Bullied Fat Kid Leveled Up 235 Times In A Secret World Using God's Cheat System | Anime Recap

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after countless years of suffering humiliation for his disgusting body yuya accidentally entered a secret world with a leveling system to transfer all of his items and cheat skills to the real world his family would abuse him as a child and even when he saw a hot girl getting harassed by a group of men and tried standing up for her the leader called him an ugly pathetic fat ass and beat him down until the police arrived but although the girl tried helping him up he pretended as if he was fine and began walking away this was
the miserable life he'd become used to living because just like the graffiti on his home calling him repulsive all the other kids bullied him at school and even his own parents abused him for being uglier than his siblings but when he got to Middle School the abuse escalated even more and the only person who ever cared about him his grandfather died that year the only thing the scile man had left for yuya was his house but when his parents failed at stealing it away from him they abandoned him forcing him to work part-time jobs for
the rest of his life and so the years went on until the day of his middle school graduation because while everyone celebrated his yearbook had the words jump off a cliff and hug the ground so when he tried running away his bullies caught up to him beating him up in front of all of his classmates and even his siblings enjoyed seeing his fat ass getting beat up by the time he got to his job his boss fired him for being late so with the last of his money the only thing he could afford to eat
was ramman his cold reflection stared back at him the same ugly fat man that he saw in the mirror wondering how anything would ever change even after his graduation but as he punched the wall once again a secret door opened to a dark room making him wonder if this was where his grandfather hid his souvenirs however he decided to open the mysterious door in front of him but after walking inside a system message appeared before his eyes telling him that he has entered another world and as more menus flashed open he saw that he had
gain the conversion ability making him realize that he was in a video game and wondered if he had the highest levels in all of his stats even so the worthless Fatso looked outside his window seeing that he truly was in another world however as he saw all the weapons he picked up the legendary ominous sword and decided to go outside to try it but as he nearly eeked himself again he gained level one swordsmanship but the sword wasn't enough so he decided to overcompensate by holding an actual long Lance become the Grim Reaper erase half
the Earth population and even wield the bow to become the bone of his sword after trying the weapons he realized they were all god tier items but he was still level one and had no idea how to increase his level however while he was putting the weapons away a massive Beast began rushing towards him but the barrier was able to hold off the level 300 bloody ogre as it began picking up a tree to smash towards him the gate nullified the attack so uer realized that he needed to try using his Lance before the ogre
broke through throwing it with all of his power the the spear ripped straight through the monster's core killing it in that instant once the monster disintegrated and left behind legendary items the system leveled him up to 100 however his mono was drained so he decided to head back home but the system asked him to convert his legendary items into money giving him $115,000 but that wasn't the end because while he slept that night the neurons inside of his muscles activated transforming every inch of his body when he woke up he realized that he now had
a ripped six-pack and even his Asian persuasion was replaced with Tyrone's Punisher making him realize that his body was now different however he was glad the mirror was broken because he didn't want to see his disgusting face anyway but with none of his clothes fitting he put on the mystical outfit in the Sage's house since they adjusted to fit him perfectly as he walked outside he saw that his garden was filled with Legendary Class plants but before he could water them a hell slime appeared that was level 200 so yuya activated his item box to
release his Gods spear killing the monster with a single strike among the common loot items he found an epic Rarity necklace that converted sunlight into mana and had already reached level 150 throughout the weeks he began growing his garden while learning about this Mysterious World and trained every single day as he started forgetting about his depression but while he was walking around the fields one night he blocked an elite Goblin before it would attack him and leaped into the sky to knock it away before infusing his Lance with his Mana to rip the goblins head
off as the sun was setting he realized that leveling up was getting harder but no matter how strong he got in this world he knew that tomorrow would be hell when school started all over again so after converting the Goblins drops into $5,000 he decided to buy a new school uniform and all the girls thought he was the hottest man alive even his sister wanted to taste his sword once he sat down in his seat his bullies approached him and thought he was a transfer student but he revealed that he was actually yuya as they
wondered how he was the same Pig they bullied he decided to run to the bathroom realizing that he now had the hottest face in this school once the day was over his siblings wondered how their worthless fat ass brother became so tall and skinny but a limousine appeared and a girl with red eyes came out glad that she's finally found him she revealed that she's been looking for him since the men bullet her because she wants to his de sorry I meant she wanted to thank him and has personally investigated him to track down his
location and the amount of SP sells inside of him at a given time what what the [ __ ] she goes on to ask him if he wants to join Al Academy and when yuya realized she's referring to the best Academy in Japan she introduces herself as Kori and reveals that her father is the chairman of the school but when yuya thought that he was too brained for that Academy his siblings went on to say that they're better than him in every way however Kori rejected the idea of ever inviting such disgusting beings to her
school after all she investigated the way they bullied their brother throughout the years hearing those words crushed them but Kori went on to grab him into her car while his siblings realized they needed to kill their brother inside of Al Academy everyone was considered to be a genius and when yuya went on to meet the principal sukasa thanked him for saving his daughter so because of his bravery the principal revealed that he would be paying his tuition but although yuya thought he was too dumb sucasa asked him to try attending for a single day first
and went on to bring out the really big guns the school's biggest milkers entered the room saying that she would be his Anatomy teacher and would give him a handson lesson yuya thinks this is the best day of his life he waits outside of her class and wonders how he's going to develop plot with his teacher in front of all of the students he worries that all the guys might get angry but if they all run a train on the teacher together then it should be fine the teacher tells yuya to come inside already yuya
climaxes inside his pants and while producing himself he does everything in his power to hide the stain he created all the students have noticed the stain however and uer realizes it's already over for him however all the girls think they want to taste his white cream and even the guy decides to swing the other way for a day what the [ __ ] is going on right now the teacher gets clapped sorry I meant the teacher claps her hands and tells yuya to sit already so they can begin class after sitting in the back the
girl next to him shared her book but when he heard her cold attitude he wondered if his stain was really this noticeable at the same time Kori wondered if yuya would fit in with everyone and as the lessons went on yuya realized that this was the first time students cared more about learning than bullying him when classes were over all the chicks wondered if he was an idol or if he had a girlfriend but a guy called Rio asked them to leave him alone and went on to take him to the cafeteria at this school
all the meals are made by worldclass chefs for free so of course the fat ass thought this was Paradise after getting their meals they went to sit with this worthless waste of space called shingo but when Rio started talking about the new anime he's watching youer realized they were just like him however shingo revealed that they're also part of the gaming Club shocking yuya as he's never been allowed to bring his phone to school but shingo revealed that teachers didn't care since no one used them in class just then Yer realized that all the other
students were staring at him and wondered it it was because of his uniform but Rio invited him to play video games with them once the day was over SU asked him if he would like to join their school so realizing that this was the first time his classmates didn't bully him but instead were kind while actually caring about learning yuya begged him to continue attending after leaving the room Kori was glad that he chose to stay by her side but asked him if he would like to go out with her so as they walked around
the school shops yuya wondered if she came to hang out with her friends here but she revealed that she never had any friends everyone would avoid her because her father was the principal so yuya was the first person she's ever went out with hearing those words made him nervous so he tried to ask her to eat some of the ice cream glad that he's been converting his drop so he could afford it as she began swallowing his cream she was happy that she got to spend her night with him but he realized that eating more
would cause him to go back to being an ugly Fatso just then he wondered how she knew it was him even though he was skinnier now but Kori said that she could never forget his kind honest eyes however she asked him to call her by her first name so after he said the word Kori she smiled at him and offered him a piece of her ice cream but after eating her strawberry cream pie she realized that they just indirectly kissed and got embarrassed but he offered to give her some of his cream and all the
girls thought they were the cutest couple alive after Kori swallowed all of his liquid yuya went to the other world to continue his leveling but even with his full set of armor he was still afraid of the monsters however he was able to defeat them with a single strike but realized that he hasn't been able to get past level 23 5 for the last few days the only way for him to get stronger was to venture outside of his fence so as he thought of his day at school he took his first step outside ready
to face his new challenge however he heard the sound of people screaming so he Unleashed his Spear and began running towards the sound seeing that tens of soldiers were killed with their bodies on the ground and in the distance a massive level 200 ogre General was about to kill a hot girl so he rushed forward and launched his spear but although the ogre parried it Yu leapt from the sky to crush his face down ending his life with a single strike as he tried approaching the girl she screamed at him to watch out from behind
as a massive Goblin struck down and launched him against a tree before he could notice as his Consciousness began fading he realized that it was faster and stronger than him but he knew that he was the only guy who could save this girl so he rushed forward and P vaed over the goblin before summoning his bow to unleash a barrage of arrows in that instant he summoned The omy Sword and began sprinting towards the goblin slashing it in half before it could react as he approached the girl to make sure she was all right she
