How I Made My First $10,000 Online So You Can Just Copy Me

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Alex Hormozi
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this is exactly what I did to make my first $10,000 online and I'm going to walk you through how I got my first 10 customers what I did right what I did wrong so that you can copy me so I had always been into fitness from the time I was 13 14 years old I was already lifting weights and was really into it in college was the vice president of the powerlifting team and then I had my consulting job and I talked about Fitness all day long I read articles all day and so much so
that the people I worked with were like dude if you don't get into fitness will front you the money to do this because you don't stop talking about it and so I enough people around me that I was like okay maybe I am going to do this and so that's what created the free training project and so the idea was I would ask people to donate $500 to $1,000 to the charity of their choice and an exchange I would train them for 3 months for free it was free because they didn't pay me but they
still had to donate to something they cared about but the thing that really made it click for me where I was like you know I'm going to do something here is that there was this lady at my gym named Sandy Smith and she saw me working out and I was on the powerlifting team in my local area and I was competing and I had other guys who were competing there too and it was clear that we knew we were doing something well so she asked me cuz I looked the least intimidating because I was the
most jacked that's why I looked the least intimidating she said hey can you help me with my food and I was like sure and she said well meet me at uh a pizza shop and you can talk to me about my food which is just hilarious I meet her at the pizza shop and we talked for like an hour and a half about you know it's like hey try buy these things instead of that you know maybe get more protein in this is the stuff that I like I walk through everything and I was happy
to do it cuz I just like talking about Fitness stuff and at the the end of the conversation she reaches down to her purse and she puts her purse on the table and then she reaches in and she grabs her checkbook and she writes a $100 check to me and the check was literally this big it was a clown check and I was like why are you a clown why am I a clown is this a joke to you is this my passion something that means nothing no I'm kidding none of that was true but
she wrote me a check for 100 bucks and she was like thanks so much and she slid it across the table and she gave it to me and then she walked out and I remember being like holy [ __ ] I can make money doing this I was like that's pretty cool and so that was like the light bulb moment for me to say like I'm going to actually go from this is a passion to I want to make this something I make profit from so there's four stages that I went through in order to
get to my firstand customers so the first stage I started with was homies reach out to the people who know you and like you and so for me honestly all I did was I took out this amazing piece of technology which is my phone and then I looked through my contacts leads reached out to a handful of my friends and I got about six of them is to say yes I will let you me for free because we're friends and you need before and after pictures and that's pretty much all I did it wasn't really
that hard because people knew that I loved Fitness and I just said I'll help you for free and be a homie and they said sure and so the reason I started with homie specifically was because I needed before and afters I needed testimonials I needed results cuz I figured if anybody was like me they would think well sure maybe you say that you can do that but why should I believe you and so I solved really over the top and this had it maybe I lucked into it the first time but I have done it
with every single business I have ever started which is get proof before anything like if you have 100 pieces of proof and a terrible offer versus an amazing offer and no proof the guy with 100 pieces of proof is going to win you don't even need that many pieces of proof for people to believe you you need proof that is similar enough to them that they will believe that what you did for that person will also work for them and so the testimonials that I had I had one guy who lost 50 lb I had
a girl who lost 50 lb I had a guy did like a recomposition he stayed the same weight but like looked crazy different afterwards and so that kind of like covered a handful of different avatars for me later now that wasn't on purpose that just kind of worked out to who responded to me and they all had different goals but it worked to show that I knew what I was doing after I had my homies this took me like six months so mind you it's like I will take three minutes in this video to explain
it but it was six months of my life and if you're like man I want to get rich in six seconds that's amazing wait for stage four cuz I'll tell you how what I would have done differently to make this happen faster but the second step I did was I asked them for referrals referrals are the most important type of marketing for a variety of reasons number one referrals are free and so if you are poor great place to start number two referrals have higher likelihoods of buying at higher prices so that means you these
leads are worth more than every other type of lead because they have a higher conversion rate and at higher prices which is Banger third reason that they're also more valuable leads is that people who come from referral are also more likely to refer and so the way that you come in is the more likely way that you will get somebody else to to come in for all those reasons referrals are sweet the big picture reason that referrals are so important when you're starting is that if you're not getting any it means you're not that good
and so you don't want to let more people know you suck so instead you want to let as few people know that you suck until eventually people find out about how good you are which is the right thing then you can pour gas on the fire and do all the other ways of advertising and so for those of you who are starting out who are really just at the very beginning here then I want to give you what I wish I knew and believe it or not we're actually running this as a little experiment inside
