(1-2) Transmigrated To Body With Terminal Illness But Acquire A Unique Ability & Awaken His Talent!

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Manhwa Recap Zone
I must become a genius in order to survive. I'll be doing great from today on, so please help me. In...
Video Transcript:
Kyle suyon appears in the virtual reality game Fantasy Defense as the youngest son of the prestigious sutian Marquee family he was one of the sueran family members involved in major early game events but during an encounter with the main character Kyle is beaten badly and ends up dying pitifully after just one Blow from a minion summoned by a villain this marked him as an extra character and that extra is now our protagonist pinching his cheek hard Kyle felt a sharp pain realizing that this was not a dream he stared at himself in the mirror and
bewildered shouted wondering how he had possessed such a worthless character when he was supposed to be Lee hayan Wu the top ranked player in the world of Fantasy Defense Fantasy Defense is a fantasy themed defense game that became a huge Global hit in 2030 the game is known for its devilishly high difficulty level and even after 10 years no one has managed to clear it despite this its addictive nature and challenging mechanics kept it incredibly popular players earn points in global rankings based on how they played and completed quests with rare quests and items significantly
boosting their score course for 10 real life years leh hyan Wu had been completely immersed in the game mastering everything from rare Magic circles to Legendary crafting combinations with an overwhelming score he became a living legend as the top ranked Global player but now having possessed an extra character he was left wondering how he could possibly survive in this world when even the protagonist equipped with the best talents couldn't clear the game he vividly remembered Kyle cyrion's fate because he had played the game so many times the ultimate goal in Fantasy Defense was to stop
the forces of darkness and the one who summoned these dark Forces was none other than the Second Son of the surian family Adel seeking to usurp the head of the family adal turned to dark Powers instigating a rebellion in the end the celtian territory became a stronghold for the dark Forces who had long coveted the human lands amidst the chaos the powerless Kyle was easily killed lying on the bed Kyle thought he could simply leave the territory before the Rebellion started however he knew there was a bigger problem Kyle had a disease known as heru
heru is a condition where the Mana channels within the body are blocked in this world Mana is the source of both Aura and magic and it provides essential energy for survival those with blocked Mona channels like heru patients cannot absorb the necessary nutrients for life and growth and most die before they reach 20 Kyle knew that the only cure for hermy was to absorb Mana from nature into the body however since his Mana channels were blocked this was impossible in other words being diagnosed with hermy was akin to receiving a death sentence diagnosed at a
young age Kyle had fallen into despair overwhelmed by the fear of death the anxiety about his remaining time and the frustration of his inability to fight back eventually he became twisted and before long Kyle had turned into a disgrace to the family in the end his father the head of the sutian family confined him to an Annex Furious Kyle shouted that they must think he was a joke for looking down on him in a fit of rage he grabbed something nearby and hurled a chair against the wall yelling for everyone to just die already making
it clear that Kyle was beyond hope even even in the game leeyan Wu had seen Kyle as a lost cause he looked around his room thinking that Kyle was so rotten that even his terminal illness didn't stir any sympathy he decided to reassess the situation and found himself puzzled that the man he had possessed was Kyle the youngest son of the Marquee but from a doomed family Kyle had no talent in swordsmanship or magic no life expectancy a terrible personality the worst reputation and was confined by the head of the family at that moment he
realized that he was truly doomed whether he stayed or ran he would die trapped in a no- win situation in frustration he shouted how am I supposed to survive in this world with such terrible stats isn't it normal to get some kind of cheat ability when you're reincarnated like a status window or something suddenly a light appeared behind him when he looked back he saw glowing circles floating in the air confused he reached out to one of them wondering what they were since he had never seen anything like this before as soon as he touched
one it exploded releasing a bright light leaving him wondering what was happening out of nowhere a system mess message appeared showing that he had awakened he had been granted two new talents the status window was unlocked and he could now use Insight which would activate automatically he was shocked to see the status window appear and excitedly examined it he noticed that one of the talents he was granted was Mona Pathways while he knew the inside Talent allowed him to see detailed specs he had never encountered Mana Pathways before puzzled he thought that judging by the
name it must be related to magic he recalled that the best magic Talent was supposed to be Mona companion but his intuition told him this was something even more extraordinary he felt it was a top tier talent and began to believe that he wouldn't be stopped now he touched another floating Circle which entered through his hand and goes to his veins he was shocked feeling the energy coursing inside him suddenly his hand snap and when he looks at it he saw the Herm blocking the Mana pathway he then commanded the Mana to move according to
his will closing his eyes he ordered it to pierce through the heru the monor responded to his will and when he shaped it into a drill it followed his command and began piercing the blockage in his body he continued directing it until it successfully broke through the heru excited he saw that it worked the Mana was flowing though it had only reached up to his elbow he knew that by continuing to gather mana and open the channels he could overcome heru's barrier he felt a surge of relief realizing that he wouldn't die the next day
in the kitchen a maid Was preparing a dish and felt pleased that she had finished she picked it up thinking she should take it to Kyle quickly before it got cold however a group of other Maids appeared and ordered her not to deliver the meal to Lord Kyle she stared at them confused as they glared back at her one of the maids hi explained that they had decided to stop serving Kyle for a while as a protest against his behavior she added that after going hungry for a few days Kyle might change his attitude and
she instructed the maid to put the dish down the other Maids agreed with her despite their orders the maid calmly responded to do whatever they want and she'll do her job hi was enraged by her Defiance and asked if she thought she was the only one acting all Noble without warning hi slapped the tray out of her hands and the maid stared in Surprise as the food scattered across the floor hi still fuming demanded to know if the maid still thought she was a noble mocking her for being sold as a slave after her family's
downfall the maid stayed silent quietly picking up the tray from the ground while hi shouted at her not to be so arrogant ignoring the Outburst she continued Gathering the dishes which only made High angrier hi raised her hand to slap the maid demanding to know if she was going to keep ignoring them but fortunately a man entered the kitchen just in time he loudly asked what all the commotion was about the maids were shocked to see him it was Leon Hart one of the other Maids asked why Leon Hart was in the kitchen but he
ignored the question and noticed the meal on the ground realizing it was meant for Kyle and that the other Maids were causing trouble he told the maid to prepare the meal again and take it to Kyle quickly surprised by his order she replied with a simple yes while the two other Maids stood aside she rushed back to the preparations as leanhart quietly observed her meanwhile in Kyle's room he was examining his talents inside and Mona Pathways he thought that by using these two talents he might be able to change the fate of the fallen ceran
family having played Fantasy Defense for 10 years he possessed information that almost felt like foresight on top of that he was born into a family with great power and wealth like the celtian this meant it wasn't impossible to block the forces of Darkness he then made up his mind to take action and decided to focus on three main tasks first he would clear the Mana channels and overcome heru's barrier second he would learn magic since Mona Pathways was specialized in Magic it made more sense to become a mage rather than a knight second he needed
to prevent the downfall of the sutian Marquee family the better the family did the better off he would be the celtian Marquee family was strong in reputation skill and wealth an important shield for him since their territory was on the outskirts he didn't need to worry too much about the capital's politics third and most importantly he needed to gather talents to prepare for the dark Force's major assault in the coming years he would need strong allies using his Insight Talent he decided to select people with potential and make them his so they could become reliable
forces confident he thought that by building strength he would definitely survive to gather Talent he should start by looking close by and since he was in the sutian Marquee family lanh Hart would be a good place to start as he was a useful tank and PC in the game just then there was a knock on his door a made enter inside and informed him that she had brought his meal surprised he tried to recall a faint memory of her wondering what her name was and he was thinking the system suddenly popped up showing that his
Insight Talent had been activated the system informed him that the target was of a low rank and a status window appeared in front of him he realized that with Insight he could now see other people's information he saw that her name was Ural 12 years old with a talent called Eternal friend of spirits her traits were listed as cool-headed and diligent and her affection level was 30 he was shocked to see her talent and focused on it Eternal friend of spirits was a top tier Spirit summoning Talent without realizing in it he had moved quite
close to her and only snapped out of it when she looked at him she politely told him to enjoy his meal to which he responded with a simple yes as she walked away he wondered how someone with the talent to become a genius Spirit Summoner was working as a maid in such a place a year ago at an auction the host greeted the audience promising them something special an item they wouldn't easily find elsewhere something they had barely managed to acquire Kyle was among the audience the host then presented a girl introducing her as the
third daughter of the Fallen Baron helheim family Ural the audience was surprised while the host emphasized her well-mannered and smart nature despite her Fallen Noble status and invited them to start bidding the bidding began at 50 gold quickly rising to 70 then 90 and higher next to Kyle was leonhard who urged him to leave commenting that slave auctions weren't worth their time however Kyle raised his hand and made an offer of 300 gold for Ural shocking both leonhart and the host the host wide-eyed announced the bid asking if anyone wished to bid higher leonhart taken
aack asked Kyle if he really intended to buy a slave and what his father would think of it but Kyle irritated shouted at leanhart to stop nagging him saying he could spend his money however he wanted and that his father didn't care about what he did as the host declared heral sold for 300 gold Kyle rushed to the stage removing his mask leaning closer to her he told her firmly from now on you belong to me after leaving the auction Kyle freed Ural from her chains telling her she was no longer a slave she could
go wherever she wanted now UR SE surprised by his words hesitated as Kyle turned to leave she was confused about where she should go and reminded him that he had just said she belonged to him this caught Kyle offg guard she rushed forward grabbing his coat and declared that she would follow him Kyle stared at her for a moment sighed and told her to do as she pleased reflecting on the memory of how Kyle had met uril he realized it was one of Kyle's memories he figured out that uril had become a made in the
Marquee family because Kyle had taken her and after rescuing her from being sold as a slave following the downfall of her family this realization made him see how much Ural had endured at such a young age he also noticed that he had fully merged with Kyle Even feeling the emotions Kyle had toward her the shared sense of Abandonment and powerlessness against fate he was snapped back to the present when he tasted the food Ural had brought surprised by how good it was he asked her if she had made it herself Ural startled rushed back into
check if something was wrong Kyle reassured her that the food was delicious and praised her cooking skills even requesting that she prepare it for him again in the future though surprised by the compliment she agreed shortly after the system showed that her affection toward him had increased to 35 he considered that given the dramatic circumstances in which Kyle and Ural had met it wasn't a particularly High affection score however considering Kyle's past delinquent Behavior it was a miracle she had any affection for him at all he recalled that in Fantasy Defense there was no NPC
named Ural with the talent for Spirit magic this led him to believe that she must have died during the internal Rebellion within the Marquee family before her ability ities could develop determined not to let such a valuable Talent go to waste he swore that this time things would be different Kyle then asked Ural if she had ever thought about learning Spirit magic she was stunned as she had never considered that she might have any talent for it from this reaction Kyle realized that she likely hadn't encountered Spirit magic even in her own home Spirit magic
was known to be particularly expensive to learn something a lower ranked Noble family like hers could not afford Kyle decided to take charge of her training and told her to start thinking about learning Spirit magic despite her initial reluctance he made it clear that there was no option to refuse he approached her and explained that she needed to follow his words as she was now his responsibility Ural stunned by his seriousness stared at him for a moment before blushing in shyness the system indicated that her affection for him had increased to 50 and she ultimately
agreed to follow his instructions a few days later Kyle faced off against leonhart when he attempted to leave his room he demanded that leonhart step aside as he intended to go outside leonhart calmly refused informing Kyle that he could not leave without the Master's permission Kyle's frustration boiled over and he lashed out questioning whether he was expected to remain locked up forever leonhart remaining composed reminded Kyle of the Master's orders asking if he had forgotten the reason for his confinement the sharp reminder triggered a wave of fear as Kyle recalled that due to his delinquent
Behavior the Marquee of cyrion had confined him to his room however Kyle knew he didn't have much time left and as he glanced around he saw the monop particle floating in the air of his room realizing he needed to act soon since discovering that he could open his Mana channels Kyle had been absorbing the Mana in his room every day although it wasn't enough to open the channels all at once like it had on the first day the Mana gradually accumulated in his body like experience points in a game his physical condition improved over time
but it still wasn't enough to fully cure heru this meant he needed to go outside to gather more Mana smiling he told leonhart that he wasn't going far just for a short walk to get some exercise leonhart surprised by the reasoning remarked that it was the first time Kyle had ever given such a constructive explanation this irritated Kyle who demanded to know what leanhart took him for leonhart replied that as Kyle's bodyguard for years it was the first time he'd heard him say anything like that Kyle realized that his reputation had been so terrible for
so long that his trust level was essentially zero he wondered who would have thought that leonhardt of all people would be such an impenetrable wall it seemed reasoning with him was nearly impossible Leonard was currently Kyle Su tyrion's bodyguard but in Fantasy Defense he was a highly famous character with excellent skills in both defense and offense and immense potential leonhard could be developed into a captain level Knight and was often used as a tank in parties players loved him for his loyalty trait which ensured he would never betray them in the original game after the
downfall of the Marquee family leonhart became a Wandering Knight and could be recruited by the player however since the second son's Rebellion hadn't happened yet leonhart was still stationed at the sutian Mansion Kyle couldn't believe that such a talented individual was being wasted as a mere babysitter for a delinquent like him he wondered what the celtian KN order was even doing he then asked leanhart why he was still there which surprised leonhart and angered him leonhart seriously asked if Kyle had a problem with him being his bodyguard Kyle panicked when he saw that leonhart's affection
toward him dropped by 60 points hastily Kyle explained that he didn't have a problem with Leon Hart personally but he couldn't bring himself to admit that leanh Hart was too talented for such a mundane job leonhart responded that he was simply following the Master's orders this made Kyle snap and realize that leonhart's loyalty wasn't to him but to his father rimon celon Kyle smirked at the thought wondering who would want to be loyal to a delinquent like him still he knew he couldn't let the situation continue as it was he told leanhart that he needed