passed out the next morning yuya wonders if that girl was all right after he left but knows that the rest of the soldiers came to save her while ironing his shirt he realizes that he's been wearing the same Peter Griffin shirt every single day so he decides to go shopping now that he's rich with all the drops at the mall yuya takes the escalator and all the girls stare at him he continues walking around and notices everyone eyeing him so he tries to run to quickly take care of things on the other side of the
mall a photo shoot manager was screaming because he's been waiting all morning for the boy model so he decided to look for a random hot boy to be mu's boyfriend instead at the store Yu has noticed he's never bought clothes in years and thinks it's a lost cause two girls approach him and ask him if he could develop plot with them at the same time yuya wondered what type of story they were talking about so they revealed that they wanted him to write a novel on their faces with the ink coming out of his pen
what the f but yuya apologizes because he's not interested in their religion and wants to remain an anime protagonist he leaves and wonders if he treated them right but both of them have already climaxed as he heads down the manager sees yuya and thinks he's found the man of his dreams he comes behind him and grabs him to start taking photos with the model yuya wonders how things ended up this way and remembers the manager explaining the whole situation to him he spends his entire afternoon doing the photo shoot with Mew but being so close
next to a girl gives him a hard time in more ways than one me realizes and tells him that she'll take care of him since it's his first time so she gets on her knees and sorry I meant she thanked him for saving her and yuya finally sees the giant cannons pushing up on him the manager tells them to change positions and yer realizes that Mew is amazing she's the same age as him but she's been working so hard so he knows that he can't be a burden on her me comes closer to him and
grabs him giving yuya a really hard time time she hugs onto yuya and engages her laser blasters at Full Throttle making yuya climax for the 40th time today this poor dude's going to have a heart attack meanwhile in the other world the girl wonders who the man who saved her was and becomes determined to uncover his identity she tells the guards that she's going into the forest to find the person who saved her back at the mall everyone is watching yuya as he does the modeling and as they keep talking the manager takes photos to
capture a realistic version of a couple however a man comes from the crowd and all the girls recognize him instantly his name is Shu and everyone thinks he's the hottest guy alive he's the guy who was supposed to do the photo shoot with Mew and he gets down and tells her to wrap up this silly photo shoot quickly so they could go on a date Mew tells him to wait but he bangs against the wall and asks her why she ignored him the other day in public yuya tries to step in and tells him to
get off mule shu is angered that U is interfering and steps on the plot armor that's what I'm talking about that's why he's the MVP that's why he's the goat the goat uia's inhuman speed allowed him to react just in time and throw him over but he's realized that everyone will likely start yelling at him for beating up the hot guy however the girls basically become Niagara Falls for yuya and think that shu is lame the manager comes up to Shu telling him that they caught the entire thing on tape and will release it to
everyone if he continues to bother mu he runs away and the manager is glad that he was able to get rid of him as he's been constantly causing me trouble since he's gone now the manager offers yuya to take his position since he's such a great model but yuya apologizes he's enjoyed every bit of today but has realized that he could never be a model with all of the dedication it takes the manager respects his honesty and responsibility so he hands him his payment for today since he's not their employee and they can't pay him
with cash the manager hand picked him clothes that would look amazing on him inside the manager's car Mew reminisces on her events today and all the photos she took with him and the manager makes fun of her for crushing over yuya back in the other world yuya is glad to have gotten all the clothes to dress like a real chat but decides it's time to train once more inside the forest the soldiers are once again battling for their lives and a giant or comes from behind ready to end the princess in the last moment yuya
destroys the monster and saves her and goes on to destroy every single enemy in his way in the most gigachad manner after he's defeated all the enemies yuya heals the Fallen Soldiers and the princess comes up to him she says that she's traveled all this way because she wants to say something to him her guards warn her to keep her position in mind since this guy could be a bandit for all they know but she yells at them and says it was love at first sake s yuya has no idea what any of these guys
are taking so he asks them to come over to his house while going inside the guard is surprised he can live inside the forest somehow and introduces himself as Owen the girl finally introduces herself she's the princess of the kingdom of arcelia and her name is Lexia yuya realizes that she's an actual princess and the guard wonders what country yuya might be from the guard thinks he might be a spy but Lexia thinks he's a royal so he's going to be royally clapping her Che clapping her hands I meant hands a guard is jealous that
he's been defeated but tells yuya that they've been looking for him this entire time since he rescued Lexia from nearly dying she hasn't left a single log and turn just to find him and has been doing everything in her power to feel his rough log she begs him to marry her but yuya wouldn't want to suddenly marry a girl he's just met Lexia understands that their love can't be so simple after all every romance novel has these challenges falling in love right away wouldn't be fun she determines so she asks him if he would like
to just be friends for now Yer remembers all the times he'd wished for a friend so he looks at her eyes and humbly accepts to be her friend Owen is glad they were able to convey their gratitude but there is one other matter while lexia's Carriage was being taken away by the horses she screamed that she will be waiting until the next time they meet before leaving Owen informed yuya that the King has invited him to his castle so they will gladly wait until the day he's ready back inside the kingdom a glass falls and
breaks and abandoned apologizes for not being able to assassinate the princess the Assassins he sent were all devoured by powerful monsters but his leader wonders how Lexi is still alive if that was the case the leader commands the Bandit to try once more without failure after he left the leader took off his mask swearing to take revenge for the damage Lexi has done to him inside of his home Yer writes down the day for meeting the king and realizes that today is the first day at his Academy he leaves the house and two girls think
he's hot on his way to school every everyone glares at his Beauty and makes it difficult for him to blend in the principal formally welcomes him to the school and tells him to enjoy his life here anatomy class is about to begin once again but yuya manages to keep it inside this time during soccer Rio outclasses all the players on the field as he scores an incredible goal yuya is Amazed by his pure skill and a girl from behind thinks that Rio's abilities are also amazing but she asks yuya if he's just watching alone she
introduces herself as K and yuya has no idea what harim he's been reincarnated into Rio dribbles the ball past the players and passes it to Akira who rushes forward to try and score the goal but as he takes a shot he completely misses and it heads towards kade's face in an instant yuya graduates from Blue lock and uses his Supreme agility to shoot the ball from a tight angle and score the goal all of the players are shocked and he gets up like Prince Charming and approaches Kay he asks her if she's okay and offers
his hand she holds it and Akira comes begging for an apology but haay tells him that she's fine because of yuya Rio introduces Akira to him and Akira thanks yuya for saving both of them Rio calls him a cringe for begging Cade to forgive him and as they continue making fun of each other yuya starts laughing along with Kade inside the plot Armory the girls think that yuya is some secretive Prince and Kori comes to ask what he did this time Kay comes to tell Kori that yuya jumped in midair and bent over to kick
his ball into her face while she's bent over Kori wonders what this girl is taking and yukin says that she can hook her up if she ever wants to take a trip all the girls geek out over how cool yuya is and wonder if he's got a girlfriend Kori and Kade both scream that he doesn't have one but after screaming that Kori is shocked because she's recognized her feelings for him during class yuya stares outside the window and sees Kori waving at him so he waves back but just then a group of bikers break through
the gate and begin scaring all of the girls among them are yuya's siblings and they brought all the bikers here so they could Kori up since she looked down on them the leader commands the guys to grab her and go away and yuya realizes how bad this situation is in tries to save her however his legs tremble in fear he may have fought stronger beasts in the other world but the idea of going against his brother and sister sends fear into every bone in his body the world begins twisting around him but instead of faltering
he slaps his face to regain his cool and tells everyone he's going he opens the window and jumps out as soon as he lands he rushes with blinding speed towards Iraqi the person who bullet him his entire life Iraqi commands the rest of his group to take care of him but with blinding speed yuya Dodges every single one of their attacks and knocks all their weapons away araqi tries to take matters into his own hand but just before the bat hits him he flashes away to save Kori before he could reach her a giant sumo
wrestler stands in his way and jumps towards yuya however yuya maintains his position and stops him from moving with just his bare hand casting him like like he's a mere toy the rest of the delinquents walk away from him in fear but before he could save Kori one of them readies up their bike and tries to run him over yuya evades the attacks and narrowly Dodges the wheels and his all hope seems to be lost he jumps 30 ft into the sky like Spider-Man leaving the biker to run into the building and explode his bicycle
the police finally arrive and arrest all of the delinquents yuya asks Kori if she's okay after all that happened she thanks him and says she's fine but begins fainting so he hugs herose to make sure she's okay yuya's brother wonders how the red ogres were so useless but their leader holds him by the neck and says he will end him for trapping them his sister tries to stop him but he kicks her off and she watches as her brother is begging for someone to help him yuya grabs onto the leader's arm and pushes him off
but the leader runs to beat up yuya with a single glance yuya sends the fear of God into every bone in his body and everyone wonders how he just collapsed while all the delinquents are being taken away his brother wonders why he saved them after they've tormented him so much yuya says he can't forgive them for all the things they've done to him but he will never abandon his family hearing those words crushes them and they begin crying as they apologize to him and Kori watches all of it a few days later yuya is ready
to go out exploring once more he remembers Owen warning him about the forest being the most dangerous place in all of the lands the monsters lurking here have the ability to level an entire city confusing yuya about why the sage chose to live here he spent his time hunting through the forest as always but as he was about to leave he heard a little puppy's bark a giant orc was beating it up with a stick and the puppy did everything it could to continue standing up it was a level 600 King orc with an attack
