form of kickboxing I promise I'll bring it back to publishing and this all ties together with the key habit that made me a
self-made millionaire I'd reached out to someone who I believe was the most technically skilled mu Thai teachers in the world if anyone who is into mu Thai is watching then you might be familiar with the muur fighter nongo who is a seventh division Muay Thai champion and my trainer had sparred with him for for years in the same gym in Thailand so at one point me and my mu Thai teacher were doing some sparring and I was fairly strong at the time I could bench press around 130 kilos now my trainer wasn't Weak by any
means but objectively I was Stronger in tie boxing you have something called a clinch which is a form of standing wrestling and despite me being physically stronger I was being thrown around and played with like a mouse in a tiger's cage this was my first experience of mastery he could sense and react to my moves before I even did them when someone encounters another person possessing Mastery like that they have two choices they can either try to fight harder exhausting thems in the progress or they can submit their ego open up and be willing to
learn I took the second route even though as a man and I think a lot of men can relate we want to be the big dog but I realized that now is not the time to play tough perhaps reading books such as Mastery or egoist the enemy made me more aware that this was the best route the following 2 years after this experience I trained under this master I cannot describe to you how many times he had me do the same thing over and over and over again for example he would have me stand in
a mu Tha St position taking simple steps in every direction then he added on other components like after each step blck and if I lost my balance even the slightest he would notice and tell me to do it again in a more controlled manner if you've ever seen the Karate Kid it was a little bit like wax on wax off so naturally after a while I became tired of doing what I only thought were the basics so I asked questions about secret techniques that he used and he would share them with me and when I
tried them in sporing with other people some of them the best in Sweden to my astonishment they worked but these secret techniques alone weren't enough I was still no match for these more experienced Fighters but what I slowly noticed was that I had one strong point during sparring where even the strongest and most experienced Fighters would have to fight their hardest to keep up this was the clinch the area where I once spin the mouse I was now the tiger and I was now able to throw some of the best fighters on the ground during
sporing one reason for this was that my balance was solid my trainer's obsession with me perfecting the base in terms of balance in combination which repeatedly cling him with him was the reason for this and in my fight that I had in my hometown I had a great time in the clinch in terms of other areas during the fight I still had many rooms for improving significantly so what are the lessons from this and why is it relevant to becoming a self-made millionaire with self-publishing there are many but before I mention them note that later
in the video I'll also be showing you some of my favorite books and some lessons I learned from them so make sure you stay with the video here's some lessons we can draw from my story of training mu Tha under this master number one I learned from the best I sought out the one who had the highest skill level in my opinion put my ego to the side and absorbed his lessons like a sponge even though at times I didn't fully understand why we were doing the same thing over and over again I had a
conversation with my friend the other day who is one of Sweden's best wilters and salesman and he said he did the same thing when he got started in sales he just went to the best person and studied what he did everything from what he said to how he talked and that's why my friend is where he is today number two my trainer had me focus on the basics in Muay Tha I was drilled on perfect in my balance and St and this is exactly what I've done recently in book publishing as well I've realized the
importance of mastering the basics and everything that that entails in terms of choosing the right Niche working with great people and nailing the presentation of the book three I practiced consistently just as I repeatedly trained in the same techniques over and over again I've been consistent with publishing there hasn't been a week in years where I haven't published at least one book I'm not saying you need to have my quantity to succeed in many cases I advise against it at this point I obviously have a large team and a system built up number four I
concentrated on my strengths I honed in on my strengths which in my case was the clinch and I aimed to get in that position during sparring and fighting in self-publishing I focused on my main brand where I saw the best results and I've now more than ever realized that I need to put my attention into what is giving me the best results and number five I embraced patience my progress in both fighting and Publishing wasn't immediate I learned that success requires time discipline and a willingness to stick with the process now this one is very
interesting because you don't think I've read the books such as the 48 Laws of Power you don't think I know that you shouldn't say that it requires hard work or that you have to work no I understand that and I understand that in marketing you also want to make things seem effortless and while it is is requiring a lot less effort than you might think because what I'm doing is naturally something that I want to do then it still requires action so it still requires a lot of movement and that is what I think is
