My Jaw Dropped When, Right During The Party, My CHEATING Wife Did THAT To Her Boss. Sad Audio Story

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita My Jaw Dropped When, Right During The Party, My CHEATING ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] years before my life took an unexpected turn I found comfort in my routine working on the house relaxing with a beer and playing hockey with friends my wife joy and I had a steady life though it wasn't without its struggles the first signs of trouble were subtle missed calls late night excuses but I dismissed them thinking it was just life's pressures over time Joy's work trips became more frequent and though I didn't think much of it at first she grew more distant I had a gut feeling something was wrong but ignored it then one
winter night everything changed with a phone call I was watching war movies a regular thing when Joy was away this time on a twoe trip to Houston Midway through Band of Brothers my phone rang expecting my friend Paul I was surprised to hear a woman's voice detective Phillips from Vale she told me joy had been in a serious accident and was in a hospital in Eagle Valley I was shocked Joy was supposed to be in Houston that Saturday I'd watched a marathon of War movies The Dirty Dozen Enemy at the gates Saving Private Ryan and
stocked up on snacks for the weekend I was annoyed at the interruption and hoped Joy had won a vacation somewhere warm though I'd have settled for her just being in Houston when I saw unknown on the caller ID I assumed it was Paul and answered with a Grumble but the woman's voice caught me off guard she explained that my wife had been in an accident but I insisted she was in Houston the detective asked when I last spoke to her and I said it was the night before when she read off Joy's home address from
her ID I was stunned someone must have stolen her purse I said thinking I could press charges the detective asked me to come to the hospital and verify her belongings frustrated I agreed and started the 2-hour drive to Veil as I drove my mind raced I considered the possibilities maybe someone had stolen Joy's wallet and gone skiing or maybe it really was Joy but why would she be in Veil my Devil's Advocate voice challenged me how do you know she's really in Houston I realized I hadn't seen her board the plane so how could I
be sure what if she's cheating the voice in my head asked if that's the case I'll leave her I thought there's no place for a cheater in my life though I knew ending a 10-year marriage was drastic I wasn't going to live like my dad I thought back to my parents when I was 10 my mom started spending more time with friends and my dad grew paranoid one day I overheard her confess to an affair they tried to work things out but my dad became controlling making her quit her job and check in constantly they
eventually divorced after I graduated and my dad once a great detective never recovered I rarely talk to my mom now feeling like her actions broke my dad I promised myself I wouldn't end up like him nor like my brother Daniel who eliminated his wife and her lover after catching them together he's now serving time in prison so I had to find a middle ground handle it if Joy was cheating but not lose myself in the process if she was unfaithful I'd move on and enjoy life with my friends as I got closer to the veil
exit I grew more nervous and even my inner voice went silent I nearly pulled over to throw up finding the hospital wasn't hard and I parked walking through the cold to the entrance I hadn't had anything stronger than beer since I got married but I suddenly craved a bottle of Jack Daniels at the information desk I explained why I was there and they gave me the room number when I got to the floor I realized it was the Intensive Care Unit I told the nurse who I was and she called someone asking me to wait
by the door inside I was met by a short blonde nurse whose uniform strained against her chest your wife is sedated she said softly I thought if it's even her but I kept calm and listened she's badly injured and might not look like herself she won't hear you but I want you to be prepared I wasn't sure if I was ready I'll be fine I said my voice cracking Let Me In what I saw on the bed shocked me the woman's chest Rose and fell and while her height and build matched my wife I couldn't
recognize her face did she hit every tree on the mountain oh no the nurse replied she didn't ski someone knock her up and left her in an ambulance this morning knock her up faithful wives don't end up knocking and abandoned my inner voice agreed but I didn't know enough to react I can't say if if this is my wife I told the nurse maybe this will help she said lifting the blanket to reveal the woman's left thigh there it was the tattoo I hadn't seen many women with Jiminy Cricket Inked on their inner thigh she
got it before our wedding claiming it symbolized her parents Jim and ionne though I never quite believed that still it was proof enough this was Joy seeing her lying in that hospital bed was hard the only other time I'd seen her in this much pain was the day I met her it was after a tool concert my friends and I had a case of beer in the van for the Afterparty when a girl came over asking for a beer for her boyfriend Chad told her you can stay and have a drink but we're not giving
him one she left and a few minutes later I heard screams I ran over and saw her getting knock in by a guy small with a serious case of small man syndrome he was yelling where's my beer you witch while striking her no one was helping so I stepped in pulling him away by his collar he threatened me but I wasn't scared when he tried tou ing her again I knocked him out and helped her back to our van where Chad was ready with an ice pack security picked up the guy and I wanted to
