I want to break down for you right now this webinar that I did recently that converted at over 30% my name is Jason flatland everybody considers me the greatest webinar presenter of all time I certainly have the track record to show for it you'll actually see the proof Inception style in this but let's break this down when you start any webinar you want to hit the ground running you got to do something to hook people in get them excited and it's even better if it's kind of off-kilter like what's going to happen next I've never
had a frame of reference for a webinar starting like this for so that's what I try to do if possible and in this particular case I do this with a true false quiz so in and of itself that's interesting and it automatically creates interaction which is really powerful to use on a webinar but it does something very subtly underneath of it every question attacks an objection so one of the questions is you got to be good at marketing to sell info products and I give them an answer so the answer helps them understand that you
you don't have to be an expert marketer but marketing does serve a function for info products so people are generally in one of two camps I've noticed they're either all expert no marketing and they don't make any money and they don't help anybody or they're all marketing no expert and that's a problematic challenge that only a psychopath a narcissist or a sociopath would be okay hey let me sell something that isn't very good so I'm helping them already kind of right fit I don't have to be an expert marketer but there is a style of
marketing that I can learn and apply very easily and I don't have to be an expert by the way for an information product to be published either and I will demonstrate this this is what's exciting if you have something really powerful that you can show on a webinar which is what you should aspire to then you can make bigger claims the bigger the impact you can make the bigger the claim that you can pred it with and what's exciting about webinars as opposed to other types of advertising is we get approve the claim in the
webinar traditional sales is I'm going to make a claim you got to buy the product and then hope the claim gets proven so I'm going to lay the foundation that they can learn the style of marketing if they're not good at it that I'm going to show them they don't have to be an expert there's a way around it and in fact in some cases it's better to not be an expert I handle the objection of hey there's all this free information out there on YouTube and on podcast and so on and so forth how
it's an itch that creates more scratching and the fact is that the info business is 148 times larger than was when I started which was back in 2007 so I'm getting people excited about that all the good product ideas have been taken I hook into the recency of AI at the time which is a really hot thing and then the last thing here is true or false speed is more important than ever when it comes to cashing in enormous profits waiting online for you to claim as rightfully yours this is very powerful what I'm doing
here I have learned that in almost every single Market that you can interact in people prefer a small win by tomorrow as opposed to a bigger win 6 months down the road so most training most teaching most education most anything is this massively delayed gratification yeah I get it that's how most of the world works but it doesn't always have to work that way I'm on a Pursuit I am looking for that whale that Moby Dick if you will on where is there a case where there can be instant gratification and I Prov that in
this webinar and I demonstrated and that's what we've done here we've set it up and this is a really important slide here this is open Loops open Loops create retention better than anything else that you could do from a technique perspective other than just be interesting so interesting is the most important thing and open Loops are the second most important thing so I say on this webinar you're discover how to create a specific kind of high quality info product in less than two hours that automatically attracts buyers and sells well even if you suck at
marketing here's the intended response to this that I anticipate my audience will have they'll say that's not even possible I can't imagine that could ever be true but on the off chance the one in the million that it might be true I'm going to stick around to see if he can prove it and that creates this subtle frame if he can prove it I'm going to be very open to buying whatever he sells and in fact I lean right into that I say my promise I'm going to give you this and if that's the case
then I hope you invest in what I offer at the end for most people starting off the easiest way to sell something is to tell people I want to sell you this thing and here's what I'm going to do for you first before I sell it to you being completely over not getting Fancy with it coming right out and setting it up here's the conditions in which I would like to sell you this thing if we meet them then you're going to be excited to know what this thing is I want to sell you if
we don't meet them then please don't ever entertain the idea of buying anything from me that's the subtle frame that's created there and that's really really powerful and people are already like oo I wonder what he's selling I can't wait to see what he's selling now we do definitions never assume that your Market knows something that is key to them getting a benefit out of what you're teaching so I Define here what's an information product then I show why information products and this is where you can hit the benefits I don't spend a whole bunch
