in this guide you're going to learn the 10 most important rules you need to follow if you want to escape low ELO my name's hex I'm a multi-season challenger player that's been teaching League of Legends here at skillcap for over 10 years and if there is one thing I've learned in that time it's that being good at League doesn't require you to master every single detail of the game or have crazy good mechanics you can see big rank gains by just understanding a few simple Concepts and fixing key mistakes you likely don't even know you're
making that's why my promise to you is that if you just focus on following one or two of the rules rules in this guide you will see significant rank gains so let's get into it the first and most important rule of escaping low ELO is to never help your losing teammates if you get this one wrong the other nine rules you're about to learn won't even matter I know that at first this sounds counterintuitive most players think that if they leave that losing teammate without help they'll just keep feeding the enemy over and over until
the enemy is so strong they just end the game well that mentality of I can't let them get too fed is actually keeping you hard stuck let me show you why so here's a silver yon he pushes and dies to a level three Sho gank he respawns comes back to Lane and dies 1 V one to Mizer now check out just how easy it is to make this mistake Talia has both her gromp and wolves alive but she also sees Mor Kiser as low and health tops side with a pushing wave so she skips her
camps don't want to get that Mizer too fed right yon needs her help well in the middle of the gank yon just turns around forcing Talia to cast W early and sure enough Mor Kiser still has his flash up to escape and now Talia is insanely far behind having having wasted a ton of time and giving up two camps for this and can you guess what yon does with that help well he ins his Lane at level six ins his Lane at level seven and then leaves the gameon one of the biggest mistakes players make
in low ELO is thinking they can influence the outcome of other matchups I promise you with over 10 years of experience both teaching low ELO players analyzing their games and doing bronze to Diamond climbs countless times in low ELO if someone is better than the opponent they will pretty much always come out ahead by the end of the game regardless of whether they fell behind early for example here we see oxan barely 1 V1 the enemy Zoey for First Blood now Talia is finishing her Raptors still has all our camps left on the top side
but if we look mid lane the wave is in a really bad spot for auan he's low in health and he can't clear this wave fast enough to crash it into the tower to setup is recall so Talia once again breaks that first rule of low ELO she sets herself behind to help her teammate now you might be thinking yeah but this auxon won his Lane helping him is a good idea since he's a good player well check this out despite helping oxan when Talia needs him to rotate with his Lane priority for a free
kill on Kane he's not even aware it's happening and out of nowhere decides to just jump in and into kill to the enemy jungler instead take a wild guess how the rest of that lane played out so we got RS off impacting the map while also getting to solo kill oxan repeatedly literally non-stop just roaming off to impact the map then coming back to instantly kill oxan in low ELO there's still so much for players to learn and do better that early leads really don't mean much the better player will come out ahead regardless of
them getting set behind early while the worst player will end up throwing their lead and losing regardless of the help you give them this is why helping teammates at the expense of setting yourself behind simply doesn't work in low ELO your teammates don't actually snowball with the lead you give them or stabilize the lane if they're behind at least not consistently enough for it to actually work as a strategy for climbing this is why it's so important to adopt a carry mentality in Lilo you are the consistent factor in all of your games not the
random teammates you're going to get yourself fed funnel the gold on yourself and be the strongest player on your team and carry and that's why if you truly want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO there is nothing better than our brand new season 14 courses teaching you how to carry as a top laner jungler midlaner 80 carry and support pair that with our other new courses on how to counter op top laners op midlaners master your jungle clears or check out our new bronze to Diamond Series it doesn't stop
there we have new season 14 courses on macro Wave Control trading settings and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics low ELO mistakes the list goes on you can then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from Challenger experts teaching you how to carry out of the exact rank you're stuck in and you get to try all of this out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skill Capa you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this right now through the discount you
can only get from the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right now for the second rule of low ELO you always want to go for the guaranteed gold one of if not the biggest issue low ELO players have is decision-making they don't know whether reacting to that dragon fight or simply staying in Lane to push is better they don't know whether they should continue farming their camps or skip them and go for that overextended enemy I'm here to tell
you unequivocally in low ELO if you have to decide between two choices and one is essentially guaranteed to be profitable it's always better to go for the guaranteed gold this is because low ELO players are going to overvalue things like kills and objectives like Dragon while under things like minions and Towers I'll give you a perfect example here is 17 minutes and 37 seconds in the game andalia currently has 9,25 total gold she has guaranteed gold available in the form of her camps so she takes them by the end of this there's an empty Lane
