$5 Million if They Can Spend 50 Days Inside an Empty Room (Movie Recap)

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Movie Addiction
1 Room. 2 People. 50 Days. $5 Million. Mike and Kate, a young couple, get the once-in-a-lifetime cha...
Video Transcript:
the story starts with a couple Katherine and Michael entering a completely white room they notice a red button and Michael presses it AI tells them that Dr voon has created a high stakes experiment couples can earn $5 million if they stay in the immaculate room for 50 days however if either partner leaves the prize drops to $1 million the room offers no contact with the outside world and no entertainment just each other's company treats can be obtained by using part of the prize money Mike views their luck in finding this opportunity as extraordinary she suggests
splitting the money to make things simpler and proposes investing it which Mike finds incredibly boring he dreams of a future filled with parties and carefree living free from Financial worries after an AI voice reminds them of the rules they explore their surroundings the room's Immaculate condition is no joke it's all white with minimal Furnishings they find a simple bathroom for use one at a time a red button to leave a touchscreen for requesting treats and a large clock above the exit door counting down the time remaining in their experiment their meals are a daily routine
of bland flavorless shap housed in stark white cartons designed to meet all their nutritional needs the room is equipped with Dynamic automatic lights that shift to mirror the day's progression morning afternoon evening and bedtime the Sleek touchscreen controls let them set an alarm clock on their first night Mike attempts to spark a moment of intimacy with Kate but she's apprehensive about being observed by the professor they end up sharing a quiet discreet moment under the covers with Dawn breaking Kate heads to the bathroom to gaze at her reflection and recite affirmations to keep her motivation
and goals in in Focus after their showers they drop their clothes down the bathroom's laundry shoot while they wait for the day to unfold Kate wonders the true purpose behind doctor's experiment Mike shares insights from a documentary he watched about the doctor's previous project which had a tragic outcome for a workingclass family he knows why he did all this but they only know he has tons of money and enjoys putting people in unique circumstances because he's intrigued by The Human Condition keeping themselves entertained becomes a problem sooner than they expect Kate enjoys meditating while Mike
stares at the clock Kate always reminds him not to stare at the clock and to keep his mind on the prize but it's hard to think positively when Mike struggles to sleep while Kate keeps up a routine of affirmation words and making bets she also tries to maintain their Spirits when Kate meditates Mike exercises they play hand clapping games or even dance whenever they change out of their dirty pajamas they're given another pair that looks exactly the same after a few weeks something different finally happens Mike finds a bug that has sneaked inside the room
after baby talking to it he decides to feed at some of the meal shake but as soon as he pours some drops on the floor the AI reminds them that food can only be used for consumption by the contestant worried about the bug not surviving Mike requests a way to let the little guy go promising he won't leave Kate explains to him that the speaker through which the AI voice comes out doesn't seem to be two-way as she's already tried Mike decides he's going to push the button to open the door this starts an argument
because Kate is sure pushing the button will make them lose even if Mike doesn't actually leave it only puts his hand out for a stupid bug after putting the insect down Mike tells Kate the bug is a living being and that she has no compassion as the argument escalates Kate tries to walk away but she ends up stepping on the bug Mike has trouble believing her when she says it was an accident Mike spends the rest of his days sulking in a corner until he finally decides he's had enough of doing nothing he decides to
take the treat even though it means sacrificing $100,000 of their prize money Kate is not thrilled about the decision but Mike isn't seeking her approval as a result he ends up with just a single green crayon it might not be much but it's enough for him to create some art on the walls after watching him draw for a while Kate asks him to sketch her Mike agrees but refuses to do realistic portraits finding them boring he prefers to stick to his Unique Style which makes kit L's interest in modeling for him Mike continues to draw
until the crayon is completely used up leaving green smudges all over the bathroom and a towel discarded on the floor later Kate apologizes for her behavior and explains that the situation is harder than she thought at least they only have 20 days left the days drag on and boredom until one morning Kate wakes up to find a gun in the bathroom they're too scared to check if it's loaded and its presence is haunting so they decide to hide it under the bed sometime later the couple is finally rewarded with connection time allowing them to play
messages from their loved ones Mike receives a message from his sister who tells him how she and their parents are doing but she also thinks Mike isn't dating Kate anymore seeing his sister makes Mike very happy however Kate doesn't want a connection of her own and panics when the screen puts a video of her dad who is finally off the streets and living in a homeless shelter since the video won't stop no matter how much she asks Kate runs to hide behind the bathroom entrance and cries Mike comes over to comfort her Kate doesn't get