of school right now and the results are astounding I'm not going to share the stats yet but they're really really good we took the rule of 100 for warm outre and we've actually kind of like broken it down into something a three-step process that's really tactical uh they're calling it the rule of 300 and if you don't know what the rule of 100 is which I talk about in my$ 100 million leads book it's the fundamental process of applying 100 repetitions to any of these things so 100 warm out reaches means you need to reach
out to people who know you mind you doesn't have to be your homies like you probably have 300 for you know friends on Facebook and 500 followers on Instagram or whatever all you know 300 people inside of your cell phone like those are all the people you know you reach out 101 to 100 plus cold prospects people who don't know you you spend 100 minutes making content and then you post that content to be clear you don't just spend 100 minutes making content and do nothing you post it and then finally you can spend $100
a day on ads at minimum all right that's how you get started obviously you can spend more on ads but you should spend at least 100 minutes making the ads researching looking at hooks recording Etc but if you do that every single day you will get customers because you will let people know that you exist now the rule of 300 it's really just taking the 100 the rule of 100 for warm Outreach and breaking it down into three steps so I'll break down all three for you right now so number one is you post content
just make a post all right one piece on one platform very simple all right you don't need to over complicate this after you make the post you do 100 comments all right this is really big now the comments my recommendation is you do it inside of a group or Community now the reason that we do it inside of a group is that one it's going to be a pool of all of your ideal customers and the goal of the comments is to make the best comment all right so if you look at all the comments
that are on someone when you make it as a comment inside of a group there's two benefits that you haven't might not have thought of one is that inside of a group you're not competing against everyone you're now just competing against everyone inside the group secondarily you're not competing against everyone even inside the group you're competing against everyone in the comments and so it makes you look like you're super good even though you're just this much better because you actually took a minute to make a comment rather than just like cool stuff or awesome right
that's not going to do it you have to put out thoughtful response to each post now the posts that you do you should just use them as prompts so it should be a lot easier for you to come up with comments than to come up with content all right so that's the second step now the third step is that we now basically apply the rule of 100 to our new warm list you're like what's the new warm list so this is like a it's like lukewarm it's like right between cold and warm and so what
it is is everyone who liked your post anyone who commented on your post and anyone who liked any of your comments now this is going to be a pretty big one or replied to your comment all right so that basically gives you four different sources to find the leads that you do your one-on-one Outreach so this should hopefully solve the big like who do I reach out these people these people and the reason we did this and this is key the reason that we go after these four people is because these four categories have all
done one thing which changes them from strangers they have taken an action they've indicated interest and so the point of advertising which I Define in the leads book is to go from an unengaged lead which is just a person you can contact to an Engaged lead which is a person you can contact who has shown interest in the stuff that you sell or at least has shown interest in you with that this sounds really minor but it's huge you can then begin the conversation by saying hey saw you like my my content what about it
drew you in or like what made you do that or oh that was so cool of you whatever hey I saw you commented or thanks for that comment and question right don't just say thanks for the comment that's not going to start a conversation you ask a question what made you do that are you looking to get in shape clean your house get organized whatever the thing your content was about hey I uh saw that you liked my comment are you looking to right and so anybody who's following the type of content that you're commenting
on by the way duh comment on like if you're selling dog stuff comment on dog stuff don't comment on you know crypto make money stuff and try and find dog people now then again who knows but if I'm going to pick where I'm like if I'm going to pick where I'm going to make my comments I'm going to Target posts that already have the types of people that I want to sell to commenting and posting on it all right and then finally people who reply to your comment are going to probably be some of the
warmest leads because they've already read the thing took the time to they already basically messaged you in a way by by replying to your comment so this if you think about this is like we only need a 100 if you make a post and you get 25 likes it's like boom there's my first 25 reach outs then I've got people who commented maybe I've got three or four comments okay there's another three or four then I make myund remember remember here so let's let's link these up so these two go to this and then these
two go to this one let's see if I can cross the chasm here there so if you then do a 100 comments you're going to at least get a 100 likes or responses because if you actually take that much time the person who you even who made you made the post on will likely take the time to like your comment because they want to encourage other people to leave long thoughtful comments like that this is oneone Le gen for you not having any audience so it's gone like you have no more excuse this works and
the results that we're getting are [ __ ] awesome which I'm really stoked about I'll share the stats later we're doing as a a big experiment and there's one more reason that I I think this is really sexy comments on a big post will get way more reach than your initial content especially if you're starting from zero because you basically get to piggyback on the reach that other people's content gets and so it's in a in a weird way it's almost like you running mini ads now to be clear you want to have thoughtful comments
