I don't know if you guys know this about me but I like video games kind of a lot and I think I want to start making my own don't worry the YouTube channel is not going anywhere YouTube will always remain King I love making funny informative videos the most and even during this process while making games for 2 weeks I started to like really miss making videos but making games is something that I really want to invest my time in on the side and I'm not trying to start like a large scale studio right away
I'm not trying to put the cart in front of the horse I don't I don't even have a cart I'm just a horse with a YouTube channel that being said if this horse continues to flourish on YouTube and get a bunch of views then I might want to start looking for a cart with a couple of game devs to pull around this analogy is weird I've also noticed while making videos about video games there is a couple of pain points that I keep running across which is as I'm critiquing developers work I feel a little
bit of guilt about the fact that I don't participate in this medium I don't make video games and I'm not saying that you need to make video games to have a good opinion about them you don't need to make your own wine to be a Som yes I know a little bit of French you don't need to step on grapes to know that the wine tastes good but I bet if you stepped on Them Grapes you would have a broader better understanding of what goes into it so before we talk about my attempt to learn
unreal in 2 weeks I do want to bring up kind of like a dream thing for mainly my subscribers so if you don't really care or if you're new to the channel you can just skip to this part in the video where I actually like start the process the main reason why I want to make games is selfishly conceitedly I think I have really good ideas for video games and I also feel like I've gathered like a lot of random tool sets in my life that kind of feel like it's building towards this I was
a graphic designer for 9 years I didn't go to college I worked in teams pretty much that entire career I've played thousands and thousands of hours of video games and I clearly love them and now the craziest thing is I make a living talking about what's good and bad about them I think I'm a decent Communicator I'm working really hard on that listening part we'll get there I've been drawing since I was five mainly wantanabe concept art and creating videos has taught me so much with just like the Deep process from beginning to end from
conceptualization like final product it's taught me how to like follow my instinct and where to cut the fat in a video even if I really love something you just you can just feel that it's not working and most importantly every day that I've thought about realistically making a game studio and making my own games I'm extremely excited and passionate about it like I really really want to do this I also have you guys my subscribers my audience if I'm developing a game I can have you guys test it and give me feedback about it and
you guys are an audience that hopefully if I were to launch a game you would also buy it or maybe that's helping me with like a GoFundMe if I don't want to get a publisher and we just like raise the money ourselves it's a lot to think of it's a big dream and it's going to take time so you might be wondering what kind of video games would I want to make and I thought really hard about this and kept it pretty high level which is I want to make third person Co-op not turn-based no
offense Ballers gate adventure games I know that might sound kind of open-ended but that's intentional I don't want to like shut down different ideas I want to have people comfortably collaborate in the early stages the main Inspirations for the game would be games like valheim and risk of rign 2 both made by very small teams I think risk of R 2 is made by three people valheim by five and I want to be realistic here I'm not trying to make the next Skyrim right away even valheim I think is way too big of an idea
for like our first game high level I pictured that the studio would make like two overwhelmingly positive reviewed Steam games at first then we take a big swing for our third game where maybe we try like the balls type game that I was talking about in my bannerlord video I just want to under promise and overd deliver and learn a million different lessons while making our first couple of games then we can really go for it and just like shatter the entire video game landscape with our unbelievable game like I said this is going to
take a long time this is going to take years and that's the reason that I want to start now I'm 27 I turned 28 in a month and before I'm 30 I want to get this game Studio started and yes I do have a name for the studio that we will reveal once we're working on our first project that we can announce also if this idea and concept like genuinely excites you and you wouldn't hate working with me I'm actually going to set up an email so you guys can reach out to me CU I'm
definitely interested in working with people send me an email at Jack sather Studio gmail.com I think the first people I would need to bring on board is somebody that really knows Unreal Engine just like a general game developer and the next person would be somebody that's a really good 3D modeler if you're one of those two things and have experience definitely send me an email but if you're not but you're just still super excited about this idea and want to get involved still send me an email and tell me about what your feeling and what
you want to do something about the studio is like if it ends up being something where like people can come and work and have like full-time salaries and stuff I want every single person there to be thrilled to be working at the studio I want people to love the work that they do and really feel like they're a part of building something that is actually going to have an impact in the world that's something that I feel like was missing my entire graphic design career also I can offer you no money at the beginning of