of 20,000 so yuya decided it was too dangerous for him to try saving the puppy the king orc continued stomping on the little puppy and uer realized that his Grandpa would have never left in this situation he took out his spear from the void box and launched it to distract the orc immediately rushing to attack it however the orc was already destroyed by his spear he's embarrassed for being such a was but remembers that he was able to defeat a level 300 ogre when he was just level one so he wonders who this Sage was
that created such powerful weapons the puppy growls at him in fear but yuya takes out a healing potion and gives it to the dog after it collapses all of the wounds are healed and yuya is glad to have saved it before it perished the little dog starts licking him and yuya asks him if he's lost the dog nods his head no so yuya asks him if his parents are gone and the dog sadly responds yuya goes on to ask if he would like to come to his place and the dog gets excited and Barks happily
a status window appears and yuya sees that the dog is level 500 with all stats at 10,000 even though he's shocked he decided to give a name to the little dog and because of its dark fur he names it night and the dog barks happily to hear its new name among all the rare equipment that were dropped Uya sees a hairbrush that is considered a daily necessity item and begins brushing night with it while brushing his new puppy he checks the status window and notices that his level hasn't went up still he leaves his puppy
the next day and tells his friends that he's going to a pet shop Cay bends over the table and engages her laser blasters in his face yuya climaxes and tells her that she's rubbing him the wrong way Kay backs off and says that she could go to the pet store with him since she's free after school this is the second time anyone's wanted to go out with him and Kay wonders if this would be considered a date after a long day yuya finally gets back home to a sad night but he shows him all the
gifts he brought him he spent all afternoon picking them out with a friend so Knight can have a nice leash when they take walks he wonders if it's uncomfortable but Knight nods his head no so they both go out in a walk the girls are still opening all their floodgates when they see him and as he walks he stumbles on Kori at the park she sees his dog and yya introduces Knight as a new part of his family Kori asks to pet him and thinks that he's the cutest dog she's ever scene she wonders what
breed he is but yuya panics since he just brought him home from the Wilderness even though he may be wild she realizes that Knight is an extremely smart dog but a girl comes from behind and calls out yuya's name a wild Mew has appeared Kori wonders if she's the famous model and Yu's Shadow introduces Mew to Kori n jumps up and Barks hello and all the people in the park are jealous of the attention he's getting M asks him if he's going to keep taking walks here because she wants to keep seeing him Kori hears
their conversation and the sadness inside of her continues growing mu eventually leaves and Kori tries to ask if him and mu are dating each other yuya tells her that they aren't because there's no way he's good enough for her but Kori yells at him saying he's wrong he realizes that something is weird about her reaction but just then an old man screams that a thief has stolen her purse UA releases Knight to take care of him which surprises Kori but he grabs her hand and drags her to the grandma to make sure she's okay Knight
comes back dragging the Bandit and yuya asks Kori to call the police the Bandit gets away from night when he hears their plans and begins running towards Kori with a knife but before he's about to end her yuya grabs his arm and uses his true martial arts skill to knock the Bandit down restraining him the entire park is shocked by his abilities and Kori thanks him for saving her once again at night yuya enters deeper into the forest to face stronger monsters in order to level up he runs forward and jumps off a hill to
destroy all the enemies standing in his way together with Knight they're able to destroy even a bear but a giant orc appears before them Knight runs forward and evades all of the attacks coming his way jumping to bite the orc's shoulder and knocking him down with a smack the monster's body evaporates and yuya is glad to see Knight getting stronger deeper inside the forest yuya stumbles Upon A Dangerous monster and uses his invisibility right away he assesses the deer and sees that it's a level 630 but the deer locates his position even with his invisibility
active it begins approaching him and starts running towards him Knight tries to jump onto its horns to destroy them but the deer activates his Horn's ultimate ability to release fire at the same time it activates the ice Horn's ultimate ability releasing a massive wave of energy towards yuya that he barely Dodges this is the strongest monster he's ever faced so he commands Knight to try to distract it in a flurry of speed Knight begins jumping across the entire field which forces the deer to activate all of its magical abilities at the same time while it's
on cool down Knight bites its neck and yuya sinks his spear deep into the deer the deeper they go into the forest the more they need to change their tactics but yuya thinks it's perfect for training yuya stares at the items the deer dropped and one of them catches him by surprise it is a portable bath so he decides to use the item a portable bath materializes before his eyes this is exactly the type of item U has been wanting so he decides to head home with Knight to try it out the next night yuya
battles against Sonic the Hedgehog and is nearly defeated it's over level 600 but he knows that it must have a weakness the Hedgehog readies another attack and yuya's reflexes allow him to dodge away quickly while it's stuck Knight kicks it in deeper and yuya Strikes towards the monster to finally end it it's been weeks of this training but he's only went up five levels and Knight has only went up 10 levels before they head home an entrance to the cave opens before their eyes as they walk deeper into the cave torches begin to light the
way Knight notices that a corpse is lying deep inside with a note book next to it titled the book of The Sage Uya wonders if it's the same person who created his house and begins reading the sentences that follow I was able to do everything whether it was magic or martial arts or even cooking I mastered everything as a result I entered the realm of gods while I was still alive and they invited me to join them but I declined the strength you possess now is more powerful than you can ever imagine but people will
come to one day hate you like they hated me yuya kept reading the sad story of the sage and wondered how he could avoid that loneliness so the Sage's voice responded in his head telling him to build deep relationships with people he can trust and the book said it will grant him knowledge of one thing he wished to know yuya said he would like to know magic and before his eyes the book began to flash a golden hue and the sage said it has become filled with everything he needed to know about magic the sage
went on to say that he can't use magic since he's from a different world for people in this world magic travels through the blood vessels and formulates their magical Pathways since youx these magical Pathways the sage will bestow his own magical Pathways upon him they are the most valuable Pathways in this world so he wishes for someone to carry them rather than having them just disappear the book's magical Aura begins to overflow the entire Cavern and swirls around until it strikes yuya's chest the Sage's Last Wish Is For yuya's Life to be filled with happiness
and Fortune yuya thanks the sage for his gift and wishes him a peaceful rest back at his home yuya spends the entire entire afternoon trying to learn the words written in the text months continue passing as yuya meditates envisioning the elements surrounding him until he's finally reached it at that moment he unlocked the magic manipulation skill and realizes he can finally access the Sage's pathway might has also unlocked the same ability and yuya goes on to read that casting magic is pretty simple he just needs to use his imagination inside his backyard he raises his
hand and tries to cast a water ball a small sphere appeared before him and Knight was able to successfully cast the spell as well he wanted to discover how powerful his magic truly was so they launched their water balls towards the trees before they knew it all the trees in the surrounding area collapsed inside the King's Castle the King asks the soldier if they were able to locate the boy who saved his daughter the soldier is glad that they were able to find him but wishes for the king to be lenient on his daughter who
proposed marrying the strange man the king wonders what he just said but the soldier tries to say that he didn't say anything the king gets his sword and destroys the entire Palace wondering how a person could try to steal his darling daughter away at school the next day yuya continues pondering about the words written inside the Sage's book telling him to be careful of using magic in the other world today the teacher informs everyone that they will be studying off campus next week and the teacher goes on to announce the teams Kay is glad that
she was able to join Yu's team and Akira comes up and bestows his Noble Elegance upon them however Haram member number number four enters the chat and introduces herself as Ren yya tries to nervously introduce himself but she thinks it's no wonder everyone's infatuated with him unlike the weirdo over there kay is excited for the time they're going to spend together but yuya doesn't have any of the necessary equipment to travel around Kade suggests that they all go shopping together they head to the mall and kiori thanks them for inviting her along shingo thinks today
will be a long day in more ways than one and Rio is shocked that yuya managed to become friends with Kor they head inside to the mall and Kori suggests a backpack for them to take out Rio and shingo wish they were that bag because no girls ever picked them before damn after a nice long day of shopping the guys want to go to an arcade and shingo is an idol s so yuya does his best to try and get his friend the prize he's never played one of these crane scams but his heightened perception
level from all his training allows him to spot the perfect angle and with a single try he is able to win the reward and impress all of his friends k drags him to get a cat for her so he spends the rest of the day getting all of his friends the gifts they've always wanted this is the first time he's ever done something that made others happy and Kori thanks him for being amazing like always a few hours later Rio suggests they go have some tea but the girls decide they will split up and go
to the 13th floor to shop for some girl clothes while they're shopping a wire that's been chewed begins to spark riy and the rest of the guys enjoy their drink shingo asks yuya if something is off but yuya says it's just so much fun spending his time with friends and laughing the entire time just as he let those words out the fire alarm went off and the announcer said that the upper floors were on fire uer runs to try and go upstairs but the management tells him that he should be just vacating instead Rio gets
a call from Cay and the others and her voice struggles to breathe as she apologizes for not being able to get out in time Rio tells him what he just said and yuya jumps over the security to run upstairs his friends are pushed downstairs by the security and yuya continues running to try and reach the girls he makes it to the 13th floor and sees that the sprinklers have no chance of keeping up with the fire so he activates his magical ability to try and save them he envisions Water and Air surrounding his body and
enveloping him he runs straight towards the fire and tries to find the past out girls inside the bathroom all three of them have went unconscious from all the Heat and uer runs fast F than he's ever ran to try and reach them he screams kori's name waking her up for a second as she sees him running towards her he manages to make it just in time and wonders if anybody else was trapped by this fire with his awareness ability he determines that everyone else has managed to evacuate already so he carries the three girls and