to convince his father leonhart noticed something different about Kyle's demeanor and Kyle smiled thinking that once he caught leonhart's attention he could win him over he asked Leonard if he was right to assume that he would agree silently thinking that his second project for recrui in Talent was now leonhart leonhart noticed something different about Kyle's attitude and asked what he was scheming Kyle responded by asking what he meant by scheming but he quickly realized that leonhard didn't trust him at all he then explained that he had been in his room for so long that his
thoughts had changed when leonhard asked what he meant by that Kyle smiled and replied that he had decided he wanted to live a long life leonhart was stunned unable to believe that Kyle someone who had given up on everything due to his incurable Herm immune disease now had a desire to live longer months earlier rton had confided in leanhart telling him that Kyle likely wouldn't live past the age of 20 not only did Kyle lack magical talent but he was also unskilled in swordsmanship being the youngest meant he had no chance of inheriting the family
title despite all this rimon insisted that leanhart stay by Kyle's side rimon had asked if leonhart resented him for this decision but after a brief pause leonhart had replied that it was an honor beyond words for anyone in the sutian Knight order to protect a direct descendant of the Marquee family and that he would Faithfully fulfill his duty rimon seeing leonhart's loyalty explained that there was no one else in the Marquee household he trusted more to protect Kyle he begged leonhard to take care of his son and after some hesitation Leon Hart bowed and agreed
now hearing Kyle speak about wanting to live longer and asking for permission to exercise outside left leonhard in shock Kyle suggested that leonhardt tell his father confident that rton would understand he then asked leonhard if it would be acceptable for him to go outside however Leonard moved his hand to the side blocking Kyle's path and firmly told him that he could exercise indoors as well Kyle growing frustrated scratched his head realizing that lean Hart was truly stubborn rather than continuing to ask politely Kyle shifted his tone and ordered leanhart to move aside making it clear
he didn't want to repeat himself he released a bit of his Aura knowing that he needed to go outside to gather more Mana course Kyle stared directly into leonhart's eyes letting his Aura press forward leonhart could feel that something was indeed different about Kyle but even so he couldn't back down Leonard stepped closer releasing his own power ful Aura reminding Kyle that his father's orders were absolute and applied to him as well if Kyle truly wanted to leave he would have to get past him feeling the pressure of leonhart's killing intent Kyle took a step
back surprised that leonhart was using such Force to prevent him from Simply stepping outside he realized that had he been an ordinary 13-year-old he might have been paralyzed with fear or even collapsed but Kyle smiled knowing that he was far from ordinary he then told Leonard to keep his word surprising the Knight Kyle walked up to him and lightly punched him on on the shoulder before confidently walking past leonart watched as Kyle moved past him with his own Aura still active his expression calm but Resolute turning back Kyle asked how it felt and then pointed
out to leonhart that he had gotten past him later Kyle was outside enjoying the refreshing air and stretching his body happily he reflected on how long it had been since he had last stepped outside as he looked around even though it was just the Garden near the annex he felt a sense of freedom and marveled at the beauty of the night sky wondering if it had always been that breathtaking is it excitement grew when he noticed Mona particles scattered everywhere overcome with enthusiasm he rushed toward them thinking that he would devour them all leonart stood
by watching him he hadn't expected Kyle to be so thrilled just to be outside and it made him realize that after all Kyle was still just a kid however Leonard was still in shock recalling how Kyle had managed to walk past him earlier it confused him knowing that Kyle hadn't trained in Mona or Aura and shouldn't have been able to withstand the pressure of his killing intent while Kyle was busy gathering Mana particles he stole a glance at the stunned leonhart he figured that leonhart was still rattled from what had happened earlier and he knew
the Knight had every reason to be physically Kyle was just a 13-year-old Noble boy who had never been in a real fight but mentally he was a veteran who had survived countless virtual Wars over 10 years in the virtual reality game Fantasy Defense the game was famous for its realistic depictions of Babel and Kyle had grown desensitized to life or death moments horrific sights piles of corpses and the feeling of being drenched in blood so in during a little scare tactic like leonhard's killing intent was almost second nature to him after gathering enough monop particles
Kyle thought he would be able to clear more Mana channels soon as he finished Leonard approached him stating that he would be requesting punishment from rton for his actions Kyle confused asked what he meant Leonard explained that although he had followed Ron's orders it was wrong for him to direct killing intent toward the one he served therefore he would seek punishment Kyle assured him that it wasn't necessary but if Leonard insisted on reporting to his father father he should also mention that Kyle didn't wish for leonhart to be punished true to his word leonhart reported
everything to rton who was surprised by Kyle's requests rimon asked if it was true that Kyle had actually asked for his subordinate not to be punished leonhart confirmed it stating that Kyle's words were truthful rimon clarified that it wasn't a matter of mistrusting leonhart but simply hard to believe leonhart acknowledged this admitting that even he had trouble believing it he reported that when Kyle had calmly faced his killing intent he had doubted what he was was seeing as well rimon pondered trying to understand how Kyle had resisted The Killing intent of a knight as skilled
as leonhart he then asked what Kyle did afterward in the garden leonhard after a moment of thought recalled the cold wind and the sound of moving water as Kyle sat in the garden focused he responded to rton that Kyle had meditated Leonard slowly approached Kyle and asked if he knew how to meditate Kyle responded that when he was younger his father had taught him some swordsmanship and it was during that time he also learned how to meditate he then mentioned that he had quit shortly after realizing he had no talent for it Kyle instructed leonhard
to ensure no one Disturbed him while he meditated as it would disrupt his Focus leonhard acknowledged the request and later reported to rton that Kyle remained in meditation motionless for 6 hours straight rton astonished asked if leonhardt had truly said 6 hours and not 6 seconds leonhart confirmed leaving rton in disbelief he recalled how when Kyle was younger he had tried to teach him swordsmanship as a descendant of the sutian family it was expected that Kyle would fall follow the path of swordsmanship En Ramon had hoped Kyle would grow strong enough to overcome heru however
Kyle couldn't handle the training complaining that his legs felt Tangled which had infuriated rton he had scolded Kyle telling him to get up and reminding him that no weak descendant had ever come from their family certain that Kyle had neither Talent nor determination rton had given up on the idea of Kyle following the path of the sword yet now that same Kyle had meditated for 6 hours perplexed rton asked leonhard if Kyle had hit his head or if it was even possible for someone to change that quickly leonart reassured him saying that he had checked
everything including the food and found nothing a Miss he admitted that Kyle had seemed different recently not just in his determination but even in the way he looked at him it was clear that something had changed rton musing over this decided that if Kyle was finally starting to mature it wasn't a bad thing he told leonhard to continue watching over Kyle and leonhard agreed meanwhile back in his room Kyle focused on Gathering Mana from the air around him as the Mana collected in his hand he began channeling it into his body enhancing his perception skills
his sharpened senses allowed him to assess the condition of his body accurately feeling the Mana coursing through him he decided to attempt breaking through the Mana channels all the way to his heart the Mana flowed through his arm pierced through his shoulder crawled along his spine and finally reached his heart Kyle clenched his teeth in pain but felt a wave of relief when the system indicated that the path to his heart had been cleared the block channels trait was weakening for the first time Kyle could feel Mana flowing through his entire body Overjoyed he realized
that he had successfully gathered external mana and cleared the channels leading to his heart this meant he could now use magic determined he clenched his fist and decided to begin serious magic training in that world using magic required forming a Mona Circle near the heart the higher the level of Magic One wished to use the more circles they needed to form creating multiple circles took time which is why those aspiring to be Mages began their training early typically between the ages of 5 and 8 by age 12 they should have form their first Circle to
be considered suited for the path of a mage by those standards Kyle at 13 was a bit late to start learning magic however that was when he had been an ordinary NPC now staring at his status window Kyle knew that his situation was different with the Mona Pathways talent and his Mana channels cleared to the heart he was finally in a state to learn magic all he needed to do now was form his first Mana Circle he pondered how to create it wondering if he should attempted the way he have learned in the game someone
knocked on his door it was lean Hart Leonard informed him that his father had lifted the Restriction he was surprised but pleased to hear this leonhard added that the condition was that he must accompany him and while he was allowed to leave his room and walk around the garden he couldn't go outside the Mansion excitedly he agreed feeling that access to the Garden was a good enough start he thought leonhart must have spoken well to his father confirming that winning leonhart over first had been a good idea however he noticed that leonhart's affection had decreased
by 20 points puzzled he wondered what he had done to receive a negative affection score and recall that leonhart's likeability had been at50 when he first rejected hostility he speculated whether leanh Hart had been moved by watching him meditate all night remembering how exhausted he was after meditating for 6 hours he considered whether Leon Hart was the type to be inspired by sweat and effort much like in sports with an idea in mind he told leonhart that it was perfect timing because there was somewhere he needed to go with him when leonhard asked where they
were going he simply replied that he would find out if he followed they arrived at the library and the librarian was horri horrified to see him he greeted her but she immediately questioned how he had gotten there and rushed to leanh Hart for an explanation reminding him that Kyle was forbidden from entering the Library Leonard informed her that rton had lifted the Restriction which shocked the librarian even more tearfully she recalled how Kyle had previously thrown books on the floor and torn them to Pieces she had begged him not to destroy the rare books she
had obtained after traveling all over the Empire but he had dismissed her please stating that they were just papers she wouldn't be able to read once she was dead he had then proceeded to tear them up and throw them away leaving her in tears she reminded leanhart that after that incident Kyle had been banned from the library again he wondered if such a thing had actually happened clearing his throat to get their attention he told the librarian that he had come to read books and asked if there were any related to magic they both looked
at him in confusion she replied that while they didn't have many they did have introductory level books for beginners because the Duke's family had always emphasized swordsmanship over magic he said that would be sufficient and requested the book that explains how to form circles a moment later he began reading about Mana being the force that created everything a form of Supernatural energy the text also mentioned that Supernatural energy was a term defined by The Scholar Joshua alen associated with his birth story frustrated he questioned whether this was truly an introductory book and why it was
so complicated exhausted he laid down doubting that seven-year-olds could understand such material and thinking it resembled a university thesis he wondered if he really had to read all of it when in a game a status window would appear and the knowledge would be automatically learned suddenly the status window showed that his Insight skill was activated surprised he watched as it began translating the low-level book's text after the entire book was translated a loading process appeared before him when it reached 100% the translation of introductory book one was complete amazed he realized that the Insight skill
could also function as a translator after glancing at the books next to him Kyle decided there was no need to linger in the library any longer he called out to the librarian Alice and instructed her to bring him more introductory books on Circle formation informing her that he would be borrowing all of them back in his room leard placed the books on the table and reported that this was the last batch all the books Kyle had requested Kyle pleased complimented leonhard on carrying them so efficiently excited Kyle eagerly scanned the books prompting leonhard to ask
if he was sure about borrowing so many at once confused Kyle asked leanhart what he meant leonhart explained that the librarian Alice had been very concerned she had begged him to ensure the safe return of the borrowed books as they were rare volumes Irreplaceable even if she sold her entire estate Kyle reassured him not to worry confident that he would finish reading them in no time he jokingly asked if they were worried he might burn them leanard remembering how Kyle used to despise reading wondered aloud about the sudden interest his curiosity grew as he noticed
that the books were about Mona usage and the basics of circle formation surprised leonart reminded Kyle that her Muse disease blocked the body's channels preventing mana and Aura from flowing through it before leonhart could finish Kyle cut him off stating that learning magic would indeed be difficult for him and asking if that was what leanh Hart had intended to say Leonard apologized for overstepping but Kyle assured him that he was correct he acknowledged that everyone in the household likely thought the same and that what he was doing must seem strange to them this caught leanard
off guard Kyle then clarified that as the infamous disowned youngest son no one would be surprised if he acted oddly one or two more times he added that reading wouldn't harm anyone and he understood why leanh Hart was concerned concerned worried that another failure might send Kyle into deeper despair however Kyle reminded him that as he had said before he didn't intend to Die Young with a light punch on leonhard's shoulder Kyle swore that he would do everything in his power to succeed he then headed to his bed announcing that it was time to lie
down and read some more leaving leonhard in stunned surprise leonhardt watched as Kyle lay down picked up a book and smiled happily this triggered a memory of the Kyle cyrion he had known a boy crying in the training Hall calling out for his father Leonard had approached him then concerned and asked why he was crying Kyle had tearfully replied that his father had told him he didn't need someone like him Leonard had tried to console him worried about his fragile state as leonart picked up one of the books he reflected on how Kyle once just
a tearful child was now slowly changing he then glanced at his status window and was shocked to see Kyle's favorability score toward him had increased to zero no longer than -3 it had been moments ago puzzled leonhart wondered what had caused such a jump of 30 points so suddenly leonhart placed the book on his bed and told Kyle that he would be waiting outside if he needed anything Kyle caught off guard stuttered a reply of acknowledgement smiling leanh Hart left the room leaving Kyle to wonder if his Reading had caused the change in favorability he
questioned why there had been no change in the library and if leonhard perhaps had a fondness for persistence Kyle speculated that devouring so many books at once might have counted as persistence in leonhard's eyes with a quiet laugh he concluded that Leon Hart was indeed a strange guy while Leon Hart outside his room walked away smiling once leanhart was gone Kyle felt a wave of relief finally he was alone surrounded by the books he sat down and decided it was time to really dive into his studies activating his Insight he began decoding the text in
the books to his amazement all the books started translating and processing at an incredible speed he noticed that Insight worked dozens of times faster than normal reading with even the most difficult parts of the text being stored as easily understandable data the system then notified him that the principles of circle formation had been digitized and saved his understanding had increased and all the books in his vicinity had been fully decoded excited by the speed and ease of the process Kyle clicked on the principles of circle formation to move to the next step forming a circle
using the decoded data the system confirmed that he had understood the principles of circle formation and met the minimum requirements to form his first Circle as he stared at the Golden Circle in front of him Kyle knew that by directing Mana along the golden path he could form the circle pushing the golden path toward his heart he commanded it to move inside him the force of the golden path entering his body caused the book's data around him to fly and the system showed that the Mana was following the path within him he felt a sharp