you don't want to say like buy my [ __ ] like that will one probably get you blocked by the person whose content it is but also you look like a shitthead so don't do that so you want to have a thoughtful response and this will take time to be clear like well how many hours a day will this take and notice I mentioned hours a day it'll probably take you two to four hours to do this every day but objective number one when you're starting out is let people know you exist because no one
does so I asked my homies after getting them results so I provided Value First and I said hey man I've got your before and afters I need like a few more can you send me some friends that have seen your results and a lot of them had like people were telling them like dude you lost 50 lbs you look awesome or like hey you look you have a bikini now like you didn't even want to go outside without covering yourself up like this is great and so I got probably another 6 to 10ish referrals from
those first six and a totally different thing happened here these people didn't know who I was they just knew that IID helped their friend out and these people cared way less about like helping me and cared way more about just helping them which unsurprising fine but the thing that happened was because it was free none of them really did anything and so that became a problem and so then I was like shoot that whole thing didn't work so then I moved on to stage three which was the free train TR in project and so that
is the title that we owe this section to and so what I did was I said hey now when you refer someone just donate $500 to ,000 to the charity of your choice that way you still have skin in the game but it's still effectively free in that you're not paying me and so I was then public about it people were like this is awesome and then a lot of people came in to support the fact that I was kind of doing this for charity but long term I wanted to find a way to turn
this into something that I can make money from and so the next phase of customers this gave me everything that I needed to then transition to paid and so from there I went to the skinny to swole project now publicly this was a year later and so this was where I asked new people to pay $200 a month for 12 weeks to go from skinny to swo and I had all these great transformation pictures from my friends from the people went through the free training project to then do skinny to swall and I was able
to transfer and this is a key point I was able to transfer people from the free training project into skinny to swall Without Really losing many of them I just said hey you know how you paid for weeks to this charity want to pay me instead whatever you paid them and they were like sure I didn't really care because again all these people they came because their friends got results they were like this is weird that this guy's making me donate to a charity but I guess it's fine they just cared about getting in shape
but that was me overcoming my own like fear of charging for making money and so that is when I got to my first 20 clients in skinny to swo which is me posting and then reaching out to everyone else I knew with all the testimonials from the first three stages to say hey I'm now officially launching this thing and I got 20 guys to pay $200 a month and that was my first $4,000 per month and that was for 12 weeks and that was my first 12 Grand now you might be like wait where's the
so what what do I do if I'm you well let me tell you what I would have done if I knew everything that I know now so here's bonus number five I'll put little little stars around it what would I have done if I knew what I know now great so that's what this section is there are a lot of different businesses that you can potentially start the reason that I think for beginners starting an online service business is the easiest one to start is because it costs the least amount of money and it has
a lot of good economics around it meaning it costs almost nothing to deliver there's low recurring overhead you can do it from any place in the world if you're watching this video you already have all the technology required and so like basically everything is there for you to start and you get to learn all of the mistakes that you're going to inevitably learn on a low stakes business first hey and I want to write you a check real quick and not just any kind of check but one that you can actually take to the bank
and this is about starting a school Community the reason that I decided to become a co-owner and made a massive investment in school of the platform is because for four years I was looking for what is the easiest business online that I can help people get started because I have a massive amount of my audience are business owners that you do do one five 10 100 million plus a year and that's who watches my stuff and I have a lot of deeper content for really tactical stuff once you're at 20 employees 50 employees 100 employees
250 employees but if you're just starting out then it's like yeah that stuff's amazing but what do I do today and so I want to give you this check because this check is what the average school Community that's paid and monetized on the platform makes in recurring Revenue per month and so no this is not a bazillion dollar check this is not going to get you to be the richest person in your neighborhood but can help get you started and so the tactics that I outlined earlier about the rule of 300 we're doing this right
now for people inside of school and it's murdering and so I recommend that you start because the coolest part of this whole thing is that you can start absolutely free and so if that sounds at all interesting I take a call every single Monday you can go there for/ games I'm sure there's some link somewhere just let me know that you're new I hop on I answer questions we walk through through basically what we saw after studying thousands of communities that are paid and doing well and we just tried to reverse engineer and boil
