I feel VERY disappointed... (SMMA vlog)

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Iman Gadzhi
FREE: Book In A Call With Your Student Success Manager Max - https://growyouragency.com/discovery-ca...
Video Transcript:
I know I've been away don't give my [ __ ] away I'm just trying to give my papers day so ladies and gentlemen it is an awfully gloomy day here in Cape Town South Africa just finished up with my entire morning routine woke up went to gym meditated and now I have read now reading actually isn't normally part of my morning routine but mix up your morning routine mix up the time you wake up I've tested waking up at 5:30 I've tested waking up at 7:30 and you know 6:30 is kind of sweet spot but
you know usually after meditation I just get straight into work but I'm testing out you know reading for an hour before starting work and enjoying it at the moment currently reading King warrior magician lover finishing it up just on the last like 5% or so it's a book that has been literally sitting on my Kindle for 0.34 years it's a very very quick read I think something like two hours or something like that so yeah today is a fun day I got to finish up my case study slides for my agency finished up all the
emails last week for a new 2020 edition of my agency funnel this new funnel is ridiculous I mean the way that I get most of my clients is through my case study funnel and the ads we run for the agency last case the funnel was awesome but this new one is just ridiculous some of the automation in it the copy the actual new case study itself the quality of the video it's one third of the length of the old one via anyway spending the first three work blocks on that I just finishing up the slides
then I got my team call after that actually gonna report some videos for YouTube and then at 5 o'clock I've got a sales call for the agency at 6 o'clock I've got a student interviewed John gab who's one of my six figures students you guys really seem to enjoy the first one that I uploaded and I'm sure there must have been a couple more since that time but I'm recording this last night I just uploaded the John Danes one that went down a tree and then at 8:30 I've got a call with Max who's actually
the new hire from Guru agency most education companies out there are pretty much just the course instructor you know he or she basically runs the entire business a grey j'en see obviously there's myself there's Esteban whose full-time hired coach answering everyone's questions in the Facebook group and as many of you guys know in 2017 he was my sales guy he was my appointment center then I would physically show up and set the meetings as well as that him and his business partner in 2018-2019 actually went ahead and built her agency nice building his clothing line
so we got myself we've got a coach we've also got Kieran who's a product manager who once again also works as a coach now Kieran product manager literally means that his entire job is making sure that agency incubator is as good as it can possibly be imagining the community he also manages things like our projects in Nepal making sure that those are going smoothly and I mean Karen's job kind of extends the list of 101 different things including also running copy for the IOT media clients we've also got Danny now Danny obviously he's working 95
percent in time for the agency but once every two weeks we actually get everyone to write down a question we do like a thread in the Facebook group apart from the weekly live Q&A calls I do and Danny goes ahead and spends one to two hours actually answering everyone's questions via loon so you know those myself there's Esteban there's Kieran there's Danny and then now we also have max so max is as I said the full-time student success manager he is gonna be helping us manage things like the six-figure Club cuz look at the moment
we have so many six-figure students we still have a bunch of whale statues to send out I've done some cool stuff for the six-figure club like for example I didn't afternoon tea for the london-based six-figure Club students there was around like 11 of us there that can make it if you guys want to check out that video I think I uploaded it like two months ago or something like that and you know obviously that was a private room at the walls lead tons of fun but apart from the $200 you know poor whale statue per
whale award apart from that like I actually want to do something fun with a six-layer Club so he's helping us manage that he's also doing this Student Success calls for people who are not we're not currently students you can actually go ahead and I'm gonna pop the link on the screen and I'll leave it in the description you can actually go ahead and book in a call with max he works on this in-house full-time and he's there basically to answer any final questions you might have about agency incubator and the cool thing is max was
actually an agency incubator student and for him his goal was really simple you know build an agency and he built an agency make around four or five thousand a month and that allowed him to move to Mexico be with his lady as was you know support himself while he's build his acting career so also that goes to show you no no everyone's trying to build an agency making ten twenty thirty forty fifty thousand a month some people literally just want to make an extra three four or five thousand a month to support themselves while they're
doing something else anyways he has so much admiration and respect for the company that he has now come on board which is very very exciting so back to my point 8:30 tonight we're actually getting them set up for the role so integrated to slack get his G suite set up and just get a bunch of other logistical stuff set up so as I said if you want to have a call with our in-house Student Success manager to ask any final questions about what it's like having an agency what it's like being an agency incubator to
