Clássicos da Sociologia - Marx, Durkheim e Weber - SOCIOLOGIAS

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Teoria Social Latino-Americana - Raphael Seabra
Os clássicos da Sociologia, Marx, Durkheim e Weber. O vídeo discute comparativamente os conceitos de...
Video Transcript:
Hello [Music] welcome to the South American social theory channel I am Rafael Seabra and today we continue with the Playlist sociology if we are going to enjoy here the three classics the three pillars of modern Social Sciences Karl Marx Émile Durkheim and Max Weber before starting and delving into the topic I would ask you to leave a like here and to subscribe to the page if you haven't already written this playlist it somehow tries to answer some questions that escape a little from the Latin American debate I think it's important bringing a bit of the debate on the classics here and coughing up sociology and the very generic and well simplified way it goes is the best relationship Gil the interest in events that took place from the 18th and 19th century mainly Yes and she took upon herself the task of researching the new phenomena, all of them, extremely radical transformations such as the emergence of capitalism, processes of individualization, western rationalism, social classes, new forms of power, completely new family relationships, all of this, including cultural forms, has had great consequences for contemporary society and for societies so it is important to highlight here that the interest and reach of the theoretical-methodological or theoretical-conceptual proposals the classic authors is Karl Marx the e-mail of the meat and the Max Vibe not the tarot obviously to the context of the appearance of those phenomena until this process substantives this is evident in the fact that the main currents of contemporary social theory are, in a way, derived from these three classic authors, they provide a kind of language, a kind of common starting point, so that we find social scientists understand each other and know more or less what you are talking about, right? So this is, in a way, one of the issues that make these classics important is because they pointed out phenomena behind, of course, that they did not give effective answers, but that there is an element, it's more or less universalist a relative to this construction of the modern world this reach and this presence and re-elaboration of these contributions by the three classic authors is as I just said has something to do with the element more how is it related to the dialectic between the particular and the Universal this wants to to say that many of the issues that these three classics are devoted to are universal in a way, you already have a tendency to become effectively global a reality that crosses the various nationalities and the various local realities so for example what society is just because they are very Broad is what is one also due to another very Broad question What is the guiding principle of decisions and social actions are also questions that concern us is how these social relations are structured is how the state is constituted how it manifests itself And how it leaves it right Clear these forms or not Clear right These forms of social domination how the economy manifests itself and how one perceives the form of exploitation So these are questions that, in fact, as I just said, they go beyond the particular elements they are beyond the concepts national contexts where they were elaborated so sociology it is ontologically critical and militant which means that in its essence it is always asking it it is always questioning it it is always denaturalizing and it is always creating this estrangement in which we move and at the same time predict possible societies So it seems controversial to say that at the moment it is as delicate as ours but that is the truth now there are elements that are particular to these three classic authors it is so Let's see in First of all Carne's e-mail clearly had a proposal to reform French society and he had taken this proposal into consideration and the serious level of stability of that social, political and economic country opened since the French Revolution of 1789 passing through the Napoleonic Empire after the monarchical restoration during the early nascent - decades of the 20th century the 1848 revolution the 1842 coup d'état by Louis Bonaparte nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte EA the Paris Commune 1871 resulting from the Franco-Prussian war which killed more or less there 25 thousand workers a very short period of time so there is and everything there is a very big concern with issues related to cohesion and social order in French society, right, in French society, so he has a surgery that, even though he points out elements, right, that are somewhat universal, such as the social division of labor, his concern well, then this National surgery French surgery another example here that we can make of the classic is Max drinking, he had a certain resentment for the fact that Protestantism had emerged in Germany in 1517 through Lutheranism But its effects for the development of a rationality capitalist were much greater in England, Holland and the United States so he was concerned to understand why Germany, although a country culturally so rich, so advanced from the capitalist point of view, it was somewhat backward, right, considering these three countries that I mentioned is the ver he was also very concerned with the fact that Germany was not a colonialist power and such. Surrounded by imperialist colonialist powers is such an entry or concern to make a great unified Germany rational and capable of putting its interests before others.