pain in his chest like his heart was burning yet he knew he had to endure or else the Mana would backfire and damage his organs the magic circle began to form in his heart as he pushed through the pain constantly telling himself to hold on for just a little longer when the golden path finally began to disappear leaving behind a completed magic circle the pain became nearly unbearable he shouted internally urging himself to endure just a little more moments later the golden path vanished leaving a perfect magic circle inside his heart the pain faded and
Kyle opened his eyes wondering if he had succeeded the system confirmed it he had successfully formed his first Circle his block channels had weakened and his Mana Pathways had intensified he could now store refined Mana within the circle Overjoyed Kyle stood up shouting in Triumph that he had done it however his celebration was cut short as a wave of disiness hit him he noticed the bright light outside his window realizing that it was already morning he had pulled an all nighter before losing Consciousness Kyle thought to himself that Leon Hart and Ural were definitely going
to scold him for this and then he collapsed to the floor a short while later uril entered the room bringing his breakfast she gasped in shock when she saw him lying on the ground surrounded by books and rushed to him in worry shouting to ask why he was on the floor and what was with all the books in just one night Kyle had successfully used all the Mana he had accumulated to form his first Circle a new chapter in his life as Kyle K surion the official Mage had begun later that day Alice was horrified
when she saw the mess the books were in as leonhart returned them but leonart tried to comfort her saying that at least none of the books were damaged days later in the kitchen ursal carefully prepared Kyle's meal as she placed the garnish on top of the meat her preparations were complete she smiled remembering Kyle's reaction to the last meal she brought him and how he had praised it is incredibly delicious just as he had expected from her grabbing the tray she turned to deliver the food to Kyle however a group of maids blocked her path
asking if the food was meant for Kyle she confirmed it was hi stepped forward telling Ural that they would deliver it for her so she could rest confused ursal asked what she was suddenly talking about but hi reminded her that serving Kyle was Sally's responsibility and that ursal was only a temporary replacement Sally chimed in mentioning that Kyle's personality had improved recently and they were suggesting they return to the original Arrangement uril stared at them for a moment before replying that she didn't want to and if they had complaints about their work or wanted changes
they should take it up with Kyle directly Furious High shouted at Ural ordering her to stop but uril continued walking before she could leave the kitchen another maid entered staring at her the tension grew as high continued shouting asking if uril really thought she was something special uril said nothing and left the kitchen ignoring the maid's glares arriving at Kyle's room uril smiled as she watched Kyle enjoy the meal she had prepared she asked if the food suited his taste and mentioned that she had adapted the recipe he had taught her last time Kyle complimented
her cooking telling her that her skills improved day by day shilly ursal admitted that she had been practicing hard every day and had even learned a few new recipes from the head chef Kyle praised her diligence and hard work after finishing his meal Kyle put down his utensils and asked about her progress with Spirit magic making her visibly worried he ordered her to bring the introductory book on Spirit magic he had given her which she quickly fetched opening the book he asked how far she had read and she replied that she was about halfway through
when Kyle examined the book he was surprised to see the worn pages in detailed notes realizing that Aral had been studying diligently he knew that coming from a noble family she had a solid basic education so her learning speed wasn't slow he also considered that given her age she was quite talented and it would be ideal to build her skills gradually Over time however he side telling her that at her current Pace it wouldn't be enough which left her surprised Kyle knew they didn't have the luxury of time in 2 months the celtian family would
hold the air session ceremony and on that day the coupe led by the Second Son Adel would take place the Marquee family would fall and Ural caught in the chaos would lose her life Kyle understood that she had to become stronger before then he told Ural that for now she should leave the cooking to someone else and focus solely on her studies he explained that this would help her concentrate better and he would have Sally take over serving him again so she shouldn't worry to his surprise uril clenched her fists and shouted no in disagreement
startled Kyle called her name in confusion Stu stuttering she swore that she would work hard continue studying Spirit magic and keep cooking without neglecting either tearfully she begged him not to let someone else serve him pleading to keep her duties her sincere gaze filled with tears left Kyle stunn in that moment he understood something deeper bcil had lost everything when her family collapsed she had gone from being the daughter of a baronet to a slave and now a maid she had lost contact with her family and didn't even know if they were alive it was
only natural that she felt insecure just as she had started adjusting to Life as a maid and finding some stability he had suddenly pushed her to prioritize studying Spirit magic of course she would be confused being a maid had given her a sense of purpose and security which is why it had taken precedence over her magic studies Kyle realized that Ural must have feared that if she couldn't perform her duties as a maid properly she might be kicked out of the Mansion he understood that it was his fault for not explaining the situation clearly gently
he asked her if she remembered what he had said when he brought her to the mansion reminding her that she was his person now he reassured her that he never abandoned his people and always protected them which made her stop crying in Surprise softly Kyle told her that he didn't ask her to learn Spirit magic without reason she was an excellent maid her cooking skills were outstanding and she was diligent and meticulous if she continued to work hard she could be promoted to headid however he reminded her that there were plenty of other maids in
the Mansion meaning many could replace her in that role panicked uril called out to him but Kyle calmly asked her to consider what would happen if she became a Spirit Mage he explained how rare and respected skilled Spirit Mages were he told her that she would become a great person the greatest Spirit Mage and everyone would look up to her she would stand tall above everyone else and no one in the world would be able to replace her Kyle then asked how that sounded remarking that it was amazing but heral still hesitated worried she asked
if she could really do it Kyle confidently reassured her telling her that she absolutely could handing the book back to her he told her once again that she could become the greatest Spirit Mage and that he believed in her meril happy and encouraged accepted the book replying that she would work hard because she trusted him she hugged the book tightly and the system notified Kyle that her affection for him had increased by 60 surprised by her answer he gladly encouraged her feeling content with her trust afterward Kyle officially appointed her seal as his personal maid
entrusting her with most of his personal affairs to ensure she could study and work in peace he moved her out of the shared maid quarters and gave her a private room when he showed her the room she was amazed he knew it was not only better for her studies but also for his security additionally this way she wouldn't have to worry about clashing with the other mates ursal expressed how much she loved the room especially because it was so close to his which left Kyle stunned for a moment he asked if that was what she
liked most about it thinking she might be quite the attachment addict to which she happily replied yes Kyle then sincerely told her that they should work hard together and survive no matter what later while Ural was in the library she noticed someone walking outside she looked out of the window and saw Kyle walking with leonhart Kyle waved at her and though she was surprised for a moment she smiled warmly at him the system showed that her affection for him had increased by 65 meanwhile at the main Mansion Aid approached the second Lord Adel cyrion asking
for a moment of his time to deliver a report after hearing what she had to say Adel became interested he asked if she was saying that Kyle had changed to which the maid confirmed she further reported that Kyle had recently been exercising and building his strength as well as dedicating significant time to studying magic Kyle's personality had also improved and he no longer lashed out or hit the servants in Anger Adel astonished that his foolish younger brother seemed to have matured remarked that as the second brother he supposed it was time to pay Kyle a
visit back at the annex after waving back to Ural Kyle continued walking with leonhart he ordered leonhard to take him to a large open space Somewhere Out of Sight curious leonhard asked what he was planning to which Kyle replied that he wanted to conduct a magic experiment surprising leonhart who confusedly asked what he meant by Magic experiment a short while later they arrived at the outermost part of the estate Leonard informed him that the area was secluded surrounded by dense trees and not visible from the Mansion Kyle responded that it was perfect and instructed leonhart
to ensure no one came near leonhard acknowledged the order leaning against a tree nearby silently observing he couldn't help but think that due to heru's disease Kyle shouldn't be able to master swordsmanship or magic a few days of reading Magic books shouldn't have changed that but with the current Kyle leonhart felt it just might be POS possible Kyle gathered magic power in his hand and released it in the form of a magic Missile the missile shot toward a tree piercing straight through it both Kyle and leonhard were shocked as the tree cracked in half and
collapsed with a loud crash Kyle stunned by the noise quickly asked leonhard if the sound could have been heard inside the Mansion leonart reassured him explaining that he had used his Aura to suppress the explosion so the sound of the tree falling wouldn't have been heard either Kyle sigh in relief and complimented leonhardt on his quick reflexes however leonhard still in shock asked when Kyle had formed a circle Kyle replied that it hadn't been long and that he had simply followed the instructions from the book he borrowed from the library and it worked leanhart even
more surprised asked if that meant Kyle was now cured Kyle confidently confirmed that he had overcome Herm amuse disease releasing his magic in his palm as he spoke Leonard stared at Kyle recalling his earlier words about not planning to Die Young and doing everything he could to survive it all made sense now smiling leonart congratulated him on surpassing his disease the system then notified Kyle that leonhart's favorability toward him had increased by 10 making him realize that leonhart was truly a man of perseverance leonhart went on to explain that magic Missile was typically a first
Circle spell usually with the strength of a punch from an adult male however the power Kyle had displayed was far beyond that of a typical first Circle spell as evidenced by the destroyed tree Kyle agreed adding that the power he felt was more akin to a fourth circle spell even though he was still technically a first Circle Mage he assured leonhart that despite his current rank he had just Unleashed a fourth circle level of Power with a first Circle spell to which Leon Hart marveled at how incredible that was Kyle admitted that even he hadn't
expected such strength leaving leonhart to wonder if he was some kind of Prodigy Kyle then remarked that regardless of how they looked at it such power was too conspicuous grateful for his inside Talent he reflected on how he had managed to read all the first Circle Magic books in the library thanks to it without Insight it would have taken him months just to form a circle however one question lingered in his mind why was the magic us usage decoded by Insight different from the game he remembered that according to the magic books casting magic involved
drawing a complex magic circle followed by intricate calculations and equations before circulating Mana to activate the spell a very old school method in contrast in the game magic casting was much simpler players only needed to draw a basic magic symbol with Mana and the spell would activate immediately it was easier faster and more powerful Kyle decided to try using magic in the more userfriendly way like in the game however the power he Unleashed was overwhelming he knew this was a problem as it wasn't time to reveal his full strength yet Kyle asked leonhard if he
could keep what he had just seen a secret leonhart taken a back asked if he meant keeping it from his father as well Kyle with a soft smile replied yes and playfully suggested they keep it between themselves to his shock the system immediately showed that leonhart's favorability had decreased Kyle couldn't believe he was losing favor just for that and he wondered if his cute tone was that offputting shyly Kyle explained that there was a reason for his secrecy he didn't want anyone to know how strong he was just yet leanard still puzzled asked why Kyle
revealed that it was because of the upcoming succession ceremony in 2 months this Revelation startled leanhart and Kyle asked if he was aware of the event the succession ceremony in the Marquee of sutian family was a traditional competition to determine the air not based on age but on Merit the family judged candidates on personality swordsmanship wisdom knowledge public support and the opinions of loyal followers the goal was to select the most promising Heir who could lead the family to Greater Prosperity currently two individuals were fiercely competing for the position of air the eldest son Abel
surion and the Second Son Adolf suon Abel the eldest son of the Marquee's legitimate wife was the most likely candidate known for his gentle nature and exceptional swordsmanship skills Abel had been groomed to be the heir since childhood he had grown up with high expectations as a model Elite primarily supported by the family's long- serving retainers Adolf also born of legitimate wife had long been overshadowed by his elder brother and overlooked for many years however as he matured adolf's personality became more composed and his swordsmanship skills improved rapidly allowing him to stand out his supporters
were mainly young passionate Knights giving Adolf a reputation with the air of a gang leader in a tense exchange Adolf angrily stomped his foot glaring at Abel he asked if Abel was now ignoring him his younger brother Abel appearing lost in thought responded that he hadn't even noticed Adolf approaching Adolf didn't buy the explanation pointing out that Abel had manifested Aura at the age of five how could he not sense someone nearby Abel brushed it off calling it a childhood fluke and saying it wasn't something worth bragging about and that Adolf should stop bringing it
up before people laughed at him one of the elders with Abel joined in noting that Adolf hadn't manifested Aura until the age of 15 adding that his own son had been the same making him worry his son lack Talent Abel with a calm smile replied that some start slowly but grow quickly once they've taken that first difficult step subtly encouraging Adolf one of adolf's knights angered by the remark shouted at the elders asking if they wanted to die Adolf quickly intervened commanding his Knights to stop and reminding them that they were in the main house
where their father resided so they should not act recklessly the Knight stammered an apology barely containing their frustration Abel watched Adolf for a moment and complimented him stating that he had trained his subordinates well and that he was indeed a worthy candidate for the heir of the Marquee of surion Adolf smiled back warning able to laugh while he could because he wouldn't be laughing for much longer with that Adolf ordered his Knights to leave walking away while Abel watched him go his expression thoughtful later as Kyle cut his steak into pieces he reflected on the
upcoming succession ceremony which was only 2 months away the sutian marquisate didn't follow the principle of primo and legitimacy or illegitimacy didn't matter the sole Criterion for selection was strength meaning any direct descendant of his father was eligible to compete however there was an exception him due to his illness Kyle had been removed from the succession race early on his third older brother Duke was also not involved in the struggle Kyle knew that his being 15 wasn't a problem but his swordsmanship and Magic were far inferior to his much older brothers Leonard then asked about
the current state of the succession landscape Kyle explained that it was a duel between his eldest brother Abel and his second eldest brother Adolf with the ceremony so close neither Abel nor Adolf would welcome any unexpected developments he then posed the question what would happen if it became known that he some someone who had never been considered a threat suddenly emerged with great power as a dark horse he offered two possible reactions either they would try to bring him to their side or they would try to crush him while he was still young both leonhard