bot another guaranteed source of gold so she heads there no one is coming to defend so she just keeps pushing farming waves and inevitably getting the tower after this a Scuttle is alive near by so she takes that and with no nearby sources of guaranteed gold as malite is already midlane she recalls and where did she go after well camps are respawning top side that's guaranteed gold sees an overextended twitch that's free gold right there and now that's an empty Lane so time to push and get all these minions every time we clear a wave
we have time before the next one arrives so we take camps in between waves as there's still a guaranteed source of gold we keep pushing no one is defending so that's more minions and a tower and a super common low ELO mistake the enemy team send someone too weak to defend so another free kill on Twitch into more minions making sure to take camps in between waves then head back to get the next wave and and take the tower so let's pause here Talia started with 9,253 total gold and now has 14,19 that is an
increase of 4,766 gold in Just 4 and 1/2 minutes or to simplify it Talia was able to generate 18 gold a second so now let's take a look at what the enemy jungler did during this time well he tunnel on reacting to fights rather than Farm guaranteed gold on the map like his camps that were alive you can see how he literally ignores all of the guaranteed sources of gold instead looking to hunt for kills and sure he gets one kill and even gets a dragon after however in that exact same amount of time kha'zix
only generated 1,445 gold that's only five gold a second compared to Tally's 18 gold a second now I already know some of you may be saying hey you're not accounting for that Dragon he took okay so on average each Dragon gives around 450 golden stats to each player but it's worse than it sounds as often those stats aren't always useful depending on the dragon and Champion but let's just factor that in that would still only be around s gold a second for kha'zix compare that to talia's 18 and it's literally impossible for kha'zix to not
fall behind over time this is the mistake most low ELO players make they don't understand just how much base income is in the game and it's understandable why you really can't know this unless you literally go through a bunch of wikis finding gold values of everything and then comparing them but don't worry you don't have to do that that's why I'm here all you need to know is that League of Legends is designed in such a way that minions monsters and Towers all give a tremendous amount of raw gold in higher ELO and pro play
everyone understands this and so the play you just watched wouldn't be possible in High ELO someone else on talia's team would have gone to the empty lanes to pick up that free gold however players in low ELO don't understand this and so you can abuse this easily by just simplifying your decision- making but just going to wherever the free gold is you get to generate more gold per second than any player should ever reasonably be able to while simultaneously the enemy team will be incredibly inefficient with low gold per second letting you generate game-winning leads
and this is a perfect transition to the third rule of low ELO speed matters do you fully understand just how overpowered it is to do things faster imagine if chess was like League of Legends where instead of having to take one turn at a time he could move as many pieces as you like very quickly that game would devolve into whoever can move pieces faster wins a very easy way to see just how impactful this is is to compare jungle clears for example here Talia is going to simply be better and th faster at clearing
her jungle than the enemy Master ye the result tal is able to fully clear all six camps in her jungle in the same time Master ye could only clear five this means when they both arrive top Talia is an entire level up from that extra camp this not only denies Master E a gank top but also gets some low in health while then giving Talia the Scuttle which actually ends up turning into an easy kill all of this was just made possible simply due to the fact that Talia spent time optimizing her clear and so
was just faster this is exactly why we created a course teaching the fastest way to clear on each Champion it's just extremely effective for climbing ranks there are many other ways you can save time in League though it's not just jungle clears for example if your Champion can One-Shot Caster minions with an ability it can often be better to move as far up the lane as you can you then cast the ability on the melees then once the wave meets you can hit the entire wave clearing it all at once this gives you extra time
between waves you can use to roam recall or pressure Towers faster in fact one of the best ways to be faster in low ELO isn't mechanical it's with decision-making for example here Talia is reacting to a possible fight but by recognizing and accepting the fight is lost early on it means she's pivoting to her next source of gold way faster than if she was tunneling on the fight trying to get a kill thus she generates more gold per second honestly if you just go for guaranteed gold while focusing on being faster at doing it you'll
be miles ahead of your opponents which is once again a perfect transition to rule four of low ELO abuse Deadtime well there's basically two main forms of it first is for junglers if you clear all your camps all your camps are dead and so you don't have any more guaranteed gold for you to take we refer to this time when you have no camps to take and are waiting for them to respawn as Deadtime for laners it's the time between waves for example if you're a midlaner the waves meet you clear them well now you're