report what happened but she stopped me saying you've done enough no one's ever stood up to Garrett he'll probably go back to Wyoming now she was beautiful even with her gothic look we took her home after the party Chad noticing something said I think she's into you I brushed it off but later found she had left me a note with her number call me joy 2 days later I called her and she was surprised but happy to hear from me we talked for an hour then she called me again that evening and we talked until
midnight our first date was that Friday we went to a small Italian restaurant followed by drinks and dancing at a bar when I took her home she asked are you trying to get me into bed I replied there's plenty of time for that later I like to wait a few dates it's more interesting that way I kissed her on the cheek and went home not seeing her again for three weeks I didn't want to admit it but sleeping with women after the first date always seemed to end badly so I became paranoid we talked on
the phone whenever we could but our schedules rarely aligned when we finally had a free weekend her aunt passed away and she flew to Florida for the funeral the weekend after her return we went to the movies when I picked her up her father Jim greeted me at the door he seemed friendly at first asking about my job and background but then suddenly said you're a much better match for Joy than that loser too bad he won't meet me he met me I replied hopefully he stays away Jim agreed muttering about the guy as Joy
entered smiling and wearing a dress that showed off her figure perfectly making me reconsider my three dates before Z's rule we didn't sleep together that night though she had to work early the next morning and asked me to hold off on our plans the next weekend I took her out for dinner but on the way home she suddenly had stomach cramps and needed a bathroom my apartment was nearby so I rushed her there after she used the restroom I didn't expect expect anything to happen but she walked out wearing only red underwear and high heeled
boots telling me to take off your coat needless to say I took off more than that the next morning we had breakfast at a shop nearby and didn't go out again until Sunday dinner as I dropped her off she complained about her boss making her work weekends and joked about me being her favorite illicit substance later as I left the hospital I was handed Joy's personal belongings and told the police had already gone through everything while I was processing this the nurse's phone rang after speaking to someone she handed the phone to me it was
detective Phillips asking me to come to the station for questioning I agreed though I couldn't shake the feeling that the cops suspected me of hurting Joy why would I I thought because shek a traitor I had no solid proof of her cheating but her being in veil was suspicious I tried to think of a logical explanation maybe she won a trip to Vil flew to Denver rented a car and got into into trouble before telling me it was all too strange but I had no concrete evidence I arrived at the station as the sun was
setting a brunette detective Phillips and a tall man Deputy Devon came to meet me Phillips seemed friendly but Devon looked at me like I was guilty of something should I get a lawyer I asked do you think you need one Phillips replied no I've got nothing to hide detective Philips led me to a room and motioned for me to sit Devon went in the opposite direction I'm going to record our conversation Mr RI is that okay fine by me sorry about the Pricks thing I said trying to clear the air she raised an eyebrow excuse
me when I called you a prick on the phone I thought you were my friend interrupting my me time she looked curious what's me time I watch World War II movies when Joy's out of town she hates them at that moment Devon returned and sat down ready he asked Phillips pressed a button for the record detective Desiree Phillips interviewing Mr Roger rig and connection with case 1,256 G involving Joy Tanya rig Mr rig please state your name age and date of birth my name is Roger Ezekiel Rigby I'm 35 born December 16th your address in
occupation 1467 West danu Avenue Colorado Springs I'm a brick layer where were you between 6:00 p.m. last night and 8:00 a.m. this morning let's see I was in manitu Springs from 9:00 to 7:00 repairing a fireplace from 7: to 8:30 I was driving back to Jerry's bar where I stayed until 11: I got home around 11:30 and stayed there until you called can anyone confirm that Phillips asked blanch Donovan and manitu can confirm I was working at her place Paul Hannibal saw me at Jerry's and my neighbor Steven Harper can confirm I was home at
midnight 3: and 6 how can Steven confirm that Devon asked we both have dogs that need to go out at those times he's a night ow so we always see each other when I walk my dog the detectives exchanged glances and Phillips continued when did you last see your wife Monday morning I drove her to the airport for her flight to Houston why was she going to Houston for her company's annual meeting only top performers go and this was her third year what does your wife do she sells life insurance for Trans United you know
those annoying ads with the old guy telling a kid to prepare for the inevitable both detectives nodded when did you last see her carry her suitcase Philips asked at the airport I dropped her off before before heading to work did you have breakfast together no we were going to but she forgot her bag so we had to go back home to get it how did she forget her luggage she thought I had grabbed it when I warmed up the car but I didn't notice it was still on the bed until we were almost at the
