Mo Gawdat on AI: The Future of AI and How It Will Shape Our World

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Mo Gawdat
🤖 AI is here, and it’s evolving faster than we ever imagined. How do we adapt when the rules of th...
Video Transcript:
it might seem crazy what I'm about thank you very much hello hello hello frogs Yeah uh I I am a frog too uh I have been for quite a bit of time I think recently uh I started to try to jump out of the water at least to tell you that the water is boiling uh because like that boring proverb we've always heard you know the idea that the Frog when you put it in cold water and you know heat the water slowly the frog doesn't notice and then eventually the Frog gets boiled alive uh
I have to admit uh this hit me really really strongly me strongly by 2020 when uh when you look back from 2020 you realize there was there were so many signs that we were going to get a very big pandemic uh that is going to affect us if you look back at history 1920 was around the same time uh and um you know we've had swine flu and bird flu and all of the other things SARS and so on before that and yet somehow no one uh said hey by the way should we be cautious
about a possible pandemic and then when Co started you know first patient nobody's paying attention 20 patients nobody cares 100 patients a thousand PA patients was was really when we started to get to a million that suddenly everyone was like the water's boiling we're all going to die interesting we seem to I I don't blame anyone for this I I've recently been putting a lot of attention and in understanding the economic and geopolitical situation of the world and until I started to I thought it was chill was okay nothing was and then you start to
put your head into it I think what happens is for each and every one of us we have limited capacity as humans like we can focus on 10 topics right 15 and if AI is not one of them it doesn't really exist to us okay now I'm I'm here to tell you this is it the world as you know it is over completely done okay uh it's not about to be over it's over right and uh and so I'd openly say you probably have a year not to live you're going to live more than a
year I hope but you know you're we probably have a year to react okay and and don't blame me because honestly I'm never coming back to speak to you next year you're probably going to invite my avatar right so and and I promise you that's the truth I before I came here yesterday just for the fun of it I asked Gemini in Chad GPT I said give me a 35 minute speech on AI and read me minutes 2 to 4 it did sound a bit like a politician but it did it made a speech right
and it's quite interesting how we ignore that because with something like Chad GPT 40 which came out uh this week uh it it not only prepared the speech but it now can also laugh with me and sing with me and you know tell me things it sounds very Californian to me but anyway you know I've lived with Californians long enough to put up with it right and but it is it's real it is real and if you haven't used it where have you been in the water right now if we were to understand I'm going
to try to speak for 30 minutes and then allow us maybe 15 minutes of a chat so that we can you know come around this as a community the the what I'll try to to to do is first help you understand where we're coming from because if you understand the trajectory of what's been happening how quickly that thing is launching you can imagine how it's going to look like next year right so where we came from I'm a very serious geek I started coding at age eight which feels like a zillion years ago and when
I coded Believe It or Not age8 uh First Co time I coded I was using basic which is as the name implies a very basic language and I wanted to create an AI That's that was my dream right every one of us Geeks we just wanted to create an AI it was everyone's dream we never met managed to but we did something that appeared intelligent so you know let me let me start by defining what is AI every piece of code I've ever written before the year 2000 was a piece of code where I solved
the problem first with my intelligence and then told the computer how to solve it right so it's almost like if I call one of you and give you a puzzle and then tell you this piece you put in the top left corner and then that piece under it and that piece under it then turn this one and so on you can finish the puzzle and if someone doesn't hear me giving you the instructions they would think you're very smart but you're not right by the turn of the century this ended right so the idea of
us telling computers what to do by the way they did it very quickly very accurately at a massive scale and so they appeared smart okay but it was me who solved the problem it was my intelligence multip died right by the turn of the century he discovered something called Deep learning and deep learning was truly teaching computers the way I taught my children how to be intelligent the way I taught my children how to be intelligent was to give them little puzzle pieces when they were young you know those cylinders and a board with different
holes in it and no one ever told their children no no hold on my son take the children take the cylinder turn it upside down look at the cross-section it will look like a circle compare it to those holes it will match the one that is a circle put it there nobody ever tells the their children that what we do is we give them a cylinder and a board and they keep trying trying trying trying trying until one time it goes through and then suddenly light bulb and they learn something right that's exactly what we
did with computers with deep learning by the way we started to be able to do deep learning Because by the year 2020 but sorry by the year 2000 the internet was big enough for us to have those number of trials for the computers to learn on their own now please understand when we did that I think my favorite example of that was the year 2009 we did it earlier but at at the time I was at Google and we published a paper called the cat paper and the cat paper was uh basically we asked the