talk about anything that might be holding you back that probably isn't valid like oh I'm not old enough for maybe I'm too old or oh maybe this doesn't work in my country or this or that and max went through those exact same thoughts before he jumped into agency incubator there's gonna be a link down below if you want to speak to a human and as I said really see what we're even see is all about so that's pretty much my day I'll be finishing up pretty late probably around like 10 o'clock and yeah pretty much
about it I'm gonna get to work yeah perfect let's get straight into a mission for IG media this month actually it's a new month so we have to say a new mission I'd say mission for this month is just I wanna I want to bring on I have a sales Collier today I have a sales call tomorrow there's fuel eat good salt leads that came in over the weekend his other one doing 20 between 25 and 50 K months yeah okay yes I will show ya we ever saw a few solid leads okay yes so
outcome for our mission for IG media's Mona I would say is technically a mission should be more thematic but quite frankly I want to bring on more clients and we're usually used to this month I want to bring all four new clients this one's a new client week yeah okay awesome you see this wife [ __ ] you hate the type one this is why I cannot wait for the new case study formal like I'm just looking through all all the leads like there's a really solid lead they came in so adds into a case
study funnel on the 22nd or we yeah we seen this yet we before but what what I know you should do let's say it for a 32a catalog so people get rejected with the same product base so you know the men this company has been rolling for 20 years they opened 1999 no four pixels under bridge it probably went through a couple agencies you know okay no I'm expressing an email and asked for confirmation and then I'll come for the speakers I'd love to finish the case study slide yeah so we we can get ads
running to the new case study well the mission for grades and see this month is increased bottom line yeah just to increase the bottom line increase the bottom line potential yeah because obviously we've got the new higher coming on a girl called later today for that got the new higher coming on and then obviously the yeah the new product as well so it's like four or five now that's one of those days where after the team call like I just dipped and I just crashed so yeah don't think that every single day has to go
to plan like for example after my team call i was actually meant to record two videos there's no chance no chance in hell that I was gonna get on camera and record two videos I was just like I'm just so so tired that's are actually read for like an hour and did some more menial email no once a week oh I'll let I'll let my email all problem to be honest I don't really get that many emails I'm pretty good with that but like you know just did like a communication clear out so yeah I've
got an hour now or 55 minutes until my call one little piece of tip if you have the ability to in your house and I recommend this after like after your focused morning work long and then your lunch sometimes in the evenings around like three four five all actually mix up where I work so I'm just gonna bring the computer over here and actually work from the countertop and then maybe I'll work from that desk later let's go over there later yeah I don't know said just just kind of mix it up out of your
routine a new environment helps yeah it'll work here for fifty five minutes and then I said I got my call with I was about to say I'm gonna say this first named Chris yeah i'ma call with Chris at 5:00 so looking forward to that so my five o'clock didn't cancel per se basically what happened was they are having some internet issues in the office so I wanted to switch it to he just asked you know could you call me on my phone number instead now in any normal scenario most agency owners be like oh yeah
I'm sure of course no worries big mistake you know for you to relay such a high ticket offer I mean even if you're charging the client $1500 2k a month which obviously you know we don't really work in that price bracket that's still a monthly fee you know for someone to be paying 1,500 2k m months and not see the person who's running their services you know there's a lot that I do in terms of zoom in terms of sharing you know examples case studies in terms of sharing you know very very obvious places where
they're leaving money on the table another thing very very important component is sharing competitors ads that gets them very just competitive and you know it's an easy way for the pain point to be made stronger so all I'm gonna leave that like kind of the thread over this as I talk but my point is never ever ever have a call with a prospective client just buy a phone okay they need to see your face and more important as documents that you might need to share so you know rather than trying to still have the call
at 5:00 today I just changed it tomorrow 5:45 once again he says the problem is that there still might be there's gonna be intermittent internet issues tomorrow as well once again that's fine I don't want to extend the call too far out I don't want to offer to do it next week because things come up I still want to leave the timeline close to the day's call so 24 hours tomorrow both what I'm going to do is I'm going to send tomorrow morning I'm gonna send a loom and to be honest I actually might be