airport Phillips nodded and asked how often does your wife go on business trips twice a year 2 weeks in February for the general meeting in 2 weeks in August for training in Indianapolis and the general meeting is in Houston every year no it changes last year was LA and the year before that New York after conferring with Devon Phillips asked do you know anyone who might want to damage your wife not that I know of except maybe some of her clients why would they want to damage her well the company has a sketchy sales tactic
people sign up for a free kids info kit and then my wife delivers it and tries to sell them life insurance some people get pretty upset did she meet with any clients in Vil I have no idea she was supposed to be in Houston do you think she could have been with someone in Veil I sighed and gave the detectives a list of Joy's colleagues some of them might have traveled to Houston with her maybe they can explain why she wasn't there Devon sighed and looked at Phillips who seemed satisfied for now you can go
Mr Rigby are you heading home tonight Phillips asked no I'll find a motel after their usual we'll be in touch I left the station driving back to the hospital I realized I had more questions than answers was Joy playing me less than a week ago I dropped her off at the airport for her Houston trip and now she was in a hospital in Vil at the hospital I was told visiting hours were over and I could return at 7: a.m. I asked the guard for hotel recommendations and he joked in Veil during ski season cheap
means staying with relatives I laughed politely and walked to my car remembering I still had Joy's belongings I checked the inventory list but didn't find what I was looking for among the items not returned was a prescription bottle of perco set which Joy had left over from dental work why was she still carrying those pills then I noticed her boots Joy always carried them on trips and I remembered she used to hide a key card inside sure enough I found one but it was completely blank no logos or identifying marks now I have the key
to her room but where's her phone it wasn't listed in the inventory or in her purse that's a good sign I thought a while back my neighbor Steven developed a phone tracking app after his partner kept losing his phone Joy had lost hers before so I had the app installed on her phone too I opened the app entered her number and saw I was 4 miles away from her phone I started the car and followed the directions up the mountain arriving at a ski resort filled with luxurious lodges I parked Joy's BMW among the Lexus
and Audi's and made my way toward one of The Lodges the app showed Joy's phone was in room 114 I tried the key card nothing I climbed the stairs and tried 214 then 314 the key card finally worked what now I thought should I confront whoever's inside or call the cops I listened at the door but heard nothing hesitating for a moment I swiped the key card and opened the door the room was dark lit only by the hallway behind me I stepped in and turned on the light the room felt off too clean like
someone tried to make it look untouched the bed was made but the quilt hung unevenly Joy's suitcase sat on the bed neatly packed her phone was charging on the nightstand and her laptop was on a small table by the window this looks staged I thought it didn't seem like anyone had slept here but it wasn't professionally cleaned either I decided to take a closer look I went to the bathroom and noticed a few wet spots on the sink like someone tried to clean up without using proper cleaning products the soap was in the shower and
the towels though neatly stacked were damp at the bottom someone had attempted to cover their tracks but not well back at the bed I pulled P back the blanket the Sheets Were wrinkled as if someone had slept there but there were no signs of violence no blood or torn fabric what happened here I wondered I sat at the table and picked up Joy's phone she never used passwords so I accessed it easily as her laptop booted I called my sister Beth to ask her to take care of my dog then made the harder call to
my father-in-law Jim explaining what I knew I hope this is just a misunderstanding I said trying to stay calm Jim sigh call me when you know more next I called my cousin Hugh a detective and asked him to contact the veil police he agreed and said he'd keep me updated I took one last step and called The Lodge asking for Joey RI or Joey McIntyre No One by those names was registered by then Joy's laptop had booted up but her browser history and emails were wiped clean she never deleted anything so this was strange I
checked her phone her text messages were also gone someone's covering their tracks I thought I opened her suitcase and found one business suit three cocktail dresses and a lot of lingerie this isn't a business trip wardrobe I realized I knew now divorce was likely the next morning after a quick shower I left the room with Joy's phone and laptop but left her suitcase untouched I'd spent the night in a chair by the table unable to sleep in the bed after a coffee I called detective Phillips to report the key card I'd found she arranged to
meet me in half an hour after driving around Vil for a bit bit I met Phillips at the police station she greeted me and led me to her office where I handed her the key card you look like a man whose world has collapsed she said sympathetically I think I'll lose my wife over this I'd like to hear her explanation but I doubt I can believe it I replied don't lose hope yet she said though her face suggested otherwise I thanked her and headed to the hospital where I was allowed to visit joy for 15
minutes every 2 hours during one visit I stared at her hoping she'd wake up and explain everything just then Dr Benson came to see me he explained that Joy was recovering but recommended transferring her to Denver for better Rehabilitation he mentioned her head injury and possible brain damage but I could only focus on the uncertainty of what had really happened I signed the papers to transfer joy and asked if I could handle the rest at St Luke's on my way home where's your home the doctor asked Colorado Springs I replied he looked concerned and made