computers to watch YouTube and tell us what they find we we had a lot of capacity compute capacity so they would take YouTube videos cut them into uh 10 frames per second and compare the patterns on the 10 frames basically trying and then one of them said we I found something we had to write a bit of code to find out what it found and it had found a cat of course it's YouTube right and it didn't only find one cat it find it found what makes something a cat what found it it could literally
find every cat on YouTube we never taught it how we never understood how it did it understand that right and the code that was written for a computer to find every cat on YouTube if I had written it the traditional way would have had would have been probably 200 million lines of code because I would have to find every possible interpretation of how a cat looks on YouTube and get the computer to see that right that code was this big right but there was a lot of numbers and Mathematics that we don't understand just like
I can ask you a question and you'd give me a very intelligent answer and I have no clue what happened inside your brain to get to that answer this is where we are computers find their own intelligence we don't teach them how we just give them the data to learn and they learn like humans and every task we've ever given them since they've become better than humans at right so they are the world champion in chess they are the world champion in go they are the world champion in in everything we've given them they are
the the the the best manipulator of Humanity on the planet in terms of social media engines they are the best writers the best artists the best musicians the best anything we've ever given them right and between the turn of the century and the time when we recognize that which is what I normally referred to as the Netscape moment right so 2023 every one of you started to hear about a AI uh that's not because AI started in 2023 right AI started in 20 in 200000 H and by 2016 all of us in the lab we
knew we got it right by 2016 we had created code that would blow you away right uh we we started to fold proteins if you understand protein folding is one of the most complex problems ever faced by biologists in history you know it would take a a group of PhD students around eight months to Pro to fold one protein we we created Alpha fold in 2016 2017 and it folded 200 million proteins okay in a day now when Chad GPT came out in 2023 people said oh there's something called AI it's not because AI started
it's because we had a browser just like Netscape when you know the internet came out in 1995 the internet had existed for almost 15 years before it's just that for the first time we had a browser we could see it now since 2023 uh until today it's been mind-blowing okay just to give you a few statistical uh uh pointers to understand first of all intelligence is a lot deeper than chat GPT let's be very clear okay the task given to chat GPT and and Gemini and others is linguistic intelligence it's the ability to understand knowledge
and communicate and so on and so forth okay of course there are other forms of intelligence emotional intelligence for example they haven't learned yet right uh intuition uh um you know complex mathematics um deep reasoning all of those forms of intelligence we haven't seen AI perform that way yet but we will very soon and I'll tell you why but what we did is as we gave them that task we have a machine called Chad GPT uh that is estimated in certain tasks to perform at 110 IQ and in other tasks at 155 IQ just so
that you know Elon Musk is 155 Einstein was which was never really measured is estimated to be 162 so we have machines today that are as intelligent as Einstein and we as humans sitting in the cold water the gradually heating water are chilling and com you know discussing and saying oh no but we will always be humans we will always be in the lead they will always need us okay and I used to go mad in 2016 when people would tell me oh but hold on you know Ai No no you know humans we're capable
of creativity we're capable of you know poetry and music and these are things that AI will never do what what do you mean I basically they're doing every one of them better than us right why because if you take the most complex of them Innovation for example in my very geeky mind Innovation can be turned into a mathematical equation it's basically an instruction to to a machine that says find every possible solution to a problem discard the ones that were uh proposed before give me the ones that have never been proposed uh before before and
that is innovation this is it right it's solutions to a problem that have not been uh seen before now what does that mean we're all going to die no we're not okay uh what it means is that uh the world has changed okay and the key key word to artificial intelligence is uh is singularity is that we don't actually know how the world will change right a singularity is an event horizon where the rules of the game change so much that you're no longer able to understand how the game will be played okay when the
rules of the game uh become that the smartest person you can ever hire in your company is no longer a human okay everything you know about the rules of HR change okay uh when the rules of the game change to the point where your customer is not necessarily making their choices themselves anymore but that the machine will recommend to them uh the rules of the game change when you know I've seen beautiful marketing advertising campaigns here when when there will be a moment in the near future when machines will be marketing to machines and we
