Historinha Bíblica Infantil: Gênesis 18 ao 21 - Abrão o pai da fé - COMPLETO @semeadoreskids

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Historinha Bíblica Infantil: Gênesis 18 ao 21 - Abrão o pai da fé - COMPLETO Semeie a palavra de De...
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Did you know that God promised a kind man named Abraham that he would have a family as big as the stars in the sky? Yes! And you can be one of those little stars!
Hi, this is Aunt Anabelle! And today's story is there in the Bible, in Genesis from Chapter 18 to 21. And for you to better understand this little story, I'll leave the link to the previous video here in the description, for you to watch later.
OK? But then you know what time it is now? Story time!
In Haran there lived a very good man named Abram. Yes! I didn't make a mistake, the name is really Abram!
He was descended from Noah, which means they were of the same family. Abram loved God very much, while most of his acquaintances worshiped several Gods. One day, God spoke to Abram like this: Leave your home, take your wife Saraí, and your nephew Lot, and go to the land that I will show you.
I will bless you and use you to bless all families on earth. This was a great proposal! Abram didn't think twice.
And at the age of 75, without knowing exactly where he was going, he didn't complain. He got up, dismantled the tents, packed his bags, organized all his things and left with his wife, Saraí, his nephew Ló, his employees and his animals. They traveled for a long time, to a land so different from their own.
That land was Canaan. [Music] You can imagine, Abram was a rich man, he lived with his family, and now he has to leave for a place he didn't know. But he didn't hesitate!
He obeyed God and left, because he knew that God would fulfill his promise and that he would be very happy! Both Abram and Lot had so many animals that there was barely room for them to feed their flocks. So do you know what happened?
Fights began between his employees. Not that one, it was just what was missing! Because of this, Abram had an idea, he saw that he needed to separate from his nephew.
And peacefully there was a division of lands. He said to Ló: This country is very big, choose the land you want and it will be yours. So Lot chose the best portion of the land that lay eastward, near the River Jordan.
Abram agreed, and went to live in the west, in Canaan, the promised land. [Music] Well, as soon as Lot went to live on the outskirts of the Jordan River, do you know what happened? There was a war and he became a prisoner, just imagine!
So his uncle Abram took some men to save him and fight the enemies. Victorious, the kings wanted to give him money, gifts. But Abram wanted none of that.
Abram knew that his wealth came from God and not from men. And instead of receiving gifts, he gave gifts. He gave a priest 10% of everything he had.
And so Lot, his family and servants returned to live in Canaan. A time passed, and during a beautiful starry night. God appeared to Abram again as so many times before.
He said: Abram do not be afraid, I will protect you and reward you greatly. But Lord, said Abram. I'm old and I don't have a son.
Who will get this reward. And God said: Look at the sky Abram and try to count the stars. I promise you'll have more kids than there are stars.
And this land called Canaan will be theirs. Abram trusted God very much, and he knew that somehow, this would happen. And as was customary in those days, Abram built an altar to the Lord, there to worship and thank God.
See? God did not leave Abram alone. Abram believed God's promise.
And so, God was very pleased with him. But time passed, passed. Abram rich rich but childless.
He wanted a son to be his heir, to teach them the things they had learned in his lifetime. He wanted to teach their faith. Abram and Saraí even tried to find a way to solve it, but nothing of their own child.
Well, when Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him again. He said: In 1 year Saraí will have the promised son. Name him Isaac.
Everything I promised you, I also promise Isaac and his children. When Saraí heard the conversation, she smiled. Because she thought, how can I still have children at such an old age?
But nothing is impossible for God. And the Lord said more: From now on he will no longer be called Abram. His name will now be Abraham, which means father of many nations!
And his wife will no longer be called Saraí. Her name will be Sara, which means princess. I will bless her, and she will bear a son, and she will become the mother of nations and kings.
And so, God made a covenant with Abraham. Do you know what an alliance is? Alliance is when two people make a promise to each other.
And it is very important to keep this agreement. And did you know that's why the land of Canaan is called the promised land. Because it is the land that God promised Abraham and his children.
So when Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was 90, they could laugh with joy. And praise and thank the Lord, you know why? For finally baby Isaac was born.
This name means laughter. Yes exactly when God said he would be born. For whatever God promises, He fulfills.
Do you know what we learned from this little story? Abraham was obeying God, and He was guiding and blessing him. And if you obey God, He will always be with you to guide, guard and protect you.
After a long time, even though Abraham and Sarah were old, they were promised a baby. Isaac was the first little star to form that great people of God. The family that God had promised to Abraham.
And you too can be part of God's people, Abraham's Family. For everyone who lives by faith can also be one of those little stars. Let's pray?
Dear Father, I thank You for always being with me. Lord, take away from me all worries, fear and my afflictions. Teach me to wait and believe in your promises.
I trust in the Lord, in the name of Jesus, amen In the previous video, we saw that at 100 years old Abraham finally had his son Isaac. And time passed and Isaac was growing up, and now he was a young man. One day, God wanted to test Abraham's Faith and said: Abraham!
And he replied: Here I am Lord. Take your son Isaac, whom you love, to Mount Moriah and sacrifice him as an offering to Me. Do you know what sacrifice is?
At that time, people offered sacrifices to God. What it meant to kill an animal for Him as a demonstration of Love and Respect. This was considered an outpouring of love because animals were so precious to people in those days.
But nowadays, we no longer need to sacrifice animals, as the word says that obeying is better than sacrificing. Well, Abraham was very sad, he had waited so long for his promise, and now this. But even so, Abraham obeyed God's order.
