16 Signs Your Cat Considers You Their Parent

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Ever wondered if your cat thinks of you as their mom or dad? In this video, "16 Signs Your Cat Consi...
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you may see your cat as your furry little baby but how do they see you as a close friend an acquaintance a member of Staff or something more just as you think of your pet as like your child some kitties actually see us as their parental figures if you want to know whether your cat sees you as their parent pay attention to the following subtle Clues sign number one you might be surprised to learn that your cat biting you can be a sign of anything other than them being very annoyed with you but in fact
it can often mean exactly the opposite cats give Gentle Love Bites to people and animals that they consider to be part of their family these bites shouldn't hurt let alone break the skin but cats aren't always good at judging what will hurt humans your kitty would have learned this Behavior back when they were a kitten when they would have given their mama and their brothers and sisters Love Bites if your kitty does this to you therefore that's a sign that they see you as their parent sign number two okay but what about being scratched that's
significantly more likely to hurt and may even result in you bleeding how can that possibly be a sign of your Kitty's affection well have you ever seen two cats playing when cats play with each other especially young cats and kittens it can often look a bit like they're fighting they'll roll over on top of each other clawing and biting fighting and generally looking like they're trying to beat each other up this is because although play fighting shouldn't actually cause injury to either cat it's designed to help them learn how to survive in a real fight
with either a predator or another cat with that in mind Mama cats will often let their kittens play with them like this so that they can learn how to do it properly your kittens scratches you in play because they see you as their mother even though unlike a mother cat you don't have any protective layer of fur to keep their scratches from breaking the skin ouch sign number three like many baby animals kittens learn how to be adult cats by copying their mama's behavior they watch her hunt watch her interact with other cats and watch
her interact with humans and they follow her lead in the absence of their mother your kitty is going to try and learn about the World by copying you if your cat sees you as their new mom then they'll do their best to follow your routine and mimic your behaviors wake up when you wake up eat when you eat and go to bed when you go to bed they might even try to help you out at work by walking over your keyboard or follow you down the street when you go down to the store being a
cat parent can be a tough job at times sign number four sh is your kitty trying to say something they keep opening their mouth as if to meow but no sound is coming out or maybe there is a sound but it's really quiet like they're Whispering have they lost their voice or are they just trying to be quiet for once neither they're not actually trying to be quiet at all humans are actually quite bad at hearing from a cat's perspective particularly when it comes to high-pitched noises our hearing range goes from 20 Hertz to 20,000
Hertz your Kitty's hearing range starts a little higher than that at 48 Hertz meaning that there are some very low sounds that you can hear but they can't but then reaches the dizzying heights of 85,000 Hertz when your cat's meow seem to be barely audible or maybe completely silent they're likely just communicating at a frequency that your ears can't pick up since cats find it easier to pick up higher sounds than lower ones however kittens will often use high meow to get their mom's attention if you've ever been around young kittens then you'll have heard
the squeaks they make that are in human range your cat doesn't know that your pathetic human ears can't pick up their Mighty meow so they keep doing it because in their minds it's the best way to get a parent attention sign number five does your kitty love the taste of your fingers some cats can't get enough of sucking at their human fingers as a way to soothe themselves the same way that a young kid might suck at their thumb or a pacifier to try and calm themselves down this behavior is usually found in cats who
were separated from their mamas before they were weaned kittens start off getting all their nutrients from their mama's milk and then after 3 or 4 weeks they start eating more solid food instead by 10 weeks they will generally have stopped drinking milk altogether and will be exclusively eating solid food but if this process is interrupted then it can lead to the cat developing problems as an adult these cats will also suck on blankets or other soft things as well as their humans fingers so as to get back that feeling of comfort and security that they
associate with feeding from their mother if your cat does this to you then it's a sign that they feel like they need a bit more parental comfort and support and they're turning to you to get it sign number six cats are generally very picky about who they sleep near when they're asleep they know that they're vulnerable to attack from other cats or Worse hungry Predators your own Kitty shouldn't have to worry about any particularly dangerous predators beyond that terrifying vacuum cleaner of course but their wild ancestors would have and those old habits die hard cats