in your dead time until the next wave arrives the concept of Deadtime is so overpowered in low ELO since he can use the previous two rules of guaranteed gold and speed to get insane gold leads you then use your dead time as the moment where you look to fight for example here we see Talia at her blue and full clear all the way to bot just like we talk to you she's now in her dead time all her camps are dead this is when she can look for ganks in this case opting to gank mid
kha'zix looks to counter gank now before we even see the result of this kha'zix is already behind this is because he's not in his dead time if we go back you can see how he still has his r Raptors and kugs alive when he reacts to the gank what this essentially means is that he's risking more than Talia for Talia she had nothing better to do so if this ends up wasting her time it's really no big deal however for kha'zix he's giving up two camps worth of golden XP to go for this play so
if it doesn't work out it's a much bigger loss and so when kha'zix dies here he's actually losing more than he realizes what's key for you to understand though is that even if kha'zix got a kill here it's worth less than if Talia gets a kill because kha'zix is giving up two camps for that one kill to simplify it if we say two camps are worth 200 gold and he gets the kill for 300 gold he had to give up 200 gold to gain 300 so he only actually gained 100 more than if he had
gone for the safer play and just Farm the camps whereas Talia gave up nothing so that 300 gold is worth the full 300 this is something that's insanely abusable in low ELO since players don't know about Deadtime shortly after Talia does the exact same thing full clears the guaranteed gold fast then looks for a play with her Deadtime minimal risk since if it doesn't work out she didn't give up any guaranteed gold or XP and yeah no wonder she has the most gold in the game when she's playing like this now for laners there are
two main ways you want to abuse Deadtime first is in the laning phase just simply clearing a single wave then roaming if an enemy tries to follow your Rome before clearing their way well it's the same as the kha'zix counter ganking without clearing his jungle it's just inherently a riskier and less efficient play for them second is later into the game usually in a side lane if you fully push out a side lane into a tower it creates a rebound at the minions slowly push back to your side of the map this is basically your
Deadtime window if someone on the enemy team doesn't head there to pick pick up the wave they will lose a ton of Cs as it pushes back until a huge wave gets to your tower that you can pick up this means if a fight breaks out during that time they're just risking more since they're giving up that farm while you're not next is Rule five of low ELO spend don't save an extremely common mistake low ELO players make is sitting on a ton of gold for way too long you have to understand getting kills or
Farm leads doesn't actually mean you're ahead you're only ahead once you spend your gold on items and convert that gold into a stat Advantage the most common way I see players mess this up is not matching recalls for example here you can see Ari has to recall yaso correctly recognizes he has to push the next wave to set up his own recall timing side note this is why usually the person who has to recall first is at a disadvantage the other player gets one more wave of gold letting them possibly hit a bigger item Spike
on their recall anyways he pushes the wave and oh boy he doesn't recall and instead gets baited by the tower plates now AR's back in Lane with a big item lead since she spent her gold while yaso hasn't so naturally this makes the lane a lot easier for her eventually poking Yasuo out of Lane and forcing him into a bad recall in general if your opponent recalls you should be looking to match it so you don't fall behind in items The Only Exception would be if you're full health and mana and have barely any gold
to spend then it can be better to use their recall as a way for you to take plates or roam usually around 1,000 gold is a good Benchmark of when you should be looking to recall in general since a lot of item components are around that value however as you get better you should adjust this to your Champion specific build if for example your next item spike is lost chapter which is 1,200 gold as of recording this video and you would ideally try and farm until you hit 1,200 before you recall however again if you
only had 800 gold we at 75% HP with 50% mana and the enemy recalled you would still need to match the recall so you don't fall behind in that case you would just be forced into buying only an amp toome and Mana Crystal moving on to rule six of low ELO never assume your teammate's intentions for example here Talia ganks mid and kills the enemy Lux gets kha'zix low in health and is even a level ahead of him it would be perfect fair to assume after malite finishes clearing his wave he can rotate down to
the Scuttle if needed at the same time Zyra is finished with her wave so she can react too Talia sees or mistakenly tried to contest the Scuttle and cool she should have the number Advantage once malite rotates cutting off or's Escape path yet malite never rotates you can never assume your teammates are going to do something you have to actually see them doing it first here's a really funny example of just how important it is to wait for the action rather than assume intent so Jack's a super fed and a level 11 kaisa and level
10 Nautilus is chasing him jack sees that his Twisted Fate who has alt up is moving out of his Lane towards him it's not unreasonable to assume that Twisted Fate is moving to alt in on this fight after all they would clearly win but no Twisted Fate was actually just moving to take the Raptors this is why you have to wait for your teammates to actually do the thing you're assuming before you commit here's how you should play in low ELO instead so Talia starts void grubs a kha'zix who's level four down in gold and