countries of the great imperialist powers it's so he saw that Germany was surrounded on the one hand you had England and France disputing hegemonies of capitalism and on the one hand you had absolutism in a certain way on was that it was Russian absolutism and the decadent Turkish-Ottoman Empire Orient so he had this concern about how Germany could centralize and rationalize this state and develop more and more its own capitalism is so he had this ordeal for powerful Germany who doesn't believe me 2 economy society and you read about the imperialism of the baby you will sell it is when he talks about the personification of the State I don't remember title text now another huge one on this the issue of Guilherme According to him he is concerned with these issues So what do I mean by that even though I saw Open point out elements about the bureaucracy AND western rationality is the instrumental egg about the typologies is the types of What are in a way broader that is a National sociology of these three classics Karl Marx he was a lesser Linked to this methodological nationalism, Marcos' analyzes, even if they are not linked to our mythology, are concerned with the development of capitalism and Class society in a very specific context, that of Western Europe . of capitalist accumulation that will understand this final society in an increasingly equal way while a lot of wealth accumulates at the Pole and a lot of misery at the other and then there he says, right, about structural unemployment, forms of employment, forms of accumulation, the issue of added value is elements that are a little more general but he is observing the development of capitalism mainly in England and France he evaluated something in Germany but more centered in England and France and he was coming and even in the capital he was saying that the England a kind of model but kind of orientation until the so-called primitive accumulation chapter evaluates agrarian capitalism in a certain way towards the industrial chapel in England in a role of the state this process but Marcos he was very clear that his notion of revolution and it gradually moved from these centers to the margins of the capitalist system, that is to say, to the peripheries, so mark it well beyond his life, forward from 972 he will consider that the socialist revolution in Russia was a concrete possibility so marking less attached to methodological nationalism comparatively to seeing and both fall but it remains said things that exist universals know particulars And these classic sociological theories reflect that two have to stop thinking is here is sociology they are the universalism but not form more interesting, right, not throwing it away, not making the cancellation portal like many of these postmodern analyzes do, right, so these three classics, in their own way, they make up the effort of scientific analysis and simultaneously moral criticism of modern society, they all do it at the front with a moral of societies, right, so the three classics, we have a more or less explicit dialectic between the being of those societies, right, how it manifests itself in a must-be, how it could come to be, that is what they are authors who they make prognoses and put on transformations Marcos talks about the oldest and also what tends to revolution in society the most he proposed that his works constitute a point of support for a revolutionary praxis of a revolutionary practice he did not consider that his A mere descriptive analysis society he wasn't there doing it to fill out his Lattes curriculum and the same can be said about Caio's and I see why both of them proposed, right in their works, a prophylaxis for the most important social and political problems that period is more a research from a more university but academic perspective, although he was not so concerned with the Lattes curriculum, that did not exist at that time. So let's take some concepts that I think are very close to the three authors.
Max, Emily Dukai's concept of anomie and Max Bieber's bureaucratization are central to the work of these authors and also to the critique of modernity, so at the same time, these advices allow a comparison between their different interpretations of the effects of social differentiation that Marx's concept of alienation was brought up by this com Good afternoon, growing division of labor in a modern society and is related to the structure of the capitalist division of labor , so for him the separation between the direct producer and the ownership of the means of production will establish no only an antagonistic social class attitude but it will also accelerate a tendency towards specialization of tasks the productive process and this fragmentation of the productive process will make a worker use only part of his creative energies and on the other hand the insertion of the machine will deepen the dehumanization of work since the rhythms of production Are determined by the machinery and you mean by Marcos it is against the scientific ecological movements, but not the social use you make of it, so here it has three manifestations, alienation, the first one is the thing and being able to stay healthy the work is the worker becomes a commodity with a price and value-generating grass in you i am already in the commodity like any other helmet exchanged on the market two the loss of control of the work process AND the subordination of the rhythms imposed by the process of capitalist production three the non-recognition of one's own activity in the work product whether work itself is losing its meaning that you can no longer identify Where is the one you actually made is there the capitalist himself will be subjected to alienation is where he will convert in a personification of Capital, he will be subject to the dictates of the process of valuing competition and the tendency towards periodic crises, but he enjoys this alienation of work in a slightly more positive way