The Best Supplements For Muscle Growth And Health

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you guys remember liver King whatever happened to him oh that's right he was lying about steroids and I only gives a shit about it hey liver King if you hear this you I'm kidding no I'm not kidding hey folks Dr Mike here for Renaissance periodization and today we're going to talk about what supplements are worth it especially for beginners and intermediates in hypertrophy and strength training for folks new to the channel I'm Dr Mike gizell as I just said earlier I guess I'm really bad at this I am a competitive bodybuilder I am a Brazilian
JSU Grappler I'm a professor of sport Science and I help all make all the wonderful things that we have here at RP and uh if you want to learn about how to eat and train and have your best physique and possibly attract a mate uh maybe not guaranteed then give us a subscription and we'll give you loads of fun and for those folks that are already subscribed I have a question for you actually a request let's come together and stop treating adults that wear overalls with human decency we need need to let people know it's
not okay personal pet peeve call me crazy let me know in the comments what you think about that speaking of crazy what supplements are worth it because let's be honest there's a lot of BS out there and even if some of it might not BBS kind of every supplement company is like buy stuff buy our triple Max blend 3,500 proprietary ingredients so you can look like this professional bodybuilder who's on 15 units of growth hormone a day but we didn't mention that part so it's tough because everyone says bye bye bye but you know a
lot of the stuff is BS so what are you supposed to do about it me personally I just try to look like uh Darth cidus wait wait wait hold up Dark Side to be honest our heater just kicked on and I'm cold so which supplements are worth it we could use a very high number different number of lenses which to examine this and so we're going to constrain our view a little bit to keep this simple here's how we're constraining our view I'm not including any illegal stuff steroids work super well though they kill you
growth hormone works Ultra well though it also kills you and all kinds of illegal stuff you know Clan blah blah blah that stuff is definitely solid but kills you um we're not going to talk about borderline stuff un legality sarms I'm not sure if they're so legal or not pepti SES they definitely work too but it's just a giant question mark as to what the fuck is going on there and most the folks I think that are going to be viewing this video kind of don't want to see some guy at the back of a
GMC with a trench coat that's like me yeah see what do you want I got vs I got needles I got it all um they want to kind of go to the actual GNC and maybe buy something that's effective and so the Target demographic for this video for folks that I want to get the most benefit out of this is people that lift that eat pretty well and just want to pay for kind of sure thing supplements you may or may not want to buy the supplements that I'm going to list for you in just
a few minutes or right now but rest assured that if you do spend your money on them they're going to be a good use of your money and they're going to be safe and they're going to be effective the last thing I'll say is there are some supplements that aren't going to make our list which uh some often many people have deficiencies in for example in some Northern climates people who don't go out the sun especially a lot can have uh D vitamin deficiencies and might need Vitamin D supplementation Etc and there's a bunch of
little caveats little tiny details and uh specifics if you consult with a medical uh provider hopefully your doctor then you can sort most of that stuff out so there are some specifics this is going to be broad Strokes kind of for everyone that lifts and eats and thinks you know what I think I might start taking supplements so Dr Mike which ones should I take that are not a ripoff got a couple categories the first category is protein shakes they definitely work there's a couple different types of protein protein shakes you can take the very
fast digesting whey protein for post-workout the quality of the whe whether it's concentrate isolate or hydraulic it it doesn't matter for all practical purposes that you're concerned with dear viewer it just doesn't fucking matter if you're physically made of actual money I got a electron microscope scan by the way and and the doctors were baffled because it seems I'm actually made of teeny microscopic $100 bill that's the kind of stacks your boy is working with then only way Hydro touches this body because if if it's not the best I don't even F I don't even
look at it you show me concentrated oh I Dr that shit but for almost everyone else you people no offense of regular means um any kind of way is totally fine one thing I I'll say is people with kind of upset stomachs from way protein if it's concentrate it's got a little bit lactose in there it's got a little bit extra stuff carbohydrates try isolate and then try Hydro now isolate's more expensive Hydro is really expensive but if that's what gets you to not have the stomach problems anymore maybe it's worth it for you so
