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is it really possible to go from zero to 41 plus million is that really possible from zero to 41 so in this video I'm going to talk to you about how to go from zero to Rich zero so and and to preface I'm going to be like really really transparent and share some of my pain and some my shame because 10 years ago I was broke I didn't have zero 10 years ago I had less than zero I was living on borrowed money I have a good friend who I'm going to be doing an event
with in Dallas Texas tomorrow and Saturday he loaned me $44,000 a month all of 2013 all of 2014 while I was figuring out how to get back on my feet after getting the absolute wind knocked out of me and from 2020 2021 2022 2023 and 2024 so far as of last night doesn't include the money that came in today okay um we generated I got to put my glasses on so I can see this number I don't know what I did with them I just had oh okay so I'm this is how much this is
how much we generated 2020 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 so far as of last night not including the money that came in since I went to bed last night 41375 and99 three 441 million sorry 41 mil 375,000 and then I'm going to extrapolate I I did a whole bible study on this verse before but I mean it's this is going to be different okay and here's the verse it says in Deuteronomy and you already know the verse but I want to show you something that's really mindblowing um it says Deuteronomy 8:18 it says but Thou
shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth Thee the power to get wealth that it is he that establish his I'm sorry that he may establish his Covenant with which uh which he SW unto thy Fathers as it is this day so first thing I uh before I even get let me read a couple more uh uh verse 19 and it shall be if thou do at all forget that the Lord thy God if you forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods and serve and worship them I testify
among you this day that you shall all perish okay now what does it say in verse 17 and thou um he's warning them in verse 17 don't don't say this and when thou say in thine heart my power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this well Thou shalt remember that the Lord thy God for it is he that give the so so God is warning them about making the mistake of thinking that they did this I I get it you did some of it you did the part you could do see like
you saw something and then you did something about what you saw right but you know how to make yourself look but you don't know how to make yourself see so God gave you the power to see the thing that you looked at you know how to make yourself walk but you don't know how to make your legs work so God gave you the power to do the walking you know how to make your hands hold like you know how to hold something but you know how to make your hands hold right you know how to
hold something I know how to hold something in my hand but I don't know how to make my hands hold there are people whose hands don't hold and so God gave me the power to hold he gave gave me the power to walk and he gave me the power to see and he gave me the power to think so even if you did it even if you built a business and you build a successful business and you generate lots of leads and you generate lots of Revenue and you generate lots of profit and you built
a multi-million dollar business here's the reality you didn't do it by yourself because a whole bunch of stuff you did you couldn't have done unless the lord gave you the power to get that wealth so I'm going to tell you something about wealth I'm going to tell you a couple things about wealth people don't know and then I'm going to give you um I'm going to show you I'm going to break down this power to get wealth into its sub components okay first thing we're going to say is this wealth is in fact I'm going
to write it on board wealth is high energy result so so wealth is a high energy result because everything is energy and energy is neither created or destroyed it just changes form so wealth is a high energy result so if you're going to create wealth you have to operate from a place of high energy what kind of energy everybody talk to me talk to me high energy okay so so which means which so there's a there's a physics principle here's here's what the physics principle says no high energy result will ever flow to a low
energy source by the way by the way it's is interesting it says it's the you sure remember that the Lord that gives you the power to get wealth well what is power power is energy like some people call like electricity they call it the power company the electric company they call the power company some people call it energy right but the same thing so it's the Lord that gives you the power it's the Lord that gives you the energy wealth is high energy result no high energy result will ever flow to a low energy source
that's why every that's why you have to become hyper intentional about everything that you say because the words that you speak have energy and that energy is telling the world something about you whether you match what they are looking for so wealth wealth is high energy result no how no so like you take a 747 like a 747 um jumbo jet it holds I think 419 people which is a lot of people on an airplane right it's like a small town and and fully loaded fully loaded a 747 weighs 9986000 now that doesn't seem like
the first like when you see £ 87,000 the first thing you think don't think the first thing you think is not you know what I think what I'll do is I'll make this I'll get see if I can get this 86,000 5 miles in the sky and see if I can get it moving about 500 mph right that's not the thought that comes to your head but when you see a 747 it always has four engines has two on each Wing those engines are not lawnmower engines they are not four cylinder hybrid Prius engines they're
not even Rolls-Royce W12 combustion engines they are very very powerful jet engines in fact 747s are so overpowered if they lose three engines the plane can still fly with one it won't fly as straight but it can that's why they have four engines it's quadruple redundancy right and so so you say m what's your point my point is if you desire wealth which is a high energy result then you must become a source of what high energy talk to me everybody a source of what you have to become a source of high energy so you