and uril were surprised by Kyle's thinking leonhart pointed out that it was an extreme way of looking at things but admitted that throughout history Bloodshed over succession was not uncommon Kyle confirmed that this was exactly what he meant Kyle recalled the game setting Abel was essentially good-natured and would be fine with him Adolf on the other hand definitely try to kill him from the beginning Adolf had been plotting to wipe out the entire family Kyle explained that in his current position having just overcome heru and showing promise for the future but still with limited skill
as a young first Circle wizard he could be seen as a potential ally but if they didn't see value in him the damage wouldn't be too severe leonhard studied him for a moment before standing up remarking that Wizards often concealed their abilities to protect themselves he had heard that many downplayed their Circle level in that context leanard acknowledged that Kyle's strategy made sense however he reminded Kyle that after the succession ceremony he would have to report everything to his father which made Kyle worry the system showed leonhart's favorability toward Kyle decreasing again and Kyle wondered
if he had reached the limit of leonhart's patience Kyle knew that leonhart's loyalty currently lay with his father not him it was unrealistic to expect leanh Hart to unconditionally support him at this point still the fact that leanard hadn't outright refused him was a better situation than before Kyle smiled to himself thinking that even if leonhardt didn't fully agree yet he would eventually make leanh Hart follow him he stared at leonhart from behind with a confident almost Eerie determination thinking he would win him over whether by stealing his loyalty or letting himself be stolen leonhard
suddenly feeling chills turned around to look at Kyle and asked if he was really serious about becoming a wizard momentarily confused Kyle replied that he was he asked leanhardt if it wouldn't be a good thing for the renowned celtian marquisate known for its swordsmanship to have a skilled wizard among them leart smiled softly a mix of Pride and understanding in his expression and told Kyle that it would indeed be good this surprised Kyle Leonard then cheerfully told Kyle that his father the head of the family would be happy to hear about his progress the system
displayed a notification showing that leonhart's favorability toward Kyle had increased by 30 Kyle could hardly believe the sudden boost in favorability and wondered if it was due to their recent conversation meanwhile leonart complimented Ural on her cooking particularly praising the stick uril humbly replied that it was just a simple dish and thanked him excited by the favorability increase Kyle speculated that eating together with leonhart might be the key to gaining his favor not wanting to miss the opportunity he sweetly suggested that leonhart should eat with him in his room from now on leonhart confused mentioned
that he could eat at the night's dormitory but Kyle shouted that it was an order later that night Kyle was surrounded by books busily drawing symbols on paper he reflected that using the magic activation method from the game would result in fast activation and immense power but controlling that power was difficult he didn't fully understand why the game's method made magic stronger yet harder to manage after staring at the symbols for a while frustrated by his inability to figure it out he tossed the books and papers aside deciding to set the issue aside for now
once he calmed down Kyle sat back in front of the symbols he knew that eventually he would need to Showcase his magic but the standard magic activation method in this world was slow while it was difficult to master it allowed for precise control of power suddenly an idea struck him what if he combined the world's magic activation method with the games taking the best aspects of both just as he considered this the system issued a warning stating that a magic explosion could occur and asking if he wanted to continue startled Kyle jumped back shouting in
surprise he then thought it over and realized that since the system asked for confirmation it meant combining the two methods wasn't impossible there was just a risk he reasoned that high risk High reward was a principle he was willing to follow without hesitation he clicked yes on the warning suddenly a strong surge of magic power flowed through his body the system appeared again reminding him that he was attempting to combine two activation methods and that a magic explosion could occur once more it asked if he wanted to proceed Kyle now excited clicked Yes again the
system began analyzing his body and showed him that his understanding of magic Missile was very high it analyzed an efficient path and completed the combination merging the two methods inside his magic circle Kyle watched in awe as the two magic methods combined successfully creating new magic he he released the combined magic Missile spell and marveled at its power energized by the success Kyle decided to experiment further He adjusted the magic adding and removing elements to refine it the system issued more warnings but Kyle ignored them pushing forward with his modifications suddenly an explosion erupted causing
significant damage Ural who had been walking outside his room heard the blast and rushed in asking if he was okay Kyle awkwardly laughed explaining that he was fine and had just been practicing magic he coughed waving away the from the explosion concerned Ural asked how practicing magic had led to the destruction of a wall in his room Kyle sheepishly admitted that he should have conducted the experiment outside realizing this might have been the meaning of the system's warning he made a mental note to set up a proper magic workshop with strong barriers for future experiments
leonhart then burst into the room alarmed by the loud noise he was shocked to see the destroyed wall and asked what had happened Kyle casually told leonhard to help him clean up the mess to which leonhart though confused agreed deciding to deal with the chaos first Kyle focused on cleaning up before thinking about his experiments any further the next day uril was cooking staring at the pot and feeling that something tasted a bit off she recalled Kyle's recent comment that her dish had been a bit plain and she began to worry about how to fix
the flavor suddenly a voice interrupted her thoughts a maid Daisy smiled warmly and remarked that she could tell uril Was preparing a meal for Kyle complimenting her diligence uril stared at Daisy for a moment her expression cautious and coldly replied that it was her job sensing her caution Daisy quickly tried to ease the tension suggesting that if the Stew's seasoning fell off uril could try adding a dash of nutmeg intrigued urel listened as Daisy explain that nutmeg could enhance the flavor bringing out a rich yumami taste encouraged to trust her ursal added the nutmeg stirred
the pot and tasted it to her amazement the flavor had improved dramatically lowering her guard slightly ursal asked if Daisy was good at cooking and if she could teach her more Daisy still smiling sweetly responded that she'd be happy to help however she could Daisy then offered to help carry the food to Kyle's room and nural gratefully accept it as they left the kitchen Daisy pushing the food cart and ursal holding the teapot Daisy asked how Kyle had been lately she remarked that she'd heard he had become much more polite and admitted she had been
worried when uril became Kyle's exclusive maid fearing he might trouble her or Treat Her harshly uril reassured her that Kyle treated her well Daisy laughed commenting that it was good to hear and that Kyle had indeed become more dignified getting up early exercising and and studying diligently ursal shyly agreed mentioning that Kyle had been working very hard lately later when uril arrived at Kyle's room she told him that Daisy had asked about him curious Kyle asked if that was true to which uril confirmed it reporting that Daisy had inquired about what he had been up
to and who he had been meeting Kyle asked what she had told Daisy and ursal replied that she simply said she didn't know as she didn't think she should reveal anything about him she then asked if she had responded correctly Kyle praised her for handling the situation well but advised her that in the future it would be okay to answer moderately as he wouldn't be able to hide the fact that he had overcome heru and was learning magic forever uril nodded assuring him she'd keep that in mind Kyle then thought to himself surprised that things
were already moving so quickly he had expected someone to act first but he couldn't believe how quickly the situation was escalating especially with Adolf who seemed to be rushing things later that night in the main Mansion rton angrily asked leonhart if it was true that Kyle had overcome heru leonhart confirmed it reporting that Kyle was now studying Magic on his own although leanard knew Kyle had already achieved the first Circle and possessed power beyond that he decided to withhold some details for now honoring his promise to Kyle rton still in disbelief remembered how terrible Kyle's
condition had been the last time he saw him it was that memory that had driven rton to be so angry and harsh with his son Kyle filled with rage shouted at his father asking if he had chosen to be born with such a body he angrily added that rton should have just killed him at Birth glaring at him with pure Fury this enraged Ron who called Kyle a wretched fool he then angrily declared that he would pretend Kyle didn't exist and ordered him to stay locked in his room warning him not to cause any trouble
Kyle clenched his teeth in frustration and shouted in pain overwhelmed by his anger and helplessness Brenton vividly recalled that moment now turning to leonhart he asked how old Kyle was to which leonhart replied that Kyle had recently turned 13 brimton then reflected that overcoming heru typically required exceptional talent in magic or swordsmanship and such talent usually manifested around the age of five or six for someone like Kyle rton asked if there had ever been cases of overcoming heru at the late age of 13 leonhard admitted that he wasn't certain but confirmed that Kyle had indeed
overcome heru and that he had personally seen Kyle using first Circle magic rton was left speechless by the Revelation wondering if it was truly a miracle after a pause he asked leonhard if he thought he should meet Kyle Leonard sensing his hesitation responded by asking if rton wanted to meet his son rton stuttered unsure explaining that Kyle probably still resented him leonhart surprised noted that Kyle had actually said he wanted to speak with rton personally the following morning Leonard approached Kyle offering to convey anything Kyle wanted to say to his father Kyle however disagreed insisting
that he needed to meet rton in person to talk as he jumped off the fence he had been sitting on Leon Hart reminded him that he was still under house arrest and couldn't leave the annex without his father's permission Kyle acknowledged this explaining that was precisely why he had brought it up he then ordered l to inform his father that he really wanted to see him leonhard caught off guard by the intensity of the request hesitated seeing no response Kyle resorted to a softer tone almost begging leonhart to deliver the message leonhart visibly uncomfortable with
Kyle's tone reluctantly agreed noting to himself that Kyle didn't seem to Harbor any resentment toward his father when leanhart later delivered the message to rton the Marquee was excited eagerly asking what Kyle had said about him leonart cleared his throat and replied that Kyle actually wanted to meet with him in person rimon sutian the head of the esteemed sutian marquisate a renowned swordsmanship family that had protected the frontier from monsters for Generations stood before the portrait of his own father one of only five sword Masters on the continent in Kyle cyrion's father rimon commanded respect
as Kyle faced the portrait he noticed his hands trembling and the realization hit him Kyle's body still remembered the fear and resentment toward his father before leyan Wu possessed Kyle's body there had been a painful history between Kyle and rton in one memory rton had pointed a training sword at Kyle shouting at him demanding why he wasn't already holding his sword rton angrily asks if he's really the son of the renowned celtian family Kyle weakened by his illness had cried shaking as he tried to explain that it was too hard for him Furious rton had
shouted that he couldn't believe such weakness existed in a sutian child he told Kyle he was utterly useless to the family Kyle had been crushed asking himself if he was truly useless if he really couldn't use sword Ora and if he was destined to die from his illness desperate Kyle had begged his father not to abandon him the painful memory resurfaced as Kyle stared at the portrit but he exhaled deeply calming himself he knew the memory belonged to the original owner of the body but now it was also his memory since his soul and Kyle's
had merged the emotional weight of Kyle's fear and pain was fully conveyed to him however the current Kyle was no longer the same coward he used to be because now he was also lehan wo he was an adult with the strength of mind to confront this he SW to himself that he would prove Kyle cyrion's worth moments later Kyle faced rton and smiled brightly rton meeting his gaze asked if he had something to say Kyle respectfully addressing him as Marquee replied that he did Ron was caught off guard by the formality Kyle had always called
him father and this sudden shift left him unsure of Kyle's intentions rton reminded him that he had been ordered not to leave his room without permission though he had been granted use of the library due to his quiet studying however if Kyle caused any more trouble rimon warned the punishment would go beyond house arrest rton asked if Kyle understood the severity of his words Kyle felt his body trembling again the fear and distrust toward rton still lingering it was no surprise given the trouble the previous Kyle had caused moreover rimon's status is one of the
five sword Masters on the continent was undeniable when Kyle activated his Insight ability it couldn't access any information about Ramon instead displaying a message indicating that rton was a formidable opponent Kyle had wanted to gauge Ron's favorability using Insight but it seemed that would be impossible for now he realized there was no other option but to resolve this situation through negotiation Kyle respectfully replied that he understood and explained that this was precisely why he had requested a meeting through leonhart rimon taken aback recalled how Kyle used to lose his temper and argue back at the
slightest provocation now Kyle's calm demeanor and respectful tone surprised him it seems you've matured rton remarked Kyle agreed and admitted that he had caused a lot of trouble and headaches for his father in the past he then did something rton never expected he respectfully apologized for his past behavior taking full responsibility and promising that he would change from now on rimon was so stunned by what he was hearing that he stood up from his chair he could hardly believe that Kyle who had always blamed others and thrown Tantrums was now apologizing brimton snapped to attention
when Kyle mentioned that he had one more thing to say he wanted to propose a deal rton narrowing his eyes asked what Kyle meant by a deal Kyle responded that as rton must have heard from Le heart he had overcome heru rton acknowledged this but admitted it was hard to believe that such a miraculous thing could really happen Kyle agreed and without hesitation released magic power from his hand shocking his father addressing him formally as Marquee Kyle told rton that he was now a first Circle Mage to further prove his point he released more magic
spreading the aura around them rton initially skeptical even after hearing Leon heart's report now had no choice but to admit the truth he could sense the flow of Mana from Kyle and acknowledge what he he was witnessing Kyle continued explaining that he would only continue to grow stronger he noted that it was well known that Mages who overcome heru have exceptional potential and it hadn't taken him long to reach the first circle on his own he then asked rton if it wouldn't be beneficial for their family to produce a skilled Mage from its direct line
even though the celtian Maris 8 was renowned for swordsmanship Kyle proposed that if the family supported him in becoming a great Mage he would use his abilities for the benefit of the sutian family he promised to become a powerful ass said helping the family rise above all others in the country by boasting both swordsmanship and Magic he then asked rton what he thought of the idea pointing out that the deal would benefit both the family and himself making him a worthy investment Kyle knew that life was all about give and take the fastest way to
gain someone's favor was to show them what he could offer he was also well aware that rton valued the family's gains and honor Above All Else simply appealing to family bonds would not be enough to persuade his father rton was known for making cold-hearted decisions in the name of the family even if they seemed harsh in the past Kyle had felt bitter about his father's nature and had deliberately caused trouble hoping to gain his attention however such tricks never worked on rton they always backfired but now Kyle understood that if their interests aligned they could
still cooperate even if their relationship remained strained this was how adults handled things rmon stood in silence surprised as he stared at Kyle he wondered if this was truly the same Kyle he once knew the boy who had once caused so much trouble had grown into someone who could make rational calculated proposals no longer the child he had been rton couldn't believe that Kyle had accurately identified what the other party needed and negotiated successfully ultimately getting what he wanted rmon knew that the ability to wield power and authority wisely was a virtue Noble children must
learn this made it even harder for him to believe that the boy who used to throw Tantrums could now speak with such confidence rimon who had once considered Kyle a failure of the family and neglected him realized how much Kyle had grown without him noticing he replied by acknowledging Kyle is a valuable asset to the salarian family and assured him that he would spare no expense in providing funds and Magic stones for his studies he then encouraged Kyle to show his Worth to which Kyle confidently responded that he would live up to his expectations a