covers all of them with water he runs to the entrance he came from but finds that all the debris has blocked it off the charm he won for Kori Falls but he has no time to worry about that there's only one option left so yuya summons every ounce of strength in his body for his next move and destroys the floor like a falling meteor his friends see that he's managed to make it out and run to make sure he's okay even yuya himself was shocked that he managed to make it out alive his friends yell
at him for being so crazy to run into the fire and the firefighters lecture him for his actions kori's father came rushing in and thanked yuya for saving everyone but they found in a mystery how he was able to save all of them fuya handed Kori the charm he won for her and she began and crying while hugging her dad he walked home that day and the image of Kori hugging her dad couldn't leave his mind he wondered if this is how a family was supposed to act but when he came home Knight ran up
to him and hugged him tightly after learning that magic is just the materialization of one's thoughts yuya decides to focus really hard on where he wants to go before his eyes a light flashes that sends him deep inside the forest by imagining the place he's traveled to he is able to use magic to teleport which will allow him to feed night even while he's on the field trip together they head inside a cave and spot a couple of goblins immediately yuya un sheathed his sword and destroyed all of them with a single blow the drops
were filled with rare equipment and overpowered properties so yuya stored all of them and decided to begin heading home on their way back Knight began strangely running away as yuya chased him Knight barked at him and yuya understood that it meant he needed to hide he activated his invisibility and noticed a girl with a wounded shoulder surrounded by tens of goblins but as yuya began rushing in Knight restrained him yuya wondered why he's acting strange and a giant Beast struck towards the tree splicing it in half however the girl had disappeared and fell from above
slicing his arm off yuya wonders what he just witnessed and the three goblins jumped towards the girl but she managed to fend them off with her strings however her defense was compromised and a fourth Goblin rushed forward to kick her towards the tree while she was unconscious the Goblins were about to turn this show into Goblin Slayer but yuya jumped from above in the last moment and ended them the battle was not over and hundreds of goblins appeared from the Shadows there was only one option so yuya pulled out a secret weapon and used his
Divine whip with a single swing the Divine whip split off in tens of directions to annihilate all of the enemies the sun began setting so yuya carried the girl to his home before it was dark but night growled angrily the girl began waking up and tried kicking yuya off her but she ended up falling and smacking the back of her head seeing her pain yya tried handing her a cure all potion instantly all her wounds began healing but Knight continued growling Luna introduced herself and yuya asked her why she was in such a dangerous place
alone she came up with the excuse that she was just training but she messed up and got ambushed by the Goblins she thanks him for carrying her away when she was so filthy and wishes there was a place to clean before heading to town so yuya asks her if she would like to take a bath bath plot develops she wonders how yuya managed to get such a rare item so he reveals that he got it from a crystal deer she's never heard of a person strong enough to defeat one and now understands why he trains
in these areas Luna tries to reveal that she came here on a customer's request but yuya didn't hear anything so she pretends like she wasn't talking a thought enters her mind and she asks if yuya would be able to train with her since it would keep both of them safer realizing that she's going to just risk her life alone yuya decides to stick with her so he can protect her excited by hearing this she comes out of the curtains and tells him should start getting used to seeing her like this so he can penetrate her
defenses with his sword what do you mean by that the next morning yuya trains with Luna and night rushes from behind to support them their training goes on like this for a few more days and they share their experiences together growing stronger through each battle their coordination increases as he redirects a goblin towards Luna to chop his arm off leaving it for Knight to strike him down yuya is glad to have such a strong partner but she tries to humbly say that it was all thanks to his skill with Knight but UI has always thought
she was strong with her threads ever since they met still Luna says she needs to become stronger before completing her Mission thanking him for all the time he spent with her with the night approaching yuya thanks her as well and Luna promises to give it her all before their last bath at night yuya takes the bath at first and wonders why they change their usual order from behind him Luna comes to explain that they will be doing it together boy she climbs inside and hugs him thanking him for helping her when she was so selfish
because of him she was able to grow and he has saved her yuya wonders what she means by Saving her and she says that this is the first time in years that she's seen a brighter world and these moments are valuable treasure for her so she will wash his back for him she gets up and yuya climaxes telling her that the white stuff inside the bathtub is just the shampoo she looks at it and realizes what it actually is and night is glad he doesn't have to deal with any headaches on the bus to the
trip yuya plays cards with his friends and yawns after a long night of plot development he struggles to stay awake but manages to win every single card game after a while he tries to sleep on the bus wondering if his extremely high Luck stats are the reason for winning all of the games even though it's not on purpose he feels like it's cheating yuya wonders if this cheat skill is also the reason he was able to cop Luna but thinks that it's not possible after a long journey they finally arrive and the girls wake him
up the teacher immediately tells everyone to get ready and explains the situ ation they're going to be camping on their own for two nights and must gather food from the forest and Lake on their own Kay wonders if it's dangerous to judge wild food without any experience so the teacher says that they will let them know if things are safe and even if they get poisoned the nurse will cure them a suspicious woman comes and tells them not to worry because with her Miracle Elixir she will heal all of them Akira thinks that they might
as well just starve for a day but the teacher reveals that he would be losing the competition to top that all off they must sleep inside the forest because this hotel is just for the teachers deep in the forest yuya and his team try to figure out how to put up a tent Akira thinks that his elegant skills will allow him to fish as easy as pie you're a victim she tells yuya and Kay to go fishing and Akira is depressed that everyone treats him like trash but they've already left the side character behind at
the river all the students have gathered to fish Kade wonders what they could do with everyone taking all the fish but yuya thinks he has a better idea he heads to a desolate spot and Kade sees all the fish but wonders how they're going to be fishing in Shallow Waters Uya picks up his pants and looks at the fish remembering the things Luna taught him since monsters are living things they will be afraid of humans making their movements predictable U uses this to his Advantage reading the movements of the fish and striking towards the water
catching it with his bare hands after a while of fishing and showing off all of the guys wonder how many hours he spent playing valerent to get these reflexes before he knew it the entire bucket was filled with Fish And he wishes he could thank Luna for teaching him this back in the other world inside a shop filled with dolls Luna casts her string to rip all of their skulls off she wonders if the sharpness of her strings have increased because of training with him he was beautiful she thought but she's lived her entire life
as an assassin if only she'd met yuya sooner she wonders how everything could have changed but she's a professional assassin a member of the dark Guild and known as the Head Hunter after fishing for hours Ren sees the amount of fish yuya caught with his hand and she asks him what else those hands can do he tries to ignore what she just said but wonders why Akira is laying down like he's ready for plot development back at the tent yuya sees all the food they've managed to gather and scans all of it to remove the
dangerous items he wonders who's going to be cooking it but since none of them have made anything in their life he decides to bring the food back to the teachers for now inside the food and Inspection area he finds Kori for the first time on this trip and asks her how things are going she tells him it's been fun and opens her mouth while looking up at him and leaves after her group calls her over the teacher investigates their food and says they did a perfect job it's the first time any team's ever gathered this
much food and for all of it to be edible she thinks her bonus will definitely be increased however she tells them not to relax yet because one of them needs to cook the food so when she asks them who that person will be all of them point to yuya she begs him to do his best because everything's riding on him and if he manages to get her the bonus she'll be riding him to in the Camp's kitchen yuya gracefully Cuts all of the food up and Fries the fish creating a delicious dinner for all of
them but after they all ate his food none of them responded the teacher notices yuya's food after drinking PG grape juice and asks him for a taste she takes a bite but freezes in time and yuya wonders if his food paralyzed all of them however they scream that his food is incredible it's the best food they've ever eaten in their life and the teacher thinks that he's managed to cook foods better than the five-star chefs at the hotel hearing all those kind words makes yuya happy throughout all this time he'd been eating all of his
meals alone but seeing that his food brings joy to people makes him happy after eating all the food the teacher asks him if he would like to marry her everyone wonders what the she just said but she goes on to say that she's a slob who can't even cook or do laundry and because of her work she hasn't had a single relationship her entire life so even though her bonus and job is on the line she's willing to give up everything so she can marry him all the students think the grape juice is destroying her
mind but she clings on to him and the girls tell saada that she's too ugly for him haay tries to tell her that yuya is the most useless ugly fat disgusting Loser on the planet emotional damage still miss saada doesn't care saying she'll wait however long it takes but everyone tells her that a useless person like her shouldn't be ruining you 's future their words start making her tear up and yuya tries to talk her out of it but she jumps up and hugs him to her plot Cay tries using her plot to drag him
away and all the guys wish they were the ones experiencing this intense plot battle even Akira wishes he could have some teacher plot but poor yuya passes out from suffocating in the Heavenly pillows they pull him out and ren asks him if he saw Paradise but yuya saw and felt more than that he felt the szu river gushing underneath back at home Knight stares at the sky when yuya's teleportation Circle appears he jumps to hug yuya and is excited to be reunited with him yuya gives him some of the food he's been storing away and
is glad to see Knight eating it seeing people enjoy his cooking has made him realize how happy it makes him and tells Knight goodbye since their bath time is about to start in the changing room every single guy realizes they're growing and yuya wonders why they're all staring at him struggling to breathe Akira says that his body is outrageous and is giving him all kinds of mixed emotions not only does he have a hot face but he's more ripped than gigachad so he wonders how he's ever supposed to compete meanwhile in the girl's changing room