way is great especially for post-workout or int workout around the workout window there's another thing another use case for protein shakes and that's for long intervals between meals you might have a presentation at work and that's going to take four hours and then you got to drive a client back to the airport that's going to take another two and you come back home and it's going to take another hour and you might just not have any opportunity to eat during that time and so a casian shake there's two fractions of milk protein one is whey
one is casan the casan shake made of casan protein is going to digest very very slowly release very slowly into your bloodstream so it works as a long interval M placement five six seven eight hours without eating next there are protein shakes that are somewhere in the intermediate range of digestibility speed so way protein gets in you and within 30 minutes to an hour and goes through all that stuff casine you know 5 to 8 hours and then 3 to four hours can be a couple of different options you can have a mixed often 50/50
split of casine and Whey that's very common another thing you can have is egg protein which is excellent and sort of medium digesting speed and also soy protein is totally great no soy protein will not make you a biological female if you eat a lot of it it's is just not a thing that happens but everyone's afraid of that happening because there are compounds in soy that act like estrogens in your body also fun fact if you're really curious about this estrogen is very anabolic to muscle tissue especially when there's testosterone also present and it's
really awesome for your health and excellent for strength gains so if you're a dude just a fucking guy man just an XY chromosome and every fucking cell of my body bro except for my germ Lin one or the other anyway I never fucking touch T soy bro cuz estrogen's bad bullshit estrogen is what makes men manlier if testosterone is present so unless your testicles fall off soy is fucking dope I sound like a soy boy saying it but they rarely say it like that all right so we got whei for post-workout int workout casan for
long meal intervals and some kind of mixed protein or egg or soy for just a meal replacement what about the serving size how much should you be taking as much as possible as matter of fact use code Dr Mike dildo to save on Scott let's quickly make up a protein supplement company we can start before we release this video so we can monetize what do we got oh so we're gonna include the links yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what's a good name Mike's magic mil oh my how much work do I have to do do
I have to secrete something and like well we got 800 vials in five minutes and hit it as a matter of fact I'm over qualified so in any case don't just eat all the protein you can whatever meal you're replacing or if you want to add some protein to your diet and your workout generally speaking you do a little math p overx p is the total amount of protein you eat in a day x is the number of meals you eat per day so if you eat a total of 200 grams of protein roughly you
should eat about as much protein as your pounds in body weight so if you weigh 200 pounds you eat 200 GS of protein protein a day and if you split that over the course of five meals then PX equals 40 G and so basically it's the same amount of protein you eat in the other meals super simple math next category of supplements that are effective optional all these are optional but if you use them they'll work workout carbs workout window carbs these are carbs you take during and finish right after your workout that to some
small extent prevent muscle breakdown to a pretty meaningful extent make 45 minute hour hour and 15 and longer workouts make the ends of those workouts higher intensity than they would be and then much more productive and also these supplements can maximize the utilization of the protein you're also consuming around the workout window so these carbs include things like dextrose powder if you know you go on Amazon and buy 15 pounds of that shit for like a dollar or you can go and get some Gatorade or Power Aid whether it's a Ste or powder doesn't matter
and generally you consume these during longer workouts an hour or more would start to make sense uh or after training to help with anabolism and help especially with recovery for future hard training bouts these carbs are best paired with a protein shake so if you ever see me out in the world some 24-Hour Fitness in California or some shit you're like is that Dr Mike yeah nobody else looks like that the fuck happened to that guy's head you're going to notice that very often I have a power rate or Gatorade or two and I have
a protein shake with me and I sip that between sets that handles me super well the serving size you're going to use is going to be determined by your workout volume like if it's legs you're going to be consuming more carbs if it's like just biceps you probably don't need carbs at all the intensity of the workout if it's like you know Peak Week super hard you might need more carbs if it's an easy kind of deal workout may need not need any and everything in between and of course your overall diet if you're cutting
