My husband kicked me out at midnight for not giving him $200K. The next day, he got a surprise...

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Revenge Online
Today in this video: Discover the shocking story of how a midnight argument over $200K led to a life...
Video Transcript:
my name is Lily and I work as an editor at a big publishing company in the city I'm just an ordinary girl who likes to keep things simple life has always been busy for me trying to meet deadlines while also finding some time for myself maybe that's why I never really got into dating I usually enjoyed spending time alone whether it was with a good book or taking a quiet walk in the park near my apartment but everything changed on one Sunny Sunday that seemed like any other I was deep into a podcast walking along
without a care in the world the park was full of people kids running around and pets playing I must have lost track of where I was walking because the next thing I knew a guy on a bicycle almost ran into me watch out he shouted swerving at the last second his voice was sharp and I could tell he was annoyed I'm so sorry I said quickly taking out one of my earbuds I hadn't realized I had wandered onto the bike path he stopped his bike and turned around now looking more amused than angry you've got
to watch where you're going this path can be a Jungle Sometimes yeah my bad totally my fault I admitted feeling a bit embarrassed I brushed a stray strand of hair from my face and gave him a shy smile he laughed and just like that the tension was gone I'm Jerry he said extending his hand hand Lily I replied shaking his hand his handshake was firm and confident so Lily are you always this distracted or is it just my charming presence he said with a playful grin that made me laugh just a long week at work
my brain is already on weekend mode I said fair enough I was just about to grab a coffee at that cafe over there he pointed to a small place at the edge of the park car to join me you know as a peace offering for almost running me over I thought about it for a moment he seemed nice and honestly I was curious sure I could use a coffee why not it might even make for a good story I said as we walked to the cafe Jerry was easy to talk to he told me about
his job at a car sales company and how he liked to spend his weekends biking or hanging out with friends he wasn't from the city he moved moved here because he thought it offered more opportunities you know big city dreams and all that he said with a smirk I shared a bit about my job too explaining how I loved books and turned that passion into a career it's better than being stuck in a cubicle doing something you hate I added we reached the cafe and ordered our coffees while we waited I realized how comfortable I
felt around him it was strange because I'm usually a bit reserved around new people but with Jerry the conversation just flowed after meeting Jerry we started hanging out more he was funny and easygoing but it wasn't long before I started noticing little things that bothered me at first it was nothing major just small comments here and there that made me raise an eyebrow one Sunday we decided to go out for dinner and somehow the topic of careers and family came up we were just chatting about work and life nothing serious or so I thought so
how's the book world treating you Jerry asked taking a sip of his beer it's busy as always deadlines don't stop for anyone I replied poking at my salad yeah I get that but you wouldn't want to be stuck in that forever right I mean eventually you'd want to settle down maybe cut back on work hours Jerry said casually I paused my Fork midair not really Jerry I love what I do I don't see myself giving it up anytime soon or ever really Jerry Shrugged sure but what about when we have kids wouldn't you want to
be around more the question caught me off guard weave I chuckled nervously that's jumping way ahead don't you think he laughed it off yeah you're right just thinking out loud I guess I tried to shake off the discomfort but it lingered a couple of weeks later Jerry invited me to have dinner with his parents I figured it was a good sign thing getting serious and all I was nervous but hopeful that dinner though opened my eyes a bit more his parents lived in a cozy well-kept house in the suburbs his mom Mrs David was all
smiles when we arrived Lily so lovely to finally meet you Jerry has told us so much about you she gushed pulling me into to a hug thank you for having me Mrs David it's great to meet you too I replied I managed to reply with a smile dinner was going well until Mrs Davids started talking about family and marriage you know Jerry was always the responsible one she said serving herself more potatoes we've always told him how important it is to find a good girl who knows how to take care of a home Jerry's dad
nodded in agreement absolutely it's about building a strong Foundation a man needs to provide and a woman well she takes care of the home I glanced at Jerry hoping he'd say something but he just focused on his food Mrs David continued that's how we raised our boys family first right Jerry right Mom Jerry finally said looking up his agreement felt like a punch to the gut I tried to stay calm it's it interesting because I've always been very focused on my career I love my job and believe in contributing equally Mrs David smiled but it