few days later Kyle excitedly asked leanhart and Ural what they thought as he introduced them to his new magic Workshop he explained that he had reinforced the interior with a barrier magic artifact and equipped it with tools for potion making and artifact crafting ensuring there were no more holes in the walls leonhart while looking around replied that it was amazing and must have cost a lot he then asked where Kyle got the money as it didn't seem like his allowance could cover such expenses Kyle proudly responded that it was all his father's money and boasted
that his Charming demeanor had made his father gladly provide the funds leonhard feeling disgusted wondered aloud if Kyle's charm really worked on his father while Kyle called Ural to come closer when Ural approached she asked if there was something he needed her to do but Kyle replied that wasn't the case he opened a door inside the workshop and explained that that it was hard to use Spirit magic freely in the main room which was why he had created a separate space He also mentioned that the room was equipped with soundproofing and anti vibration facilities so
she could practice her spirit Arts without worry additionally he had gathered related books and Spirit Stones for her to use as much as she liked percil touched by his thoughtfulness shilly and worriedly asked if she could really use the room reminding him that it was right next to his Workshop Kyle reassured her telling her to feel free to use it as much as she wanted he reminded her as he had said before that he wanted her to become his right hand not just a maid who served him but a spirit user who was Irreplaceable heral
was so moved that she was momentarily stunned before bursting into tears which surprised Kyle she then swore to work hard learn everything she could and become someone who could truly help him the system showed that urel's favorability toward Kyle increased by 70 he smiled at her and told her it was good not noticing the glowing crystals on the table suddenly a magic circle appeared on the floor near urel's feet emitting a bright intense light that caught their attention and left them in shock Kyle asked why the spirit Circle was reacting all of a sudden and
questioned Ural if she had used Spirit Arts but she replied that she hadn't done anything he was stunned knowing the glow signal a summoning Mana quickly gathered above them changing color and forming into something within a minute a spirit was summoned and emitted a happy sound rushing toward ersal Kyle was shocked thinking that since the spirit immediately approached her it must have been uril who summoned it uril confused asked if it was indeed a spirit but Kyle was lost in thought marveling that uril truly possessed the talent to be an eternal friend of spirits he
then praised her telling her that she could already summon a spirit to which uril still flustered stammered that she hadn't done anything he explained to her that the techniques of a spirit user are a bit different from magic spells or incantations he mentioned that Spirit users naturally feel the energy of spirits with their soul and suggested that perhaps when her emotions heightened the spirit Stone in the workshop responded leading to the summoning of the spirit she then looked at the Spirit lovingly embracing her and he informed her that the spirit Stone which had been full
just a moment ago was now completely used up panicking she asked him what she should do and whether she had used it all up he reassured her telling her that it was no big deal and that the stone was placed there for her to use he gazed at her surprised that she had summoned a spirit so quickly and wondered what kind of spirit it was his Insight ability showed him that it was a high level being but it couldn't identify the spirit making him realize that despite its small size it was of such a high
level that even Insight didn't work he then asked Ural if she knew what kind of spirit it was she replied that she would ask the spirit itself and began communicating with it after a brief conversation she told him the spirit's name was Asher an ancient Spirit of light shocked he shouted in disbelief asking if the chubby little creature was truly an ancient Spirit of light the spirit angrily responded to him ancient Spirits are the highest here of spirits and summoning one is a rare feat even after using up all of one's Spirit Stones and praying
for three days and nights yet uril had summoned one on her first try and did so unconsciously however he thought that for an ancient Spirit it looked a bit too unimpressive which angered the spirit causing it to bite his head ursal explained that Asher said this wasn't its true form and that if it returned to its original form the Mansion would collapse he quickly replied that he understood she then gently grabbed Asher while leonardt asked if he was okay seeing him in tears while holding his head uril told him that Asher wanted to be her
friend and asked what she should do he explained that Asus was asking to form a contract and since it had come to her unconsciously she must have a very strong Affinity with it uril then asked Asher if it truly wanted to make a contract with her and if it was really okay to which the spirit happily agreed they opened a contract magic circle and uril swore I uril helheim make the truest contract with the ancient Spirit of light Asher Asher opened its eyes and declared that ursal helheim would be recorded as its Summoner then asked
her to choose a name for it as an ID Kyle interrupting suggested the name Flappy causing Asher to stare at him in silence for a moment before asking again for a name yet again Kyle insisted that its name should be Flappy and the spirit feeling defeated confirmed its name as Flappy Kyle laughed victoriously after the contract was complete Flappy opened its eyes and happily rushed toward Ural who thanked it for becoming her friend and said that from today it would be known as Flappy the spirit joyfully agreed bcal and Flappy sealed their contract while Kyle
watched proudly glad that his talent deved development project was progressing so well sometime passed and a few days later Kyle received a visitor one of his brothers his brother mentioned that he hadn't been paying enough attention to Kyle as his older brother but Kyle responded that it was nothing at all and if anything he should have visited his brother first he even called out to Adolf his second brother ursal then poured them tea while Adolf stared at her she asked if there was anything else they needed and Kyle replied that she had worked hard and
should rest which she immediately agreed to before walking away Adolf silently continued to watch her he then asked Kyle if he was right in thinking that Ural was the one he had bought from the slave market Adolf remarked that she was quite pretty and mentioned that he happened to need a new maid he then asked if Kyle could send Ural to him causing Kyle to stop drinking his tea in Surprise Kyle immediately thought Adolf was a scummy brat he knew Adolf had come because he had heard the news about his healed heru and was frustrated
that this was the first thing Adolf mentioned feigning shyness Kyle replied no and suggested that perhaps Adolf could choose someone other than Ural to avoid suspicion Kyle decided to act as though he had a crush on her blushing and acting shy Adolf surprised by Kyle's reaction burst into laughter and told him he was just joking that he wasn't such a scoundrel that he would take away a girl Kyle liked Kyle still playing along shyly told Adolf not to tease him like that because it had startled him to which Adolf laughingly agreed Adolf thought that for
now he would have to give up on the idea as he couldn't afford to antagonize Kyle yet he recalled hearing rumors that the prodigal son had reformed but seeing Kyle interested in women at such a young age made adal think Kyle was still a lost cause which was better for his own plans it would make it easier to corrupt Kyle and lead him into darkness Adolf then told Kyle that if he had known his younger brother was so amusing he would have befriended him much earlier Adolf also noted that Kyle's body seemed to have recovered
quite well to which Kyle agreed saying that his daily life was no longer hindered by major problems though his hermy wasn't completely healed yet but was gradually improving curious Adolf asked what Kyle meant by not fully healed to which Kyle explained that it was a long-term illness so it was difficult to heal it all at once but it was steadily getting better Kyle then told Adolf to watch him surprising Adolf as Kyle began releasing magic Kyle proudly revealed that it was a magic spell he had created and that it was about 1.5 times stronger than
ordinary spells he asked Adolf what he thought of it and Adolf smiling thoughtfully replied that it was impressive that Kyle could create Magic as well Kyle happily thanked him Adolf however quietly assessed the situation although Kyle's illness was n cured his rapid growth and the fact that he was only at the student level of the first Circle wouldn't threaten the succession Adolf also remembered Daisy reporting that Kyle's attitude had changed dramatically almost as if he were a different person and that his magical abilities were improving adle figured Daisy's report must have been exaggerated but he
thought it wise to stay cautious nonetheless still he smiled creepily confident that Kyle was just a 13-year-old boy and not worth worrying about too much Adolf reasoned that it would be more beneficial to manipulate Kyle for his own purposes and when Kyle became useless he would simply discard him Adolf then directly asked Kyle if he had thought about joining his side Kyle Fain surprise asking Adolf if that's what he truly meant to which Adolf seriously nodded Kyle remained silent for a moment before smiling knowing he had just gained an advantage over Adolf after a bit
more conversation Adolf said goodbye telling Kyle that he would get permission from their father Kyle politely agreed thanking Adolf for entrusting the matter to him Adolf stepped out of Kyle's room and saw har waiting leonhart respectfully bowed to Adolf and wished him a safe journey Adolf was irritated at the sight of leonhart knowing that he was a tough nut to crack despite all efforts to coax leonhart he had yet to switch sides still Adolf thought it was better for leonhart to remain neutral than to join Abel's side he concluded that it was preferable for leonhart
to rot under the command of a snot-nosed kid Adolf sneered and told leonhart that he looked terrible adding that he couldn't believe the darling of the knights was now guarding a mere child with that Adolf walked away his guard followed leaving leonhart staring silently after him leonhart then turned to Kyle's door and peaked inside Kyle invited him in informing him that the discussion with his brother Adolf had concluded and that Adolf had asked him to join the subjugation team he explained that he would likely be acting alongside by count jeram one of adolf's close AIDS
from the fifth Legion and that the mission would be his first test of loyalty to Adolf at the same time it was an opportunity to gain recognition from the family leonhart surprised immediately offered to join the subjugation team as well however Kyle ordered him not to follow explaining that Adolf would become suspicious if lean Hart a trusted Knight of their father were around Kyle needed to earn adolf's trust and bringing along his father's men would jeopardize that leonhart disagreed reminding Kyle that the mission could be dangerous and might even be a trap Kyle acknowledged the
danger but explained that Adolf was likely testing his combat usefulness and would probably expose him to Peril on purpose releasing a surge of magic power Kyle reassured leonhart that he could protect himself now and urged him not to worry he added that he wouldn't be showing his full abilities during the mission changing the subject Kyle asked leard if he had ever heard of the yage function days later in the southern part of Tron territory there was a forest with a monster Colony that the salarian marquisate regularly cleared using subjugation teams Kyle arrived at the location
staff in hand when a man dismounted his horse and introduced himself as vicount jerum Gerome mentioned that he had heard about Kyle from Adolf and that they would be working together on this subjugation team Kyle smiling respond resped that this would be his first real Combat experience and asked gerum to take care of him gerum reassured Kyle that he would protect him but Kyle couldn't help but wonder what Gerome meant by that as the system showed gerome's favorability toward him had dropped by minus 40 points puzzled Kyle decided to avoid jome for the time being
he excused himself to prepare on the side and gerum agreed telling him to reach out if he needed anything as Kyle walked away gerum stared at him thinking that since Kyle was just a first Circle Mage he probably didn't know much and needed to be watched to ensure he didn't die frustrated gerum reflected on how even during this subjugation Adolf had given him such a difficult task he wondered what a bedridden kid with a deadly illness could do and was annoyed that he now had the responsibility of ensuring Kyle's safety he thought it would be
a relief if Kyle simply didn't hinder the battle a short while later as the subjugation began Kyle released a lightning spell that electrocuted a group of goblins the knights were astonished as a single bolt wiped out the entire group gerum excitedly praised Kyle who continued to wipe out more monsters using his powerful lightning and fire magic with each Display of Power the knights and gerome's favorability toward Kyle increased Gerome then congratulated Kyle for being amazing declaring that this was the easiest subjugation battle ever the system showed that gerome's favorability had increased by 50 points leaving
Kyle surprised as he had never encountered such an easy target he was amazed that gerome's favorability had jumped by a total of 90 points in one go jerum now enthusiastic told Kyle that Adolf would be pleased to hear about his performance and the other Knights agreed as they continued to praise Him Kyle touched his pocket deep in thought wondering if now was the right time to proceed with his next plan night had fallen and the group gathered around the bonfire resting after the battle the knights cheered and congratulated Kyle on his victory but he shyy
told them that he had done nothing to deserve such praise gerum however assured him that his magical skills were truly impressive and the other Knights agreed they admitted they had held misconceptions about him because he was young and had always stayed in the manner they thought he would struggle with both combat and camping yet not only had he bravely joined the battle but he hadn't complained about the harsh camping conditions or the food they praised him for being surprisingly mature for his age Kyle smiled and responded humbly saying that his brother Adolf must have lived
like this every time he went on a monster subjugation thinking about that Kyle couldn't allow himself to be a spoiled brat his words left the knights amazed and touched Gerome then remarked that he didn't know Kyle admired Adolf so deeply but reassured him that he would make sure to tell Adolf how much Kyle admired him and how greatly he had excelled in battle the system notified Kyle that gerome's favorability had increased by 60 points with the other Knights also agreeing and increasing their favorability as well Kyle couldn't help but think that they were easy to
win over a short while later the bonfire was extinguished and the Knights had fallen into a deep sleep inside their tents Kyle emerged from his tent and informed the guarding Knight that he was just going to take a walk he then ordered the Knight to get some rest to which the Knight sleepily agreed telling Kyle not to wander too far as Kyle walked away he noticed the guard yawning realizing that no one suspected anything because they still saw him as just a child he knew the knights encouraged by their Victory had collapsed from exhaustion and
only a few centuries remained on duty however they weren't overly concerned focusing more on goblins and less on larger threats Kyle smirked wondering aloud what they would do if they encountered ogres he laughed to himself recalling how in the game he used ogres for experience farming Kyle pulled out a small bottle of ogre perfume a concoction he had created that that could summon ogres within a 10 km radius before crafting it he had discussed it with Leon Hart leonhart unfamiliar with the item had asked what it was Kyle had explained that as far as he
knew no one in this world had discovered the recipe yet so it was likely that he was the first to create it he told leanhart that the perfume literally summoned ogrs and the higher the quality the larger the radius of its effect leanhart had expressed concern reminding Kyle that their subjugation Target was the goblin colony and obers were highlevel monsters far more dangerous than goblins the team might struggle to handle them Kyle had calmly replied that this was exactly what he was aiming for Kyle explained to leanhart that 12 expert Knights were participating in this
subjugation Mission while goblins were manageable ogres were a completely different story he pointed out that although the fifth Legion was called a night order they were nothing more than a rag Tech group of mediocre soldiers loyal to Adolf Kyle knew that the legion was made up of Street criminals whom Adolph had brainwashed using dark Powers the intense brainwashing had turned them into Fanatics allowing Adolf to EXP exp and his influence easily and demonstrate his ability to lead even the most hopeless individuals these soldiers now mindlessly obedient would be used strategically by Adolf when the time