up when the alarm announces the morning and stays in bed all day because she's fallen into a depressed state when Mike expresses his worries Kate tells him she didn't seen her father in years and always lied to Mike about who he was because she was ashamed of her dad and the way he drank away the house with only a little over 2 weeks to go Kate still stays in bed while Mike tries to find new ways to entertain himself self like modifying his drawings by smudging the crayon with his fingers or reading the pajama label
in as many emotions as possible like those acting exercises he tries to make Kate laugh by making some jokes about the food but it's pointless and Mike sometimes decides to sleep on the floor just to feel something different one morning he tries to convince Katie to take a treat but she refuses to Lose That Money Mike mentions he isn't sure he can do this anymore which finally inspires Kate to get out of bed before she takes a shower she tells Mike to take a second treat even if it costs a quar million Mike does so
and is shocked to see the door open allowing a naked woman named Simone into the room she doesn't know anything about the project she's just an actress getting paid Kate isn't pleased with her presence and makes Mike give Simone his T-shirt so she can cover up at least a bit Simone notices Mike's art and Praises it even recognizing the influences which irritates Kate even more when night falls Mike offers to sleep on the floor while the girls take the bed Simone offers to stay awake while they sleep but Kate is annoyed by their attempted manners
and decides they can all share the bed b as long as she sleeps in the middle in the morning Kate doesn't find Simone in the bed and thinks she's gone but Simone is actually in the bathroom unable to take it anymore Kate decides to take a treat and receives a small box with three Fine Candies she immediately takes one and offers one to Simone but Mike accepts one after much hesitation the three of them start dancing and flailing around the room sharing a few group kisses but after a while Mike begins experiencing a bad trip
seeing blood everywhere and dreaming he's underwater while witnessing his younger brother fall the women bring Mike back to reality but he's still panicking and asking to leave mentioning something about drowning Kate has to drag him back to bed and comfort him until he falls asleep afterwards Simone asks what Mike might have been talking about and Kate explains that Mike's little brother drowned in the family's pool while Mike was supposed to babysit which makes him feel guilty to this day Mike might have been high when it happened which adds to the injury and explains why he
had been hesitant to accept the candy when Mike finally wakes up Simone shares that she lost her mother when she was a kid and the two of them Bond over grief and lost Simone takes Mike's hand to comfort him and when Kate sees them she freaks out thinking she wants to steal her boyfriend Simone calls out Kate's attitude pointing out that Kate lashes out because she's actually an insecure person which starts an argument Mike yells at them to stop before walking away Kate tries to apologize and admitting it was probably nothing that she saw yet
Simone fans the Flames by suggesting maybe it wasn't the following morning Mike isn't feeling well but Kate is preoccupied with other things Simone is finally gone but there's also a message from her on the wall wall in green crayon thank you Mike for a wild night Kate freaks out not listening to Mike when he explains he didn't do anything Kate pushes Mike to the floor causing him to hurt his head Mike steps away from her reminding her that he's never cheated on her even when she moved to New York Kate continues to apologize but their
conversation is interrupted when Mike starts feeling dizzy from the wound he genuinely thinks he needs a doctor but Kate brings him some mealshake to get some sugar in his system and covers his wound with a towel reminding Mike that the contract says they don't have allowance for medical intervention Mike can't believe what he's hearing and starts questioning if Kate really cares his wound turns out to be minor and eventually stops bleeding but he is scared of how far she would have gone if it had been worse or perhaps she would have let him bleed for
money he hates what this place has done to them and realizes money isn't going to fix how broken they actually are Mike decides to leave inviting Kate to do the same she even retrieves the gun to threaten him into staying however Mike ignores her and presses the button finally leaving the room only a few days before Victory after a lot of laying around and freaking out in the shower Kate know notices the Raindrop drawing on the wall it inspires her to approach the button to with only 2 days left many months later Mike is now
single he's going for a run when he sees Kate coming out of a building they haven't seen each other since the room and decide to go for a walk to chat and catch up but when Mike asks Kate if she left the room she Dodges the question and offers an apology for what happened as they walk away the building is revealed to be a homeless shelter which has a plaque saying an anonymous donation allowed them to build a new kitchen meanwhile in the immaculate room a new couple arrives to take the challenge Challenge and that's
where the film ends make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video thanks for watching
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