felt forced of course dear but you'll see priorities change when you have children it's only natural for a woman to want to stay at home with her babies the rest of the evening passed in a blur we left shortly after dinner and the drive home was tense I broke the silence your mom has some strong opinions about family roles do you feel the same way he hesitated then said I think there's some truth to it it worked for my parents despite the uneasy dinner with Jerry's parents our relationship continued somehow the good times seemed to
outweigh the bad and I found myself agreeing to marry him looking back love must have blinded me because those warning signs were still there in the back of my mind the wedding planning began and it was all a whirlwind Jerry wanted something simple and so did I we decided on a modest ceremony with just close family and friends as the day approached the real pressure started to build not about the event but about what our lives would be like afterward after the ceremony at the reception Jerry's mom pulled me aside her smile was wide but
her eyes were serious Lily dear I'm so happy for you both remember a good wife supports her husband no matter what thank you Mrs David I intend to be a supportive partner I replied trying to keep my voice steady and remember dear when the babies start coming it's best if you're at home you can't trust strangers to raise your children she added her words felt like a warning and the finality in her tone made my stomach turn I just nodded not trusting myself to speak later when Jerry and I were alone I said your mom
talked to me about kids and me not working I started watching his reaction closely yeah she's just looking out for the future she means well Lily you know how moms are Jerry brushed it off taking a sip of his champagne but you know I'm not planning to quit my job right even when we have kids I said needing him to understand Jerry paused his face serious we'll see ly things change we'll do what's best for our family after our wedding Jerry suggested we move to a larger apartment closer to his work at the car sales
company the place was nice bigger than our old one but it was right next door to his parents house I had my doubts about why he chose this particular spot but I agreed hoping for the best once we settled in the reality of our new life together began to show Jerry started bringing up his idea of a traditional family more often where he would be the bread winner and I would handle a household and eventually the kids one evening we sat down with our finances spread across the dining table a mess of bills and budgets
under the dim light I tried to show him how keeping both our jobs was better especially with the economy being unstable look at these numbers Jerry with both incomes we're not just getting by we're actually saving it doesn't make sense for me to quit my job I said pointing at the spreadsheet Jerry shook his head pushing the papers away slightly it's not just about the money ly it's about having a real family life you know like my parents had I sighed feeling frustrated but it's not the past Jerry things are different now we both need
to contribute he didn't seem convinced and the discussion ended with a heavy silence the situation got more complicated with his mother Mrs David living so close she dropped by often unannounced each visit with a new critique about how I was managing our home one afternoon I was sorting through some work emails when she came in without a greeting she started inspecting the house wiping her finger along the bookshelf looking for dust Lily you really should focus more on keeping a cleaner house a Dusty home is not a healthy home she said her tone sharp I
clenched my teeth trying to stay calm I cleaned yesterday Mrs David and I work full-time it's just a little dust that's just it you work too much if you were home more maybe things wouldn't slip through she countered walking over to the linen closet she pulled out a sheet checking for any signs of improper laundering I followed her my hands clenched into fists at my besides trying to keep my cool I manage my time just fine Mrs David Jerry and I are both happy with how things are I said she shook her head and moved
to the kitchen to check the contents of our fridge A Woman's Place is taking care of her home and husband all these modern ideas about women needing careers are nonsense every comment stung and I felt my defenses Rising maybe that worked for you but I'm not you I'm not going to quit my job and become someone I'm not when Jerry came home that evening I tried to explain how suffocating his mother's visits were becoming he listened but his response chilled me mom's just trying to help Lily she has a lot of experience running a home
but it's our home not hers I need you to stand up for me for us I pleaded Jerry looked torn but finally said she's my mom Lily she means well we should at least consider her advice the argument that night was long and painful we went to bed angry the first of many silent nights as the days turned into weeks I felt more like an outsider in my own home constantly judged and found wanting the pressure to conform to an outdated idea of a wife was relentless and my resolve to maintain my Independence was tested
