10 Spiritual Things You Need to Know

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Journey To God
“Knowledge is power,” A man of knowledge is armed to accomplish greatness in life. Hosea 4:6 says, “...
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knowledge is power a man of knowledge is armed to accomplish greatness in life osea 4 6 says my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge this verse implies that the consequence of spiritual ignorance can be more lethal than sickness in this video we will discuss 10 spiritual things you need to know as you stride the path to guaranteed Victory but before we dive further consider subscribing to this channel if you've not done that yet and always stay connected for more Spirit-filled videos understand that spiritual knowledge is superior to all knowledge
it is not just informative but transformational you need spiritual knowledge to maximize your destiny no wonder the Apostle Paul prayed for the church that the eye of their understanding be opened so they may know the depth of what Christ received for them in Redemption now what are these spiritual things number one God's love is unconditional he doesn't love you just because you fell into sin the love of God for you is the most unquantifiable thing in the world John 1513 greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends the
highest form of love is self-sacrifice God demonstrated and continues to demonstrate his incomparable unconditional love for us by redeeming us when he died and bore our sins shame and reproach on the cross of Calvary the love of God is something you should never lose sight of because it is steadfast the devil tries to amplify our challenges and make us feel God doesn't love us anymore but on the contrary God loves you the truth is that when you stop to think about why God loves you the way he does you may not find a reason that
feels logical or sensible enough despite this he calls you his child he acknowledges your flaws your mistakes and your imperfections he sees you on your good bad and in between days and smiles down at you and he says I am not unaware of your sin I love you regardless his love goes far beyond and above your inadequacies and shortcomings it does not depend on what you do or don't do his love is unconditional you don't need to earn it by behaving a certain way or deserve it it is not defined by your achievements or failures
but by his grace in his sight you are always his beloved child cherished beyond measure and loved Beyond reason he offers you forgiveness when you fall short and lifts you whenever you are down he holds space for you when you are confused and unsure and aligns you on the path to eternal life accepting God's unconditional love is a spiritual reality you need to embrace it is knowing that the master of the universe is holding down the fort for you it is believing in your worth receiving the Forgiveness that he offers opening your heart to experience
the fullness of a relationship with him and trusting his process when you come to accept God's love you become better place to receive love from others and give love to others accepting God's love is a lifelong journey that continuously shapes your life leading you to new and beautiful Horizons number two you need to discover and walk in the reality of your identity and Authority in Jesus Christ if you want to survive this end time Galatians 4 7 says so you are no longer a slave but a son and if a son then an heir through
God if you confess Jesus and have accepted his love and declared him Lord over your life Rejoice you are highly placed and esteemed and Jesus through his death on the cross has wielded power and authority over all things in his name a lion births its kind you you are a son of the most high God believe it and behave accordingly do not eat grass when he has promised to satisfy your mouth with good things do not settle for Bare minimums when he has promised to prepare a table before you do not live your life from
the standpoint of defeat but Victory your faith is the victory that overcomes in Mark 161718 the Bible says and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak in new tongues they will pick up serpents with their hands and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover when you understand the authority you have received in his name you will stop living your life the way you have been failure sickness diseases and disadvantage
have all been cast away from your dwelling you have no business living in those ugly realities reclaim your identity from the devil he calls you weak When God says you are strong he calls you small but God says you are Mighty the enemy calls you disadvantaged God says he is your advantage he calls you courageous Brave holy and equipped for every good work Embrace this truth and walk boldly in the authority you've been given when you recognize that God has clothed you with strength courage and divine favor you see yourself through his eyes rather than
the enemy's lies knowledge of your identity in Christ transforms how you engage with the world around you and empowers you to live out your purpose fearlessly with the conviction that you have been called to a triumphant life number three never allow the enemy to oppress you ignorantly you have the power of the Holy Spirit at your disposal are you aware you can suffer from a lack of a thing not because you do not have it but because you are not aware that you do God gave us a promise of power after the Holy Spirit came
are you working on it because of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us we can overcome sin resist temptation and live in alignment with God's will the holy spirit is your everpresent help in times of need he provides you with the strength to face trials the courage to make righteous choices and the grace to manifest the fruits of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control another dimension of the holy spirit is the revelation of Truth the spirit of God grants us a Divine understanding of God's words and helps us to apply