will generally only sleep in the presence of people or animals that they trust such as their mothers when they are kittens if your cat sleeps near you then that's their way of saying that they trust you both to not take advant antage of their situation and to protect them from any other animals who might try to sneak up on them not only that but if your cat chooses to sleep in your bed while you're asleep in it or not then this suggests that they find your scent particularly soothing and comforting to the extent that it
helps them relax when it's time for them to snuggle down to sleep sign number seven in general if your cat views you as a parental figure then they will likely want to be around things that smell like you cats are much more scent oriented than we are in fact your cat's sense of smell is 14 times more sensitive than yours to them scent is the best way for them to learn about the world around them and so if they want to feel close to you when you're not around they don't look at a picture like
a human would instead they look for something that smells like you if your cat sees you as their mom or dad then you might come home from work to find them sleeping on top of your slippers or curled up on your favorite spot on the couch or on top of your pillow it might be inconvenient but don't get mad it's just because they miss their mama sign number eight does your cat raise their tail in the air like a flag pole whenever they see you walk into a room this isn't just their way of making
themselves more visible to you it's also a favorite feline expression of Happiness the higher a cat's tail goes the happier the cat and it's a gesture that dates back all the way way back to when your kitty was a kitten baby cats tend to use the tail up gesture when greeting their mama cat fun but gross fact it's likely that this Behavior developed very early in your cat's kittenhood when they were too young to even poop and pee on their own very young kittens need their mothers to help stimulate their butts to help them eliminate
and the only way for the poor mother cat to do this is by licking them because of this kittens instinctively expose their butt by lifting their tails when they see their mama later on they start doing it just to show that they're happy to see her or to see you their new mama sign number nine hope somebody's hungry because your furry little chef has decided to start making biscuits also known as kneading these rhythmic pressing motions that your cat makes with their paws are another gesture that dates back to their kittenhood when it's feeding time
young kittens will make these gestures against their mama cat's belly as a way to stimulate milk flow your cat isn't expecting you to feed them when they do this although I'm sure they wouldn't say no to a cat treat as adults this gesture is less about food and more about expressing love and affection your cat is saying that they view you as being like their parent hopefully that expression of love is worth the risk of pin Pricks not all kitties remember to put their their claws in before kneading their human's leg sign number 10 guard
your food there's a kitty criminal out and about cats are little garbage cans and their stomachs often seem bottomless despite getting regular meals and Treats on top of that they spend half their time trying to beg borrow or steal any human food that they can get their grubby little paws on despite the fact that a lot of common ingredients in human Cuisine like garlic onions and chocolate are poisonous to cats what's going on this is another sign that your fur baby sees you as their parental figure kittens once they are on solid food will often
want to eat the same things as their mother even if it's not what cats would naturally eat in 1978 scientists did an experiment where they trained Mama cats to eat mashed potatoes and bananas these Foods aren't poisonous to cats and might even be good for them in very small doses but they aren't what they would naturally have for dinner the scientists then presented them and their kittens with one bowl of mash and one bowl of meat the meat was what the kittens would naturally have eaten in the wild but it wasn't what they went for
instead they waited for their mother to eat and when she went for the mash as she'd been trained to do they followed her lead the same thing is happening when your own fur baby sees you eating something and wants to eat it as well they figure that if Mom is eating it then it must be what they're meant to eat sign number 11 one way to find out whether your kitty sees you as their mom or dad is to look at how they react to new situations kittens will often look to their mothers when facing
new and unfamiliar things to see how she reacts and what she will do as a result kittens often end up echoing their mother's personality and Studies have shown that cat cats will often reflect their humans personality in the same way kittens whose mothers are nervous around humans will grow into cats who are unusually nervous around humans while kittens whose mothers are more confident and friendly will be more confident and friendly themselves in the same way when given personality tests cat owners who are marked as being more neurotic will have cats who display more behaviors that