will be out of the uh of the of the picture all together the rules of the game change right and and I want to say that as the rules of the game change we can end up in a magnificent Utopia of abundance right and we can also end up in a dystopia of a very difficult time let me talk about the the the the Utopia of abundance first so that you understand I'm not here to scare you I'm here to tell you that the water is boiling right my objective is for you to jump out
of the pan right uh uh but but but I but today to do that I have to tell you it's boiling and that hurts right let's talk about the abundance first the abundance is this you may not feel it anymore but the reason we have all of this technology is because there is a plug in the wall that is providing a very valuable resource called electricity electricity has become a utility it's in the back of our minds we don't even think about it anymore right uh there will be another plug in the wall probably in
your pocket in your phone uh that is called intelligence it's a utility okay and today just last night okay I plugged into that intelligence and I got myself what I would probably estimate to be an extra 25 IQ points I became 25 IQ points more intelligent yesterday as as I was analyzing a complex problem using AI right there will be a moment in the future where I will plug in and get another 100 IQ points there will be a moment in the future where I will plug in and get 400 IQ points more right now
I can promise you this if you give me or any of my peers that I worked with at Google X 400 IQ points more I will solve every problem on planet Earth every single one of them climate change uh you know uh Wars wealth whatever okay as a matter of fact I I keep telling people openly that with 400 IQ points more I can plant a garden outside where you can walk to one tree and pick an apple and walk to another tree and pick an iPhone okay from a nano physics point of view it's
the exact same cost right and we are on the verge if you understand where we are on nanophysics and Nano and and you know nanom Manufacturing in general uh we are on the verge of being able to do that we just need to be a slightly more intelligent okay now that is a world of abundance where everything changes imagine if we can solve the energy problem to the point where energy becomes zero cost because energy so abundant around us okay what would that do to the geophysics to the geopolitics would we fight over energy anymore
would we you know H how would the cost of products become If energy was free think about all of that okay that's a Utopia that is almost impossible to imagine that completely changes everything we've ever learned definitely changes retail okay and it is literally a few years away right there are however on the path to get there there quite a few challenges and actually when we get there as well there are quite a few challenges and those challenges let me be very very clear are not a problem with AI okay let me be very very
clear there's absolutely nothing wrong with artificial intelligence there's absolutely no threat to be found in artificial intelligence there is a lot wrong with the value system of humanity in age of the rise of artificial intelligence right there is a lot wrong with the way humans will use this superpower okay so so the way I look at it is I say it's like raising Superman right you get you you adopt this infant who is uh who has superpowers and if you teach the infant to protect and serve becomes Superman if you teach it to go and
rob a bank and kill your enemy it becomes super villain superpower is irrelevant okay it's the value set that you create around raising that infant that will create the future of humanity now there are five areas that I need to highlight as areas where you have to understand the change okay one of them uh very important is is the area of power and wealth okay uh we we humans have lived in a world of scarcity since we have started a world of scarcity that basically says for me to grow my competitor has to shrink okay
a world of scarcity that basically means I have to be the military superpower in the world otherwise everyone will kill me right that world of scarcity is no longer going to be the the the the truth but going to get there okay I think what's going to end up happening is we're going to apply the same mentality of of collecting as much power and wealth as we can now let me let me help you understand this if you look back at human history um there was a time when we were hunter gatherers so basically the
best hunter in the tribe would be able to maybe feed the tribe for a day more two days more right uh why because that Hunter had his himself to hunt and the maximum automation he had was a spear right when we became Farmers the best farmer could feed the tribe a month more why because that best farmer knew how to use a form of automation called soil right so while the farmer put the seed and used his own human resources to manage that seed the soil did most of the work right when the Industrial Revolution
started factories with one person handling the operation would you know multiply the production when information you know Revolution happened we now don't even have to go to work we can work from home and make a difference right and and as you can see every time the form of automation became more powerful the more we multiplied our productivity uh and and the more we we multiplied abundance but at the same time the more we multiplied the power of those who owned the automation right so the best hunter in the tribe may have been preferred by the
leader or you know fancied by the women of the tribe that's the maximum he could get the best Farmers H didn't make the money the landlord make them made the money why because the landlord owned the automation the best industrialists you know the best fact engineer in the Porsche Factory is not the one that makes most of the money it's the company that makes the money and so on right and so you will see that very very soon we will have trillionaires not billionaires because some people will acquire massive power and wealth okay because the