an even better opportunity for me to out late thing that I want in kind of my cold loom approach to actually get someone on me I can use that same thing in it you know I can actually make a more punctual presentation so obviously it's not something I'm used to I music closing on the call I'm not sending a loom and doing a voice call or whatever it's a bad signal quality but heigh-ho is what it is you got to think quick on your feet and you gotta adapt to situations when you're trying to close
clients and more importantly high-ticket clients so yeah hopefully you took something from that that gives me 40 minutes until my next call so at least I can relax now so it's 10:40 here in Cape Town just finished up for the day a very very long day got another very long day tomorrow got three agency sales calls including the one that was moved from today to tomorrow got a Gus do an interview got another call with the new hire just putting in some last few pieces also have a call with one of my six-figure students him
and I are actually just bouncing some ideas in regards to sales actually just giving each other a bit of critique in terms of how we can improve in in our sales style that's actually a student interview I did today we got talking at the end we talked about closing percentages and he was like dude I'm pretty sure I could help you get your closing percentage up and I was like awesome let's do it so that's the other thing you know technically yes I'm the mentor he's the student but I don't care if I want to
stay on top of my game you know I can't let any of my students be overtaking me or be hungry or more driven than me so yeah I learned from my students in the same way they learn from me and to be honest I'll take any opportunity learn from anyone if I know that help step up my game even by point zero one percent by anyways today is concluding Cummington and and I want to really just leave you guys on one thought which is the past four or five six months I've really started to become
a little more attuned to this I'm the type of person where you know in the sort of spirit of law of attraction and you know manifesting what you believe in and you know that that's not really my psychology with it it's just genuinely I see the best in people I'm also not naive I think most people also know that I'm really not a good person to [ __ ] with I have a lot of influence a lot of reach I have a lot of power not only in my industry in many different industries and you
know if you cross me it's and if you cross me quite frankly it's it's not gonna work out well for you so like I'm never gonna let someone step on me but kind of and you guys noticed at this point anyways which is my philosophy is I see the best in people also I'm very realistic I've very firm boundaries with people and anyone who does ever cross me to be honest all assess the situation and most of the time I'll let it go because I've said this a hundred one times but time is the teller
of all truths and that people really done me dirty in the past once again I just kind of let time do this thing and that's the best thing you can do 99% of time and just you know focus on yourself level of boss up and just kind of let life circumstances and the results do the talking and then there's that 1% of time which is you got to protect your throne and you just gotta put a person in their place in every sense except for physically so I just want to make that clear as well
but um yeah you know kind of like past four or five six months I've I've felt very jaded and it's not just one scenario it's it's probably five six seven eight scenarios and maybe it's because my selective focus is is you know noticing more yeah I'm just seeing so many boys in men's bodies and and I just finished reading up King warrior magician lover earlier today I started a couple days ago got through most of in one sitting and then I said just finish it up earlier today and that's a book that I strongly strongly
recommend about sort of four different archetypes obviously King warrior magician and lover but even before that book it was something that you know just starting to see more and more often you kind of see it all around you but I'm sure you guys noticed that I don't really hang out or collaborate with many digital marketers or online entrepreneurs and quite frankly to me that's because at the end of day the only thing that matters is character and there's not many people who have character and more importantly there's not many people who have character when no
one's watching it's all you know fine and well in front of other people in front of an audience in front of the world you know putting on a display what you want them to think you are but at the end a there's always the cracks in the armor the chinks in the armor and I think true character always gets revealed so you know yes this channel is a lot about getting financial success moving forward in life taking care of yourself taking care of your family because you know it should make you sick to your stomach
that your parents still go to work and that you haven't been able to retire them and that's been one of the biggest blessings in my life is the fact that my mom's retired just not even a question there is not a single day in her life that she will ever need to work based on the money that she has and the money that that generates now and what I've been able to do for her she's not question she is retired at the very ripe age of 43 and you know that's the least I could do
and it should make you sick to your stomach that you don't contribute anything to the charity that that means something to you that was probably the biggest blessing of 2019 is knowing that there's 750 plus kids who wake up every day and get to go to a guru agency school or will get to go to your agency school from September onwards which is when all projects will be complete and finalized obviously we're storing new projects in the next couple months it was my point is go go make a [ __ ] ton of money go