Kay's plot has taken 75% of the show's budget and ren starts playing with them to spend the other 25% she tries screaming for the other girls to save her but Kori thinks it's unfair how her plot is taking the entire Show's budget even then Kade thinks she's not the worst because M saada has the biggest plot and is trying to marry yuya Kori wonders if her plot will ever be able to satisfy yuya the next morning Akira is crushed after seeing all of his vegetables and hard work destroyed the girls's head off to gather food
before starving But realize that Akira is sweating he tries to play it off cool and runs towards them hiding the fact that he saw a bear's foot they begin looking for plants to make into breakfast but yuya notices Akira Frozen in shock the tree before him is filled with bare Claws and all of the other trees seem to have been mauled down as soon as he's realized what it could be a giant figure appears before the girls and begins chasing them all away the giant bear enters the camp and destroys every single one of the
tents Miss Sada tries to help them take cover behind one of the lunch tables which stops the bear temporarily they begin running towards the shelter but as they ran Miss Sada tripped and fell the bear approached her and was ready to strike her down but before it could reach her face yuya held off the Bear's arm using his professional UFC moves to wrestle the bear like a Russian he picked the bear up and suplexed it to the ground shocking every one of the students yuya asked her if she's all right and she tells him that
she's okay normally she'd be lecturing him about fighting a bear but since he protected her she won't punish him and instead offers her body as a reward looks like I'm going to need some backup FBI him come on there while they waited for the FBI to arrive they wondered what to do about restraining the bear but the creepy nurse suggested using her medicine and Kori came running in her idea was to tie up the bear and have him act as a guard dog and if he was to ever attack again they can enjoy him as
a tasty lunch this was the way they dealt with the bear and so their off-campus trip came to an end back at his house it was finally the day to meet the king so yuya tried to clear out the prince princess's path before the monsters approached her using his Lance yuya ambushed the ogres with Knight and threw his spear towards their leader but he managed to cast it away yuya evaded the attack and summoned a giant hammer crushing the ogre standing in his way one of the items dropped was a rare helmet and a rabbit
spied on yuya while he tried it on the princess's Carriage was approaching but Knight was apprehensive once again as they got closer yuya took off his helmet to reveal that it was him the guards were about to escort him back to the king and saluted him along with the princess for coming along with them Knight still felt like something was off and jumped towards Lexia to push her out of the way the tree above yuya begins collapsing and in an instant yuya chopped it down he noticed the strings were the ones that Luna used yuya
asked night if he knows the Assassin's location and Luna is angry that her attack managed to miss however yuya knocked her out while he's invisible and saw her mask falling off realizing it was actually Luna all this time Lexia came running and asked him if he knows this girl and yuya tells her that he did know her he thanks Knight for trying to protect his feelings by hiding her identity and apologizes to Lexia because he wants to treat her injuries back at his home he can't imagine her being a bad person and wants to talk
to her one last time Lexia says it's fine and the guards come running towards her she tells them that she's going to be home alone with yuya and teleports away with her to his home poor guards can't get a break back at his home yuya wonders what could have caused Luna to act this this way after explaining his relationship with Luna Lexia wonders what magic he used to move them from the mountains to his home in an instant UIA tells her that he created his own type of magic called teleportation and she gets angry with
him in this world teleportation magic exists only in fairy tales so if anyone discovers that he can use it it will destroy all of society and lead to war so to make sure their society doesn't collapse Lexia makes him swear that he won't use it in front of anyone yuya agrees and she thinks that she should expect these things from him but wonders how much longer Luna's going to pretend to be asleep Luna gets up and Lexia tells her she's notied since the start and is sure yuya also pretended not to notice out of kindness
Lexia tries asking her about her background and yuya tells her that he also wants to know why she tried to do this she tells them it's not a very interesting tale as a child she was a homeless orphan who scavage through garbage and stole from others to survive it was all she could do to keep living but one day a mysterious this man came up to her and decided to take her in not only did he teach her how to read but he also taught her the means of survival most of those techniques were training
her to become an assassin like him Lexia wonders if he was someone from the dark Guild the infamous Guild that specializes in thievery and assassination Luna says she eventually joined the guild and completed countless assassinations until she was given the title Head Hunter after all this time yuya finally realizes why Knight has been apprehensive Luna goes on to reveal that she received a certain an assignment the other day the elimination of the first princess this is how they ended up here and she tells Lexia to do whatever she wants the moment she attacked the princess
her execution was assured because even if she failed the dark Guild will dispatch assassins to end her so she's going to die no matter what she wonders why yuya would care they only spent a few days training together anyway but yuya tells her to shut up he says that it's true that they barely spent any time together but he enjoyed all of it and still thinks of her as a friend so he wants wants her to stop saying such sad things Lexia interrupts and tells her to stop assuming that she's going to die Luna asks
if she's planning on letting her get away but Lexia says that she's going to become her servant from now on Luna will become lexia's personal guard and they will keep her assassination a secret and as a princess's guard even the dark Guild won't be able to reach her Luna thinks that a person who's ended countless people's lives with her disgusting hands doesn't deserve to be next to a Shining Light like Lexia as she gets on her knees IA grabs Luna's hands and tells her they are beautiful wondering how she gets them to be so soft
Luna tells her that it's not because she was constantly bathing with yuya or anything meanwhile the poor guards are running for their lives Luna thinks that Lexia is a tyrannical princess but she pledges that she will obey her after obeying Her First Command Lexia tells her to explain what she was saying about yuya's bath Luna tells her to listen and be amazed because yuya has a bath drop item that not only recovers fatigue but also recovers magic and restores youth Lexia thinks it's not fair that she's been getting to experience this and begs yuya to
use it as well she tells Luna that they're going to be doing it together and ask yuya if he wants to join but yuya remains a typical anime virgin and rejects it should have been me not him it's not fair while bathing together Lexia asks if Luna has feelings for yuya but she falls in the water and says that they are just friends she doesn't buy her life is because she's noticed her affectionate stares toward yuya but Luna tells her that she's just imagining things Lexia thinks it wouldn't be a problem if she married yuya
in that case but Luna tells her that she can't be doing that and realizes that she just sold herself out she says that if they were just friends it wouldn't be a problem and Luna realizes her true emotions have been uncovered while she thinks he may be desirable as a training partner she doesn't know how she feels about him beyond that hearing her confession Lexia decides to declare war even if Luna doesn't realize it those feelings are definitely love and since Lexi is also in love with him this will now be a battle she asks
her if she will just admit defeat and give up but Luna strengthens her resolve and screams that yuya will be hers she accepts her declaration of war and is prepared to win this battle after the bath yuya prepares to get dinner ready but Lexia tells him that she will be the one preparing dinner at the kitchen table Lexia tried cutting the potato and realized how difficult it is to cut it up yuya wonders what nutcase slashes a knife like they're trying to fight a goblin but Lexia puts all of her power into a slash and
nearly ends yuya and Luna knowing she'd be useless yuya prepared dinner for both of them and they both ate his meat [ __ ] how Lexia ran to hug yuya's arm but Luna wasn't going to allow her to win so she asked him to feed her his meat after getting injured she's no longer able to feed herself so she opened her mouth and was prepared for his long meaty stick to enter yuya fed her his meat and Luna smirked at Lexia because her head game was better Lexia begs yuya to feed her as well so
she opens her mouth wide for his meat and tastes the white sticky sour cream he thinks he's had enough but the girls tell him that he's going to be tasting his own meat now hey yo what the [ __ ] at night they sleep together and yuya stays up thinking that today was very exhausting in the morning yuya brings the girls to the guards and apologizes that they were seated Owen wonders who the girl behind him is and Lexia reveals that she's Luna the girl who tried assassinating her Luna realizes this [ __ ] only
thinks about yuya's meat and all the guards Point their swords at her Lexia commands them to stop saying that if she really wanted to assassinate her she would be able to take all of them down Luna thinks this [ __ ] really only does think of Yu's meat Owen is still suspicious of her thinking that she's doing all of this to assassinate Lexia but Lexia says that Luna could have just assassinated her last night while they slept together Owen wonders if his ears heard that right and Lexia goes on to tell him that they slept
together with huya after hearing that Owen's given up with this [ __ ] job at this point and decides that they'll just be careful around Luna but yuya has another thing he wants to add with his school starting again tomorrow he tells Owen that he won't be able to make it to the palace and Owen starts hysterically laughing because he's about to have a heart attack the guard tells him that he can make it to the capital whenever is convenient for him on this path Luna bids him goodbye and Lexia tells him that she's going
to see him in her bedroom next time but upon hearing that Luna got off the horse and ran towards yuya kissing him on the cheek this is her way of thanking him and tells him that this is her declaration of war Lexia begs Owen to stop the carriage but the poor man's gone hysterical after dealing with all her [ __ ] the following morning yuya discovers a peaceful Pond next to his house and wonders why Luna kissed him however he decides to ignore it because he wants to have some bath plot development with Knight as
as they bathed together inosuke's cousin decided to join them and the system tamed him right away he appraises the stats of the little boar and notices that it's level 490 and possesses the Holy Ground special skill wondering what it does he asks the animal to activate it and a magical Dome begins appearing around them yuya's whole body feels lighter and he thinks that he's pretty amazing he picks him up and decides to give him a name since his skin looks like the color of a sunrise he decides to name him Akatsuki or Japanese for Dawn
he notices that Knight's disappeared and Knight comes back with a watch letting him know that he's about to be late for school when the bells W yuya had barely managed to make it to class and the teacher introduces today's new competition they will be competing with balls and the results will affect her bonus so she begs them to fight like their life depended on it the first game they will be playing is soccer and yua takes his position as keeper the teacher Begins the match and Rio manages to get past the opponents with ease and