of time on this one thing you'll notice on this webinar is one point per slide is the ideal I don't do that as much on this webinar as I do on other webinars because the price point for the product that we're selling here is $499 now I want to show you how I introduce myself on this webinar whenever you're selling a webinar you got to have the who am I and why you should listen to me I try to spend as little time on it as possible what is the fewest things I can say that
can have the hugest like oh my God if there's anybody to listen to on this topic he or she is the person to listen to I started and frame it with I've created over a 100 information products over the last 15 years I was a millionaire before 30 multi-millionaire soon after I've worked with multi-billion dollar companies I did the biggest internet marketing launch in history and and then I show this testimonial from Alex Heros here the guy who sold more books on offers than any anybody credits me with the single best course he's ever seen
on offer creation that's really powerful and that's about the real time of how I spend introducing myself the thing about a webinar people don't get is your best proof element of who you are and why somebody should listen to you is being interesting how you Captivate somebody how you can show them that you are the real deal and you've thought about their problems more than they have and it shows and how you address them and communicate with them will do far greater than anything you could put on any number of slides now people overcompensate that
by putting too much on slides and I get it I have some of the most compelling insane proof if you think about it because Zoom brought me in I did the biggest launch Alex Heros is probably the hottest name in the space right now I have a testimonial from him on the topic I get that you probably don't have that I used to not have that either so but you got to think about the different ways you can show your different proof elements so they can have the biggest impact with the least amount of time
and it just really kind of clears the air okay I get it he's the expert so I should really pay attention that's what you're shooting for here now what's really cool here is I've built myself up to this massive thing which makes me completely unrelatable to my audience so I have to bring it back to reality and I say before you make millions what turns your life around is the first dollar you make and I show the first product I ever sold I have the screenshot show not tell show as much as you possibly can
tell as little as you possibly can meaning that the less slides that have all words or if you're making claims the more you have visuals on those claims the better and now I get them very excited there's also the implicit expectation that if you continue to follow along you can turn a small amount of success into a large amount of success just like I have done and then I give them the formula one problem one solution one sitting product creation Now when I reveal the formula here I don't go immediately into teaching it you want
to get Buy in with whatever you're going to teach before you teach it get people leveraged have tension around it so they're excited to learn it so they say come on please please please show it to me and then we'll have more imp when you do show it to them and so I set the framework I go if you got a month to create it you probably won't if you got a week if you got a weekend the product needs to be done when you sit down and when you stand up it's finished that's the
Paradigm that I'm working on in this webinar right here and notice I don't just say it I romance it now so I come back to the first product again one of the things that you'll learn the more you do this is it's better to take a concept slice it up and then give it out in chunks throughout the webinar since it's a long form media what you do is you find ways to unfold the story you really have multiple story threads running simultaneously and you're putting this piece of the story in here that piece of
the story in there that piece of the story in there so this is a call back they've seen the screenshot before now I'm adding a little bit more Foundation to it before I didn't tell them the name of the product now I'm showing them the name of the product I give them the anatomy of the product and I get them excited about them I show them the results about that I get them pumped up cuz I I say on this slide here I say even if I didn't get better and I had a whole lot
of room to get better I knew if I just repeated the same thing over and over again it would completely change my life completely change my finances and that speaks to the customer because anybody who's really attending a webinar has a low self-worth related to whatever they're tuning in for and so they think whatever you're going to do they can only do one tenth or one/ 100th of it so they're thinking worst case scenario and you're selling best case scenario so I'm always trying to C celebrate to worst case scenario even reading their mind hey
but you're Jason so you have some superpower that us mere mortals don't now this is an interesting thing too cuz I could have told this story earlier on the who am I why am I telling you this section but it goes back to what I'm talking about of slicing and dicing content and putting it out in puzzle pieces so this is where I tell the story that yes in fact I was a rapping Monk and now I tell a little bit more about my story The personalization of it you don't become a monk because life's