indicate anxiety while owners who are marked as being more confident will have cats who display more confident behaviors having your own fur baby is a big responsibility and setting them a good example is as important as it would be for a human kid sign number 12 you're snuggled up in bed all nice and toasty warm getting those last few precious moments of shut ey before you have to get up and go to work when suddenly meow meow meow meow sometimes having a cat is a bit like having a big hairy alarm clock and not one
that only goes off in the mornings whenever they want a meal or their water dish refilled or a door opened or even just a cuddle cats tend to have only one reaction screaming at the top of their little lungs so what's up with that well remember what we said about kittens meowing at a high pitch to get their mama's attention adult cats will typically notice after a few tries that high-pitched noises don't really work with humans due to those aforementioned pathetic human ears but lower tones certainly do and once your fur baby realizes that the
floodgates are open just like human babies cry when they want something your kitty is going to keep yelling whenever they need something from you after all if you have a problem who better to ask for help than your mom sign number 13 how does your kitty react when you leave them alone a lot of cats will get a bit annoyed if they human abandon them for more than a few hours how is a kitty supposed to go about their day when the servants keep walking out without giving proper notice but if your cat sees you
as their parental figure then their reaction will be much stronger they may become distressed while you're away even if you leave them with a responsible cats sitter they might cry for you or even stop eating when you come back you might find that you've gained a little Shadow your kitty will likely be a bit clingy for a few days following you around and jumping on your lap the moment you sit down for more than a second just to make sure that you don't go away again sign number 14 you might have heard that a cat's
wagging tail means that they're upset about something this is true cats will twitch their tails when they're feeling slightly irritated and lash them back and forth when they're feeling really annoyed but a shaking tail doesn't always mean upset if your cat's tail is in the air and it's shivering back and forth like it's vibrating then that's not a sign that your fur baby is annoyed it's a sign that they're very very excited to see you you're more likely to see this gesture when you come home after leaving your cat for a few hours basically it's
their way of saying welcome home mom sign number 15 so your fur baby has had babies does that make you a grand cat parent you might find that your Kitt isn't keen on letting you near her new little ones for the first few weeks after they're born but then you might find that one day she just comes up to you and dumps them one after the other right into your lap what's going on is your cat just abandoning her babies will you have to take on a second job to raise them yourself how will you
pay for the therapy to deal with their inevitable abandonment issues well don't worry you're not being left holding the babies at least for long you're just the babysitter feral cats who don't have humans to look after them will often rely on their relatives for babysitting Services just like many humans do your cat is just doing what a million other parents have done leaving the kids with Grandma or Grandpa for a bit while she goes and has some much needed me time if your fur baby chooses to trust you with this responsibility then you should take
it seriously your kitty is showing a lot of trust in you and you should prove to them that you're worthy of it by making sure that you look after their little ones until they get back after all it's your duty as their grandparent sign number 16 did you adopt a cat or a goat you were pretty sure you got a cat but what with all this head butting you're no longer quite sure this butting or bunting is another thing that dates back to the nest cats bunt their mama and siblings so that they can exchange
scents this is important because as we men mentioned before cats are very smell oriented creatures they don't recognize their family members by sight as much as by smell if your kitty is bunting you then that's a sign that they're trying to get their scent on you and get your scent on them this marks you as a part of their social group kind of like a feline all Factory equivalent of exchanging friendship bracelets since they see you as their parental figure your cat wants to make extra sure that you're marked as a part of their family
so so now you know how to tell whether your cat sees you as a parental figure you want to make sure that your relationship with your fur baby is the best that it can be so what do you do if your kitty isn't cuddly well help is at hand check out this video to learn what it means when your cat isn't affectionate and how to fix the problem
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