score a goal right off the bat Ren wonders how she could help them Advance their lead so she asks Kay to start jumping a little with a few hops all the men have been distracted and ren decides to come in for round two of plot development in what school does this type of [ __ ] happen just asking for a friend why the you lying why you always lying oh my God everyone's been distracted but Akira only cares about yuya's plot so he runs off with the ball and ren realizes her plans backfired he rushes
forward and shoots a curveball but uas graduated from offbrand Blue lock so he saves the shot at such speed that everyone thinks he teleported Rio tells him to throw the ball as far and as hard as he can so yuya prepares all of his power and sends a strike straight into the enemy's net he wonders if that counts as a point but all the people are shocked that this is what he's really worried about with the ball tournament approaching a limousine was waiting for yuya after school and a man handed him an invitation to join
the ENT entertainment industry the Chad Rejects and the woman is shocked that a teenager would really reject the offer to join the entertainment industry but yuya humbly says that he's enjoying his high school life more than anything right now and thanks them for the offer he walks out of the car and his friends are shocked he knows the hottest model the assistant shows them this month's magazine and they see yuya sitting next to Mew wondering when he ever did this the manager tells her to hurry up and suck him off a flyer comes flying by
I guess that's why they're called Flyers and the manager lays her eyes on it she grabs one and sees the ball Sports competition thinking she has a great idea if she could infiltrate the super prestigious Academy and catch yuya playing with balls oh balls she will create the next best seller and with this they will be able to take all the photos of him without his consent before leaving me flashes her TI her glasses I meant her glasses deep inside the forest Knight casts his waterfall spell and yuya launches to slash down at the skeleton
the skull prepares one final attack but yuya ends the battle with his sword even with all this training he still feels like his fluidity in switching between physical and magical attacks his lackluster he wonders if he'll ever be able to get stronger and thinks he'll try heading deeper into the forest for tonight as they walk together Yuan noticed the hard black logs or as we call them BBC's he tells his companions to be careful but wonders when Akatsuki ever got so big after seeing the real Akatsuki the giant boore crushes yuya's core and sends him
launching towards the tree he yells at his companions to stay back and sees that it's a level 10 mithal boar he tries reaching for a healing potion but the boar continues assaulting him without a chance for him to heal his wounds it charges one final time but a voice from the dark says that it will help yuya and a flash of light kicks the boar away the source of that strength was a white rabbit and it tells the boar to disappear before unleashing a magical wave that disperses throughout the entire Forest yuya notices how all
the hard black trees were destroyed and sees that the rabbit is a level four kick rabbit it tells them to hurry up and show them their kicks and Akatsuki wants to go first with all the confidence in the world it tries to show off its kick but the rabbit says there's less hope there than you ever finding a girlfriend that one there was a violation personally I wouldn't th thinks he can do better and after showing off his kicks the rabbit thinks there might be some potential there finally yuya goes on to demonstrate his kick
and the rabbit smiles thinking there's some Talent there however it goes on to show him what a proper kick looks like and sends a ripple of wind that penetrates four hard black trees he tells yuya to start practicing this new move all night and after hours of training he finally takes down a tree with just the wind of his kick now that he's finally made some progress the bunny jumps towards him and begins sparring as days passed they continued sparring but Uya wondered why they're doing all this training the bunny reveals that he's chosen yuya
to be his successor in this world it's the divine's duty to train the apprentices and pass on their techniques they are the beings who have mastered their fields and must protect the world from the vile the negative aspects of this world those vials are the physical incarnates of malice that crystallizes and will do anything to harm innocent lives the bunny tells him that he could reject the title but when the equilibrium shifts in battling the vial becomes inevitable the only way to protect more lives would be by having more allies and since the bu can't
see the limits of yuya's talents he has chosen him to become the next Divine successor even after hearing that yuya says that he would rather not but wants to protect all the people he's met in this world so he wishes to continue training the rabbit was impressed with his determination and agreed to continue training him but on the condition that he teaches him magic along the way the barrier that manages to block the strongest creatures of this world from entering is a miracle of magic so the bunny begs yuya to train Underneath Him yuya tells
him not to Bow and looks forward for them teaching each other everything they know deep in the forest yuya runs for his life from a level three King mithal boore this is his chance for revenge and he tells yuya that the vial they're going to be fighting are much stronger than this creature but even though it was much more powerful Uya cast his whip in succession with his spear to crush the boar down after finally defeating the enemy Knight and Akatsuki run to congratulate him and yuya sees all the SS Rank items that were just
dropped but they're not the highest ranked items and the rabbit says there are still Triple S rank and X rank items and Beyond those the vile items are all Legend rank so it isn't possible for him to defeat them alone the system status appears telling yuya that he has reached a critical level where his species can now evolve this is one of the rarest things for a human the rabbit explains but at least there's no change to his appearance at school the ball competition is about to begin and the manager tells yuya that she's prepared
him a very special challenge a giant man appears and yuya thinks that this dude doesn't look like a typical high school student the assistant recruited this guy after he became the national tournaments champion and people call him the sniper after a single serve he sends the ball flying past yuya and yuya remembers feeling this energy before but compared to the monsters from the other world he thinks this guy is nothing he swings at the ball hard enough to create a hole in the table and asks to withdraw from the match yuya wonders when this show
is going to get any budget so Kay runs into to finally spend this episode's budg she begs him to play with her volleyballs sorry I meant play volleyball and the manager drags the cameraman to the volleyball Arena all the guys think it'll be an easy game now that he's on their team but once the game began the show Lost 20% more budget and they also lost an entire gymnasium the enemy withdraws and the matches continue being dominated by uia's teams the manager gets angrier because not only is the show's budget being spent by Cay but
also their entire camera company's net worth yuya sulks in depression but they hear a man screaming and see Kori leaving the match she runs towards yuya and begs him to take her teammate spot in the match the First Responders take his body away and he tells yuya to watch out for the serf the opponents think this is a sad outome and tell yuya that he's going to be in that position soon Kori serves the ball but completely [ __ ] misses yuya tells her that it'll be fine with her second serve but the bit is
out to fuing kill someone yuya finally realizes which server actually has to be careful of the enemy team gets the chance to serve and the ball nearly flies out of bound but yuya sends it back to the enemy court and continues countering all of their attacks he jumps high in the sky to keep the ball in the play and Kori thinks that she will finally be useful how the [ __ ] does it fly behind her yuya manages to secure their Victory and he stops Kori from falling down the manager secures all the photos she's
needed after the match yuya finds Kori standing next to a pole and she asks him if she could ride his pole sorry I meant she asks him to come over because he saved her once again so she wants to do something to thank him yuya tells her that she doesn't need to do anything because just being with her makes him happy she wonders what he just said and asks him to close his eyes as she ran up to him she got closer and yuya thought this was the nicest smell he ever felt he asks her
what she just did but she tells him that it's a secret inside the forest at night the rabbit narrowly holds off and casts magic to attack the vial in front of him she wonders how a yagi is able to use magic but he reveals that he's still just learning under yuya after acquiring the new information the vial revises the target for elimination giving yuya the threat level of great for being the master of a Divine the energy disperses from the vile's body and tells him that she will kill yuya first the bunny realizes her powers
out classes in every single way so he needs to teach yuya everything before his life is put in danger Kori was home alone with yuya and the poor man struggled to write because the only ink he wanted to release was the one from his pen onto her face a few days ago their final exams were coming up but yuya was feeling overwhelmed because he had always struggled with math Kori realized she had a genius idea so she asked him if she would be able to come over and study at his house that's how she ended
up here but after studying for a while she got up and asked yuya to use the bathroom as she walked into the other room yuya felt nervous because it was his first time time ever having a girl over but realized that she didn't know where the bathroom was on the other side of the door she had discovered the entrance to the other world and yuya ran to call out for her she apologized for not knowing where the bathroom was but felt like something was calling her to this room after he heard those words yuya decided
to reveal the truth about his door saying it was connected to another world he tried asking her to put her hand up to the door but she was unable to cross through after he saw the barrier's reaction he'd finally clogged the plot Hool of other strangers entering the world but he still needed to clog kori's plot hole she wondered what he meant by another world so yuya explained that it's a world where magic and super abilities exist and went on to show her the water magic he'd learned with these Powers he was able to save
her all those times when he defeated the delinquents and rescued her from the burning building Kori finally realizes that it was strange how he could do all that so yuya extended his arm and asked her if she would like to see the other world on the other side Kori saw the flying birds and all the unique plants that never grew on Earth he went on to explain that Knight is a black fener and Akatsuki is from the majo species something similar to the pig family as she got up kori's status system appeared and yuya explained
that it measured her various abilities he noticed that all of her stats were 10 times higher than when he first started out during his first day here he was at the very bottom of the barrel but after he leveled himself up he lost weight gained muscle and transformed his entire appearance it was as if he'd unlocked a cheat skill because his past self was a person most people wouldn't accept Kori doesn't want to be reminded of him being an ugly fat disgusting a [ __ ] here we go again Kori only wants to see more