it down to like what are the actions they took and so the instructions are very much like do this x times per day do this y times per week and if you just follow the instructions you will get an exceptional result and so to be clear I stayed in this box for over a year I just kept reaching out to people asking for referrals cuz I didn't even know what the word advertising really meant I was just like I'm just going to tell people that I have this thing and hopefully they'll want to buy it
from me but after a year of doing stage one talking to homie stage two getting referral stage three doing the donation Stuff stage four that is when I moved on to here all right which is that I actually made my first content post and so I'll read it to you because I think there there's a lot of actually decent parts to this post especially like being my first advertising post ever without being in this internet marketing world I was just a consultant in Baltimore everyone for those of you who know me you know two things
one I'm terrible with all things technological not that much has changed for example I just heard about Spotify a few weeks ago seriously and people at that point have been had it for like a decade already two I love training nutrition and fitness more than well a lot so today sort of special because it marks a day where my love of training vanquished my fear of technology which by the way many of you should hopefully get to that day sooner which is that you should be willing to deal with some discomfort in order to get
what you want so for the better part of a year I've been taking part in a free personal training project with the idea that I would give away free personal training to anyone who was willing to give some of their $500,000 to the cause of their choice this way they wouldn't have to be motivated with the same thing as me but be motivated to give their cause and benefit themselves when I first introduced the idea I was happily surprised with the amount of positive support I received so almost a year later for my first client
I now have a website all right to formally show some of the transformation that have gone underway using my programming and as a formal means of contacting me about setting up basically saying I'm open for business all right so I put it in caps I'm currently have a few slots on my roster uh so drop me a note quickly if you're interested thanks so much take out a second to see some of the ridiculous transformations in record time check it out that was my post and that was the post that got me my first you
know 20 or so customers I had been posting Fitness related stuff for almost a year but then when I finally was like Hey I'm open for business that pretty much like got me the customers I needed by the way you can actually model this post to a great degree the intro doesn't really matter but the main thing was just kind of want to say what do I mean CU I probably could have cut the first part of that post and just say for the last year I've been doing this which is just inherent proof and
I would like to make that same offer to you and here's more proof so if I did it better I would have probably just been like the images of the Transformations cuz a lot of people are not going to make the click so I want to increase the likelihood people click or respond and so I probably would have made it an image post or a carousel with that and then the CTA at the bottom saying DM me or comment or whatever and at the end of the day we all know that anybody who likes comments
or DMS we're going to respond to anyways I would just try and get as much engagement on this post as I could I would probably text the post and links to the post to everybody I knew as well because then that link would already have all the embedded proof and notice I didn't have an offer here I probably would have put an offer in if I wanted to do what I what I know now but this is a great place to start which is proof and some sort of CTA if you put an off in
there it would do better if you do some sort of bonuses and reverse of risk you do even better if you say it's for a certain period of time it does even better only do that if it's true if you're if you're like brand new and you're like have no customers then probably you'd be willing to take customers whenever so maybe you don't say that at first but I said I have a few slots open which is true but I also had a lot of slots open I say this because I'm proud of that kid
who decided to make that move and I think for many of you you can skip to this step much faster especially if you follow the rule of 3 which is just rule of 100 broken down into three things and you'll be able to get started a lot sooner than you think and you can do it for free like to give you context when this happened like Instagram was barely a platform it was like new and it was just like this image thing like all of this influencer world like didn't really exist and so the world's
changed it's never been easier than it is now and in case you're wondering why I'm in this narrow hallway believe it or not this is the narrowest hallway in my 36,000 ft headquarters but this was supposed to be as close to as possible as the uh closet videos that I made at the very beginning of my YouTube Journey shout out to the ogs who have been there since those early days with a webcam so I told you at the beginning of this video that I'd be sharing the lessons that I learned along the way so
this isn't like a how to start your first business obviously there's things you can model but I think the the real things are what did this allow me to learn so that I could move forward in my journey as an entrepreneur so the first one is walk the walk and this kind of always seemed obvious to me and maybe it's because I was born in the real world and not the influencer social media world but like if you're fat it's going to be hard for you to sell weight loss if you have Terri teeth it's
going to be hard for you to sell dentist stuff it's kind of what I call the big obvious that a lot of people just like choose to conveniently leave out they're like hey people aren't buying my investing advice and it's like yeah cuz you're poor so maybe don't sell investing advice cuz obviously it hasn't work you want to be able to answer the obvious first objection before you even get it which is you should be the biggest walking billboard of whatever it is that you sell and I was able to succeed without knowing all the
