before revealing and guiding you through the 60 seconds that can completely transform your life let me share something with you there is a habit that the vast majority of people repeat every night before going to sleep and believe me this simple pattern could be blocking everything you desire the truth is unknowingly many reinforce exactly what they want to avoid they feed fear scarcity doubt and the worst part they don't even realize they're doing it this is why so many never experience the progress and changes they hope for and if you're listening to this now there's
a good chance you're also stuck in this cycle whether consciously or unconsciously but the good news is that there's a way to reverse this a straightforward simple and proven method that can reprogram your mind for Success activating for forces that influence the reality around you what happens in the last moments before you sleep determines what you will experience upon waking up and today you will discover exactly what to say and how to say it to rewrite your destiny in just 60 seconds imagine spending your entire life trying to change seeking growth struggling for progress but
never understanding that the true prison isn't in the external world but within your own mind most people believe their challenges are caused by external factors luck circumstances other people the economy Destiny but what if all of that was just a reflection of something much deeper something that happens every night at the exact moment when the conscious mind gives way to the subconscious reality is not fixed or unchangeable it is shaped by what you think feel and believe at the deepest level of your being and the biggest mistake people make happens when they're about to sleep
they relive problems worry about the future Lament The Past feed doubts resentments and insecurities without knowing it they reinforce the same mental programs that keep them stuck in the same life day after day this is why many feel stagnant as if something invisible is preventing any progress yakobo grinberg studied the structure of Consciousness and revealed something Rising what you hold in your mind before sleeping becomes the Matrix of your reality during this transitional State between wakefulness and sleep your mind is open absorbing every thought every emotion as a command to the universe but instead of
planting powerful intentions most people repeat the same destructive patterns and the worst part without even realizing it have you ever felt that certain patterns in your life just won't change no matter how hard you try have you experienced moments of progress only to return to the same starting point afterward if so it's no coincidence you're witnessing evidence of a mental programming that repeats reinforced every night keeping you exactly where you are but what if there were a way to change that what if it were possible to use that sacred moment before sleep to rewrite the
way your mind perceives reality most people go through life unaware of this power but those who discover and apply this practice never see life the same way again jacobo grinberg dedicated his life to understanding how the mind creates reality his research based on scientific studies and mystical experiences revealed something that challenges everything we know about the world reality is not objective it is designed by your Consciousness what you perceive feel and believe not only shapes your experience but defines the laws that govern your life grinberg intensely studied expanded States Of Consciousness and the mind's impact
on SpaceTime his findings show that the structure of reality can be manipulated when you understand how the neuronal Field Works that is the mental Matrix where all experiences are processed he identified that the sub conscious not only influences perceptions but also reprograms existence itself based on what is fed daily interestingly this same principle was taught by Neville Goddard one of the greatest thinkers on the connection between the mind and reality Godard spoke about the hypnogogic state a specific moment where the conscious mind relaxes and the subconscious becomes highly receptive he stated that any idea planted
in the this state would inevitably become real because the subconscious doesn't distinguish between what is true and what is imagined it simply accepts and manifests this convergence between science and esotericism reveals an undeniable truth the human mind has the power to rewrite its own reality the problem is that most people don't know how to use this power consciously but those who understand this mechanics and apply the right techniques before sleep can transform their lives almost inevitably and now you're about to discover how to do that there is a moment just before you fall asleep when
the doors of the subconscious are open this state known in neurosciences hypnogogia is a threshold between Consciousness and sleep where the rational mind begins to shut down and the subconscious takes control for yakobo grinberg this is the moment when individual perception deserves solves and the connection with the neuronal field intensifies but what really happens in this state brain activity changes drastically in beta and Alpha Waves associated with active Consciousness decrease while Theta and delta waves begin to dominate and here's the secret theta waves are the same that dominate a child's mind in the early years
of life the period when the subconscious absorbs everything without a filter creating the foundation for beliefs and perceptions this same state can be accessed every night and what you feed your mind at this moment will be absorbed as absolute truth ancient civilizations already understood this principle intuitively Egyptians used visualization practices before sleep to access higher knowledge Tibetan Monks meditated in this state to expand their consciousness Neville goded claimed that this was the ideal moment to plant the desired reality because the mind no longer resisted suggestions now look at your routine how do you use those