carbs like crazy and you're starving to death it's probably a good idea not to have these very rapidly digesting very not hunger squashing carbohydrates remove that and keep the carbs in the rest of your diet so there's a lot of context here about how much you should be having but usually for practical recommendation one bottle of Gatorade or power rate for most people in the workout along with a whatever a protein shake that's roughly some fraction of your daily intake a typical meal size and uh maybe two bottles if you're real uh you know training
legs or you're quite large over 200 lb and muscular and that should be good for for most people so no no real crazy rocket science there next up are slow digesting carbohydrate supplements one of the most popular ones I don't know if it's popular now but it exists is called waxy maze sounds nice it's not waxy it is I believe made of corn so the maze is accurate and it is a carbohydrate people used to recommend to take in the workout window and those people were wrong why were they wrong because waxy maze is insanely
slow digesting and digests slower than oatmeal but it comes in a powder it doesn't mix so well with water it's like waxy maze out of the year but you shake it enough and after you shake it before you drink it again you reshake it then you're good to go the really cool thing is that you can store this as a powder so you can take waxy ma which is pure white powder dump it into little baggies all the same size you take Each baggie and you layer it carefully on top of other baggies in a
large metallic suitcase and you it's a good idea to leave an unregistered firearm in there as well and you just go to the airport and just push it right through the TSA screener you're going to have an amazing time finally you get all the physical attention that you deserve alternatively you can take a little baggie of it put whatever carbs you want to replace with the meal dump some mixture of casine whey or soy or egg protein in that baggie ziplock that motherfucker take your shaker cup take the baggie dump into Shaker close Shaker throw
that into your stuff and then when you need that meal replacement unclick the Shaker take out baggie put in water dump contents of waxy maaz and protein and Shaker fill the rest of the Shaker up with water shake for your life and after the shit hasn't sedimented yet and it's still floating around gulp gulp gulp if you do that you can also I guess just mix the shake at home take it to work and put it in in the fridge no problem again before you start drinking again reshake the fuck out of it because it's
going to settle down for you this use of waxin ma or any other slow digesting carbohydrate can provide incredibly easy exact macros for slow digesting filling hunger squashing on thee-o nutrition it's an amazing meal replacement and people talk about meal replacements they usually talk about protein shakes but motherfucker your meals ain't all protein I mean unless you're like carnivore or some shit do you guys remember liver King whatever happened to him well that's right he was lying about steroids and I only he gives a shit about him hey liver King if you hear this fuck
you I'm kidding no I'm not kidding in any case you pair that with a protein and it's an amazing meal replacement and if you want I wouldn't throw the nuts in the Shaker because that's how you choke to death but uh handful of nuts super easy with that and then you got a complete meal the serving size is of course whatever carbs you had planned for that meal so if you have an 80 gram carb meal with 40 grams of protein you put 40 protein uh you know let's say like a egg protein 40 grams
of that in a baggie you put 80 grams of carbs from waxy maze seal it up dump into Shaker close Shaker throw Shaker into bag and then whenever it is you need the meal replacement you just take the whole baggy out put the water in mix voila the the quickest easiest to store meal another great thing about this kind of approach is that wherever you have pable water and honestly if you really want to go to the next level just bring two bottles of water with you and throw them in the bag too and now
you don't even need portable water anywhere you go cuz you have the shit with you the great thing is a lot of times powder that you mix in with a Shaker is available to you in any weather condition day or night because a lot of times you want a meal replacement but you're like your shit is sitting in your car and it's like Kansas in fucking July and it's like 110 degrees for no goddamn reason you come back and someone's like you're gonna eat that turkey sandwich and you're like I think the turkey sandwich now
has a civilization of bacteria growing on it I'm going to pass on that shit but if it's just egg protein powder and waxy maze carbs man like I don't think that actually ever goes bad as long as it's dry you can eat it you can Discover It years later in your car what the fuck is this is this cocaine or is this waxy maze oh only one way to find out nope hey Scott I've never taken drugs because I'm a good person and not a degenerate like you but is it if you drink like A4