this this is a free Endeavor I'm just surviving on YouTube right now I've just recently started my second life and taxes are coming up which yes I know I should do them quarterly whatever who knows this might just cut my whole YouTube career off at the knees the other reason why I want to start now is because there is no better time in histor to learn game design indie games are blowing AAA games out of the water like didn't like lethal company out sell Call of Duty for like months that game was made by one
guy virtually all the software to make these games now is free Unreal Engine blender uh cascader all the software is free for us to use there's hundreds of hours of free tutorials on YouTube and things inside the engines themselves are getting so accessible like in unreal you you don't even need to know like technical code anymore you just need to know the visual SC uh scripting blueprint method which I got to say is a little oversold as being like super easy to understand it's still hard if you don't know code but it is much more
easy to learn than having to learn like a whole coding language from the ground up it's just crazy when you listen to like old game devs talk about learning code like Todd Howard building his first games on the Apple 2 which is basically making a game on the freaking Fallout 3 terminal and if you're not an artist like there's so much free assets out there now and like good cheap assets online in the unreal Marketplace like in quickel Bridge you have all their free Mega scans of like everything you can picture outside leaves trees rocks
grass like everything there's just no excuse to find to not get into game design today so I did and I spent the last two weeks trying to figure this out all right so let's get into it first of all I want to say if you're a real game designer and you're actually watching this video if you have any tips or constructive criticism on How I Learned things or advice for newbies that are getting into this your comments are more than welcome and appreciated comment down below my plan for the 2 weeks was constant exposure Unreal
Engine is an intimidating program and I just wanted to live in it for 2 weeks straight and by the way any tutorials that I found really useful I'm going to include in the link in the description there should be a bunch of them and I began where most of us do which is going straight to the master of unreal Sensei this 5H hour long tutorial is the most viewed learning unreal video out there and it's for good reason this is a beast of a video with a ton of great information and the teacher is amazing
full transparency I actually watched this unreal Sensei video last year at some point but I feel like I've kind of Forgotten most of it so I started with it on this journey of making my own game and my descent into madness the first thing I did was I wrote out a list of what I could realistically do in a matter of 2 weeks as a complete newbie so I came up with make a third person World make a small environment have grass trees Etc maybe add fog if we're feeling crazy create a viking character or
just have a character in Unreal Engine work possibly create a physics ponytail cuz physics Rule and so do ponytails create an enemy Implement those characters create an axe have swing animations like a top and a swipe chop keep combat simple have a damage system but that's the whole list I think think I could do that in 2 weeks right I started unreal sensei's video and a lot of the basics kind of came back to me pretty quick like you can set up the lighting system in a game and just feel like a god right away
just commanding the sun with a simple [Music] [Applause] hotkey in that tutorial you're also introduced to quickel bridge that has a bunch of Mega scans which are basically super high quality assets that you can import into your game free of charge and this was also my introduction to my first problem which I'm just going to call overd downloading basically while learning something they would teach you about like how to import a certain asset and I'll be like I got it and then instead of like the tutorial saying download three or four and just get started
I'll be like let me go download everything that would possibly be in my world and just spending hours in quickel Bridge getting every single asset that I think I'll ever need when I'm trying to make this tiny little game I you just heard my list in reality I should have just gotten two or three and just kept it moving I finished up my first day cruising through the tutorial until I realized that I kind of wanted to get a different volumetric clouds and Sky Box in the background but here is where my second problem my
second big personal issue comes into play which is as soon as I started to look up a tutorial on YouTube about this the recommended page on YouTube for an add possibly I've never been diagnosed brain of mine gets so distracted at looking at anything on the recommended page it's an absolute war zone fighting for my attention of course I want to see Mark re's apartment get the fck out of bed [ __ ] go [Music] I kept watching the unreal Sensei video and once you got to like putting into Mountains for some reason my brain
was like some fog will look good on them mountains and I'm pretty sure I saw a tutorial about that so I went to YouTube and immediately got distracted again and watched a 15-minute long video on black holes from epic Spaceman go watch it it is actually so awesome then I watched a video about Biden being an NPC from Skyrim hello then I watched a girl get 5 million views for a cat slightly grazing her breasts oh that's awesome I love putting in so much effort into my videos and then I watched about 20 more videos