going well it's because things are very hard you show where you came from you show what it took to get there and you relate it back to the audience and now I challenge the audience a little bit here it's always important to challenge the audience the person that just caters and patronizes to the audience is not going to get as big of an impact as the person that challenges so I say you need to have some ambition you need to have some Focus you need to have some desire and I'm asking for commitment I say
are you up for that once you combine that with this thing now I unpack a little bit further I've introduced them to this concept of one problem one solution one sitting I've now repeated it a few times and now I add to it present it in a step-by-step format sell it at a low low price here's what's interesting about this this flies in the face of everything else that they've been told from every other Guru I'm telling them to sell the things super cheap and not to be concerned with maximizing profit right now and being
totally okay with leaving some money on the table because if you try to dress it all up it never gets done that's my whole point my other point is all the money is in the existing customer list it's not in the new customers but see most other people don't want to tell tell them that cuz they're afraid that would stop the sell I'm using that to my advantage people can see themselves more easily selling a really cheap product and as a marketer who's super successful I'm telling them to sell a really cheap product it's very
interesting to them it gets more Rapport in a way they normally you wouldn't get and then I introduce a testimonial here of a person I show the testimonial and I and I point out to them something very interesting which is paragraph 2 are said I've already had the idea of what I wanted to do for as long as 2 to 3 months but never got around to doing it and I know subtly there's so many people on this webinar that feel the same thing that they have this great idea inside of them and they just
can't figure out a way to get it out so I'm showing them how this formula will get it out in the easiest simplest form and then if it's valid and people like it then they can enhance it they can go further with it they can do a whole bunch of stuff with it but right now we want to take something that's inside of them that they're not making money with and get it outside of them so they can make some money with it and again this is always going back to mind reading what is the
person thinking when I'm telling this what is the potential objection excuse ucer limitation that they would push back on and they're scared hey well what if I try this and it doesn't work and so I frame that to them that hey if it sells well great if it doesn't sell well great because you can use it as an asset you gain the experience it can be a lead magnet it can be a bonus and if it does okay great because you can stack a whole bunch of okays together and still have life-changing income and now
they feel very comfortable I've depressurize the process it doesn't have to be great which gets them off the hook and it isn't great that's the reality really good marketing is finding a way to align the reality with the perception not to pretend the reality is something that it isn't because I know not everybody's going to create a product that's going to sell well and I'm flat out telling them but I'm telling it to them in a way that they will not stop them from doing what they know that they want to do and then this
is where we break it down some do better than others some flop some do okay a few are huge home runs that can change your life if you want to Stack the deck in your favor to influence having more home runs then these are the four most important things now watch how quickly I teach them each of these four things here's the first thing better than free I give them a definition try to give a definition of what you're going to teach in one sentence I give them a jux to position so in this particular
case the point is if they did it on their own it would cost them more money than if they paid you for your information product and again notice there is some interaction which is the better deal I'm asking the audience that do this and it will literally cost them more to not buy your product this is called a tie down so you make the point they get it and then you tie it down so they can completely understand it and then that's it so literally this is a good framework if you're teaching something introduce it
give an example tie it down great way to teach tactics and now look at the second one here pain before gain and I show them before you saw the plan to Heaven provide the path out of hell so this is why it's important and then again ju to position isn't that interesting who's likely to spend more Joe Who Wants A Whiter Brighter Smile so a better tomorrow or Jane a crippling toothache the pain of today and I get them to tell me people will buy much quicker and at much larger prices to get rid of
an existing pain that's a tie down three slides so why it's important in this particular instance jux to position tie down instant gratification this is the third thing this is really cool because it's sort of meta I'm teaching instant gratification and I'm leaning into it further smaller results sooner are better than bigger results later and here's a big money-making secret now this is where I spend a little bit more time sometimes if you have a really cool thing or if it you want to set it up it's okay to spend a little bit more time
