Top 4 hacks to burn INNER FAT to prevent heart attack | Dr Pal

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Dr Pal
Discussing common hacks you can do on a daily basis to prime your metabolic rate to burn fat. --- D...
Video Transcript:
hello guys this is uh Dr parliament manikam in this video we're going to talk about how do you know you have fat around your heart increasing the risk of heart attack and if so what is the mechanism of burning fat and my four hacks to burn fat let's dive deep into it [Music] or anything out of this video please do not subscribe please consider donating to our non-profit organization called aishwaryam trust in madurai we take care of hospice patients patients who cannot walk talk or move and who require 24 7 nursing assistants we provide food
shelter and Medical Care completely free of cost please check the link in the description if you're living in Universe you could consider donation to one Malaga foundation so that your donation can be tax deductible the website for Vanna Malaga Foundation is in the description as well so the biggest problem among Southeast Asian people especially Indian men and women is they don't look obese they don't look overweight most of the fat is deposited around the belly so body mass index is a waste of a number so in most of the people the body mass index will
be normal but there will be an increased risk of heart disease because of the fat inside the body that's why I tell all my patients not to go by BMI my friend saravana Kumar is thinking that BMI stands for Biryani mass index so the first step is don't get fooled by your weight first thing you should do is to take an inch tape measure around your belly button if it is more than 80 centimeters in women more than 90 centimeters in them there is some kind of fat around your inner organs including heart liver pancreas
intestine and if it is more than 90 in women and more than 100 in men there is significant amount of fat reaching the criteria for obesity so let's say you escape this test I have an another test for you it is called waist to hip ratio very circumference is a measurement around your belly button and hip circumference is the measurement around the widest part of your buttocks so if you divide the weight circumference by hip circumference you get a number and if it is more than 0.90 in men and more than 0.85 in women you
are at increased risk of inner fat probably surrounding your heart as well increasing the risk of heart disease my friend Sarah nokomo's wife is asking for gender equality she wants to increase the base to hip ratio for women to more than 0.90 as well [Music] if you pass in any of these two tests congratulations you have some fat inside your body which is not visible outside and this fact is called inner fat or visceral fat which is the most important risk factor for heart disease leading to heart attack so when I was measuring 100 kilos
my base circumference was 104 centimeters but I did not look that much obese my main problem was my belly looked like a volcano made of Biryani and if it erupts it will spit out parotta salna once you've figured out that you have some kind of inner fat the second step is to understand the mechanism of burning this fat there is an enzyme called lipase which breaks down the fat into smaller fatty acids comes out of the cells to be used for energy the most important tool in stimulating this light base level is your neurons the
nervous system the neurons are connected from the brain into the fat cells and when gets stimulated at the right time it burns fat for you that's why when you are on a low calorie diet you are forced to stimulate this nervous system burning fat using that as a source of energy and at the same time when you exercise you are stimulating the nervous system directly burning fat and that's why they say diet and exercise plays a key role in burning fat my friends are saying I will not die try I will not do any exercise
but I want to lose weight the only way that that can happen is somebody else Step On His weighing scale I'm going to discuss about four important hacks besides diet and exercise to make sure that your metabolic rate is high so that your body is primed up so whenever you diet or you do exercise the outcome is doubled sleep is one of the most important tool to stimulate this nervous system and you get good quality of seven to eight hours of sleep it all these neurons are getting rested overnight so when you wake up in
the morning it is very active burning all the fat that is possible for you looking at your phone at night can cause you weight gain a study shows that if you sleep for seven to eight hours a day you can control your appetite better that people actually eat 270 calories Less in a given day you need to lose 3 500 calories to lose one pound of fat so if you lose 270 calories per day you will lose one pound of fat in 13 days if you sleep properly my friends wake up why are you sleeping
like he replies without opening his eyes don't disturb I am in a weight loss program for this sleep we need the hormone melatonin the main problem I see is many people scroll our phones before going to bed the phones emit blue light one bout of blue light stimulates your eyes and delays the Melatonin secretion by 90 minutes so you are losing some precious sleep time once my friend sk's wife he opened the bed sheet and saw my friends Arana Kumar watching my reels and she scored him that Dr Paul page again to Paula waiting to
avoid this if you cannot keep your phone away for at least one hour before going to bed at least change the color tint to Red filters search color filters on your iPhone choose color tint and increase the intensity to the maximum so that you have a red background decreasing the Blue lead exposure for rare occurrences the phrase is once in a blue moon if you watch phone at night you'll put on weight and the phrase will be tons in a blue phone so I always tell my patients please stay away from any kind of electronic