the scripture to our lives if it is beyond words how he does this making it easy to go through life with the empowerment of the word of God you are ower to lead a holy life when you have the Holy Spirit he takes you through continuous cycles of sanctification by tirelessly working on your heart posture and motives ensuring you become more like Christ he imparts spiritual gifts in you for service to the body of Christ such as gifts of prophecy healing speaking and interpretation of tongues and wisdom every believer yourself included can receive a unique
gift from the holy spirit for use in service to God and Mankind it is important to know that the holy spirit is your advantage in the realm of the spirit he is God who lives amongst us and in US Jesus promised to send us the comforter before his Ascension into heaven the holy spirit is called the comforter and part of his duty is to help you to pray comfort you in your moments of grief and strengthen you in the battles of Life remember today that the spirit of God is living inside you so allow him
to help you submit to his leadership and call on him anytime you are stuck number four you've got a unique purpose while God has ordained a general purpose for all his children to live in Conformity to him we equally have a unique purpose you are an important part of a puzzle that needs to be completed and you need to discover what part of that puzzle you are and where you fit in your purpose is the essence of your life and life is spiritual if you do not know why you are here on Earth you are
still not making progress because before you learn how to walk in a thing you must first know what the thing is have you yet discovered God's purpose for your life when he formed you in your mother's womb he predestined your life the truth is only the one who created you can tell you why you are here discovering your purpose is crucial to working on your inheritance when you fail to isolate your purpose you miss out on specific powers blessings and Provisions God has placed in the path of your destiny your joy prosperity peace Fame and
influence are all hidden in your purpose scriptures say that the gift of a man brings him before Great Men ask yourself why am I here until you understand the direction of the spirit in your life you will be plagued by disolution and obscurity remember that your relevance in life life anchors on discovering your purpose so do not strive to be someone else look upward and inward if you have yet to find your purpose here are some simple but proven tips to help you discover your purpose tip one explore your potential what are your inherent abilities
gather your tools and write down a list of the things you are good at they are Pointers to your purpose tip two explore your pain what are those areas that bring you consistent pain and or anger what have you gone through that has shaped your life and perspective the most write them down your assignment lies there tip three serve the Bible says a man who sits around doing nothing during the season of sewing would weep sore during Harvest invest your time and resources to service in the house of God and to humanity you must learn
to pay the price for your destiny in the place of prayer and the place of service number five understand that life is in seasons and Endeavor to understand God's dealings with you per season there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens those are the wise words of King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3 1 just as the earth goes through phases of summer spring winter and and Autumn life is comprised of revolving cycles of seasons and we must trust in God's plan to shape and guide us to our divine rest
whether it is a season of rejoicing or weeping abundance or trial growth or rest it has been divinely orchestrated by God for your growth and His glory different folks go through Different Seasons at different times in their lives each coming with different sets of experiences and challenges accept that these changes are necessary for spiritual growth is important for believers understanding that life may not always go the way we want but the way we need it to go under God's watchful eyes and control is Paramount to Leading a life of peace and calm All Seasons represent
spiritual Cycles as touching God's agenda you must strive to make the most of each cycle and remain spiritually consci ious each cycle brings with it lessons and opportunities for growth when you experience trials God reconditions your mind and heart to trust solely in his ability to get you out of it and establish you on the one hand when God brings you to times of abundance he expects you to sow and bless others choose to see God's hand at every point in your life recognize that what appears to be a problem now can be a path
to the solution tomorrow and remember to seek God's guidance through every season he sees the bigger picture number six God can enter a covenant with you just as he did with Abraham a covenant is a solemn and binding agreement or promise made between God and man often with a formal ceremony or act to signify its establishment we understand the relationship between God and his people through the covenants recorded in the Bible as Christians do not make light of covenants because our God keeps his words they do not fall to the ground and become void remember
the covenants between God and Abraham God and Noah the New Covenant go back to your study board and isolate each Covenant prayerfully pick out the peculiarities of each Covenant including its promises and conditions reflect on the Covenant promises and ask God to help you walk in the ones you want to see in your life remember all you need for life is already provided in the scriptures and they only require your alignment with the heart of God you may ask is it possible for me to enter a covenant with God absolutely you must grow spiritually through