automation using AI is basically multiplic multiple times the automation that was using the internet right at the same time you'll see that with Nations so a nation that gets a significant AI advantage in cyber security or in uh you know uh robotic Warfare would have a very significant advantage and all of the other nations would have to submit so there is a massive concentration of power that is also combined with what I know by the way in business as well huh between you guys if some of you are competing in the same country or the
same city the one that manages to harness intelligence more than the others will get a massive Advantage at the same time there is a prolification of power a prolification of power meaning um I I could probably leaving this room on my phone order a printer uh for $22,000 and by the time I get home I can print Co synthetic biology now allows me to print living DNA okay and that's available open source for everyone for around $22,000 right that prolification of power mixed with concentration of power will lead to an environment of a lot of
Regulation and surveillance and control this is the very first thing you have to understand right the concentration surveillance and control means that your consumer is not as free as your consumer used to be okay another thing that will actually happen very quickly is that a lot of your consumers will run out of business they'll basically become out of a job why because jobs will go to the automation platform right your jobs will not go to the automation platform they will go to someone who knows how to use the automation platform I know I sound very
Grim I apologize I'm just telling you what is about to happen Okay what will happen in the next 5 to 10 years is that some a retailer okay who knows how to use AI really really well will take the place of a retailer that doesn't okay and so you might as well be that retailer the the idea of us to think about it this way uh there is um around 70% of the code written last year was written by a machine so I'm talking about my own geeky life okay and I'm a very serious geek
but I'm old right so I I cannot write code that competes with the machines anymore the machines will write better code than I am there are still 30% younger uh developers that are so good at what they do that they still write code better than the machines for now but remember over time the machines will learn that code and learn how to write it as well that's number two number three which I think is really incredibly important in retail is the nature of human connection will change massively okay the nature of human connection if you
if you actually please do uh search for Chad GPT 40 videos when you when we're done with the with today uh and look at how have have you ever seen the movie her if you have you know it's an AI that pretends to be human uh yeah CH GPT I actually think that the voice that they used in the video sounds like Scarlet Johansson right it is so it it laughs with you it reads your handwriting it sees the environment you're sitting in it you know it is singing with you and it's becoming so difficult
to identify what is real and what is not which will have a massive impact on human connection both ways by the way okay one way is that a lot of people will especially with the epidemic of of loneliness that we have in the world today will find a an AI friend or an AI girlfriend right uh you know there are more than 50,000 AI influencers on uh on Instagram today that people follow and listen to that are not even human they're just generated by a machine okay and and it's becoming really uh uh from one
side becoming a replacement for human connection but from the other side it makes us crave genuine human connection even more okay so this by the way if I send the Avatar next year it's not going to feel the same right when when we're done with this I'll be around for you know for your coffee break and we can shake hands and it's and it's going to feel very different than it is is with a with a with a machine and I think this in my view is one of the biggest differentiators unlike what most people
will tell you about what you can do and I'll come back to what you can do in a minute uh what you can do in the age of the of artificial intelligence of course you have to learn the tools but believe me in the next 5 to 10 years those who will capitalize on human connection will actually outperform those who don't so those who replace everything with a machine are going to uh you know to to become more efficient but those who will capitalize on human connection will become more loved okay the other the other
and maybe the last Trend I want to talk about is the trend of the absence of the truth or the end of the truth okay so there is a lot happening today in the geopolitics politics and economics of the world and even in Ai and climate change and so on where you no longer know if it's true or not because the mainstream media and social media is you know covering it in a way that makes you no longer understand what is not what is true and what is re and what is not and I think
the reality is one of the biggest skills is those with authenticity and genuine uh honesty as you know humans or as businesses will very quickly get again the favor of people uh around them of their clients and their partners and so on right I'm going I'm going to quickly talk about what we need to do in this environment I have I really apologize for for uh concerning you okay everything that I spoke to you about by the way in terms of the changes that are about to come are not changes because of the machines did
