"IT'S FINALLY REVEALED!!" Oda's Biggest Twist in One Piece! Joy Boy's ULTIMATE Haki given to Luffy

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Oda's massive reveal of Joy Boy's SECRET haki power in One Piece changed everything! Luffy will inhe...
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what if I told you that there is another form of hockey that we still don't know about an ultimate form that the original Joy boy used during the ancient war and what if I told you that Joy boy willingly sacrificed his life so that Luffy could one day inherit this ultimate hockey power and use it to finally defeat emu in this video I will explore the truth about Joy boy true hockey and the secret source of Luffy's power so let's get into it you guys know how this works if you enjoy my one piece content
and you want to see more in the future leave a quick like and comment right now for that YouTube algorithm and it would mean a lot to me if you look down and see whether or not you're subscribed to this Channel and if you're not subscribing and hitting that notification Bell helps me out a lot and it's completely free okay so the Egghead island arc has been absolutely incredible in terms of all the reveals it provided about the world of one piece and all the many fan theories it confirmed among the biggest of these is
the confirmation that the ancient kingdom was far more advanced than the modern world and that their technology was hundreds of years years ahead of even what the best scientists like Dr Vega punk are able to accomplish we learned that the ancient Kingdom possessed a source of unlimited power something like a second sun that could be used to power all their advanced technology for free and forever VAP Punk has been attempting to replicate this technology with his mother flame but even though the mother flame is extremely powerful it is still incomplete and it is not equivalent
to the true source of unlimited power that the ancient kingdom was able to harness as it stands right now the mother mother flame is kind of the equivalent to nuclear energy in our own world it could theoretically be used for incredibly positive things like powering old technology on Earth in an extremely efficient way and for the benefit of everyone but it can also be used in extremely destructive ways as well such as powering the mysterious ancient weapon that was used to destroy the kingdom of lulua but come on guys we know Oda he isn't introducing
such an important concept as a second son and source of unlimited energy just so he could do some Epic World building for fun we know that a as important as this was introduced at this crucial moment in the story because it is going to play a major role in the main story itself in fact it could play a critical role in the final showdown between emu and the world government and Luffy and the straw hat Grand Fleet and our other major clue about what the final showdown is going to look like came in chapter 1,122
I'm talking about the moment when the Iron Giant EMT used an insane hockey based attack that the original jooy boy had prepared for him 800 years ago during the void Century I'm honestly not sure if most people realize just how huge of a moment this was and what kind of massive impact this reveal is going to have on the rest of the story in that chapter The Iron Giant saves the straw hats and their allies from complete Annihilation by the Goro in their mythical Beast forms and he does it by releasing a knot of hockey
that the original Joy boy had left inside his giant body Joy boy himself called this a not of the the greatest hockey and he told EMT to release it when the time is right all the way back during the void Century we see a flashback conversation between EMT and joy boy a conversation that took place during the ancient war and which shows joy boy only in silhouette form the silhouette does seem to be wearing a straw hat though which is a huge deal because it seems to confirm that the straw hat or at least a
straw hat of some kind has been passed down among pirates for 800 years ever since the original Joy boy by the way the Egghead Arc confirmed that Joy boy was also the first pirate now during this conversation with EMT Joy boy tells the RN giant directly that he Joy boy is going to die but because EMT is a robot who will get to live on far longer than Joy boy emid should be the one to keep this knot of the greatest hockey with him so that he can use it to protect either himself or someone
he wants to protect when the time is right but okay then what is hockey and how can an overpowered knot of it be sted somewhere for 800 years and then released in a way that causes an unbelievable amount of damage we can't forget that once this blast of hocky is released it not only knocks out pretty much everyone present aside from the very strongest Warriors but it is so strong that it forces the four Goro who had been summoned to egad from arija to forcibly return to the capital against their will and it also forces
them to go back into their human forms perhaps craziest of all this blast of hockey seems to have a truly profound effect on emu himself even though emu had not even been on Egghead Island after the hcky knot was released emu drops down to his knees and begins to breathe heavily while literally shaking let me remind you again that emu is nowhere near Egghead at this time he is practically half a world away inside his Gardens in marijua so what kind of power is this yes it's hockey of some sort but does this type of
colossal hockey blast that was stored up for hundreds of years really line up with our current understanding of of hockey and its various types there are of course three known types of hockey right now observation hockey Armament hockey and Conquer hockey also known as Supreme King hockey observation hockey essentially allows for the development of a sixth sense that can sense the power presence and even the emotions of others it also allows users to sense the intentions of their opponents and in some cases even predict their attacks before they happen those with particularly Advanced observation hockey
can even see into the future for a short period of time Armament hucky enables the user to basically use their Aura as a shield or armor this type of hucky allows the user to strengthen their body or specific parts of their body which can provide both a stronger defense and a stronger attack that's because if for example you throw a punch after cating your arm in Armament Taki that punch will be much stronger than a normal punch but the power of armaki doesn't stop there it can actually be used to circumvent the defensive abilities of