have to become a source of high energy and when you become a source of high energy then high energy things will start being flowing towards you but if you're a source of low energy then you will only only low energy things will flow towards you and some people my that sounds New Age F first of all first of all truth all truth belongs to God and part of the problem with new age ideology is they want to use the truth that belongs to God without letting giving the credit to the god that owns the truth
okay so so if it's true it's true it doesn't matter who believes it if if something's true it doesn't matter if somebody who's new age or old age believes it doesn't matter right because true is true right okay so so the other thing that I want to bring to your attention about wealth other than being a high energy result which means you have to start right now today being a source of high energy when people ask you how you're doing stop saying fine wine stop saying above the dirt right how you doing I'm surviving you're
broke all of those are broke Answers by the way you're I'm not I am not there's no I there's no intended humor in anything I'm saying wow wow there's there's no intended humor in anything I'm saying I'm I'm as serious as I can be like it's it's like you being above the dirt is costing you a fortune why cuz nobody wants to be around that right nobody wants to buy anything from that I'm above the dirt I'm surviving I'm still living no duh I not that was the first thing I noticed before I spoke to
you if you were sitting up there all gray and peaked right eyes all glazed over I wouldn't have said hey how you doing I just called 911 right how you doing I'm I'm alive no fake right okay you say m what's your point my point is is you're doing it to yourself the path is smooth why do you throw stones before you oh yeah I I went went to the bank yesterday CU I do some Bank stuff and I asked the young man young dude young strong has a job which means he's making money I
said how you doing young man ah you [Laughter] know actually I don't that's why I ask you how you doing cuz I don't know I didn't say that though I said you know what like I'm not 100% today I'm GNA let him get away with that okay so so so wealth is a high energy result the second thing I want to bring to your attention about wealth that maybe nobody ever brought to your attention wealth this is going to break this is going to break somebody's brain wealth is measured wealth is measured more in time
than it is in money wealth is measured more in time than money now when you get this this will change your focus okay wealth is measured more in time than is in money what does that mean okay so let's say you make a million dollars are you rich depends it depends see y'all been paying attention it depends it depends you make a million dollars or you rich it depends what it depends on how long did it take you to make it if you make $25,000 a year and there are people who make $225,000 a year
and you work for 40 years you've made a million dollar over that 40e time period This is 40 years so let me ask you a question are you rich no no okay so you you you work 40 years you've made a million doll but you're not rich but let's say you make that same million dollar you make this same amount of money in one year now are you rich yes you're 40 times richer than this person even though you both made the same amount of money oh did you get that you're 40 times Rich what
if you make what if you make a million dollars a month now you're 480 times richer than this dude do you want to be this guy or do you want to be this guy or girl like who do you want to be like and see here's so so I am telling you as a person who has been blessed to create a level of wealth I'm not Bill Gates Rich by any stretch of the imagination but we we're doing all right I am telling you that creating wealth has a Need for Speed now here's why that's
a been that's been a problem for you because you've been warned you've been warned your whole life about what get rich quick schemes Beware of the get rich quick schemes right you got to be aware of that right okay now the word scheme means plan so be aware of plans that could get you rich quick okay so because a scheme is a a scheme is a schematic which means a plan so beware of the get-rich quick schemes so beware to get rich the plan to get rich quick um I get it everybody who has a
business opportunity is going to get your rich quick I get it it's not like the Bible gives some warnings about about being in too big a hurry to make money I get that I don't have time to teach what those mean today I will at some point but not today okay um but here's here's part of your problem you've been warned your whole life about get-rich quick schemes but nobody warned you about the stay broken for the rest of your life scheme so you opted into the one you haven't been warned about am I telling
the truth oh and so what we have to do is we have to figure out okay is this how I desire to live my life do I desire to live my life in such a way that I'm going to be live on The Struggle Bus my whole life when it's totally unnecessary because there are people in the world hey watch this now there are people in the world whose problems you can solve right now you don't have to wait you don't have to go back to school to be able to solve the problems you don't
have to go take a class you don't have to get a certification you just know how to solve the problem why cuz you went through the problem and you solved it and now you can solve theirs but well I don't I don't know I don't want to make too much money too fast got to slow this thing down it's going too fast how many you on tracking and by the way I know for a fact that when you get to the place and you start making some relatively decent money you know 20 3040 $50,000 a