of this world but yuya says it would be too dangerous for them to explore today with all the monsters surrounding them in the forest she begs him to promise that he will adventure with her some other time so yuya promised her that he would he asked her if they could keep this a secret between them two and K promised that she would never let anyone else know after all this special secret between them would make it as if they had a special relationship while he walked away Kori was glad that she was getting closer to
yuya Meanwhile the manager looks at the photos they took of yuya from the other day and she thinks he'll become a valuable individual that all the agencies seek but once they remove all the obstacles from his way she'll make sure that he's exclusively theirs at the Royal Castle the king is glad to see his daughter but wants to know why the man in the forest didn't appear to day Owen apologizes because a lot came up and the King wonders if this new girl had anything to do with the situation Luna reveals that she was about
to assassinate Lexia which interrupted yuya's schedule the king heard those words and wondered how she's alive after failing her Mission so on behalf of her client the king grabbed his sword and promised to bring her death he leaped towards her in an instant but the King was unable to get any closer he was shocked that she managed to stop his attack in an instant and Luna reveals that she knew his legendary sword would cut through her regardless of her defenses so she restrained his arms from moving Luna screams at her father and says that she
hates him when he acts this way it was her decision to make Luna her bodyguard so she tells him to respect her decision but the King has been sent to a different realm after hearing the words she hates him he tells his daughter that he understands and commands Luna to become his daughter's bodyguard after she released him the king realized he really couldn't stand his own daughter hating him so he asked Owen to learn more about Luna's back background Owen revealed that she was from the dark guil the infamous Head Hunter after yuya managed to
catch her he made Luna and Lexia spend the night at his house the king wonders if his ears heard those words right and didn't expect that his daughter would stay at another man's house so he slashes his chair while he might have saved Lexia he will become his sword's next victim and screams in agony when he wonders what they could have done that night inside the dark Guild's Tavern their leader learns of Luna's failure to assassinate Lexia and hears about the new of the Head Hunter being taken hostage into the castle when he heard those
words the man thought it was time for Lexia and the King to disappear it's only a matter of time before he's King the man explains so he's going to reveal his trump card a magic cealing barrier with this item they will infiltrate the castle and it will prevent any magicians from defending the king and if things took a turn for the worst they'll just blame it all on yuya a week later ALS Academy went on a 3-day break so yuya was planning on using this break to meet with the King with his void bow he
eliminated a rare sheep and among the rare drops he saw the paradise bed after traveling for hours yuya finally reached his first city in this world and saw all the Beast women with tals it finally felt real to him that he was in another world but he needed to make some money first inside the pawn star's shop the merchant saw his appearance and thought he was an upper class Noble but yuya tried to say he's just a regular person the man asked him what he was trying to trade and was shocked when he saw yuya's
item box from inside of it yuya took out a bunch of spices but the man was surprised to see such Exquisite glasses on the table the trader has dealt with a lot of different products over the years but this is the first time he's seen such highquality products so he offers to buy it for 100 gold coins Uya wonders how much the coins are worth and the merchant realizes he just missed out on the greatest crypto scam opportunity of his life he reveals that in this country five of these coins would allow a family of
four to live a wealthy life for a year after leaving he gives him a guild card so he can be identified in this country and looks forward to doing business with him again in the future at night yuya continued traveling towards the Royal capital and by the morning he had finally made it there Akatsuki tried pointing him towards the castle and when he made it there Owen walked him around saying they will be entering the audience room hearing those words yuya was shocked that he will be meeting the king because he hadn't prepared any clothes
but Owen Comforts him by saying it's just an unofficial audience they enter the room together and yuya sees Lexia and Luna standing next to each other he bows to the king but the king tells him to raise his head and asks him if he was the man who saved Lexia but he doesn't care if he actually saved her and screams that he will eliminate the bastard who seduced his daughter Owen tries calming him down but the king promises to also execute Owen for his insubordination after they continue screaming at each other the king introduces himself
as Arnold so yuya tries introducing himself back but the king is displeased with how he didn't bring a present for Lexia yuya apologizes because it didn't cross his mind but thinks he has the perfect gift for Lexia and takes out the paradise bed from the void box Lexia loves how bold he is and the King approaches him he asks if he's going to bring his daughter to a world of Paradise in plot development for his insolence of trying to seduce his daughter in front of him the King was ready to execute him but Owen tried
stopping him saying yuya probably didn't know the customs of their country in this nation giving a bed to a woman is the equivalent of a marriage proposal and Lexia is excited to feel yuya's Excalibur penetrating her defenses the king promises that yuya will become this sword's rust and as he rushes to slash towards him a group of Assassins circulate around them the king commands the guards to fire but the Assassin activates the magic cealing barrier to nullify their attacks they begin trying to attack the royal family but Owen and Lexia hold a few of them
off uer rushes with Akatsuki and Knight to fight off the enemy neutralizing all of them with a few kicks the Assassin leader tries slashing towards yuya but he delivers a gut punch to knock him down lexier runs to hug him and wants to know what else those hands can do Luna reminds him that he's getting awfully bold and sees the king pointing his sword towards him after they'd restrained all the assassins Owen discovers a Crest among them it was the ryer crest the one lexia's brother carries because of the circumstance Owen begs yuya to lend
them his support because their entire country is in danger while the King was sitting in inside his room yuya wondered what he should do about Owen's request of helping their Kingdom he decided to walk up to the door but before he could open it Lexia came out in front of him and asked him if she could show him around the capital the budget for this show has probably already ran out after Kay's scenes so Luna talks to them without a single animation happening my man's arm and mouth were literally Frozen in time and space and
Luna went on to say that she'll be accompanying them because Lexia is planning on making moves onto yuya however Lexia says that she just wants to show yuya around town so Luna says that she can be the one showing him around instead their argument escalates to who's going to show yuya their plot first but Owen comes up with a genius idea saying he'll show him his Excalibur because it's more interesting than their flat surfboard bodies what did he say both of them reject his plan inside the town Owen watches over them from a distance Lexia
begs yuya to take her to the mall but Luna cares more about seeing the black Smith's long swords Uya wonders what he should do so they begin having a plot contest with his arms all the men in town get jealous of him but yuya doesn't feel any of their gazes contain blood lust because the only blood he senses is the one going to his as they walked around town yuya saw the adventurer's guild emblem and Luna asked him if he would be interested in joining one he revealed that on his way here he managed to
register with a Merchant's Guild so he might as well register with an adventurous Guild since he's been hunting so many monsters Luna decided to make registering him their priority because with his license he will be able to make way more money from Trading monster materials Luna walks away to register with yuya and Lexia asks her why she's going to register when she's her bodyguard however Luna reveals that in her free time she wants to be making extra money so Lexia should just register with them if she's so intent on being alone with yuya she runs
after them and poor Owen wishes he didn't have to rely on blue pills to get up inside the guild sexia draws everyone's attention by screaming that she won't let them be alone together but Luna says she's just trying to protect yuya the receptionist hands them the guild registration papers and yuya wonders if he's going to have to register both of his pets but the receptionist says that he doesn't need to as he filled out the paper he saw the question asking about his magic types and yuya thought that saying he's mastered all categories would be
conflicting with their common knowledge so he decided to list Wind Fire and Water as the only magic type he's mastered one of the questions asked about his magic energy capacity and the receptionist explained that they will be using the magic ball to measure it yuya wonders if he could just write down the number from his status window but the receptionist revealed that most adventurers hide their true Powers so they must use the crystal Luna measures her capacity and the crystal ball glows yellow but she thinks that she's never been skilled in Magic anyway yuya wonders
what level yellow indicates and puts his hand on the sphere in an instant the sphere lights up and breaks in front of everyone the receptionist thinks it's amazing how much magical powers he has and Luna wonders if his seed is as potent as his magic the receptionist asks Luna if she uses any other types of weapons but Luna says that threads are the only weapons she's managed to control when the receptionist takes a look at yuya's report she notices that he can use three different types of magic and he wonders if it's strange so she
reveals that using three types of magic would put him in the realm of Legendary Heroes the receptionist asks if he only uses Spears and swords so uer reveals that he does and she goes on to process their papers from the magical device their two black Guild cards appear and the receptionist tells them that they will be starting all the way at F rank there will be no minimum quota regarding their leveling but she asks them not to over collect herbs when on Gathering quests because the plants would stop growing in the area as they considered
their first Quest Knight was building up some courage to pick a chick up at the bar even though he's a dog he's always wanted some large chicken breasts the receptionist introduces herself as roxin [ __ ] she doesn't even look like her I wonder why she's always coming up on my mind I guess it's because she always makes something else come up Lexia wonders if there were any quests that she could take on her first Adventure but Luna tells her to shut the [ __ ] up and quit being a Pik me that's not ridiculous
that's not ridiculous to say that yya laughed like an awkward beta and from behind isaky Miss swada appeared and called called him a handsome man she asked him if he would like to come and do something with her since she's also an adventurer and wishes she could go on a horse ride with his long hard sword the girls struggle to compete with her plot and she introduces herself as glena and walks off Luna and Lexia get angry that their cutting boards couldn't distract yuya as much as glena did and Owen thinks that if glena rubbed