stuff that I know about offers now and guarantees and reversing risk and scarcity and urgency and how do you create value I just knew at least at the most basic level if I had gotten results for myself and gotten results for other people that people would believe that I could get results for them at least on some level so I'll also encapsulate that into proof over promise it's good to have a promise and it's good to have proof but if you had to pick one go for proof now the next thing that I did in
terms of what worked was I lived cheap all right now the reason that this is so important in my opinion is that it allows you to go on the offensive right like I lived on I think $1,200 a month at the time and I was making a consultant's income and I basically spent no money and saved everything I had and I had saved up over the first two years of Consulting about 50 Grand which is not bad for two years of work like post taxes I was pretty proud of it and so with that money
I was able to then say you know what I have the I have the cash to quit my job and actually go all in on this thing it still took me like 6 months to do it don't get me wrong like it was a painful process cuz I was so afraid but at the end of the day I had the money and I knew that I could live on 50 grand for at least 2 or three years if I had to saving money won't make you money but it'll give you the security to think further
out and take bigger risks because if I had to make money the next month I would never have been able to quit my job but I knew that I had two to three years of Runway that I had bought myself through saving so that I could basically give myself more shots on goal at this point I was a consultant and made decent money I was able to save 50 after taxes with that income so like I was living pretty cheap but the big thing that I did did was I only bought food at Costco I
meal prepped all of my food I never ate out I didn't go out which some people might see as sad or whatever I actually lived right above the bars of a college town and basically never went to any of them which was like weirdly sad for me but anyways that was it it's I I remember I remember going to a gym and they said the membership was $29 a month and I was like a month like what are you guys crazy and so I went to a different place that was like 19 or 10 just
to show you like how I thought about money at the time and so I just didn't spend money like I guess I guess it was really it it's like I bought food and I paid rent and that was it it's all I did and I paid for gas in my car I didn't buy new clothes I just didn't I didn't spend money that was all like i' saved money but just not spending it that was it and I was working all the time because I was either working at my job or the rest of my
time I was working on my next thing and so for me the biggest hack of all for saving money is to work more because working more makes you money in two ways one is you get paid for the work you do second you don't have time to spend the money you make so the next thing that worked was and this is a big one that a lot of people somehow like miss out on is start free all right so I I I did free honestly probably longer than I should have or needed to but I
was one I didn't need to make the money yet so I wanted to give myself a lot of prep a lot of Runway I kind of haven't changed like whenever I go into something new like I want to be overprepared I want to know I'm going to win if I'm going to do it and so for me with the start for free most you guys aren't that good yet and so the easiest way to get proof is start free so that you have proof so that you can show that you walk the walk in that
you have helped other people walk that walk too here's the cool thing with free is that there are many things that someone can do to make you money only one of them is them giving you money but if someone gives me a banger testimonial I will likely make more money from that testimonial than whatever they paid me and so think about it if I can guarantee that that will actually make me more money just over a longer period of time and so basically in the beginning you're stacking yourself with all of these things that are
worth more than the price you could charge so that you can cash them in later for money and so testimonials are worth more feedback is worth more referrals oftentimes can be worth more and so all of these things are things that are non-monetary that someone can do to compensate you for the work that you did and so it's not that I worked uncompensated I just didn't ask for money I follow Chick-fil-A's philosophy with pricing it's either full price or it's free I never discount for a number of reasons but the biggest one being I don't
negotiate with terrorists and so the price is the price they either pay it or they don't and I can make the decision as a business owner that okay strategically I'm not getting the take rates I want I will strategically lower the price but to lower the price to get someone to buy communicates to them and to every single person they tell that your prices are not true that everything that you have is up for negotiation and if you want the rest of your life to be a haggle by all means discount people and make one-off
deals for everybody but in my experience I have a standard price that I have thought a lot about why I price at this price and that is what it is worth to me and if you would do it for less and you still make money then do it for Less don't do that but if you want to go for it I would prefer to say either our trade is non-monetary it's free and you will do these things or you will give me money and I will do all of these things for you and you don't
have to do any of this stuff and if you choose to it would be great but I'm not going to force you to so one of the other things that worked is that I had a templated on to many solution so I worked for you know that year to figure out what everyone liked eating and so what I did was I remember spending like I want to say like 200 hours which was a huge amount of time for me at the time on this monster Excel sheet that I could type in someone's weight their goal
Etc and then it would calculate out the macros and then the grocery lists for them for hundred different meals and so then I could do my consultation with someone and then like I purposely would take longer and send it to them like a week later but it would take me like 10 minutes to prep it and make you know format it make it look nice and only select them the meals that I thought they would like so I had 100 meals I could pick from and then I would just pick the ones that I thought