after that and then played a couple of games at TFT because apparently I play that now then I decided I was exhausted from all that work and decided to take a break then I came back and then I finished up unreal Sensi tutorial pat yourself on the back since this was a lot of work and then I called it a day I had finished unreal Sensi tutorial but like I said I did it last year so I didn't Implement all the stuff that he did so by day three I had a floor so I decided
to actually start doing his tutorial and added in some mountains then I added a plugin called interactive World which is actually like a super awesome plugin that can make your game look super AAA it can make you have like mud Footprints and like push things around in the snow and most importantly it has interactive foliage that your character can touch that I was about to put down unfortunately the guy doesn't really explain that well how to put it into your game and apparently he just made this plugin cuz he was trying to find a job
but it's a pretty popular plugin so I decided to look up some tutorials on it and this is the third problem that I've run into there's like no proper tutorials on this plugin and I'm not blaming the plugin I'm actually talking about Unreal Engine 5 in general is such a new software Unreal Engine 5 specifically that there's actually a lot of missing tutorials out there I tried to find a lot of stuff on interactive foliage in just like any way that it could be implemented and I got sent down a bunch of different rabbit holes
with a lot of errors and things not working properly yeah I wasn't thinking about foliage that you can pick up I was talk about FL that he could push around I just want to put this out there if you really know game design and Unreal Engine 5 you could start a huge Channel and make a ton of money explaining this stuff to people on YouTube so something that I recognized early on and was just like blatantly obvious and disgusting was the grid lines and texture repetition on my floor and I wanted to solve this before
putting in foliage and I knew that there was a way to solve this so I went to YouTube got distracted again because I saw that Shane Gillis is hosting SNL in February if I ever get on SNL I will budw I'll be like live from my mouth this [ __ ] gun then I started watching some tutorials on how to fix the grass I thought it was going to be like a one button solution but next thing I know I'm like studying micro and macro variations and textures in the red channel of the result of
the micro variation blend to drive the transition between the two variations and when I thought I had it figured out I tried implementing it into the game but what do you know on like the last step it just doesn't work for some reason nothing [ __ ] changed that has happened to me a lot in Unreal Engine that kind of stuff and stuff like I follow a tutorial 28 but for some reason a tool shows up on their screen and it doesn't show up on mine the texture repetition problem would just not go away I
tried to fix this for a while I tried to fix this for hours I tried to fix this for the next two full days on day five I finally found a solution turns out I should have done unreal Sensei tutorial because his Auto landscape brush comes with a feature that's called cellb that basically takes any natural texture and completely randomizes it on Textures and seamlessly makes it so it all combines together so all the grid lines disappear you can't do this with like a brick texture because it cuts it up but with any natural asset
it works extremely well I toss the material onto my grass and started painting and things were starting to look pretty dang good pretty dang good for just a floor by day five at this time I was frustrated that I was still walking around as like the normal mannequin and I wanted to start adding in my own character and i' heard about meta human and I was wondering like does that actually apply to a little Indie Game Dev like this and so I decided to give it a shot and yes metahuman is freaking awesome I'm surprised
that you make your character through like a browser it seems pretty intense for that but I loved making my character it's super intuitive and easy to learn I made my character in like under an hour and that's me being a total nut job when it comes to creating characters I love the character that I made and he's just chalk full of detail and like blizzard cinematic level ready I wasn't sure how much my game would need this level of detail so I put him into a game which is you you have to go look up
another tutorial about how to do that cuz nothing explains it put him into my game doing a simple retargeting method and that seemed to work pretty well actually look at that I got him walking around in the sunlight it's beautiful it looks a little blurry from where the camera's at but this felt very awesome it felt awesome to actually start progressing into making a game I actually got to talk about that for a second which is progress in making a game cuz I definitely didn't give myself enough of this early on and I started becoming
extremely discouraged at this point for what I had made so far which was a floor it was my fault it was my arrogance and perfectionism that got in the way and wanted to skip ahead do exactly what I wanted to put into the game and make sure it's perfect before moving on to the next step when you're learning something and I got to get better at this when I'm learning something I got to get better at realizing when to move on things are definitely not going to be perfect when you get started and if you