worth noting and I understand that what I'm talking about in this video it's it's not the most attractive thing but I want to pay you the respect and I'm also thinking that my ancestors might watch these videos in the future and I don't want to mislead them so that's why I'm I'm saying it the truth as I see for example I think many of you would be shocked if you saw how much I invest in myself to level up my skills tomorrow I have a call scheduled with a sales rep from a company that helps
people with their YouTube channel and I know for certain that they would want to sell me a higher tick product and I'm 99% sure that I will end up buying it here are some other examples of Investments that I made in myself here's a $3,000 per month education program I joined here's a £7,000 mastermind I joined and these are just some here's me paying $5,000 to work with one of the best copywriters called Jim Edwards here's me paying $25,000 to work with someone related to real estate and there are many other courses that I paid
for and so on and so forth when you make investments like this you have to approach it from a completely different mindset than what most people have most people in my opinion are too focused on stuff people will invest $1,000 in a TV that will drain their time and their their money but they could never fathom spending $11,000 for online education that could possibly lay the groundwork for them becoming a self-made millionaire when I stand faced with a decision to invest in myself I think what is the price tomorrow in terms of who I will
not be and the skills and knowledge I will lack by not investing in myself let me tell you a story when I was around 12 to 13 years old I used to play this computer game called tiia You' have a character and this character could level up by going through different challenges now this character could also amass resources such as coins and houses Etc but what would happen when a character of a lower level would step out from this fancy house with all his stuff he risked being absolutely wrecked by some other player of a
higher level so what I've learned is that it's not so much about what you get the stuff it's more about who you become for example my mu Tha trainer didn't have much money yet he was highly respected because who he was and the skills he possessed ultimately just like in poker when the game ends all of the ships go back into the PO once we're gone we don't get to keep any of the money or the stuff it just goes back into the market what will be remembered is who we were and the character that
we were able to build and the impact we had on others because of it so one thing I would have told myself earlier in my would have been wouldn't it been much cooler to be the type of person who can create a million dollars consistently with book books and someone who just randomly achiev success with a book but lacks the basic Foundation to replicate it this is the difference between someone who has mastered something and someone who relies on luck or only obsesses over tactics instead of mastering the foundation now do I dare to say
that I'm on my trainer skill level and Muay Tha just because I trained under him no he's still above me in terms of skills because I haven't given it enough time and volume in terms of practice who he still has several years more experience than me but guess what I don't need all his years of making mistakes Etc in order to get good just like you don't need to spend years making mistakes yourself in order to get good at self-publishing so I'm definitely able to hold my own when I Spar against him and I've proven
that I can win against others because of the skills he transferred to me so I will continue my habit of submitting my ego to other people's Superior knowledge for the rest of my life and I believe that that is the main reason why I will continue to win but don't think you have to sit under people in one particular field for the rest of your life it's a phase and eventually you'll become a master and then other Masters will listen to you when you hear me speak about self-publishing you can hear that I speak with
conviction I don't speak like I'm questioning whether something is the right the wrong choice yes there will be factors to take into consideration still but overall I'm certain in My Method so you too will become an absolute tiger in whatever you pursue if you give it time and you follow the process but if you skip any step in the Mastery process it's like you're missing out on a key ingredient for a masterpiece recipe don't get me wrong you absolutely want to stay at tuned with what's going on and different Trends etc for example AI is
and will continue to create a lot of self-made millionaires but I think the majority of people who will become self-made millionaires with AI are those that have a solid base to stand on those who have real skills underneath those who hope to click a button and get rich will be like me when I try to use different secret techniques on the more experienced Fighters they will work for a moment but they won't win the game it's like someone trying to get rich without lacking the basic fundamental understanding that rich people don't trade their time for
money the rich focus on getting paid for outcomes and setting up a system where they can produce value and get paid independent of them being there or not just like I have books that generate me thousands of dollars every month and they were published several years ago don't think that the process of Mastery just applies to publishing or fighting it applies to everything just look at this clip of what happens when a master pool player shows up you do what you want this is not Financial advice obviously I'm only speaking from what I've done am