month um you start feeling I'm I'm going to I'm going to tell you what I'm going to tell you what happened to me maybe it won't happen to you but you start having a little bit of guilt because now you have choices and you have choices that the other people around you in your life don't have and you can decide what time you want to get up instead of having somebody else decide that for you and you can decide where to take a vacation and where you want to go and how long you want to
stay to have somebody decide that for you and you can decide what neighborhood you live in and what car you drive and now of a sudden you have all these choices but everybody around you is still like you you're like you want to go to the golf course you call somebody hey you want to go play golf no man I got to go to my I got to go go to work man what are you talking about go it's the middle of the week what are you doing how you know and you're like oh yeah
I forgot right right and so it creating a level of wealth eliminates certain constraints that you have on you right now but the people that you love a lot of those people that you love and like are still going to have some of those constraints and it's going to make you feel like well I'm not really better than them and you're not and so what happens is maybe you'll do like I did in the beginning you'll just start giving money away randomly just because you're like um well I didn't really work that hard to make
this and it came in really really fast and so maybe I'll just give it away I'm just keeping I'm keeping it real because this was me right okay so so so did you when you understand that wealth has a Need for Speed the reason I think those two breakthroughs number one wealth is a high energy result is so that you become a source of high energy you become a source high source of high energy at home you become a source of high energy at work you become a source of high energy around your friends you
become a source of high energy around your family you become a source of high energy around low energy people even though it makes them feel uncomfortable and they're going to attempt to make you feel guilty for being a source of high energy like when somebody asks you how you're doing and you say man I'm I'm doing so good if I have doing any better I have to be 10 or 12 people just so I can stand it they're going to look at you like what's wrong with you right how you doing utterly fantastic better now
that I'm talking to you people look at you like you're strange they'll laugh at you but if you say something ridiculously depressing everybody will act like it's normal test it test it right so all of that to say this how can we create how can we use this power that God has given us to get wealth to go out and get the wealth well before I tell you that let me show you some stories in the Bible of some people who when they got rich it didn't take forever so like it didn't like 2 2014
10 years ago I was broke hey 10 years ago I was I was Broker Than broke 10 years ago everybody say 10 years 10 years ago I was sitting on my patio in my rented house because I couldn't buy one because my credit was too bad and the only reason I was able to rent a house is because I put down um first and last month's rent and security deposit that's how bad my credit was my credit was like a five something 10 years ago and I think it was like 530 something it was really
bad I had just gone through like a short sale and a repo it wasn't really a repo it was more of a Meo and my car got my car got me possessed you say what's me possessed so repossess when they come get it from you me possess is when you just take it back to them where y'all want me to bring this car right okay I'm keeping it real it was it was not it was not a fun time in my life um I can laugh about it now but I wasn't laughing about it then
I was lit working like a little baby right crying why am I telling you this because 10 years is going to go by whether you get rich or not the next 10 years is going to go by what are you going to do with it well let me just show you a couple of stories really quickly not I'm not going to show you all of them I'm just going to show you a couple here's what it says it says in um Genesis chter 12 now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy
country and from thy Kindred and from thy father's house into a land that I will show thee and I I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless the I Will Bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that cursed thee and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed so Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him and lot went with him and Abram was 70 and 5 years old when he departed
out of heran okay so cool then we're going to go here uh next chapter chapter 13 verse one and Abram went up out of Egypt he and his wife and all had in lot with him into the South and Abram was very rich in cattle and silver and gold wow God called him he yielded to the call the next chapter tells us he was rich now I'm not I don't I don't have any magic blessings for you I'm not going to tell you if you sww a seed into my life God's going to make you
rich I'm not going to tell you that oh if you do certain no no here's what I'm going to tell you if you apply wealth principles they're not going to stop working just because you applied them are y'all tracking like wealth principes like oh no it's my I'm not going to work for him I work for Tim but not for myON weal principles don't care principles are God's automation God set up principles so they they would do what they do without him having to use any of his effort how many y tracking say yes okay
so here's another one of my favorites um First Kings chapter number three this is so I want you to notice the wording too um notice the wording um so this is King Solomon God came to Solomon and said ask what I shall give thee Solomon said dear Lord give me the wisdom to do the thing you put me on this Earth to do in a way that pleases you and serves the people you put me here to serve and then it says and the speech verse 10 1 Kings 3:10 First Kings chter 3: 10 and
the speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing and God said unto him because thou Hast asked this thing and Hast not asked long life ask for thyself long life neither hast thou asked riches for thyself nor hast thou asked for the life of thine enemies but has asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment behold I have done according to thy words not I will do I have done according to your word I have done according to your word I've done it I've done according to your word um and um to your words
lo I have given thee a wise and understanding heart so there was none like thee before thee neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee and if um and I have also I have also I have also not I'm going to I have also given thee that which thou Hast not as asked both riches and honor so there shall not be any among the Kings like under the Al he said be because you ask for understanding to discern judgment I'm I've already given you so much wealth that there's no Kings like you after you
neither shall any arise like none before you and none will arise like you after you that's some serious power to get wealth so what is this power so now I'm going to break it down y'all ready we're going to go from how did myON golden go from being broke as a joke and ready to choke living on borrowed money 10 years ago how did he go from how did he go from the LA in the last four 2020 21 22 20 20 21 22 23 and half of 24 in the last 4 and A2 years
$41 million in Revenue how's that even that even does that sound unnatural to anybody besides me or is it just me sounds pretty unnatural right I'm going to show you so here's here's what here's what I realize okay what what are the what are the things the awarenesses and the intentions that I received from God that resulted in this massive like rapid wealth creation events experience not events okay one the power to get wealth is number one it is the power of pain p a i n e i mean p a i n pain I
added the E just in case anybody there's anybody here whose last name is pain okay no I don't know why I added D so the power of pain is part of the power to get wealth huh what does that even mean okay one of the reasons people don't get wealthy is because they don't have to they are so comfortable where they are right now and they've been so comfortable their whole lives they don't have enough pain to move them off of square one like yeah I'm all right yeah being wealthy would be nice but it's
not necessary because I'm already all right I've said this before I'll say it again one of the biggest things that keeps people from a quarter of a million dollars a year is a half million a year I mean is is is $100,000 a year you get to$ 100,000 and here's what you are you're a $100,000 baller little be but you think you're a big b I'm I'm I'm not making fun of anybody I was that guy then you get okay you get to a quarter of a million you know a quarter of a million dollars
is about little over 20,000 a month right so like when I say a quar million dollars let's think about it like we like we make money right little over that's like that's like 5,000 a week $5,000 a week Imagine taking home 5,000 a week you how many y'all honestly if you're taking home 5,000 a week You' feel like a baller come on now I felt like a baller when I was taking home 5,000 a week I'm like I'm a baller little B baby little B little B that's a little B that ain't a big b
30,000 a month 30,000 a month is 360,000 a year you show enough feel like a ball thir I can remember and it was I don't generally get embarrassed but I was a little embarrassed for about a half a second before I got enlightened I was at a Robert G Allen wealth Retreat and he asked for testimonials and I had a testimony hey Robert G Allen I have been listening to your material and reading your material for years I used to be a trash man making $625 an hour now I'm the cash man I make six
figures a month I'm making like 30,000 well some no I wasn't making 30,000 a month I'm making 30,000 a month my expenses are 5,000 a month I live like a king you know what he said that's what that was my testimony here's you know what he said he's like wow you're about to have a breakthrough to the really big money and there were 700 people there I'm like and my first thought was did he just diss my 30,000 a month in front of 700 people like no I'm serious I was little I was a little
I was a little taken back I was the richest person I knew till I got that room I wasn't the richest but I was one of them I knew a couple people Rich richer than me but I was one of them I mean I was I was a baller little be thought I was a big be cuz when you don't like when you a baller little be and there ain't no other baller little be you feel like you know in the onee in in the land of the blind the oneeyed man is King and and
so he said that to me and first I was a little irritated I was a little embarrassed I was a little taken back and then all of a sudden it hit me wait there's a level of wealth where 30,000 a month is not an money there's a level of wealth I want you to think about $30,000 you got to understand I've never had a job where I made more than $330,000 a year in my life ever so I'm making more a month than I used to make a year and I'm still a baller with a
little bee and I asked Bob Allen he's Bob Allen baller with a big b he said no you about to break food I'm like I thought I already broke food and you telling me I ain't even I ain't even in the neighborhood yet right so what sometimes we have to get around somebody with a different perspective with a deeper awareness so that we can be enlightened so we can see what they they can show us what they've seen so we can see more than we've seen y'all tracking and so um and so okay I'm like
by the way that was a transformational moment for me in my life so some of y'all just don't have enough pain in your life see I had so much pain like I knew what no felt like I knew what it felt like when life told you no like I knew it I knew what it was like for people to make fun of you because you were poor even before I realized I was poor right okay so pain the power of pain it's it's like Damon John's book Damon John wrote wrote a book called The Power
