If you died today, would you go to heaven or hell? One thing we know: There is life after death! The Bible is very clear about this.
And the Bible is also clear about the options that we have. There are two: To spend eternity without God, or spend eternity with God. What determines this?
We tend to imagine and think during our life that good people go to heaven and that bad people go to hell. It is the typical thought pattern that we have. That's fine, but what is the level of goodness that leads to heaven, and what is the level of evil that leads to hell?
The ultimate truth is that the good that we do does not make up for the bad things that we have done! When one finds an amount of money, and goes to return it to the owner, the people are amazed with the person's kindness and honesty. She was not obligated to do this!
That is the truth! Would she keep the money that is not hers? So, the good that we do is not something we are obligated to do.
Now, the evil things that we do, this has to be paid for! And God had made this clear and distinct in His Word, that there is a punishment for evil, there is a punishment for sin. It is death!
Sin leads to death, and the Bible says that the wages of sin is death. And the Bible also says that all have sinned. That is, no human being is free of sin!
No human being can say: "I have not sinned". This is because we are sinners since we were born and also sinned at the time we became aware of the difference between what is right and what is wrong. He learns what is right and what is wrong when he does something wrong!
God does not condone, nor has communion with sin. Therefore, the person who sinned is separated from God because of his disobedience. "Oh, is this because of the one man from a long time ago?
" Yes! After the disobedience of Adam, every human being became born with the ability to be separated from God. Every human is born with the inclination to do evil.
We suffer the consequences of sin, however, we are also to blame for all of our sins. Because we are the same sinners! We choose to live apart from God.
No matter how much good people do, no matter how charitable a person is, no matter how loving a person is and how much he takes care of others, he does not deserve salvation because of these things. The truth is, I don't deserve salvation! You do not deserve salvation!
No human deserves salvation! This is because of sin! The man tries through a religion.
Religion is mans attempt to reconnect with God. But, this is not the solution! There is absolutely no thing that a man can do or any condition that will lead him to God.
This would have to come from God Himself. But God established a law. This law is that sin much be punishable by death.
The wages of sin is death. Therefore, God Himself cannot contradict something that He, Himself established and accept the man without punishing him for sin. Sin has to be punished!
So, the man does not have access to God through the good that he does. And neither does he have to surrender his life as a payment for sin. Why is this not the solution?
Because, once the man is separated from God, if he dies for sin itself, he would remain separated from God. His physical death would only be a payment for sin, but his spiritual death would continue. This reconnection with God cannot come from man, will not come from man and has not come from man!
The Bible says in one of the most well known verses: "For God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son, for all who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. " Now, how does this work? How is it that Jesus, the son of God, sent to earth can lead us to the father?
Were they the good works? Was it the miracles? Was it his teachings?
No! All of these things complemented the ministry of Jesus. Jesus Christ is our connection with God through his death and resurrection.
Jesus Christ was born without having contact with the sinful nature of man. He was created by the Holy Spirit directly in the womb of Mary, but, he was born subject to the same needs that we have, hunger, thirst, sleep, fatigue. .
. He was subject to all the temptations that a human being can experience. Jesus Christ lived here for 33 years without sinning.
Without committing a single sin. And He was died! Now, if sin is punishable by death, and Jesus Christ was without sin, he could not have died.
The death that he died was not his. It was ours! Because he could not have died!
Without sin, man cannot die. Jesus was sinless and he died. Therefore, an injustice had been done to him, which was done for our justice.
However, the Bible says that we are justified by Christ and declared righteous before God Because Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins! In the same way that Adam was the representative of mankind and disobeyed God, and we inherited this separation, this sinful nature of Adam. The grace and salvation came through the obedience of one man: Jesus Christ!
Being wronged in order to bring righteousness to us. And since Jesus Christ had no sin, death could not have afforded to retain Jesus Christ. For he had paid the price once for all of mankind, and he was raised from the dead.
Therefore, through Christ, and only through Christ we have access to God. The redemption of humanity came from God, the love of God for man. Jesus Christ says , "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. And God Himself gave us the gift of faith, so that we can believe, and by faith, we are saved. Therefore, the good that we do does not bring us salvation, but it is the belief in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he had made, and his resurrection that bring us salvation.
Now, the big question is: The sacrifice of Christ. . .
was it through his sacrifice that he paid for our lives. He paid a ransom price for our lives and he bought our lives. The price was paid!
But, if mankind does not give up that, which was bought he does not have the right to enjoy what had been achieved through Christ. Therefore, when we gives our life to Christ, we take possession of salvation and Eternal Life. The Bible says in Romans that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe with all our heart that God raised Christ from the head, we will be saved.
There has to be something to this, there has to be a truth, and the result of that truth has to be our attitude. So it's very clear what happens when you accept Christ, when you understand the sacrifice of Christ, what you have done, the sins that you had committed before you turned to Christ, they are forgiven. Now, the question is this: Ah, so if I accept Christ, can I go on sinning since I am already saved?
” If you have this mindset, that you are going to continue to want to intentionally sin, it means that you have not accepted Christ. Because if you understood what Christ had done, and understood that Jesus was led to the cross for our sins, You will stop sinning! Will you never sin again?
The Bible says that no human being ceases to sin. The difference now is that you will no longer live in sin. You are no longer a slave to sin.
Now, you are a slave to righteousness! Therefore, you need to make sure that your attitudes are right. Will you fail and make mistakes?
You will! But, even then, you can confess them to God and leave from those mistakes. Now, because I can make mistakes, and sin and ask for forgiveness and am forgiven , can I continue sinning?
No! Because it means that there is no repentance, when there is no repentance, there is no forgiveness! Repentance needs to be genuine.
Repentance cannot have remorse. Repentance is a change of direction! You were doing something wrong, you understood the wrong that you and left it to go the other way.
The Bible says that when we accept Christ, when we receive Him as our Lord, the Holy Spirit will come and dwell within us. And, through the Holy Spirit, we will be convicted of what is sin, the righteousness of God and the judgment of God. The Bible says that what God has for us, no eye has seen, no mind can even imagine, what God has prepared for those who love Him.
And you show your love for God by obeying the words of Christ. To say that God is loving is easy, but it is obedience, your attitudes that will demonstrate your true love for God. The Salvation is in Jesus Christ and what He did for me and for you!
The death of Jesus Christ is on our behalf. Are you certain where you will go if you die today? If you accept Jesus Christ, and understand what Jesus Christ did, and truly accept it, from this moment, this exact moment, you can already say with certainty where you will go if you die.
"Vai na Bíblia" stay here. If you enjoyed the video, do not forget to like us! This is very good for all of us, allow ladybug over there to share the video.
Write in the channel, share this video on Facebook , share it! All of the sudden, through this video, the person understands the eternal plan of God. After all, if we summarize the whole Bible into one subject, this would be the main subject of the Bible: God's Plan of Salvation is that mankind would dwell with God in eternity, and not be condemned with Satan.
Can this be done by human effort? No! It's through grace, through unmerited favor, God, Himself is life.
God bless you all and I will see you in the next video! Hugs!