devil fruit such as the inability to land a hit on a loia user so yeah a skilled user of araman hockey is able to hurt even a loia user on top of that araman hocky can be transferred into objects such as Weapons which makes these weapons much stronger Advanced users of Armor Man hockey can even project that power for short distances allowing them to knock out opponents without even touching them or potentially even destroying the opponent from the inside if the attack is strong enough Ry first demonstrated this Advanced ability to Luffy during their training
finally we have conqueror hockey also referred to as Supreme King hockey this type of hockey is the rarest type and it has been possessed by only a few individuals throughout history apparently only one and several million people is born with the potential to use this power and so it can't be learned just by anyone who is willing to put in hard work and training there are only about two dozen known users of this type of hockey in the entire history of one piece and that includes both living and dead characters as well as Canon and
non-canon characters this hockey type is essentially the most pure and overwhelming manifestation of the user's willpower and it can only be used by those with the strongest will and determination those who have the potential to be Kings a user of conquer his hockey can defeat their opponent without even touching them by completely overwhelming the opponent's willpower with their own opponents who have weak Wills will immediately lose Consciousness and pass out when exposed to conqueror's hockey and even stronger opponents will have a tough time dealing with an advanced conquer hockey user but it's important to stress
that conquer hockey is not just like a psychological form of power this type of hockey can actually do physical damage to surrounding objects and a fight between two strong conqueror hockey users is set to be able to split the heavens the most advanced conqueror hockey users can Infuse the hockey into their weapons and attacks which makes them far stronger than normal an advanced conqueror hockey user can even manipulate their Aura in a way that can trick someone else's observation hockey but it's important to remember that these advanc Feats can only be performed by a very
small number of the absolutely strongest conquer hockey users so we're talking about an extremely small number of an already extremely small number of people who can actually use conqueror's hockey in the first place but why am I describing all the different types of hockey that have been introduced up to this point well that's because there could be other forms of hockey that exist but that we are not yet aware of the game changing hockey knot that was weaved by Joy boy and placed inside the Iron Giant only to be used 800 years later clearly shows
that there are other overpowered ways to use hockey that we didn't even know about and this hints at the possibility of other types of hockey existing such as for example an ultimate form of hockey one that potentially combines all three known forms into one or perhaps a completely different form of hockey altogether which can create not just incredibly powerful stored up attacks but also indestructible objects and weapons again we have to remember that the original Joy boy and all the people who lived during his a had far more advanced technology than the modern world so
knowing that it isn't hard to believe that they also had more advanced knowledge of hockei as well in fact I think that Joy boy's unbelievable hockey not attack could be directly related to that mysterious source of unlimited power that the ancient Kingdom possessed and to the true nature of the one piece itself we know that a virtually indestructible material exists in the world of one piece and that material was used to create the mass of ancient cubes known as the pon lphs we also know that these poneglyphs were created by the allies of Joy boy
during the void Century in order to preserve the truth of the world for future Generations because these objects had to survive for hundreds of years into the future and because the enemies of Joy boy such as the world government surely wanted to do everything in their power to destroy the poneglyphs these objects had to be virtually indestructible or else they wouldn't have lasted very long emu and the world government have spared no expense in order to erase the truth about the void Century from history in trying to even study the ponp and what happened during
the ancient war is an act punishable by death an interesting theory has been floating around the phandom for a while regarding the Pags and why they seem to be made from the only substance that is indestructible I'm not the first person to talk about this and I know that Manu from the Ohara Channel and others have mentioned an interesting Theory this theory is that a special type of hockey could have been infused into the stone that makes up the poneglyphs and that is what makes them indestructible now now you might be thinking what kind of
armament hockey or conqueror hockey or any hockey could be so powerful that it could make so many huge objects indestructible for hundreds of years surely no one is powerful enough to create such objects and no hockey is strong enough to do that well until the events of chapter 1,122 it would have been hard to argue with that objection but after witnessing Joy boy's hockey not attack our understanding of hockey as a whole has changed we now know for a fact that hockey can be weaved into a knot and preserved for 800 years only to be
Unleashed with such force that it wrecks the Goro in their Beast forms in a single blow was this just really Advanced conqueror hockey that Joy boy was able to produce and then somehow store for8 centuries until it was right for it to be released or was this some kind of strange combination of multiple types of hockey perhaps all three together or alternatively was this hockey not a hit that there is still another form of hockey that we don't even know about yet an ultimate fourth form that can't be bound even by time itself and which
can not only launch deadly attacks hundreds of years into the future but also preserve giant indestructible objects like the poneglyphs for 8 plus centuries now the idea of some sort of force or energy being stored in knots is not actually new to one piece way back in chapter 523 we learned about the wind knots of weia we area is an artificial Sky Island whose inhabitants are known for their desire to discover ancient secrets and ancient technology and they possess wind knots which when untied can unleash gusts of wind these gusts can range from a gentle