make a [ __ ] ton money go take care of the people are important to you go donate to charity go spoil yourself go buy a ridiculously expensive one go buy an obnoxiously expensive carb like just spoil yourself like you you have to go through a paradigm to understand it but like at the end of day when you envision your life and I want you to envision yourself 10 20 30 40 years from now I want you to spend a little more time envisioning your character and how you show up because as I said I've
just kind of been I kind of been taken aback the past six months seeing you know grown-ass men like 5 10 15 20 years older than me just acting like little kids and then I compare myself to you know some of the people in my close circle that I've you know I've never posted publicly anywhere you know that's that's my close friends circle some some of the people who are older they got hearts of gold they got real character and and that's hard to come by you know so I still got a hell of a
long way to go but you guys know that only stop and never give myself a pat on the back but like pass kind of half a year I've been just really giving myself some more credit cuz like like [ __ ] I could have ended up so differently growing up fatherless and you know my stepdad it was kind of like my only example of a father I mean that did way more worse than it did good so you know sometimes I wonder how I'm not way more flawed when all I ever saw was the bad
side of manhood all I ever saw was what it was like when your character turned sour I look back over the past few years and everything that I've accomplished in business and and everything externally and like the thing I'm actually most proud of is just my character damn like I can't think of many if any scenarios where like where I didn't do the right thing and like has it said you know and there's a lot of grown-ass men out there who are really just boys hiding in men's bodies and who just have quite frankly no
regard for any use of virtues that I think are important in life things like honesty honesty with oneself and the people around you people know that I'm very honest to myself and I'm a little too honest with others a very blunt I probably actually work on that with the people around me I'm very I just I can't lie like even though I probably should tell a white lie they like protect someone's feelings instead yeah they come I should I should probably work on that but you know virtues like honesty loyalty and I quote like what
the [ __ ] ever happened to loyalty you know it's just that's that's something that shocks me respect respect for others respect for one's craft respect for oneself I really just want you to take a second I know a lot of you guys visualize I know a lot of you guys literally map out and architect the future and you do that in terms of externals a long time but like straight up what I think about probably more than anything else is I imagine myself being 40 45 50 and like I walk into a room what's
the way that I carry myself what's the way that I treat the waiter what's the way that I treat someone who has zero value to me how do I show up in certain scenarios when it's high-stress how do I show up in certain scenarios where my character is really getting tested so that's one thing I just been thinking about a lot recently is just like honestly other than a day like [ __ ] all the money [ __ ] all externals like like genuinely what are people going to say about you when you're gone and
like legacy and all that stuff doesn't really matter to me that much exhibiting a day like we're all gonna die Society we're gonna die you know while I'm on this or something I'm gonna do as much to leave as positive and impact while I'm here and then hopefully as much as possible while I'm gone but the whole idea of legacy really doesn't mean anything to me quite frankly just one means something to me is like besides benefit this that like if you strip away everything and you just go down to the core person what would
people say about me what could people attest about my character and I said I got a [ __ ] hell of a long way to go but I just wish there was more positive male role models out there and once again I apologize for the you know the females watching this obviously it you know it's something that's near and dear to my heart the concepts of manhood of you know he's growing up with a single mother kind of fatherless childhood this that or you know a lot of times worse than fatherless is having a father
but just literally being the epitome of what not to be as a man so you know I apologize for some women watching this but you can still relate to it when I say manhood that's exact same thing how do you show up as a woman and how do you just show up it and in terms your character and yeah that's just something that makes me really really sad is just as I said we don't have a lot of pauses or male role models and a lot of and you know the positive male role model so
we do have those shouldn't be held up as symbols of what strong character and a man looks like you know you shouldn't hold someone up who's financially successful or has the external accolades you shouldn't hold them up as an example of what of what success looks like and I know going to many different talks to this one we're like you know I'm just thinking back to like this even just one specific Schneider I could think of a couple years ago where I'm hanging with like in the entrepreneurial industry a channel who's probably like top five