every day as the months passed Jerry's complt complains about me not doing enough at home started to increase he would come home from work look around with a scowl and comment on the dusty shelves or the dinner that was either too bland or overcooked because I had rushed it after a long day at the Publishing House his favorite phrase became if you can't manage both maybe you shouldn't be working one evening after a particularly harsh critique of some slightly undercooked pasta Jerry Let It Drop Lily I'm serious if you can't meet me halfway and take
care of the house properly maybe we should rethink this whole Arrangement he said implying that a divorce was on the table I L Jerry despite everything and I didn't want our marriage to fail over this so I made a decision that pained me deeply the next day I talked to my boss Olivia about quitting my job to become a full-time housewife Olivia was shocked and tried to persuade me otherwise Lily you're one of our best are you sure about this she asked concern clear on her face I don't see any other way Olivia I have
to try to make things work at home I replied I admitted feeling defeated Olivia always trying to find a solution suggested a compromise what if you could work from home and manage your projects remotely it's becoming more common now and you wouldn't have to quit the idea felt like a lifeline I agreed to the arrangement but decided not to tell Jerry instead I told him I had resigned he was overjoyed thinking I had chosen our home life over my career so I started my new life as a housewife seeing Jerry off to work each morning
and greeting him when he came home but as soon as he left I would power up my laptop and dive into my editing work it was a strange double life but it worked the money I earned for my remote job I secretly saved in a separate bank account just in case however living on just Jerry's salary was tougher than we thought despite my best efforts to save money 5 months later we were struggling financially I tried to bring up the topic gently Jerry I think it might be necessary for me to go back to work
we're running through our savings too fast Jerry's reaction was Swift and angry that's because you're spending too much you need to learn how to save properly he snapped I was stunned I hadn't bought anything for myself in months and always looked for the cheapest deals at the supermarket his words hurt deeply and I felt a mix of anger and humiliation the next day his mother came over with the intention of teaching me how to budget she dragged me to the store and pointed out the cheapest often lowest quality products buy these Lily stop wasting money
on expensive stuff she lectured as we walked down the aisles back home she showed me how to dilute dish soap to make it last longer you use too much you need to make do with less she instructed in a patronizing tone she even started checking my receipts scolding me for any purchase she deemed unnecessary why are you buying this just stick to Basics she would say shaking her head in disapproval living like this was unbearable every day felt more suffocating than the last I was losing my sense of self to their imposed austerity living under
constant scrutiny the situation was becoming impossible to bear I felt trapped in a life of pretend submission with every part of me screaming for escape but for now I held on biting my time and planning my next steps carefully it all reached a boiling point one drizzly Friday evening I was on the phone in the living room pouring my heart out to my mom I just don't know how much more I can take Mom his mother is always here teaching me how to stretch every dollar until it screams I get it we need to save
but this is too much mom's voice was full of concern and anger Lily that's not normal you need to talk to Jerry about setting boundaries it's your home too not just his or his mother's playground I nodded feeling a bit stronger with my mom's support but just as I was starting to feel better Jerry stormed in from the other room his face red with anger he must have heard me complaining he snatched the phone right out of my hand a wife shouldn't be complaining about her husband and mother-in-law like some Street gossip he snapped into
the phone before hanging up I was shocked my hand shaking slightly Jerry you can't just grab my phone and talk to my mom like that oh I can't maybe if you had some respect for us I wouldn't have to he retorted his voice Rising I could see the veins in his neck bulging Jerry listen to yourself can't you see this isn't healthy I pleaded hoping to reach some part of him that remembered what love felt like but he was Beyond Reason healthy my mom was right I should never have married you he spat out his
words cutting deeper than I expected that's enough Jerry I'm your wife not some puppet you and your mom can control I shot back my anger flaring then act like it or leave he shouted his face inches from mine I stared at him dis belief and sadness Waring inside me you want me to leave at 6:00 a.m. it's dark and pouring rain outside if you don't like how things are then yes get out he replied coldly his eyes and yielding I knew then that nothing I could say would change his mind or the situation shaking I