a call a few minutes later he returned the plan is changed he said wek transfer her to St augustin's in Colorado Springs it's just as good and it will be easier for your family to visit I signed new papers visited Joy one last time and left the hospital with tears in my eyes at least it's normal to cry in a hospital I thought anywhere else people would stare on my way out of veil I called Jim and updated him when I got home I saw my sister Beth's Jeep in the driveway and I felt relieved
Piper my doberman greeted me at the door and Beth was there waiting she took one look at me and knew something was wrong I hugged her told her I loved her and everything came spilling out I broke down mourning the end of my marriage Beth stayed with me late into the night trying to get me to eat but I wasn't hungry I still had to tell Jim everything and she came with me for that when I finished explaining to Jim and Ivonne I saw a shift in Jim's face he wasn't sure anymore that Joy hadn't
wronged he had worn that same expression once before during a difficult moment in our relationship we had been dating for several months and one night Joy canceled our weekend plans I was annoyed but accepted it then I heard Jim in the background yelling tell that son of a witch he better meet me worried I drove over Jim met me at the door Furious you're no better than that other prick if you're going to hurt my daughter come at me shocked I replied hurt your daughter what are you talking about joy and Ivonne came outside and
I saw Joy had a black eyee what happened I asked Jim shouted you Striker I was stunned but joy quickly intervened he didn't touch me Daddy I had dinner with Garrett and we argued I walked away too angry and hurt to stay Jim tried to apologize but I told Joy we're done I drove aimlessly until I found myself near Garrett's place I knocked on his door and when he opened it with a smug grin I punched him in the face I kept punching him until he stopped reacting then kicked him a few more times for
good measure as I noticed moving boxes in his trailer I asked are you moving he groaned and I kicked him one last time happy trip I said before leaving when I got home I ice my Knuckles the phone rang and without checking the caller ID I answered it was Joy pleading Roger please I hung up before she could finish the phone rang again almost immediately but this time I checked the ID it was Joy I let it ring for the next hour the phone rang on and off before it finally stopped 10 minutes later it
started again annoy I checked expecting Joy but it was my cousin Hugh hey Zeke he said he was the only one who called me by my middle name a family nickname what's up Hugh just a heads up cspd got a call about Garrett Jimenez being in bad shape he told the cops some big guy kicked his bum you wouldn't know anything about that would you I laughed nope no idea but thanks for the warning be careful Zeke if someone connects you to this it could get messy not long after the police showed up at my
door but I was prepared I had my hockey gear set out and the scratches on my Knuckles looked like the result of a rough game I told the officer I'd been practicing and since I played for a police sponsored team he seemed satisfied on Saturday I skated hard preparing for the upcoming season when I got home I saw several notes pinned to my door mostly from Joy but one from Jim apologizing for assuming the worst and asking me not to hold it against Joy I called Jim reassuring him it's okay you reacted how any father
would it's not your fault Joy didn't tell you the truth thanks son do you want to talk to Joy I could hear her pleading in the background but I replied firmly no Jim she knew what Garrett was like and she let you think I strike her she ruined our plans so I wouldn't see her face I understand Jim said disappointed I'm sorry Jim but I don't have time for cheating women as I finished explaining everything to Jim and Ivonne in the present I saw Jim was reliving that memory I'm glad they brought her here son
but I hope you're not planning anything drastic no sir I assured him I'm not hiring lawyers yet but joy has a lot of explaining to do whatever happens Roger Ivon and I still think of you as family I hope you won't cut us out of your life I won't I promised on the way home Beth asked will you be okay do I have a choice I'm not curling up and dying I'm sorry this is happening if she cheated is there any chance You'd Stay Together no I said firmly I'm not going to be one of
those paranoid husbands who tracks his wife's every move Beth sighed mom asked about you she loves you maybe you should talk to her I shook my head so she can tell me cheating is normal no thanks Beth was protective of Mom especially after our brother Daniel went to prison she had asked me to visit more but after one visit where Mom defended Daniel's choices I left I wasn't going to accept someone telling me cheating was okay I I just don't want you to make a decision you'll regret Beth said gently don't worry I'll make sure
I have the answers first after Beth dropped me off I headed to Steven and Joe's Place I gave Steven Joy's laptop and he immediately started looking through it as I caught him up he asked if he could keep it for a day or two to dig deeper I didn't mind Joe trying to lighten the mood joked I could set you up with my cousin if you want I laughed unless she's got C cups in a shav pubic area I'm not interested prude Joe teased but I knew he was just trying to make me laugh I