doing and will continue to do for the rest of my life I was listening to an interview by John Maxwell and how he said that he had one person approach approaching him saying something like I wish I discovered you about 30 years ago and read your books then and then Maxwell replies no you didn't because I wasn't teaching what I'm teaching now back then I didn't know all this so that's one obvious thing in book publishing the books we published years ago in many cases pale in comparison to the books we're able to produce now
because we see so much more at this point now don't think that you can only learn things from courses or books Etc in many cases YouTube videos can contain some real gold nuggets the benefits of going through a program are that it's more structured and more practical the way I see it is that a YouTube video can give you an idea that can completely change your direction while a program can help you implement that idea faster and probably better but you can also learn from other sources in real life you can learn from people by
observing them for example one quality I admire in my friend is his ability to be completely honest and almost without even the slightest filter as he's talking talking to people he will say what is on his mind and he said that it has gotten him into trouble when he was younger but he's now learned to transform that quality into something that makes people laugh instead of crossing the line so whenever I encounter someone I need to look Beyond just the words of what they're say I need to observe everything about them so I can get
to the core of what makes something work well for them whenever I've been arrogant or thought that I wasn't know it all I've had these fun experiences of somehow being put in my place even if that was just by my own realization for example just earlier this year I was in Mexico and a Gentleman who was 84 years old had broken 13 ribs and one colar bow I went into the gym Mr strong guy did around 20 pull-ups and later when our paths crossed he asked me if I was using some equipment and I said
no then we talked a little bit and I said that if he wanted some help with anything I'd be happy to help him as I was a licensed personal trainer he immediately lightened up and started ask asking question and I showed him different things I remember leaving that interaction feeling good then another day I encountered him in the gym again talking to another Machu guy who was teaching him stuff some of which I remember not fully agreeing with after they would finish talking the older gentleman said to me Peter this is the best approach when
you pretend you don't know anything you get an opportunity to learn and you make others feel good it turns out that this older gentleman was a well-educated doctor and had an extremely deep knowledge of physiology here I was a newly licensed personal trainer trying to impress a doctor with my limited knowledge of physiology regardless I think he valued my help and I later trained his friend as well who was also a doctor and who had been in the line of fire during the Vietnam war but this experience reminded me not to try to be a
noo and that it's a much more powerful strategy to let others talk and shine and another side note and interesting lesson I learned from these two older gentlemen was that they were completely opposed in terms of their political views yet somehow they were best friends I remember eating dinner with them and how at one point the discussion got a little bit heated only to 1 minute later go back to being lighthearted and fun again I find this fascinating and it's something I try to remind myself of constantly it doesn't matter if someone has different beliefs
than me there might still be something that I can learn from them or I can at least still have a great experience interacting with them so I have a deep appreciation for different personality types than myself I don't want to imagine a world where everyone I met had the same personality type as me now these older gentlemen who I met they still had their spark in their eye and life for them seemed like an adventure every day I remember that one of them was going to Australia for several months after this Mexico trip and another
thing I observed was the lightness towards life in general so the first man I met had been in a lot of pain lost a lot of weight and most of his strength yet he was still making himself better every day and of course that showed in the results when I left him he had more energy to him than plenty of younger people I had met so where did I first discover this concept in terms of the power of self-education I discovered it through my grandma telling me a story about how her father was able to
quit his job as a railway track worker and support his family fully through real estate Investments this was in the late 19th century so I remember asking my grandma how he was able to do it because it wasn't like there were books like Rich Dad Poor Dad around during that time she replied that he did it by becoming an autodidact a word I couldn't understand at the time it meant that he had become a self-taught person through self-education after that story my brain naturally picked up on evidence of the power of being an autodidact in
accordance with the particular activating system which is a mechanism in our brain that filters and prioritizes the information we focus on helping us notice and reinforce what aligns with our beliefs and goals so I heard people like Brian Tracy saying that one hour of study per day of your field will put you in the top of your field within 3 years within 5 years you'll be a National Authority in 7 years you can become one of the best people in the world at what you do I also heard some of the richest people in the