moments before sleep if your mind enters this state while thinking about debts failures and worries that's exactly what's being programmed for the next day but if you use this space to affirm a new future visualize achievements and feel positive emotions your mind will start to adjust your reality to align with that the Fatal mistake 99% of people make most people never realize how they waste this reprogramming state every night they lie in bed and let their minds wonder often reliving arguments worries and regrets worse yet many fall asleep consuming negative news scrolling through social media
or watching content loaded with anxiety and fear unknown ly they program their minds to wake up the next day in the same emotional state and repeat this cycle indefinitely what separates those who live in cycles of stagnation from those who experience continuous progress is not luck or circumstance it's how they use that critical moment before sleep those who Master this technique know that the subconscious doesn't distinguish between reality and Imagination it simply follows the strongest PR programming the question is simple will you continue wasting this opportunity every night or will you start using it to
transform your life if there's one thing few people realize about the human mind it's the absolute power of self-image everything you believe to be true about yourself manifests in your life inevitably this happens because the subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between the real and the imagined it simply accepts and reinforces the identity you nurture within yourself think of someone who becomes more extroverted courageous even bold when they drink alcohol alcohol didn't create these traits they were always there it simply deactivated mental inhibitions allowing those hidden aspects of the personality to surface similarly any quality you wish
to have self-confidence power magnetism discipline already EX exists within you what's missing is not the ability but an internal trigger to unleash these forces and that's exactly what happens when you reprogram your subconscious before sleep this moment is not just a time of relaxation it's a portal a crack between the conscious mind and the true power hidden within you science has already shown that the brain operates at different electrical wave frequencies when you are awake and rational baa waves dominate linked to logic and critical thinking but as you approach sleep your brain shifts to Alpha
and then theta waves here's the secret theta waves are the same that dominate a young child's mind and this is the period when we absorb beliefs without resistance forming the foundation of our personality if at this moment you feed your mind with thoughts of power confidence and success your subconscious will accept this as reality and begin to align your behavior and perception of the world to reflect this new identity now that you understand why this works let's move on to how the practice itself is simple but the way you execute it determines the depth of
the impact lie down in a relaxed State the environment needs to be calm without external distractions close your eyes take a deep breath and allow your body to enter a state of progressive relaxation enter the hypnogogic state this is the stage where your mind begins to float between wakefulness and sleep your body is completely relaxed but your Consciousness is still active enough to direct your thoughts this is where reprogramming happens choose your key affirmation focus on a single powerful affirmation it could be something like my presence exudes power and confidence I am a magnet for
opportunities and abundance everything in my life aligns for My Success don't just repeat the words mechanically feel their weight imagine they are already true not something you wish to achieve in the future but a reality already embedded in your being visualize the reality you want to create see yourself living exactly the life you desire imagine the scenes with maximum clar CL ity the colors the details the sounds even the smells and textures the more real it feels in your mind the faster your subconscious will accept this new setup feel the emotion before falling asleep the
subconscious doesn't just respond to words but to the emotion that accompanies them if you see yourself as someone confident powerful fulfilled feel it feel the warmth of Victory the excitement of achievement the magnetism of a strong presence this is crucial because emotion is what imprints the programming in your mind sleep within the new reality maintain this feeling until you fall asleep this is the detail that separates those who achieve results from those who don't if you can fall asleep immersed in this identity your subconscious will accept this version as absolute truth and begin to restructure
your perception and behavior to align with it the spiritual and scientific connection from a spiritual perspective this practice aligns with the concept of co-creating reality all major esoteric Traditions teach that the Universe responds to the vibration you emit this means your external reality will always be a reflection of your internal state by Sleeping with thoughts of power confidence and abundance you tune your energy to these frequencies attracting circumstances that reinforce this new identity on the other hand Neuroscience shows that the brain has something called the reticular activating system or as a neural network that filters