sat with Joe drinking a beer while Steven focused intently on Joy's laptop Joe getting ready for bed since he had to wake up early gave me a Sly smile I'll be dreaming about your zxy newly single neighbor he joked I grinned Mrs Jasper she's been a widow forever Joe laughed wished me good night and headed upstairs Steven stayed glued to the laptop when I left I took Piper outside we play played a quick game of tag but the cold made her decide it was time to head back inside after a few throws I crawled into
bed with Piper beside me joy had always hated when Piper slept on the bed but I didn't care about her opinions anymore despite Piper's presence my Restless sleep wasn't entirely her fault the next morning I had coffee and distracted myself with the sports section until 8:00 a.m. by 9:00 a.m. I was sitting in Bernie Jags office Joy's boss what can I do for you Brian Bernie asked cheerfully though he always called called me the wrong name I ignored it can you tell me why my wife would leave the Houston convention and go to Vil Bernie
looked puzzled Vil I didn't send her to Houston that meeting was for newer agents not managing agents like Joy I felt irritation Rising what about those training meetings in Indianapolis those are only a few days long we leave on Sunday and return by Thursday something clicked and I asked has she been taking two weeks off and staying somewhere else Bernie looked uncomfortable Roger sometimes people make choices that are hard to understand I'm sorry if this news hurts anger flared inside me who was she with Bernie hesitated promise me no one gets hurt I stared coldly
Bernie my wife is in a coma I won't hurt anyone he sighed and gave me the name my heart sank that little weasel an hour later my cousin Hugh called how are you Zeke I'm all right what's up we found out who rented the room Joy was staying in we'll invite him in for questioning and if he refuses we'll arrest him can I be there when you question him jebs already agreed I'll call you when it's set up I spent the next few hours at the hospital meeting with Joy's brain injury Team part of me
wanted to abandon her but I knew I didn't have all the answers yet Jim and Ivonne arrived an hour before Joy's transfer from Veil I told them what I had learned Jim was shocked and Ivonne begged me to wait before making any final decisions I promised I wouldn't damage Joy but I wasn't sure if waiting was the right move when Jim asked if I could get through this I answered honestly I don't know I can't trust her anymore I saw what mistrust did to my dad and I don't want to end up like him Ivonne
hopeful said but you've taken her back before yes but we weren't married then and she wasn't lying to me like this I replied I didn't see joy for 3 weeks after the fight with Garrett by the middle of the second week she stopped calling a week later when I stopped avoiding calls I realized we hadn't officially declared our relationship exclusive she was still seeing Garrett I didn't call her and she assumed we were a couple but the fact that she let her dad think I touch her was a deal breaker for me after hockey practice
as I was heading to my apartment I found joy sitting by my door I didn't answer your calls so you came here I asked do you have to be such an a-hole I missed you oh really maybe you missed while your boyfriend was still in bed so you're mad about Garrett no that's not what bothers me I'm pissed you let your dad believe I strike you I walked inside and she followed me we never agreed to be exclusive so I can't be mad about you sleeping with him but I'm mad I didn't see things clearly
sooner I tossed my gear aside and continued we had some good times but you seem to prefer guys who can't handle their issues and knock you fine I'm done are you finished she asked crying oh I'm done I just don't get why you're still here listen I'm sorry I let my dad think you hurt me I canceled our date so you wouldn't do something that would get you in trouble I left my phone at home when I went to see Garrett you don't owe me an explanation I'm done no you need to listen I went
to see Garrett because he was moving to Wyoming when I refused to go with him he knocked me I HIIT at Julie and went home to call you but my dad saw me first you know the rest okay I listened now I have a shower window I don't know why but I asked want to join me I didn't have to ask twice that night we decided to be exclusive 3 weeks later she moved in and 8 months after that we got married the only time Garrett came up again was when she told me he died
in a car accident in Wyoming and she went to his funeral now a decade later Joy is being transferred to St Augustine's ICU the doctors say she has a good chance of recovery later while waiting in the hospital Hugh texted me that Cal Davis would be interviewed at 4: a.m. I told Jim and Ivonne I had an appointment and left at home I got dressed in a suit and tie knowing Sheriff Jeb Hannibal would expect me to look professional during the interrogation when I arrived at the Sheriff's Office Hugh met me Veil police will join
by video you'll sit out of view and remember don't speak it could jeopardize the case I know I won't attack him either I assured him we entered the building and I spotted Katherine Shepard the high school girl who always seemed out of my league looking even more stunning than I remembered deputies escorted her into the room and Hugh teased me stop drooling zek inside Sheriff Jeb grinned I've always wanted to do this he pulled out a badge and deputized me so I could stay in the room as law enforcement afterward he hugged me your dad
was a great cop and I know you'll be one too if you ever finish that degree Hugh and I left Jeb's office my new badge on display as my thoughts drifted to Katherine Shepard I'd always known was out of my league but I wondered if even she would have ended up cheating like the other women in my family maybe that's just how it was for us Daniel would probably agree we entered the room and Hugh pointed me to a chair out of the camera's view he sat at the table setting up the video conference soon