for the dramatic effect uh when you reveal the point so big money making secret you can take any how-to book gut most of the content hone in on one thing offer an immediate win now I show I don't want to just tell if I have a really powerful point it's better to show it so here's a book it's 384 Pages within this book that I personally bought there's a single page more specifically there's four steps on this page it was an immediate game Cher for me so I want you to imagine a scenario now and
look at the ju to position again do people want a history lesson for $ that takes eight hours to consume or would they prefer to buy a product that's 10 pages long takes less than 20 minutes minutes to read and is about the same price what's easier to sell what's easier to create so this is jua position with an interactive device there and this really makes people feel comfortable and Justified because I know right now the skepticism of if I create these one problem one solution one sitting products are they really valuable they're very thin
and people have trouble differentiating between quantity and quality so this is how I help them see that with this example and then hypers specific the more you tailor Solutions so this is the definition again right I show them my example here and then I show them other examples one is a product E-class student one ties back to the earlier example of me being a monk and then I tease them with this New Concept which is just I find very interesting I say these people make thousands of dollars per month selling live Roaches on eBay they
would make tens of thousands of dollars teaching others how to do it as well and that gets people excited so I didn't tie it down in this sense because I'm immediately going to move into the close they say regardless if you're an expert of renew this is the best way to do that and now I show an example of a testimonial who took the course I show another example of a testimonial who took the course I show a third quick example I show a fourth quick example and then I start to close now this is
a famous close I've taught this to a lot of people and it works in almost really any scenario where you're selling information I say I could go on and on people just like you did it does that mean you can do it and then I say no I say probably not to be specific and this is a great pattern interrupt because people are so used to be imp pandered to when they're sold I can do it so you can do it they did it you can do it so I want to do a fake out
I want people to feel like they got it and then say well hold on you can't do it so I'm creating tension I'm actually creating a problem which then I have a solution for this is the transition from content to close here I say if we part a ways right now would you go out immediately set the world on fire with your new found product creation skills doubtful so I'm leaning into it further because the reality is I know no matter what training I could give them in 45 to 60 to 75 minutes or even
90 or 120 Minutes is not going to change habits it's silly and absurd that people pretend that such a thing actually exists so why not affirm the truth in the most impactful way possible you'll get the deepest report and I say I probably know you better than you know yourself you're stubborn and if I let you you will quickly default back to your old habits which are not making the money that you deserve and then I say that's why I won't let that happen so I've now positioned the fact that I'm selling them something a
useful thing which it is it's crazy why would you sell something to somebody that isn't a useful thing and if it is a useful thing why would you not let them know that I don't understand anyway I say that's why I won't let that happen you need me in your ear more than today if you're truly going to take what I showed you on this webinar and turn it into piles of cash I like to take a very straightup approach if you haven't noticed this at this point in time people want to make a bunch
of money yeah they want to change the world yeah they want to help others but the nub of it is they have a small bank account they want a large Bank account so I call it as it is very directly but I'm also calling in the sense that they won't form a new habit or a new Behavior pattern on one webinar they need repetition they need support they need additional help beyond what I could just give them freely one session one time and I say best of all if you don't quickly make twice your investment
with my product creation Secrets will give you double your money back so now I'm teasing and interesting part of this offer better than money back guarantees are some of the most effective way ways you can sell anything and they're very rare almost nobody does them yes I get it it's hard to figure one out um there's risk involved for you if you do it right because if your product sucks you may end up paying out more money than you took in so start small and test on a very small scale the more risk you're willing
to incur on behalf of your prospects the more prospects you'll turn into customers so I'm using a double your money back guarantee in this instance and I'll show you what that looks like more here in a bit and then I introduce the product now the interesting thing is this is 5.0 which I'm not a fan of people like new tried and true even establish and all that good stuff it's harder to sell than a brand new thing but the reality is I've been doing this training in some way shape or form now going on 15
years so there's something to be said about the longevity of this course and this is the fifth version that I've taught from the ground up and we released this a little bit earlier this year in 2023 so product eClass now look at how little time I spend on what's in the course itself and then look at how much time I will spend on the bonuses I introduced the product but I don't immediately dive into it I set this stage so somebody could understand how great the product is with this Slice of Life story I say
