Hello, hello, hello! We are starting another week of studies. Let's move on to lesson number nine, this week's theme: Investing for God.
I could also include investors from God here, as if the person in this parable were an investor from God. You understand, right? So here investing for God or investors from God.
And we are going to study this week Matthew chapter 25, starting at verse 14. And I want to read a little part to you, because I understand that you may have already read it. So that you can understand the entire week, it is important that you read today, now, at the beginning of this lesson what we are going to study.
So Matthew chapter 25 of verse 14, up to verse 30 says: For it will be like a man who, going away from the country, called his servants and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability. What strikes me here is that they all won.
There was one who won five, there was another who won two, there was another who won one, but everyone won. So, this is the concept that we have to understand, that all of us, in some way, receive this, this talent, this calling and according to our abilities. Obviously there are people who have more capacity than me.
For example, you have some friends who are fabulous writers. I have some friends who play the piano. They're amazing musicians, but that's just them.
And even worse, there are people who in just one person, he preaches well, he plays the piano, he sings, he draws. All in the same person. The person has more talent than me.
He is a person who has more capacity than me. Now, I don't have to compare myself to anyone, but I have to understand if I'm reaching the peak of what I can deliver to God. And the lesson begins this week telling the story of Nick, Nick.
I won't be able to say his name there, but it's Nick Vujicic. I think it's more or less that. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, and I've seen some, some videos of him.
I know he wrote a book too and he was born with a problem. He has no arms and no legs either. And obviously he had a lot of difficulties throughout his life.
He had a lot of problems, definitely bullying. At some point he thought about taking his own life, but then he had an understanding that he also had a talent, that God had also entrusted him with a mission. And then he found his purpose in life, began to develop and today he is a speaker who travels all over the world doing beautiful work.
And then he has a sentence that ends today's lesson that goes like this: If God can use a man without arms or legs to be his hands and feet, then He can certainly use any willing heart. Here, it’s not about what you can offer. It has to do, it has to do with a willing heart.
From there, all other things start to happen. So, that's the first thing I wanted to leave you with this week. Don't compare yourself to anyone.
Oh so and so, he has so many gifts. Oh how well he sings. I wanted to sing like him.
Okay, but it's not my gift. The big question is: How can I make the gift that I have, that we all receive, multiply without comparing it to others? But actually, looking at myself.
Next week, not next week, no. Tomorrow we continue our study.