detective Phillips and another officer joined us via speaker a sheriff's deputy brought in a slick-looking guy Cal Davis he had that salesman look always smiling even in a room full of cops I'd never met him but I knew of him Joy's mentor Mr Davis Hugh started this interview is being recorded no problem Cal replied confidently H introduced the team including Phillips and detective Albert from Vil then he asked Cal if he understood his rights and agreed to speak without a lawyer Cal agreed as the routine questions about Cal's whereabouts began I quickly realized this guy
wasn't the one who hurt Joy he'd been sleeping with her sure but he didn't seem the type to risk everything by getting violent then Phillips asked the question I'd been waiting for Mr Davis where were you from Friday through Sunday Cal explained he'd been in Houston for a work meeting and spent the weekend with his wife but when Hugh said they'd call his boss to confirm Cal's confidence crumbled his tan face paled as he asked can I tell you something off the Record without my wife knowing it didn't take long for Cal to confess to
a six-year affair with joy he was visibly shaken when he learned she was in the hospital he claimed they drove to Denver on Friday where Joy told him she'd want a trip to Vil he dropped at the airport and she called me while he was with her he said he went home and his wife could confirm it after a few more questions Hugh told Cal he was free to go but not to leave town before leaving Cal asked for a private word with me I agreed and once we were alone he looked defeated far from
The Confident man who had walked in earlier Roger you know who I am right he asked obviously you seem to know me too Joy keeps your photo on her desk and in her presentation kit she loves you you know I scoffed no she doesn't if she did we wouldn't be here but I love her too Cal sighed I love her Roger and my wife she knows about my feelings for Joy it started when I interviewed her for my team we had chemistry and one day after a no-show presentation we had lunch near a military base
and ended up making love at a nearby hotel we both felt guilty but we couldn't deny the chemistry not guilty enough to stop apparently I said sarcastically it wasn't cheap or tasteless Roger joy and I had something real sorry didn't mean to insult your little love story I replied mocking him I understand your anger Cal said looking genuinely pained but I don't regret loving Joy not one bit I couldn't believe the nonsense coming out of Cal's mouth I wanted to punch him but I held back Joy wasn't my problem anymore so you don't mind your
wife running off with someone else twice a year I asked no it's been hard enough sharing her with you you can have her now he said you're telling me to share her are you stupid I didn't even know I was sharing her if I had we wouldn't have been together because I don't tolerate cheating you're right that's why you two went on those trips Mexico City San Diego Rio I went to Miami Veil and more we had a system one week with each other then a week with our spouses Joy was gone for 2 weeks
and I only knew about Miami so where was she the rest of the time Cal actually started crying did she cheat on me too goodbye Cal she's at St augustin's hospital room 2410 tell her dad I'll be in touch as I turned to leave he asked you're not going to tell my wife are you I don't even know your wife why would I hurt her the guilt will eat you alive have fun living with that Q was waiting in the hallway sorry Zeke I thought we had the guy I knew he wasn't the one who
hurt her but how did this go on under my nose just then we heard a commotion Cal's wife Katrina Shepard was slapping him you cheating prick don't come home as she passed me she hugged me tightly sobbing I'm so sorry it's not your fault we just married cheaters I said she laughed through her tears I wiped one away and said I hope things turn out okay for you good luck to you too Roger she said kissing me on the cheek before leaving I looked at Hugh and said he had that at home but he needed
Joy some guys just want what they can't have H replied we headed to Jeb's office where I returned my badge anden listen to the usual lecture about becoming a cop I'd heard it all before but maybe someday I'd listen the next few days were stressful I spent Tuesday finding a lawyer to protect me in the divorce thankfully joy and I didn't have kids Piper was mine and the house belonged to her grandmother so I didn't need to fight for it my brother and I inherited my dad's house and I was glad I didn't have to
move into some cheap apartment Joy had been angry when I fought to keep the house after Daniel's arrest but I knew it was worth it now I was glad I had it late Tuesday I went to the hospital Jim was there and when he saw me he just shook his head how long he asked 6 years at least since she started selling insurance I replied but there might be more I can't believe my daughter did this me neither I wouldn't have married her if I knew I told him everything Cal had confessed Jim sighed I
always wondered why she stopped taking photos on her trips she used to take pictures everywhere even in Denver why didn't I notice I didn't either I told him I wouldn't visit the hospital anymore I can't talk to her again Jim understood and asked if I'd stay at the house until Joy recovered I agreed telling him I wouldn't file for divorce until she was better I realized I'd miss him and Ivonne they treated me like family and it wasn't their fault they raised someone who betrayed us both on Wednesday I spent the day working on a