here's where I got started in this little shed here in Corville Iowa where my living room was my office was my bedroom I couldn't fit both a desk and a bed in there so I slept on the floor so I'm telling them a story about me in a time I had to make a sacrifice and they can now step into those shoes and see themselves having to make a sacrifice of time and money in order to better themselves and the story continues what made the difference was when I had my first big investment to work
with the right Menor who gave me no other option but to succeed and I want to extend that beautiful gift to you as well so I showed them that it's a really smart idea to pay somebody else to help you even if the payment is a lot of money and it's painful to make the payment I put myself into their shoes I remember the first ever high ticket course I bought it was a $2,000 course and and the guy I was working for at the time I was painting houses I called him up because I
didn't have a credit card to charge it on and they had no alternative method I said hey come over to my shed in Corville Iowa which he did put it in there and I'll pay you back I'll write you a check that's how I had to buy my first course that was the position I is in and I didn't have a bed at the time I did sleep on the floor and then now I show what's in the course I explain what it is so I have one slide that kind of gives the snapshot overview
of what it is I break down each session so it has a SE headline has a a couple really powerful bullet points and a screenshot of one slide in the course and I do the same thing with session two this one has only three bullet points session three same thing session four just two bullet points session five and there's all our sexy title one two to three to four to five bullet points one cool imagery from within the course itself same thing with session six in this case I use a proof element usually it's preferable
to use proof elements attached to it so it's sexy title couple bullet points reason why it's a bonus proof element tie it down in terms of how valuable it is with a price anchor it should be this much at yours free that's the best procedural way to do bonuses since this product is lower ticket it's only about 500 bucks I don't even go that far although reviewing this now I think maybe I should and then here's session seven same formula so we blow through that it takes maybe three minutes to give them the whole feel
on here's what it is here's what it does here's what you get here's how you get it and that's this slide here and then I start to do the price drop price anchoring basically is you start at a high thing and then you lower it to a very low thing I think it's somewhat cheesy but every time I've not used price anchoring I've converted less than when I have used price anchoring so I use it so how much successful people have made five figures so charging five figures would make s when I do my in
trining seminars they cost $5,000 about notice the proof element normal price to the public is this and if you look at it this is not a pitch to sell product E-class to you here today this is just showing you how the sausage gets made and it is that is the regular retail price if you can get on one of my webinars in the rare few times or an affiliate webinar where we run these then we do run time limited offers every webinar should have some special offer to it should have some sort of discount and
some sort of additional bonuses the best way to do a webinar so I give them a Time limited special offer in this case $4.99 one time or 194 three installments I try not to use the word cost or pay sounds and feels better if it's $4.99 one time or 194 thre monthly installments and then you do your first call to action and then in my opinion is when the real selling starts because I then start to build on the bonuses so we put the price up front put the value in the back we call this
mullet technique offer and price short in the front bonus in the value long in the back and now check out this bonus Stacks so bonus number one 101 killer product topics the purpose of this bonus is to eliminate the objection well G Jason I don't know what to sell I don't know if I'll ever come up with an idea and so that is the primary and sole purpose of this bonus is to kill that objection bonus number two AI product creation secrets and so because AI is the hottest coolest thing right now you should have
some sort of bright shiny object in your bonus package for no other reason than it would be inconspicuous in its absence this thing must not be fresh and must not be cutting edge if he has this huge Omission in it that everybody else is talking about so that's bonus number two bonus number three marketing software Secrets this shows them all the tech that they would have to use in order to sell a product online and people are so weirded out about the tech it is a huge objection so this is another objection killer now we
don't tell them the platform and the software outright we don't say hey use cart we will show you step byep how to use cartra the main reason why is because in the future we might change that so it's better to be flexible here and then have to go back and redo every single thing that built up to it but we're positioning it as we'll show you exactly how to run the technical stuff bonus number four templates these are just Sizzle it's uh the icing on the cake it gets people excited because it shows them how