kilo of cocaine are you uh are you going to die yeah you're gonna die probably just explode to be honest from Joy from a lot of things you like you go through a real fast high you're like I don't feel anything 30 seconds later you're like I want to meet everyone and say hi to the whole world and then 30 seconds later you're like I'm just dead fast ride next creatine great grandma you ever leave through the pictures old fucking photo book your your parents have damn great grandma look Jack you see there's a Optimum
Nutrition creatine container next to that bitch that's like her Abraham Lincoln and an Optimum Nutrition creatine you're like America God intended so everyone use creatine all through history everyone knows this creatine is dope it's one of those supplements that really doesn't disappoint there's a bunch of supplements you read a study on it Andrew huberman talks about it and you're like dude this shit is going to change my life you take it nothing happens 6 months later three other studies come out say it doesn't do anything and you're like God damn it I lost my money
creatine is not one of those it's been vetted over and over and over again it causes muscle growth it causes increases in performance it speeds setto set recovery and it even seems to be healthy for the brain and nervous system for healthy aging which is really cool something many people did not see coming including myself oh something nobody had a bit too much creatine am I right Scott I wish I had someone here to every time I said a stupid joke I could nudge them with the elbow or like we need like a Dr and
then pregnant pause after like okay so anyway um the best studied version of creatine because there's a couple of different molecules you can clip onto creatine to make sure it gets where it needs to go the best study version of that is creatine monohydrate um and it's the best uh studied in terms of number studies diversity of populations is the uh the best vetted so that it definitely works and for almost everyone unless you're Brian Shaw's size and you're like three people five grams of creatin monohydrate every day and timing doesn't matter is going to
sort you out and it's going to be about a week week and a half long period where the creatine's loading in your cells and it's filling your muscles up your pumps are going to get better you're going to look look a little bit more jacked all the time especially if you're a creatine hyper responder there's a normal distribution about how people respond to creatine and the people respond to creatine the most are usually ones that eat the the least meat especially red meat in their diet so if you're vegan taking creatine might change your fucking
life if you're a carnivore taking creatine might have absolutely no impact on you whatever if you take five grams of creatine daily it's going to sort you out it's not going to like revolutionize your physique but it's going to be something that you know is a ritual for you to take and under the it's absolutely causing some positive changes they're small but they're there just like I tell the ladies I'm small but I've been following you around for years years I know everything about you I've been collecting your hair too would you like to see
my doll I made of you sorry that was for another video I'm sending to Patricia you can take a break every few months from creatine not because we suspect that there's some kind of feedback loop that probably isn't you can just take creatine all the fucking time and no it is not bad for your kidneys so tell that nurse at your doctor's office that she's a fucking idiot I don't tell her that that might not go over well but you can think it in your head she's like don't take creatine's bad for your kidneys you're
like fucking idiot thank you so nothing's going to happen too bad but sometimes it's just annoying to fucking take a powder every day especially on trips back to the cocaine thinge cre manah hydrate is almost everywhere also a white odorless powder and if you decid to say I'm going to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic and you show up with a baggie of indeterminate white powder there's a 98% chance nothing's going to happen to you there's a 2% chance you're going to be spending an extended stay at uh one of the airports in the
Dominican Republic where folks which English is not their preferred or first spoken language are going to be trying to ascertain what the fuck it is you're doing with a white baggie of what the hell is that it's a fun time you'll make plenty of friends so if you want friends definitely do that but if you want to take a break from creatine for a few months here and there once or twice during the year totally cool you can stop taking it no big deal when you get back on Creatine because as creatine loads in your
muscle cells it pulls in multiples of its weight in water just to exist in your cell it's first of all it's going to give you a cool pump all the time like kind like a quarter pump all the time which is pretty sweet but you are going to get some water weight gains from it and again the more you are a responder to it the more the water weight gain is there are folks that gain three five and even eight pounds within the first week of getting on Creatine so I'll keep this very simple if