start fixating on these small little issues you're going to go down rabbit holes just like me for hours and hours it makes you feel like you're wasting your time even though in the end I don't think you really are but it will feel discouraging if I had just followed a tutorial again like gorka's first game I would have felt so much more satisfied and encouraged because of how much I could have progressed with just a little bit of guidance so I found the updated version of unreal sensei's landscape brush and started implementing it into the
game I also started watching the part of his tutorial going over virtual textures which is basically putting textures on your assets that blend into the landscape below it I hugged Ralphie for some much needed comfort in my journey so far and little did I know that I was about to start losing my mind I started watching some prismatica Dev videos which are really great he's a phenomenal presenter and he has a lot of videos and now his own plugin on interactivity in game worlds and I wanted to know more about it so I started watching
a bunch of his videos his stuff is pretty high level and I came into my next mistake that I made which is trying to understand information like I'm drinking water out of a fire hose prismatica is providing great information but a noob like me does not need to be this into the weeds yet which once again I am at the level of just having a floor I watched a bunch of his videos and then I end up just calling it a day completing our first week there's no way I can make a game in just
a week I started the day deciding to start over and actually use the updated landscape brush effectively this time then I got distracted and watched a villan new interview Christopher Nolan which was extremely interesting those guys are masters of The Craft I was about to start laying down some full age but then I thought wait what if I just go back to prismatica dev's videos and just buy his plugin for his interactive world and just throw it into my game I know how to do that right so I bought it and then I joined his
Discord and I started looking at like the people that have been using this and it's it's crazy the results that people are getting from using this plugin it's awesome I started watching the tutorials on how to put it into your own game but it's not a straightforward process so as a newbie I just got kind of overwhelmed and I ended up just putting it off to the side saying I'll figure it out later after I'm not making a video about how to make a game in 2 weeks after that for some reason I watched my
favorite scene from nodding Hill which is I guess how I felt after scrapping all my work so far which was just a floor then I kept over downloading but eventually I started downloading trees which is a big step and after that I ended up going plug-in shopping for some reason which I will say there is one good thing that came out of this and that is if you're willing to spend money the best Bane for your buck I think universally tell me if I'm wrong or not but is a thing called UDS Ultra Dynamic skies
and I wasn't going to spend any money for this video but come on man I I hadn't gotten anything done it's crazy it adds any weather effect you can possibly think of into your games seamlessly and it's highly customizable whether it's rain snow thunderstorm dust storm Sandstorm lightning clouds different Skies auroria Borealis Ro like I said I speak French whatever the Northern Lights stars and everything is just so high quality most of the things have sounds included and with everything that I put into the game it seemed to perform actually really well this plugin that
I paid money for really made me feel like I was starting to get somewhere especially with those trees look at those trees that's not just a floor that's a forest but of course for whatever reason it just didn't work whenever I started actually playing the game the UDS would just turn off on this game alone I tried it on another project worked fine then I started going over to a rock texture and for some reason it had a bunch of black squares all over it I don't know why the hell that happened but I had
to fix that too I started to fix it and then I eventually just got a headache and went to bed I started day eight scrapping my world again because UDS and The Rock textures wouldn't work I started making the game just using Unreal senses principles I started laying down some mountains definitely started overd downloading again but this time it's it's for a reason it's because I'm going to make the game this time I've only got a week left but I actually made a landscape that I legitimately liked I started making progress until I decided to
start working on the virtual textures so I was trying to get my assets to just melt into the floor and match the landscape they were above I added in the two runtime virtual textures that you need to incorporate it and boom 90% of my landscape disappeared I do not know why I still don't know why if you know why please for the love of God tell me this this is where I started to crack why why why why how why what what why how why what why like literally like everything works fine even to the
point where I can do this this like next step right whatever I'm like oh great it works it's like great awesome this Mak [ __ ] blood boil why luckily I had Ralphie beside me who was able to comfort me in my moments of absolute sheer rage I tried to fix it for hours on end I Googled everything like just give me something unreal's Google sucks [ __ ] [ __ ] there's never a solution what the I looked at unreal discussion forms I even pretty sure i' like joined an unreal Discord and asked if
anybody could help me with this problem nobody got back to me and I just said it I have to leave I had to go out that night started day nine thinking I need a clean slate I was running out of time to make a game so I was like okay I should just follow a big tutorial and take a game from start to finish then customize from there and make it my own get out of town Jordan Peterson interviewed more plates more dates Derek then I was like well if I'm going to do that I