World saying things such as the best investment I ever made was in myself just like Warren Bufford said if you think of it one book for example can contain one successful person's most valuable lifetime lessons distilled into something that can take less than five hours to consume or a mastermind of seven people with an average age of 45 can contain 315 years of life experience combined so I kept getting reminded of this and this hunger for knowledge in combination would take a massive action is what ultimately led me to become a self-made millionaire with self-publishing
now take note of this second part of the puzzle that I mentioned there I took action if you never apply what you learn but you only ask for advice then you're what can be named an someone constantly looking or asking for advice that doing the opposite of what's been told now one question could be who do we learn from my favorite way to learn is from Real World practitioners so for example if I want to learn how to grow on YouTube I want to learn from someone who has grown a YouTube channel to a substantial
level thems so that's one good filter would you trade places with that person or have they proven that they can get the results you're aiming to get now does this mean that you can't learn from someone who doesn't have direct experience of being the best in their field of course not for example many coaches can be absolutely brilliant even though they themselves never played at a high level also take Robert Green book as an example so his debut book the 48 loss of power which has sold millions of copies worldwide didn't come about because he
held a powerful position himself no it was created through a unique set of experiences combined with his study of history so the way something is presented can be incredibly valuable in and of itself and some people might be able to teach something in a clearer and more preferred way than someone who is a world-renowned expert because teaching and presentation are skills in and of themselves some people are very convinced that the best way to learn is from first firsthand sources for example if you want to learn about philosophy or physics you should go to Aristotle
Etc and while I see the value in this for example I've aim to read firsthand sources in copywriting such as the Robert colier Letter book or scientific advertising by Claude C Hopkins I sometimes think that the people who are saying this are trying to sound a little bit smarter than they are especially if they're toned towards the modern sources are more extreme the way I see it is that these modern sources can hold incredible value because not only have the people who are creating the work usually internalized and distill down the core lessons from firsthand
sources into its most valuable and practical components but they can also relate to you in a different way through examples and more relatable stories it's a little bit like someone saying that they won't buy a diamond ring because it's not in its original form it has been cut and Polished yet what they don't realize is that the cutting and polishing are what makes the diamond truly shine similarly modern sources can Define and present the core wisdom of The Originals in a way that's more accessible and applicable to our current context making the knowledge even more
valuable and easier to grasp one secret method that has played very much in my favor in my self-publishing journey has been consuming information not just in the field of self-publishing but also in related topics for example I've studied business principles in general selling other types of information and even diving deeper into different components that relate to sell publish appr so for example crafting a compelling book description requires copywriting or knowing how to select a book cover requires a basic understanding of what makes a great design Etc if I hadn't read books such as buil to
sell I probably wouldn't have been so good at setting up systems or if I'd missed out on reading books such as great by choice I wouldn't have known the scientifically proven ways that certain companies are able to perform the industry average by more than 10 times on a consistent basis so think about everything that you're encountering in life and see if it can be applied to your field for example let's say you're reading a news article about agile project management then you can think about how you can apply that into your own publishing business for
example by getting rid of waste oh no now we're getting into woo land I thought you were a rational person Peter but another habit of mine that I don't think would do you any favor if I didn't mention is that of sexual Transportation I first discovered this concept after reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill some people have come out and say that he's a scam or whatnot and here's one important lesson of how I think I'm able to overlook any potential weaknesses in the source of the information if the message itself contains value
so many people are currently missing out on these valuable lessons because people who try to get views on their YouTube channel are focused more on cloud chasing than mentioning the value of the lessons one thing worth asking yourself in situations like this is how many people who have the results you want have credited the book as having a positive impact on their life compared to how many people who have criticized the book are in a place where you don't want to be even if that place is just a bad place in terms of energy at
some point you have to be smart enough to see the patterns and recognize that people who are making these types of critical videos are doing it to make money from you in many cases at least now don't get me wrong I think these videos still provide value in some way because you need to be able to have an open discussion but at some point you have to ask yourself if viewing those type of videos is really moving you in the direction of your dream and of course you will have the scientific papers that come out