because he is also a class that also lives off work, that's it there is a time when the classic book talks about working with a system because both the employee and the owner in the visible exhibition of the work is the question is how do you appropriate this work then and it has a greater function but it loses a little the meaning of life because it it's stuck in that store in the market so the proletariat in this case when it abolishes revolutionizing the mind, right, it revolutionized society its mercantile condition the social relations is that in general it would eliminate class society it would open the possibility of developing individual social capacities and of a life fuller of meaning point Good Deal Durkheim om do carne and has the theory of the division of social labor is that it will orient itself and meanings quite different from Marx first because it will include all forms of functional specialization then it goes beyond the sphere Economics through work is much broader than I work, the accelerated salaried or subject to salaried work, because even if there are class conflicts, right, in modern societies and these conflicts, everything falls apart but they are not agents of social change they are cases of absence of norms before then Caio will say that organic solidarity is that the difference mechanical solidarity where he saw the norms are very close are very simple the individual manages to master all the laws or know them all the standards right values ​​the society is so the division works very simplified in view of the organic solidarity the society is more complex and has specialization of laws in which the indians do not dominate the legislation as a whole they do not know all the values ​​that the society has a much greater functional independence in the division process, right, of this work, this is going to constitute a normal type of life, no normal type of society so hi Vilma from Moral integration will be very important for Durkheim because when these norms that created this Cohesion and rule Our division of social work starts to get into difficulties it is not sold you can only understand clearly I will be able to understand clearly What is your role said to society this city acts on them what a problem then you have what a anomic and forced division of labor that are the result of this rapid industrialization in which those more traditional sectors begin to lose weight in a big way such as religion the family associations the community itself is and that there is a lack of a of an adequate moral relationship for the social cohesion of the individual is for anxiety there is in a more complete way about that individual and he can understand his role the importance of this role for society is then and these individuals begin to be AND society itself to be a victim right and subjects of a fluctuating economy is an economic power that imposes contracts that are often unfair is that they intensify social conflicts lead to an increasingly more dumbing down specialization the work limitation of individuals capacity and increase inequalities is that they are not related to natural talents and individuals is so everything falls into this process of anomie it ends up causing the individual to not have a clear and essential nature of his activity And as it is important to maintain the social order then the problem of Moral Integration is all Caio does not pass a revolution but the moral acceptance of functions by the individuals themselves orchestrated by the mediation of professional associations by the intervention of the economy and by the Abolition of inherited privileges in this judokai is completely against the inheritance system is and by a broader universal educational system free of charge that God answers me to develop their individual talents good In short, this is the issue of anomie and social cohesion . movements religions in the East and West he will try to extract with the characteristic marks of western rationalism and he will demonstrate its influence on the practical conduct of individuals I started talking back there about The Protestant Ethics right about German Protestantism and the issue of rationality, that's what the baby is trying to understand, right, because there is a rationality, several religions, the city, but only here, right, does it drink a guy? which means that the magical and religious conceptions are being replaced by a more rationalized conception of existence so what I can give you an example here of this Magic is a more primitive religion, a religion that is not polytheistic For example, it is the individual believing that beings sacrificing a Lamb to a certain God he can have a benefit if he does not sacrifice an unsuitable animal he will have a loss so there is still manipulation by the Gods This is an example of magic the indigenous person who is there in his community trying to do it a ritual and trying to manipulate and expel evil spirits So this is still an element of Mundo Encantado and when the religion becomes monotheistic And then you create that specialized class and priests that only they have one means of reaching the gods so it is no longer possible to make any animal or human sacrifice to manipulate the Gods this class is the only one capable of mediating with God you know there is a process of rationalization you are disenchanting only a part of that social group manages to have a direct dialogue with God when that individual can do is forgive sins he is manipulating God in a certain way we are, right manipulating God in a certain way when you break with that it is already determined that only some individuals are able to reach grace of going to heaven, that rationalizes even more because we cannot doubt this element, this inspiration stone, because otherwise it demonstrates that he is on the side of sin and he will, right, fulfill the penalty for sin in hell, right?
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