up on him like that she would have fixed the sword he hasn't been able to un sheath after turning 40 in the middle of the field yuya began collecting healing herbs to complete complete their Quest and used his overpowered skills to harvest it right Lexia was enjoying Gathering all her herbs so she challenged Luna to a competition whoever gathered the most herbs would develop plot with yuya so they ran off the scene because the show ran out of budget after spending all of it on glena's plot as the girls gathered herbs yuya wondered where Owen
disappeared off to and saw that he had dropped all of his herbs he came running back saying that they have found the prince's location while the show kept just zooming in on grass I guess the artists really spent too much time investing in glena's assets they began riding the horses away and uer remembered how Owen warned him about the prince deep in the woods they arrived at an isolated cabin and as soon as they tried entering the door a knife was thrown directly at one of the guards as soon as he saw that yuya ran
in seeing the prince was holding a knife up to one of the soldiers immediately yuya called Knight to bite his arm off freeing the soldier from his grasp he saw the mask the man was wearing and tried letting the rest of the the soldiers run the reinforcements cornered him but he began crazily running around and destroying all the furniture in his house swearing that he would become the second person in all of anime to get HEI by a knife this was his master plan because truck [ __ ] would finally have a contender and that
it would start a whole new trend of eai victims however yuya teleported and destroyed all of his dreams the man began trying to slash towards him but yuya dodged every single one of his strikes and as Knight distracted him yuya flanked him from behind knocking the prince down with akatsuki's help the guards finally surrounded him and Owen congratulated Akatsuki for tripping him up earlier as they were ready to take the prince away a whirlwind exploded the wall and a girl appeared inside after analyzing the situation she said that the prince had failed and that he
was no longer needed his plan was insufficient and she went on to say that he was unlucky the prince wondered why she had given up on her plan of putting him in the throne so she could attain a high position but she revealed that her real plan was starting in as many wars as possible this entire time she'd been tricking him and will now dispose of him as she swung down Owen tried stabbing her but an arrow parried her attack Uya noticed that the trajectory of the arrow must have come from the outside but the
girl turned and began casting a rain of arrows down onto them she claimed that she was alone because this attack was all her as Owen rushed forward she knew all of his moves saying she has the ability to predict all of their attacks yuya wondered why she's doing this so the girl revealed that she wants wants to annihilate all of humanity and launched all her arrows towards yuya in the last moment yuya summoned an energy barrier that rendered the arrows useless Owen said Thank you to yuya but after hearing yuya's name she asked him if
he was yuya yuya told her that he was yuya and the girl thought she was extremely lucky but unfortunately she will have to use the power of vile against him but because she'd burnt most of her stamina there was no other choice so she decided to retreat for now Owen wouldn't let her go but she shot an arrow towards his foot and disappeared as all the soldiers treated one another yuya wondered who this girl was because he needs her in his herum at Sunset Kori ringed yuya's doorbell but no one was home so she walked
off while they were waiting inside the castle yuya wondered who that vile could have been but Owen came inside to invite yuya to rigger's hearing as they walked together Lexia wondered what was going to happen to her brother inside the main room ryer was struggling to fight off the guards but they forcefully took his mask off and revealed how scarred his body had become even his own father looked away from him but ryer told Lexia to stop pitying him with that gaze after all she was the one who forced him to become this way because
the years of pain from her magic Outburst consumed him until he began ripping off his own skin and through all this time his own father simply casted him away and isolated him inside a cell when even his own family treated him like a criminal the only thing he thought about was annihilating them everyone in the entire world began treating him like a disgusting Outcast and wondered if any of them knew how that felt his words reminded yuya of the awful past he used to live through and ryer begged them to execute him already however yuya
tried asking if he could use a special item and pulled out a potion from his item box after getting closer to ryer He adjusted his face and poured his liquid all over it I beg your pardon his wounds instantly healed and as he ran to inspect his face he saw how all of his Burns had completely healed yuya tried explaining that this is the medicine he created from his cure all Earth and the entire room was tired of how overpowered he's become youer realize that the description of the herb said it was a legendary undetectable
flower and the King asked him why he would sacrifice such a valuable item on his child so you revealed that he's growing hundreds of them in his backyard to crash this economy even after all of his injuries had been healed ryer knew his death sentence was inevitable however Lexia told her father that she forgives her brother for attempting to assassinate her after all she was the victim so it's as simple as saying she forgives him just like how she forgave Luna it was also their fault for neglecting the dark Guild until now Lexia said but
the king said that he was also attacked so Lexia told him to forgive his son already he tried weaseling out of it but she tells him that he needs to forgive his son's sins so they can get back to being a normal family and pressures him until he accepts once his sentencing was over ryer thanked yuya and the King wondered what yuya's reward might be Lexia wanted to be the reward and asked him to marry her but Luna also wanted to become his wife saying that Marrying an ugly like Lexia is a curse instead of
a reward ryer thought he came up with a good idea for rewarding yuya so the king decided to offer all of riger's mansions and land unto yuya with the title night Baron as he sat and wondered how un original this story was he decided to fall asleep to save this show some budget in his dreams the only thing he kept seeing was his battle against the vial but he was instantly crushed under the weight of her arrows jumping from the bed he realized how scary his battle with her was going to be after a long
day at school the plot teacher bid everyone farewell and the guys asked him if he wanted to hang out with them after school but yuya started running home on his way Kori asked him if she could come over but yuya said he was tired of seeing her ugly flatboy looking ass you're a victim as he ran home he remembered ryer explaining how he met the girl and how she possessed Powers beyond what he could ever imagine he remembered her telling him that she was the vile so as soon as he got home he began training
right away but wasn't sure if he was ready to fight a vial he wondered if his master would have known how to handle the fight but yuya decided to train anyway in the meantime just then Knight began growling in the air and yuya felt a giant magical blow coming his way he realized that the vial had already arrived and asked her to explain why she was so intent on eliminating him the only thing she desired was Revenge so yya promised to defeat her to find out what she meant after letting those words out a rain
of arrows began pouring down down on him and he was aily cornered into the path of her bow meanwhile Kori rang yuya's doorbell but after no one answered she decided to enter because it's not like she wanted to see him naked in his bath or anything like that Baka you don't find that suspicious as she walked to the other world she noticed his gate was open into the forest and remembered him warning her about the dangerous monsters living within in the distance she heard massive explosions coming and the vial was firing all of her explosive
arrows toward W yuya he wondered what he did to deserve her revenge but she continued ring her arrows towards him instead Knight attempted to flank her with yuya but she dodged both of their attacks and continued ring her arrows towards them yuya's armor transformed into a white color and he kept closing his distance until he kicked her up and from above Knight smashed her into the ground she thought they were amazing so she began begging her master for his strength and let out an arrow that exploded for hundreds of meters yuya was back to running
away but Kori screamed out his name and white-haired Kori noticed her in the distance but decided to ignore her her arrows nearly destroyed Kori but curved towards yuya to catch him off guard the backlash from the last attack left him with his back facing the vial and she launched her Comet attack towards him in that instant yagi appeared to deflect the attack away and apologized for being late he was busy doing some digging for carrots because he's a bunny and revealed that her name is yudi she was the successor of the Divine Archer and yudi
promised that she she would avenge her master by eliminating everyone in this world even though he was a Divine who protected Humanity for years Humanity were the ones who betrayed and eliminated him she wasn't the same Divine as he was so she doesn't care about the well-being of humans and began launching her arrows towards them yuya attempted to dodge her attacks and the bunny encouraged him to use his legs but yuya missed his attack and was nearly Blown Away by her arrows her predictive Powers allowed her to shoot ahead of their positions and she launched
a tornado towards however he saw an opening from yagi's attack and destroyed her arrows head on as she was distracted Knight bit her from the back and yagi kicked her straight into the ground her back had been crushed but she promised that this will not be her end not until she Avenged her master and destroyed every single human the power of the vial was finally released and her evil God magic began overtaking her body and she launched an onslaught of attacks towards yuz zagi as yuya wondered how he could possibly handle her attacks Akatsuki came
out from the invisible coat and ran towards the center of the battle once he arrived he casted his ultimate ability and a blue orb encapsulated the entire field once the vial was in it all of her power had been Stripped Away and yusagi realized that Akatsuki wasn't just an ordinary Pig with no powers left yuya teleported behind her and knocked her unconscious but caught her before she fell on her head once the battle was over yusagi revealed that there were others who could oppose vials in this world and Akatsuki was one of those as for
what he's going to do with her he left it in yuya's hands since akatsuki's power had removed all of her energy and began jumping away as yudi began waking up yuya wondered what kind of person the Divine Archer was and she told him that he was a kind man and overflowed with love beyond measure until she fell asleep on him again Tori finally appeared but a giant pig was ready to end her so he eliminated it in an instant as he walked past her he asked her if she was surprised to see his other life
he was an overpowered man with a cheat skill who leveled himself up because in his previous life he wasn't a person everyone wanted however she told him it's not true because he hasn't changed and he saved her once again like the first time they met he thanked her and in the following weeks Kori met yuya's other worldly herum and bathed with them because their plots were more interesting than the real plot of this anime in the other world his brother and sister had become his stalkers and M saada had been finally fired after trying to
seduce yuya inside his new life yuya looked at ugly ass Kori and was glad he had an entire Herm to replace her Sensational thank you all for joining me on the lowest budget journey of this fat ugly disgusting chubby lonely Pig Fatso loser lardex till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
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