top three biggest channels and like literally being at his crib and like watching them make a youtube video and then shoot this YouTube video with this certain you know persona this that and then like literally going in a small group to a restaurant just seemed like the way that person treats the waiter and I'm sick do I give zero [ __ ] that you made how are many millions last year like could not care less the fact that you treat the waiter in that way and the fact that you think that your external accomplishments and
accolades can be a patch for what's really broken inside of you which is your character your morals and you notice the fact that you've forgotten about the virtues that makes humans great everything that are you know all the beautiful and incredible virtues that our society's been built on and as I said just knowing that like so many people look to these certain characters as as the be-all end-all as the inspiration as the motivation not knowing behind the scenes what goes on and in the same way you might meet someone and you know all fine and
dandy and you know you think this person is great and then you find out 14 days later you find out six months later you find out two years later five years later ten years later they're like yeah like they were putting on the front and you know when you're not yourself and you're trying to put on this front when really you know what's behind it all is just a boy not a man and as I said you know this applies whether you're woman as well you know you're you're a girl not a woman and by
that as I said that has nothing to do with your age because I mentioned here I've seen 50 year olds act like [ __ ] 12 year olds and I've seen 16 year old stand up show up and put everyone else to shame in terms of the way that they carry themselves in terms of the way that in terms of the way that they hold themselves and I said they put the 50 year old shame so it's got nothing to do with your age he's got everything to do in terms of your your character is
said that's that's kind of meaning what comes out - and it's you know 11 whatever here in Cape Town and like you know my mind's frazzle that a long workday so I probably will watch this and realize that probably none of this has made sense so I apologize if I've literally wasted six or seven or eight or however many minutes has been rolling for but the last final message that I would leave you I'm just kind of quite simply what this comes down to is just like don't glorify the externals like go out and make
a ton of money go have some crazy experiences like do get get all the externals you want but at the end of the day when it comes down to it to me genu the only thing that matters when you die is like who were you as a person how did you make other people feel and as life keeps challenging you but you say the thing life will challenge you consistently it'll test your character and it's in those pivotal moments that you get to decide and there's so many instances like where life throws something your way
and you can do the right thing or you can do the wrong thing you can step up you can show up in your maturity or you can shy away and do the easy thing or the thing that protects your ego or you know a long time I've seen even in business like I've had things where like for example with a client like I remember one vividly last yeah I would have been end of February 2019 how does 7800 M they see $10,000 a month retainer and before even start running their ads their business manager got
shut down their ads manager got shut down and like we spent the last three four weeks me and the team trying to get all that stuff back you mind it was no fault of our own because we had any one star running Mads yeah they actually moved their entire business operations to Dubai and in that transition you know the changing of IP is like so much in terms of a business manager as manager etc etc getting kind of reject and moved around and said you know everything kind of got shut down and like you know
this clan was was talking to us and they're like hey look like obviously you can keep this first month retainer but you know if we can cancel the contract here because obviously I sign all my clients on a three-month minimum from there rolling month by month is that okay and and I told the clown I'm like no [ __ ] that I like I'm gonna refund you your money and we'll rip up contract here and there and they came back over like no no I want you to keep the money like you guys worked hard
to get my ad account there's no fault of your own were contractually obliged and I was like and once again that's one of those moments where like yes technically I'm losing $30,000 of bottom line profit in three months you know that was just another example of a [ __ ] character building scenario so next time left it was one of those are you like step up do the right thing build that character because to me that is the biggest asset you have on earth full salt so before we run the risk of me rambling on
any longer in a very sleepy tired haze I'm gonna go ahead and end the video here ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed it this is a very long day and tomorrow when we wake up 6:30 to do it all over again so go ahead and smash the like button if you want to see some more vlogs this really kind of does like take me out of my day to be honest like vlogging is not my favorite thing but I know you guys love to see what my day in life looks like running my advertising
agency IG media or one inquiry agency my education company also I haven't really talked about too much but gagging my clothing line as well as kind of my other income streams and stuff like that which I can actually make a video on like all my income streams listing out them anyways hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next video
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