persistent prayers and word study if you desire to learn to walk by faith in the promises of the New Covenant and not by sight feelings or emotions remember that absolute obedience and submission to God are crucial to fulfilling his covenants also engage in righteous living let your life bear fruits that are evidence of your walk with the Holy Spirit and constantly participate in Covenant practices such as partaking in communion closer look at the men God struck covenants which shows that these were surrendered men they want did nothing of themselves they desired to please God and
showed unshakable trust in him especially when it didn't make sense to trust him are you willing to commit yourself in total surrender to God do these and begin to walk in personal covenants with him today number seven you must understand the enemy and his tactics to avoid being his victim this end time while knowing about God's love and his endless sacrifice for you one spiritual truth you must also know is the enemy's tactics the devil's primary assignment is to hinder you from becoming all that has been written concerning you all in the bid to preserve
his kingdom and Reign do you get it you are a weapon in the hand of God specially crafted to conquer evil and the kingdom of darkness in your realm the enemy recognizes This Light of Christ in you and is determined to put it out this same enemy is Crafty and wise and knows the exact strategy to ensure you miss out on your Divine assignment so his kingdom does not suffer however do you not know anything about defeating him and his devices wake up from your Slumber the enemy walks across the Earth Day and Night searching
for someone to destroy he plans to steal kill and destroy so you must become as Relentless as possible in the place of prayer God will reveal to you what his tactics are if you study men and women who fell in the Bible you will observe that they were Men of Valor and purpose but did not tame their desires usually the devil will feed you with fleshly desires and the Bible makes it clear that the desires of the flesh the desires of the eyes and the pride of life are not from the father but of the
world Ephesians 56117 reads I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things that you wish you must contend for the faith knowing that the weapons of your Warfare are not of the world but on the contrary have divine power to demolish strongholds use every spiritual weapon at your disposal to fight this battle pray the right prayers and pray again because we
are assured of victory in God rededicate your passions and desires to God and let him cleanse you of every evil way so that the enemy will have no accusations against you when he comes number eight never underestimate the power of Prayer prayer is a gift to men from God a place of communication a place of surrender a place where you can be yourself it is a Haven landing and home what measure of Peace does prayer bring into an anxious and troubled soul what depth of information can we access through prayers when you talk to God
he communicates back to you as you yield to him remember communication is between two persons and activity involving actions from both parties when you talk to God he also speaks to you he said in his word that you should call unto him and he will answer you and show you Great and Mighty things God wants to walk with you so he has asked you to pray tremendous power is generated When you pray chains are broken and burdens are lifted When you pray prayer is a sign of surrender and acknowledgement of your inabilities in the race
of life when you pray you provoke divine intervention over that ugly situation amazingly the disciples didn't ask Jesus to teach them to heal the sick or raise the dead they didn't ask him to teach them to walk on water multiply bread or turn water into wine but we saw them ask him a sincere Question Master teach us how to pray we understand that Jesus always always stepped aside Before Dawn to pray and they knew that prayer must be the secret to his open exploits so they asked him to teach them how to pray they had
a chance to ask for one thing and requested that he teach them how to pray even after his Ascension the disciples didn't joke with prayer they gathered together before the day of Pentecost praying they were soaked with the power of prayer that they wouldn't spare any opportunity to pray later we saw Peter and the apostles announcing to the people that they would give themselves continually to prayer and the word they weren't satisfied with praying three times daily they were ready to give their all to prayer as a lifestyle beloved no matter how tense the situation
may be take it to God in prayer and watch him sort the issues out make prayer a lifestyle the power to overcome the enemy in this wicked world is generated on the altar prayer start by making a schedule and a place to pray and watch the victory you will start to command number nine genuine love is spiritual you can't practice It In the Flesh love is spiritual it is the embodiment of the father it sprawls out forgiveness of sin in that it was while you were still a sinner that Christ died for you the word
of God tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus when you see love as a spiritual instruction rather than a feeling or just emotions you understand God's commandment to love your neighbor as yourself pay attention to how much love God gives you today then extend that same love to those around you show kindness compassion and forgiveness regardless of whether or not it is convenient for you number 10 life doesn't end here on Earth you've got hope for eternal life the last but not the least spiritual thing you must