you're starting a fat loss phase and you start taking creatine and you begin to freak out because you're not losing weight or a whole week of eating what we thought was a deficit but you gained four pounds what's going on is math wrong are we living in a simulation um no I mean maybe we're living in a simulation find that out anyway you're going to gain some weight and it's totally cool because it's weight that's going into your muscle so it's the right kind of weight it's the good-looking kind of weight you can fucking Flex
for Grandma and she oh boy Billy you sure got muscular you're not taking that creatin are you son oh no way grandma that's poison as a matter of fact I was on a flight once um with my boy uh a man of Dominican descent Marcos Rodriguez that's how he say his name and he an elite personal trainer in New York City look him up Mr marcosus on Instagram no periods Mr marcosus anyway uh we were sitting next to this very nice uh very professional Indian lady who was like of course a computational chemist or some
shit like that why not and we're sitting in an airplane and she's like hey like you know my son is younger and he's uh he what do you think about creatine he wants to take creatine should I let him and before I could say any sports science shit Marcos real quick because he's got that New Yorker Dominican wit so he's just way faster than me so he goes ah I don't put that poison on my body and she's like oh okay and I was like he's joking and she was like he is and I was
like yes he's he's a bad person Marcos if you if you watch this he doesn't watch our Channel he doesn't give a shit about me what's up what's up big homie anyway um it's not poison you're going to be totally cool if you're over the age of geeez for sure 18 but probably 15 you're totally fine to take it expect some water weight gains it's totally cool after a week they'll stabilize and then you'll just have slightly better body composition strength recovery and all that good stuff another really quick thing if you're new to this
whole game you're gonna feel creatine it's not a pre-workout you're not gonna feel shit so if you're like I'm taking creatine but I don't like you know what I mean it's not alcohol it's not caffeine it's not weed you're not going to be able to tell you're on it so it's just working under the hood which is really cool next and last supplement I definitely feel comfortable recommending to pretty much everyone who lifts and eats already is a multivitamin multi-mineral same thing by the way because every multivitamin also has minerals in it so same same
here's the thing if you eat mostly healthy and varied food most ly not all healthy you're already pretty well off but some minimal supplementation all the multivitamin multimineral is kind of like a little bit of an insurance policy it kind of rounds you out makes sure you're not lacking in pretty much anything and because these supplements are profoundly cheap profoundly easy to find and it's a one pill you take once a day timing doesn't matter but just take it in the morning with your creatin to check that box really quick it's super good idea because
it's that easy to do many people who are involved involved in well you know trying to eat right trying to train right and they kind of like you know dare I say care about their results and want to make sure that they're doing all the best things and multivitamin multimineral again just one supplement is just such an easy thing to take to make sure to be like you know what like I'm I'm doing my best it's kind of like if you um if your office has a machine that like laminates your paper and you you
make a big presentation to like the board and it's like you just throw your shit into the laminator and 10 minutes later it comes out but it costs nothing to you really it's just 10 minutes of your time and you want to make an impact you put so much work into this presentation you might as well make it look nice so laminate the fucking thing it comes out all plasticky and people are like this is serious stuff good job Johnson you got the promotions that's exactly how it's going to happen to the letter so just
the same way you work so hard at stuff and you give a shit and you eat well and you train you might as well take a multivit multi mineral to kind of round out everything and make sure you don't have any holes in your program here's the thing just once a day just the recommended dose if you take any more vitamins than necessary one of two things happen there are both water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and minerals inside of each one of those pills you get if you consume like if you're like man fuck
that I want double and triple and 10 times the results let see you have 10 times the vitamins normal you take 10 of them shits cuz I'm going to be fucking Superman what's going to happen is the water soluble vitamins you just pee right out you'll pee it be a very different color usually fluorescent green which looks kind of sweet but then you have very expensive urine because you're peeing out all the extra shit you don't need the fat soluble vitamins your body will absorb and it will store inside many tissues most of the tissues
