what if I told you that money isn't chasing hard work effort or even intelligence it's chasing something else entirely and if you don't understand what I'm about to tell you you'll keep running after money for years instead of making money run after you this isn't just a theory it's science Nicola Tesla one of the greatest Minds to ever walk this planet knew something that most people still haven't grasped today and once you understand it once you start applying it you'll notice something strange now I know what some of you might be thinking Tesla died poor
and alone what could he possibly teach about wealth but here's the thing most people Miss if you've ever taken the time to truly study Tesla's work you'll notice one undeniable truth Tesla wasn't focused on chasing money instead he dedicated his life to mastering the laws that govern the universe and in those laws lies the secret to why money flows effortlessly to some people While others struggle their entire lives so listen carefully because by the end of this video you'll not only understand the secret but you'll have a one- minute practice that will rewire your energy
for financial success let's begin Nicola Tesla once said if you want to find the secret of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration now what does that have to do with money everything most people think of money as a physical object something you earn something you save something you spend but Tesla knew the truth money is energy it flows to those who are in alignment with its frequency and repels those who aren't and this is where most people go wrong they struggle they chase they stress about money and in doing so they
vibrate at the frequency of lack and what happens they attract more lack because here's the reality you do not attract what you want you attract what you are if you see money as scarce it will be if you see money as hard to get it will be if you feel desperate for money it will keep running from you but the moment you shift your internal frequency everything changes and the fastest way to do that your words I will come back to this later now let me ask you how do you align yourself with the frequency
of money how do you stop the static and tune into wealth so clearly that it flows into your life effortlessly that's where the words I'm about to share come in these aren't just words they're a powerful tool to reprogram your mind and shift your your energy to match the vibration of abundance when you say them and when you truly feel them you're not just speaking you're broadcasting a signal into the universe and here's the thing the universe always responds but here's where most people falter they hear the words they might even repeat them a few
times but they don't see the results why because knowing the words alone isn't enough if you don't understand how to use them how to connect with them on a deeper emotional level how to align your actions with your intentions you'll miss out on the incredible power they hold that's why after I reveal the words to you I'm going to walk you through exactly how to use them let's get started first phase before you say the words you need to prepare yourself find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed this is your time to connect
with the energy of abundance sit comfortably close your eyes and take a deep breath in hold it for a moment and then exhale slowly do this a few times letting the stress and noise of the day Fade Away think of your mind as a glass of water if it's cloudy with worry doubt or fear the words won't resonate as they should your first task is to make that water clear to create space for the energy of wealth to flow in now as you sit there focus on one thing you're grateful for it doesn't have to
be big maybe it's the roof over your head the food you ate today or even the ability to take this moment for yourself gratitude raises your vibration and starts aligning your energy with abundance stay in this space for a minute or two and when you're ready move on to the next step the second phase now now here's what you'll say for one minute repeat these words slowly and with absolute conviction money flows to me effortlessly I am in alignment with abundance I attract wealth with ease let's do this together I'll say it again you can
choose to pause this video close your eyes and repeat the words with me or simply let them sink in as you listen money flows to me effortlessly I am in alignment with abundance I attract wealth with ease say these words out loud or in your mind but don't just repeat them mechanically feel them deeply imagine what it looks like and feels like to have the energy of money flowing toward you picture Financial opportunities opening up unexpected blessings Landing in your lap and the sense of ease that comes with abundance hold on to that feeling let
it fill your entire being and trust that with every word you speak You're tuning your vibration to the frequency of wealth this is how you start aligning with the infinite flow of prosperity the third phase now that you've spoken the words don't just move on this is the moment everything shifts take a deep breath with me right now and let yourself feel the energy you've just created this isn't just about saying a few sentences it's about stepping into a frequency that aligns with abundance pause for a moment and allow yourself to really feel what's happening
inside you close your eyes if you need to and picture your life with total Financial Freedom imagine confidently paying your bills seeing more money come in than you could ever need and finally living with the peace you've always wanted visualize it in detail what do you you see maybe it's your dream home the car you've always wanted or the sound of laughter from loved ones as you enjoy your success hold on to that image Let It Grow stronger but here's the key it's not just about what you see it's about what you feel feel the
joy the relief and the excitement of finally being in that place where abundance is your reality imagine the weight lifting off your shoulders the freedom that com comes with knowing you have more than enough let that feeling sink deep into your chest into every part of you that feeling that's the vibration you're sending out into the universe right now stay in this moment a little longer this is where the magic happens the energy you feel right now is shaping what the universe sends back to you this isn't just about visualizing a better life it's about
stepping into it emotionally mentally and energetically the more real you make it now the faster you'll see it show up in your reality trust me this is where your future begins hold on to this energy because the universe is already listening the fourth phase now that you've repeated the words and anchored the feeling of abundance it's time to solidify this energy with intentional action Tesla believed that energy flows where focus goes when you take action that aligns with the frequency of wealth you amplify the vibration you've just created start by asking yourself what's one practical
step you can take today toward Financial alignment it doesn't have to be something massive maybe it's reviewing your finances brainstorming new ideas or reaching out to someone who inspires you the key is to act with purpose knowing you're tuning your energy toward abundance Tesla's genius wasn't just in thought it was in applying his insights to create real world change the same applies to you by taking intentional inspired actions no matter how small you're sending a signal back to the universe you're saying I am ready and when you combine your thoughts feelings and actions you create
a powerful magnetic force that draws wealth and opportunities into your life here's what I want you to do for the next seven days take one minute before bed and 1 minute in the morning to repeat these words money flows to me effortlessly I am in alignment with abundance I attract wealth with ease say it feel it own it and if you're ready to commit drop I am a magnet for wealth in the comments right now because once you shift your frequency money will start chasing you