and say that it doesn't work blah blah blah and this is one Arena where I frankly don't care whether it's bable or not I can only say from my experience that there's something to the power of sexual Transportation even if it's nothing else than keeping your dopamine levels in check I will not do a deep dive into this in this video but I'll drop some links in the description to leave you some breadcrumbs in terms of lose if you want to discover it further for example one video of one of my favorite childhood comedians Jim
krey is talking about this so at some point you have to have an instinctive ability to determine whether something works for you or not I remember reading a book called The Fountain Head by a Rand now don't worry this is not a political Channel we're not talking about political things if you want to give me call Mars I'll read that too but I was reading this book when I was 16 years old and she talks about the concept of secondhand thinkers she describes them as a secondhand her is one who regards the consciousness of other
men as Superior to his own the disapproval of others is so shatteringly terrifying to him that nothing can withstand its impact within his Consciousness thus he would deny the evidence of his own eyes and invalidate his own Consciousness for the sake of any stray charlatans moral sanction so One Core lesson here is that regardless of how much information you consume from different sources you still want to be able to think for yourself for example some successful people will proudly Proclaim that they never read books and others will say that they've read hundreds of books is
one strategy better than the other in my mind it makes the most sense that consuming more information and Distilling it down while still having the ability to think for yourself is the most powerful strategy but if reading books takes away from another person's ability to produce original work then who am I to say what someone should and should not do so yes while I see myself as a very rational person I still believe in the power of more spiritual practices for example when I was around 16 years old I heard someone as I was consuming
the information mentioned a phrase that got stuck in my mind which was to say I'm sorry please forgive me thank you I love you please SC to guide me and I think it came from a traditional method from Hawaii of reconciliation and forgiveness and while you could logically say that saying a phrase like that won't change anything I believe that it has had a huge impact on my soul so much show that I said it every night before I go to sleep for well over a decade maybe I forgot it one or two times when
I've been so tired after working that I just crashed in bed but overall this practice has helped me spiritually because I probably done something or thought something stupid during the day worth apologizing for and by asking for forgiveness I'm cleansing then I give thanks for everything I have in my life and instead of asking for anything specific I'm simply asking for guidance because I know that God already knows what I'm supposed to be and he knows what he needs to put me through to make me that kind of person so instead of praying for material
success I simply asked Him to guide me and at one point he guided me to a place where I was broke and he brought me through all these different challenges but without them I wouldn't be the person I am today through my journey of constantly consuming information applying it and transforming it into knowledge I've now reached a point where I've been in a very strange painful but also incredibly life generating experience these last couple of months I've had these ideas constantly flying to me seemingly from nowhere these ideas have been related to the field I'm
working in which is book publishing I've been waking up in the middle of the night with ideas picking up my phone and recording ideas into my phone and this is simple promise use knowledge to create a Brands Miss statement I've also been waking up in the morning with such Clarity that it's like from the movie Limitless in my case I've come to this point after consuming a lot of information but also through a lot of trial and error and painful experiences that's why in these videos I aim to relay some of the sites I've gathered
so I can make other people's Journeys less painful because just like how people used to cut down trees with hand axis before the invention of chainsaws we don't have to struggle the same way our ancestors did I think many authors educators of some sort or other people who have reached a high level in their field have experienced something similar it's like everything is falling into place and you're finally able to see the entire forest for the trees now some people will take this message the completely wrong way and think that I'm pushing people to do
self-publishing to become self-made millionaires that's not what I'm saying in fact it might be a faster route to sell things that are a bit higher priced but it's definitely possible to become a self-made millionaire through self-publishing and the books produce a nice passive income every month if you do it right because while people debate whether or not passive income is real I can tell you that there are books I haven't touched for years that still produce thousands of dollars per month so I don't care what people debate about in regards to that for me books
are the ultimate passive income for example take the book Think and Grow Rich it was first published in 1937 and when I last checked it had a ranking of 142 in the entire Amazon bookstore so people can debate however much they want whether Napoleon Hill is a scam or not but according to some sources his book has sold over 100 million copies so the facts are that that book has generated an incredible amount of money so if there's one thing I'd like to leave you with as well is to apply some crucial thinking this is