that have fat including your Outpost tissue and at a certain point that becomes toxic and then you get sick and during right around that time you're going to also probably turn a shade of yellow there various fat soluble vitamins tend to turn you yellow as a side effect so it's something you want to do it has zero upside so if you get a multivitamin you think one a little pill you just take it every day and that's it and if you forget to take it one day a nothing is GNA happen to you you just
take the same pill the next day no big deal another thing super useful advice I think do not overpay for expensive Brands they ain't nothing in the world you get out of a multivitamin that you don't get at fucking Walmart and I'm talking about that Walmart what is SC what's the Walmart brand called like quality choice or some shit like that I know shop at Walmart oh I'm sorry um can you text one of your Butlers to to ask where if where he shops for his degenerate poor family assuming he has a family at all
most of my brothers can't afford families with what I pay him training for muscle growth is never going to be the same um Great Value Great Value yes thank you so much see I knew you shop there you motherfucker so get you a great value fucking brand bro it's going to have the same shit in it that all the other companies have and to me it's particularly funny as a exercise and sports scientist was someone who's taken a lot of courses in physiology uh I've actually taught Collegiate basic nutrition before it's just really funny to
see supplement companies being like the best multivitamin on the market like what the fuck does that mean it's all the same shit folks and you can save so much money by just getting the fucking Sam's Club Costco Walmart Kroger wherever you live in this world Alibaba I don't know the regular cheap shit Works totally fine don't take it more than once a day and you can just do this all the time you can take a break when you go on vacation but right after come back start taking your vitamins again all right that more or
less wraps us up let me give you guys kind of a quick overall summary main point for beginners for this video if you're a beginner been training up to about 3 years trying to get your diet in order you just straight up don't need supplements a multivitamin is okay but all else is at best bonus points and at worst it's just totally pointless because you'll never see the results if you're intermediate you've been training pretty seriously for three to seven years or something like that your diet's kind of on point you can consider taking most
of the supplements on this list on an as needed basis you might not need a slow digesting carbohydrate meal replacement I don't take waxm currently I got no there's nothing for me to do with it at all but if you're in a situation where you're like dude man I need a meal at 3 pm. lunch is at 12: got to be at my desk I'm on call I'm not going to be going anywhere and doing some shit I really do need this and then dope it works super great so you don't have to take any
supplements but if you have a use case for them try them and they're certain to be uh very effective and for the advanced folks people training very seriously for seven or more years very in tune with their diet you should be considering supplements on a case-by Case basis um there are supplements which yield very good results for people that are using well let's say more anabolics than others um and people that train really hard people that sweat a lot in training then a sport nutritionist can help you out to see if you need any kind
of supplements examples are some extra zinc in the evening some magnesium some vitamin D3 sometimes Omega-3s are in order um and some other supplements here and there can be a good idea and of course if you're an intermediator above you can always do some pre-workouts or caffeine coffee we have a lot of videos on this channel on stimulates and pre-workouts and stuff so you can check those out they're not mandatory they're not necessary but if you like to use them stick to the recommended dosages only be safe take it 30 minutes before you workout rock
on don't take it too late in the day because you won't sleep as well and then it screws up your results but pre-workouts and stuff are definitely cool they don't make our list because for most people they just don't need them and for many it's like a lot of upsides but a lot of downsides too so these supplements that are on this list almost everyone can take and they're going to have a great time doing it no disruption to health as a matter of fact in most cases an enhancement and if you use some number
anywhere between zero and all of the supplements I listed you're going to have just on the margins a little bit better of a time with getting results that you want and because you work so hard anyway to get the results that you want you might as well be taking some supplements in some cases to boost those results and make sure your work is going in the direction that you want all right that's all I have for today folks you have any questions shoot them down below maybe we'll get to a couple answers otherwise yeah go
out there and uh well go to Walmart and just open up a a container of vitamins and yell at the top of your lungs nobody can stop me and just start chewing them and see how long it takes the police to show up and shoot you dead have fun I'll see you on the news
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