devices phone iPad laptop even LED lights at least one hour before going to bed everybody's house should be like the five-star hotel where everybody is sitting in the dark and there will be only one light on the dining table exactly this same situation but you can be at home another biggest tip I always tell my patient is that when you wake up in the middle of the night for any reason let's say you need to go to the restroom or you need to change your diapers for your kid I'm talking about my personal story but
in case if you need to wake up in the middle of the night please don't look your phone for time if you want to look for time please have a physical alarm clock or a physical clock so you could look at don't ever open up the phone to look for time so now we know that sleep stimulates the neurons to burn fat so it is absolutely important to have seven to eight hours of sleep let's go on to the next hack which is essential fatty acids you might have known that our nerves and neurons are
made up of fatty acids mainly good fats our neurons are made up of fats and it needs a particular kind of fats called essential fatty acids to work properly to burn fat these fats are called essential fatty acids because we don't produce them in the body it has to be obtained through diet I told my patient that walnuts will provide essential fatty acids that's why he sprays walmens over his Walls ice cream of this the most important essential fatty acid is omega-3 fatty acids if we can keep the intake to more than three grams per
day our neurons work better to burn fat I'm glad that Omega adds value in fat loss but the constant Omega that I learned in mathematics did not add any value in my life it only caused constant irritation walnuts or wonderful source of omega-3 fatty acids 10 walnuts around 30 grams per day will give you the daily requirement other sources include fatty fish like salmon chia seeds or avocados remember walnuts are high in calories so we cannot overdo this my friends are eats walnuts like an IPL 2020 match you should play it like the wall raw
will drive it in a test match adding walnuts to your diet slowly and consistently so we talked about two things good quality sleep and adding foods containing essential fatty acids in your diet like walnuts the third hack is building your gut microbiome which in turn will stimulate these neurons burning fat as you all know the intestine is mixed with good and bad bacteria there are trillions of bacteria our job is to make sure that we promote good bacteria and decrease the population of bad bacteria I keep emphasizing that our gut is the second brain it
controls the neurons it will also stimulate the good neurons if you have good bacteria in the gut stimulating fat loss buttermilk is a fermented dairy product which is formed when milk is churned into butter it contains alive cultures of lactic acid bacteria my friends drinks glasses of Buttermilk when political party serves it for free on the road during summer months he votes for the party which gives him more buttermilk in addition to promoting good gut bacteria it also contains phosphorus potassium vitamin B12 and riboflavin so try to include at least two servings per day especially
during summer months in Tamil Nadu the highly used sentence inside a marriage Hall is those days it was always part of the menu but now the more is served less it's very easy to make buttermilk all you need is fresh mint leaves coriander leaves roasted cumin powder half a teaspoon of black pepper half an inch of fresh peel the ginger pour water and blend until smooth my patient drinks buttermilk daily but the problem is he has a big mustache it filters all the ingredients his mustache has more good gut bacteria than his stomach so now
we have three hacks good quality sleep adding walnuts and drinking buttermilk will increase the metabolic rate and will prime your body for weight loss or fat loss when you are doing diet and exercise let's move on to the fourth hack in our Channel we have been focusing on fat loss and we have been targeting fat loss as a hormonal problem and not a calorie problem so that's why we have been focusing on circadian rhythm cortisol insulin and all hormones in of these hormones the most important thing is your thyroid hormone that's why if you see
people with hypothyroidism or taking thyroxine supplements they are usually on the heavier side because of the low metabolic rate selenium is very crucial for your thyroid gland many people who are diagnosed with hypothyroidism or taking thyroxine supplements or usually on the heavier side because their metabolic rate is very low one of the main nutrient that helps in maintaining the thyroid level activity and metabolism is selenium this is a trace mineral and the daily requirement is only 55 micrograms per day for patients with hypothyroidism they can take up to 400 micrograms per day my patient Oro
kisami is a software engineer who works with selenium tool he says the only time I don't think about selenium is while eating doctor next are you going to suggest foods rich in vitamin C plus plus Brazil nuts is a particular kind of nuts which is rich in selenium one Brazil nut contains 75 micrograms of selenium it is absolutely important not to go overboard two to three Brazil nuts per day will be surface my patient auro kisami doesn't like Brazil nuts he prefers betel nuts he places the beetle nut in the center of the beetle leaf
and makes it look like a Brazil flag fish egg milk yogurt sunflower seeds and mushrooms or other Rich sources of selenium my friend saravana Kumar is saying I have seen selenium only in the periodic table what next should I eat plutonium I was like no one can heal him sorry heal him let me summarize this for you the first step is to find out whether you have have inner fat or Not by using those two equations that I gave you and number two understanding the mechanism of how nervous system is helping and burning your fat
and number three the top four hacks besides diet and exercise so that your metabolic rate is higher your body is primed so that when you diet and exercise the outcome will be doubled please write down in the comment section which of the four hacks you are using already remember one belly at a time it is absolutely important I will see you in the next video bye thank you foreign
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