should probably make my own character first that's a stupid idea Jack so I started drawing my own I started looking at references my favorite place to go is Art station it's I love art station it's crazy what will inspire you like I found this one image that I found to be so intriguing and it made me start thinking of a smaller game that I can make kind of based around the concept of what I felt in this image it's funny cuz this is like a fairly futuristic looking setting and I wanted to go more medieval
but I like love things like the setting I was thinking about like a storm and a foggy kind of setting and I could easily make that with UDS and I like that Beacon looking thing where the ground looks really healthy around it and it made me start thinking about what the actual game part of the game would be like what if you're a winter Viking with a two-handed hammer and you're caught in a blizzard and all you see is this vague Beacon of light in the distance and once you get to it you realize it's
like this giant green glowing rock with grass around it and if you smash it with your Hammer the rock crumbles and it heals you and the grass around you dies but in the distance another glow appears and you have to go to that one next but on your way to that one ice can things start coming out and trying to kill you on your way to it and every time you get to a new Beacon the journey to the next one becomes harder and harder until you get to the 10th one and you like I
don't know Ascend to a vajala or something like that seems simple enough right right wrong wrong I had a floor at this point I can't make this in a week but I decided it was worth a shot I ended up starting to make my character in blender another program that I had little to no experience in I also discovered that you could download 3D models from sketch Fab at this point and started over were downloading like crazy on all the characters that were going to be in my small game it was 10 days into making
my game and I had gotten virtually nowhere for some reason I was still optimistic in an insane kind of way today is the day I make a video game something you can play from the fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea and shouted to the cold Stars I I am man our greatest dread has always been the knowledge of our own morality but tonight we shall hurl the gauntlets of science into the frightful face of death itself tonight we shall Ascend into the heavens we shall mock the earthquake we shall
command the Thunders and penetrate into the very womb of impervious nature herself and we'll be able to play it it's uh it's going to be a fun time I got a zombie mesh and put him into Mo which is a place where you can get free animations and characters from and ended up getting a bunch of different animations for this zombie that spoil alert I never used and overd downloaded the crap out of them for hours but I also found on sketch Fab my character the character that I would want to play as unfortunately he
had a bunch of like weapons on the side so I had to figure out and blender how to be able to take those off and I actually managed to do this and then I ended up finding a free program called ACU rig that automatically rigs your characters once you have a few points set up and that seemed to work I'm not sure how well ACU rig works with unreal but it did allow me to get an fbx file where I could put into cascader to make my own idle animation and walking animation oh boy oh
I suck and this begins day 11 which I worked on this game for 15 hours straight from the moment I woke up to basically the moment I fell asleep I put my character into cascet and it looked good I made an idle animation and it worked that's so sick bro but I also realized that the cloak was going to be an issue not moving properly and stuff so I decided to take it off one problem there though taking off the cloak for this character also takes off his head so I made a new head and
figured out how to Gorilla Glue it on top of this model in blender I rried it and put it back in the cascader to do my walk animation and I started realizing if I'm going to like walk and make an idle animation for this guy he should also be holding something since I want a two-handed hammer I'm unfortunately to put your weapon in your game in cascader that's a paid part of cascader so I was just going to have to eyeball it and the way I was going to eyeball it is to use reference how
do you get reference for free you just do it yourself as cringy as it sounds I asked my girlfriend to film me standing and walking around and even sprinting like I was in a video game so I got to do an idle walk run Sprint slash like three different slashes okay this is so [ __ ] cringe here we go jump I need to jump you do oh gosh I wouldn't do it under the fan yeah come on front [Music] idle got it side same one that was a sneezing animation and you can stop okay
I think everyone looks bad when they run I bad everyone does dorky are you watching stop [Music] swing [ __ ] back like this swimming that's adorable also while getting these poses I put a freaking hole in the wall a slash is going to be holding like this wa did you Dum the wall that's okay but this was actually really useful I also needed a weapon which I ended up for some reason not choosing a hammer cuz I guess I couldn't find one and I used a dragon glass battle axe I got to work on
my walk cycle and cascader is awesome it's so intuitive and really fun to use and there's even like AI capabilities to make things look super realistic and I think the walk I made as crippled as it looks kind of fits the vibe I was looking for but also makes me concerned about that reference was my walk I had the walk cycle but the big test was if this is actually going to work in my game and fortunately thank the Lord it actually somehow worked and I even got a battle hacks to like get into my