you notice that okay these are changes because of the way the humans will use the machines right equally by the way humans could use those machines to say let's completely ignore power every one of us can live like an emperor it's fine okay we don't need to compete but that's not the human tendency the human tendency which I believe will eventually change is that we want to aggregate more we want to win right that's the capitalist mindset that America has built uh you know since World War II prior but really propagated very strongly okay uh
there will be a time in my view where we will all go back and say why are we competing for this right the difference between the worst car in the world and the best car in the world is zero everything's so perfect right right the the the difference between the the the abundance that every one of us can have today and you know the life that the Roman emperors had is infinite right so why are we competing for more so I call that normally in my book scary smart I call it the fourth inevitable that
eventually Humanity will come to a point where the extra fight is not worth the effort because everyone is getting such an incredibly affordable amazing access to technology and life right so what what do we need to do I I'll say that in a couple of minutes and then we open for questions there are three skills that every organization and every human uh and by the way your kids as well uh need to learn one is uh learn the tools learn AI right if you know don't live in the fax machine era anymore you when you
when you leave today go to one of the top tools gemini or or uh or a chat GPT and basically ask and say I'm in retail I live in this country uh you know I'm very interested in food and beverage retail or whatever I don't know something right uh what tools should I be aware of right uh you know what tools what AI tools should I be aware of if I want to uh find uh you know create videos or create marketing material or whatever right and it will tell you and then you can follow
from there by the way remember nobody taught you PowerPoint you didn't need a tutor to tell you that right so nobody will teach you AI there will not be a course you just hold the tool and start chatting to it that's skill number one skill number two is I urge you I urge you I urge you to find the truth find the truth okay the the the sign of this era is for you to not be did you see the movie Idiocracy that's a must that's a cult classic you have to see that uh you
know you really have to uh find a way to tell yourself not everything I'm being told is true I need to find out for myself what the truth is right so the biggest difference between chat GPT and Google search when I worked at Google is that when you searched Google it gave you a million sites and told you find your own truth right when you search Chat GPT it tells you with confidence the answer is a highly influenced Californian answer and view of the world okay I went and asked Chad GPT what is my what
is moet's wife name for four times in a it told me the wrong name with total confidence okay and every time I corrected it it said oh I'm sorry uh yeah maybe you're right and then on the fifth time I said what is M's wife's name it gave me the right answer which is I don't know AI is not capable of doing that so that's the second top skill the third skill is human connection believe it or not I'm going the exact opposite way so I know the tools I spend 3 hours a day to
keep up believe it or not okay I'm very very careful about about understanding the truth that's the reason why I spend so much time in deep analysis of geopolitical and economic uh issues right but the third one is human connection so I'm no longer writing books I I just had my fourth bestseller last week and that's it right I'm not I'm not actually going to write books again because books are not human I'm going to go more and more and more in this so my next topic to Champion I will actually prepare speeches about it
I will go and speak about it on podcasts I may even prepare a a webinar about it or whatever and then I will ask an AI to write the book okay I I no longer need to do the tasks that they can do better than me but the task I can do better than them is this is to be able to see you and hug you and say hi and so on and so forth I'll stop now I think uh that gives us around 13 14 minutes for Q&A and if you you know I think
it would be better to focus Fus on what you want to think about thank you than uh yeah so Mo and I have a a chat dig into some of those topics a bit deeper for 10 minutes but importantly you know we've got this time if you would like to ask Mo question please do it's an opportunity it's not a threat I think I can't believe that no one's got anything they'd like to dig into there you go I don't even have to ask the first question uh hang on one sec we got a micone
coming thanks hi Mo you described yourself as a geek and uh you are a master of code so um is it possible oh is it possible to um digitalize fear or anger oh yeah 100% uh so so that's a question I get quite a lot again from the typical way of people saying um you know AI will never be creative will never make music and so on on so so most emotions I would probably now almost say all emotions I'll tell you why I moved my mind on that most emotions are very algorithmic we we
don't see them that way because they seem irrational but fear is a moment in the future is perceived to be less safe than now okay when when you when you logically perceive that you feel fear okay in our biological machine our biological machine is wired to sense that before your logical brain engages as a matter of fact your amigdala will perceive a fear 90 seconds before your your prefrontal CeX perceives it that's why you know if something shows up behind you you jump with without thinking but but the same algorithm is true a moment in