who put his leap on cool down looks to contest it goes without saying if if this was a straight 1v1 Talia crushes this but instead of assuming her teammates will back her up she waits to see what the players around her will do including the enemy after all or is missing this means having to give up a void grub to kha'zix despite being able to win the 1v1 and playing slow and resetting the void grub while she waits great it's at this moment we see Zyra is right next to us Lux is low on Mana
or is top while malite is running towards us getting here before or we waited to see the actions instead of assuming intent and so now we can commit and sure enough that's two kills and two void grubs for team and this is a perfect transition to rule 7even of low ELO Don't Force this Builds on the last rule except in this case we're talking about not assuming your teammates are going to play Team fights very well for example here Talia gang spot her 80 carry is ahead she's ahead and it's a 3v2 however her bot
Lane commits too early while missing everything on vain Talia incorrectly assuming the fight is one is just standing point blank on Braum but sure enough Here Comes Master you with a counter gank and suddenly it all goes wrong well that is until a god teleport comes in from her top leaner and a clutch Lux Al saves the day I mean if we go back to before this gang in what world did anyone predict the fight would play out like that in low ELO a good general rule to follow is to not be the person who's
most infront in team fights committing to it for example notice how when you're the person just slightly behind the person most in front it's still very easy to follow up on any picks and do damage again Talia recognizes she's now the furthest ahead so doesn't overchase this is what results in her teammates getting males alted instead of her now let's see how much more difficult fights are when you're the one leading and forcing them not only does Talia nearly die but would have if our teammates didn't react which won't always happen shortly after again you
can see forcing the fight in leading and surprise surprise nearly dies as that means everyone is going to focus her this means you're out of the fight and relying on your teammates to both react and clean up the fight after and as we taught you earlier relying on your teammates is not an effective way to climb out of low ELO you can see just how difficult it is to play out fights if you're the one forcing it now I know some of you are wondering whether this applies to tankier Champions who want to initiate and
engage fights yes it does in fact it's an even more common mistake for players who pilot those types of Champions they often end up way too far ahead of their teammates when they do engage and no one is there to follow up or it leaves their teammates vulnerable to a counter engage sure if you're someone like Leona or maai you'd want to stand at the front but I try to think of it as more of staying in the front line with other members than literally being the only one ahead of everyone a big reason for
this is due to how counter engaging is so much easier than forcing the fight yourself when someone is chasing you they end up having to waste key cooldowns while also being easier to hit with skill shots since they're running into them and it goes without saying it's not like lowy low players are going to have insane mechanics so this tactic is even more effective against them this is why playing Team fights much lower and low ELO can be incredibly powerful you can wait for the enemy to put key spells on cool down in this case
thresh Q Shen e and w and great now we fire away there's no more threats next thresh Q is on cool down well that's an easy cleanup and with no threatening spells nearby to protect Jinx basically waiting for low ELO players to waste their spells is actually the main way you can carry team fights again here kha'zix's leap and thresh q and E are all threats instead of trying to plan out how you're going to kill them you can just sit there focusing on dodging the threats first thresh wastes q but his e is still
a threat thresh misses his e but now his Q is back up and a threat thresh then misses his Q great now is the green light to engage kha'zix leaps not realizing he could only engage once our alt is on cool down since we saved all to deal with that now he's dead too in higher elos players will actually just hold their abilities to Zone you from fights never actually casting them if you're being zoned but in lower ELO players don't do this they effectively Zone you but then they'll just randomly cast an ability that's
near max range and hard to hit not realizing holding the ability is what was keeping them alive and threatening basically since you can only rely on yourself to play Team fights well you don't want to be in front leading the fight or you're just going to absorb all of the enemy spells and die at the same time if you're the one leading and forcing it makes it harder for your team to fight while making it easier for the enemy since counter engaging is just in inherently easier to do if instead you slow it down you
get to exploit key cooldowns low ELO players ways making fights a lot easier next up is rule 8 of low ELO push to punish enemies a very big issue low ELO players have is leaving lanes open while overc committing players Elsewhere for example here the red team's top side is winning while the blue team's bot side is winning so tally on the red team goes for the top side objective while ye on the blue team goes for the botside makes sense all seems completely normal until suddenly Mahar leaves mid to go to Dragon look at