they can do things that are normally hard very easily so this is just taking additional resources like sales templates bullet point templat templates interview question templates content cheat sheet as a template given it to them I could have just shipped it in the course but it's cooler to pull it out and make it its separate thing bonus number five is is a nice bonus technique that you can use my friend in alumni in my Mastermind my $25,000 Mastermind at Driven Rachel Miller is her name and she has a course that she doesn't really sell it
anymore but it retails for $99.97 so she's not out there pushing it and trying to sell it but the course is that's what it cost and it's really good for traffic from an organic s perspective which I don't do and I'm not good at but I can now put that in here so this helps them see themselves yet another way for them to get traffic above and beyond because otherwise they think if I can create an info product but not get traffic then I'm screwed and they won't buy so thirdparty bonuses and I don't have
to pay anything for this just work out a deal hey can I include it in in this case she says yeah she just wants the exposure what a cool way to get a bonus huh that's bonus number five now here's the the real big bonus it's resell rights to three of my products so then I can say 100% of my people who take product E-class have a product and I mean I don't ham it up and really lean on it and push it uh because I feel like that would be deceptive but the idea here
is is these are valuable because people can see themselves using the marketing techniques even if they don't create their products on products that I will give them and they are super high quality products I don't show them anymore because we change them and we add more from it from time to time so from a scalability perspective but back in the day I used to show the products then I used to show the funnels as well so they get the products and they get wholes funnels and we also position it as this is good practice for
you so you can go through the ins and outs of setting up a product online before you even create your first product so it's a very sexy bonus and then bonus number seven this is called a conditional bonus it's always nice to have a conditional bonus because then you can offer something even more outlandish than what normally you could on a bonus and this is a consult with me and they have to sell $10,000 first before they can book a consult with me this is a a great way to get testimonials by the way so
it helps incentivize people to be successful and then when you talk to them you learn their story and can use it as a testimonial later very powerful stuff and then I always link bonuses on webinars they're exclusive so if you went to the main website you would see it costs twice as much for the product and it doesn't come with any bonuses this is they get a half off and they get all these bonuses call to action slide always should have one when you do a webinar where you at a glance if you could only
have one slide to show everything that you sell this would be it notice the biggest font on here is the URL they would go to that URL is not functional anymore that was for a a private webinar that we did for a client and then the double your money back guarantee so when they go to the URL we have all the details listed it's super easy to comply with the guarantee it's like create a Google Document document what you do for that day do that for 60 days straight and then if you haven't doubled your
money back we'll give you a double your money back and I there's one other condition you actually have to set up a product and do a test payment to verify that somebody could purchase the product I'm talking ridiculously low barrier of Entry because often what separates people from success or not is the first step most people just psychologically can't commit to that first step so the double your money back guarantee helps conversion obviously because it reduces risk but it also if you do it right increases people's success which which is why I love a double
your money back guarantee in this case we have the regular guarantee on top of that as well so for any reason or none at all they want their money back they can get it and then we talk about support which kind of lends into people feeling like yeah well what if you promise that you'll give me my money back and then disappear so this kills that feeling right there uh one more kind of inspirational shove into the buy button which is like look at how big this is you want to get in on this and
then I frame it as well look what I've done I'm your guide I'll get you there and then this is something recently so for Alex her Mo's book launch he paid me $25,000 to consult with him and then back to the call the action slide and then what we do from here on out with live webinars is we just handle objections and we answer questions and we'll spend another hour or two or three in some instances depending on how many people are on the webinar now we have an automated version of this as well and
that works really good and what we'll do in that instances is we know kind of the general questions people ask so we'll answer that but we don't pretend hey Sarah said blah blah blah none of that nonsense or goofiness we just go more impersonal here's some of the things that you may be thinking that could influence whether you would say yes to this or no to this so here's the first thing and then we would talk about that and speak extemporaneously on that but this is a great webinar for most people to model I feel
because it's so straightforward there's not a lot of moving parts to it and I think