they would be cool they like wow he like really thought through the grams of every single one of these meals that they would add up to my total calorie intake with the macros ET and so it was very valuable but it didn't take me a lot of time and so I think during this free period is where you invest in the future you're invest in the future to get referrals reviews feedback and build out the okay I keep having these same six questions okay let me give out really really like maybe I include that in
the onboarding maybe I make I spend one time time now so that I never have to do it again I solve it right so I don't have to solve it twice I helped a couple girls lose a lot of weight I helped a guy lose a lot of weight I helped another guy lose a decent amount of weight way and then the rest of the guys were like recm or getting jacked now when I did my skinny to swool project which is where I finally monetized I can't tell you why but I can tell you
that the thing that everyone responded to was people who looked like me and who wanted to look like me and so I ended up niching without trying into skinny to swole because that's what I also wanted to work on like I preferred helping guys get jacked to helping girls lose weight niching down can help just because your Solutions become more templated and so if everybody's going through the same goals and having the same starting position you can provide in real way more value to them that also Cost You Less and so it's a double header
it cost you less because everybody has it so you can template out a lot of it it is more valuable to them because you're being way more specific to their problems with way more depth of solution than if you had to generically make or personalize it at a low price for many people you wouldn't be able to put that much attention to it it just you couldn't right unless you charge a lot more which I recommend and so the next great thing that I stumbled into was that this was a recurring business model all right
and so this was something that would pay me month after month after month now again I didn't like think through this like oh what type of I just was like oh well Fitness a lot of people need to pay me this month next month and so I just made a recurring business model to start with what I made a mistake for was that I sold 12 weeks and then I didn't sell them again I went to go find other customers and so I didn't like have another offer prepared or say hey you want to go
on maintenance like I didn't do any of that I was just like cool now I have to go find another 20 customers so that was dumb uh but but you love you learn so that's all the stuff that I learned that worked well in me making my first dollars so now we'll go over what didn't work so the first thing that didn't work is I didn't Ascend anyone so I didn't have a second offer or some sort of way for them to continue to pay so I would say number one have another offer now if
you're like shoot I don't know what other offer I would offer them let me tell you what I should have done and that you probably should do offer them more of that thing they just bought so if they just bought skinny to swo guess what they probably still want to be skinny and swo or more swole than they are so I haven't met a guy who added 30 pounds to their bench and then was like I'm good they're like I'll add another 30 I could go for more right just make the offer and I just
didn't do it so don't make that mistake the next thing and this is a big one I stopped for new so what does that even mean so I had a business that was making $44,000 a month in profit online no mad lifestyle 2013 before the internet even [ __ ] existed not really but before a lot of these online businesses became kind of like the Vogue or the norm like there were basically no like online coach like that's just was didn't exist and so I thought that the business I had was not legit and so
I saw my online business which took me 4 hours a week to do that was making me $1,000 a week as not legit compared to me spending all this money signing a 5-year lease investing into a brick and mortar location to start a gym and so I knew that I ultimately wanted to have a gym because I didn't know another way that was legit so if I were coaching me right now I would have been like wait so you're making $1,000 a week working 4 hours a week what if you worked 40 hours a week
and made $10,000 a week that would be not that bad and you'd immediately be in the top 1% of earning as a 20-some year old working wherever you want with no like no cost and why do you not want to do that but instead I was like oh now that this worked I should stop doing that immediately and do something brand new that I've never done before don't do that so the next thing that I did that was messed up is that uh I didn't have a good offer so I had no offer which was
dumb if I had had an offer I would have been able to make way more money the next one is that I had no sale so when I did this I actually didn't like hop on the phone I just like literally just sent people links to buy which was stupid and I should have got on the phone because I would have then been able to charge more right I mean I was basically offering personalized everything for $200 a month and part of the reason that this is going to sound ridiculous to you if you're listening
to this part of the reason that I I I probably didn't keep doing the thing it wasn't making as much money as I wanted so $4,000 a month like I was like I just made that doing a consulting job so I'd want to make more than that and so even though my first shot immediately matched what I was making before I didn't think oh I could just raise my price to make more money I I was like oh no I should just start a brand new business like just dumb but yeah because I didn't have
an offer because I didn't have a sales script or a sales process I wasn't able to charge more which then caused me to stop something that otherwise was an amazing business I would say the other thing that I did that was dumb was that part of the reason that I stopped this other thing was judgment right and so I'll explain what I mean by this but basically you heard me say it like I didn't think this was legit right like this isn't a legit business if you sell a product or service if you exchange goods