hands it all came together I did discover that this animation process was actually like kind of my favorite process so far which is a good sign because you have to add in a lot of animations into games then I tried to get the cape physics to work and that was just a process and another thing that there's just not a lot of like efficient tutorials on in on YouTube for Unreal Engine 5 it just I just cannot get this thing to work but let's not focus on that I actually got my guy to walk around
and hold an ax and look cool it was the first day where I fell asleep a little proud of myself it's crazy that I'm actually doing this this is wild day 12 began with surprise surprise overd downloading once again I wanted a new character without a cape this time and a Thompson for some reason cuz it was my favorite looking gun I ended up finding a character that matched the Thompson and the setting that I was kind of like thinking and manipulating the game in my head but again I got to the physics part and
he just kept exploding like a hot air balloon and just it just didn't work and that was a waste of a day day 13 the day before my last I started the day by talking directly to the camera and getting some stuff off my chest so I've been going crazy the past few days because I can't seem to get anywhere because I keep getting sidetracked on these things that are important to me but I end up not making an actual playable experience I would argue I haven't played a playable experience this entire time so today
we're going to go through a tutorial that is strictly just making a game it's 5 hours long and I think I'll learn a lot and I think I'll actually have something to play so that was the plan just finished this one tutorial so at least I have something to show but first I know that tutorial doesn't cover how to put your own character into the game so I got to do it so I wanted to Simply add my own which is a bad idea surprisingly I actually got a character into the game changed some colors
on him and he looked pretty decent moving around besides the oxygen tank on the back that looked like a wet black hot dog moving around I followed this tutorial and worked on it for 6 hours and went a little crazy in the process but check it out after all that work I had a guy shooting a gun oh there we go that's starting to feel like I'm actually making a game dude [ __ ] finally that feels so good and it looks pretty decent don't look at it from the side or see the floating magazine
that's who cares this was the last day and I tried to finish the tutorial by mizo frizo that I realized was 6 hours long and I was following every step of the tutorial but then I realized I'm just following every step of the tutorial I'm not like even grasping these Concepts I was doing the thing that you should avoid while doing tutorials which is just clicking wherever the teacher clicks and so many parts of this project were just not going right things were breaking left and right the physics asset the holding of the gun the
character himself oh I hate this arms deflated unreal okay I'm I'm done so that day I scrapped what I had and my time was up so what I have to show is drum R please virtually nothing hold the phone we're not done here yes this is the end of the two weeks but I felt like I was doing you guys a disservice of not showing you the product of what I've learned over the past 2 weeks so I decided to keep on going so I spent the next 2 days starting from scratch and making my
own game doing my best to dodge all my past pitfalls and doing things the right fundamental way I went back to that Viking game idea and here's what I made freak lowkey kind of hard there we go three is 10 got to trip him up in the forest for this one oh gosh look at that line of them I'm going to make them kill themselves making this little thing I feel like I'm about to do the pursuit of happiness this one little moment is happiness this one little game I made after the 2 weeks of
just like ups and downs and torturous problems and problem solving this makes up for all of it and much much more because through this video I thought I was failing the whole time and I feel like it shows that failure isn't the only thing that failure is I don't know does that make sense I was learning the whole time and I knew that I could do this I just needed one last shot and I know it might not look like much but I genuinely impressed myself by the end of this even though if I'm being
honest it's mainly just an extension of the Gorka Games first game tutorial it's super rewarding and I can't wait to keep plunging deeper and deeper into Unreal Engine and go learn that prismatica Dev interactive system and maybe in a few months or some big chunk of time we'll come back and do this experiment again and see what else I've learned I want to give a personal thank you to all the YouTubers that are teaching game design and Unreal Engine for free unreal Sensei Gorka games Thomas brush prismatica Dev what you guys are doing is awesome
and inspiring wannabe game devs like me to actually give this thing a real shot so thank you but thanks for all the support guys uh like I said if you are interested in this concept and and just like talking to me about Game studio and game design stuff uh email me at Jack sather Studio gmail.com if you're a 3D artist or just really familiar with Unreal Engine I would love to talk to you I've also got merch that you guys can buy sa there's arcade and a patreon where you can have your name show up
at the end of this video like the ones that are happening right now so thanks guys for watching this video uh and thanks for supporting me and I'll see you in the next one [Music]