for the succession ceremony came Kyle reflected on how dangerous the brainwashed highlevel Knights were and that they would be a serious problem if Adolf made a move during the ceremony his plan was to weaken the fifth Legion as much as possible before the succession starting with the 12 expert Knights who had joined this Mission he knew they would fight bravely to the death against the ogres and in the end only he would survive the deadly battle back in the present Kyle opened the bottle of ogre perfume and its scent wafted through the air Awakening a
nearby ogre that immediately began searching for the source of the smell Kyle smirked thinking to himself that he would return to the manor with the accomplishment of defeating the ogre the enraged ogre reached the camp and let out a deafening Roar launching a brutal attack that startled the sleeping Knights they woke in Terror and fled but the high Knights rushed to face the threat shouting to their comrades not to retreat as it was just an ogre however to their horror the over easily grabbed one of the knights and crushed him to death the sight of
an expert Knight being killed so effortlessly shocked everyone leaving them paralyzed with fear the other Knights began to doubt how they as intermediates could possibly stand a chance the knights retreated in fear but Kyle appeared and shouted for them to come to their senses he demanded to know if this was how The Honorable sarian Knights behaved in the face of danger the knights were stunned to see him and Kyle continued yelling that if they retreated the ogre would break through into the territory meanwhile the ogre continued its Rampage killing any Knight who dared approach Kyle
shouted again telling the knights that they must stop the ogre here no matter what the Knights emboldened by his words vowed to follow him just then vicount jerum appeared on Horseback shouting that he was glad Kyle was safe jerum told Kyle to leave the battle to him as a highlevel knight because Adolf had ordered him to ensure nothing happened to Kyle gerum urged Kyle to seek shelter while he held off the ogre however Kyle disagreed responding that he wouldn't run away he told Gerome seriously that he would fight alongside the knights until the end as
he couldn't face Adolf if he abandoned his men and fled Kyle then looked at jome and asked if he wasn't right which left gerum touched and Amazed by Kyle's resolve Kyle then released his magic power and cast a haste spell on gerum surprising him jum immediately felt lighter and more agile Kyle explained that since he was still a first Circle Mage he would focus on providing support and controlling the Babel from the back he then ordered gerum to lead the charge at the front to which gerum agreed telling Kyle to leave to him gerum drew
his sword astonished by Kyle's bravery in staying to fight rather than retreating gerum thought to himself that Kyle was an indispensable asset to Adolf and resolved to report to Adolf that Kyle could be trusted without hesitation germ Unleashed his powerful night Aura the force of which cracked the ground beneath his feet he roared at the ogre challenging it to bring the fight to him and charged forward identifying the Beast as a twin-headed ogre the other Knights shocked at gerome's bravery watched in awe seeing both Gerome and Kyle refusing to retreat the knights realized they couldn't
show cowardice and they decided to follow gerome's lead rushing forward to join the attack on the twin-headed ogre Kyle shouted at them to give it their all as they charged alongside gerum Kyle smiled as he watched the scene unfold satisfied with how the knights responded to his rallying cry he thought to himself that the ogre perfume had performed exceptionally well summoning a variant that was two to three times more dangerous than a typical ogre he quietly walked away from the front lines Whispering for the knights to keep fighting knowing that this was where many of
them would meet their end the ogre continued its Rampage killing more and more high ranking Knights gerum Furious charged at the ogre shouting that he was its match the ogre turned upon hearing gerome's voice and Gerome slashed it from behind while Jerome was occupied with the battle one of the remaining high ranking Knights froze in fear staring at the bodies of his Fallen comrades he realized that only a few of them were left and shouted in panic asking if they were really going to make it out alive he cried out that the ogre was far
too strong for them Kyle noticed the man and smiled to himself thinking it better be otherwise there's no point he silently vowed to wipe out every last one of those high ranking Knights tainted by Darkness knowing that this imposing ogre would serve that very Mission jome paused for a moment to catch his breath out of the 12 high-ranking Knights who had started the battle only three including himself remained he wondered if they could actually win and whether it was time to use his last resort Jerm recalled Adolf telling him that he had gained the power
of darkness and that he should feel its strength coursing through him how ever Adolf had warned him that unleashing the full extent of that power would prevent him from returning to his original form turning him into a rampaging monster devoid of humanity Adolf had made it clear that gerum must never carelessly release that power gerum thought that if he Unleashed it he could defeat the twin-headed ogre but at the cost of losing himself still he wondered if that wasn't better than dying suddenly a bolt of strong Thunder magic struck the ogre electrocuting it and snapping
gerum back to reality germ remembered Kyle who then shouted to him that he would provide Magic magical protection urging germ to push forward germ stammered out a reply relieved that Kyle their wizard was on their side he thought it was still too early to use his last resort as Kyle cast a spell he activated his mental cleansing skill boosting the morale of the knights Gerome felt a surge of energy and clarity as did the other Knights feeling reinvigorated Gerome confidently shouted that they were the fifth Legion under adolf's command and that they should show their
true strength with renewed resolve Gerome and the Knights launched another attack on the ogre one of the night managed to strike the ogre's head with his sword and the others continued slashing at it meanwhile Kyle observed the battle from a distance counting the remaining high ranking Knights Joshua one of the high- ranking knights was killed when the ogre hurled him into the air another Knight was captured and squeezed to death before being slammed into a wall Kyle smiled as he realized that only gerum the last of the high ranking Knights remained his priority had been
to eliminate the 12 Knights empowered by Adolf and with most of them gone only vicount gerum was left J determined to avenge his comrades shouted that their sacrifice wouldn't be in vain he called out to Kyle asking for one last spell to help him finish off the mutant ogre Kyle knowing the moment had come smiled and cast another spell using his ins snare skill he summoned a swarm of invisible hands that tightly restrained Gerome trapping him in place Gerome shocked struggled to move and demanded to know what was happening Kyle cly told him to keep
his eyes forward as the ogre was already upon Him Gerome panicked as he saw the ogre approaching but before he could react the ogre raised its massive hand and decapitated him in one swift motion blood splattered everywhere as gerome's body collapsed leaving the remaining knights in horror they stared in disbelief Paralyzed by the realization that even Gerome had fallen Panic set in and the Knights began shouting that they were going to die drawing the ogre's attention fearfully they wondered aloud if they would all meet the same fate as gerum suddenly a powerful fire spell descended
upon the ogre engulfing it in Flames the creature screamed in agony as it burned and the Knight stood in shock watching the ogre slowly fall to the ground finally dead Kyle jumped down to the scene announcing that it was over the knights still stunned called out to him as he approached the ogre's corpse smiling he grabbed the high-grade inner core from the ogre knowing it was time to wrap up the charade he turned to the remaining Knights and shouted that the mutant ogre was dead thanks to the opportunity Gerome had provided clenching his fist for
emphasis he declared that the victory belonged to the 12 Brave highlevel Knights and to everyone who had fought valiantly risking their lives for the cause as the first light of the Rising Sun illuminated the scene Kyle softly told them we did it the knights still in shock took a moment to process his words slowly realization dawned and they erupted in cheers celebrating their survival and praising Kyle he smiled to himself knowing his plan had succeeded perfectly bro is master manipulator the subjugation was deemed a success they had eliminated the mutant twin-headed ogre and wiped out
the goblin Den which had been their original objective however the victory came at a significant cost with many highlevel Knights lost as they neared the Mansion someone shouted his name it was Adolf rushing towards him Adolf demanded to know if it was true that Gerome was dead Kyle bowed his head and replied yes explaining that Gerome had fallen in a fierce battle with the mutant ogre Adolf rushed to the covered body and pulled back the white cloth to see for himself upon seeing Jerome's headless corpse Adolf was visibly shocked Adolf wondered if Gerome hadn't had
the chance to use his dark powers in the battle he knew that losing jeram along with the other high level knights was a severe blow the loss of these key figures created a power vacuum but Adolf also knew that there was nothing to be done and thought that somehow they would need to manipulate this ogre related incident to their advantage feigning sadness Adolf told Kyle he was relieved he had returned safely then Adolf stepped closer and acknowledged that defeating the mutant ogre was Kyle's achievement he patted Kyle on the head and promised to inform their
father ensuring Kyle would be properly honored Kyle smiled and thanked Adolf but Adolf didn't smile back he simply stared at Kyle before furiously turning on his heel and storming back toward the mansion Kyle still smiling thought to himself that for now it seemed Adolf had been deceived quite well later at the annex Kyle proudly remarked to leonhart and Ural that he had killed two birds with one stone defeating the fifth Legion gaining recognition from Adolf and even acquiring the mutant over his core uril carefully wiped his head as he added laughing that perhaps it was
more like killing three birds with one stone leonhart concerned told Kyle that what he did was dangerous but that it was a relief he returned safely Kyle Shrugged it off saying it wasn't a big deal and that he could have defeated the mutant ogre on his own he explained that he had only pretended to be weak to show that while he had abilities he was still harmless leanhart then asked if Kyle planned to join adolf's side now and what his intentions were regarding Abel Kyle smiled telling leonhart to just wait and see he released Flappy
back to Ural and with confidence assured leonhart that Abel would come looking for him soon a few days later in the sarian conference room rton addressed the gathered Nobles he announced that they would the results of the Expedition and decide on the distribution of the spoils additionally they would discuss Kyle's contribution which had been crucial in defeating the mutant ogre he asked if anyone had objections Adolf sat quietly thinking that rton had taught him well knowing this would be an opportunity to persuade Kyle further the others however were in disbelief at Kyle's contribution then someone
spoke up surprising Adolf it was Baron Hamington Hamington questioned whether it wasn't somewhat exaggerated to say that Kyle had played such a significant role in the Expedition rton asked Hamington to clarify and Hamington explained that while he understood rton cherished his youngest son and wanted to promote him Kyle was still only a first Circle wizard essentially an apprentice who had just begun learning magic Hamington pointed out that considering Kyle's past Behavior and the trouble he had caused it seemed excessive to commend his achievements merely for participating in the Expedition and returning alive Hamington added that
it was hard to believe Kyle could have matured overnight and suggested that everyone knew about the many Troublesome incidents Kyle had caused in the past he expressed his concern about what other accidents Kyle might cause in the future Kyle smiled to himself thinking that Hamington didn't hesitate to speak up because of the Reckless reputation Kyle had built over the years calmly he addressed Hamington telling him that one should experience fighting a mutant ogre in person before making any judgments he added that it wasn't as easy as Hamington seemed to think and perhaps Hamington would understand
if he experienced it himself Adolf was impressed by Kyle's reaction while Hamington fumbled trying to explain but before he could continue Abel intervened calling Hamington name seriously Abel explained that even senior high level Knights would struggle to defeat an ogre and fighting a mutant over which was more than twice as strong as a regular one and returning alive was nearly a miracle Kyle was surprised that Abel had stepped in to defend him Hamington flustered retorted that the knights had risked their lives to protect Kyle and that all 12 highlevel Knights except Kyle had died however
Abel calmly responded that the decisive blow that killed the mutant ogre had been delivered by Kyle's Magic as confirmed by the testimonies of the surviving Knights he acknowledged that while Kyle had wandered a lot in his childhood he had performed admirably on the Expedition and was now focused on studying magic diligently Abel urged hington to set aside any biases and recognize Kyle's achievements Hamington attempted to argue further but Adolf cut him off shouting that it was enough Adolf then asked if Hamington thought he had the right to criticize Kyle the direct heir of the Marquee
family based on irrelevant past issues Adolf also accused Hamington of overstepping his his bounds hemington clearly shaken replied that he would never dare now confused as to why even Adolf was stepping in to support Kyle Kyle began to realize that everyone seemed eager to praise Him Adolf cleared his throat and told rmon that he agreed with Kyle's achievements and that Kyle should be properly evaluated especially since the fifth Legion which ad all LED had testified that Kyle fought bravely rimon then addressed everyone stating that if both Abel and Adolf agreed on Kyle's contributions there were
no further objections he declared that Kyle's probation would be officially lifted granting him free access to the main residence and permission to go out Kyle smiled happily at the news however rton continued announcing that The Spoils of the mutant ogre would be distributed according to contributions and that Kyle would not receive any spoils which took Kyle by surprise rton dismissed everyone leaving Kyle confused wondering why he hadn't received any spoils despite having his achievements recognized Kyle quickly stopped his father and with a sweet tone asked if it was true that he wouldn't receive anything after
going through all the trouble rmon calmly asked in return if Kyle was lacking anything and then in a whisper reminded Kyle that he had kept the ogre core this Revelation shocked Kyle making him realize that rton had caught on to his actions Kyle immediately replied that he wasn't lacking anything and that just being freed from probation was enough rimon smiled and encouraged Kyle to do well from now on saying that he trusted him Kyle respectfully replied with a yes as Kyle turned Adolf appeared behind him and reminded him that he had kept his promise by
informing their father father of Kyle's achievements Adolf told Kyle to remember how much he cared for him Kyle replied with a smile of course he knew but internally he was irritated by adolf's constant need to show off Abel observing them from afar noticed the exchange and thought to himself that it seemed their youngest sibling had changed a bit Abel then paused for a moment realizing that he and Kyle needed to have a conversation soon later Kyle had a meeting with his eldest brother Abel who told him that he possessed a rather trivial skill and that
Kyle was the first to hear about it even their father didn't know Kyle simply replied that he understood but he felt a sense of pressure as Abel had suddenly appeared and was revealing a secret even though Kyle had been waiting for able to come find him a while earlier after the meeting had ended and Kyle was about to leave with leonhart Abel had called out to him praising him for his performance in the battle Abel had said that Kyle had successfully handled a real fight and was now a respectable wizard Kyle had responded modestly saying
that he still had a long way to go since he was only a first Circle Mage and had been lucky during the Expedition Abel agreed and asked if Kyle had some time before dinner as he wanted to hear more details about Kyle's achievements in the Expedition Kyle had smiled and agreed telling able to feel free to approach him any time now here they were and Kyle suspected that Abel had an ulterior motive for asking about his achievements however to suddenly reveal a secret that even their father didn't know was a surprise Kyle knew able meant
no harm but couldn't guess his exact purpose he also recognized that Abel's goal was likely to recruit him to overcome the Rebellion event in the salarian marquisate created by ad Abel needed to strengthen his position while weakening adolfs Kyle understood this was key to surviving in the Fantasy Defense game world with the support of the sarian family but he knew he had to choose his words carefully Kyle then asked abble if it wouldn't be better for him not to know a secret that even their father didn't Abel surprised asked if Kyle didn't want to hear
it Kyle clarified that it wasn't that he didn't want to but he was afraid of what Abel might expect from him after sharing such a big secret Abel stared at him for a moment before smiling realizing what Kyle had implied AB asked if Kyle thought he was going to ask something in return for revealing the secret Kyle replied that yes he expected his eldest brother to want something from him Kyle then decided to be direct telling Abel that he understood his intentions and didn't have the confidence to win a proving match against him so it