and Serv for money you have a business period so I didn't like Define terms and like a lot of that stuff came much later for me but I made really huge life decisions based on perceived Judgment of people who weren't even thinking about me like I was think I honestly was obsessed about thinking about what my classmates thought about me at the time the guys that I like went to school with I you know I was obsessed about what my dad would think and all of this kept me poor and so one of the biggest
mistakes that I made is that there was no YouTube world that had all of these like courses and trainings and videos like this so I didn't get help I did this all solo which is why I think it took me a lot longer than it has taken a lot of people who follow my stuff and I mean and honestly that's the point like I hope that like every generation stands on the shoulders of the generation before and I hope that people who are younger than me make more money than I have made by the time
I'm 30 or they're 35 right otherwise it means that I have failed like I haven't been able to transfer the knowledge successfully cuz I'll die no one will remember me it won't matter and so the only like real good that I think that people can do to leave a legacy is to to pass on the learnings and so that's why I try to do what I do but I didn't get help until later and when I got help is when my you know my income went way up so I got asked to give advice to
a group of entrepreneurs who were doing this little test that I was telling you about on school and they said hey do you have any like words of advice for everyone who's starting and so I uh was in a a writing mood at the time and so I actually end up sending up this massive slack message that has now been seen by like four million people and so I will share with you right now these are the directions I told them when they were starting number one follow instructions number two When You Reach something you
don't understand how to do Google first the amount of people who like post immediately the the moment they have friction the amount of people who message me and say hey where do I find your books I usually just respond where do you normally find books and then they're like well Amazon I'm like did you search people go for an easy button rather than just like take the Second Step take the Second Step do the one Google search before then thinking oh I will then stop working because that's basically what happens as soon as you send
a message you I have reached a point that I cannot cross I've reached a Chasm to which no man has ever been over before Google it third when you figure it out post it other people may have struggled there too and so this is a way that you add value in content to whatever community that you're in four actually follow the rule of 100 daily and this is a big one because people get distracted really really easily and they're inconsistent and so the thing is is that their businesses become inconsistent because they are inconsistent so
businesses themselves are machines for consistency if you have consistent inputs you have consist outputs but if you have inconsistency in your business it either means that you are not consistently putting the inputs in or you need to put more inputs in so for example if you do 10 reach outs a day then you might get your one sale every 10 days it will feel volatile but it just means that 100 inputs equals one output so if you want it to be less volatile then it means that you put those 100 inputs per day and get
one per day and so really just means that you're extending the time Horizon on the results that you want to get so do more faster more consistently and you will get more faster consistent results five you will be excited for a week then the excitement will off that is when the work begins and so this is like a key point that has helped me a lot which is work starts when excitement ends not while you're excited I don't even count it as work while you're excited the work starts when you have to confront the reality
that you have way more stuff to do that you don't know how to do and that's not fun because you will suck because most people doing things they don't know how to do aren't good but you being able to walk that bridge of discomfort is what will separate you from the mediocre masses who stop at the chasm and then just say I don't know what to do help me six your work works on you more than you work on it you are the product that's getting built more than your community remember this was for school
people so remember that like you weree the product and so I had this tweet that got completely bombed and no one cared about it but I will tell you what it what it was so I have this really weird trippy thought the other day which is in prisoner of war camps throughout history one of the psychological torture mechanisms is that they would have people do manual labor and one of the particularly nasty ones is that they would have them dig holes and then at the end of the day fill the holes back up and so
the point was to try and Drive the futility and the meaningless of Life the meaningless of work and it just breaks them down psychologically what I found interesting about that is that every day I go to the gym and I pick up weights and I put them exactly back where I was before and so in both instances there is physical labor that's happening and everything looks exactly the way it was but in one instance it's seen as psychological torture in the other it seen as self-care and so it really just means that these things occur
and then we describe them as labels and so if you are the asset that is getting built everything happens for you rather than to you seven and this is a big one everything is unscalable in the beginning that's the point it's how you learn every single piece of it and when you learn every single piece of how something works predictably that's called Mastery that's how you learn a skill when you learn lots of skills put together people are like wow that guy's good at it that is how you describe someone who is more skilled and
so the pain that you have to go through when you're reaching out to all of these colder prospects not getting responses what happens is you're like man there has to be a better way to do this and then as soon as you do experiment and do figure out a better way to do it you have gotten better and so that pain creates the Catalyst to learn better ways of doing the same stuff and that's how in a very real way you gain leverage skills give you leverage if two people start the same thing and one