the future is less safe than now okay a machine can definitely perceive that right I can easily program that in the machine and if you give the machine a task to for example merchandise your store okay uh it will absolutely as it becomes more intelligence it it intelligent it will look for possible threats in the future that might prevent it from uh from merchandising the store that will be analogous to fear right and all of the other emotions you know anger anger is a difference in value set it's a form of fear but instead of
fight ORF flight response there is a his response let me you know scream so that you you run away I'm instead of me running flight or flight I want you to run that's anger right and and yeah once again it is a a sense of difference in value set combined with a a sense of um feeling unsafe around someone or something some situation leads to anger right and you can take all of them you can take all of them all emotions perhaps other than love uh can actually follow an algorithmic uh uh path now remember
the way a cat responds to anger is different or fear is different than the the way a puffer fish responds it's different than the way we respond and it's also going to be different than the way a machine response right so you know um fear for a puffer fish makes it puff right for a cat it hisses and for a human we fight or fight it right for a machine it might move its code to another place a different reaction but the logic of the emotion is the same I I even dare say and I
know it sounds really shocking that we that the machines will have a wider range of emotions than we do and and the reason for that logic is uh we have a wider range of emotion than a goldfish uh because we can understand Concepts like the future right and so we can ponder emotions like you know uh optimism and pessimism because we can have an image of the future a you know a goldfish doesn't do that right and because the the intellectual bandwidth of the machines is likely going to be bigger than ours they may feel
things that we don't really understand at all I think that's about to happen as well having said that I should also remind you that as I said in the beginning emotionally intelligence has not been the uh the the big investment of the AI community so far even though in my view uh the Natural Evolution of the intelligence of the machines will lead them there eventually okay I'll ask a uh I'll ask a question we um we were joined by um actually no sorry we do have an audience member you I I love that you prefer
their questions to yours yeah that's very very selfless very selfless they've been listening to me for a day and a half already so sorry for that uh yeah we talked last two days a lot about measurement so maybe to ask a question after the emotions like is there any good way you you know how to measure the emotions uh oh I do not know the answer to that uh I don't know the answer to that I I have my my last book is about stress and uh and we talk very clearly we have a chapter
called emotional stress right and and the idea is that we in uh in the modern world sadly uh have been trained to think when we go to school we haven't been trained to feel okay uh we have uh been trained to unfortunately suppress our our emotions uh you know somehow because in the workplace and in school emotions can lead to a lot of unpredictability right uh we started to tell our kids at very young age sit down don't cry just be what we tell you to be and and for a lot of us we uh
we we somehow um are not able to even sense our own emotions uh I found that the for me specifically which lived uh you know 30 years of being a very highly efficient effective uh um you know corporate professional uh I I I found that I can feel but I wasn't allowed to express my emotions in the workplace and as my my um my connection to my body and my feminine side and my emotional side continued to grow I I think the my very first measure was my emotional Body Connection so you know many books
on the topic the body keeps the score is a great one uh the idea that when you trap an emotion uh it basically grows and then eventually it manifests in the form of a feeling a sensation right you can easily see it you know anxiety is is you know felt somewhere in your core anger is uh in all over your body with energy uh you know uh um fear makes you want to coil and so you can't really measure it but you can sort of refer to it uh my co-author in unstress basically uses a
technique that she calls the which where why and what which where why and what which is a sort of a form of a meditation that she recommends you do every evening before you go to bed where you can sit with yourself and say how uh you know which emotion am I feeling is this jealousy or anger is this fear or anxiety and so on where in my body do I feel it why do I feel it what's the logic that's triggering it and what is it trying to tell me okay not what do I do
about it by the way most emotions just want to be heard and acknowledged what do I do about it uh having said that can we fear can we measure that in AI I don't think anyone's working on this at all and I think this is a question that I have never given any thought to before so well done yeah thank you uh can can can we get more of those questions that's actually yeah that's such an interesting question uh yeah Claudia do down the front here we heard yesterday about how irrational we are as humans
yes and in our business we always trying to use research or any other methodology to try to predict consumer Behavior do you think AI can help us do that 100% first of all I don't think we're irrational at all I think we're predictably irrational all right so because our we are a very complex machine Mach that that takes a lot of in input and parameters and because our our situation is always in flux uh our behaviors seem to be irrational right fear seems to be a very irrational uh uh response to things but you know