broke has anybody read that book that book will change your life you know why because it'll make you realize that it doesn't take money to make money takes awareness and some intention and some decisions anyway uh so the power of pain the pain of reality life doesn't always give you what you desire how many y'all picking up what I'm putting down you know sometimes life is hard and so the reality of the reality of the fact that this is real when my wife was 8 months pregnant with our first child our water and our electricity
were both disconnected at the same time as a man that was painful for me when my first child was born I was on welfare for 4 months and I remember the welfare office person saying to my wife while I'm in the room like I'm just a bump like I'm just a spot on the wall oh we could give you more money if he wasn't in the house wow that that was pain see you haven't had that pain you haven't had enough pain in your life to create enough spark to go create wealth okay the pain
of reality uh the pain of relationships you know what's really awesome about God I remember when I was reading the story about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in um Daniel chapter 3 and Nebuchadnezzar said he said if y'all I'm gonna give youall another chance to bow down to this Idol of me but if you don't he said I'm going to heat the furnace seven times hotter than it's ever been heated I'm going to kill you seven times dead than anybody's ever been killed I mean the they like their response that I ain't bound down to your
idol made this man lose his mind I'm going to kill you seven times like if you going to throw them in the fire pretty much the degrees of heat of a fire the lowest or the hottest is going to kill you unless unless you're dealing with God fire because you know in the Bible there's three different kinds of fire there's the fire that burns that's the kind that Elijah called down from heaven and consumed the captain in his 50 there's the fire that don't burn that's the fire that talked to Moses from the burning bush
but the Bush was not consumed and then there's the most unique fire in the Bible I call it the fire that burns some folk and don't burn other folk that's from Daniel chapter 3 where the most Mighty Men Who were in Nebuchadnezzar's Army through Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fire and the fire was so hot it killed the men that threw them in but they fell down Bound in the midst of the fire and it only burned off their ropes what you say m what's your point they said our God whom we serve is
able and he will I love about God something we find in God that we don't find in any other person or in many other people he's both able and willing see you got a lot of folk in your life who are willing to help you when you in need but they just ain't able you might know a couple people in your life who are able but they don't like you that much they just ain't willing right but in God we find both willing and able and so the pain of relationships is relationships are hard because
other people aren't you right if you you want to know how hard it's going to be for you to control somebody else think about how hard it is for you to control you all right I rest my case defense rest your honor okay so the pain of rejection um for me the pain of rejection was a great pain in my life growing up because I had this brace on my leg and I couldn't run so I got picked last when we were playing games like not with my brothers I didn't CU they had compassion but
I knew if they didn't pick me last they weren't picking me last just so they wouldn't pick me last right nobody wanted me running a touchdown why you can't run you ain't running a touchdown it don't matter what you're running you ain't running right anyway like the pain some sometimes you need to have the pain of rejection so that you can go do something that causes you to accept yourself even though other people rejected you and then it's like yeah accept me or reject me I might I'm must sleep good tonight regardless right so you
don't have enough pain okay so the power to get wealth is a power of pain but also and I think this one's even more important it's the power of purpose if you're going to get rich you're going to find your wealth at in the arena of purpose and purpose is the thing you were made for like you were created for a specific purpose to serve a specific group and kind of people to a specific end and God has equipped you uniquely to do your thing I was watching this video this morning Alex rosi was talking
about this girl that um um that built a million-dollar business with 5,800 Instagram followers but it was very Niche she taught um um diet uh registered dietitians how to Bill insurance companies Million Dollar business million dollars in profit like okay you don't want me teaching registered dieticians that right it sounds funny but here's what we do we see somebody else making money do some doing something and we say I'm going to do what they're doing because it makes money but it's not your purpose and so if it's just because it's profitable for somebody else doesn't
mean it's going to be profitable for you if it's not your purpose so I am generally very coachable until the point where I become not coachable and usually when I become not coachable it's highly intentional because I know it's not my purpose that's me I'm not making excuse I'm just telling you so I joined Russell Brunson $50,000 year inner circle back then it was 30,000 um when I joined now it's 50,000 and one of the things he kept saying over and over do do a webinar a week every week for a year do a webinar
week every week for a year and I'm like do a webinar a week every week for a year and every time I got ready to do a webinar I do it and then make some money I'm like I hate this I I'm going to tell you something I hate doing webinars I hate them I I don't I don't hate them I don't hate going I don't hate attending them I hate doing them I don't like creating PowerPoint presentations I hate that I don't like talking to a bunch of people I can't see I hate that
like so it's so interesting how God has to put you in a place sometime to discover your Pur but I'm like I'm not doing a webinar every week I'm not doing it I'm not doing it why I don't like it and I know that some so you say well does that matter M uh it doesn't matter most but it does matter some you have to build your business in a way that it serves you at the highest level so it gives you the energy and band with to serve your clients at the highest level if