breeze to gale force winds so the fact that the ancient Kingdom knew how to store energy inside knots has been foreshadowed for a very long time and even in the famous song Binks sake we have a reference to Weaver's town which seems to be the place from which the crew that sings the song is departing from this Weaver's Town may actually be the capital of the ancient Kingdom and the thing that they are weaving in the first place could be the overpowered hockey knots like the one that Joy boy left inside EMT Joy boy really
seems to have known that he was about to die and he made multiple important preparations before that happened he wrote that apology to the people of Fishman Island he prepared that not for EMT and told him to use it after he was dead he took great care to ensure that the poneglyphs would preserve the truth of the world for the future he left the one piece on a mysterious island and so on most of us assumed that Joy booy knew that he was going to lose the war and that he eventually fell in battle at
some point after making these preparations but there could be something else going on here what if Joy boy knew he was going to die because he willingly sacrificed his life in order to ensure that his successor Luffy would inherit his power in order to one day bring down the world government what if Joy boy used his Advanced hockey abilities to infuse his hockey into his own devil fruit upon his death similarly how it was infused into the knot within EMT and potentially within the poneglyphs as well what if being infused with dry boy's hockey is
the very thing that gave the naika fruit such a strong will of its own a will strong enough to allow it to elude capture by the world government for 800 years despite being just an inanimate object what if this is the real reason why so many people like zunesha and EMT believe that Joy boy has literally returned when they see Luffy in his gear 5 form and what if this is the reason why Luffy's heartbeat in gear five sounds exactly like the heartbeat of the original Joy boy the drums of Liberation maybe Joy boy willingly
sacrificed his life to ensure that all of this would come to pass he willingly died and wo his very life force into the ni of fruit knowing that would one day be reborn and consumed by his successor when Luffy ate the NAA fruit he now not only gained the abilities that come with it but he also consumed the original Joy boy's Essence and his own ultimate hockey which Joy boy had infused within the devil fruit at the expense of his own life if Joy boy infused his very life Essence into the NAA fruit it would
explain why the heartbeats of Luffy and joy boy are the same this might also be the reason why Luffy ended up with an x-shaped scar across his chest right where his heart is Oda is trying to tell us that x marks the spot and Luffy's heart is the key to everything his heart could be infused with joy boy's ultimate hockey and with that hockey it could have the potential to become the Second Son of the ancient Kingdom a source of unlimited power capable of leading Humanity into a war of Liberation against the world government again
this theory about Luffy's heart being special and perhaps even evolving into the source of unlimited power that Vega Punk was trying to discover is not new and I have heard other fans talk about it including I believe ourour from the library of Ohara if I remember correctly but all of these theories about new hockey powers and the source of unlimited power are starting to make a lot more sense after the reveal of Joy boy's game-changing hockey KN and if objects like the poneglyphs were infused with hockey in order to render them indestructible then we have
to wonder if maybe the one piece itself was made using some ultimate form of hockey Roger might have been too early because without droy boy's ultimate hockey would which can only be unlocked by an awakened NAA user who is his successor Roger simply couldn't activate or unlock what the one piece really was Joy boy's ultimate hockey may be the only thing capable of unlocking the secrets of the one piece and Luffy may be the only person with the potential to awaken and harness Joy boy's ultimate hockey power what do you guys think are there other
types of hockey that are still unknown to us and were ancient warriors like Joy boy capable of using them is Luffy going to inherit the abil ability to use new Ultimate hockey Powers through the na devil fruit I mean a lot of us believe that at the end of the story Luffy will find a way to destroy the red line and create the old blue but realistically how do you destroy a massive freaking continent maybe the only way to do it is to awaken a new form of hockey the ultimate hockey power passed on from
Joy boy to Luffy over the course of 800 years could Luffy's very heart the source of the drums of Liberation turn out to be something special like the hidden source of Joy boy's ultimate hockey which he had infused into his devil fruit before his death or maybe Luffy's heart could even turn out to be the second son of sun god naika the ancient source of unlimited power passed on by Joy booy to the new generation through the NAA devil fruit itself let me know what you guys think down in the comments below is joy booy
haky not a GameChanger and how will this massive reveal affect the rest of the story will Luffy learn to use Joy boy's ultimate hockey perhaps leading to the emergence of a New Gear alt together now that would be a massive twist and I'm personally very excited about where this story is going Egghead has given us so many incredible reveals and it's only going to get more intense from here I can't wait to see what's going to happen next in the Epic story of one piece and speaking of Epic one piece if you're looking for another
amazing video to watch right now check out this video where I explored a theory that Oda already lowkey revealed who Luffy's mother actually is link on screen and in the description if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more one piece here on the channel leave a quick like to let me know and if you don't want to miss future videos do me a huge favorite And subscribe right now and also hit that notification Bell to turn on all notifications
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