the world is a dangerous place right now there are very few spots that are safe from Wars and Suki values these places are like Secrets hidden gems which used smart strategies to keep their independence I will reveal these five places and as IES of power and I will tell you which place matches your archetype best number one lonstein change on the outside never on the inside lonstein adopted this law of power while transitioning from a traditional monarchy to a modern capitalist Powerhouse the small Kingdom in the Alves is per cap the richest country in the
world and it is Dept free Dept free means Suki free as you will understand they are a Global Financial player while preserving the core values of loyality privacy and conservative values and they are one of the few places of true democracy in the world the people have had a referendum in 2021 and voted against strong covid measures most Kingdoms in Europe died because they could not adapt to the rise of capitalism but the kingdom ofenstein is a Grandmaster of capitalism Royal capitalism in the shadows if your archetype is a Goldsmith combined with a knight this
place is perfect for you but it is a small country and it is very selective you'll need to show $300,000 annual income or significant assets to be considered for residency and they only offer 89 per year but we have green members who received one it is not impossible if you have questions reach out to the Ring of grim number two Georgia mastered the art of dual allegiances Independence low taxes conservative values how did Georgia not become a pawn of the big sukii powers like most of the world because the Georgians know how to play both
sides against each other you need to master the art of jewal allegiances the Georgians learned this long time ago the most important gangsters in the war of zakona were Georgians and they knew how to play the system well trust me the top values in Georgia are tradition Independence hospitality and spirituality some of the oldest Christian monasteries in the world are in Georgia almost 1500 years old Georgia is the place is for the viun archetype a seeker of knowledge who might want to be builder of new businesses or an artist as artists need to live on
small budget it is easy to receive a residency you need 100K property investment or establishment of a business also qualified people in Tech or Finance can get special residences we have two Grims Liv there get in touch if you need help what's very nice foreign income is exempt from taxation this means if you earn income outside of Georgia Investments or businesses you are living taxfree number three Switzerland make your Fortress neutral and you will be rich Swiss means base democracy swis means making money the values are stability privacy connections to the nature and personal responsibility
but our GM members have also been complaining that the vales got increasingly undermined by the Suki in the last 10 years keep fighting Brothers you need more night archetypes and less Goldsmith it seems values matter the regions s and schz are tax Heavens coroporate tax as low as 11.85% personal around 22% compared to Global rates over 40% it is a no-brainer platan Wells Thrive here while other get squeezed the Swiss front is the safest currency of the world as a EU citizen it is not hard to get residency the best way is to be employed
here and then open your own business if you are not EU citizen you will need significant wealth or demonstrate special skills to be much better than any Swiss or any EU citizen they don't make it easy but we have our people here number four Dubai Dubai plated smart from Desert to Global Titan bold leadership incorruptibility Pro business polies and conservative values early oil wels built its foundation but trade tourism and finance brought Dubai to the top turn opportunity in wealth and wealth into more opportunity iconic projects and zero tax on personal income drew the world's
Elite Dubai's rise isn't luck it is strategy and values if you are a builder or a king archetype this could be your place of opportunity to get the residence in West 270k in real estate or launch a business for freelance visas you have to prove 5K income per month in Dubai you have 9% coroporate tax no income or capital gain tax great place but the regions could be more dangerous soon and finally of course number five Panama command the crossroads of wealth power flows where trade runs Panama got this power from the canal linking Asia
America and Europe a global h and a fortress for Financial Freedom no taxes on global income no cooperate no income no capital gains tax what you make you keep let's look at values Panama stands for freedom and low government interference Builders Arte Tri here build expand no heavy regulations no minimum stay requirements it is safe has deep wild nature Western Comforts and Latin wipes residency 200k in real estate or St a business we have Grims here that opened a business for less than 15K and got residency fully takes free this is my number one of
freedom and Independence and also you will be safe from all the Suki Wars be honorable [Music]