you're doing something that you hate to do how long will you really do it will you persist when it gets difficult what when when it becomes difficult will you persist when it seems like it's not working for you and it's only working on you you won't if you don't like it like I don't like doing webinars guess what I still don't do this day I don't do webinars why I don't like if I do a webinar it would be more of a zoom meeting I like Zoom meetings because I can see people's faces then I
can tell if what I'm saying is making sense to more than just me but if I'm talking to a computer screen I'm typ type one in the chat what does that mean I like everything about it I just don't like it I I know I know I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm I think webinars are great I think they work very very well I know a lot of people made a fortune doing webinars I just don't like doing them why would I build a business where every day I've gotta or every week I've got
to do something I hate just so I can make money all good money ain't good okay okay so you discover your purpose how do you discover your purpose your purpose you're going to find at this intersection so you're going to find something that you're good at this this is your proficiency proficiency I think I spelled that right proficiency that's your proficiency what you're good at and then actually I did that wrong so let me move this I'm going to move this guy because I can not writing it again okay this is I love a digital
whiteboard digital Blackboard Okay so this is your passion this is the thing you love to do this is your proficiency this is the thing you're good at so that's the arena of purpose did you get it that is the arena of purpose the place where your proficiency intersects with your passion Delight thyself also in the Lord and He Shall give Thee the desires of thine heart I used to think that meant if I delight in God then he's going to give me what my heart desires but I matured to discover that when I delight in
God he gives me what to desire and when he gives me what to desire then he gives me what I desire because he desired me to desire it in the first place God is not in the habit of frustrating his children if ye being evil know how to give good gifts under your children how much more shall your heavenly father give good things unto them and ask him so with that being the case when I find my purpose if I spend my time there and so because I never saw anybody do this thing I do
so I didn't have I didn't have somebody look oh I'm going to do what they did I can't do what they did because I ain't them and so I loved teaching the Bible and I loved teaching business I didn't know I could teach them both together until I started doing it and people started saying well that's cool teach me more I'm like huh I get to do the thing I was made to do like I spent Decades of my life studying the Bible I spent Decades of my life studying business I did a I did
an Instagram live um I think it was Monday Tuesday Tuesday night with David Mitchell and David and Charlotte Mitchell and one of the things David said he said you know myON and I like David's ad Ministry my he said I knew my as a like evangelist but I didn't know he had been reading all these books on business and studying all this stuff about business I love business why it it gave me the ability to fire my boss and I don't have any outfits that match a boss so I didn't want to like and and
so I read all these books learned all this stuff applied it figured out what worked for me and I did it and then I said you know what there's this principle in the Bible that talks about that there's this principle in the Bible talks about I'm like oh it matches and so I start talking about that I didn't know there was a niche for that and I just said I am going to be authentically and uniquely me and let it open the doors it opens and close the doors it closes and then I'll only be
in rooms I desire to be in I think about funnel hacking live which was a conference I met you there I think it was 2018 wasn't it Ryan I met Ryan fun hacking live I had a round table and I was um and so I'm sitting at this round table and I'm I'm breaking down the principles that are that have become the boss moves book and I'm breaking down these principles and I think you sat at my table the whole time or at least almost the whole time anyway so I didn't know him he didn't
know me and then he were both from Tampa it was so it was so odd and different but anyway so so I'm teaching these principles and like people were gathered around so Russell asked me to speak of funnel hacking live I don't know what else to teach I'm going to teach some bu business principles based on the Bible right why it's uniquely me I get it there are people on YouTube right now who don't think uh why is this guy always talking about the Bible because this is not the channel for you and it's okay
like I'm not mad at you you like you don't like the Bible you're not going to like my channel but I ain't fixing to change my channel for you cuz the people who like like it and most of all it's me I like it and like I may my it's my channel okay so I just want to make sure we understand each other okay so so the power of purpose so so the place where you're passion trust that what you're good at and what you like to do is part of your assignment trust that yeah
yeah trust that there are already people out there in the world who would love to pay you to do the thing you love to do like I how many of y'all were off for Mastery live again last week okay a bunch of y'all okay could y'all when when I was teaching could y'all tell I was having fun like I didn't care for anybody else like y'all was watching me have fun even if y'all weren't having fun why because this is what I live I love this stuff and I know some of you thinking but if