was better to be straightforward he also revealed that although he was currently associated with their second brother Adolf he was not supporting him however that didn't mean he planned to join Abel's side either meanwhile on the training grounds of the main Mansion Daisy stood watching as ad released a powerful Aura taking out his anger on the dummies with one final swing Adolf sliced a practice dummy in half sending it rolling toward Daisy Adolf asked if it was true that the eldest had gone to see Kyle Daisy fearfully replied yes and reported that the escort Knights
were present so she couldn't overhear the conversation grabbing a towel Adolf grumbled that he already had a good idea of what Abel would say seething with frustration Adolf had his eyes on Kyle first and now wondered if Abel thought he could easily win Kyle over angry Adolf told Daisy that if Kyle were to be swayed by Abel he would have Kyle poisoned or worse after all that's why he had placed Daisy there Daisy was silent for a moment glancing at the half-destroyed dummy on the ground before replying yes in fear back in the annex Abel
was taken aback by Kyle's blunt words Abel then asked if Kyle would like to explain why he felt this way and Kyle nodded Kyle explained that it was because his eldest brother was kind causing able to jump in Surprise clearly embarrassed Abel asked what Kyle meant by calling him kind Kyle knew that ael's kindness wasn't just based on his actions in the game and he confirmed this by using his Insight even though Kyle's Insight couldn't read able status due to his high level he could see that Abel's favorability toward him was at zero not negative
this was surprising as except for Ural no one had ever regarded the Troublesome Kyle favorably before shilly Kyle told Abel that he really was a good person Abel even more embarrassed thanked Kyle for seeing him in such a positive light but admitted that he felt a bit guilty as his eldest brother Abel said he hadn't been able to take care of Kyle properly and was only coming to him now Kyle with a grin reassured him that there was no need to apologize he joked that if he had a Troublesome younger sibling like himself he would
have buried them long ago so the fact that Abel hadn't done so was already impressive Abel was left speechless by Kyle's remark Abel laughed telling Kyle that he was really good at making jokes he added that if he had known Kyle was such a witty younger brother he would have tried to connect with him sooner and if that had been the case he might not have lost out to Adolf but then Able's tone turned serious and he called called Kyle's name telling him that he could offer everything Adolf had promised and in fact even better
conditions Abel asked if there was any room for reconsideration adding that he wasn't inclined to back down just because he was kind Kyle replied that he was indulging the kindhearted Able by hearing him out but noted that at least Abel wouldn't kill him for joining adolf's side Adolf however was different he had a cruel nature and if Kyle became a hindrance Adolf would use any means necessary to remove him Kyle explained that having just overcome heru and still being a first Circle wizard he lacked the strength to protect himself if Adolf ever decided to Target
his life Kyle admitted he wouldn't be able to withstand him Abel looked at Kyle thoughtfully and remarked that Kyle was probably the only one in the family to give such an extreme assessment of Adolf Kyle agreed pointing out that Abel hadn't refuted his evaluation or raised any objections so he must at least partly agree Abel nodded saying that this brought them back to the first point he'd made Abel then admitted that his so-called trivial skill was good intuition since childhood he'd always had a bad feeling before something terrible happened and following that intuition had helped
him avoid danger as the succession ceremony approached Abel's bad premonitions had only grown stronger especially regarding Adolf from whom he sensed A Dangerous Aura without concrete evidence though Abel wasn't sure how to act Kyle was taken aback realizing that Able's intuition might be a low-level form of precognition as it seemed to faintly detect dark Powers he recalled that in the game able didn't have such abilities which made him wonder if by entering the game World certain characters had developed talents they didn't previously possess Ural for instance had evolved from a minor character who was meant
to vanish to someone with exceptional Elemental Magic Talent Abel continued explaining that despite his bad feelings Adolf was still his biological brother and the second direct heir of the Marquee family although their father thought Adolf was a bit violent rton didn't believe Adolf would do anything that crossed the line Abel said that was why he had been trying to keep Adolf in check he had no convincing reason to persuade others and had kept his worries secret Kyle responded that he trusted Abel's intuition he warned that if Adolf became the Marquee successor the sarian family would
be doomed and everyone including himself wouldn't be safe Abel was surprised by how much Kyle believed in his intuition Abel then asked Kyle what he planned to do Kyle revealed that he intended to pretend to join adolf's side and keep an eye on things for now he would act as a loyal subordinate making Adolf let his guard down then at the right moment Kyle would strike Adolf hard Abel understood summarizing that Kyle planned to hit ad from behind Kyle confirmed this adding that with Abel's help they could bring Adolf down more decisively Kyle extended his
hand to Abel and asked what he thought about it and if he will help him Abel was taken aback but smiled replying how could he refuse his cute siblings request as the eldest brother and promise to support Kyle from behind Kyle then asked Abel if he could do him a favor first a few days later leonhart was surprised to see a large pile of platinum coins he asked astonished if he was correct in thinking that just one of those coins was worth several times his monthly salary knowing that one platinum coin was equal to 10
gold coins Leonard then asked him where all that money came from to which he proudly replied that he got it from his eldest brother Abel shocked Leonard asked how and he explained that he originally intended to borrow just a little however Abel asked how much he needed and immediately offered to prepare the amount saying he didn't need to repay it as it was a gift for his younger brother he then happily shared with leonhard who was still stunned that he never knew his eldest brother Abel was so generous Leonard then noticed something else in pointed
at the circular Crystal asking what it was he replied that it was a personal Communicator which able had given him to make it easier for them to stay in touch leonhart could hardly believe that Abel had just given him a personal communicator and asked if he knew how expensive it was leonhard explained that he could buy a mansion with a garden for the price of one of those communicators he replied that he knew but it was a simplified version that could only be used for direct communication with able leonhart stared at him for a moment
before commenting that judging by the situation things must have gone well with Abel he excitedly confirmed saying it turned out Abel was as kind as he had thought he then handed the Platinum coins to leonhard asking him to hold onto them for now because he'd need them soon leanard confused asked what he needed that much money for especially since the workshop renovation was finished and they had recently bought magic stones and Spirit Stones so there was no need to purchase more stretching his arms he explained to leanhart that he was going to make money and
it would serve as his investment fund the next day uril raised her staff and focused her power on it attempting to gather light at the tip to brighten the surroundings however Flappy suddenly emitted a bright light leaving her shocked and confused she had been trying to make the staff glow but instead Flappy was glowing while sitting on Kyle's head panicking she shouted at Flappy not to sit on his head apologizing but he calmly replied that it was fine like having a headlamp confused she asked what a headlamp was while lean Hart stood nearby holding his
head in frustration leonart then called for their attention and asked why they were in a dungeon Kyle simply replied that they were in a dungeon because there was a dungeon so they went inside this only frustrated leonhart further and he shouted that it wasn't what he meant leonhart reminded him that they had clearly left the house saying they were visiting in felon the neighboring estate so he was confused why they suddenly headed to a dungeon instead laughing Kyle explained that since the dungeon was on the way to inum he thought they'd stop by leonhart sighed
in defeat but insisted they should leave the dungeon because it wasn't a place to linger Kyle however asked what he was talking about and said the dungeon exploration had only Just Begun leonhart yelled that it was dangerous startling Kyle leonhart then explained that he should think about the way they had come the monsters had been swarming at the entrance of the cave but as they ventured deeper their numbers and presence gradually decreased this likely meant that a boss monster was deeper inside and mid to lowlevel monsters were avoiding the area because they were wary of
it leonhard then told him that so far things had been manageable but from here on no one knew what might come out he urged that they should turn back but instead he approached leonhart and revealed that the the boss was exactly their target causing leonhart to look at him in shock realizing that he had known this from the start leonhard accused him of leaving the house under the pretense of going to inum he replied that they did indeed have business in inum however he knew there was a dungeon along the way if he had said
they were heading to a dungeon from the beginning they wouldn't have been able to leave the house and the number of knights guarding them would have multiplied he went on to explain that if adol spies had followed them Abel might have insisted on sending his own guards as well creating chaos so how they clear the dungeon in such a situation he also pointed out that if a fight broke out among their guards he'd be caught in the middle and there was the issue of Ural her spirit magic training had to be kept secret he had
only told his father about it and it wasn't yet time to tell his brothers therefore he couldn't let people see Flappy out in the open with a Sly grin he then added that the biggest problem with having too many people was that he wouldn't be able to take all the loot for himself already calculating the money he'd gain leonhart responded that with just the three of them it was Reckless he might be an expert level Knight but Ural had only just begun learning Spirit magic even though he had recently reached the second Circle it would
still be dangerous he then called out to Leonard seriously telling him not to mistake him for being powerless just because he acted weak at home he reminded leonhart that he had witnessed the power of his magic firsthand especially after overcoming heru and that his magic was drastically different from regular spells leonhart tried to reason with him but he confidently replied that their team was strong enough they had a tank A Healer and a damage dealer which meant they had everything they needed so there was no need to worry he then told lehart that his master
was strong enough and would only grow stronger from here so he should watch closely and make a choice he asked Leonard who he would pledge his loyalty to him or his father and declared that a knight with two masters wasn't necessary he wanted a knight who was loyal to him alone this left leonhardt stunned his hand tightening around his sword leonhart couldn't answer but he knew that currently leanhart was following Ramon's orders to guard him in other words no matter how Faithfully leanhart stayed by his side his true Master wasn't him but his father rton
he thought to himself that to truly win over such a rigid and loyal Knight merely demonstrating his abilities wouldn't be enough forcing leonhart's loyalty would only backfire However the fact that leanhart was hesitating now was enough for him when leonhart truly acknowledged him he would finally gain an impenetrable shield that belonged to him alone a moment later they finally reached the place where the master of the dungeon resided the boss room the minotaur's secret Sanctuary there they saw a massive Minotaur holding a huge Hammer deep in sleep ursal commented on its size but he remained
silent remembering that in Fantasy Defense this dungeon was popular among beginners for farming it lacked traps the path was short there were few monsters and most importantly the rewards were generous compared to the difficulty he then asked excitedly why he would share such Treasures with others exclaiming that it wasn't going to happen this was the reason they had come with only three people meanwhile leonhart standing beside him expressed concern reminding him that the Minotaur was said to be three three times stronger than an ogre fortunately it still seemed to be asleep he explained to leanhart
that the Minotaur didn't use magic but its brute strength was incredible if they tried to block its massive Hammer swings without using sword energy their bones would be crushed he assured leanhart that he would take the front line drawing the minotaur's aggro and blocking its Hammer attacks he would also cast a shield to boost his defense and with both his sword energy and shield he should be able to withstand its heavy blows however there was one attack to watch out for when the enraged Minotaur charged like a bull and launched into a whirlwind attack he
warned Leonard to dodge it at all costs no matter how strong The Shield it wouldn't hold against that he also instructed leanhart to lure the Minotaur to the outer edges while dodging as much as possible and once the Whirlwind stopped the Minotaur would be exhausted for a while which would be their opportunity to strike leanhart nodded in understanding he then turned to uril telling her to cast Buffs on him and leonhart before the battle since this was her first real fight he reassured her that if she was scared it was okay to cast the Buffs
and hide behind a rock however she disagreed telling him that she didn't study Spirit magic just to hide with confidence she assured him that she wanted to help and would show him the results of her training today he was amazed by her determination and admiring her resolve agreed but cautioned her not to overdo it and to keep a safe distance he reminded her that she was the party's healer and buffer and asked her what her most important role was she replied that it was to protect him but he corrected her explaining that the most important
thing was to stay alive as long as she didn't fall they would always have a chance he emphasized that she was holding both his and leonhard's lives in her hands so she should never neglect her own safety touched by his words she shyly responded that she understood lehart on the other hand was puzzled the location of the dungeon the importance of a Healer in battle and strategies to defeat the Minotaur were things one would only learn through real experience he wondered how Kyle who had been confined to the estate knew all of this calling him
over leanhardt asked if he was unusually familiar with dungeon strategies startling Kyle leonhart then pointed out that today was supposed to be Kyle's first time in a dungeon and asked if that was correct Panic said and as Kyle realized he'd been acting like he knew too much forgetting for a moment that he was supposed to be a 13-year-old boy he knew that even for a magical genius such knowledge was strange trying to cover his tracks Kyle replied that he'd learned some basic tips during the goblin hunt when they faced the ogre but leonart pressed further
asking how Kyle could have learned the minotaur's characteristics and attacked patterns from a goblin hunting party when he had struggled against an ogre Panic gripped Kyle as he wondered why leonhart was asking so many questions and whether leonhart had realized that he wasn't the real Kyle he then imagined Leonard shouting to everyone that he wasn't the real Kyle sulon and ordering them to capture him they tied him up and Adolf approached with a smug grin telling him he'd always known something was off there was no way that Brady Noble would mature so suddenly it had
to be a demon's doing and he should be burned immediately Adolf held a lit torch while leanhart and Abel glared at him in Anger Kyle screamed no in fear but was killed in the end a game over for him Panic gripped him as he imagined this horrible scenario thinking that it mustn't happen stuttering he shouted to leonhart that he read it in a book leonhard asked if he meant that he had learned about the minur from a book Kyle hastily replied yes explaining that he had spent a lot of time in the library and secretly
read some military strategy books as well he gave leonhard a nervous smile desperately hoping he would believe the excuse after a moment of silence leanhart smiled and said he understood he added that Kyle had been going to the library r a lot lately studying not just magic but monster strategies as well and he was impressed Kyle meanwhile wondered if his excuse had really worked leonart continued saying he was sure Kyle's father would be proud of his progress which was remarkable ursal agreed adding that Kyle had always been amazing and cool with Flappy nodding and agreement
seeing their favorability towards him increase Kyle thought to himself that Leon Hart despite seeming hard to please was actually quite easy to convince he also realized that it would be a good idea to come up with more excuses is about knowing the game World well he couldn't keep relying on the label of magical genius forever after some discussions and strategy planning ursal cast her light spells granting them the strength to protect themselves she summoned light empowerment and healing beasts and the system showed Kyle that the lights empowerment increased their health and defense by 30% while