one of the reason why I help complete beginners to sell publishing for free I'm not interested in convincing someone who might not be in the best position financially to do something risky to pursue a money-making opportunity now if I will help someone on a deeper level then they should already have come to the conclusion themselves that self-publishing absolutely works just like I had come to the conclusion that Muay Thai is a great martial art for self-defense before I reached out to my trainer and Publishing books could mean more than just making income from books themselves
for example for some people it's a way to increase their Authority While others use it as a lead magnet and so on or it may be a way to get validation that you've created something of value you've left the Legacy for example I remember one time when I was traveling in a small village in Mexico and then all of a sudden I see a book that I'd published on a bookshelf that was a cool feeling and experience is I'm not showing the book here because then some people will try to make a similar book but
I can promise you that the book I'm holding up here is a book title that I have published so yes the core message of this video has been to display The Power of self-education Now it always cracks me up a little bit when I read comments on other YouTube channels where people say she's only saying invest in yourself because she's trying to sell you a course now I have empathy for people who comment things like this because they think they've figured it out and are so smart just like I've done stupidly so many times in
my life but more than that I feel a bit bad because I truly believe that they are missing out by approaching life this way so what if the person is selling you something it's not like she's forcing you to buy it just move on to watching Troll videos or something that resonates with you better meanwhile I'll keep sticking what works with me I'll buy her course and get better results while your knowledge will stay stagnant also consider this especially if you're selling books aren't you living in a bit of COG distance if you believe that
people are selling information online or scammers then why should people buy your books are you yourself than a scammer for selling books which ultimately is information I don't understand this logic but nor do I need to because I will keep doing what works for me and what others think or do is none of my business I hurt you to enjoy your journey I've heard many people and it's been true for myself as well that the first $1,000 per month that you make is in some ways more exciting than the first first $100,000 a month so
enjoy the journey of learning and improving and unlocking the insights throughout the journey is almost like going on a treasure hunt when you were a kid each step forward each new discovery brings the same thrill of uncovering something valuable and unexpected the excitement lies in the journey itself not just a destination so Savor each moment of growth and every small victory along the way so here are some of my final thoughts you can pause the video and read this if you want a conclusion but in essence trust the process and I believe that success comes
from consistently focusing on and executing on the right actions let's end the video with me showing some of the books on my bookshelves and the lessons they've taught me we got something good coming up if you have been watching the video all the way until this point then I want to make sure I reward you so not only will you get to learn some of the lessons that we can draw from these books but if you're a publisher I also want to share some of the presentation Styles and some of the angles that these books
are taking so you can Implement them in your own Journey so if you watched all the way to this point drop a comment down below with the word driven so I know that you are a different breed now this video I've been working on since 4:00 a.m. this morning I haven't taken a break to eat or anything like that and and now it's 1:56 p.m. yesterday I was working on this video from 4: a.m. until around 11:00 a.m. and my video editor will also work a lot of hours on this video editing it and making
it look nice for all of you so if you like this video do us a favor and hit the like button it's very much appreciated okay so let's begin here we have a book called yes 50 scientifically proven ways to be persuasive so what do we see here right away we see scientifically now here we have as well scientific advertising so that is one way that books positions and we can also see some proof here over 250 copies sold we can see some authors that are well known and then we see New York time bestseller
it's proof and we also see credibility here given by guy kavasaki so that is one thing to note right from the gate is that we have this certain angle that many books are taken and we have the 22 immutable laws of marketing and we will see this pattern for example laws strategies I think we have some uh some more like that but we we will encounter yeah here we have daily loss so this is the book I'm currently reading it's a compilation of uh lessons from his other books so for example Mastery and the 303
strategies of war Etc and we got Atomic habits this one is interesting tiny changes remarkable results that is the essence of the book and he uses 200 plus pages to only talk about this concept so that is very interesting easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones so don't be afraid of having a simple message with the book and we see a proof component there as well and we have my favorite book great by choice I've talked about it many times on this channel all the lessons there we have firing bullets