chimney repair and had a hockey game in the evening I played rough spending much of the first period in The Penalty Box after another penalty in the second period the coach a close friend of Paul's pulled me from the game knowing I was dealing with personal issues but not wanting me kicked out of the league when I got home I was in a bad mood from the loss blaming myself for letting personal problems affect my performance my teammates wouldn't let me take the blame and a few even offered to go after Cal for me though
I might not have refused clearly enough after after letting Piper out I was about to go back inside when Steven called out saying he'd come over soon I figured he had found something on Joy's laptop the previous evening I'd gone through our bills and statements but nothing seemed suspicious the only odd thing was that Joy had been calling her friend Fiona more often before her trips usually once a month but more frequently as the trips approached I suspected Fiona knew more than I did but I couldn't reach her when I tried calling I also regretted
not having Joy's phone Steven arrived looking at excited what did you find I asked grab a beer and I'll show you he said we sat at the bar as he opened Joy's laptop whoever erased the data knew what they were doing Steven said there are programs here that let her use the internet without leaving a trace luckily I had help from a friend in the Department of Defense is Joy some kind of computer genius no she uses the same password for everything someone else set this up I'm thinking Fiona Steven found that Joy had hidden
email in bank accounts I told him about the trips I'd learned of from Cal and his eyes widened he also discovered love notes and deleted emails some addressed to Cal others to someone named Garrett son of a witch I muttered Steven showed me how to access the hidden bank account which had over $10,000 I arranged for the funds to be transferred to our joint account and closed the secret account I also changed all the contact info so I'd be notified of any activity later I called detective Phillips even though it was late I told her
about the bank account and how a debit card was missing from Joy's belongings I also gave her a description of Garrett and where the card had been used recently thanks for the info she said you know you should consider being a cop I hear that a lot I replied we said good night and as I hung up I envied and pied her husband being married to a cop wasn't easy as I'd seen with my own parents the next morning I took Piper outside and saw Steven again hey Steven still have access to the DMV databases
I asked always he replied with a grin I gave him a name to look into before saying good night and heading inside exhausted from the long day the next morning Jim called to say the doctors expected joy to wake up soon have you thought about forgiving her he asked no I said explaining that I kept uncovering more lies he was devastated when I told him about Joy's Affair but I didn't mention the secret bank account later Steven arrived with news you won't believe this he said he showed me that Joy hadn't lied entirely about going
to Garrett's funeral she had gone to laramy for Fiona's funeral Garrett's sister that's when their Affair likely started it got worse the year Joy called me to meet her in Miami Garrett had been in jail for petty theft his parole prohibited him from leaving Colorado which explained why their trips became more local I called my lawyer to share my plan and he assured me it could be handled legally now I just had to wait for joy to wake up two weeks after coming out of her coma Joy was questioned by the police I followed detective
Phillips and detective Albert down the hallway Garrett had been arrested after trying to intimidate a bank employee into giving him money from a card issued to Joy Rigby the bank had flagged the card is stolen and security detained him until Denver Police arrived his parole officer was also interested in why he had left Denver without permission so he was taken into custody when Phillips and Albert entered Joy's room I stayed in the hallway but Hugh convinced them to let me listen in detective Phillips even asked if I had any questions I had a million but
I chose to let them handle it as they introduced themselves Jim asked if they wanted the door closed Phillips explained they couldn't lock the door since Joy wasn't under arrest but they had posted someone outside to prevent eavesdropping Joy seemed hesitant at first denying everything until they confronted her with evidence that the hotel receptionist had seen her with both Cal and Garrett she eventually admitted to being involved with both men but was embarrassed to admit Garrett had knock on her Phillips then played a card I didn't expect your husband believes you had two lovers without
his knowledge Philip said what you tell us might help him reconcile with you no chance of that I thought Joy confessed that she lied to me to attend Garrett's sister's funeral and that they rekindled their relationship that weekend she claimed she still loved me but Garrett suggested they secretly meet once a month she didn't see how it could hurt me so she agreed she then recounted how things started with Cal saying she was attracted to the fact that they were both married they'd meet at company events and have secret rendevu and she gave me Miami
to ease her guilt lying again any doubts I had about serving her divorce papers vanished at that moment when Phillips asked about the knocking Joy claimed she had angered Garrett by stopping her birth control to try for kids with me Garrett angry that she wouldn't give him a chance to Father her child lost his temper and attacked her her performance complete with tears was worthy of an Oscar Phillips asked one final question why do you have Jiminy Cricket tattooed on your thigh Joy replied it was Garrett's idea he said it would be a way for