you love it why aren't you doing it again I don't love the stuff leading up to it but I okay so just keeping it real okay so purpose discover your purpose Discover It notice notice I didn't say I didn't say um go create your purpose you are created for your purpose just find just Discover it how do you Discover It by embracing your proficiency the things you're good at and embracing your passion as long as neither of those are in conflict with truth congratulations you hit the sweet spot okay discover your purpose once you discover
your purpose now you have to develop yourself for that purpose now this is where the purp ation comes in right so I'm going to tell you the like in in real life professionals make the Lion Share of the money and amateurs just do it for fun but professionals are have who you think's having more fun the professional or the amateur who's having more fun the professional having more fun than amateur because they they're doing the thing they love to do and getting paid but here's the difference between professionals and amateurs amateurs spend four to 10
times times as much time performing as they do preparing professionals spend four to 10 times as much time preparing as they do performing that's why when they stand up to perform it looks effortless because they put their effort in before they got in the arena yes see you want your effort to show like you want your proficiency to show up your and you haven't even prepared you thought you were ready before you were ready like I used to be frustrated cuz I'm I'm I'm going be honest with you I've been I've been teaching relatively similar
stuff for almost four decades like when I was an evangelist I taught a lot lot same biblical principles I stuff I teach now not as many business principles but when I was but I didn't get invited to many churches I was a senior pastor at a church I taught similar stuff to the stuff I'm teaching now and I had people in the church who hated me hated me the fact that this that God woke me up that day they just couldn't understand why he would do that they didn't like me no they just didn't and
I'm a I'm a kind person but I'm not nice what does that mean like I didn't pretend I didn't go along to get along I wasn't I wasn't building a fan club I'm just I'm going to teach the truth let it do what it does let it fall where it falls right anyway so so I used to lament the fact that I was I seemed even though I knew the stuff I was teaching was based on truth and but I knew I had studied it out thoroughly and completely I couldn't understand why people rejected it
when I started teaching business Concepts in churches because I was what I was Finding in the Bible oh it met with so much resistance I had a really good friend of mine really good friend he passed away but really good friend of mine beautiful beautiful man um he was a pastor of a church and he said to me he said brother man do you mind when you come to our church just don't teach that busy stuff just teach the Bible Well the busy stuff is the Bible that's the point so I just never went back
there not because I was mad at him like I'm I'm I'm not I'm not signing the b banana to be one of the bunch I'm not I'm not I'm not going to sound like everybody else because I'm not everybody else right so you discover your purpose you prepare yourself for your purpose and then you deploy yourself in that purpose then the the power of perception um you you have to have the ability to perceive principles if you can't perceive principles like you look at something and you don't understand oh this is a principle The Law
of sewing and reaping for instance is a principle um you reap what you sew that's part of the law right of sewing and reaping but what else you reap later than you seow right because you don't sew the seed today and reap the Harvest today what else you reap more than you seow you sew one seed you grow a whole crop you grow a whole tree or a whole plant so you reap what you se but you later than you s and you re more than you s so the law that's a principle like if
you like ignore that principle you will do it to your own determent for instance you tell a lie because it's currently convenient are you tracking but then when the people you lied to discover it was a lie you've destroyed trust in a moment that could take decades to rebuild so your inability to perceive how life works is costing you a fortune your inability to perceive principles is costing you a fortune there are wealth principles every word is a seed every deed is a seed every dollar is a seed that you're sewing into the garden of
your future that's a principle isn't it interesting that in order to do well at business you have to do the thing that God told you to do love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself what does that mean you love God so much that you don't violate any of his principles when dealing with other people and you love other people so much that you never do them anything that would harm never do anything to them that would harm them you never
sell them anything that would harm them you never do business with them in a way that would harm them because if you do it's like harming yourself if you ignore that principle it's going to come back and bite you at a very inconvenient time so you have to have the ability to perceive principles you have to have the ability to perceive other people's problems if you are a miserable person and there are a lot of them in the world the reason you are miserable is because you're self-absorbed consumed with self you're selfish because Joy only
comes from obsessing over other people's problems you don't get any Joy from assessing over your problem all you get is more or depressed I I'm just so depressed and I can't help it no you can help it go help somebody else and it's the same formula for creating wealth what in other words my problem is well I need the money okay good now go solve somebody's problem who has some money who needs that problem solved more than they need the money your problem is not that you don't have money your problem is that you've not
obsessed over a big enough for a large enough group of people who has the money to pay to get it solved that's your financial problem so you obsess now I want you to wrap your mind around this like how where did this $41 million come from it came from me obsessing over other people's problems I obsessed over their problems until I boiled down the solution in business to four moves now here's why it's four moves and not 40 if it were 40 I might only remember 38 if it were 40 I might not be able