grabbed a few essentials my laptop some clothes and my phone when I reached for my purse Jerry was quicker snatching it away you think you're leaving with this I earned this money not you fine keep it I said my voice Hollow I couldn't believe this was happening I called a taxi and waited by the door my heart pounding the taxi pulled up and I stepped out into the cold night air drenched by the rain as I climbed into the car a strange calm settled over me I was doing this I was leaving later at the
hotel as I lay in the unfamiliar bed I felt a mix of emotions I felt a wave of relief amidst all the chaos despite everything I hadn't quit my job and my secret savings account which Jerry didn't know about was now my lifeline as Dawn broke BR I got up the weight of my decision heavy on my mind today was the day I would take control back I had an appointment with a lawyer to talk about filing for divorce it felt surreal like I was living someone else's life the lawyer's office was a simple unremarkable
Place tucked between a row of old brick buildings inside Mr Richard my lawyer was a straightforward man who didn't waste any time let's get down to business he said as soon as I sat down you're here to file for divorce correct yes I confirmed my voice steadier than I expected I can't go back to the way things were Mr Richard nodded seriously all right I'll need all the details any joint accounts property anything that needs untangling we spent the next hour going over everything he explained the legal process what I could expect and what my
rights were he was thorough making sure I understood each step before preparing the necessary documents you'll need to serve these to your husband he instructed as he handed me the envelope sealed with a stamp that felt like the seal on my old life with the divorce papers in hand I went back to the apartment I had shared with Jerry he was still asleep probably exhausted from last night's argument the apartment felt different as I packed my things each item I put away marked the end of another shared chapter by the time I finished packing Jerry
was waking up he wandered into the kitchen blur eyed and clearly confused to see my bags piled by the door what's going on he mumbled scratching his head I didn't have much to say just actions to take instead of answering I handed him the envelope these are for you I said my voice calmed despite the emotions swirling inside Jerry tore open the envelope a frown forming as he read the contents divorce he laughed disbelief in his tone you think you can just walk out and everything will be all right he looked up from the papers
his eyes cold come back when you're ready to apologize and maybe I'll consider taking you back but remember you'll have to listen to my mother from now on the absurdity of his words almost made me laugh but I held it back I'm not coming back Jerry we're done as I walked out of that apartment the air felt different crisper almost hopeful I went straight to the new place I had rented just days before it was small but it was mine a space where I could start fresh every step I took felt heavy but it also
felt right a few weeks after moving in I was back at the office fully diving into the Whirlwind of publishing deadlines and meetings with authors being around around my colleagues again and feeling the familiar Rush of an approaching deadline reignited a spark in me that I thought I had lost days at the office blended into weeks and before I knew it I was back in my groove managing manuscripts and deadlines with a new sense of purpose the challenges I had faced in my personal life had given me a fresh perspective and it felt really good
to be back the familiar world of texts and typos was more com com in than I had imagined during this time I reconnected with old friends people who knew me long before Jerry we met for drinks after work and shared meals on weekends slowly I started to feel more like myself than I had in years the laughter and light-hearted teasing grounded me and in their company I rediscovered parts of myself I had forgotten a few months into this new phase I received an unexpected call from Jerry his voice was awkward and tanged with desperation hey
oh I got laid off things are pretty rough he started stumbling over his words I was thinking maybe you could help me out financially and you know maybe we could start over rebuild I mean if you apologize to me and my mom and show some commitment his request hung in the air audacious and somewhat insulting given our history Jerry you really think I'd come back to support you and your parents after you kicked me out you're out of a job now and suddenly all your high and mighty principles are gone there was a pause so
that's a no he asked sounding smaller and deflated Jerry I'm doing really well and honestly I'm enjoying my freedom too much to give it up again I hope you find your way but it won't be with me my words were firm sealing the end of our relationship after hanging up I felt a surge of empowerment Jerry's call the ridiculous had reaffirmed something important for me I was truly free now and no offer or plea was going to change that
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