him to always be with me without Roger knowing that's when I walked into the room she called me baby and started apologizing but I handed her divorce papers and said no need you've already been served I left as she screamed 5 years later a phone ringing in the middle of the night had become part of my job after getting the necessary details from the call I kissed my pregnant wife on the forehead and her swollen belly she murmured sleepily be careful not to start something you can't finish I smiled kissed her again and headed to
the crime scene as I arrived at a trailer I reflected on how my life had changed 5 years earlier I had divorced Joy I thought it would be a straightforward process but I was wrong during the divorce my lawyer noticed Joy hadn't disclosed her secret bank account I'd wondered how she funded it but a chance meeting with Cal Davis revealed everything he explained that Joy's unreported income came from her bonus checks and commissions which she funneled into her secret account with help from an accountant and some inside information I discovered Joy had earned over $120,000
in Undeclared income over 6 years I transferred $30,000 into our joint account and then suggested we split everything 50 50 Joy however demanded 75% claiming she was being generous by not asking asking for half of the house I'd inherited my lawyer fought back and we eventually agreed to split the joint account equally with her taking half of my business I sold my share of the masonry business back to my uncle and went back to school completing my criminal justice degree now I work for the El Paso County Sheriff's Department far from the mess that was
my marriage to Joy my lawyer was aware of every step I took and made sure everything was legal even had my uncle write me a receipt for a dollar when I sold him my business Joy had a smug look when she got her settlement check but I'm sure that disappeared when she discovered her secret account had been drained my accountant worked some magic and we showed all the money in our joint account came from legitimate sources I paid the taxes and joy never realized she funded my education an anonymous tip to the IRS led to
an audit and while I was cleared Joy wasn't she ended up serving 6 months for tax evasion in a twist of fate Garrett was blamed for stealing her money since he had her bank card with his history and a weak defense he was convicted been sentenced to 35 years in prison for theft and violating parole meanwhile Katrina divorced Cal and he moved to Utah to start fresh after Joy got out of prison she worked at a telemarketing firm she sent me an angry letter blaming me for ruining her marriage and deceiving her and Garett I
tossed it in the trash and moved on when I told my buddy Paul about the letter he joked that I should have sold her to a brothel I responded that she'd probably enjoy it I spent 3 years as a patrol officer before becoming a detective while the Colorado Springs Police Department handled most Major Crimes we saw plenty of domestic violence cases the only time I pulled my weapon was when a woman threatened me with a knife after I arrested her abusive husband that was a year and a half ago and I've been a detective ever
since I still don't understand why some women stay with abusive men especially after seeing countless sufferers one case involved a woman knocking to end of life surrounded by empty beer bottles I Knew by the end of the day I'd have the husband's name and start the search it seemed like a clear case either the husband eliminated her in a jealous Rage or an ex-lover was involved as I reviewed old Patrol reports I realized that at least I wouldn't get Flack from my boss for this case a year and a half into my detective career a
new detective transferred to our department all I knew was that he came from the north but one night at a party near the station I was surprised to see Desiree Phillips we talked for a while and though some of the other detectives weren't thrilled with a patrol officer chatting with her we hit it off we became friends and even after learning she was single I didn't pursue anything I was Jaded by relationships and didn't want to complicate things we hung out occasionally going to dinner and movies but I never saw it as dating one night
after a tough case I took her to a bar I stayed mostly sober to make sure she got home safely when I helped her to her apartment she asked me to take off her boots then hugged me she's drunk Zeke I thought she's your best friend and you can't take advantage of her I I pulled away and suddenly she didn't seem so drunk anymore why don't you want me she asked what's wrong with me first you're drunk and I don't want to ruin our friendship with a regretful memory second I'm just not ready after everything
I have trust issues did you enjoy kissing me of course you're one of the ziest women I know I started but she cut me off come with me I'm not drunk and I'm not easy I've only been with four guys and you know the stories she later admitted she'd like me from the moment we met in Vil but never thought I'd end up working in law enforcement when she transferred she took it as a sign that night marked the beginning of our relationship and a year later we got married a month later we welcomed our
first child my boss wasn't thrilled about her needing maternity leave and constantly teased me about getting her pregnant I used to joke with Hugh that Norah our son could be his godchild but he wasn't amused he also didn't like that I took a month off for paternity leave but I didn't care Desiree to my delight loves wubby 2 movies so life is pretty good now I just hope Piper is okay with having both Mom and Dad around fulltime something tells me she'll be just fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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