For he trusted the Lord a lot and the love and faithfulness he had for our God was immense. [Music] So the next day Abraham got up and started on his way up the mountain. He took with him his beloved son, a colt with wood and fire for the sacrifice.
Isaac helped his father carry the material to make the altar. But Isaac was surprised, because they weren't taking any offerings to God. And he thought: Why don't we take any Lambs?
And when they got to the top of the mountain, they didn't see any Little Lambs either. Then Isaac said to his father Abraham: My father. Yes my son!
Abraham replied. The embers and firewood are here, but where is the little lamb for the sacrifice? Then Abraham replied: God himself will provide my son, the lamb for our sacrifice.
How great and amazing was Abraham's faith , don't you think? But very sad and holding back tears, Abraham began to prepare everything for the sacrifice. Isaac was obedient and said nothing.
He just obeyed his father. And when Abraham was about to do what the Lord had commanded him, do you know what happened? An angel of the Lord called from heaven: Abraham, Abraham!
And he answered, Here am I. "Don't do that to the boy Abraham! " You have already proved your great love, faith and obedience to God.
I know that God is above everything in your life. For you have not withheld even your beloved son, your only son. Ufa!
that was close! Abraham couldn't contain himself from so much happiness he felt at that moment. And soon he and his son saw a little lamb among the bushes, which would be the sacrifice to God in thanksgiving.
Abraham named that place "The Lord Will Provide" and by that name it is known to this day. Then the second time the angel of the Lord called from heaven: Abraham I give him my word, says the Lord. As you obeyed me, I will bless you and multiply your descendants, so so that they will be many millions, they will be countless, like the stars in the sky and like the sand on the seashore.
AND! and that's how Abraham became known as "the father of Faith! " Do you know what we learned from this story?
Just as God was first in Abraham's life, God must always be first in our lives. You can have many important things in your life, and many people like you. But never forget that God has to be above them all.
God must always be the most important thing for you! Let's pray? Dad, thank you so much for your word.
Help me never to lose my faith, and may I always be an obedient child. For I know that you love me, and I love you too with all my heart. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Music] Did you know that the bible tells the story of a woman who turned into a pillar of salt? What happened? Hello, this is Aunt Anabelle.
And today's story is there in the Bible, in Genesis Chapter 18-19. And for you to better understand this little story, I'll leave the link to the previous video here in the description, so you can watch it later. OK!
But then, do you know what time it is now? Story time! You remember in the previous video, in the story of Abraham, he and his nephew Lot went their separate ways.
Well, Lot lived with his uncle Abraham in Canaan. And over time they began to have many animals. There were so many that they couldn't all fit in the same place.
So Abraham said to Ló: I don't think we can live in the same place anymore, and we will have to separate. Which way do you want to go? Can choose!
So Lot chose a part of Canaan that was very beautiful. It was a place with a lot of water and a lot of grass. Where was a city called Sodom.
And so, Lot chose to move there with his family. But the people of that city , Sodom, were very evil and did many things wrong and didn't want to know about being corrected. Near Sodom was another city called Gomorrah.
This city was also full of bad people, in fact those people were so bad, that God decided to destroy both cities. Meanwhile, one fine afternoon, the Lord decided that He would reveal to Abraham what He would do to Sodom and Gomorrah because they were very wicked cities. Then the Lord said: The accusations against Sodom and Gomorrah are so many, and their sin is so serious that I will go down to see if what they have done corresponds to what they have heard.
Abraham soon remembered his nephew Lot who lived in Sodom. So he begged God: Lord, will you punish the innocent with the guilty? What if there happen to be 50 righteous men in that city?
Then the Lord replied: For love I will spare the city for 50. And what about 45? Abraham said.
I will spare the city for 45, says the Lord. And Abraham continued to ask God if He would spare the city because of 40 righteous, 30 or 20. Each time the Lord said that He would spare the city therefore righteous.
And 10 Lord? Abraham asked one last time. And God replied: I will spare the city for 10.
The Lord really wanted to save Lot's family, so do you know what He did? He sent an angel to take care of his family and get them out of that city before its destruction. Then the Angel said the following: Hurry!
Get out of here, because God is going to destroy this city. Only Ló didn't leave when the Angel spoke, he took a while. Just imagine!
Then the Angel shouted: Run and save your lives, and don't look back, if you look back you will die! At that time they were very scared, and the whole family left! When Ló and his family were already leaving the city, do you know what happened?
God rained down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. [Music] And both cities were totally destroyed because of so much evil that existed there. But while they were running away, Lot's wife got curious, disobeyed God and do you know what she did?
She looked back, and when she did, she turned to a pillar of salt. Not this one! Lot and his daughters were very sad about this.
But they continued and fled to the mountains where they lived for the rest of their lives. Do you know what we learned from this story? When Lot separated from his uncle Abraham, he was selfish and didn't care about taking the best part of the region to live.
but the city where he lived began to have many problems, and Lot had to flee from there. With all of this, we learn that decisions made, even though they may seem like good intentions, can be a disaster if they don't have God's guidance. We always have to ask for the Lord's direction and blessing for everything we are going to do in our lives.
We must not be afraid, and we must learn to depend on God. Let's pray? Father, I thank you for all that the Lord has done in my life and that of my family.
Take away all fear from me, and help me to depend on You alone, today and always. In Jesus name, amen! Did you like our story today?
So already subscribe to the channel so you don't miss our next biblical stories. Don't forget to read the Bible and talk to God every day. May God bless you, and until next time!
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