this from I's point of view this makes no sense no one's contesting the dragon I mean Varys isn't even in Lane you want to look to punish people over rotating and roaming by pushing those empty lanes in this case getting two mid towers for free since the dragon would be taken no matter what these opportunities are constantly presenting themselves in low ELO games for example here talia's team is now the one taking Dragon The Blue Team looks to contest dragon from the bot side of the map now once the dragon is taken do you see
the obvious punish with the blue team overc committing to the bot side and a pushed wave mid that means that lane has no Defender so that's a free Tower into a free inhibitor this is something you likely don't see a lot in High ELO streams or Pro play Since those players simply don't make the mistake of leaving open lanes like this nearly as often in low ELO though it's incredibly common for this tactic of pushing undefended Lanes to be available two three or four times a game especially when objectives are being taken or contested moving
on to rule 9 of low ELO Don't Fight Fair if you go through your replays and pay attention to who won each team fight you're going to notice the vast majority of the time it's the team with the most players essentially low ELO players struggle to recognize when they're down in numbers and so it's much easier to get these number Advantage team fights one of the easiest ways to set this up is with a push into roam tactic in the mid game it's pretty much exactly as it sounds you push a s Side Lane until
one or even better if it's more than one enemy responds now that they're effectively pinned to that Tower from the wave you want to look for Ram so in this case we can see the enemy zigs is pushed up the reason why this works is it's usually a guaranteed number advantage since you lured enemies to the sidelane to pick up the minions you pushed however notice how after this pick the enemy Shen and Nautilus have now had enough time to react and get to the fight you have to keep in mind that push into RAM
is very much a timing window you create so now that the fight is no longer a number advantage in our favor no worries remember rule three speed matters except the fight is lost early and head back to the sidel Lane this way we can get into our next push into RAM timing even faster this tactic can be done with literally any roller Champion you just push out the sidelane once you see a Defender that's your opportunity to roam for a number advantaged fight whether you intend to use that tactic or not just make sure to
ask yourself before starting a fight in low ELO which team has the number Advantage if it's you great take the fight if it's the enemy back off and if it's even well use rule 7 Don't Force play it slow and wait to see how the fight plays out before committing and now for the final rule for low ELO Baron before Inhibitors this is the main reason why low ELO games go so much longer on average so here's what this rule means one of the most common ways low ELO players throw their leads is they continually
try pushing a lane to take an inhibitor league is purposely designed by Riot for this to be incredibly hard to do if you push as five to Siege a tower and the enemy just sits there as five to defend that little minion wave you're pushing is going to be deleted before you even have a chance to land an auto attack on the tower so you'll just be sitting there overextended close to the enemy's base and it's just a matter of time before someone gets caught out and throws I see this play out in nearly every
single lowow game league is designed for you to have have to take Baron first before you can then take Inhibitors that's why Baron buff is primarily about empowering minion waves making it easier to Siege and push now I know rounding up four teammates to go do Baron feels like an impossible task in low ELO and you're completely right but here's what you're missing you don't actually do Baron for the sole intent of killing it when you have a lead you actually want to start Baron as a way to bait a winning team fight for example
here Jax's team has a lead and we can see our jungler is bonss side while Baron is up I mean of course he is most Loa players would get stuck in that infinite cycle of trying to push Lanes without Baron instead with ja's knowing about rule 10 he doesn't actually need his jungler to force Baron here either the enemy tries to contest in which case you turn on them for a winning team fight with your lead or the enemy gives it up in which case you don't need your jungler to take it in this case
the enemy contests and you get to see a perfect example of this Baron bait Jax turns on them and now they get that team fight they've been wanting with their lead after you win the fight usually you go back to finish taking the baron but in this game with how late it is it means death timers are super long so we get to literally win the game off this one tactic now remember if you truly want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO there is nothing better than our brand new
season 14 courses teaching you how to carry as a top laner jungler mid laner 0 carry and support you truly want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO pair that with our other new courses on how to counter op top laners op midlaners master your jungle clears or check out our new bronze to Diamond Series it doesn't stop there we have new season 14 courses on macro Wave Control trading settings and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics low ELO mistakes the list goes on then check out our Smurf commentary select your Champion
to watch live commentaries from Challenger experts teaching you how to carry out of the exact rank you're stuck in and you can try all of this out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skillcapped you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this through the discount you can only get from the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the descript description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcapped
want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one