and selects the information it considers most relevant to you if your mind is programmed to see difficulties the RAS will highlight everything that reinforces that but if you start feeding your mind with images of success and greatness the RAS will begin to filter reality differently finding opportunities connections and situations that previously went unnoticed this explains why some people seem to have luck all the time while others remain stuck in cycles of failure it's not luck it's mental programming if you apply this practice every night the impact will be inevitable you'll begin to notice subtle changes
first a new way of carrying yourself an increase in your intuition situations that start to unfold in your favor without apparent reason this happens because your subconscious begins to guide your actions and perceptions according to the new identity you've installed those who Master this technique know that life is not a matter of chance but of intention and internal alignment now that you understand this mechanism the question is simple will you you continue reinforcing the same old patterns before sleep or will you use this sacred moment to program your mind for the reality you desire the
decision has always been in your hands now imagine the following you are standing in front of a mirror staring intently at yourself but what you see is not just your reflection it's the exact projection of what you believe yourself to be if you see yourself as someone Limited without control over your own life that's the role the world will reflect back to you but what if for a moment you allowed yourself to see a completely different version of you a version with presence confidence magnetism and absolute power over your own reality the most curious thing
is that this version already exists within you it doesn't need to be created from scratch just activated like a flame that has always been there waiting for the right spark to ignite and you've already experienced this activation before even if you didn't realize it think of the times when for some reason you felt Invincible maybe it was after receiving an unexpected compliment listening to a song that awakened something deep inside or even under the influence of alcohol which temporarily shut down your inhibitions and allowed your true Essence to emerge without filters what does this prove
that everything you wish to be is already within you just dormant the only thing missing is a trigger to release this identity and that's exactly what the practice before sleep does imagine that every night as you lie down you are transported to a dimension where the rules of reality are not fixed where you can choose to be whoever you want without the limitations of logic without the fears you've carried your entire life this is not just philosophical concept it's exactly what happens in your subconscious mind before sleep if at this moment you assume the identity
of someone strong magnetic confident and Powerful that version will become your reality the next day your brain doesn't distinguish between imagination and truth it simply follows the order you've programmed now pause for a moment and imagine what would your life be like if you fell asleep every night immersed in this new identity what would happen if instead of reinforcing fears and doubts you reprogrammed your mind to absorb only strength Clarity and success the answer is simple the world around you would begin to change not because something external happened but because you changed from within the
universe simply responds to the vibration you Emit and when you change that vibration everything around you needs to adjust to the this new frequency now the most important question are you ready to see yourself in a completely different way and make the world respond to this new version now that you understand the absolute power that resides in the moment before sleep there's only one choice left continue living on autopilot or take control of your mind and consequently your reality this practice is not just a mental trick it's the key to deep reprogramming what you say
to yourself in this state defines how you will feel upon waking how you will make decisions how you will perceive opportunities and how you will interact with the world but here's the detail that few understand it's not enough to do this once just as a seed needs to be watered continuously to grow this programming needs to be reinforced every night until your subconscious accepts it as absolute truth so here's your challenge for seven consecutive nights before sleeping apply this technique enter the hypnogogic state fully relaxing affirm your new identity with conviction and emotion visualize yourself
living this already manifested reality feel this new version of yourself as if it were undeniably real fall asleep maintaining this sensation and vision if you do this correctly there's no way your reality will remain the the same small signs will start to appear your perception will change and situations that were previously inaccessible will become possible and the more you repeat it the stronger this programming will become until this new identity becomes As Natural as breathing the choice is before you 7 days to change your mind 7 days to start creating the reality you've always wanted
are you ready for this challenge start today jacoba grinberg understood that reality is malleable and responds to your mental structure Neville Goddard taught that by assuming a new identity before sleep you create an irresistible attraction field reorganizing the events of your life to reflect this new version of yourself and now you have this knowledge in your hands the only remaining question is what will you do with it most people will continue repeating the same Cycles stuck in programming they never questioned but those who apply this secret every night never see life the same way again
the power has always been with you the only thing missing is deciding to use it