first and cannibals and productive paranoia etc etc so I will not go deeper into that one in this video but uh here we can see never split the difference and we see Never Eat Alone so what is the pattern it's that they are telling us what not to do so that is very interesting here we have leadership books so we got wooden on leadership and then we have Lincoln on leadership and then we have Tribal leadership and then we have the dichotomy of leadership and then we got the laws of leadership so you can see
all the different angles that are taken just on one topic which is leadership and then we have the Art of War by sunu it's a classic book that is still being bought then we got good to Great which is a transformation you take yourself from good and you become great then we have the Bezos letters which I think everyone who is somehow selling on Amazon should read so we can get in alignment with what Amazon wants and Amazon wants a great customer experience and we also realize that they have have a very long-term View High
Performance habits then we have extreme ownership we got a new Earth so little bit more of a spiritual book can't hurt me by David gogins jab jab right hook which is about giving first and then eventually asking got Think and Grow Rich which we talked about in this video got $100 million leads I read this book on a plane in February very interesting book that I think is worth reading we have discipline equals Freedom so you can see the pattern here when I like one book from an author I will not just buy one of
his books I will buy several of his books so we have buy Jo willink several times so that is one thing to keep in mind that when people like your books consider building a series so they can buy several of your books here we have influence the psychology of persuasion by Robert balini we have an another book by Robert PC Alini called persuasion it's a great compliment so we have influence first and then we got persuasion which is persuading before you influence so very interesting and we have some self-published books so oi Richard I believe
he self-published I'm not 100% sure but I have bought this book from him and here we can see one book that when you judge the cover you might not say doesn't look that professional but still it sells obviously I'm buying it and it's a clear benefit it's how to be your own bodyguard and it's by credible source so this person worked as a bodyguard and critically claimed by fellow professionals so we got some proof here this could be the most important book you buy well that is a strong statement that that makes me want to
buy the book at least so very interesting this is an example that I'm not only buying books from established Publishers got the Blue Ocean strategy I've made a video about this one on my channel it's one of the most popular videos we got principles by Ray Dalo it's also a very interesting book by one of the best investors and we have the Diary of a CEO which I read earlier this year and this one has a concept that is similar to the death ground strategy inside the 33 Strategies of War so this one Diary of
a CEO this book talks about not having a b plan so he takes an example that they have I think two groups of students and one of the group outperforms the other group because the other group had a b plan and the other group could get rewarded if they didn't succeed with the first option but the first group they didn't have that reward so so to speak unless they succeeded with option A so that is something to keep in mind it's very powerful if you want to motivate yourself then we have built to last so
once again Jim Collins if I like one book I will buy several of his books and we got the letter Book which is more of a firsthand source which we discussed earlier in the video and we got the 4our work week then we have escape the 9 to5 live anywhere and join the new Rich so what is the publisher doing here we can first look at the title The 4-Hour Work week sounds very interesting we can see that the cover image is in accordance with the title it's showing the outcome and escaped the 9 to5
that is something we want to get away from so it's showing the pain a nine of five and then we have join the new Rich which is something new and sounds very interesting what is the new rich I want to know I got to buy the book to figure figed out so very powerful title and cover so there you have it we also have 0 to one which is going from one state just like good to great so it's a going from zero to one which is a form of transformation and we have Marcus aurelus
book meditations it's a great book it's a book that if you're into stoicism then I definitely recommend because to me it's very fascinating that this man that could live a life of luxury instead chose to live life as a man in war so he was in war with the barbarians and instead of being home he was with his men on the border fighting The Barbarians so very interesting and copyrighting secrets here I've worked with Jim Edwards how everyone can use the power of words to get more click sales and profits no matter what you sell
or who you sell it to so this is more of a modern source and he makes it very easy to understand in my opinion so what is it that people are trying to escape they are trying to escape effort they are trying to save money and they want to make money and they want to increase their social status so on and so forth so this is great for tapping into the psychology of why people buy and making it very clear so here's another more firsthand source of copywriting scientific advertising and uh I think I've covered
the main points I want to cover in this video again if you like this video hit the like button and I hope we get to connect one day take care
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