know as a Believer is that your life doesn't end when your mortal body dies on the contrary that is when you truly start to live Jesus told his disciples that he would prepare a place for them without sorrow or weeping heaven and hell are actual destinations but the promise for the Saints is eternal life Jesus has prepared a place for you with him in eternity this life is not the end there is a place after death so don't live each day like this life is all there is is however how you live here on Earth
determines where you will spend eternity hell is not made for you it's for the devil and his agents so live in righteousness live to please God and like with eternity life in view Jesus is waiting to welcome you home where you will reign with him and other Saints for all eternity a place where there is no sorrow or pain now that we have explored these 10 spiritual knowledge all believers need to know we shall look at how to access and walk in this spiritual knowledge it is one thing to know about a thing and another
to gain access to it quickly here are free ways to access knowledge one ask this is probably the easiest thing to do but we often ignore it and look for the Deep things of the spirit you access spiritual knowledge by asking how simple is that ask God to show you that you may know you will only receive what you ask in Ephesians 1 17:18 we read I keep asking that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ The Glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation so that you may know him better I
pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people ask God to show you what you need to know to become all he has created you to be genuinely ask him what is necessary to become relevant in Time and Eternity and he will show you two become a steward the Bible says whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much and whoever is dishonest with very little will also
be dishonest with much God can't trust you with great spiritual knowledge unless you can handle the very least if you have nothing you are doing now in his Vineyard how can you even be judged faithful accessing the knowledge of spiritual things is in Cadre the level of sacrifice and service you are willing to give determines the level of knowledge you can access God wants you to grow and for that to happen he insists that you partake in service to him and others in the place of service he purifies your heart of all self removes all
Tendencies of Pride haughtiness and self-sufficiency and leads you to the point of Brokenness where you can generously submit to Authority and put his purposes ahead of yourself at this point he can assume lordship over your heart and lead you to Great spiritual knowledge and exploits remember that our God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble stewardship is proof of meekness and humility three develop a pure heart this does not happen by your physical effort but by the purifying power of the Holy Spirit in you those who shall see God are those who are
pure in heart a heart made pure by the spirit is necessary for encountering God's divine presence a pure heart can live in fear and reverence for God and God only commits his secrets to them that fear Him don't allow anything to waste your life because of ignorance seek true knowledge from the Realms of light remove every distraction and maximize your time because time is required to procure knowledge let us pray dear heavenly father I come before you with a heart full of gratitude and humility I thank you because you have never left me once even
in my ignorance I have come to the never realization that there are many things that I do not know and I ask Lord for your wisdom and enlightenment ment to understand these spiritual truths I ask for forgiveness for all the time I have deliberately ignored your truth and Direction and allowed my ignorance to lead me astray please open the eyes of my understanding and help me see what life is about I thank you Father for your deep and unconditional love I realize I come short and undeserving but you give it to me anyway help me
to fully accept and experience the truth that your love is steadfast and unchanging in moments where I fall and falter remind me of your Eternal promise to cherish me beyond measure I am endlessly grateful to know that your love for me is not dependent on my actions but on your mercy today you have reminded me father that you call me your son may I never live short of this realization Empower me to walk in this truth to reject the lies of the enemy and to live with the confidence and Authority in your name you have
given to me I thank you for your Holy Spirit and how you have freely given this gift to me I pray for a deeper understanding of his role in my life guide me Lord to manifest the fruits of the spirit and to receive and use the spiritual gifts you have given me for the benefit of your kingdom and others Lord reveal to me my unique purpose in this world I pray for clarity and direction as I seek to understand and walk in the purpose you have ordained for my life let my purpose bring me joy
peace fulfillment and honor to your most holy name I ask for discernment to recognize the enemy's tactics and to stand firm against his schemes teach me to fight the good fight of faith I am insufficient in myself I ask that your word becomes a lamp to my feet and a light to my path as I resist the devil and overcome the challenges he places in my path I ask now Lord for the discipline of prayer and word study grant me the grace to show commitment and discipline in my relationship with you I thank you for
all you have committed to my hands may I continue to grow in Grace and wisdom may my actions reflect your love and draw others closer to you and as I trust in your promise of eternal life prepare me so that I may be worthy to reign with you when my days on Earth are over in Jesus name I ask all these amen thank you for watching this video to the end for more uplifting and enlightening videos like this kindly like And subscribe to this channel see you in the next one bye
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