to do them all but it's four I can remember four bless you I can remember four I can apply four and guess what four is enough I know there was a TV show called Eight enough they were wrong it's four it's enough so you obsess over um you obsess over other people's problems you obsess over your um or you perceive other people's problems you perceive the powerful powerful principles you perceive people's problems and then you perceive their payoff one of the reasons you can't sell is because you're too busy talking about your own stuff don't
talk like I'm not going to talk to you about my product I'm not going to talk to you about my piece my product being let's say my product is my book if I'm going to sell my book if I'm going to sell this book I'm not going to talk to you about the book because you don't care about the book you only care what can this book do for you so if I say well buy my book because it's really really good and I used to be a trash man and now I'm the cash man
and so it's a really really interesting story about my life two words come to your mind so fast you can hardly block them out so what but if I say this in this book I laid out the financial literacy principles that help me go from making $6 25 an hour fulltime with overtime overtime was $9.50 fulltime to making seven figures a month part-time and I have a principle in here I call the money management principle of millionaires if you only apply that one principle just that one you will never be broke again now you've got
a reason to want to read that book you see what I did I didn't talk about the book the book doesn't matter the book is only it's only a carrier for the transformation so you obsess oh you perceive other people's you perceive principles you perceive people's problems and then you perceive their payoff and when you're talking to people you only talk to them about what they get stop talking to them them about what you have nobody cares what you have nobody cares what I have doesn't matter they only care what they get so when I'm
talking to you about what I have I only need to talk to you about what it gets you everybody tracking say I'm tracking Okay cool so I I got to go fast or do a part two and I'm probably going to have to do a part two yeah I'm going to have to do a part two um I'm going to talk about one more thing and then I've got four other points that I'm not going to get to today but I'm going to talk about the power of precision the power to get wealth is the
power of precision what does that mean so the scripture says the race is not to the Swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet favor to Men of skill nor riches to Men of understanding um um it has one more thing it says but time and chance happeneth to them all time and chance are not luck time and chance are the place time is preparation the place where preparation meets opportunity time and chance happening to them all so I'm going to end on this story this is where the 41 m375 n00 whatever dollars came
from in the last four and a half years 2011 had a conversation with Dean Smith Dean Smith is now and was then back then he was one of the biggest internet marketers you could think of he was just he made money hand over fist and he was uniquely D he still is he's uniquely D um very brilliant guy and he said to me he said myON you are better at presenting with a whiteboard than anybody I've ever seen he said you do it in rooms and people just throw money at you he said if you
do it online it'll still work you should take what you do in rooms and do it online I'm like okay cool that's a good idea so the rest of 2011 I proceeded not to do it and then all of 2012 proceeded not to do it some more and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and all of a sudden precision I'm coming back from Israel I've got an event scheduled in Dallas Texas with the same people I've got an event scheduled with this weekend I need to have a conversation
with them I just thought of something anyway um so the co propaganda demic shut down all the hotels and we we had an we had a hotel schedule we had already sold tickets we had maybe 150 tickets sold they called me like our events a week out we can't have the meeting at the hotel they canceled us they canceled our contract should we give the people their money back or should we make it virtual and sell online oh make it V money child please get let's make tickets virtual sell more tickets we sold a 100
more tickets we did $300 something, in sales I'm like we did $300 something thousand in sales on the internet this is a n years now after D Smith told me what to do did another event with my daughter and we did it wasn't it wasn't six figures but it was it was strong four figures probably 50 $60,000 I'm like then in 2021 started doing my challenge I'm like this is a thing sometimes you just have to be ready when you're in the right place because ready in the right place is what makes the right place
the right place at the right time see it's the right it's you being ready that makes the timing right you've already been in the right place so many times in your life you couldn't count them if you had the opportunity you just weren't ready which made it not the right time so next time everybody say next time next time next time you find yourself in the right place be ready and it will be the right time and you can go from zero to Rich I still have other things I'm going to teach you on part
two so next Thursday next Thursday I'm going to do part two of this video where I'm going to pick up where I left off on the other there's four more Powers other than the ones I already covered that I'm going to talk to you about on how to get well in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best go apply what we've learned what you've learned so far and we'll see you on the next video bye for [Applause] now questions I'm going to be done because we have a we have a plane to
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