gets way more results that guy did it with more leverage they did it with more skill and the pain is the Catalyst to makeing that happen so don't run away from the pain run towards the pain learn how to deal with it by getting better better eight the pain of repetition is what forces you to seek Improvement when you figure out ways to get more for what you do you have gain skill nine if you complain you are dead to me not really sure what to add to that one when you complain you expend effort
for no result And We complain because we have been rewarded for complaining in the past and so rewards typically come in the form of affection attention and approval meaning other people pay attention to you they give you affection say oh I'm sorry right and sometime they give approval which in this instance when you do when you go for pity parties approval doesn't come but you do get attention and affection which is why some people like to be sick because people pay attention to them they give them affection and so that's how those Cycles begin but
I will give you a quote that papa heroi gave me in my Wei days he said it is better to be envied than pied and so when you complain functionally the command that you give your audience is pity me and I don't know about you but I didn't get in the game to get pied 10 literally thousands of people have succeeded you are not special repeat the same actions they took to get the same outcomes they got if you repeat the actions that they took and you do not get the same outcomes they got then
it means that there is a variable that you have not identified yet it doesn't mean that it doesn't work it means that the way you did it wasn't the complete way and so if you build a bridge and there's 10 bricks across the bridge and you put nine in you can't say Building Bridges doesn't work you say I don't know how to build Bridges the way he builds Bridges I think he only did these nine steps but it's clear that he's getting people across this bridge and I am not so I have to further study
what specific things he did that I do not do that is creating the discrepancy between his outcome and mine 11 write down every reason that you're going to stick with it put it in front of you tape it to your mirror put it behind your laptop put it wherever you're going to do the repeated boring work and revisit it when you need to remember to stick with it because motivation will fade very quickly and so having I love this term a big bag of wi is a great way to remind you why you need to
continue what are you running away from just as much as what is your what you're going towards and in the beginning of this video I said use what you've got if you're not super passionate about getting started but you do know that you hate being broke you hate your current situation then write all the things you hate and say this is why I'm doing this because I I'm sick of this I don't want this anymore 12 business is shockingly simple but surprisingly hard the hard comes in the form of consistency the moment you don't want
to do it or just skip today is the day that you realize what hard actually feels like and that's where you have to overcome the hard is not in the complexity what makes it hard is being consistent that's always like Fitness isn't hard eat less than you than you than you burn move more like that's it right like and add more over time like it's not complex it's just hard to do because you have to keep doing it and you have to keep doing it far before you see a result for the work you do
and so this is a practice in being able to further disconnect what you do and what you get the weakest most impotent people on Earth are people that must be immediately rewarded for the work they do it's how how social media addicts the masses they get rewarded immediately for hitting the button for checking their notification for looking at their likes for looking at the comments they get immediate rewards and that is how they weaken you the people who are the most potent are able to do big things because they know it takes a long time
to do them and they will have to work today for something that will happen a year or 5 years down the road imagine a competitor that you'd compete against where one guy has to get a result for what he does in the moment or he stops and imagine the other competitor who's able to do it for a year straight without seeing a result who do you think will win obviously the one who Waits a year be that competitor number 13 just win because once you win one you'll get addicted to winning second everything else that
you did to get to there will fade and so I'll tell you a weird analogy if you've ever drank too much and had to throw up and had a whole night of throwing up when you think back on it you don't actually remember all the hours of throwing up you just remember it kind of sucked a little bit right like and it and the thing is is that pain fades in time so that's a that's something that is that is behavioral not just to humans it's across species so punishment Fades and so the reason that
you get hung over and the next day you say I'm never drinking again but the next weekend you go out with your buddies and drink again is because the benefit of drinking stays and so the reason that you have a past relationship and you're like man I remember the good old days is because the punishment from that relationship Fades it's why people keep revisiting these toxic relationships they go back and as soon as you get back into you're like why did I do this I forgot about this stuff and so the pain that you are
going through right now will fade but the result that you get will stay with you and so that disparity between pain and reward for me has been one of the biggest unlocks of life just simply understanding that this pain will pass but what I get for it will stay with me an achievement stays with you for life what it took you to get there only stays with you in your mind as long as you choose to give it attention so that wraps the lessons from the free training project of how I got my first customers
made my first online business in the next video you can click here to learn all the stuff that I learned from scaling my brick and mortar gyms and if that video isn't out yet because we're doing this in sequence click this video here to learn even more stuff of bacon dollars
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