also enhancing mana and sword energy the light healing restored lost health and provided an automatic healing effect for a set duration Kyle praised Ural telling her that the effect was much stronger now than when she she first learned it and it showed how much she had improved ursal shyly smiled in response proud of her progress Kyle turned forward announcing that it was time to begin they faced the minur and Kyle ordered leonhart to attack leonhart rushed forward and as he approached the Minotaur opened its eyes screaming in Fury and blocking leonhart's attack with its Hammer
the Minotaur Rose to its feet ready to face leonhart however leonhart noticed that with his shield in urel's Buffs his body felt completely different sturdier and much lighter than before the Minotaur glared at them and asked who dared to disturb its Slumber and come for its treasure it roared declaring that if they sought its treasure they would be split in half by its hammer and no one would be forgiven for coveting its horde suddenly a block of ice crashed into its face making it angrier confused it demanded to know what it was Kyle smirked and
asked what the Minotaur thought it was declaring himself a dungeon Thief while casting his Iceland spell the Minotaur managed to block the attack with its Hammer but the pressure was so intense that the minur felt a surge of pain suddenly Leonard appeared behind the Minotaur slashing its shoulder with his sword and causing it to Roar in agony leonhard warned the Beast not to lose focus while Kyle casting another spell praise leonhart saying my knight is very capable the minor shouted that it was unbelievable raising its Hammer as leonhart stood close by it called them wretches
and Leonard froze when he heard the Minotaur declare that none of them would leave alive as they aimed for its treasure Kyle immediately activated his magic circle casting the ston skin spell on leonhard allowing him to block the Hammer's powerful blow the minutor T was shocked upon seeing this and demanded to know how leonhard had managed to block an attack with all its strength leonhard struggled to hold up his shield feeling the tremendous force behind the blow he knew that if Kyle hadn't timed the shield and stone skin spells perfectly his arm would have been
shattered leonart noticed that Kyle used magic with Precision almost as if he could foresee the next move his sense of timing with magic guided the flow of the battle smoothly Kyle's inate intuition for assessing the situation and using magic reassured Le in heart that Kyle was in control of the fight then ordered leonhard to move and cast the ins snare spell on the minur immobilizing it the creature panicked when it realized it couldn't move Kyle quickly followed up with a barrage of magic missiles striking the Minotaur multiple times causing it to scream in pain before
collapsing to its knees leanard asked if they had defeated it but Kyle didn't respond suddenly the Minotaur laughed mocking them for pushing it so far but warning them that it was the end for them it Unleashed its special skill Whirlwind spinning its Hammer at top speed to create a tornado around itself Kyle shouted to leonhart that it was a whirlwind attack ordering him to hold the minotaur's aggro and lure it to the outskirts he commanded them to split left and right leonhart responded with a quick yes and rushed to the left using his haste skill
uril cast her blessing of light on leonhart enhancing his agility leonhart stopped when he got closer to the Minotaur throwing a dagger that struck its neck successfully getting its attention the Minotaur charged at him and leonhart let it toward the outskirts while Kyle and Ural hit on the right side Kyle began counting down from 30 seconds reminding reminding them that avoiding the Whirlwind attack was the best strategy for now they couldn't face it directly but after the minotaur's big attack it would be exhausted and vulnerable to a Counterattack as the countdown reached 5 Seconds leanhardt
sprinted toward the outskirts trying to avoid being caught by the minotaur's Whirlwind ursal watched from the other side horrified the countdown hit four then 3 seconds as the Minotaur raised its Hammer charging all its energy into a final strike leanhart stopped in Terror for a moment as the hammer came down at 1 second leanhart narrowly avoided it by an inch the haste spell that had increased his speed and the blessing of light that had bolstered his defense and endurance expired just as the minur stopped moving leonhart realized that Kyle's support spells had also ended at
the same time and if they had been even a second late they wouldn't have dodged the attack this made leonhart wonder whether it was just coincidence or if Kyle had calculated the timing from the very start Kyle then Unleashed sharp icicle of ice declaring that it was now time to strike the system confirmed that the spell formula's user control mode had been active AC at and Kyle told them that this was true magic the ability to break limits he raised his hand and cast ice Lance instantly defeating and killing the Minotaur uril used her healing
light to heal leonhart's wounds successfully restoring him to full health grateful leonart thanked her while Kyle rushed towards the treasure chest in excitement overcome with joy he kissed the chest and shouted about the beauty of the treasure marveling at how it sparkled even from the shell he eagerly opened the chest and activated his Insight Talent his Insight revealed that the sword was the sword of the Rhino an artifact forged from the solid bones of a rhino and a special metal its strength rating was C increasing physical strength by 10% and its durable blade had a
d rating providing far greater durability than typical weapons he handed it to leonhart saying it would be perfect for him which left leonart surprised next he saw L's necklace a piece filled with Nature's energy that Spirits would appreciate its Nature's Blessing was rated C allowing it to store natural energy while its clear mind ability rated D gathered energy slightly faster than usual he gave the necklace to ursal explaining that it was an artifact for spirits and she should use it ursal was startled and confused by this and both she and leonhart were flustered as they
looked at the items he had given them meanwhile he continued rumaging through the treasure chest finally finding what he had been searching for the staff of Bravery his Insight showed that the staff emitted a bold Aura allowing for faster spell casting it also had a memorize ability rated C+ which could store up to three spells that could be cast without Mona consumption with a maximum capacity for two Circle spells he recalled that in Fantasy Defense if he followed the Wizard's path acquiring this weapon from the minur dungeon was essential because it was an overpowered staff
that could be used until reaching higher circles hugging the staff excitedly he realized that with it he wouldn't have to worry about his weapon needs for a long time leonhard stared at the sword noting that even at a glance it was a fine weapon with magical effects he realized it was no wonder the Minotaur had risked its life to guard such a treasure but he wondered if he was truly worthy of receiving it especially since he couldn't even answer Kyle's question during the battle uril then admitted that she felt guilty because she was only receiving
from Kyle and although she wanted to be of more help she didn't know how she could ever repay him for such a treasure Kyle simply asked her what she was talking about reminding her of how much help she provided during the battle and reassured her that she was a great asset however Leonard agreed with uril saying the sword was too valuable for him to use and he tried to return it Kyle exasperated asked leanhart what was wrong with him sighing Kyle explained that giving them this equipment wasn't just a reward but a necessity to make
them stronger they needed to increase their power quickly as there wasn't enough time and the items would significantly boost their strength he then explained that while standard procedure with high-grade dungeon rewards would be to report them to the family for proper distribution he had no intention of reporting this loot he didn't want the other members of the family to know about their Newfound strength addressing them seriously he told leanh Hart and Ural that they were the only ones he could trust and they needed to take the artifacts to raise their power so they could become
his strength they had to become stronger because it was the only way to survive especially with the impending Darkness looming over the house of celon even asked them if they would accept the items leonhard and Ural looked at each other and nodded in agreement Leonard responded with a firm yes and uril thanked Kyle for the gift prompting him to praise them happily walking closer to them Kyle told them that they should head back to inum a few days later in The Granary region of inum the Lord of enum was panicked count frantal naon the lord
of the region shouted in frustration demanding to know what was happening without any prior notice someone from the sutian marquisate had suddenly shown up frantal rushed out of his room asking his Butler who had come and whether it was the first or second born of the family the butler replied that he wasn't entirely sure but the visitor bore a symbol that only direct descendants of the sutian family could carry frantal growing more anxious asked if they were trying to drag his estate into the sutian family's issues knowing that the ession race was like a storm
waiting to break the butler explained that it was an Unwritten rule not to involve other houses in successor disputes frantal groaned in frustration exclaiming that he wanted nothing to do with such a headache standing before the door to the visitor's room he exhaled deeply to calm himself straightened his clothes and then entered with a forced smile he greeted the guest warmly asking what brought the Lord of sulon to his estate without notice and added that if he had known beforehand he would have gone out to greet them properly frantal was taken aback when he saw
Kyle sitting comfortably and eating cookies Kyle greeted him with a smile and apologized for arriving without prior notice franel was stunned and for a moment unsure who Kyle was once they were seated and Kyle introduced himself franel was shocked asking if he was really Kyle surion the infamous fourth son realizing what he had said aloud franel quickly covered his mouth noticing leonhart glaring at him in Anger Kyle however waved it off saying it was fine and acknowledging that he had indeed been a troublemaker until recently but after over coming the heru trials he had reflected
on his behavior and decided to change frandle was surprised by this Revelation and asked if it was true that Kyle had overcome heru to which Kyle responded affirmatively adding that he had also begun training in Magic and had successfully formed his first Circle he humbly admitted that though it was only the first Circle he was doing his best to contribute to his family in whatever way he could frantal recalled the rumors he had heard about Kyle being an irredeemable troublemaker and outcasts but now seeing him in person polite Wellman Ed and with bright determined eyes
franel began to think the rumors were false he noticed that Kyle also had a genuine desire to help his family leading him to believe that someone must have spread strange rumors about him frantal nodded in agreement telling Kyle that his father was probably worried before but now Ron could be at ease he also expressed this belief that a wizard had emerged from a family renowned for swordsmanship adding that the sutian marate must be reassured knowing that their family's future was brighter Kyle modestly replied that frantal was FL Bing him Fran then asked if they should
get down to business as he didn't think Kyle had come to INF fum without notice just to say hello Kyle smiled apologizing again for arriving unannounced and explained that as frantal likely knew the sutian marquisate was in a delicate situation due to the succession issue he wanted to avoid drawing attention to his movements frantal nodded in understanding acknowledging that it made sense Kyle then explained that the reason for his visit was to purchase grain from inum as it was the largest Granary in the north frantal confused refused asked if Kyle wanted to buy more grain
reminding him that they already had a regular trade deal with the sutian family Kyle confirmed this but clarified that the grain would be for his personal use specifically for magic research he added that he couldn't reveal the nature of the research just yet but aured frantal that it wouldn't be a one-time deal Kyle intended to make regular purchases as in fum had enjoyed several years of good harvests and had excess grain that they struggled to manage Kyle proposed buying the Surplus stock which had become difficult to store and make maintain as he spoke about the
budget Kyle snapped his fingers and leonhart stepped forward with a bag in hand opening it leonhart revealed a stash of platinum coins Kyle asked franel how the proposal sounded both the Butler and frantal were stunned by the sight of the Platinum coins and frantal couldn't help but wonder how someone as young as Kyle could have accessed to such wealth franel cleared his throat and assured Kyle that there was no issue with selling the excess grain as they had more than they knew what to do with he added that since a Wizard's research is confidential he
wouldn't pry into what it was for Kyle thanked frantal for understanding but then frantal asked to confirm the source of the large sum of money glancing at the Platinum coins he explained that dealing with money of Uncertain origin could cause trouble especially when the buyer was so young Kyle reassured frantal telling him there was no need for concern as his eldest brother was funding the purchase franel asked if he meant able Celeron and Kyle confirmed asking frantal who else he would call his older brother besides Abel frantal smiled replying that he understood thinking Kyle must
be close to Abel given that Abel was willing to provide him with such a large amount of money franel knew that Abel was calm and composed and he found the combination of Abel and the promising youngest son Kyle much easier to deal with than the scheming Second Son Adolf franel thought this was a good opportunity to maintain a strong relationship with Abel in the future he agreed to Kyle's explanation saying that if Abel was backing him he would trust him and sell the grain Kyle then suggested they discuss the price and frantal offered seven silver
per sec Kyle countered with four silver per sack pointing out that seven silver for old grain was a bit high and if frantal didn't sell it the storage fees would continue to add up he suggested clearing it all out by selling it to him frantal however proposed six silver per sack but Kyle responded with 4.5 silver per sack adding that anything higher would weigh on his conscience Fran was surprised and remarked that considering the storage costs he at least deserve five silver per sack leonhart watching them closely observed The Exchange as they continued to haggle
over the price price after a moment both parties agreed on five silver per sack and Kyle happily exclaimed that they had struck a solid deal Leonard expressed his admiration for Kyle's haggling skills and jokingly asked if he had learned it from a book Kyle's celebration paused briefly but he replied that he had read about it in books and noted that the library had everything however in truth he had learned haggling from online markets Leonard then asked if Kyle had come to infel to make money and if buying the grain was part of that plan Kyle
confirmed this explaining that he intended to buy the grain while it was cheap and sell it when demand increased to make a profit Leonard pointed out that the current grain Supply was stable and their state Tron had already secured enough stock to last until next year even if Kyle sold old grain it was unlikely to be profitable Kyle responded by asking if Leon Hart had heard of preparing for the unexpected explaining that he was preparing in advance because a massive famine was on the horizon Kyle remembered the story line from the game after the sutian
family's succession ceremony an unprecedented weather anomaly would cause a severe famine sending grain prices skyrocketing even with all the money in the world people wouldn't be able to buy food at that point no one would care if the grain was old or new while he knew he couldn't reveal his knowledge of the future Kyle wondered how to explain this to the stubborn leonhart to his surprise Leonard told him that he understood and since everything Kyle had done so far had been for good reasons he would trust his judgment this time as well Kyle was astonished
to see leonhard's favorability toward him increased by 50 points he was shocked remembering that their relation ship had been negative when they first met and now it had improved so much tears welled up in Kyle's eyes as he marveled at the progress feeling rewarded by the change suddenly there was a knock on the door it was Ural reporting that frantal had something to discuss with Kyle before dinner and suggested he take a moment to attend to it after dressing up Kyle headed to Fran's office and knocked on the door entering the room he told Fran
that he had heard he was looking for him Fran nodded and explained that it wasn't for anyone else but Kyle and that he wanted to introduce someone to him as a lady approached Kyle asked frantal who she was the woman greeted him and introduced herself as the daughter of frantal naon Kyle was stunned and surprised as the lady came a little closer she respectfully introduced herself as Iris naon leaving Kyle unable to believe she was standing there well guys that's the end of the video If you like this video comment part three in the comment
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