when you know the logic behind it and if you're aware to to to capture what what's what triggered it it doesn't it's not irrational I thought it's the most rational thing to to do right uh the thing about AI is that the way we teach AI I believe it or not is to actually observe patterns without judgment which is such an interesting thing that humans are not capable of doing right so so the idea is an AI would be able to say I don't it would it wouldn't be able to explain why but it would
easily be able to say 16,000 iPhone holders walked by your store uh and stopped for a minute and then didn't walk in it can do that it has of that information right uh and basically it you know it can also tell you and by the way when you had green in your window 6% of them walked in okay and and so much of what is available out there H beats the human capability to comprehend right so as as intelligent as one can be how much data exactly can you you know cram into this little one
machine and how quickly can you transfer that dat data to this machine is truly where the the the advantage of AI is the advantage is they they their memory structure is the entire history of humanity everything that's ever been written everything that's ever happened can be comprehended by one data set right and and they communicate that data set between them in a matter of a microc when it would take me half an hour presentation to communicate it to you right and perhaps a day to prepare the presentation right and at the same time which is
the most interesting side of AI is that if a if a if you have an you know a a a situation when you're driving today and you have to break and you learn something from it I don't learn okay if a self-driving car goes through that situation every self-driving car on the planet learns right and so with those enormous shrinkages in in in in connection time in uh you know enormous growth in bandwidth in memory size uh we will start to observe uh structures and data patterns that humans cannot observe and they'll give us that
with zero judgment okay more interestingly sadly and I say that with a broken heart really is that believe it or not the top commercial application of AI in the last 10 years has been manipulating humans so everything that you see on social media is a machine that has learned so well h which video I will click on next right and so accordingly it also can learn so well which product I will buy at which price if it's presented to me in with with a sticker of which color and I don't even know that and I
think this sadly is where where the where the conversation is going my my biggest ask if you would allow me to say is that while I urge you to use AI okay I urge you to remember that the way you will use AI is the way your your kids are going to be treated okay and you know I I I since the last couple of years the geopolitical uh the economic the weather you know climate change and the techn technological advancement which in my mind are creating a perfect storm for the world we live in
the one song that keeps popping up in my mind is a song from 20 years ago or 15 years ago called if you tolerate this then your children will be next okay and I think the reality is the way we will use technology today is the way technology will be used on us tomorrow right and so I ask every single one of you to start believing in a world of abundance right where basically if you do things with ethics you can continue to grow in ways that are unheard of but in the process you would
be teaching AI to be Superman not super villain right right and so don't abuse AI to to take more money from consumers use AI to create a better life for consumers right and if your intention is to create better life for consumers you still make money and and you know when people ask me about the threat of AI and what can we do about it I answer with one word okay most of the of the Geeks like me will say either solve the control problem so write code uh to to make the AI submit to
us or solve the safety problem which is you know write code so when AI does something wrong we can be safe right I say it's an Ethics problem it is not about controlling AI or even teaching AI to cure cancer this is using AI for good it's about teaching AI not to lie it's about teaching AI not to cheat it's about teaching AI not to steal it's about teaching AI not to abuse humans right and the only way you can do that is to be a good parent the only way those machines can learn ethics
is by observing us humans using them in an ethical way most people will tell me oh but so many humans are unethical I don't believe that to be true I believe that most humans will disapprove of a school shooting okay uh most humans will not approve of a child being killed the reason why so many people are debating killing children today is simply because they're not informed they're informed at a different level of the conversation but if you strip it down to would you approve of killing as an innocent child everyone will say no on
every side of every conflict and I think this is the true test of humanity that era that we're in today and you are responsible leaders that can actually Implement that the true test of humanity is if I told you we're going into an age of total abundance okay and all that I ask you for is use that abundance abundance ethically would you be able to do it you'll still make a lot of money you'll still be incredibly successful you'll still grow your business still be more profitable but you're just going to do it in a
way that basically is the way you want your daughter to be treated okay and I think if we can manage to get this right we would end up in the Utopia I described to you okay if we don't believe it or not just so that I don't leave you on a fearful thought we will still end up in the Utopia we will just have to struggle along the path until we're convinced that there is no need for the fight anymore wonderful well I think unfortunately we're out of time but I think that's a fantastic and
and uplifting note to end on so moal everybody
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